#Watch World Cup T20 at Australia
partybarty · 2 years
I’m falling behind on sports right now.
I am failing sports.
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cvsmixnaya · 3 months
INDIA WON THE T20 WORLD CUP AND THIS IS DESI!READER BASICALLY RUBBING IT IN OSCAR’S FACE AFTER 19TH NOVEMBER 2023 (basically india lost the world cup against australia)
it was a beautiful day at silverstone for y/n. why do you ask? cause india, her country, just won the T20 world cup this year and she was absolutely happy. mostly cause she finally got her revenge on oscar.
for a little recap, on 19th november 2023, india lost against australia in the world cup finals and the entire county was devastated. especially y/n. and now that this time her country won, she’s gonna pull the same stunt what he pulled by wearing her country’s jersey.
she wore the blue jersey and walked through the circuit to find the mclaren boys and see them standing having a little chat. oscar immediately spotted y/n and muttered an “oh god” and she reached greeting them
“hi oscar. hi lando” she said with a huge smug smile
lando knew exactly what she was doing and went along with it. “hi y/n. nice outfit you got there”. oscar was not pleased and wanted to hide away and of course she saw this immediately and decided to nag him
“what happened oscar? you don’t seem too happy to see me”
oscar sighed and asked, “why are you wearing a cricket jersey. aren’t you supposed to support me? a driver for mclaren?”
y/n brushed it off by saying,
“oh this? ya you know, my country won the world cup so you gotta thoda (some) support you know. are you saying i shouldn’t show love to my country? is that how it is? very bad beta (son) i expected more from you”
she said shaking her head in disappointment in a joking manner to irritate him. it was really funny to watch. mainly cause australia didn’t even make it to the semi-finals.
“piss off” he said irritated now knowing how it feels.
“awww are you sad baby girl? don’t worry, your time will come”
she teased him so much that she enjoyed it. lando was also enjoying the show right next to them and held his laughter as much as he could.
it was a good day indeed for her and she would never shut up about it.
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roseromeroredranger · 8 months
Shattered Bonds - 2
the aftermath of the World Cup loss, the burden weighed heavily on both Ishan and Surya, casting a shadow over their spirits. As they ventured into the T20 series in Australia, the echoes of defeat lingered, visible in the tired lines etched on Ishan's face and the dark circles under his eyes.
Surya, ever perceptive, couldn't ignore the change in Ishan. Concern etched on his face, he gently approached Ishan, "Ishu, you seem tired. Everything alright?" His voice held a genuine warmth, a reflection of the camaraderie they shared.
Ishan, caught off guard, hesitated for a moment. The truth of the World Cup loss weighed heavily on him, but he couldn't bring himself to burden Surya with the depths of his emotions. With a forced smile, he replied, "Just a bit exhausted, Surya bhau It's nothing, don't worry."Surya wasn't convinced. The bond between them was stronger than a mere teammate relationship. He knew when something wasn't right with Ishan, especially now that the sunshine smile he was accustomed to had dimmed.
Determined to lift the heavy cloud hanging over Ishan, Surya decided to play along with his teammate's charade. "Alright, if you say so," he conceded, allowing Ishan to retreat into his façade.
As Ishan attempted to lighten the mood with pranks and jokes, it became apparent that his efforts were a mere echo of the vibrant energy he once exuded. The laughter lacked its usual resonance, and the sparkle in his eyes seemed dulled.
Surya observed the shift keenly. His heart ached to see Ishan masking his pain with humor. The camaraderie, once an effortless dance of banter and laughter, now felt like a fragile performance to shield the wounds that ran deep.
In a quiet moment, away from the prying eyes of the world, Surya caught Ishan off guard. "Ishu," he began softly, "you don't have to pretend with me. I can see it's more than just exhaustion. Talk to me, mera bacha."
Ishan's forced smile faltered, and for a brief moment, the walls he had erected crumbled. In that vulnerable instance, Surya saw the pain etched in Ishan's eyes. The World Cup loss had left scars that ran deeper than the surface, wounds that couldn't be healed by mere laughter and pranks.As the T20 series unfolded, Surya became not just Ishan's teammate but a pillar of support, navigating the complex dance of healing and acceptance. The journey to mend Ishan's sunshine smile was a gradual one, marked by shared silences and unspoken understanding, a testament to the enduring strength of their bond beyond the cricket field.
In London, Shubman sat in the stands, his eyes fixed on the screen broadcasting the T20 series in India. The distance between him and Ishan seemed insurmountable, a reflection of the emotional chasm that had opened up between them after their fight. As Ishan showcased his cricketing prowess on the field, Shubman couldn't help but notice the weariness in his friend's eyes, the telltale signs of an inner struggle that mirrored his own.
Dark circles framed Ishan's eyes, an unspoken testament to the nights spent wrestling with the aftermath of their heated argument. Shubman's heart clenched at the sight, the weight of their unresolved issues casting a shadow over the joy he once found in Ishan's successes. Tears welled up in Shubman's eyes as he grappled with the realization that he might have irreparably damaged the bond they once shared.
In the midst of the match excitement, Shubman's sister Shahneel noticed the turmoil etched on her brother's face. The unshed tears, the silent sorrow – it was a stark departure from the usual enthusiasm Shubman displayed while watching Ishan play. Concern etched across her features, Shahneel decided it was time to address the unspoken pain.
"Shub, is everything okay?" Shahneel asked gently, her eyes reflecting a sister's intuition. Shubman sighed, his shoulders slumping under the weight of guilt and regret. He struggled to find the words to convey the depth of the emotional storm within him.
"I had a fight with Ishu," Shubman admitted, his voice heavy with remorse. "I said things I shouldn't have, and now...I can't bear to see him like this."
Shahneel's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes. "Maybe it's time to talk to him, Shub. Clear the air, let him know how much he means to you."
As the match continued on the screen, Shubman nodded, a mixture of determination and vulnerability in his gaze. He longed for a chance to mend the fractures in their friendship, to bridge the gap that had widened in the wake of their heated exchange. The T20 series, once a source of shared excitement, now served as a poignant backdrop to the complexities of their strained relationship. And as Shubman grappled with the emotional distance, he couldn't shake the feeling that the path to reconciliation might be more challenging than any cricket match they had faced together.
In the tender moment of vulnerability and acceptance, Shubman found solace in the comforting embrace of his sister, Shahneel. As she enveloped him in her arms, his heart swelled with gratitude for her unwavering support.
"Di," Shubman whispered, the endearment slipping naturally from his lips, a testament to the deep bond they shared. In that simple word lay a world of affection and trust, a recognition of the sisterly love that had always been a steadfast anchor in his life.
Shahneel held him tighter, her embrace a silent affirmation of her love and acceptance. In her arms, Shubman felt a sense of belonging, a reassurance that he was cherished for who he was, without judgment or reservation.
As they stood there, wrapped in the cocoon of their sibling bond, Shubman knew that he could navigate the complexities of his identity and his feelings for Ishan with his sister by his side. With Shahneel as his confidante and ally, he felt emboldened to face the challenges ahead with courage and authenticity.
As the Indian cricket team gathered for the South Africa series, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation and camaraderie. Yet, amidst the excitement of the upcoming matches, there lingered a palpable tension, a residue of the unresolved emotions that had strained relationships within the team.
Ishan's absence from the playing XI in the T20 series against South Africa did not go unnoticed. His usually boisterous presence was notably subdued, his silence a stark departure from the lively banter that typically filled the team gatherings. Despite the unspoken question hanging in the air, Ishan remained tight-lipped, his emotions veiled behind a mask of hapiness .
Shubman, acutely aware of the strained dynamic between him and Ishan since their fight, felt a pang of regret as he observed his friend's withdrawn demeanor. The guilt of their unresolved conflict weighed heavily on him, casting a shadow over the joy of reuniting with his teammates.Throughout the team meetings and training sessions, Ishan's silence spoke volumes. The camaraderie that once defined their interactions felt strained, punctuated by awkward glances and uncomfortable silences. Despite the unspoken tension, Ishan remained resolute in his refusal to address the elephant in the room, his emotions buried beneath a facade of indifference.
Shubman, grappling with his own feelings of guilt and longing for reconciliation, struggled to find the right words to bridge the gap between them. Each passing day only deepened the chasm that had formed between him and Ishan, leaving Shubman yearning for a resolution that seemed increasingly out of reach.
As the South Africa series unfolded, Ishan's absence from the playing XI served as a constant reminder of the fractured bond between him and Shubman. The matches came and went, victories and defeats alike, but the unresolved tension lingered, a silent specter haunting the sidelines of the cricketing arena.
In the midst of the excitement and competition, the unspoken rift between Shubman and Ishan cast a shadow over the team's unity, a stark reminder of the fragility of relationships in the face of unresolved conflict. And as the series drew to a close, the weight of their unspoken words hung heavy in the air, leaving behind a sense of longing and regret that echoed long after the final ball had been bowled.
As Ishan scrolled through the cruel comments on social media, each word like a dagger to his already wounded spirit, a particular memory surfaced, unbidden, in his mind. It was Shubman's voice, tinged with frustration and despair, echoing the accusation that had haunted Ishan since their heated argument.
"Ishan, you're my bad luck," Shubman's words reverberated in Ishan's mind, each syllable a painful reminder of the rift that had formed between them. Despite Ishan's attempts to brush off the hurtful comments and the relentless trolling, Shubman's accusation lingered like a specter, casting a shadow over his already fragile confidence.
Alone in his hotel room, Ishan couldn't shake off the weight of Shubman's words. The memory of their argument, the bitterness of their exchange, and the lingering sting of betrayal washed over him like a tidal wave of emotion. How could he ever forget the accusation that had cut him to the core, leaving behind wounds that refused to heal?
With a heavy heart, Ishan found himself replaying their argument in his mind, each word a painful reminder of the fracture that had formed between them. The accusation of being Shubman's "bad luck" echoed in his thoughts, a relentless refrain that gnawed at his soul and fueled the fire of his self-doubt.
In the depths of his despair, Ishan couldn't help but wonder if Shubman's words held a kernel of truth. Perhaps he was indeed the harbinger of misfortune in Shubman's life, the source of the turmoil that had engulfed them both in its relentless grip.
With a heavy heart, Ishan whispered to himself, the words heavy with resignation and self-blame. "Maybe he's right...maybe I am his bad luck." The admission hung in the air like a bitter pill, a painful acknowledgment of the toll that their fractured relationship had taken on him.
In that moment of vulnerability, Ishan grappled with the harsh reality that sometimes, the wounds inflicted by those closest to us cut deeper than any external pain. And as he stared at his reflection in the mirror, the face of a man burdened by the weight of his own perceived shortcomings stared back at him, a silent testament to the toll of their unresolved conflict.
In the hushed confines of the team's meeting room, Ishan sat with a heavy heart, his decision weighing like an anchor on his shoulders. With a deep breath, he mustered the courage to address the team management, the gravity of his words palpable in the air.Ishan: (voice tinged with hesitation) "Um... I need to talk to you both about something important."
The team manager and coach exchanged a concerned glance, their expressions reflecting a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.
Team Manager: (encouragingly) "Go ahead, Ishan. What's on your mind?"
Ishan: (swallowing hard) "I've been doing a lot of thinking, and... I've come to a decision. I need to withdraw myself from the South Africa Test series."
The words hung in the air, heavy with implication. The team manager and coach exchanged a look of surprise, the weight of Ishan's announcement sinking in slowly.
Coach: (furrowing his brow) "Ishan, this is unexpected. Is everything alright?"
Ishan nodded, though the turmoil in his eyes betrayed his composed exterior.
Ishan: "Physically, I'm fine. But mentally... it's been challenging. The constant scrutiny, the pressure... it's taken a toll on me. I need some time to address these issues and focus on my mental health."
A moment of silence followed Ishan's admission, the significance of his words hanging in the air like a heavy fog. The team manager and coach exchanged a glance, a silent acknowledgment passing between them.
Team Manager: (after a moment) "Ishan, mental health is just as important as physical health. If you feel you need this time, we support your decision. Take all the time you need."
Ishan's heart swelled with gratitude at their understanding. Yet, beneath the surface, a sense of apprehension lingered. He couldn't help but wonder how his decision would be perceived by the outside world, the media, the fans... Would they understand his struggles, or would they see it as a sign of weakness?
As Ishan left the meeting room, the weight of his decision settled over him like a heavy blanket. He knew that stepping away from the game, even temporarily, would invite speculation and scrutiny. But in that moment, he knew he had made the right choice – for himself, for his well-being, and for his journey towards healing.
As Ishan stepped out of the meeting room, the weight of his decision bore down on him like a burden too heavy to bear. The silence of the corridor echoed with the sound of his own footsteps, each step a reminder of the magnitude of what he had just disclosed.
With each passing moment, Ishan felt the weight of his emotions pressing in on him, threatening to overwhelm him entirely. The floodgates of his mind opened, unleashing a torrent of doubts, fears, and insecurities that he had long kept buried beneath a façade of strength.
As he walked, the familiar corridors of the team hotel blurred before his eyes, obscured by the tears that welled up, unbidden. Ishan tried to blink them away, to push back the rising tide of emotion, but it was futile. The tears came, streaming down his cheeks in silent testament to the turmoil raging within him.
Amidst the chaos of his thoughts, Ishan found himself grappling with a relentless barrage of questions. Would his teammates understand his decision, or would they see it as a betrayal? What would the media say? The fans? And what about Shubman... would he ever be able to bridge the chasm that had formed between them?
The weight of these questions pressed down on Ishan like a leaden blanket, suffocating him with their intensity. His breath came in ragged gasps, his chest tight with the weight of unspoken fears and regrets.
With a trembling hand, Ishan leaned against the cool surface of the corridor wall, seeking solace in its solidity. But even the unyielding embrace of the wall couldn't quell the storm raging within him.
And so, Ishan stood there, alone in the corridor, his tears mingling with the shadows that danced around him. In that moment of vulnerability, he felt as though he were adrift in a sea of uncertainty, lost in the depths of his own tumultuous emotions. And as the tears continued to fall, he knew that his journey towards healing had only just begun.
As Shubman stepped into Ishan's hotel room, the tension crackled in the air like electricity, palpable and charged with unspoken emotions. Ishan's eyes narrowed as he watched Shubman's determined approach, his own heart a tumultuous storm of conflicting desires and unresolved grievances.
Ishan: (his voice cold, cutting through the silence) "What do you want, Shubman?"Shubman flinched at the sharpness in Ishan's tone, but he refused to back down, his gaze unwavering as he met Ishan's icy stare head-on.
Shubman: (steadily) "I want to know why you withdrew from the series, Ishu. And I want the truth."
Ishan's jaw tensed, his fists clenching at his sides as the walls he had built around his heart threatened to crumble under the weight of Shubman's scrutiny.
Ishan: (voice rising, laced with frustration) "Why do you even care, Shubman? You made it perfectly clear how you feel about me."
Shubman recoiled as Ishan's words hit him like a physical blow, the sting of his accusations leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.
Shubman: (desperately) "Ishu, I didn't mean..."
But Ishan cut him off with a sharp gesture, his patience worn thin by the relentless onslaught of emotions churning within him.
Ishan: (shouting) "You didn't mean? You didn't mean to accuse me of being your bad luck? To tear me down with your words and leave me to pick up the pieces alone?"
Shubman's heart clenched at the pain in Ishan's voice, the raw vulnerability laid bare for him to see. But before he could respond, Ishan's anger boiled over, his frustration and longing merging into a potent mix of desire and resentment.
Ishan: (breathlessly) "Do you have any idea what you do to me, Shubman? The way you look at me, the way you make me feel... It's like a fire burning inside me, consuming everything in its path."
Shubman's breath caught in his throat at the intensity of Ishan's words, his own desire simmering beneath the surface like a dormant volcano on the verge of eruption.Shubman: (voice hoarse with longing) "Ishu..."
But Ishan's walls were already closing in around him, his defenses fortified by years of hurt and betrayal.
Ishan: (his voice a low growl) "Leave, Shubman. Before I do something we both regret."
With a heavy heart, Shubman turned and left, the weight of Ishan's words lingering in the air like a silent plea for forgiveness and understanding. And as he walked away, the sexual tension between them hung like a heavy fog, suffocating in its intensity and undeniable in its truth
As Ishan's words hung in the air, shubman steps closer to him, a surge of desire coursed through Ishan's veins, overpowering his anger and resentment. In a moment of surrender to their shared longing, Ishan closed the distance between them, capturing Shubman's lips in a searing kiss.
Their mouths melded together, tongues dueling in a passionate dance as their bodies pressed against each other, craving the heat and connection. Ishan's hands moved to Shubman's waist, pulling him closer, their bodies flush against the wall.
Shubman's fingers tangled in Ishan's hair, gripping it tightly as their kiss deepened, the intensity escalating with each passing second. Their breath mingled in heated gasps as the room filled with the intoxicating scent of desire.
With a low growl, Ishan asserted his dominance, pressing Shubman harder into the wall, his body molding to Shubman's as he explored every inch of his mouth with fervent hunger. Shubman responded in kind, matching Ishan's fervor, their tongues and lips dancing in a fervent rhythm.
Their hands roamed each other's bodies, seeking out every sensitive spot, igniting a symphony of pleasure and need. Ishan's fingers trailed along Shubman's chest, leaving a trail of fire in their wake, while Shubman's hands gripped Ishan's back, his nails leaving faint marks as a testament to their desire.
The air crackled with electricity as their bodies moved in perfect sync, their desires intertwining in a passionate symphony. The room became a sanctuary of unspoken desires, where time stood still and all that mattered was the intoxicating connection between Shubman and Ishan.As their bodies moved with a primal rhythm, their kisses grew more urgent, their moans of pleasure filling the room. The world faded away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the depths of their passion, their inhibitions shattered under the weight of their shared longing.
As their passionate encounter concluded, Shubman's emotions overwhelmed him, and tears streamed down his face. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Ishan, the man he loved with every fiber of his being.
Shubman: (voice choked with tears) "Ishan, I can't live without you. I love you so much, and I'm sorry for all the hurtful things I said in the past. It was never how I truly felt about you."
Ishan's eyes widened in shock, his anger momentarily forgotten as he witnessed the raw vulnerability in Shubman's tear-streaked face. Conflicting emotions swirled within him, battling against the walls he had erected to protect himself.
Ishan: (voice trembling) "Shubman, I... I don't know if I can trust you again. The pain you caused runs deep, and I'm afraid of being hurt once more."
Shubman's heart shattered at Ishan's words, realizing the immense damage he had inflicted upon their relationship. He collapsed to his knees, tears streaming down his face as he desperately pleaded for forgiveness.
Shubman: (sobbing) "Ishan, please... I'll do anything to make it right. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. I love you more than anything, and I can't bear to lose you."
Ishan's resolve wavered as he watched Shubman crumble before him, the weight of his own emotions pressing down on him. He knelt beside Shubman, his tears mingling with his lover's, both of them enveloped in a shared sea of anguish and longing.
Ishan: (voice trembling with emotion) "Shubman, I... I still love you. Despite everything, my heart yearns for you. But we have a long road ahead of us, filled with healing and rebuilding trust."
They held each other tightly, their tears blending together as they embarked on a journey of forgiveness and redemption. In that moment, they made a silent vow to confront their past, to mend the wounds, and to nurture their love into something stronger and more resilient.
Shubman's sobs wracked his body as Ishan couldn't bear to see his Shubie in such pain. He gently cupped Shubman's tear-stained face, his touch tender and comforting.
Ishan: (softly) "Shubman Meri jaan , I promise you that I'll be back with the team soon. We'll have the opportunity to talk, to heal, and to rebuild what we've lost. I won't let our love go to waste."Shubman clung to Ishan's words like a lifeline, finding solace in the promise of a future where they could work through their pain together. He looked up at Ishan, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and love.
Shubman: (whispering) "Ishu, I believe in us. I'll wait for you, and I'll wait for you, and we'll face the challenges ahead side by side. I love you more than words can express."
Ishan smiled through his own tears, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Shubman's forehead. The tenderness in that simple gesture spoke volumes, a pledge of his unwavering support and devotion.
As the weight of their emotions began to ease, Shubman's gaze fell upon Ishan's discarded clothing. With a determined yet sorrowful expression, he moved towards it, picking up Ishan's shirt and t-shirt, cradling them in his arms.
Shubman: (voice filled with longing) "Ishu, these are the pieces of you that I have left. They carry your scent, your essence. I'll hold onto them, reminding myself of the love we share until we can be together again."
Ishan watched Shubman with a mixture of adoration and heartache, understanding the significance of those garments. They were a symbol of their connection, a tangible reminder of the love that still burned between them.
Ishan: (voice filled with emotion) "Shubman, those shirts hold the memories of our love, our laughter, and our passion. Keep them close, and know that I carry your love in my heart wherever I go."
Shubman nodded, clutching the shirts to his chest, finding solace in their familiar touch. He knew that, as long as he held onto them, their love would endure even in the face of adversity.
They held each other once more, their tears mingling as they shared a bittersweet embrace. In that moment, they knew that their love was stronger than any obstacle, and they were willing to fight for it.
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politelymenacing · 4 months
Cricket is ok I guess. But baseball is American culture!!!
You can like both!
They're pretty different, but there are definitely things that are similar. Especially if you are a baseball fan that is all about stats - CRICKET HAS SO MANY!!
And if you are impressed by catches in baseball, watch cricketers do it with their bare hands!
Like this US player from yesterday's match.
I don't know much about baseball, ngl. But I can't imagine there are games that end in as thrilling a fashion as the one last night.
Also, if you are talking American culture and cricket...did you know that the very first international match of cricket in the mid 1800s was played by the USA and Canada? US international cricket predates England v Australia!
Give cricket a chance.
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traincoded · 2 years
can I request a post about why cricket is interesting?
It is a very strategic game, there's something very enjoyable to me about how quickly the tide changes due to outside reasons – a little rain, an overcast day, too blustery or too humid and the dynamics of the game change.
It is a game of risk management at both the individual and team level. One of the few team sports where coaches are pretty unimportant, captains make both rapid strategic calls and contribute 'physically' in the game. I'm not too fond of sports where the brain and the brawn are artificially deemed separate, like in football, where the tactical genius is ascribed to this ascetic figure of the manager and the player is the spoiled gifted athlete.
Bowlers and Batters have a face off for 6 balls (1 over) trying to play chicken and read each other's minds and intimidate. The margins, like all elite sport are extremely marginal, a few mm is the difference between a great shot and a terrible one that flies off to the fielder. It's also incredibly thrilling, as a team sport it offers the joys of camaraderie, but the unique nature of individual matchups also foregrounds star players.
Cricket (sort of like timed vs untimed chess?) is basically 3 kinds of games wrapped into one. Limited overs cricket, aka one day games (50 overs) and twenty20 (20 overs) are TV friendly, often very thrilling to watch with pretty much non stop action. They're pretty recent innovations to the game (2008 saw the first T20 match.) Test cricket is played over 5 days and is more about endurance and maintaining consistency. Its the one played with red balls in white clothes.
When it's lopsided cricket can be incredibly boring. It's a sport that was long dominated by amateurs and the "international" game, with professional clubs coming in pretty late to the game. It was protected partly due it's english perception as a gentleman's game. It's got very elitist hangups as a result, which is really bizarre in a game that is most popular in the Indian subcontinent. Honestly, cricket is inescapable in India. It's the background noise of my life. I've sort of known how it works forever, so I don't have any other advice for anyone who finds the rules complicated apart from keep watching.
I've been watching the T20 Women's Cricket World Cup and it's had two amazing nailbiting thrillers in the semi finals. Australia are pretty dominant, but South Africa will look to challenge them with some home crowd support in the finals on Sunday!
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kammartinez · 1 year
By Natasha Frost
Fans celebrated in central Melbourne this week after a national triumph: The Matildas, the Australian women’s soccer team, had defeated Canada, the reigning Olympic champion, 4-0.
It was a glorious victory after a dismal start to the Women’s World Cup for one of the two host teams. In Federation Square, Australians held up gold and green scarves and bellowed, “Up the Matildas!”
Two years earlier, the same city had seen a similar outpouring of support for the Australian women’s cricket team. Inside Melbourne Cricket Ground, more than 86,000 people had gathered to watch the final of the Women’s T20 World Cup, while 1.2 million people tuned in from elsewhere in Australia.
For Ellyse Perry, an Australian sporting legend who has represented the country in both the cricket and soccer World Cups, the 2020 match — the largest crowd ever to watch a women’s cricket match — was a milestone for women’s sports in Australia.
“It’s really now starting to become embedded in general society, and it’s commonplace,” she said. “We don’t think differently about it. It’s not an oddity any more.”
For as long as there have been sports in Australia, women have clamored to play and participate. What is believed to be the world’s first cycling race for women took place in Sydney in 1888; the country’s first golf championship, in 1894, was women only; and at the 1912 Olympics, Australian women won silver and gold in the first women’s Olympic freestyle race.
Yet even though Australian women’s sports have an extensive and proud history, only recently have they received significant mainstream support. A strong run in the World Cup — Australia will face Denmark in the round of 16 on Monday — was seen as an opportunity to change that, to cement the place of women’s sports in the country’s daily rhythms and conversation.
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Australia’s win over Canada saved it from an early elimination, and sent it to a game against Denmark on Monday.Credit...Cameron Spencer/Getty Images
Sam Kerr, the Matildas star who is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world, said the impact of the tournament on women’s soccer was all but unimaginable.
“For years to come, this will be talked about — hopefully, decades to come,” she told reporters last month, citing an uptick in young boys and girls coming to women’s soccer games.
A longer view on the history of women’s sports in Australia involves many moments of triumph, but also times when able and enthusiastic sportswomen were simply shut out.
“There are peaks and troughs all the way through,” Marion Stell, a historian at the University of Queensland, said of women’s sports in Australia. “Women make advances — but then it goes away again. It’s never a smooth upward curve.”
Only in the past couple of decades had female athletes been able to make consistent strides on pay, opportunities and representation, she added. Today, half of all Australian girls play sports at least once a week, according to the Australian Sports Commission, compared with about 30 percent of girls in the United States.
“I don’t think anyone would have dreamed that it would happen so quickly,” Dr. Stell said. “On one hand, it’s been very slow. But on the other hand, when it happened, the floodgates just opened.”
Yet despite their enthusiasm, and their prodigious talent for bringing home Olympic medals, female athletes in Australia have, like their international peers, historically been sidelined, blocked or simply not taken seriously.
In 1980, women’s sports made up about 2 percent of print sports coverage in Australia. By 2009, women’s sports made up about 9 percent of television news coverage, according to a report from the Australian Sports Commission. But the balance appears to be shifting: A poll last year found that nearly 70 percent of Australians had watched more women’s sports since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Fans watching the Australia-Ireland match in Melbourne on the World Cup’s opening night.Credit...Hannah Mckay/Reuters“A lot of it has been in line with the way that social perception has changed more broadly, in terms of how we perceive women’s role in society, and particularly the workplace,” said Perry, the sports star.
Dr. Stell, the historian, pointed further back. She saw the 1976 Montreal Olympics, where Australia failed to win a single gold medal, as a turning point. The country’s lackluster performance spurred a significant backlash in the Australian news media, which described the results as a “crisis for the government” and called for action for Australia to “regain its lost athletic potency.”
Women had historically been something of a golden goose for Australia at the Olympics, making up a minority of the country’s total athletes but often winning the majority of its medals. At the 1972 Games in Munich, for instance, 10 out of 17 Australian medals were won by women, even as they made up only about 17 percent of the team.
And so in 1981, Australia established the Australian Institute of Sport, a high-performance sports training center for both men and women that, for the first time, gave women the financial support to concentrate on their sports full-time — beginning with Australian rules football, basketball, gymnastics, netball, swimming, tennis, track and field and weight lifting.
That was followed a few years later by the Sex Discrimination Act, which prohibited discrimination on the basis of gender or sexuality.
“Those two things together might be some kind of watershed,” Dr. Stell said. “But not, I guess, in the public imagination — more in sporting women’s lives.”
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The Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra, established in 1981.Credit...David James Bartho/Fairfax Media, via Getty Images
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The facility offered dedicated training space to women in a variety of sports.Credit...Andrew Rankin/Fairfax Media, via Getty Images
Even after that, female athletes in most other sports often had no alternative but to play in a semiprofessional capacity. In the mid-1990s, as male Australian cricket players were on the cusp of striking over what they felt was inadequate remuneration, female players in the sport barely had their expenses covered, and often had to pay their own way to compete. Most juggled jobs and other commitments alongside their sports careers.
“How did it make me feel? I just wanted to play as much cricket as I possibly could,” said Belinda Clark, who was the captain of Australia’s World Cup-winning women’s cricket teams in 1997 and 2005.
She added: “We all structured our lives — our working lives and our personal lives — around being able to do that. That comes at a financial cost. We all accepted that.”
In recent decades, cricket has led the charge on fair pay for female athletes in Australia. While male cricketers still significantly out-earn their female counterparts, the majority of female players earn at least 100,000 Australian dollars, or $66,000. By comparison, female players of Australian rules football, rugby league, netball and professional soccer have a minimum salary of less than half of that — a source of ongoing tension since it is far below the country’s living wage.
Across all sports, perhaps the most important factor for female athletes was having women in positions of responsibility across journalism, management, coaching, umpiring and administration, Dr. Stell said.
In the early 1980s, Australian universities began to offer the country’s first sports management degrees. “That kind of allowed women to get a kind of professional qualification so that they could take the administration of sports off the kitchen table and make it more professional,” she said.
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Belinda Clark next to statue of herself, with Quentin Bryce, the former governor general of Australia, at left.Credit...Brett Hemmings/Cricket Australia via Getty Images
Women are gradually becoming more visible as sports people in Australia. But it was not until earlier this year that a female cricket player was celebrated in statue form for the first time, though the country claims more than 70 statues of male players.
A bronze statue of Clark was unveiled at Sydney Cricket Ground in January; it is the first public statue of any female cricket player anywhere in the world. Representation of that kind sends a powerful message, especially to younger players, Clark said.
“What are the photos in the club? Who’s on the honor boards? What are we saying to the people that walk in this door?” she asked. “Are you part of this, or are you a guest or a visitor?
“It symbolizes that you’re actually part of it. You’re no longer coming, cap in hand, to beg for an opportunity.”
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killa-trav · 2 years
Can u teach me cricket basics?
Pls 🥺❤
yes ofc!! i’ll put it under the read more so anyone can scroll past easily if not interested but:
okay so there are three main formats at international level which are test, one day international and twenty20.
test cricket is commonly referred to as red ball cricket bc it’s played with a red ball and it’s 5 days of cricket with breaks for lunch, tea and just general drinks breaks. there is a maximum of 80 overs that can be bowled per day but depending on light it can extend to 90 (i’ll get to what overs are in a minute)
one day international (odi) and twenty20 (t20) are commonly referred to as white ball cricket bc it’s played with a white ball. with odi, 50 overs are bowled or until the bowling side gets 10 wickets. with t20 it’s 20 overs and again it’s 20 overs or until the bowling team gets 10 wickets
there are 6 bowls per over and each team has 11 players but as soon as the bowling team gets 10 players out, they become the batting team and chase the total set by the batting team
there’s a lot more to it but this is just the absolute basics n i really do recommend watching the test on amazon prime bc it focuses on australia cricket and is good for understanding the sport a little better
i also recommend the tailenders podcast and simply going onto youtube n watching cricket highlights i personally would recommended ben stokes’ headingly innings in 2019 and england’s odi world cup win in 2019
anymore questions lmk!!
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thehungrycity · 2 years
Watching a great Australia vs Afghanistan T20 world cup match! Also great to see such a large Afghan turnout for it, they're really enjoying the game and it's really coming down to the wire. On the edge of my seat to see who wins!
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alencena · 4 days
Top 5 Unforgettable Moments from the Latest ICC Tournaments
The International Cricket Council (ICC) tournaments are always a spectacle, bringing together the best teams and players from around the globe. Each tournament is filled with thrilling moments, unforgettable performances, and heart-stopping drama that leaves cricket fans on the edge of their seats. From incredible comebacks to record-breaking performances, the latest ICC tournaments have not disappointed. In this InningsBreak special, we look at the Top 5 unforgettable moments that stood out and will be remembered for years to come.
1. Ben Stokes’ Masterclass in the ICC T20 World Cup Final
Ben Stokes is no stranger to delivering in high-pressure situations, but his match-winning performance in the ICC T20 World Cup final was truly special. With England chasing a modest target against Pakistan, the situation became tense when they lost wickets early. However, Stokes held his nerve, guiding his team to victory with an unbeaten half-century.
What made Stokes’ performance so memorable was the calmness with which he played, even when the match seemed to be slipping away. His ability to anchor the innings and switch gears when needed displayed his vast experience and talent. This knock not only won England the World Cup but cemented Stokes’ legacy as one of cricket’s greatest clutch players.
2. Shaheen Afridi’s Fiery Spell Against India
The India-Pakistan rivalry is one of the most intense in world sports, and every time these two cricketing giants clash, the world watches. In the latest ICC T20 World Cup, Pakistani pacer Shaheen Afridi produced one of the most unforgettable moments with his fiery opening spell against India.
Afridi took the crucial wickets of India’s top order, including Rohit Sharma and KL Rahul, within the first few overs, setting the tone for Pakistan's dominance. His ability to swing the ball at pace, combined with pinpoint accuracy, left the Indian batsmen rattled. It was a spell that defined Pakistan’s success in the tournament, with Afridi emerging as one of the most exciting fast bowlers in world cricket.
3. Suryakumar Yadav’s Dazzling 360-Degree Batting
Suryakumar Yadav, also known as “SKY,” has been the talk of the cricket world due to his innovative and fearless batting style. His incredible performance during the ICC T20 World Cup group stages, where he played a series of dazzling knocks, has left an indelible mark on the tournament.
In a match against South Africa, Yadav's 360-degree batting display was something never seen before. He found gaps all over the ground, playing audacious scoops, pulls, and drives to keep the scoreboard ticking despite a challenging bowling attack. Yadav’s versatility and ability to score runs from seemingly impossible angles left fans in awe, making his performances one of the most talked-about moments of the tournament.
4. Harmanpreet Kaur’s Heroics in the Women’s T20 World Cup
The Women’s T20 World Cup was filled with memorable moments, but none stood out more than Harmanpreet Kaur’s incredible knock in the semi-final against Australia. With India chasing a steep total, Kaur played one of the most determined and aggressive innings of her career, nearly taking India over the line.
Her ability to counterattack and take on the world’s best bowling attack was nothing short of extraordinary. Despite suffering from cramps during the latter part of her innings, Kaur continued to battle on, inspiring her team and millions of fans watching across the globe. Though India fell just short, Kaur’s heroic effort will be remembered as one of the defining moments of the tournament.
5. Rashid Khan’s Last-Over Heroics
Rashid Khan has built a reputation as one of the best T20 bowlers in the world, and his match-winning last-over in the ICC T20 World Cup group stage match against Bangladesh showcased his brilliance. With Afghanistan needing to defend a modest total and Bangladesh requiring only a few runs off the last over, all eyes were on Rashid.
Known for his variations and composure under pressure, Rashid bowled a near-perfect final over, taking two crucial wickets and conceding just a handful of runs to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. His ability to remain calm and execute his plans under immense pressure demonstrated why he is such a valuable asset to Afghanistan’s bowling lineup. This thrilling last-over finish will be remembered as one of the standout moments of the ICC tournaments.
The latest ICC tournaments have provided fans with no shortage of excitement, drama, and unforgettable performances. From Ben Stokes' heroics in the T20 World Cup final to Harmanpreet Kaur's gritty performance in the Women's World Cup, these moments will be etched in cricket history. Players like Shaheen Afridi, Suryakumar Yadav, and Rashid Khan have given fans incredible displays of skill, passion, and determination.
As the world of cricket continues to evolve, one thing remains constant: the ICC tournaments will always deliver moments that captivate fans and create lasting memories. Be sure to stay tuned to InningsBreak for more insights, analyses, and coverage of the most exciting cricketing events from around the globe!
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yolacricket02 · 26 days
Latest and Breaking News: T20 Cricket Shakes Up with New Records and Surprises
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Cricket fans worldwide have been treated to an electrifying series of events in the T20 format recently. With the T20 World Cup just around the corner, the action on the field has been nothing short of sensational. Teams are battling it out in the final stages of their preparations, and the Latest and breaking news on cricket t20 matches have delivered a flurry of excitement and drama.
Record-Breaking Performances:
One of the standout moments of the recent T20 series was the record-breaking performance by India’s star batter, Virat Kohli. In a thrilling match against Australia, Kohli notched up an unbeaten 105 off just 56 balls, setting a new record for the highest individual score in a T20 International against Australia. His knock was instrumental in India’s high-scoring total of 200 runs, which proved too much for the Australian side.
Not to be outdone, Pakistan’s Shaheen Afridi has been making headlines with his exceptional bowling. Afridi's hat-trick in the match against South Africa was a highlight, as he dismantled the top order with a stunning display of pace and precision. His performance earned him the Player of the Match award and has firmly established him as one of the premier bowlers in the format.
Surprise Upsets:
The T20 format, known for its unpredictability, has once again delivered some surprising results. England, the defending champions, suffered a shocking defeat at the hands of Bangladesh. In a low-scoring affair, Bangladesh’s bowlers put in a disciplined performance, restricting England to just 130 runs. The chase was anchored by Bangladesh’s captain, Shakib Al Hasan, whose calm 60 off 45 balls guided his team to victory with two balls to spare. This unexpected win has significantly boosted Bangladesh’s confidence ahead of the World Cup.
In another surprising turn of events, the West Indies, despite their storied history in T20 cricket, were knocked out of the ongoing series by Sri Lanka. The West Indies' batting lineup, usually their strength, faltered under pressure, and Sri Lanka's young guns, led by their emerging star Bhanuka Rajapaksa, secured a decisive win. This result has raised questions about the West Indies' readiness for the World Cup, as they now face an uphill battle to regain their form.
Upcoming World Cup Buzz:
Breaking news on cricket t20 World Cup approaching, teams are using these matches as a final opportunity to fine-tune their strategies. The latest results are sure to influence the tactics and selections of the participating nations. The upcoming tournament is expected to be highly competitive, with several teams showing promising signs of form. India’s formidable batting lineup, Australia’s explosive all-rounders, and Pakistan’s potent bowling attack are among the teams to watch closely.
As the cricketing world gears up for the World Cup, fans can look forward to more thrilling encounters and standout performances. The latest T20 series has set the stage for what promises to be an unforgettable tournament. With records being shattered and teams surprising the odds, the excitement surrounding T20 cricket has reached fever pitch. Stay tuned for more updates as the countdown to the World Cup continues!
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a2zsportsnews · 1 month
SCO vs AUS 1st T20I Live Streaming Info: When and where to watch Australia vs Scotland; squads, match details, start time
Australia and Scotland will lock horns in a three-match Twenty20 International series, starting Wednesday at the Grange Cricket Club Ground in Edinburgh. The only time the two teams have met in the shortest format of the game was at the T20 World Cup this year, where Australia clinched a hard-fought five-wicket win after Scotland posted a challenging 181-run target. This will be Australia’s first…
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killeroos · 1 month
i am curious to know why you singled out marcus? apart from the one time he used an actual slur i don't tend to think of him as being particularly mean??
Yeah, first off, I should tell you, I like stoin a lot! Some of my friends would call him big dumb stoinis, and I just find it soo adorable for some reason?
But sometimes I would just get a mean vibe from him. I don't know if you saw the match or not, but he did a very funny send-off in this T20WC against Afghanistan after Gurbaz hit him for a lot of runs. It was a breakthrough wicket, after Aus dropped an insane amount of catches and after an atrocious fielding display😭.
So, naturally, he was pumped! But it was such a cunty send-off, aside from being really funny😂. He put both his arms up in the air and was just swinging his palms to and fro.🤣
Apart from that, I just get the vibe that he would really like to sledge but restrains himself.
Yeah, Zampa does keep his receipts XD. Read a recent interview of his, and he really did have a lot to say to some of the Aus team ex-players.
i mean he is definitely a big dumb himbo, but it's what makes him lovable!!
i forgot about that send off 😭💀 i'll have to go back and check but im pretty sure it was actually a reference to a heady send off from the odi wc last year, it's become a bit of a running joke in the team!
he definitely does sledge too, at least he does in big bash! but like i can't stress enough how normal sledging or at least getting a little chirpy actually is in cricket 😅
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techtired · 3 months
Pakistan National Cricket Team Vs India National Cricket Team Timeline
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India and Pakistan's cricket competition is known for being very intense and is considered one of the fiercest in sports. Not only are these teams' games the most anticipated in cricket, but they are also some of the most-watched sports events in the world. In ICC tournaments, India has a great track record, winning 11 wins in total. These are two Cricket World Cups, two T20 World Cups, and two Champions Trophies, all at the top level. Pakistan has also done well in the ICC tournament, winning five games, one in each group. In the ICC World Cup, India has won 14 games and Pakistan has only won one. There has been a lot of history and political tension between the two countries, starting with the Partition of British India in 1947 and continuing with the ongoing Kashmir dispute and several other wars between India and Pakistan. Even though they both grew up playing cricket in British colonies, these problems have made their competition much worse. Pakistan National Cricket Team Vs India National Cricket Team Timeline IND vs PAK Head-to-Head Match Scorecard (Test) Decade Matches India Wins Pakistan Wins Drawn 1950s 10 2 1 7 1960s 5 0 0 5 1970s 9 2 2 5 1980s 20 0 4 16 1990s 2 1 1 0 2000s 12 4 3 5 2010s – – – – 2020s – – – – Total 58 9 11 38 IND vs PAK Head-to-Head (ODI) Decade Matches India Pakistan No Result 1970s 3 1 2 0 1980s 32 9 19 4 1990s 46 17 26 3 2000s 41 18 22 1 2010s 15 10 4 0 2020s 3 2 0 1 Total 139 57 73 9 IND vs PAK Head-to-Head (T20I) Decade Matches India Pakistan Tie/No result 2000s 2 1 0 1 2010s 6 5 1 0 2020s 5 3 2 0 Total 13 9 3 1   Dominance in ICC Trophies Regarding ICC medals, India boasts a more distinguished record than Pakistan's three, with six major titles, including two from the Cricket World Cup, T20 World Cup, and Champions Trophy. In head-to-head contests, Pakistan has always had the advantage in both Test matches and ODIs; India has an incredible record in World Cup events, having won all the matches against Pakistan in this esteemed event. Head-to-Head Match Records Examining the head-to-head records, Pakistan has always held an advantage in one-day internationals as well as test matches. This figure reflects the fierce rivalry and fair playing field these meetings usually bring. In spite of this, India has kept an undefeated run against Pakistan in the ICC World Cup, a height of international cricket, therefore showcasing an interesting feature of their rivalry where pressure and high stakes bring out amazing performances. Also Read - Afghanistan National Cricket Team Vs. India National Cricket Team Timeline T20 International Success India has a clear advantage over Pakistan in the more recent version of Twenty20 International cricket, which was especially clear when the two teams played each other in the Asia Cup. Not only do these games decide who wins the event, but they also show how the teams are doing and what their current plans are. Two teams from different countries were able to show off their skills, speed, and strategic thinking in the fast-paced T20 version of the Asia Cup. Outstanding Performances By Individuals Individual records and performances have also been important parts of this long-running battle. Sachin Tendulkar, a legend in Indian cricket, has scored the most runs and fifties in one-day internationals between India and Australia. Saeed Anwar's amazing 194 runs in a single ODI is still the best score by an individual in a match between these two teams, showing how good the competition is. Also, Shahid Afridi has the record for the most sixes, which shows how good he is at hitting big balls. Wasim Akram, on the other hand, is the best bowler in this series, with the most catches. IND vs PAK Records (Test) Most Runs in an Innings by Team Runs Team Venue Season 699/5 Pakistan Lahore 1989–90 679/7d Pakistan Lahore 2005–06 675/5d India Multan 2003–04 674/6 Pakistan Faisalabad 1984–85 652 Pakistan Lahore 1982–83 Fewest Runs in a Completed Innings Runs Team Venue Season 106 India Lucknow 1952–53 116 Pakistan Bangalore 1986–87 126 India New Delhi 1979–80 145 India Bangalore 1986–87 145 Pakistan Karachi 1954–55 Greatest Win Margins (by Innings) Margin Winning Team Venue Season Innings and 370 runs India New Delhi 1952–53 Innings and 131 runs India Rawalpindi 2003–04 Innings and 119 runs Pakistan Hyderabad 1982–83 Innings and 86 runs Pakistan Karachi 1982–83 Innings and 52 runs India Multan 2003–04 Greatest Win Margins (by Runs) Margin Winning Team Venue Season 341 runs Pakistan Karachi 2005–06 212 runs India New Delhi 1998–99 195 runs India Kolkata 2004–05 168 runs Pakistan Bangalore 2004–05 131 runs India Mumbai 1979–80 Smallest Victories Margin Winning Team Venue Season 12 runs Pakistan Chennai 1998–99 16 runs Pakistan Bangalore 1986–87 46 runs India Kolkata 1998–99 Individual Records – Most Runs Runs Player Span 2228 Javed Miandad (PAK) 1978–1989 2089 Sunil Gavaskar (IND) 1978–1987 1740 Zaheer Abbas (PAK) 1978–1984 1431 Mudassar Nazar (PAK) 1978–1984 1321 Younis Khan (PAK) 2005–2007 Highest Individual Score Runs Player Venue Date 309 Virender Sehwag (IND) Multan 28 Mar 2004 280 Javed Miandad (PAK) Hyderabad 14 Jan 1983 270 Rahul Dravid (IND) Rawalpindi 13 Apr 2004 267 Younis Khan (PAK) Bangalore 24 Mar 2005 254 Virender Sehwag (IND) Lahore 13 Jan 2006 Most Wickets by Individual Wickets Player Matches Bowling Average 99 Kapil Dev (IND) 29 30.12 94 Imran Khan (PAK) 23 24.04 81 Anil Kumble (IND) 15 31.97 45 Wasim Akram (PAK) 12 28.86 44 Fazal Mahmood (PAK) 14 24.54 Best Bowling Figures in an Innings Bowling Player Venue Date 10/74 Anil Kumble (IND) New Delhi 4 Feb 1999 8/52 Vinoo Mankad (IND) New Delhi 16 Oct 1952 8/60 Imran Khan (PAK) Karachi 23 Dec 1982 8/69 Sikander Bakht (PAK) New Delhi 4 Dec 1979 8/85 Kapil Dev (IND) Lahore 23 Jan 1983 The Effects Of The Rivalry Every time India and Pakistan play, there is a lot of rivalry and national pride, which makes each game feel like an epic story. These games are more than just cricket; they are a mix of deep emotion, history, and culture. Fans remember and love every time these two heavyweights in cricket play each other, making their rivalry one of the best in the history of the sport. Not only will the scores and results of these matches live on, but so will the spirit and the great cricketing moments they create. Read the full article
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livewellnews · 3 months
Clive Madande: Franchise Cricket Can Bring New Talent to Zimbabwe
Wicketkeeper Clive Madande hopes his team can put up a strong performance against India in the upcoming five-match T20 series starting Saturday. He believes that greater participation in franchise cricket could attract more young talent to the sport in Zimbabwe.
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The Day Cricket Became a Passion
Clive Madande’s love for cricket began as a 12-year-old when his father took him to watch a Test match between Pakistan and Zimbabwe at Harare Sports Club in 2014. Zimbabwe’s victory by 24 runs left a lasting impression on him. “It was one of the greatest days in Zimbabwean cricket. We beat Pakistan, and I thought, well, I should play this game,” Madande recalls. Now, a decade later, he is a key figure in reviving Zimbabwe’s cricketing legacy.
The Struggles of Zimbabwean Cricket
Despite that memorable victory, Zimbabwe’s cricket has faced numerous challenges over the past decade. Administrative issues, lack of infrastructure, government interference, salary cuts, and a talent shortage have hindered progress. While there have been occasional upsets, such as beating Australia in an ODI in Townsville and Pakistan in the 2022 World Cup, the golden era of players like the Flower brothers, Neil Johnson, Murray Goodwin, and Heath Streak is a distant memory.
Seeking Guidance from Legends
Madande often seeks advice and motivation from Zimbabwean cricket legends like Dave Houghton and Tatenda Taibu. “Guys like Houghton and Taibu, I speak to them regularly for advice, motivation, and tips. Whenever I feel like struggling, I go back to them,” he says.
Upcoming Challenges and Opportunities
Zimbabwe has a busy schedule ahead, starting with the India T20I series. They will host all top nations except Australia and tour countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and England. Madande sees these matches as a big motivation to play harder and smarter. “Like we showed in the series against Bangladesh, we have talent. We played good cricket there, just that we couldn’t get the results we wanted,” he explains.
Experience and Talent in the Squad
Led by the seasoned Sikandar Raza, Zimbabwe’s team includes experienced players like all-rounders Luke Jongwe and Wessly Madhevere, fast bowlers Tendai Chatara and Blessing Muzarabani. Playing in front of home crowds is a huge advantage. “We would be playing in our backyard; there will be a lot of people cheering for us. It’s still the most popular sport in the country, and a lot of youngsters and schoolboys play this game,” Madande says.
Learning from the Best
Madande acknowledges the strength of the Indian team, even though it is an in-transition squad. He admires players like Sanju Samson, Riyan Parag, and Jitesh Sharma. The 24-year-old knows that strong performances could attract the attention of IPL scouts. “If more of us get to play cricket in franchises, the game would draw more young talent to it, which would be good for the game overall in the country,” he says.
Building a Bright Future
Zimbabwe Cricket is planning to establish a national cricket academy, refurbish the domestic league, and install indoor training facilities at all five domestic centers. Madande is optimistic that these efforts will help Zimbabwe rediscover its giant-slaying mojo and inspire more youngsters to fall in love with the game, just as he did a decade ago.
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usalatestwebstories · 4 months
T20 Cricket World Cup Livestream: How to Watch India vs. Canada From Anywhere
See at Hotstar Disney Plus Hotstar Showing T20 World Cup cricket in India See at Now Now Watch T20 World Cup Cricket in the UK from £12 See at Amazon Prime Video Watch T20 World Cup Cricket in Australia See at Ptv.com PTV Sports Watch the T20 World Cup for free in Pakistan Show more (1 item) Eliminated Canada will look to sign off from the T20 World Cup with an unlikely win against India…
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cricketbazar · 4 months
Virat Kohli Continues With Blockbuster Performances In Big Tournaments, Encouraging Signs For India Ahead Of T20 WC
Following the conclusion of the Indian Premier League (IPL) campaign for Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB), the biggest positive for the franchise and Team India is the form of batter Virat Kohli, who reinvented himself with a more attacking gameplay, especially against spin and once again delivered in a big tournament.
After 15 matches, Virat has ended his IPL campaign as the Orange Cap holder for the most runs in the season. He has scored 741 runs at an average of 61.75 and a strike rate of 154.69, with a century and five half-centuries. His best score is 113*.
What stands out is his strike rate of 154.69, his best-ever in an IPL season and the total of 38 sixes that he has hit, equalling his six-tally of 2016 IPL in which he had blasted 973 runs in 16 matches with four centuries and seven fifties at an average of 81.08 and a strike rate of over 152.
Heading into the ICC T20 World Cup, Virat is the most in-form player in the national side and him playing all games is a no brainer. In the 2023 season of the IPL, he scored 639 runs in 14 matches at an average of 53.25 and a strike rate of 139.82, with two centuries and six fifties. His best score was 101*.
Combining his statistics across both seasons, he has scored 1,380 runs in 29 innings at an average of 57.50 and a strike rate of 147.43, with three centuries and 11 fifties, best score of 113*. This makes him the most consistent batter across both the 2023 and 2024 seasons, which he has played after India's loss to England in the ICC T20 WC 2022 semifinal by ten wickets, after which, India moved on to youngsters. Virat was only recalled for the series against Afghanistan this year in January, where he scored 29 and 0 in two games.
Virat has also been magnificent for India across all big tournaments, ever since he returned from a break back in August 2022 during the Asia Cup. He had taken a break after months of poor, inconsistent returns with the bat and made an immediate impact in the Asia Cup, scoring 276 runs in five games at an average of 92.00, with a century, two fifties and best score of 122*, then his first century in three years. He ended as the second-highest run-getter in the season.
The 35-year-old took his brilliant form to ICC T20 World Cup 2022 in Australia, which he kickstarted with an incredible 82* in 53 balls against Pakistan at a jam-packed Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) in a tough 160-run chase. He stood tall at the top of the batting charts with 296 runs in six games, average of 98.66 and a strike rate of over 136. Four half-centuries came out of his bat, but he still could not take his team to the title.
After some fine performances across bilateral cricket, Virat proved his undeniable mettle in T20 cricket with 639 runs in IPL 2023, ending as the fourth-highest run-getter even though his side could not make it to the playoffs.
As the focus shifted towards the ODI World Cup in India that year, Virat scored a century in the Asia Cup against Pakistan, ending the tournament with 129 runs in three games at an average of 64.50 and the trophy in his hands.
The Cricket World Cup in India saw Virat delivering an all-time great campaign, smashing records everyday match-day, including breaking his idol Sachin Tendulkar's record of most runs in a single World Cup and 49 ODI tons. In 11 matches, he scored an unbelievable 765 runs at an average of 95.63, with three centuries and six fifties. His best score was 117, but even then, the gold went to Australia in the final.
Now with a 741-run IPL, Virat has proved himself as a batter to watch out for in the T20 World Cup. Across these big tournaments, he has made 2,846 runs at an average of 71.15, with eight centuries and 23 fifties. His best score has been 122*, which came against Pakistan in the Asia Cup last year.
Since his comeback in Asia Cup 2022, he has scored 3,007 runs in 59 international matches at an average of 58.96, with 10 centuries and 17 fifties. His best score is 186. Including his IPL numbers, he has made 4,387 runs in 88 matches and 92 innings, at an average of 58.49, with 13 centuries and 28 fifties.
With T20 WC coming up, Virat's numbers across all the format look encouraging and all hopes are on him to deliver a title-winning campaign for India. 
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