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Yet another commission from the great @whenyousleepbaby
Remember to tell them thank you for the food!
-Sweat -Thigh sex
18+ below the cut. Enjoy!
The moment the streamers attached to the vent grates fell lifeless, a flood of despair filled the gear station. It was the hottest time of year, not to mention the busiest. With the loss of the air conditioning however, services had to be suspended in multiple areas for sake of safety.
Only a few lines were left open. Both battle lines were shut down. For once in their careers, Ingo and Emmet found themselves idling more than they would have liked.
It was a meager blessing. Despite the sudden lose of work eliciting their more antsy behaviors, Ingo and Emmet could trade off so they weren’t both suffering in the heat.
Ingo went through his usual checklist before bidding his brother good-bye and good luck. It was his day to go cool off. He greeted you with his usual cat-like smile when he met you outside the gear station. He thought of how sweet you were to walk with hims even in this heat.
Ingo thought to put his arm around you but thought better of it. He could feel the sweat making his white dress shirt cling to his skin. He was thankful his undershirt was leaving at least a little to the imagination through the thin wet fabric. Even holding your hand made him worry he was making you uncomfortable.
Once through the door of your shared apartment, Ingo wasted no time in peeling the offending garments from his body. He had planned to sprawl out on the couch and thank Arceus for modern home acclimation systems but you had other ideas.
He was struck dumb by you pulling him into the bedroom and pushing him onto the bed. Sweat was still glistening on his chest as you undressed in front of him and almost clawed his pants off his legs. You shared a knowing look. A nod was all it took for the clothes to leave his body via your ministrations.
In no time at all, you were on him, bouncing on his length like it had been months since your last private moment together. You groaned out how lovely he looked all shining with sweat. How the hints of skin peaking though the cloth that clung to him had driven you wild. Ingo’s already rosy skin seemed to grow an even deeper shade of red at the sound of your proclamations. The rush of it all hit him quickly. His fingers pressed into your thigh as he clenched his hands into the flesh. He could feel his eyes wanting to roll backwards as he swiftly approached climax.
A flash of almost panic filled him as you pulled off of him suddenly, only to spread his legs apart and tuck him between your thighs. You moved against him, the slickness between your thighs yanking him right back to the precipice. You braced yourself with your hands on his shoulders, almost pinning him down to the bed and you had your way with him.
Ingo’s mind blanked completely as he released. The hot spend coated your thighs wonderfully. His head fell backwards weakly as his vision swam from it all. Was it the sex or heatstroke finally claiming him? His vision was suddenly obstructed by your face as you began to peck kisses across his face. He couldn’t help but laugh at the sensation.
“Dearest… I had come home to cool off…”
“Then stop being so hot.”
Ingo could not keep the loud guffaw that escaped him back at all. He realized he walked right into that one. He wrapped his arms around you and laughed. “I’m afraid that’s just as possible for me as it is for you… Perhaps we could both try by sharing a shower?” It seemed that not much cooling off was happening today.
#wardenwrites#Wardenspicy#Ingo#Subway Boss Ingo#Submas#x Reader#Ingo x Reader#Pokemon#Pokemon Black#Pokemon white
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lavellan/Rylen (Dragon Age), Female Lavellan/Rylen (Dragon Age), Rylen (Dragon Age)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Rylen (Dragon Age), Female Lavellan (Dragon Age), Inquisition Agent(s) (Dragon Age), Inquisitor's Family (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: Love Confessions, Declarations Of Love, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Porn with Feelings, Marriage Proposal, Sleepy Cuddles, Fluff and Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Tender Sex, Tender aftercare, non-inquistor lavellan, Scout Lavellan - Freeform Series: Part 1 of Forgotten Ones AU Summary:
During their time working together in the Western Approach, Knight-Captain Rylen and scout Ariadne Lavellan have come to care deeply for one another, but have yet to say those three little words. A soggy mission to the Storm Coast finally gives them the chance to sort out their feelings and look towards the future. **** A HUGE chunk of credit goes to my best friend, eurogabby, for helping me create this lovely scene and the AU that gave it life. Thank you my wonderful friend. I hope you enjoy this! <3
#dragon age#knight captain rylen#captain rylen#rylen x lavellan#rylen x non-inquisitor#rylen x ariadne#ariadne lavellan#spooky writes#wardenwrites#fanfic#forgotten ones au#HOO BOY#I finished it guys#I hope you enjoy it#a little peak into what the comic scene was inspired from#lemon#lemons#spicy
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Ingo comfort cuddles? Reader had a rough day and all they want is to be held for a little while (please and thank you, and no rush. Take all the time you need to get through other things first.)
You could hear the movement in the next room. The clunking of shoes hitting the floor as they were pulled off and the long exhausted sigh that accompanied it. You had expected to hear the trademark “Dearest, I’m home!” but that didn’t come this time. You peeked you head out of the bedroom to see Ingo looking like he was melting into the sofa. His head was back and his eyes were closed. His shirt was unbuttoned and his tie was only halfway untied. You padded over slowly and touched his cheek lightly. He groaned, deep and agonizing.
“Hello, dearest…”
His voice was uncharacteristically quiet. Your time with him told you immediately why that was. He had a headache. It wasn’t unheard of. Even though he and Emmet seemed to have an unnatural resistance to the loudness of a busy train station, they still sometimes showed holes in their armor. You rubbed his temples gently as you spoke.
“Don’t stay out here. Go to bed. I’ll draw the curtains so you can rest easier.”
He nodded as you took his hand and helped him up. He played limp and useless as you guided him to the bedroom. Obviously he was putting on, but you weren’t going to call him out on it.
Clothing was peeled off and Ingo laid down in the bed. He rubbed his face gratefully into the cool fabric of the pillow as you pulled the blanket up onto him. You tried to turn and walk away but a hand grabbing the back of your shirt and yanking you backwards foiled that plan. You were immediately claimed by the blanket and his arms as he nuzzled into the back of your neck.
“Stay? Just for a few minutes?” He pleaded. Ingo sounding so quiet and pitiful made it hard to say no. You nodded and got comfortable. You figured you could spare a few minutes before going to make dinner.
It didn’t take long before Ingo’s snoring rattled in your ears and vibrated against your shoulder.
You sighed. You should have known it was a trap. You had to admit the bed did feel very nice. Your eyes closed in defeat as you let yourself doze off.
Dinner would be a bit later than planned.
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Ingo comfort cuddles? Reader had a rough day and all they want is to be held for a little while (please and thank you, and no rush. Take all the time you need to get through other things first.)
(Take 2)
Your job was not the best in the world but for some reason all the stops had been pulled out to make your day the worst it has ever been. Entitled customers were the norm, but not unhinged ones that called the authorities when they did not get their way. What followed was lots of screaming, questioning and you being kept long after your shift had ended.
You looked at your phone as you left to see several messages from Ingo asking where you were. You should have been home an hour ago. You shot a quick message to him to let him know you were headed home before making the trip toward your abode.
Walking into the apartment, you were met with the smell of something familiar. The rustling of bags in the kitchen caught your attention. You walked in to see Ingo removing take out boxes from a paper bag. He looked at you sheepishly.
“Ah! You’re home!” He grabbed a pack of cutlery and handed you a box. “They kept you late so I figured something may have happened. You don’t have to tell me about it. I imagine it was stressful, so I ordered from your favorite restaurant. No dishes to worry about. Just relax and let's watch a movie or something.”
You took the box gratefully. The smell of the food made your mouth water. It was enjoyed in the living room. A blanket and a small pillow nest was set up. Almost like an indoor picnic. Ingo sat beside you, quietly listening as you vented to him about what had happened. His face contorted in various expressions as you explained the absurdity of the incident. He nodded, seeming to understand.
“There’s no end to the foolishness sometimes.” He chuckled. “We’ve had plenty of people like that. Officer Jenny came to know us on a first name basis at one point.”
The food was finished, and the containers set to the side for the time being. You laid cuddled up to Ingo’s chest on the floor as the movie you had playing in the background rolled its credits. He kissed your forehead. “If there’s anything I can do to make future days like this better, let me know. I absolutely know how it feels when nothing goes your way some days…”
You nodded. You thought about it, but nothing more could make a bad day better than Ingo’s sweet nature. You Rubbed your face into his chest. He wrapped his other arm around as if he knew exactly what you were asking for.
“Just rest. I’ve got you.”
You didn’t realize how much tension was in you as your body suddenly relaxed at that moment. Almost like his words had caused your muscles to unclench by magic. You could feel your eyes getting heavy. Ingo didn’t wake you or disturb you. He held you silently as you drifted off to sleep to the sound of his breathing.
“I love you, dearest...”
#wardenwrites#Ingo#Subway master ingo#subway boss ingo#submas#pokemon black#pokemon white#pokemon#Wardensweet
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you know one of the previous requests about comforting overstimmed emmet? can i get that with ingo? pretty plz? 👁👁
It was a mess. As if Ingo didn’t have enough to deal with, a couple of passengers felt it was necessary to settle a disagreement with an impromptu Pokemon battle on the subway platform. The result was a lot of property damage, injuries, and complaints from other passengers. The culprits were promptly banned from the subway for at least a year.
While Emmet was doing his best and was no doubt dealing with his own private hell, Ingo couldn’t help but feel his nerves begin to fray. His more reliable nature made depot agents more likely to come to him when they needed help. When he wasn’t neck deep in paperwork, depot agents were asking him questions and presenting forms for him to sign. The battle lines had to be temporarily closed while he and Emmet dealt with the fallout. Thus, his regular source of stress relief while on the job was unavailable.
You walked into the office, carrying lunch for both him and Emmet. You had learned about the incident almost right away and had already anticipated Ingo’s long hours at work. What you didn’t anticipate was the state you found him in. He sat at his desk. His hat, coat, and tie were gone. His hand was balled into a fist and pressed against his temple as the other hand scribbled furiously. You couldn’t exactly see it, but you could surmise his handwriting was beginning to resemble Emmet’s chicken scratch with how badly his pen was shaking. He didn’t even seem to notice you walk in.
“Ingo?” ���WHAT!?” Ingo’s voice boomed out. His hand slammed down onto his desk and wide eyes squared in on you. The frenzied look faded quickly once he noted your presence.
“Dearest! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to yell!”
“Ingo, it’s fine…” “I thought you were another depot agent. Though that doesn’t make my outburst any better…”:
“There’s so much going on! I need to get this paperwork done, but the agents need guidance! I can’t do that while locked in this office. But the paperwork won’t get done if I’m not in the office—”
The flood of words gushing from his mouth stopped as you yelled his name. His looked down at the mess of papers in front of him. None of what he had written was legible and a large pool of ink had bled over the form in front of him while he had been rambling. He dropped the pen and held his head in his hands. You could see him shudder as he sniffed quietly.
You had seen enough. You gently coaxed him from his desk and over to the sofa set in the middle of the office. You wet a paper towel and helped to wipe his face before unpacking his lunch on the coffee table. Though he tried to say you didn’t have to, you insisted on feeding him. Soon the hints of a smile teased at his haggard features as you teasingly played “here comes the choo-choo!” with his food.
Eventually your moment was interrupted by Emmet coming into the office quickly. He held up a handful of papers triumphantly. “I am Emmet! Everything is finally back on track!”
He looked upon the sight of you feeding Ingo. He looked over at Ingo’s desk uncharacteristically in disarray with inky papers strewn across it. It seemed he didn’t need anymore clues to tell him what happened.
“Ingo. Go home. I have this.”
“Nope. Go home. Battle lines will open back up tomorrow. Go rest so you will be ready.” Ingo looked at Emmet before looking at you and sighing. “You will call me if I am needed?” “Yup. I am Emmet. I will call you. Now get out.”
As you exited the gear station, Ingo wrapped an arm around you. “Thank you, Dearest… I can always rely on you to help bring me back behind the yellow line. How about we go home and order take out to have with a bad movie?”
He really did not have to ask you twice.
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You're doing requests again! So happy to see that! If it's okay, obviously you don't have to, but maybe we could get Emmet getting comforted by his crush/SO while he's overatimulated by something? I've seen some pieces of the twins comforting us, but reverse would be really nice this time around.
Thank you for writing all of these for us <3
Emmet stood in the subway restroom staring at the mirror. His face was wet from where he has splashed water on his face in an effort to cool himself down. His eyes were wide and bags were forming underneath. His pale skin had somehow become paler.
This was not a common occurrence but even the mighty Emmet had moments. It was the holiday rush. Lots of people in a rush, trying to get where they needed to go. Deliveries being made, appointments being kept, shopping getting done. Foot traffic had swelled tremendously. In crowds it wasn’t unheard of for tempers to flare, but Emmet found himself questioning the phase of the moon with the sheer amount of turmoil that was happening this day. Between people yelling at each other, at the depot agents, and most of all, at him, he was about to crack. Ingo had to come and take over for a bit so Emmet could hide and get himself back together.
Crowds, noise, people in general did not normally get under Emmet’s skin but he had found his mind turning to roaring static at it all. Coherent thoughts struggled to form through the sensations bombarding his mind. Worst of all, he had to go back out there and face it all again.
He glanced at his watch. While his mind couldn’t completely comprehend the time, the mere act of looking at his watch made him realize he couldn’t hide in the bathroom all day. He dug his nails into the bathroom counter before splashing more water on his face once more and running some over his hair to neaten it slightly from the disheveled mess it had become in his manic moment. A deep breath and his hat was placed back upon his head. He about faced and exited the bathroom.
Emmet nearly jumped out of his skin when he ran into you standing outside the door waiting for him. You looked him up and down appraisingly. “Ingo relieved you of duty. He wants you to go home and rest.”
Emmet’s smile flattened. He rubbed the back of his neck. “I… I cannot leave Ingo in a pinch…”
“Ingo said he has it handled.” You took his hand and lead him along gently. “Come on. Let’s go get some ice cream and I’ll make some milkshakes at home. You can put together your new train model when we get home.”
Emmet cocked his head. “New train model? I did not get a new train model.”
“You didn’t.” You grinned at him. “But I did.”
If Emmet wasn’t still so frazzled, he would have scooped you up and carried you bridal style all the way to the grocery store to get the ice cream. He settled for pressing himself into you as much as he could without tipping you over as you walked. “Have I told you how much I love you?”
“Once or twice.” You joked. He giggled. Something about you made the worst days brighter. He was so thankful for you on this day and every day after.
#wardenwrites#Emmet#Subway Boss Emmet#Pokemon#Pokemon Black and White#Pokemon black#Pokemon White#Writing Requests
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I would love a little drabble about taking care of a sick Ingo (BW Ingo or PLA Ingo, not picky!). He'd hate being unable to take care of the reader but he secretly likes being taken care of, even if he doesn't want to admit it at first. ;w;
(While I do have something already written here, I think this does call for a couple of more flavorful bits. The rolling storms and pollen allergies actually helped in writing this one. lol.)
Ingo groaned as he tried to get out of bed. His head was heavy and muscles were sore. His voice was distorted from nasal congestion. Ingo still rose, slowly and painfully. His uniform was put on slowly as he braced himself against the edge of the bed. A loud sneeze sent him tumbling backward onto the bed and brought you running into the room. He was a sight. Sprawled spread eagle on the bed with his shirt buttoned lopsided and his pants on one leg still.
He flailed weakly like a turtle attempting to right itself after being flipped onto it’s shell. You already had your phone out and was calling Emmet. Ingo would not be coming into work today. Emmet read you loud and clear despite Ingo’s slurred protests in the background.
You helped Ingo undress and get back into bed as he continued to complain and whine. He was fine! You were overreacting! He needed to get to work! People depended on him to get things done! He was tucked in gently, not strong enough to actually fight you. You shushed him and rubbed his fevered forehead. He seem to almost purr and lean into the gesture.
“Does you head hurt?” You asked. He nodded silently, still savoring the sensation of your hand massaging his skull. You chuckled over how that was all it took to shut him up.
You left him to rest and with promises of soup and medicine. Ingo protested weakly once more, much like a child who had to miss a much anticipated field trip. His head was laid back limply against the pillow and his eyes were drifting closed before you even left the room.
You woke him later with soup you had made and medicine. You helped him sit up and sat the food tray in front of him. He knocked back the small cup of bright orange syrup before diving into the soup. You wondered how that didn’t make the soup taste bad.
“I can’t taste anything anyway…” He answered with his blunted goopy voice. “But I appreciate this very much dearest…”
You turned on a show you both liked and sat with him as he ate. Soon the bowl was empty and put aside to make room for cuddling. He grunted against your chest. “I shouldn’t be near you… I could get you sick…”
You rubbed your fingers through his hair and shushed him once more. “It would be worth it.”
Ingo’s eyes opened and looked up at you. They looked so tired and pitiful but still shined with that familiar look of love he would give you all the time. “Thank you taking care of me, my love. I will be returning the favor ten fold later.”
He put his head back down and wrapped his arms around your torso tighter. “As soon as the room stops spinning…”
This could not be happening. Calaba had given him a look as soon as he began sniffling. Ingo had insisted he was fine and went on about his duties, despite Calaba warning him he would regret not resting then and there.
He regretted not resting then and there.
He rose at the sound of knocking at his door. That’s right, you were supposed to come by today. You were both going to go enjoy a day by the river. He wrapped blanket around his shoulders and answered the door.
The man looked like death warmed over. His normally bright and alert eyes looked like they were trying to slide off his face. Despite his insistence that he was fine, you managed to force your way into his home and ordered him back to bed.
Ingo awoke suddenly. He didn’t even realize he had drifted off. His home was filled with the aroma of warm food, which he could only get a faint hint of. But he recognized it. It was something you had told him was a favorite comfort food. His stomach grumbled in anticipation for the food, but some part of him felt bad. He was the one to usually cook for you…
It wasn’t long before you had a bowl ready for him. You served him his meal and took yours as well. A book was taken from a small shelf. A book you had both been enjoying together. You read to him between bites as he ate. Your voice was nice to listen too, and the embellishments you put on the descriptions of the scene were amusing, silly voices and all. Something bothered him though. He was usually the one to read to you…
The food was finished and dishes cleaned. Ingo hated watching you clean everything without being able to help out at all. Any effort to help was met with a stern warning that he would lose his legs if he got out of that bed. All he could do was watch as you cleaned the dishes and tidied up his living area. That was his job, not yours.
“Dearest. Please…” His voice warbled out, weak and croaky from sickness. “Come here.”
You did as he asked. He took your hand and rubbed his cheek into your knuckles. “I love you to the moon and back. Thank you for taking care of me so well…” His face looked up at you so pitifully. “But please… take a break… Join me for some rest?”
You couldn’t say no to such a sad pleading request. He scooted over to give you room. You both spent the rest of the evening cuddled in bed and just enjoying one another’s company. Ingo would never say it out loud, but he felt that was better than a trip to the river any day.
#wardenwrites#Ingo#Subway Boss Ingo#Warden Ingo#Pokemon#Pokemon Black and White#Pokemon Black#Pokemon White#PLA#Pokemon Legends Arceus#Writing requests
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AY gotta use this opportunity lol
you already know but for convenience - a scenario of ingo sharing bed with his so for the first time and reader cuddles him so he calms down finally and sleeps
It seemed like a good idea at the time. It was late and Ingo would not dream of you walking home alone at this hour. He would also not dream of leaving you to the couch. He offered to give up his own bed to take the couch himself, but you telling him that it was too cold for that ended any argument he could give before he could give it. You were right, it was far too cold to sleep on the couch.
Which is why he was lying beside you. Stiff as an ironing board. His arms were pressed tightly to his sides. His face pointed directly at the ceiling, not daring to look in your direction. He had given you one of his t-shirts for you to sleep in. What brief glance he had gotten sent his heart to racing and his mind to scolding him as to how bad of an idea this was. You were too darn cute for words.
Ingo’s mind still raced, even as he lay like a hunted man playing dead. But he wasn’t dead, far from it. That sent his mind to race even more.
He couldn’t continue lying in this position. Something… untoward could transpire. He turned on his side, away from you. Was this better? Maybe not. What if you thought he was ignoring you? He didn’t want you to feel rejected by him.
He turned to lie on his stomach. His arms wrapped around his pillow. This wasn’t very comfortable. He never liked sleeping on his stomach. Made his back hurt. You’d be upset if he got up in the morning and he was in pain. He couldn’t do that to you.
He turned on his side, toward you. Big mistake. You looked so peaceful with your eyes closed and all snuggled against the pillow. He could feel heat blooming across his cheeks. No. This wasn’t good either.
Back onto his back he went. His hands tapping nervously against his chest. He froze as your hand reached over and settled over his chest. He knew you could feel his heart hammering against his sternum. Your body sidled up close to him as you nuzzled your cheek into his shoulder.
“Ingo…” Your voice was tired. It almost made him feel bad for being so fidgety. He must have been disturbing you.
“Only you would overthink sleep. Close your eyes and relax.”
Ingo felt his nerves release slowly as he chuckled. It was kind of absurd how he was acting when he thought about it. He pulled the blankets up over both of you and nuzzled his cheek against your head.
“Good night, Love.” He muttered.
“Good night, Ingy.” You responded.
He smiled and closed his eyes. He loved you dearly, but he questioned your choice in pet names.
#wardenwrites#Ingo#Submas#Subway Boss Ingo#Subway Master Ingo#Nobori#Pokemon#Pokemon black and White#Pokemon Black#Pokemon White#Writing Request
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OCtober 2024: Day 6 Past
Sticking with Arson once again for this event. Probably will for the majority of it. Arson Rhys outside of the pokemon universe was a bartender in the old wild west. He owned and ran the bar in a small no name town that just sprouted up for the mine nearby. The mine ran dry but the whiskey never did as Arson poured the drinks and played the fiddle as entertainment each night to soothe troubled souls at his establishment. One day, something happened. A strange fella came into their little town and began screaming for a fiddling duel. When no one came forward, he’d saw a tune on his own fiddle and a giant gust of wind would come by and knock people around. Another tune and a building caught on fire. Once more and the ground began to tremble and deform under everyone’s feet. The town was almost in shambles before he made it to Arson’s little bar. The man came in, boastfully calling out anyone who could defeat him in a duel and swore to continue his rampage until either he was defeated or everyone was dead. Arson jumped up on the counter and brandished his own fiddle. The challenge was met. Arson and the man played many a frenzied tune. Arson dodged attacks and debris skillfully. As the sun finally set on the wreckage of the town, the man’s fiddle disappeared from his hands and reappeared in Arson’s. Arson felt his body twist in sicking ways as yellow horns sprouted from his head and a long yellow barbed tail sprouted from the bottom of his back. “It’s all yours stranger. The golden fiddle has chosen you now. I can finally rest. Thank you kindly…” With that, the stranger walked over to the body of the local sheriff, pulled his gun out of his holster and blew his brains out. Arson didn’t have much left in that town after that incident. He wandered around taking various jobs and roles over the years. He learned more about the curse. He was a demon, for all intents and purposes. He was immortal and could not stay dead if actually slain. The fiddle, though it was called golden, was pitch black like soot. The only way he would ever be human again would be to challenge another musician and have them defeat him.
He resolved to never let that happen. The cycle would end with him. Arson could never allow someone else to experience the pain of watching time march on without you. He eventually ended up in New York, living as a panhandler who played a guitar at various locations around the city. He was content to not care about anything ever again, that is until someone showed him that there are things worth caring for.
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a birthday request if that's alright! i would like butler ingo baking and serving me cake ❤️ or maybe gateau… I just think it would be sweet for ingo to try to make a cake! Author's choice on who he serves lovingly!
“I am Emmet! You can prove nothing!”
“You are lucky I do not take that finger off.” The sound of squabbling could be heard as you neared the door. The smell of food had wafted down the hall all the way to where you were. A sight greeted you as you entered the room. Your three butlers stood by a table laden with food of all sorts. Most of it you recognized as your own personal favorites. A very pretty cake sat in the center of it all. White icing with intricate blue flowers piped along the side. The words “Happy Birthday” was written on the top, next to a heart shaped ditch carved deep enough to reveal the cake underneath. Blue velvet.
Your attention was pulled away from the cake and to Ingo holding Gateau’s arm as he glared at Emmet. Emmet was being held by the nape of the neck like an animal being scolded by the larger man. The tell tale signs of absconded icing sat on the corner of his mouth. Ingo was trying his best to diffuse the situation.
“Gateau, dear. Perhaps you should calm down? I’m sure they would not want Emmet’s blood on their cake.”
Emmet’s eyes shifted over to you. “I am Emmet! My blood is not yummy! Wouldn’t you agree?”
ingo and Gateau’s heads snap to your direction. Emmet is unceremoniously dropped to the floor as Gateau’s full attention is on you. Ingo turns toward you and clasps his gloved hands together, trying to give you the warmest smile his stone face could offer.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” You and the other two butlers shielded your ears from the overly loud proclamation. Ingo held a hand to his mouth apologetically.
“Sorry… Too loud… And sorry you had to see us like this! We were hoping to surprise you…”
Ingo was quick to pull out a chair for you and offer you a seat. “We tried to make as many of your favorites as we could. Gateau baked the cake. I think he did a marvelous job!” Gateau glared at Emmet who was picking himself up off the floor. “Until someone ruined it…” “I was adding decoration!”
Emmet stood straight and tidied up his outfit. “Why should Gateau be the only one recognized for showing appreciation!? I want to show I love them too!”
Ingo nodded. “I sure they know.” His expression turned serious. “But just in case, please know we love you dearly! All of us!”
Emmet grins broadly. “And not just us! So many friends want to wish you well too!” Gateau huffed and crossed his arms. “Even that Warden idiot. She said to relay her regrets that she could not be here but she… sigh… loves you all the same.”
Ingo’s eyes went wide. “That’s right! You are early… We were preparing a surprise party for you but you arrived before all the guests.”
Emmet pushed a tray of cookies in your direction. “However. You are the guest of honor! Yup! The most important guest! You should grab a few treats before the others show up. We will not tell anyone.”
Gateau shakes his head in disappointment as Ingo laughs. “Emmet is right, You are important! Not just for today but all the time. You will always be important to us.”
The butlers nod to one another before looking to you and giving you the warmest smiles they could all muster. They extend their hands toward you in flourish as their voices rang out in joyous unison.
(I’m sorry this took so long. I just wanted to get the words right. You’re such a good friend and I want you to know you are so damned special to me. I know others would express the same. You are so bright and beautiful. You inspire so many people it isn’t even funny. I don’t think I even would have stuck around on this site as long as I have if it was not for your friendship. Please remember that you are loved to fucking Neptune and back. I know you’ve seen some stress but I hope that your year is a good one overall. Here’s to another year of thirst and dumb dick jokes by yours truly.)
#wardenwrites#Ingo#Emmet#Friend's Oc Gateau#Pokemon#Pokemon Black#Pokemon White#Subway master Ingo#Subway master Emmet#Butler Ingo#Butler Emmet#Submas#Happy Birthday Cupcake
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Newton's Cradle
Emmet could feel each minute clack through his entire being. His eyes followed the reflective metal orbs against his will. His own reflection in their smooth surface mocking him.
Emmet was a very simple individual. He knew what he liked. He knew what he didn’t like. He was very clear on his stance on such things, sometimes to the point of contention.
A disagreement had arisen between He and Ingo. A disagreement that Emmet would have deemed frivolous had it not escalated into a full on fight between the brothers. Emmet had made his position clear. He also made it doubly clear that his position was the superior one. Ingo disagreed and maintained that his own position was superior. Emmet wasn’t one to back down from confrontation. He liked winning more than anything else after all.
What followed were bitter words and hard jabs meant to wear the target down. The twins found themselves evenly matched but did not move to a cease fire. The cold war dragged on for days. Days filled with silence save for what was absolutely necessary for their jobs. Days that ended with a clipped “good night” and began with a curt “good morning”.
Emmet never minded the silence. He and Ingo knew one another well enough to communicate through body language alone. Emmet would be content to never say another word in his life if he could.
Ingo was different. Words meant a lot to Ingo. Feelings expressed in a more tangible form. The silent treatment was not something he endured lightly. Emmet knew this. He was confident that the conflict would end in his favor soon.
That changed when a curious item appeared on Ingo’s desk. Five smooth metallic balls strung up in a row. Emmet’s head tilted in curiosity at the item. His eyes met with Ingo’s briefly before the latter’s fell back to their paperwork.
Emmet took his place at his own desk. His coffee was sat down first. The concoction was about four parts cream and sugar to one part coffee. Emmet could see the exact moment the deathly sweet aroma hit Ingo’s nose. Ingo’s face scrunched slightly in disgust. A sense of victory felt by Emmet was short lived as Ingo’s gloved hand pulled back on one of the balls.
Then let go.
Emmet felt his nerves jerk at the sound. Small but sharp. A sense of agitation crept up his spine.
Tick tick tick…
The clocks had been replaced for quieter models because Emmet couldn’t stand the ticking sound. Ingo had said he had found it comforting. Emmet couldn’t understand how. Each tick burrowing deeper and deeper into his cranium. The sound of time marching ever onward and never waiting. It was nothing like the sweet little clicks from his darling joltiks. Their sounds were of love and sweetness. Not of pressure and panic. Not of a schedule and tasks that could not be kept up with no matter how he tried. Not of change and the loss that comes with it. Not of something that would never be in his control.
The sound was back but in a different form. A form under Ingo’s command. Ingo remained unbothered, scribbling away at his paperwork quietly. The only sound in the room being the sound of his pen and the infernal ticks of the balls hitting one another. Emmet’s fingers clenched at the desk. It couldn’t end this way. Not when he was so close to victory.
Tick tick tick…
“You win.”
Ingo’s eyes darted up at Emmet. Emmet’s face was hidden beneath his hat. An ominous shadow cast over his features. His smile tight and mirthless.
“What was that, Emmet?”
Emmet huffed. “You… Win…” He spoke through grit teeth. “We can switch to sugar free creamer…”
Ingo caught a ball in mid air before it could swing back down. He lowered it gently. The device was silent at last. Emmet relaxed slightly. He could see Ingo propping his chin on one hand. A coy smirk pulling the frown into a bowed smile.
“I’m glad you finally see things my way…”
Emmet breathed hard through his nose. He glared at the ornament upon Ingo’s desk. The instrument of torture.
This was not over.
#wardenwrites#((Something that popped in my head while sick))#Ingo#Emmet#Submas#Subway Master Ingo#Subway Master Emmet#Pokemon
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Commission for @whenyousleepbaby
Clavell x gender nuetral reader with AFAB equipment
-Oral sex
-being come on
18+ below the cut. Enjoy.
It was a rare thing for Paldea to get such a cold snap, even in the dead of winter. The younger students delighted in seeing snowfall outside of Glaseado mountain. The older adults shared in the joy with the confidence that the heating system in the school would hold out.
This was not the case.
Not two days into the snow fall and freezing temperatures, the whole school lost it’s heat. Repairs were quickly underway but the cold had slowed progress severely.
You found it challenging to do your job in the library with trembling fingers. Books and documents were often dropped much to your frustration. One occasion was met with Clavell standing over you holding a bag and a tray with two steaming cups.
“Won’t you join me for a bite to eat, my dear? You could use a bit of warming up.”
Even though you two had been seeing each other for a while now, his visage never seemed to fail in making your heart flutter. The smell of warm cocoa seemed to sweeten the deal as well. You gathered the dropped items and put them away before joining your beloved in his office.
The food was enjoyed at first along with the warm beverages. What began as a playful kiss to remove a bit of food from the corner of your mouth soon progressed to passionate kisses and a seat on the director’s lap. It wasn’t long after that you found yourself kneeling on the floor, his pants unfastened and your mouth wrapped around his length.
He was a sight to behold. Cheeks flushed with a dusting of pink. His mouth open and chest heaving. Deep grey eyes watching your every move intently, sparkling with adoration. His head would fall back as you would run your tongue over a particularly sensitive area. A deep muffled moan would escape him as he clamped his mouth shut. His tone would seem desperate after.
“My jewel… Please… Someone might hear…”
It almost seemed like you took that as a challenge. You decided to increase you movements suddenly, catching the poor man off guard. You could feel him buck his hips slightly. One hand was clamped over his mouth while the other dug it’s nails into the armrest of his chair. You moaned against him, low and heavy. The vibrations of your voice seemed to have the desired effect as his hand fell from his mouth. He finally gave into the pleasure you were so kind to bestow unto him. Panting and groaning the entire way into ecstasy.
At the very last moment, you pulled him from your mouth with a pop. Your hands were quick to finish the job, spend erupting quickly and landing on your face and chest. Clavell’s head lay useless against the back of his chair. He gulped down a couple breaths before his bleary eyes looked at you. They went wide at the sight of you covered in his orgasm.
“I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean--!”
While you didn’t seem particularly put out by the mess, he was quick to grab a napkin and rub it away. His thumb ran over your lips softly.
“My what wonders your lips achieve…Lunchtime isn’t over yet.” His eyes seemed to smolder as his next words left his mouth.
“And I simply must have a taste of you in return...”
#wardenwrites#Clavell#Pokemon Scarlet#Scarvio#Director Clavell#Wardenspicy#director clavell x reader#x reader#Clavell x reader
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Sweet Music
A commission for @whenyousleepbaby. Everyone go thank them for the food.
Clavell x Reader
CW -Oral sex
18+ below the cut. Enjoy
It was a magnificent evening. Clavell had surprised you with tickets to an orchestral performance and instructed you to don your most fetching attire. You succeeded in the last part you feel as you had to coax his jaw off the floor after it had dropped at the sight of you.
The show was amazing. The music seemed to almost flow into your very being. Images various emotions seemed to play through your mind at the tunes that were woven together by the musicians and carefully guided by the conductor. Your heart raced with the light swift sound flutes. Your face stretched into a bright grin with the spirited sound of the trumpets. Your eyes let tears flow a river at the sorrowful sound of the violins.
The energy the performance provided lingered long after the show had concluded. Clavell was obviously still feeling the effects as well. His eyes sparkled as you both spoke at length about the music and how it had made you feel over dinner at a fancy restaurant. The dim candlelight reflected in a familiar gaze he gave you. One you were quite certain you were returning.
Back at his apartment, the garments that had gotten Clavell’s attention so well at the beginning of the evening were discarded on the floor of his bedroom. You were laid upon his bed with him nuzzling into the cooled flesh of your neck and shoulder. His lips felt hot with each kiss and nip. A particular spot elicited a giggle from you. You could feel him smile against you.
“Your laughter is just as nice to listen to as that orchestra was…” He whispered. He pressed his face into your hair and took a deep breath. “Stay still for me, my jewel…”
Clavell began to move down your body. His beard scraped gently, leaving sensitive flesh in it’s wake for his nose and lips to graze. His hot breath coaxed faint chills up your spine. His journey was slow. Along your chest. Down you side with each rib getting a warm kiss pressed against it. Then over your hip where he let his teeth sample your texture with feather light touch. The journey ended at your sex where eager breath warmed you.
You looked down to see him kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed. He gave you a sly smile as he began to nuzzle into you inner thigh. You could feel him bite and suck at the muscle. Your leg twitched involuntarily as he hit a particularly ticklish spot. Your half whimper and half giggle made him smile against you.
“I’m sorry, you just taste so good. Like honey.”
He closed his eyes. “You’ve been so good to me. I suppose I should show you how much I appreciate it.”
You saw his face approach your sex once more. Cool stone eyes looked up at you. “Are you ready?”
A swift nod was all he needed before his lips found the spot that drove you crazy. It didn’t feel as if he wanted to tease you any longer. He pulled your thigh over his shoulder, a strong hand holding it in place as you arched your back. His lips released you and his tongue was pushed deep into you. His teeth pressed into soft flesh as his mouth enveloped all of you. Pleasure rushed to your brain with white hot speed.
The dim room spun as the excitement began to recede. His face appeared in your vision once more, looking down at you as your head lay back against his mattress.
“Once more you grace me with such lovely sounds.”
You hadn’t been aware of the sounds leaving you in the throes of passion. You found yourself suddenly coherent enough to take note of the new hungry gleam that was in his eye. Clavell’s face creased beautifully as he put on a wolfish grin. One you knew all too well.
“Let’s see what other sounds I can get out of you…”
#wardenwrites#wardenspicy#Clavell#Director Clavell#Pokemon#Pokemon Scarlet#Pokemon Violet#Scarvio#director clavell x reader#Clavell x reader#x Reader
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Hehehe hi Warden 🎵 hope you are doing well today!!!
i saw your writing requests are open, so just wanted to give a vote for anything submas or clavell related 💓🤓🌹 OLD MAN FRIDAYYYY (actually everyday muahaha)
(I'm doing great! My brain is enjoying these requests. I know how much you love the dear Director so here's some more of him.)
Director Clavell could almost swear Miss Tyme was looking at his insides with how hard she was staring at him. He tried to not make eye contact. He feared it would kill him if he did.
“May I help you, Miss Tyme?” the director asked, adjusting his glasses nervously.
Miss Tyme stood over his desk with her arms crossed and weight shifted to one leg. Clavell knew that stance. He knew it was best to keep ones mouth shut when Miss Tyme took that stance, but she was not making it easy.
“Your new secretary…” She began slowly, almost as if lowering a hook into the water. “You seem very close with them.”
Clavell cleared his throat. Do not show weakness.
“Yes. I suppose we are. We have been working very closely with one another for a bit now. Honestly I don’t know what I would do without their assistance.”
A chill went up his spine. He prayed to Arceus that Tyme couldn’t see the drop of sweat forming at his hairline that he was desperately trying to will not to fall. He looked to the side of his desk, reaching for nothing in particular, just something to make it look like he wasn’t avoiding her gaze. She stepped over to the side, right into his line of sight.
Clavell swung his head, quicker then he meant to. He reached to the other side of his desk. That stapler was not where it should have been, of course. Once more, Miss Tyme stepped into his line of sight.
His gaze jerked back to the papers in front of him. Paperwork. Yes, the paperwork in front of him needed his attention. “I-if you would excuse me, Miss Tyme. If there’s nothing more to discuss, I do have some paperwork to finish…”
Clavell held his pen shakily. He tried to coax a straight line as he pressed it to the page. A couple of tickets slid into his view.
“Tickets to my sister’s next concert. It’s in three days in Montenevera. I think you would benefit from taking your secretary to it. Seeing as you are so close…”
He looked up to see Miss Tyme walking toward the door. She spoke over her shoulder. “My sister already knows to expect you so don’t keep her waiting.”
She turned as she opened the door and flashed Clavell the sweetest smile. “Good luck.”
The door clicked shut and Miss Tyme was gone. Clavell stared dumbly at the tickets. It took a moment for his brain to catch up with the event that had just transpired.
“What just happened?”
#wardenwrites#Pokemon Scarlet#Pokemon Violet#Scarvio#Director Clavell#Clavell#Miss Tyme#Writing request
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Could I do the following writing request: Warden Ingo finding out about the banishment of the PLA protagonist and his thoughts/reactions on that Thank you Hump Day Anon
Ingo eyed the sky warily. It had shifted over night to an ominous red that he didn’t know what to make of. His clanmates were already restless when he had begun to make his way toward Jubilife village. Irida said she’d look into it so everything should go as usual until she returned.
As he arrived, you were rushing into the galaxy team headquarters with a worried look on your face. No time for salutations on this morning. He left you to your business as he knew how important it must be.
Now he stood by the dojo with Zisu. No one seemed set on training today and understandably so. Even from where he stood, he could see the villagers glancing up at the sky as if it was about to fall on them. The sound of commotion reached his ears. Mainly, Cyllene’s stern voice.
“Orders are orders. Let’s go.”
Ingo made to step forward, to investigate the warrant for such a tone in the captain’s voice. Zisu was quick to stop him. Her hand gripped his shoulder firmly.
“No, Ingo. It isn’t your place…”
“Isn’t my place? What are you talking about?”
Zisu sighed heavily before removing her hand. “The Commander has got it into his head that the newbie is to blame for the sky. He’s kicking them out of the village…”
Zisu barely caught Ingo before he broke into a dash to rush to your side.
“Unhand me!”
“Or what!?” Zisu demanded. Her grip held him in place effortlessly as he squirmed. “If I let you go, I know you’re going to go down there and make a scene. Everyone knows you’re fond of the kid. We all are. But going against the commander’s orders will just make more trouble for everyone. Do you really want to give Irida that kind of mess to clean up?”
Ingo paused. Zisu was right, as much as he hated to admit it. He and Kamado got along fine professionally but they did butt heads on other matters. He knew damn well he would not have remained civil had he actually made it to the gate with you. That idiot Kamado had a habit of thinking with his nerves rather than his head. It was bad enough he sent you alone against the noble Pokémon but then had the nerve to kick you out after you quelled them.
Ingo grit his teeth as he stopped resisting Zisu. She gave him a pat on the back. “I know it’s hard. We’re just as upset.”
“And yet you’re just letting him do this?”
“When did I say that?”
Ingo turned and looked at Zisu. She gave him a sly wink.
“If I know Captain Cyllene, there’s already something in place to help the kid out. Don’t you worry. Everything will be okay.”
Ingo looked back toward the gate. He could just barely see you walking through the gate, shoulders slumped and dejected. It pulled at his heart. He sighed as he returned to his spot and pulled his cap down over his eyes. He just had to have faith in the Galaxy team.
He already knew to have faith in you.
#wardenwrites#Humpday anon#Ingo#Warden Ingo#Pokemon#pokemon legends arceus#PLA#Zisu#Captain Zisu#Writing request
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Reclamation - Chapter 2
Hospital Setting
Grief mention
Cut for length. Enjoy.
A tan cup with a green sleeve sat ignored. The dark liquid in it long cooled and neglected in favor of a pen scribbling ink across a form. One form of many. Emmet did not seem to ever see his desk devoid of the accursed things. Everything required a form. Accidents, requisitions, missing item reports, complaints, vacations, and sick leave among other things. All of it required his signature at the bottom of the form. It was his responsibility as the boss.
The only boss.
He cursed under his breath as his hand stuttered and the ink left a jagged line on the page. That form was ruined now. He crumpled it and tossed it aside before diving into the drawers of his desk to retrieve a fresh copy. The ball of paper landed on the floor among it’s other fallen kin that were strewn about. The main graveyard of the waste basket already full and no longer taken new entrants.
The new form was placed before him. Fresh and new. Emmet’s hand stuttered again as he took up his pen once more. He sighed and placed the implement back down and flexed his hand. His joints crackled with the gesture. A dull ache finally had it’s chance to seep into the muscles of his hand, no longer held at bay with the distraction of duty.
The ticking of the clock on the wall crept into Emmet’s ears. Tired eyes stared up at it. How long had he been at this? It felt like an eternity. An eternity that only spanned three hours. Emmet sighed heavily. No challengers today it seemed. He could remember a time where he could barely keep up with his other duties with all the challengers that he faced on the doubles line on a daily basis. It was even worse when he had to take over the singles line as well. Now it seemed that even getting one person to reach ten battles in a week was a blessing. Things had become painfully slow.
Ever since that kid.
An upstart that thought he was hot stuff. Emmet rubbed his face hard. He could still see the bad hairstyle an everything. A spiked mullet, black with electric orange stripes, made this kid stick out like a sore thumb. How he had managed to reach Emmet’s car at all was the biggest mystery at the time. Emmet’s victory was swift and resounding. He wasn’t even trying to destroy the kid so badly.
To say the challenger was upset was an understatement.
Emmet had quite the ride back to the station watching this teenager completely melt down in front of him. Words that even Emmet shied away from were thrown at him. A couple Depot Agents had to physically drag the boy from the car and throw him out of the gear station. It was definitely the strangest incident Emmet had encountered.
Little did Emmet know what he had just wrought.
It wasn’t long before a new face began to appear at the board meetings. A fat cat of a man with a cigar always hanging out of his mouth. Thick gold bands sat on his fingers. A loud clacking could be heard whenever the man was thinking. He had a habit of tapping the rings against the table he sat at, making sure everyone knew he was there and he was not to be ignored in any form. As if the clouds of cigar smoke rising into the air wasn’t enough to announce his presence through stench alone.
Emmet later had the misfortune of learning this man’s identity. Wyman Gorynich. A very influential man who pulled a lot of strings. He had made his fortune from having his hand in multiple pots at once. If anything could be concretely linked to him, it was a shipping company that was used often for transporting mass produced goods. He was also the father of one Devlin Gorynich. The very same young man that had caused such a scene on Emmet’s battle car.
Mr. Gorynich began to argue that Nimbasa was getting stale. It needed new attractions to keep it fresh. No one could deny that the city hadn’t exactly seen fresh blood in quite some time. The staples were still going strong. If it wasn’t broke, don’t fix it seemed to be working for everyone. However, even the Mayor could not deny the downward trend in visitors to some attractions. The Battle Subway had the biggest drop in traffic, already having taken a hit from the accident and Ingo’s passing.
Thankfully the mayor was not keen on parting with his own brain child so easily and Emmet was keen on fighting to keep the Battle Subway running. If only for Ingo’s memory. His passionate pleas to keep the battle subway open for passengers to remember Ingo had quelled the assault for a time.
As the months went on, less and less challengers began to appear. Emmet didn’t see reason for worry then. It was just a slow season.
Then the problems started. More passenger complaints of things beyond the staff’s control. Vandalism became much more common. Broken items and tipped trash cans were little concern but Emmet called Officer Jenny in immediately when Ingo’s plaque was found covered in paint and broken eggs. Emmet insisted on cleaning up the scene himself. He remembered spending all night fighting back tears as he scrubbed the bronze letters clean and polished Ingo’s picture to a sheen.
The presence of Officer Jenny’s team seemed to calm things down a bit, but it seemed the damage was done. Challengers became more and more of a rarity and paperwork was more and more of a common occurrence.
Now Emmet sat in the office. Alone. With nothing but the ticking of a clock to fill the silence. Many Depot Agents had left for better opportunities once business began to slow. What remained had their own tasks to tend to. No time for comradery when things were stretched so thin.
Emmet’s hand stuttered once more. He shook the offending limb as the other fished around in his pocket. A couple of tiny yellow pills were retrieved and popped into his mouth. The forgotten coffee was gulped down. The empty cup was tossed haphazardly at the wastebasket as his phone began to ring. Gazing at the screen, Emmet tilted his head. It wasn’t a number he recognized. His thumb glided across the screen to accept the call.
“Subway Boss Emmet speaking!”
“Mr. Emmet? This is Nimbasa Hospital.” The voice on the other end carried no joviality to it. It was just as somber as Emmet’s monotone speech. “It seems there was an incident and we need you to come in and identify an individual.”
“I’m sorry?” Emmet responded. “I’m not sure I understand…”
The voice on the other end became muffled as if a hand was being held over the speaker. Sounds of moment could be heard before a familiar voice came onto the line.
“Officer Jenny? What’s going on!?” Emmet felt a sense of panic began to make itself known in his chest.
“Emmet. I need you to get to the hospital as soon as you can.”
“What happened!? Is it Lela!? Are my boys okay!?”
“Emmet, please. Just remain calm and get here now. It’s incredibly important.”
“R-Right! On my way!”
The phone was tucked back into his pocket and his jacket and hat were snatched from the coat wrack by the door. His long legs carried him swiftly past confused and concerned Depot Agents.
“I have an emergency to tend to!” Emmet announced as he continued to move toward the exit. “I do not know when I will return!” The jacket was swung around his shoulders and slipped on in one fell swoop.
“No battles or appointments until I return!”
No one had any chance to stop him or ask questions before he disappeared through the door. Everyone could only look to one another with worried expressions.
Deep breath in.
There’s no need to worry.
Long breath out.
Everything is fine.
Deep breath in.
It’s all under control.
Long breath out.
Everything will be okay.
He was greeted by officers and orderlies. They were very insistent that Emmet calm down and breath. He needed to be prepared for what he was about to see. Officer Jenny was there. She and Emmet had become close over the investigation of Ingo’s demise. Despite it being unprofessional, she had been quite supportive in Emmet’s grief.
“Emmet.” She spoke quietly. Her voice, even as low as it was, seemed to almost echo in the quiet hospital halls. She held Emmet’s shoulders, trying to help him not hyperventilate himself into fainting.
“Emmet. Breathe. I need you to focus. I need you to be strong…” She stole a glance as the door behind her. A patient’s room. Closed with the curtains pulled closed over the windows looking in.
“He needs you to be strong.”
Emmet squeezed his eyes shut and breathed deeply and slowly. His mind, usually a blessing with how quickly it processed information now ran wild like a bucking rapidash. It took everything to reel it in from the dire thoughts that now filled his head.
Emmet’s shoulder relaxed In Officer Jenny’s grip. His eyes opened and stared calmly at the door to the room behind her. He nodded quietly before straightening his posture. She let him go and nodded in response. “All good?”
“Yep. All good.”
The congregation of officers and orderlies parted like water as Emmet approached the door. Emmet could only hear his heart in his ears. His hand was gloved but the door handle felt extra cold to the touch. It turned with ease. A light click and the room was open.
The lights were dim. A singular light over the equipment that monitored the patient that lay in the bed was the only source of illumination. A steady beep of the heart monitor filled the silence. Emmet stepped closer. The figure was familiar. Thick leather straps held their wrists and feet. Another could be seen across their chest.
An oxygen mask fogged up at their breathing. Slow. Relaxed. Their face was peaceful despite the heavy age lines that laid across their face. Their skin carried a paleness to it that Emmet was not used to seeing. Long silver hair laid strewn over the pillow. Emmet reached a hand forward and touched their hand. He could see eyes moving behind closed lids.
Eyes cracked open at the utterance. Silver orbs rolled toward Emmet’s direction. They carried a heavy glaze to them. They blinked slowly.
“Ingo? Can you hear me?”
Ingo’s eyes closed a moment before they peered wearily at Emmet once more. Ingo looked exhausted. Ingo’s breathing began to deepen.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
“Ingo. It’s me. I am Emm—”
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Eyelids stretched wide. Pupils shrank to pinholes. A strangled cry left Ingo as he began to thrash against his restraints. He pulled against them with all his might, eyes trained on Emmet’s form. A look of pure terror was on his face.
Emmet recoiled from the sight. He couldn’t understand half the words Ingo screamed. “Help” “Pokemon” and “Danger” could be made out. The rest sounded foreign.
Emmet barely registered being pulled from the room as he watched the orderlies descend on Ingo. They pinned down his limbs and tried to reassure him everything was alright. A nurse injected something into the IV. Ingo slowly began to stop fighting. His voice and movements become ever weaker. He soon returned to the pitiful form he had made when Emmet had arrived.
The door was shut and Emmet was once more out in the hall. Emmet turned around slowly. His eyes were hollow. His smile sat deflated on his face. Officer Jenny’s voice only just reached him.
“He was found wondering the streets last night. Witnesses say he was staggering and just muttering nonsense.” She crossed her arms. “He immediately ran and put up a fight when my officers tried to approach him. One reported getting a nasty bite.”
“That… That was Ingo…”
His gaze lifted to Officer Jenny. “What… What happened…?
“I was actually hoping you could tell me… But I see that isn’t the case.” Officer Jenny sighed and put a hand on Emmet’s shoulder. “You should head home. I don’t think Ingo’s going to be good for visitors for the rest of the day.”
She gently coaxed Emmet into walking. His steps were heavy and uncertain. The silence of the halls were nothing compared to the echoed beeping in Emmet’s mind.
“Come on. I’ll give you a ride.”
#wardenwrites#Ingo#Emmet#Subway Boss Ingo#Subway Boss Emmet#Officer Jenny#Warden Ingo#Pokemon#Oc Wyman#Oc Devlin
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