#Warcraft isekai
ariassong · 6 months
And now for my top 5 fun theories about Kate:
She got isekaied into a fantasy version of England where she has to step up and become a true princess
She lost her memories and is questing across England to discover who she is and she also has a sword
She is in New Hampshire living out the plot of a Hallmark Christmas movie
She fell off a yacht and got amnesia and was taken in by a single father in Oregon who told her she was his wife so that she would take care of the house and his kids but they end up falling in love
She is filming the latest season of the masked singer
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WoW x FFXIV Isekai AU
A World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy crossover for @klayr-de-gall event AU-gust 2024 day 18 Isekai featuring my Orc warrior Gramakk and some Final Fantasy ocs that I made.
Gramakk the orc warrior has fall in battle against a dangerous enemy that he decide to fight on his own. While it was a shock for the orc, Gramakk dying thoughts made him realized that Gramakk will be remembered and joined the great warriors in the afterlife as he close his eyes for the last time.
Gramakk open his eyes to find himself in a strange area and he ask himself, "Wait, is this the afterlife?" and a female voice said, "Well, this is the realm between the many afterlives?" and a blue human in a white dress appear and said to Gramakk, "Greetings, my name is Ereshkigal, the goddess of judging the dead. I know who you are, Gramakk Axeband, mighty warrior and hero of Azeroth and the Horde. You are needed to go on a great adventure." The orc was surprised and he ask Ereshkigal, "What are you talking about? I wanted to go to the afterlife." and Ereshkigal said to Gramakk, "Look, I will be honest with you. Your world afterlife is a real mess now and we gods find it useful to make souls from your world be send into other worlds instead of being send to a horrible realm where they were be punished for crimes they didn't do. Do you want to be send to that hell?" The scared Gramakk said to Ereshkigal, "No...." and the godess said, "Good. Gramakk Axeband, for your heroic actions, you will be reborn in the world of Hydaelyn, in the Eorzea region. Go forward and bring peace and justice to the land, hero." and Gramakk is teleported away in a bright blue light.
When Gramakk open his eyes, he find himself in a forest and Gramakk feel that his body has changed for some reason. Looking at his reflection at a nearby lake, Gramakk saw that he is now a cat man of some kind and he said in shock, "No way, I'm a Saberon or something!" remembering the humanoid cat beings from Draenor that he fought against. Gramakk's new cat ears hear voices in the distance and Gramakk look to see a marine city and he said to himself, "I hope that the people there are friendly."
As Gramakk enter the city, he hear a man call out, "Welcome visitors to Limsa Lominsa." and the former orc see that there are people of different races here such as those that remind Gramakk of human and elves, as well children looking humanoids with elves ears, humanoids with feline ears and tails, big humanoids, humanoids with scales and horns, lion humanoids like he is now, and humanoids with rabbit ears. Gramakk was surprised at how many there are, and he is glad that he doesn't stick out as a sore thumb in this crowd. For now, he need to find the adventurer guide.
At the guide, Gramakk walk up to the staff table only to bump into a small woman whose short height would make one mistake her for a little girl and she said to Gramakk, "Sorry, Mr. Hrothgar. I was not seeing where I was going." and Gramakk said, "It's alright. My name is Gramakk. What is your name, little one?" and she reply, "My name is Ladi Linda.
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sammatage · 2 years
I was chatting with my dad and he’s gotten into isekai anime. I brought up a dream he told me about a looooooong while ago, like maybe a year after World of Warcraft came out. He dreamt that he and I with some other people ended up in the 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 of Warcraft, deposited in the Wetlands map close by to a gnoll encampment. My dad said he got goosebumps when I brought it up, cause the dream was very vivid and he remembered the fear of trying to sneak past the gnolls. We did make it to a safe area when his dream ended, but it left him questioning what we would if faced with that situation. Like, what classes and abilities would we take? The choices we made while playing the game vs. those same choices if we have to physically live them ourselves? How would he protect his teenage daughter? Would we be able to find a place to live? Were we limited by the constraints of the game?
It got me thinking about the now very popular isekai genre, and the tropes typically used. But what about if a parent and their child got isekai’d together? It would add a whole new dynamic and tension to the storyline, where the parent is not only having to adjust to the new world, but also worry about their child adjusting and what effect this would have on them. The child, depending on age, would have to navigate alongside their parent and grow in this new world. Also adding that they are the only remnants of their old life as well, and how would that affect everything?
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hwsamecanweek · 3 months
AmeCan Week 2024 Prompt List
Wow, I'm really cutting it close I say, posting this on 6/29. Sorry y'all, I've been very busy but here's this year's prompt list!
Each day will have 4 completely optional prompts and then a few examples that relate. Please remember that you do not have to use the prompts so long as it relates (even vaguely) to the theme of the day.
As a reminder, tag this blog or use the tag #hwsamecanweek2024 or #amecanweek2024 so I can see and share what you make!
Theme: Media
Day One: Anime - Filler Episodes (Beach Day, Body Swap, Lost) - Dungeons (Dungeon Meshi) - Isekai/Reincarnation (Villainess, Chosen One) - Harem/Reverse Harem (Ouran High School Host Club)
Day Two: Video Games - Visual Novel/Dating Sim (Ex: A Date with Death, Sucker for Love) - Cozy/Rpg (Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Coral Island) - MMORPG (World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV) - Open World Adventure (Genshin Impact, Red Dead Redemption)
Day Three: Movies - Horror (Alien, Silence of the Lambs, The Ring) - Superheroes (Spiderman, Birds of Prey) - Western (Cowboys, Rango) - Spies/Hitmen (Mission Impossible, John Wick)
Day Four: Books - Apocalypse (The Forest of Hands & Teeth, Hunger Games) - Science Fiction (Frankenstein, Jurassic Park) - Fantasy (The Hobbit, The Last Unicorn) - Short Stories (The Yellow Wallpaper, Masque of the Red Death)
Day Five: Shows - Paranormal (Ghost Hunters, Ghost Whisperer, Supernatural) - K-Drama (Alchemy of Souls, All of Us are Dead) - Crimes (Criminal Minds, NCIS) - Fairy Tales (Once Upon a Time, Merlin)
Day Six: Fanfic/Fanart Tropes - Only One Bed - Soulmates/Fated Mates - Monsters/Vampires & Werewolves - Enemies to Lovers
Day Seven: Free Day - Anything you want!
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tf-rpg · 3 months
Tales of Lore- TF, VR, RPG
Greetings and welcome! This blog is for detailing a setting that combines fantasy, transformation, isekai, and probably some size stuff!
This will include some kinky stuff, so Minors, Do Not Interact.
Tales of Lore is a fictional Virtual Reality Role Playing Game, drawing inspiration from World of Warcraft, Pathfinder, Log Horizon, Overlord and some other media. While the software works well for some 99% of players, many find that the Reality doesn't entirely stay virtual.
Some players are trapped as their characters within the incredibly realistic fantastic game world, some are permanently turned into characters or monsters in the real one, and some can switch between the two. That transformation, or growth, or access to fantastic powers and magic, are the main focus of the art and stories on this account.
Tales of Lore also has a dense hybrid system, so many characters may end up being cross-species of 2, 3, or even 4 ancestries, for some very funky designs and abilities.
@cloud-kaiju and @lulu-the-kaiju are the folk behind this blog, but feel free to throw questions and suggestions in if you're interested! We'll upload the backlog of relevant characters and artworks daily for the moment, so stay tuned!
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autisticsupervillain · 7 months
FTF: Isekai Invasion
The show where we take a character and drop them into a different franchise at a random location to see if they can conquer the world.
This Episode...
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Xefros Tritoh invades Empire City!
Takes place in the Evil Karma Timeline of inFAMOUS 1
After finding the device that sent Joey to Alternia, Xefros inadvertently gets himself to to Empire City, landing smack dab in the middle of its gang war conflict.
Invader: Xefros
Return Readers are no doubt familiar with the hellish planet of Alternia. The bleeding heart of the cruel, colonizing Alternian Empire and the factor in which trollkind's children are raised to be killers. It is a brutal, uncaring world where enemy and friend mean the same thing and the corpses outnumber the houses on the streets.
How does an ordinary child survive on such a planet? How does an average person look like in Hell? Well, they don't get much more average than Xefros Tritoh.
Xefros is flat at the bottom of Alternia's hierarchy. As a rust blood with a timid demeanor and no immediately obvious combat ability, Xefros fears for his life on a nightly basis. Anyone or anything could have him killed at any time and no one would care. When the world acknowledged him at all, it was only to remind him that his life didn't matter. Even to a rebellion supposedly fighting in his interests, Xefros didn't matter. His own moirail, er, basically alien queerplatonic life partner those not in the know, doesn't treat him with the slightest respect, doubling down on squashing his self esteem at seemingly every opportunity for reasons we still don't understand. It was a miserable existence.... until he made an actual friend.
Joey Claire was a human far from home with Xefros as her only guide on this hostile alien world. With no understanding of any kind of hemospectrum or an preconceived notions of Xefros's self worth, Joey could see Xefros for who he actually was. Not as a disposable pawn or a worthless servant, but as a scared, traumatized boy who desperately needed a friend. And, now that he has one, Xefros will do anything he can to protect her.
Xefros is an entirely ordinary example of his species, yes, but he's standard for a race of galactic conquers. His strength and speed are clearly superhuman by Earth standards, such as when he survived his hive getting reduced to rubble on top of him with nothing but light bleeding. He also seems resistant to energy draining abilities, with Folykl, someone who drains the psionic and life energy of anyone she touches to keep herself alive, describing trying to drain him as like "sucking on a brick". As a rust blood, Xefros possesses weak basic telekinesis, allowing him to move small objects with great exertion, and can see and talk to ghosts. Most impressively, however, he's capable of holding his own against gold bloods.
Gold bloods are used as batteries for the Empire's fleet ships when they come of age, having their incredible psionic abilities harnessed to power the Empire's warcrafts. When reduced to this state, gold bloods are capable of supplying enough power to these sheeps to push them at near light speeds, generating an awe inspiring kinetic energy of nearly 95 Petatons of TNT. That's enough to obliterate continents, almost enough to completely raze the Earth's surface!
The gold bloods Xefros fought should be capable of this level of power. Kuprum has been actively training himself and his abilities for the sake of being as good a Helmsman as possible, while Azdaja is even stronger than him. Folykl, someone who easily feeds on Kuprum, can't even tough Azdaja because of his sheer raw power. Azdaja is powerful enough to carve up canyons, and is a dreaded assassin with hundreds of kills to his name.
Xefros could stand up to Azdaja, but ultimately couldn't win... at first. But when Joey was threatened, Xefros's latent Rage powers activated and allowed him to completely stomp Azdaja into the ground.
Rage is one of the twelve Aspects, primordial concepts that govern Homestuck's reality. As a Rage Bound, Xefros can naturally harness negative emotions to bolster himself. His abilities here remain undeveloped, as he simply doesn't have the privilege to be allowed to get angry at anything without being killed. But, seeing as Xefros has already shown to beat Goldbloods and even Purple Bloods with this power, his full potential is likely awe inspiring.
That's sorta the running theme with Xefros. His potential as a person is hampered by a society that's presumed him to be worthless. But, now that he has someone he can fight for, someone who values Xefros for Xefros, the full well of his potential as been opened. Xef just has a lot of self confrontation and soul searching to do before he gets there.
Invaded: Empire City
Empire City. One of the biggest, richest, and most populated cities in the United States. As the inFAMOUS universe's equivalent to New York, this meant it was only a matter of time until everything went wrong.
A mysterious terrorist organization called the First Sons created a device called the Ray Sphere, an explosive device that wiped out much of the city's population, unleashed a horrid plague upon the people, and, worse, gave a select few with a certain gene elemental superpowers. These "Conduits" as they came to be known took their power to the streets and took over the now quarantined city, plunging it into a gang war.
The City and its districts were split by three factions. The Reapers, former drug dealers led by a former First Sons mad scientist named Sasha. The Dust Men, a group of homeless people who turned into a cult who worshipped their leader, Alden Tate, after his fortune was stolen and he was reduced to living in the slums, and the First Sons themselves, lead by an enigmatic man named Kessler.
Sasha's gang is the weakest of the three, as its made mostly of mind controlled innocent civilians brought to heel under Sasha's mind controlling tar. Anyone doused in the substance will be brought under Sasha's command, with repeated ingestions even transforming the victims body's. Ordinary Reapers are strong enough to threaten Zeke Dunbar, who himself is strong enough to tackle open gates, survive a fall into the Hudson River from the bridge, and is fast enough to dodge automatic fire. While Reaper Conduits fully transformed by the tar are granted superhuman stature, being strong enough to survive a gas station explosion and fast enough to dodge Cole's lightning attacks briefly. Sasha's tar is potent enough to potentially control all of Empire City and can induce hallucinations in those strong enough to resist it.
The Dust Men are even more powerful, amplified by Alden's ability to turn scrap and rusty trash into giant mechanical golems to bolster his army's forces. These golems are powerful enough to blast helicopters out of the sky and strudy enough to survive a helicopters engine exploding in their face. While Alden himself may he physically frail and require a cane, he can create a giant trash behemoth capable of putting up a fight against Cole MacGrath.
And finally, the First Sons. A secret society do advanced that people abducted by them have assumed they've been kidnapped by aliens. They created and perfected the Ray Sphere device, a machine that upon detonation sucks the bio-electricity out of none Conduits and pours it into all the Conduits in range, activating their powers and amplifying their existing ones. Every gang leader in inFAMOUS 1 is, at the bare minimum, strong enough to survive the Ray Sphere explosion, which vaporized six city blocks, requiring them to tank an energy equivalent to 5.7 megatons of TNT.
Kessler spent decades planning his take over of Empire City, getting connections in Washington to keep the quarantine going while he took over. His Conduits possess the power to turn into giants and he's built flying drones that can turn invisible and shoot grenades from afar. Kessler himself possesses all of Cole MacGrath's powers from the first game, with a few additional abilities. He can punch the ground hard enough to make Earthquakes, create giant clones of himself that mind control anyone they touch, including Cole himself if he gets hit, and can teleport in invisible drones to assist him in combat.
But then there's the man himself. The Demon of Empire City. Evil Cole MacGrath. Unjustly framed for the nuking of Empire City, Cole MacGrath in this timeline became a bitter, power hungry tyrant, interest in little else than dominating Empire City like his own kingdom. His vast electrokinetic arsenal allows him to glide, control electricity as it moves at 90% light speed through wires, create forcefields that convert matter into energy, and create thunderstorms that cover all of Empire City, generating an energy equivalent to 34 megatons of TNT.
In the end, Empire City is reduced to Hell On Earth, dominated under the iron fist of Cole MacGrath, the inFAMOUS terror of Empire City.
Throwdown Breakdown:
I did this matchup because I thought it was funny how much of a stomp it was... in Xefros's favor. Let me explain.
Cole MacGrath, as the strongest guy in Empire City at this point, clocks in at around 34 megatons give or take with near light speed.
Xefros's calc scales him to 95,000,000,000 megatons and near light speed.
Xefros is literally billions of times stronger. Around 2,794,117,650x to be exact.
I've spent most of this show's lifespan hyping inFAMOUS up, so I can knock it down from time to time.
Now, Xefros doesn't solo all of inFAMOUS. He can't do a damn thing to the Beast, be that John White or Cole MacGrath, due to not having any way to kill someone who can come back from a single atom. The Second Son cast are also likely fast enough to, say, turn him into Neon particles before he can do anything.
As far as the first game goes? Xefros is resistant to energy drain, so Cole and Kessler's Bio-leech abilities are out. This just leaves Kessler and Sasha's mind control powers as the only viable win condition, as Xefros has no resistance to it. This is... circumstantial. If this takes place at the end of the game, then Kessler is dead and Sasha is being tortured by the government. If this takes place at the beginning.... Hmm.
Both characters should be roughly equal in speed and I don't see either Sasha or Kessler doing anything to activate Xefros's rage booster and getting instantly mulched. Sasha is generally smart enough to stay inside her lair, which is filled ceiling to floor with her mind controlling tar, so its not like Xefros can confront her there. That said, he's definitely strong enough to just... smash the ground the cave the whole place in on top of her. Which I could see him honestly doing. Xefros has survived by virtue of keeping his head down and out of dangerous situations, so if he can get by without actually having to fight Sasha, well.... he will.
Kessler meanwhile, is a cunning schemer. He'll take a look at the alien tanking literally everything his forces can throw at him and go "nope, not fighting that", then try to recruit the kid against The Beast. Which Xefros... would likely genuinely agree to. O mean, his friend Joey is human, so he'd definitely want to help prevent humanity from going extinct. That's kinda a win for everyone, as Kessler would certainly begin working on backup plans to take out the Beast if Xef can't manage it and keep working on Cole as a backup. Win-win? Kessler would see antagonizing Xefros by attempting to control him as an unnecessary risk, as he has no viable fallbacks if that doesn't work, so he'd try to talk him into it first.
There's this thing in Power Scaling that I just made up a name for called Writers Didn't Do The Math. It's when you take a mathematical look at a character to find that they are hilariously stronger than the narrative of the story actually treats them. See "Batman can tank a nuke" or "Fire Emblem characters can move at escape velocity". Joey Claire is supposed to be an ordinary human girl, yet she inarguably power scales to the same feat Xefros does and is, consequently, billions of times stronger than a nuke. It's a consequence of writers not understanding power scaling as a story telling device or realizing the context it creates, I suppose.
This is likely what turns people off from the community, on top of the general toxicity it produces in people who take these things to seriously, and that's entirely fair. Me personally, I view this as a feature, not a bug. When I tell you Xefros Tritoh can solo a superhero universe because he's billions of times stronger than a nuke, well... just understand that I find it really damn funny.
Tune in next time to see Greg Universe crush Senator Armstrong, I suppose.
....Actually, that's not a bad idea, someone write that down.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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Xefros Tritoh!
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madmanwonder · 4 months
My Mood
AU(S): Barbarian AU: Warlord AU, Domestic AU, Celebrity AU: Youtuber AU, Horror AU: Ghost AU, Fusion AU: Mercenary AU + Fantasy World AU - Overlord AU, Fusion AU: Caribbean AU: Pirate AU + Fantasy World AU: Isekai AU: Maou AU, Fusion AU: Farmer AU + Office AU: Worker AU, Medieval AU: Royal AU - Tyrant AU, Fusion AU: Office AU: CEO AU + Mafia AU, Apocalypse AU: Zombie Apocalypse AU
General Moods: Free for All
Main Muses: Kuroinu, Fallout, Nintendo, Elder Scrolls, World of Warcraft, Highschool DxD, RWBY, Typemoon, Marvel Universe, The Testament of Sister New Devil
Main Male Muses: Male!Prim Fiorire, Arcade Gannon, Farkas, Sairaorg Bael, Illidan Stormrage, Ike, Marrow Amin, Shirou Emiya, Thor Odinson, Jin Tōjō
Main Female Muses: Celestine Lucross, Piper Wright, Rhea, Lydia (Elder Scrolls), Sylvanas Windrunner, Winter Schnee, Kiara Sessyoin, Lady Sif, Rias Gremory, Sheila
Meme: Free for All
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cheekylittlepupp · 10 months
ppl you'd like to know better tag!
tagged by @vspin thank you for tagging me! <3 c':
three ships
• karlach/dammon
• shadowheart/karlach
• shadowheart/lae’zel
last film
• Gone Girl
currently watching
• Jujutsu Kaisen s2 even tho I know what happens, Better call Saul s6, rewatching The Boys again cause I NEED s4
currently reading
• fanfiction.. lots of fanfiction
• mangas -Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw man, Vinland Saga and Deadman Wonderland
currently consuming
• Baldur’s Gate 3, World of Warcraft since the new season came out this week, League of Legends, Valorant, a bit of Genshin and Honkai Impact. Recently downloaded the Witcher 3 because I want to replay it and romance my pretty Yennefer ~ Mainly trying to calm down my hyperfixation with Astarion with other games rn but it's hard, I start getting drawbacks like a crack addict unless I hear his voice lol..
currently craving
• to get isekai-ed into Bg3 or smth
• some sanity after playing league ranked the entire day
• larian to fix the stupid kiss already SMH or any of the bugs really..
Tagging: @nellyofthevalley @egooppidum @littlestarbigfangs @thedreamlessnights @madforhoran or anyone who wants to join in really!
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elbiotipo · 2 years
Es algo interesante, aunque no puedo escribir bien al respecto porque no me sale la idea, como D&D se volvió su propia mitología. Que sí, es sacada de Tolkien (elfos, enanos, orcos, hobbits halflings), pero ya no es exclusivamente Tolkien porque se ha codificado y sobre todo, se ha replicado en Warcraft (aún hoy el MMO más influyente de la historia, menciones honorarias a Runescape y demás) y Elder Scrolls. Y esos dos videojuegos han influenciado todos y cada uno de los infinitos clones que son básicamente Warcraft con algo cambiado más o menos. Al punto que te imaginás "fantasía" y mucha gente imagina una cosa super genérica con elfos y caballeros, cuando tendría que ser uno de los géneros más abiertos de todos, nos imaginamos las obras de dos o tres autores
O sea que esta avalancha de animes infumables isekai en un "fantasy world" ultra genérico son culpa de todos esos MMOs clones, que son culpa del Warcraft, que son culpa de D&D, que no es culpa de Tolkien porque Tolkien nunca hizo nada malo en su vida*
Creo que lo que más me rompe las bolas de todo esto es la banalización de la magia. En Tolkien, la magia es algo misterioso y legendario, tal cual como las leyendas en las que se basó. En Elder Scrolls sí simplifican para que puedas jugar con magia, pero el lore es bastante misterioso y... mágico. En Warcraft ya es prácticamente pura jugabilidad. Pero es D&D irónicamente lo que peor lo hace, la magia no tiene misterio, es diálogo horrible que ahora está en TODOS lados al estilo "tiro un fireball para quitar +5 de HP y tomo una poción de curar heridas leves xddxxddxdx" o "voy a subir a nivel 2 de mago para así aprender el hechizo autofelación que cuesta 4 de mana xdxddxdx", le sacan todo el misterio toda la onda toda la leyenda a la magia, todo rompen todo.
*correción, Tolkien era un garca medio racista, pero bueno
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ao3-diablofic · 8 months
by Balgord
Words: 1047, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 巨乳エルフ母娘催眠 | Kyonyuu Elf Oyako Saimin (Visual Novel), Legend of Queen Opala (Video Games), Fire Emblem Series, Overlord (Triumph Video Games), Elder Scrolls, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: Legend of Korra, 無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~ - 理不尽な孫の手 | Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu - Rifujin na Magonote, Kyonyuu Fantasy, 巨乳プリンセス催眠 | Kyonyuu Princess Saimin (Visual Novel), 対魔忍アサギ | Taimanin Asagi (Anime), 盾の勇者の成り上がり - アネコユサギ | Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari | The Rising of the Shield Hero - Aneko Yusagi, Warhammer Fantasy, Dota 2, League of Legends, The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms, Mortal Kombat - All Media Types, Queen's Blade, 巨乳女戦士・土下座催眠 | Kyonyuu Onna Senshi Dogeza Saimin (Visual Novel), 黒獣~気高き聖女は白濁に染まる~ | Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru (Anime), World of Warcraft, Dragon Age - All Media Types, ようこそ! スケベエルフの森へ | Youkoso! Sukebe Elf no Mori e (Anime), Diablo (Video Games), Akame ga Kill! (Anime & Manga), 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), Game of Thrones (TV), Action Taimanin (Video Game), Command & Conquer (Video Games), 悪魔城ドラキュラ | Castlevania Series
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Characters from the Fandom Above, male OC, Original Fire Emblem Character(s)
Relationships: Iwatani Naofumi/Raphtalia (Shield Hero), OC/Mirellia Q Merlomarc
Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Maledom/Femsub, Harems, Porn With Plot, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sexual Slavery, Dark Comedy, Cheating, Hentai, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Sexual Glorification
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53128783
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wyrmguardsecrets · 2 years
to the isekai anon: do it. I isekai'd my world of warcraft characters into Faerun for a D&D game. Most fun I've had in years. don't let your dreams be dreams my dude.
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alteredphoenix · 3 years
Liar’s Game WIP#2 (WoW/Rayearth One-Shot)
A/N: It’s been a while since I’ve uploaded any ongoing excerpts, with work and all (and the occasional alt leveling; I’m honestly waiting on Sanctum of Domination to drop before I can really go all-in on SL-era fics). I’ve been feeling bad for neglecting my fiction, especially after the warlock!Jaina fan art was completed, so I had a day off to pick up where I left off and continue it.
The idea was always built on the premise that Umi and Genn would challenge each other in how they view Sylvanas (i.e. one who knows little of her versus someone who does and has been wronged by her) and why she caused the war, so I liked having a person who is young and has seen/experienced the consequences of her actions firsthand and a person who is older and has good reason to fight back against someone but hasn’t suffered any consequences from the actions he’s committed have a battle of philosophical ideals.
Umi breathes again. Focus, she tells herself, keeping her gaze on the High King. Focus. Don’t give them any idea. “Yes,” she says gratefully. “I’d be more than happy to have us rest our feet and get our marbles together while we figure out where to go from here.”
“So soon?” he asks, blinking incredulously, and Umi nods. Out of the corner of her eye she catches the night elf working a kink out of his neck. Chainmail shifts and jingles with the flex of his muscles.
“We have places to be, my friend and I, and Horde or no Horde we intend to get there no matter what’s thrown at us. The Warchief can come after us personally and I still won’t stop for her. Simple enough.”
Greymane issues a rough laugh that’s part growling and part humming. “You’d really take her on? My dear, I’ll have you know she’s a force to be reckoned with!”
“I’ve dealt with much worse, sir, if you can believe it,” Umi says somberly.
“At your age? You can’t be much older than King Anduin!”
One corner of her lips tips up in a mirthless smile. “Fifteen. And yeah, I get that a lot.”
“Hmph. Fifteen, you say…And you say you’ve fought much worse than the Warchief?”
“You’d be surprised at what I had to do. Then again, it’s not like I had much of a choice. Didn’t have much of one, come to think of it—at least in the beginning. But then I decided to fight, and despite what happened I still do because it’s the right thing to do. I have the obligation to choose my battles as I please. Sometimes it all comes down to do or die. Don’t you think so?”
Greymane nods. “Aye. I do think so, but this is one fight we can’t afford to run from. I don’t know who you’ve fought, Miss Umi, but Sylvanas is more than just a mere person. She has been a constant reminder of the darkness that has lurked within the Horde for years. The one who preceded her was a troll named Vol’jin, different from the Zandalari you have just seen. He was respected among his tribe and all the races gathered berneath the Horde’s banner. Not over a year ago did he fall by a demon’s blade in the midst of a great battle, and with his dying breath”--and here his snout crinkles, and Umi swallows back the gasp at the black gums and teeth that are as long and thick as her fingers--”bequeathed the mantle unto her. The moment he had done so all her crimes against Azeroth have been put to the forefront...and growing at magnitudes by the day. So long as she remains in power, we will never know peace.”
“You haven’t seen her at alll? Not in Kul Tiras or in Zandalar?”
“No. Not yet,” Anduin interjects quietly. “But she’s out there, and sooner or later one of us is going to have to make our move. It could be here. It could be in Zandalar. It could be anywhere out on the seas, where the islands are rife with azerite. Wherever we go, she’s almost certain to follow.”
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GTA V Characters but they’re in an Isekai
Other game genres I enjoy playing are MMORPG, so I’ve been thinking: what if Trevor, Michael and Franklin lived in the universe of World of Warcraft? These are my bets:
- Trevor could be a blood elf Fire Mage 🔥 with the skill to summon a fire elemental. His preferred professions would be Engineer, to make bombs and explosive stuff and Skinning.
- Michael would be a Marksmanship Hunter with the skill of freezing enemies by using ice traps❄. His main weapon would be a riffle instead of using bows. He could be a Nightborne, in contrast with the blood elves. I guess he’d like to be a jewelcrafter and leatherworker.
- I imagine Franklin being a druid, shaman or priest, due to his conciliatory (and somewhat pacific) nature. As a druid, he could transform into an animal (bear) and become a tank to protect his friends, and as a priest and shaman, he would be a healer. I guess he'd be a tauren, with Alchemy and Herbalism as his professions.
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alynnkaru · 4 years
Pet project I’ve had in my drive for a bit.  I love worldbuilding and making crossovers, and I had this in my head.  Spoilers for both Shadowbringers and Warcraft up to and including Legion.
It’s a work in progress and not sure how much more of it I’m going to do, but I do know: I want to include a return trip to Hydaelyn’s star and see what’s been going on in the aftermath of the arrival of the naaru and the Legion, and seeing certain ffxiv characters interact with them.
As an example: souls with faux bodies would be mighty interesting to a warlock of the Legion.
Oh, and lastly: it’s not a happy story.
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Hi slug! I love all your answers to the weird asks. They always make me smile. With that being said, I've come up with one of my own that hopefully has not been asked before. I don't know if you play many video games, but what do you think the favorite video game of each of the characters would be? If you can't think of a specific game, genres (rpg, fps, sandbox, etc.) also work!
I do play a fair variety of video games, so I've given this some thought.
Ichirou - I'm of two minds here. Since Ichirou is a big fan of isekai and other fantasy style manga and anime, I imagine he would also be into JRPGs. He probably also enjoys anime action games, such as the DBZ fighting games. We've also seen him play rhythm and gacha games (ARB) on his phone in the manga. That's mind one. Mind two says that the minute he turned 18, he nipped on down to Akihabara to acquire certain games featuring his top waifus that he would never show to Jirou and Saburou. If anyone on this list would play eroges, well... it'd be Ichirou.
Jirou - I think Jirou would play whatever Ichirou recommends, but he'd probably also enjoy sports games like FIFA. Jirou likes hanging out with people, so I doubt he'd play many single player games.
Saburou - In addition to playing chess with people online, as he does in the anime, Saburou probably enjoys strategy games like Total War or real-time strategy games like Starcraft II.
Samatoki - Samatoki doesn't seem like he'd be a big gamer, but I bet he has an old bright-pink DS with a copy of Nintendogs. Ostensibly, it was once Nemu's, but now he plays it religiously to take care of a toy poodle named Fang or something appropriately edgy.
Juuto - Judging by how he drives, Juuto seems like he'd enjoy racing games or Rocket League. Mad Trigger Crew tried playing Mario Kart once, and the resulting argument after Juuto beat Samatoki in Rainbow Road nearly went to blows before Riou broke it up.
Riou - Riou would enjoy the hell out of survival games, especially ones in which resource management is vital. He would also be enamored with Cooking Mama.
Ramuda - Ramuda probably knows how to play Dance Dance Revolution like an absolute fiend. In private, he works off his aggression with fighting games or shooters.
Gentarou - Gentarou plays games for the story, so he probably enjoys JRPGs and artsy-fartsy indie games. He also secretly plays gacha games, perhaps even ARB for the meta factor.
Dice - Dice seems like he'd play whatever you put in front of him provided the game is fast-paced enough. He would also be into playing poker online.
Jakurai - Ichirou tried showing Trauma Center to Jakurai once, but the lack of medical accuracy simply baffled Jakurai. Then Ichirou gave him a fishing simulator, and Jakurai took off. I could definitely see him having a World of Warcraft membership simply so he could sit in WoW and fish. I hear it's calming to do this.
Hifumi - Hifumi would enjoy party games and two-player games to try with Doppo. Between the two of them, I could see them enjoying a wide variety of genres.
Doppo - Doppo doesn't seem like he has the time for games anymore, but when he was younger, he probably enjoyed playing all sorts of things with or without Hifumi. I can picture them as teenagers bawling as the credits roll after a long, emotional RPG.
Sasara - Sasara doesn't seem like a big gaming type, as his interest lies more in TV and films. He might enjoy casual mobile games to pass the time between acts in his show.
Roshou - Roshou is into TV and sports nowadays, but I could see him enjoying video games more when he was younger. As he was kind of a rebel, he probably tried to play shooters and the like. Nowadays, he keeps them around just to threaten turning his skills on the unrepentant bastards who keep breaking into his house.
Rei - Is Rei a gamer? I can't picture that myself, but I can picture him being part of developing an addictive mobile game with predatory payment plans.
Kuukou - Kuukou seems like he'd enjoy video games. Action horror seems like right up his alley, along with the weirdest shit he can manage to find on the Playstation store. You know those games that have names like Fart Simulator or whatever? That's what I'm talking about.
Juushi - Juushi would like Castlevania for the aesthetic. He would definitely try to play Resident Evil with Kuukou but would be horrified by all the blood immediately.
Hitoya - Hitoya doesn't seem like much of a gamer either. However, Juushi might suggest one day that they play Ace Attorney. Hitoya would refuse at first but would finally be wheedled into it. "This is bullshit," he'd say, approximately two minutes in and every ten minutes or so afterward. But then later, he'd ask Juushi and Kuukou, "So when are you going to make me play that stupid game with the dumbass lawyer who looks like a hedgehog?" In this manner, they've worked their way through most of the series. He likes Miles Edgeworth as a character but refuses to admit it. He also complains about the helpers (Maya, Pearl, Kay, etc.) and says they remind him of Kuukou and Juushi. Naturally, this is because he adores all of them, but he refuses to admit that too.
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You need to be 18+ to follow this blog.
I can choose not to write for something if it makes me uncomfortable or I simply don't like it. No hard feelings but I want to enjoy what I'm writing.
Please don't spam my inbox, send up to 3 asks at a time.
I have a limit of 5 characters per request, but I will make exceptions if it's a group that has a little bit more. For example, if you were to make a request for the protagonists of the Quintessential Quintuplets. 6 is over the limit, but I don't want to separate them.
Please dont just write a request that says "do this", it's a bit rude in my opinion and doesn't give me much to work with.
I don't do crossovers. I like to keep the series isolated from each other. But if it's in the same universe I don't mind. On that note, only request one series per ask.
This is a self insert blog, so I won't do ships. But I will write for Poly relationships if the reader is involved.
You can request any character, but if need be I will age them up or down as to not... make it weird? I don't know how to describe it, but I will take a few liberties to think about the future or the past of some characters for that. You can also request characters that aren't "human" and I will make a gijinka version of them to write for.
I don't write for real world people or real life events. Writing for living breathing people sounds weird to me and this blog is for fantasies.
If you want to request anonymously, you don't have to identify yourself. I would appreciate it, but you don't have to.
I like a lot of different AUs! So feel free to describe things you would like changed on the world of a series. Some AUs I like are modern AU, Self aware AU, fantasy AU, and Omegaverse.
The reader will be refered to as they/them to be more inclusive unless you request it to be otherwise.
If you desire, I can Genderbend characters or swap their roles. Those are always amazing AUs in my opinion.
I like writing for submissive readers since I enjoy that more, so I don't like writing for powerful or dominant readers most of the time.
You can ask any sort of question about what I will write or not and even suggest things if you feel so inclined.
Feel free to interact with me however you want! Always nice to meet new people here.
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Series I write for!
My hero academia/ Boku no hero academia 
Infinite Stratos 
Hunter x Hunter 
Pokemon (anime and manga) 
Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no Yaiba 
Fate series 
Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls/ Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou 
Re: Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 
KonoSuba (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o!)
Komi can't communicate 
Please don't bully me, Miss Nagatoro! 
Attack on Titan/ Shingeki no Kyojin 
Teasing Master Takagi-san 
Paella Magi Madoka Magica 
Kill la kill 
How clumsy you are, Miss Ueno!/Ueno-san wa Bukiyō 
Mato seihei no slave 
Zero no Tsukaima 
Gabriel drop out 
Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?/ Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka? 
Quintessential quintuplets 
Kaguya-Sama loves war! 
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid/ Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S 
Sakura-sou no pet na kanojo 
Genshin Impact 
Monster prom/Monster camp 
Skull Girls: second encore 
Danganronpa series (all games, including the anime) 
League of legends 
Touhou project series 
Pokemon series 
Shrink high /Shrink high Gaiden (2) 
Monster girl quest 1~3 /Paradox 1~2 
Persona 5 /Royal /Scramble 
Persona 4 
Doki Doki Literature Club! + 
Kantai Collection
Fate series 
Dead by daylight
World of Warcraft
Cookie run
Greek Gods
Monster Girl Encyclopedia 
Hololive/stars lore (as in... the characters, not the streamers)
Avatar: the legend of Aang
Under the cut is full of NSFW stuff.
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Things you may not like:
Tags you may want to blacklist as to avoid being exposed to works you do not enjoy.
#Lime’s kink tag (this will be on all of my works that include a kink)
#CW vore (I know, weird stuff x.x)
#CW Footfetish (weird but... not as weird as the above)
#CW Yandere
#CW Noncon
#CW Dubcon
#CW Stalking
#CW torture
#CW drugging
#CW religion
#CW death
#CW teratophilia
#CW blood
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