howlinghunters · 1 year
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litafan4ever · 9 months
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Cora Jade & CM Punk - NXT Deadline (December 9, 2023)
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naranjapetrificada · 8 months
In this weird wonderful AU Georg fandom that is OFMD we have so many beautiful options. I was never, ever an AU type until now, but I truly can't get enough. Just last night I stayed up entirely too late because I finally got into Wave Hello to the Void, which on its face should absolutely positively not be My Thing, but the AUs we're blessed with here seem to always break that rule (especially with mxmollusca involved because holy shit have you read In Favor With Their Stars yet???).
We're so incredibly lucky y'all. I've been in fandom spaces for a long time but I've never felt this lucky.
We get different takes on time travel. We get the multiverse (and in so many beautiful forms). We get thought-provoking fantastical allegories and devastating (but often hopeful?) prequels with fascinating studies of character and fascinating takes on soul mates. We get complete fantasy overhauls that are gem-like in the beauty and precision of their prose and world-building. We get darling modern AUs and heartwrenching (but still ultimately happily-ending) modern AUs and modern AUs in basically every possible permutation, including ghost stories.
We get dystopias and apocalypses and post-apocalypses, meditations on love and existence, metafictional experiments in Not-RPF that draw even the biggest RPF skeptics (*points to self*) in, leaving us to wrestle with fundamentally altered attitudes toward storytelling that we may never be able to reconcile. Hell, even the missing scenes, canon-divergence, and fix-its hit different. Not to mention westerns with outlaws and cowboys, an archetype which conveniently also manages to scratch the proverbial pirate itch.
Even though pretty much every fandom has these things, for me at least they've never felt quite so imaginative and well-executed. We're so lucky to be here, to be writing for each other and reading for each other and for many of us, feeling creative for the first time in years or even decades. The gay pirates did that for us, because good source material can be the key to great fan works. And whether or not we get a third season, as much as they can't take the show from us, they also can't take away the gift that getting to experience all these fanworks has been. That's something I'm going to keep reminding myself while we wait.
and idk maybe tell your cowboy fanart friends that Ed can also ride horses as a steppe warrior or whatever
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backmuscles21 · 6 months
Moments With You
Poly Recoms x Reader
Summary: some of your favourite fluffy moments with your recom lovers.
Not super long, but I know y'all have been fiending for more of our beautiful recoms.
Warnings: implied sexual content, explicit language, nudity, domestic fluff.
You always found yourself laughing, you would think about the things that you did with your lovers. All these hardened soldiers, these stoic and strong men and women and you’d do dumb domestic stuff with them. stuff they never thought they’d ever do and hear you were acting drunk in love. You’d have pillow fights, bubble baths, tickle fights, you’d fake wrestle, you would bake together, you’d cuddle and watch movies. These people were supposed to be the protector of mankind, the strongest of the front line and they were holding you like the most precious object to them.
They were people who crushed skulls with their giant blue mitts, had so much innocent blood on their hands and they held you like you could break if they breathed too hard on you. Yet somehow, they still liked to fuck the shit out of you and leave you with bruises in the morning.
You would commonly sing a random song that was playing in your headphones while you cleaned, you would start scrubbing the countertops and you’d just have to sing your favourite parts. You’d never hear any of the soldiers coming up on you, you’d be cleaning and singing also probably a little dancing. Then you’d feel arms around your waist, you’d be lifted up against someone’s chest. You’d let out a girly shriek as you’d drop the sponge you were using and took an earbud out. You had a feeling it was one of your lovers and as you turned around you saw Lyle who was smirking at you and trying not to laugh as he let go of you.
“Asshole,” you’d laugh out at him at slapped him on his arm.
Lyle laughed and pulled you into a hug, your head rested on his chest as his arm wrapped around your shoulders.
“You scared the shit out of me.”
“You looked cute. Not to mention these tights you wear while cleaning -mmm- damn baby, I could eat you up.”
You let out a scoffed laugh, you kissed his chest and pushed away from him. “Okay, I gotta finish otherwise this place would be a mess.”
“Wow, what a cockblock.”
“I’ll block your cock later. Or get Miles to do it,” you smiled to yourself as you grabbed the sponge on the floor.
One of your favourite things to do was get in a shower after a mission, you were dirty and sweaty and nothing was better than getting clean and smelling good. It got better when you had company, which was often, one of the boys heard you showering or followed you into the bathroom. They’d open the shower curtain and see you scrubbing your body, now they had to admit you were extremely good looking but this was about sex.
Commonly Miles was the one to join you, he’d be the last in the communal recom bathroom since as the colonel he had to do so many different reports and debriefings. Well, he would shower before writing any reports, there were always things he had to do. You just took your sweet time showering, especially when you didn’t have someone with you to judge you for wanting to be in the warm water for 30 minutes.
You’d see him tiredly walking in and removing his clothes, when he walked into the shower stalls you reached out and pulled him into you. He sighed tiredly as you held him close, you then grabbed some soap and got started on scrubbing his body. You started to scrub all the dirt and blood off his arms before ensuring that you really got into the knuckles of his hands and under his nails. You started to scrub at his scalp, he purred at the feeling of your nails massaging his scalp. His hands held onto your waist as his forehead rested against yours, you just stood in the shower connected by your hands and your foreheads. It was the most intimate of times you had with any of them, although Zdog enjoyed it, she’d get freaked out after a while and try to start getting handsy.
Even better when you heard about this the following morning, but you were in Prager’s room for the night. You had woken up to use the bathroom and slowly trudged out of the bedroom to the bathroom. You barely had your eyes open so you didn’t see Lopez and Ja snickering on the couch as you shuffled along the floor in Prager’s sweatpants. They were too big on you and sat low on your hips not to mention how you were stepping on them and you were in a tank top that was showing off your midriff and your cleavage.
“Whose room is she in tonight?”
“I think Prager’s,” Ja responded.
“I mean she’s wearing his clothes.”
“They probably smashed and she threw on his clothes to go to the bathroom.”
They laughed as you walked back out and went back into Prager’s room. They told you about it in the morning and you smiled embarrassingly at them.
“Come on, you looked cute,” Ja said kissing your head.
“She was wearing your clothes, Prager. Time to get primal,” Lopez said while snickering.
“She wasn’t wearing it when she went to sleep,” Prager smirked back.
“You guys are gross.”
“Shoulda just come out wearing nothing. It's not like we haven’t seen it before,” Lopez said hugging you.
“I have decency you know. I hang out with too many boys.”
Another thing that happens often is you’d wake up earlier than them and go to the gym before them. you liked that more since you could blast your own music and actually focus on working out rather than knowing that you had so many different eyes on you watching your ass or your tits as you worked out.
You’d blast your rap music at a high volume and get your squat rack ready, you were already dripping sweat from sprinting earlier. You would occasionally sing along to some of your favourite parts of the different songs. As you were in the zone squatting away, you didn’t even notice a few of the recoms enter the gym.
“Didn’t know you listened to this,” Zdog said to you as she stood in front of you.
You nodded to her and looked around to see Walker, Mansk, Lyle and Miles.
“You’re looking good babe,” Lyle winks at you from the free weights.
You rolled your eyes and smiled at him.
Walker walked up to you as you put the bar back down, she smacked your ass hard.
“Ow,” you looked at her while you rubbed your butt cheek with a pout.
“Come on, you’re wearing the tightest of spandex shorts and a sports bra. Your ass is just too good to resist.”
Walker gave it another lighter smack as you stood chest to chest. Her one arm stayed on your butt after smacking it to just hold it and squeeze it, the other stayed firmly around your waist. She ran her bottom lip through her teeth as she looked down at you hungrily. She moved her hands up your body to grab the straps to your sports bra, she pulled them down your arms as tits popped out. She smirked down at your boobs.
“These are real fucking nice.”
“Did you have to just take them out?”
“Nah, but I am enjoying myself.”
Your hands went to your hips as Walker’s hands cupped your boobs.
“Shit, are those (y/n’s) tits?” Fike said as he walked into the gym getting everyone’s attention. Zdog walked over to you and Walker and breathed out a laugh, Zdog went up behind Walker and rested her chin on Walker’s shoulder.
“So, whatdya gonna do with them?”
“Not sure yet. I just like looking.”
“You’re more than looking now, babe. You’ve got ‘em out and about and squeezing them in your hands.”
“Lemme get all up in there,” Lyle said as he came up to you three.
“Girls only,” Walker smirked at Lyle.
Later on, as you were in the shower, Mansk went to follow you, he had been riled up earlier. He walked into the communal bathroom and immediately heard you humming and singing. He walked a little further to see the showers, you had water dripping down your body and hair. Mansk could see your lips moving, your eyes were closed as you belted out one of your favourite songs that you felt you could sing well.
“Damn that’s hot,” Fike said as he rested his elbow on Mansk’s shoulder.
Mansk hummed and shrugged Fike’s elbow off of his shoulder.
“Are you guys just gonna stare?” You said with your back to them.
After your shower you got dressed and got ready for the day, you had to rebraid your hair and get it up out of your face for any of your military responsibilities. You were sat on your bed as you brushed all your hair back, you had tied it into a lower ponytail and started to brain down your que. You were still completely naked as you like to dry off completely before getting dressed.
“I see you’re all ready for me.”
You looked at your doorway as you saw Miles leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his forehead.
“I’m not like this for you, but I could be. After I finish my hair.”
“Do you want a hand?”
“The big bad Miles Quaritch knows how to braid hair?”
“Had to learn after we came back, yaknow, for this,” Miles said as he lifted his braided que.
“Who taught you?”
“I had two sisters growing up and in Texas, they taught me so I could do their hair.”
You laughed.
“You tell no one.”
“I’ll say Z taught u if someone asks.”
“Just don’t bring it up.”
“It’s cute that you did that for them though.”
Miles came into your room and closed the door; he sat down right behind you and finished your braid. He grabbed you and sat up on his legs, he held you close to his body, and your head rested on his shoulder as he rubbed your bare back.
Now this happened often, it honestly was one of your favourite things to do with the recoms, especially when all in the common room together. You’d stand behind someone, this time it was Prager, and your chin rested on his head. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, your hands rested on his chest and after a few moments of talking all around you stood up straighter and rested your hands on his shoulders.
Your hands just absentmindedly started to massage his shoulder; your hands squeezed at his tense muscles. He groaned lowly and rested his head back against the couch.
“Fuck that’s good.”
You smiled down at him as he had his eyes closed, you rubbed into his neck a little as well, his muscles were so tight.
“You enjoying yourself. You’re very tense.”
“Baby it’s fucking amazing. I needed this.”
“Wanna do me next?” Lopez says with a smirk.
“Sure, why not.”
Now, this rarely happened but occasionally things would get a little out of hand, but when it did, it had to be your favourite.
Currently, you were completely topless as Lyle chased you around with just his standard issues RDA track pants on. You held your boobs in your hands as you jumped up onto the couch to try and get away from Lyle. You would occasionally scream a little as Lyle laughed, he would follow you trying to catch you. You and him were playing around, he would answer one of your questions and you’d take an article of clothing off. It ended up with him lying and you being chased, it didn’t stop even as some of the other recoms entered the room.
“What is going on in here?” Miles asked in his commanding tone.
“Lyle cheated,” you said as you kept trying to run away.
“What are you talking about?” Mansk asked.
“We were playing a game and he cheated.”
“What on earth kind of game were you talking about?” Zdog asked.
“He was answering my questions and every right answer, I’d strip. But he lied.”
“So, that’s why you’re running around half-naked?” Miles asked.
“Come on, it’s not like you guys are complaining. She’s shirtless,” Lyle said as he caught up to you and picked you up.
He pressed kisses all over your face and down your chest, “gotcha.”
“Shut up,” you said as you rolled your eyes with a smile.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 7 months
Hey, y'all enjoy gunplay, right? Then maybe I can interest you in a fun character from P3?
I won't spoil anything in case I can also convince any of you to play the game yourself, but there's this gorgeous man known as Takaya. Takaya always carries a revolver around with him, so please allow me to paint a picture for you:
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Sub reader scenario
Takaya hugs you from behind, trailing his gun along your inner thigh while he presses little kisses on your shoulder and neck. He begins to rub the barrel against your cock — the gun is loaded, because why wouldn't it be? He's encouraging you to frot with his gun.
So you do. Hesitantly, you hump the gun and moan as it starts to feel good. When Takaya thinks you're going too slow he'll hump you from behind; grinding against your ass and forcing you to brush against his gun faster. All of this while his lovely voice is right next to your ear, whispering praise and also mocking you for being scared or not thrusting quickly enough.
Eventually, Takaya uses his other hand to jerk you off; wrapping his slender fingers around your cock and the barrel to stroke them both at the same time. Your back arches as your orgasm overtakes you. Cum covers Takaya's hand but he doesn't stop, not until you're a trembling mess against his chest. Not until you moan his name like a mantra.
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Dom reader scenario. Trans Takaya
Underneath you lies the most beautiful sight you have ever laid eyes on: Takaya pinned to the bed, squirming as you keep his hands in place. He's flushed and glaring daggers at you after you managed to wrestle the revolver out of his grasp.
A part of him feels excitement. This isn't something he's experienced before, seeing as most people wouldn't dare challenge him, much less try to take his gun from him. But you are bold and willing to do some crazy things just for the chance to have someone like Takaya in this position.
His legs involuntarily clamp shut when you trail the gun down his abdomen. You set the gun down long enough to undo his belt and wiggle his jeans down far enough to expose his pussy. The way his eyes flashed with a mix of fear and desire did not escape you.
Breathy moans slipped past Takaya's lips as you toyed with him at first. Briefly rubbing your fingers in between his folds just to feel his wetness leaking out before picking up the gun again to do the same motion. His eyes rolled back as you pushed against his entrance, attempting to fuck him with his own weapon. He didn't even try to fight back anymore, all Takaya wanted was for you to keep going — to see how far you would go with the power that you currently held.
His pussy leaked like a damn waterfall, covering the sheets, the revolver, and your fingers in his juices as you fuck him stupid. You make him cum several times, unwilling to give the man a break until he's on the verge of passing out. Unbeknownst to him, you're just going to fuck him later too, once he's had a rest.
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christinaroseandrews · 8 months
A lot of people are talking about how Disney didn't get nominated for their flagship 100th animated feature, Wish. Which is a big deal, I am not disputing that. This was a stellar year for animation and the academy had a glut of good options that did not include Wish. (I would have liked makoto shinkai's Suzume to be nominated but...)
But I want to talk about something else that is probably sticking in Disney's craw.
None of their Animated movies, in particular Wish, were nominated for "best original song."
Starting in 1940 with "when you Wish upon a Star", Disney's animated features could be counted upon to receive a nomination for best original song often winning the Honor. This includes movies such as Bambi; Saludos Amigos; Cinderella, and that racist mess that Disney would like you to forget, Song of the South. Even during the years after Walt's death a bunch of songs were nominated from things like Pete's Dragon and The Rescuers. But it wasn't until The Little Mermaid and the animation Renaissance that Disney's almost stranglehold and expectation that they're animated films would get nominated for an Oscar for best song really came into the forefront.
Take a walk through the best song nominations from 1989 to now and pretty much the majority of Disney and/or Pixar movies put out in those years has a best song nomination. There are a few exceptions, there always are, but generally when Disney includes original songs in its Animated properties it gets nominated.
That makes this year so odd. Disney technically has a nomination with Diane Warren's song for Flamin' Hot, which I suspect has more to do with the fact that the academy loves to nominate Diane Warren and then never give her the Oscar. ~_^ The big thing I noticed was that there were no nominations for Wish or even Elemental. And even more crucially, there was no one setting up a hue or cry that these movies (particularly Wish) didn't get nominated for best song.
Wish had all of the ingredients to be both an Oscar Bait for best animated feature and best original song. And the academy ignored it.
And frankly, I think this is 100% deserved. Wish was an okay movie. It wasn't good it wasn't bad it was just okay. And it's songs were forgettable.
Worse than that, in my opinion, they were unsingable. And what I mean by that is the songs were so complex so lyrically and musically difficult that a four-year-old in a princess dress would struggle to sing them. There were too many jumps and the lyrics were incredibly tongue twisty and they even sounded difficult for an accomplished singer like Ariana DeBose to sing. Seriously, the chorus of This Wish has so many jumps and drops that it is almost impossible to stay on key and also follow the melody. The music is just there.
When I walked out of the theater, I couldn't remember any of the songs. I still can't. And as most of my friends can tell you I have a bloody musical memory. I remember songs.
The first time I saw Barbie, I had three of the songs (What was I made for, I'm just Ken, and Pink) wrestling for dominance over who was going to be my earworm for the day. The same thing was true with Frozen, Moana, Encanto, beauty and the Beast, and even Tarzan. I still can't remember the music from Wish at all. To even write this, I had to go on YouTube and listen to the songs. And after listening to them, I still can't sing them. But just typing "I'm just Ken" has put that song in my head.
So rather than just celebrating Wish being excluded in a very good year for animation (it was so good, y'all) we should also be laughing and pointing that the Disney's attempts at getting a best song nomination for that movie also went unheeded.
Because I sure am.
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magicclownjuice · 1 year
Sun pokes and prods at Moon's consciousness inside their shared headspace softly; it's a sensation they can never get quite used to. It's very much like being crammed into a tight space with someone else; very little space to breathe, too much contact all over. There are some times where they can feel themselves merging into one, identities blurred beyond recognition, wants and needs perfectly aligned. But there are other times where their wills wrestle with one another, times where they can't reach an agreement and their body suddenly shuts down on them.
This is one of those times.
Their body lays prone atop the bed, staring at the ceiling, breathing in and out softly, chasing traces of your perfume, eyes glazed over, unseeing.
"Moon," Sun says in their headspace, "I beg of you— we need to make a move soon! I— we can't do this any longer."
Moon's discomfort grows.
He had never felt this way about someone before— granted, neither had Sun. They had never cared much about other people, much less other's opinions of them. People knew that Sun was petty, punishing, and vindictive, that he was temperamental and held terrible grudges for the slightest of offenses. Moon was equally as bad; contrary to what one may think, he had never been quite sociable despite his position as the court jester. Oh no, he pretty much hated people, and that's why he took great pleasure in humiliating them, dragging them through the mud, at least verbally.
In conclusion, they were terrible people, and continued to be, until—
They met you.
You, fiery, stubborn, sweet, gorgeous you. Everything changed when they met you, in the blink of an eye, their painful familiarity was gone, replaced by uncertainty and warmth. You, you brought light along in your stride and set their hearts on fire, and oh, how much they want to bask in your radiance now, how desperately they want to curl up around you, hold you in their arms and call you theirs.
Their body heaves an involuntary sigh, clawed hands flexing, as if to reach out, get up and go find you so they can make that small fantasy come true.
Moon tries to shake the feeling off and regain control— it's too painful, thinking about the possibility of rejection. After all, they are monsters, both figuratively and literally.
Sun falls quiet, and Moon curses the fact that they share a body and a mind; Sun can feel his emotions, hear his thoughts. And he doesn't like them one bit; they stab him in all his soft, vulnerable spots.
Moon speaks, finally, even though it's unnecessary for them to communicate.
"Look at us, Sun. Do you think they'll ever see any good in us?" His voice trembles, almost a whisper, but Sun hears it loud and clear. "And even if they did now— once they know of our past, they'll leave. They'll be disgusted, they'll hate us—"
"You don't know that—"
"Neither do you."
They both fall quiet. It's true. They don't know, they will never know. Sun's resolve to confess is snuffed out at once.
The line between their selves becomes blurred once again.
"After all," their voices ring out as one, outloud. "Who could ever learn to love a beast?"
A single tear rolls down their body's cheek.
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aaaaafro · 2 years
It's Wrestling - LE SSERAFIM - Sakura x M! Reader. (+18)
tw: a whole lot of wrestling stuff, a bit of rough sex? I honestly don't know but hope y'all enjoy it. Good luck.
As I suspected this has been the longest smut I've ever written lol, got this idea after watching a match of Will Ospreay vs Bea Priestley and I suddenly remembered, oh yeah, sakura did wrestle.
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'Make it, please!' You plead in your mind as your legs were about to give out pedalling on your bike, hitting the brakes as soon as you see the signage on the window.
Your heart drops seeing that the lights are already off from the outside. "Fuck."
"Can I help you?"
"Holy shi–..." You almost jumped off your shoes hearing a soft spoken voice coming from your behind.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that." Not even a minute in the conversation yet you're already lost in her eyes.
"I-it... It's u-uhm... You see..." A complete mess who can't even form a comprehensible word. You just decided to give up and just signalled towards the poster.
"Oh, you're here for the tryouts?" You just nodded at the beautiful lady's question.
She chuckled before straightening her posture, just as then she gave you a quick scan from head to toe. She looks somewhat satisfied before saying; "Follow me."
You couldn't even question her as your feet acted on their own and started following the woman to the back of the building.
She then took a key from her pocket and used it to open the back entrance. You hesitated but got convinced once she cutely peeks her head from the inside saying; "come on in."
The two of you head towards the ring side to a near table with steel chairs. She pulls down the blinds to completely cover the windows before turning on the lights and the moment it shines the ring you're starstruck.
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"Woah." You're in awe as she walks back towards you.
"I know, it's not that big but it's just for the tryouts... You okay?" She questioned as you're too lost admiring your dream right in front of you.
"Y-yeah, sorry it's just... So cool." The woman holds a chuckle as the two of you finally took a seat.
"So you want to be a professional wrestler?" She asked, doing that cliché thing where her chin is resting on her hand thingy with a smirk.
"Y-yes ma'am." You replied.
"Oh right, I totally forgot to tell you my name..." She extends her hand with a bright smile she said her name.
"Miyawaki Sakura." You gladly took her hand and shook it right after introducing yourself.
"Alright newbie. I just have a few questions here, give me your honest answers, okay?" Aggressively nodding your head cause Sakura to produce an adorable chuckle.
"Why do you want to be a pro-wrestler?" Is her first question.
"I could say things like because their moves are awesome, or I want to win the championship but to be honest, I just want a way to express myself with this craft. I love professional wrestling and the way it can create characters and stories. I dream of creating a legacy of myself in the future..." You then paused for a second
"What can I say? It's wrestling." Ending with an awkward chuckle.
After finishing your answer, you noticed that there's a moment of silence from her and once you looked you just saw her staring at you with a smile, however that may have broken her out of her trance as she hurriedly looks back to her questionnaire.
"Right, back to it then... Who would be your favourite pro-wrestler of all time?" She continued.
"If we're saying in-ring wise, I'd go with Will Ospreay..."
"Ooohh." She reacted.
"But mic-skills I'm going CM Punk." That earned you impressed nod from Sakura as she then jotted down notes.
"Right, so what would be your finisher?" She asked.
"Well, I was thinking of a modified tombstone pile-driver but since I'm not that well built perhaps I'll stick with a shooting star press or like a cutter for now..." Again Sakura was impressed as she wrote down your answers before slamming the pen and pad on the table.
This startled you along with her suddenly sitting up from her chair, you quickly followed suit as she signals you with a finger to follow her.
Sakura then skillfully rolls inside through the bottom rope and that alone surprised you. Obviously you think her only job is just to interview and background check the potential candidates but she looks really comfortable inside the ring.
"What are you waiting for? Your legacy won't get itself in the ring." Her comment took you by surprise, it's more motivating than insulting to say the least.
Quickly reaffirming yourself as you jump from the floor towards the ring apron like it was nothing, Sakura lets out a whistle as you finally slip in through the ropes.
"Miss Sakura..." Your call of her earned you a look of disbelief from the woman in front of you.
"Don't call me that!" Her voice clearly states that she's offended by your formality.
"M-ma'am S-sakura?" You tried once more but to no avail as she crosses her arms and just shakes her head.
"S-sak... Sakura?" A sudden shift from her expression allowed you to let out a sigh of relief.
"Just call me that the whole interview alright?" She asked and you just accepted it.
"S-sakura, I'm really sorry for asking but what's your p-position here?" Perhaps that was too vague for a question and it did raise her brow before smirking at you.
"Just so you know, I'm the one who runs all of this for you..." She said seductively before walking closer to you.
"Uh... can you be more specific?" You nervously replied.
She cut off her act and replied nonchalantly: "I'm the boss here."
"W-wait, s-seriously?" Your reaction causes Sakura to broke down into a laughter.
"S-sakura, are you really the owner?" Raising a finger to ask for a minute as she tries to recollect herself even going as far as tearing up from the laugh that she just had.
"Whooo, jeez never had to laugh that much in a while, you look so surprised..."
"Why? Is it because I'm a woman does that mean I can't have any interest in wrestling?" She asked with a pissed off tone.
"N-no, that's not w-what I meant..." You hurriedly replied before she started laughing uncontrollably again.
"Oh god... My stomach hurts. I'm kidding."
"No, I'm just one of the management department, I'm here to scout talents. I got caught up with some paperworks and needed to stay a bit late." That actually makes sense.
"O-okay, it's just that... You're p–..." Your words were swallowed to the void failing to reach Sakura's ears.
"What's that?" She asked before moving closer to hear you better.
"N-nothing, I-i said y-you're pretty c-cute, t-that's why I-i'm surprised that you're into w-wrestling." Currently a stuttering mess, Sakura notices this and made things worst when she pinches your cheek.
"How adorable." Said the one who's out there looking all cute and stuff with her bright smile.
"Alright, we need to continue." Sakura stops and starts doing stretches.
It's inappropriate for you to stare but she can't blame you after all her baggy pants didn't even stand a chance against her curves as she went to reach for her toes.
Her sports top wasn't much of a help either as she starts bending forward to do some frontal stretches. Of course your leering wouldn't go unnoticed as Sakura eyes your mischief.
Perhaps she's letting you, as she presses on harder accentuating her curves even more to your liking, gulping a solid amount of spit signals Sakura to stop, as you shamefully looked away.
"Right! Now newbie! Do you have any experience with a woman?" You almost choked on pure oxygen with her statement as you cough away trying to hold yourself together.
[Cough] "W-wha–... Expe? You..." You're a mess and this is pure entertainment for Sakura.
"Jeez what were you thinking? I obviously mean wrestling." She replied holding in a laugh.
"Y-yeah I know that, well I never really have any in-ring experience." Her eyes went wide with your statement.
"Any?!" You nodded in shame.
"Then what the heck are you doing here?" She was furious to say the least.
"Well, I did study a lot of it online... And uh... I..." You hesitated knowing she might get even more mad with what you're about to say.
"What now?" She asked crossing her arms.
"I did b-backyard w-wrestling." You're not really proud of it but it's the only thing closest to an actual experience you have.
An overly exaggerated sigh escapes Sakura as she massages her forehead for a bit before recomposing herself with a couple of neck circles she finally went back to normal.
"Okay! I assume you know your cues then?" She was surprisingly enthusiastic even after what just happened.
"Y-yeah, they taught me back then." You replied.
"Right, now we're going to do a little scuffle." She then prepares herself in front of you.
That caused you to panic and stop her right away; "W-woah! Wait, you're gonna do it with me?"
"Do you see anybody else here?" You shook your head and she gave you that 'i thought so' look, though that didn't really convince you.
"Oh seriously? I thought your favourite pro-wrestler is Will Ospreay?" Sakura presses on
"Yeah that's right."
"Then I'm sure you've watched Will Ospreay vs Bea Priestley?" That was actually a pretty good point.
"But no! Obviously those two are in a relationship during that time." You reasoned.
"Oh, so you're suggesting that we should start dating then?" Sakura replied.
"Eh?" You stood there bewildered by her reply.
"Oh come on! One!" She shouted.
Suddenly your instinct kicks in and your body just moved on its own, going into a collar and elbow tie-up with Sakura. The two of you then kayfabe a struggle as she starts giving you cues.
Once more your instincts gets the best of you letting her overpower you. With the loud echoes of your stomps and struggle you hear Sakura whispered; "Two."
Positioning an underhook she then gave you a hip toss. To which you sold like your whole life depended on it. She then went down and put you in a headlock to which you're not even going to complain as your face was right next to her boo-.
"Good boy." You heard Sakura whisper before letting go of your face.
"Great, now shall we move on?" Speechless you just nodded.
"One!" With that, the two of you got tied up once more.
"Four." She continues, as you took her by the arm and did an irishwhip to the rope.
She then signals with a clap in which she suddenly gave you a head scissor with her thighs before taking you down. You just took the spot as she dusts herself clean.
"Great... great..." Sakura compliments you with a slow clap.
"Can you take a hurricanrana to a pin?" She asked as she turns away from you and with not much of an argument you just nodded.
"Alrighty then." She starts running towards you applying a head scissor but instead of taking you down you supported her weight for a bit.
"Ready?" You asked her but since her face is partially covered with her hair you didn't clearly see her face but you did notice a nod.
Taking the go signal, you gave her a little boost before floating over and landing on your back with Sakura's legs still trapping your head.
It took you almost a minute to remember that Sakura is still on top of you scissoring you with her thighs resting on either side of your face. Somehow though this doesn't seem to bother her as well, until you say;
"Uh... S-sakura?"
"Oh, right s-sorry." She finally lets you free standing up.
"O-okay, obviously, it's not always high flying luchador stuffs that people want. Let's see your grappling game." Said Sakura who's just got done fixing herself.
"You'll have the dominant position~." The moment you heard that, your relaxed heart rate suddenly doubles.
Unlike earlier which are obviously more dangerous spots, you'd think that now isn't really the time to be nervous, however the way Sakura delivered that line your instinct once more alerts you about something yet you're not sure how to respond.
"One!" Sakura cuts you off from your trance, tying up once more.
She then starts rapid firing cues to which you to transition from arm wrenches, to ankle grabs and leg sweeps but ultimately ending with you over Sakura in a full control position.
"Mhmmm." Was that a moa-? Not wanting your question to be answered you hurriedly got off from Sakura.
"Sakura?" Your call woke her up from her state as she slightly panics before getting up as well.
"Right..." She looks shy for a second before turning away from you.
"Now, for the last section. I will be testing your resolve." It's almost ridiculous how she sounded talking about testing 'resolve' specially as she's still facing away from you.
Sakura seems to have noticed your smug look and decided that playtime is over; "Okay newbie, take off your clothes."
"Eh?!" It really was a 180 degrees turn from her shy self earlier to now.
The confidence in her eyes, her posture, and the way she just stood there waiting for your response. Of course, your only choice is to strip yet your hands are frozen in place and your knees are about to give.
"A-all o-of my clothes?" With a straight face Sakura just nods.
On shaky hands you start by taking off your watch, followed by your shirt, you then check to see Sakura's reaction however she's just standing there almost ice-cold expressionless. It's honest scary but also... Hot.
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You continued taking off your shoes along with your socks. Meanwhile it's like Sakura's eyes never left you as your hand then reaches for your pants.
Slowly sliding them down on a shaky grip, your brain keeps sending you warnings, like a combat plane who has a been locked on with a missile. Once your pants are off you're not left with your boxers.
"Go on then." Sakura's calm voice was not helping at all adding the bonus of her just standing there and staring daggers into you.
"I-is this r-really–..." You realize that no amount of reasoning that's gonna get you out of this.
There's really not much of a choice anymore, as Sakura's gaze seems to have gotten more and more aggressive, you then hook the waistband of your boxers and slowly slid them down.
In such state of chaos you've managed to catch a glimpse of Sakura as she bites her lips as soon as you're fully exposed. Obviously that baffled you but just as then she suddenly tossed you something.
"Now cut me a promo." Looking at the thing she gave it was actually a microphone.
"P-promo?" Sakura then gave you one of those are you serious look before responding;
"Yeah dummy, what did you think? We're not only looking in ring skills, you'd have to show me your mic skills as well, don't tell me you don't have any."
Her smug tone motivates you but you're on the ropes with how things are. First you're naked in the middle of the ring. Second this gorgeous woman in front of you is telling you to cut a promo from out of nowhere.
"C-can you a-at least give me a lead or anything?" You asked.
"Uugghh! Fine." That groan of frustration was cute though if you'd say so yourself.
Sakura then reaches for another mic before walking closer towards you. As she does, Sakura begin to give you a scan from head to toe seemingly pausing right in the middle before continuing.
Just as she's finally inches away from you. You begin to get nervous as Sakura raises the mic to her face. Without breaking eye contact with each other she grins.
"Do you really want to be a pro-wrestler?" She asked.
"Yes!" You answered.
"Are you willing to do anything?" Her tone suddenly shifting from serious to sultry each word.
"Y-yes?!" Before you can even question what Sakura's point was with that question she suddenly drops on her knees right in front of you.
"S-sa... Kkura..." A devilish smile greets you as her face levels with your member.
"N-now, now, since you said you'd do anything–..."
"Tell me what would you do to me?" Her needy eyes was locked on yours.
That was only the start, as her hands begin to travel from your calves up to your thighs, you can feel your member twitching which caused you to try and cover it up. However Sakura has other plans, without breaking eye contact with you she pries away your hand before taking your member into her hand.
As soon as your skins touched, you can feel your moan escaping your lips. This was ecstasy to Sakura who then started pumping your length;
"Tell me boy, what is it you want?" She's inviting to say the least, it wasn't a question more of a demand.
"I w-want y-you–.”
"At-ta-ta-ta! Use your words properly. We can't afford you stuttering like that in front of a crowd."
"I want you to suck it! Suck my fucking cock." A smile of success flashes on Sakura's face before taking all of your length into her mouth.
Licking, kissing, biting? Slobbering her spit all over it, occasionally trying to take it all in but failing to do so, as her tongue then focuses on the tip. Like a snake hunting its prey before swallowing it whole.
With a pop she releases your member getting a few licks on the base of your cock as she then gave you a smile and a wink before asking; "What's next?"
"Take your clothes off." You asked as she suddenly blushes and acts all shy.
"B-but..." Seeing the truth behind her little façade you decide just to play along.
"Do you really think I care about what matters to you? Didn't I tell you to take your clothes off, you slut!" Having enough of her games you suddenly grab the single strap of her top before pulling it off.
The jiggle on her breast was majestic the moment they were released, this caused a blush from Sakura as she tries to cover them up.
"Now you're gonna be embarrassed? You have gotta be kidding me. I've been ignoring it but I can see the sluttiness in you." You honestly don't know where you're getting all of this but she doesn't seem to mind even when you swat away her arm that's covering her breast.
"W-what a-are you doing?!" Sakura panics as you slid your member in between her orbs.
Despite her pathetic acts of resistance, she's actually the one pressing her breast together giving you a better feel of her ridge, along with her spit on your cock that helps ease up the thrusts you're currently doing.
"Y-yeah, that's right you slut." You groan as Sakura keeps the contraption on your length.
It was a sight of a lifetime but it only gets better from here. When all of a sudden she starts squirming on her knees and a second later you see her white baggy pants comes flying across the ring.
You took a peek to see her white underwear forming a wet spot right in the middle of it and that's when you knew you had this right in the bag.
Her breasts were smooth and supple, but before you even realize it you're getting closer and closer to your climax, while Sakura looks like she's just getting started still squirming on her knees.
Of course you don't want to spoil the fun so you regretfully pull out of her ridge. This earns you a whine of disappointment from Sakura as she just kneeled there waiting for what else you're planning to do.
"One!" Her eyes widened, it's as though her instinct was ready that she quickly took a stance and grappled with you.
"Five!" You did a sweep that took Sakura off her feet and you then flipped her over.
Now in all fours Sakura's face was bright red though it didn't stop her from sticking up her rear-end for a better angle, then again your member twitched at sight of her glorious backside.
"W-what a-are you doin–mhhmm." Her cry was like music to your ears as you start to tease her clothed holes.
"Isn't this what you want?" You asked before shifting aside the stupid cloth obstructing her core.
"Nnnhhnngg!" An airy moan was the best response you could ever get from her in that current state.
"F-fuck!" Sakura screams before digging her face on the mat to try and muffle her moans as your tongue explores her core.
Addicting is the only way to describe it, maybe it's her fem-wash and sweat mixing, maybe it's the surprisingly pleasant humidity of the night or maybe it's just Sakura overall but you're addicted.
Obsessing over her taste, the way her moans sound when it reaches your ears, the way her body arches downward, the way her face contorts each lick and suck you deliver to her submerged core.
This isn't even wrestling anymore you're just lapping her up and yet she's not complaining, well she wouldn't be able to even if she wanted to, since only airy gasps and occasional curses are the only thing that's coming out of her lips.
"F–fuck me p-please!" In the midst of your feast you've manage to hear Sakura's needy voice.
For most of the time you've been eating her up she did form a few words but not to this degree and that alone made you stop, in which even she was annoyed but Sakura knows her needs and now she needs a little bit more than your mouth.
"You want me to what?" You know your cards and you're gonna play them.
Sakura though stayed on all fours wiggling her ass in front of you, giving you a good enough answer to your question but you're not gonna give it to her that easy.
"Three!" You shouted and she quickly picks herself up giving you an arm for an irishwhip to the corner turnbuckle.
You're honestly impressed by Sakura's ability to switch from being a slut to a professional in a fraction of a second. However that doesn't change the fact that you're so turned on seeing how she's still kayfabing hitting the turnbuckle. Shortly you followed and stare at Sakura who's using the ropes as supports just then as if there's a light bulb lit up in your head and you had this ridiculous idea.
Gently lifting her head up to see her needy eyes was beaming with lust, you then brought your lips next to her ears and whispered; "brace yourself."
You spread her arms putting them over the rope that helps her chest get pushed up. Gosh she's sneakily voluptuous.
Seeing her eyes burning with desire you then deliver a knife edge chop across her chest. A whipping sound echoes through the whole ring as Sakura winces as she slowly falls on the apron.
You'd feel bad seeing her riding in pain but you can't specially when Sakura's fucking dripping off her snatch, with that you can clearly say that this girl is really something else.
"Come here." Aggressively getting her up to a standing position.
Once more placing her arms up the ropes for a better support you then took one of her leg placing it on top of the middle rope and so is with the other one.
You honestly thought that your night couldn't get any more better as you look at Sakura squirming, widespread on the corner turnbuckle of the ring, her panties are just useless at this point due to the fact that they're completely soaked with her juices.
"W–wait, what's t-this?" Sakura then again making it seem like she didn't like the position she's currently in.
"Oh, so you're still keeping that shit act. We'll see." You're not having none of it as you position yourself right in front of her.
A long moan then rips through the air, as you rub your rod on her clothed, drenched core. You can clearly see her clutching on the ropes with her whole might.
Not really wanting to tease her any further, you move aside the useless cloth and pushed your self inside her, well there wasn't even an ounce of effort you had to give, that's how wet she is.
"F–fuck! Uugghh! You fuckin~!" Her sounds of pleasure melts into a high-pitched screech as you start pumping in and out of her.
You can clearly see the red markings forming on her hand as she tries her best to hold on while you're just hammering your whole length balls deep into her. Sakura who's now a moaning mess starts to shake, you're aware that she's currently riding on her orgasm, you stopped and took a step back.
"Haaaa–! Holy shi–!" This is ridiculous, she couldn't even complete a sentence for god's sake.
You gently lifted her head for a bit before delivering another knife edge chop that once more echoes through the whole room.
"J-just finish me... Finish in me please?" Her last plea as her core drips her juices out.
If a finish is what she wants, that's what she's getting. You removed both her legs and arms from the ropes before support her whole weight as she just went limp from all of the pleasure and pain she was in.
"Powerbomb to a jack-knife pin." You whispered as she did her best to recollect herself.
You then pushed her towards the rope before lifting her up to your shoulder, her core was inches away from your face and you just said fucking before pushing her all the way through getting a few licks in.
Once again Sakura plays the pro-card delivering punches on your head to try and breakaway, however you've had enough and drove her spine first on the canvas.
Without letting go of her legs you brought them up to your shoulders with her calves wrestling right next to your face, you once more moved her panty aside and penetrated her.
You won't lie it has been a long and arduous night but god was it one to remember, as you savour her walls clenching your member as you slam yourself inside her. Wet and loud slaps of flesh are the only thing that can be heard as Sakura's voice have complete been silence due to her exhausted state.
By each slams you can feel your balls tightening and it's only a few pumps away to your climax as you whisper to Sakura; "W-where d-do you want i-it again?"
"I-inside p-please! Ah fuck– I'm cumming!"
A groan from the two of you syncs so are your orgasms, her core flooding with the mixtures of both of your fluids there's nothing else hotter than this.
After almost an eternity of riding in pure pleasure, you finally pulled out and came oozing out of Sakura is pure warm love juice.
You two laid in the middle of the ring too spent to even think of anything else. It took both of you almost 5 minutes to finally recover from your highs.
"Woah." You exclaimed and suddenly hear a small chuckle coming from Sakura.
As she slowly slithers her way to cuddle with you, resting her head on your chest as she hugs your sweaty torso.
"Was I too rough?" You're seriously concerned though, after realizing what you've done to her.
"Nah, you're good..." She smiled before placing a kiss on your cheek.
"It's wrestling." She added as the two of you cuddled naked in the middle of the ring.
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fraxi0m · 14 days
i was checking my annotations on dustin's book and i don't know if y'all know but there's a chapter dedicated to cody and it's so heartwarming reading it now. the book is from 2010 and it is known that dustin and cody weren't that close (yet) but the way he believed in him it's so beautiful.
he also talked about how dedicated he was about becoming an actor because he kind of saw wrestling under a bad light when he was younger.
if you like dustin and cody it's definitely worth the read!
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kanerallels · 5 months
It is honestly a miracle I managed to figure something out for today's Spring Fling prompt from @monthly-challenge: sports. Sports are not my thing lol HOWEVER I HAD A FUN IDEA for what was actually my first Wingfeather saga fic. Hope y'all enjoy!!
The sun was shining on the isle of Annieria. Fluffy white clouds drifted across the sky, sent on their way by the spring breeze. Far below sat the Shining Isle itself, mounted by the majestic shape of Castle Rysen, which sat on a green hill.
The grass swept down from the foot of the castle, covering the wide green that led up to the nearby road. And, running across the grass like their lives depended on it, were two boys.
They’d been there for hours already— first, playing a game of zibzy with some of the other children of the village. But when they’d had to go home, the two boys had lingered. They were, at the moment, playing a simplified version of a Green Hollows game known as “Get The Boot”, although in this situation it was a zibzy ball, not a boot. To anyone passing by, it would look strangely like the two boys were taking turns full on tackling each other and wrestling for control of the ball.
Which may have been true. But Esben wasn’t about to complain.
It was a beautiful spring day. The kind where it was a crime to stay inside for too long. He and Artham, his brother, had been so fidgety during their T.H.A.G.S lessons, that their mother, Nala, had eventually given up and sent them outside. She had told them, in no uncertain terms, not to come inside until they’d finally calmed down a little.
It had been three hours, and Esben was tired— but it was the good kind of tired, from defeating your friends at zibzy and wrestling with your brother while the sun warmed you overhead. Finally, he yanked the ball free from Artham’s grasp, rolled away, and flopped onto his back with a cry. “Ha! I win!”
Artham dropped down next to him, breathing hard and grinning. “I can still take it from you, though.”
“Nope. Game’s over and I won,” Esben told him.
“Says who?”
“Me. I’m gonna be the High King someday, remember?”
Artham scoffed good naturedly. “Doesn’t mean I can’t pummel you.”
Closing his eyes, Esben took in a deep breath, enjoying the sunlight on his face. Spring was the best time of year to him— when things were fresh and new and bright. And it led into summer, when the heat was such that their mother was forced to let them take a break from T.H.A.G.S to let them plunge into the ocean and cool off.
“I’m pretty sure that’s the opposite of what the Throne Warden is supposed to do,” he pointed out to his brother, who grinned.
“Fair enough. You win this time.”
That was Artham— always willing to make peace between the two of them, even if he’d fight anyone else to the last breath. “Good,” Esben said, sitting up. “As the winner, I declare we should take out the boat now.”
“Now? What about dinner?”
Rolling his eyes, Esben said, “What about dinner? What about being out on the sea right now? Look at the sky, Artham! It’s perfect for a sail.”
Artham shook his head, a smile curling the corner of his mouth. “Fine.” Getting to his feet with a groan, he offered Esben a hand. “I’m with you, obviously.”
Grabbing his hand, Esben let his older brother pull him to his feet. “You always are,” he said. “Let’s go!”
And with that, the Throne Warden and the future High King took off across the grass, heading down towards the sea waiting for them below.
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lyceana · 3 months
I felt true, visceral fear today after I returned from work and discovered that my Huion monitor tablet wouldn't connect to my laptop. I knew that bitch was all powered up and screaming but blue-balling me with only pitch-black darkness.
I shut off and restarted my laptop 5 fucking times, rammed the usb cables in and out of my laptop's usb ports, in and out... I never thought that an expensive device - wasted for just watching funny cat videos and enabling me to draw the shapely but scaly butt of Voldemort - could be violated. Learned a life lesson here: any hole can be stuffed, you just need some imagination y'all.
Fuck tentacles, ugly men & weird-ass creatures with gigantic horse dicks - give me sub laptops/pcs getting dominated by their puny usb cable daddies!
I digress. So, I turned on my 2nd laptop which is on life-support - it never asked to be an accessory to producing hardcore incest material between Tom and his hot daddy Riddle sr, btw. But, like come on! What's better than one hot, mentally maladjusted Tom Riddle? Two of course! Think about the delicious angst, the hurt/comfort, the abandonment issues, the forbidden attraction, uugh...
Why are there so few tomcest (sr) fics? It's unfair, I'm fucking starving, eh. I mean, Riddle sr is the goddamn blueprint for gratuitously hot Voldemort! Where's pathetic, blushy, snot-nosed and puffy-eyed Tom Riddle sr??? The internet lied to me! I thought you only needed two hot dudes who didn't even have to meet each other to make sweet, sweet looove to each other... there's even incest and murder for extra seasoning!
I'm begging the ao3 wordsmith gods who kin Tom Riddle/Voldemort to open their hearts to Tomcest sr T_T) We all love pathetic men in tears and Voldemort would never allow himself to show such vulnerability but that's what we have his da for... Voldy could vicariously experience such a display of helplessness through Riddle sr! And tbh, I seriously need more beautiful works of art featuring my favourite basket case twink (dub-) non-con-ing his papa into some father/son bonding. I'm going cold turkey here!
I digress again. So, I plugged my Huion into my 2nd laptop and behold! That fucker finally connected and mirrored the laptop display, thank fucking god! Little shit was playing hard to get but it still lives! Whoop, whoop!
Thank Voldy's perky ass, I wasn't forced to make a human connection with an underpaid yet bored employee at the Huion support centre. I had that tablet for 4 years and we experienced the deepest depths of human depravity together - I cried bitter tears, cursed it for reflecting my shitty art skills - my inability to draw hot men bedtime wrestling. But, we also experienced joy together when I succeeded. That fucker made me feel like an art god when it reflected how I envisioned the smut to be. I'm not ready to end this toxic relationship, I thought I'd be.
I was all 'yeah, I'm sooo stage 4 already! I only need the Huion employee to gaslight me into buying their newest, shiny model to reach stage 5!' I'm 30, a grandma according to annoying (affectionate) internet youngsters. My body can't handle eating only instant ramen for 4 months anymore. My roaring 20s are a bygone era and for once I choose to practice some self-care, to love myself even!
For once, I was about to make an adult decision and... wait. To save up the money - to accept that I'll be a temporary full-time traditional wannabe weird-ass hentai artist with a shitty phone camera... but thank god I don't have to! My beloved tablet still works and I can be a part-time traditional but mainly digital wannabe weird-ass hentai artist with a shitty phone camera! Yeah, this is how my day went. Love y'all ~ mwaaah
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Shameless self-promo plug but I think you should at least look at the smut scenes to see the appeal of tomcest (sr)~ I also need some validation for providing my tears as lube for their narcissistic coupling You can read Philautia here: AO3
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amesvertes · 1 year
warnings: angst/semi-fluff/no use of y/n/death/implications of fem!reader
summary: in which you have a tough time coming to terms with the loss of your mate.
a/n: i'm sorry y'all ;-;
"this is not healthy-"
you yank your arm back from neytiri, hissing at her words. "no, i am going to see my mate."
"sweetheart, neteyam is de-" she tries to reason with you once again, eyes shining faintly wit the threat of tears. "waiting for me. neteyam is waiting for me." you cut her off, voice ice cold as you turn away from her, storming out of the marui.
so many emotions invade your mind; anger, frustration, sadness.
jake says you are going through something people on earth would call 'the five stages of grief.' but that is not true, you can't grieve for someone who is not gone.
to you it may seem that way but to your friends, your family, you are driving yourself into madness. hanging onto the tearing thread that is your mate's spirit. it's self destructive to say the least. sure you get to see him, but at what cost?
you spend time in an imaginary world, a temporary imaginary world, just to have to wake up again. just to have to face an empty marui, alone in the morning all over again? just to have to cook a meal, alone in your empty marui again, knowing you're only cooking for one person?
deep down, you know it's pathetic. but you can't help it, you can't help holding onto the fantasies your mind creates; fantasies of a loved one.
the journey to the metkayina spirit tree is a desperate one as you will your ilu to swim faster.
you barely have time to take in what used to be the beautiful scenery of the marine life as you ride past. it is still beautiful, but not as beautiful as it used to be without another pair of eyes accompanying your own.
your heart rate picks up as soon as you arrive at the glowing tree and you hop off your ilu, swimming closer to the large tree.
you hastily grab the braid surrounding your queue, extending it before you even reach the vines of the tree.
a sigh leaves your plump lips as you close your eyes and hover in front of your usual vine, one that goes deeper into the tree, allowing you the comfort of seclusion.
your tendrils connect to it causing a shiver to run across your spine.
when you open your eyes again you are met with the roof of your marui.
it must be mid morning, judging by the strength of the sun. a sudden sense of urgency causes you to bolt upright. you're late for the hunting party, for the second time this month.
a groan of frustration leaves your throat as you lay back once again, rolling over.
"is something wrong?"
there it is, the only voice on pandora that is able to soothe your aching soul. neteyam sully's voice.
you prop yourself up on your elbows with a smile, staring lovingly at your mate. "you made me late, again." you try to hide your smile, failing miserably when neteyam tackles you back onto the surface of the hammock.
you laugh when he pouts down at you, "you don't want to spend the day with your loving," he pauses to kiss your cheek, "strong," another kiss to your collarbone, "sexy," you laugh as he moves to kiss your ear, "amazing mate?" now he attacks your face and tickles your sides, causing loud laughs and snorts to leave your throat.
you wrestle with him in the hammock, giggling each time you hiss at each other teasingly.
this constant movement leads to the hammock swinging this way and that, causing a euphoric dizziness to cloud your senses as you finally climb on top of the blue na'vi.
"i win, you skxawng." you laugh out, staring down at neteyam's handsome face. his bright yellow eyes bore into yours as he wraps his arms around your waist.
a small sadness creeps up your neck as you continue to gaze down at him and you feel a tear run down your cheek.
neteyam frowns, cupping your cheek softly. "what's wrong? why are you crying?"
you sniff and shake your head, smiling at him in awe, "i'm just happy to see you."
"i'm happy to see you too."
this is the sadness of it; in reality you are not laying in a hammock, exchanging sweet nothings with your lover. you are alone, hanging onto fantasies of a loved one.
© amesvertes 2023
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cellard0ors · 1 year
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My beautiful commission from @alamorteart is complete! Laura Kearney as her wrestling persona Siobhan 'The Wolf' Kennedy from my hackearney fic 'Pin Me'!
She's ✨ gorgeous ✨ and exactly how I pictured her! Y'all feel free to hit up @alamorteart for commissions!
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miru-has-thoughts · 7 months
I can't believe it's already been 3 days since smackdown. Y'all, after a year and a half since I started watching and enjoying wrestling, and attending shows, I finally got the WWE hookup and made it ringside on a televised show!
I still can't believe I've seen The Rock on three occasions in 6 months (the smackdown in Denver in September, the Vegas press conference, and the SLC smackdown).
I'm so happy I got to experience a double taping of the show cause I got to see more wrestling.
I think the best experience of the night was seeing Randy live. LORD....that man is Soo big, the cameras do not do him justice on how thick he got. He stayed out after the show tapings and signed things for us.
I know this is going to sound like straight up fanfic, but the man did a double take, called me a beauty, said he "would sign anything to continue seeing a gorgeous lady", signed my Cody sign, GAVE ME A KISS ON THE CHEEK, and gave me permission to touch his bicep...just remembering this, I need to sit down....
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My picture I took of Randy.
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bump1nthen1ght · 2 years
feel free to ignore but i would love to know if you have other characters that are drogo's workmates? i just love the setting of it all (drogo my beloved!! 😔🤝)
Oooh this was such a fun request anon! Hope y'all enjoy some general headcanons about Drogo's coworkers. If you're interested for more just let me know!
(And if you have no clue who were talking about, heres the link to the headcanons about our resident demon Drogo!
Headcanon 1
Headcanon 2
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Drogo's Coworkers: Belz and Rory Headcanons!
Belz (He/they)
Belz is the champion of smooth talking clients, even among his fellow sex-demon coworkers. They always have a way of getting customers to extend their time, knowing exactly what to say to make them wanting more
Bright blue skin and horns that curl back into his messy, shag hair. Definitely one of those people that can hop right out of the shower and their hair looks perfect
On the smaller side of sex demons because he’s actually half-human! Belz is around 5’9 with a lithe body
(Their mom is this sweet baker who fell in love with their biker incubus dad. Though according to his parents, the baker is the wilder of the two 👀)
Their day job is as an art teacher at a rec center and the local community college.
(Definitely the teacher everyone has a crush on. His billowy tops and boho pants make him feel like a love interest you’d run away to Greece with)
Will flirtatiously offer to be your nude subject if you ever want to practice figure drawings ;).
But then will genuinely paint the most beautiful portrait of you when they feel most inspired. It could be as simple as you sitting in the couch in your undies, but he’ll make you feel like a Renassaince muse.
Secret passion: Rodents, especially his two pet rats, Benny and Jet
Once when they were drunk they tried to call out to an opossum and keep it as pet, Drogo had to pull them away as they cried saying “Look at its little face!!”
Bond with his pets and you’ll be one of their favorite people, period. They’ll gush about their whole life history and how much work he’s put in their rat enclosure.
Like Drogo is very flirtatious with his tail, often holding out your wrist or wrapping around the meat of your thigh as he pats you in the butt
Ror’aman/Rory (She/Her)
Built like a brick SHITHOUSE; I’m talking 6’3, arms like carved marble, and thighs that could split a watermelon open
Bright Lavender skin and long, tall horns. Has thick, wavy black hair that she loves wear loose
Specializes in mommy-dom stuff, mostly because of her deep and raspy voice, but it’s aggressively caring demeanor that gets her the nickname ‘Mama’ in the office
One of her favorite hobbies is sewing; Not only can she make her own sexy outfits but she also has a passion for historical fashion. Going to a Ren Faire with her is a delight.
Loves to dress you up in the outfits she’s made, even having tailoring sessions where she can customize stuff to look absolutely perfect.
Her main source of income is as a personal trainer. She’s mastered the mix of encouraging and fierce where she can push you to your limits yet make you feel confident.
(Also has killer gym fits. All the matching sets that hug her body perfectly)
Like many Succubi, she is super touchy feely. She’ll randomly pet the top of your head or rub the back of your neck, not even realizing the shivers running down your spine
Will scratch the base of your skull with her long acrylic nails, pat your lower back, before giving a soft little kiss on your temple
(I mean c’mon who wouldn’t be like “Mommy 😳”)
Hardest part of staying over at her place? She has a tall person’s shelves, meaning you need a step stool to get everything. Or, she can pick you up by your hips and put you on the counter 😉
Takes play wrestling very seriously. You’ll be trying to grapple her with half strength and she’ll go between your legs and throw you over her shoulder like a fresh hunt, before supplexing you onto the bed
(She sees no problem with this: Fight the bull you get the horns 😤)
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84reedsy · 8 months
Hi, what's your take on:
Kevin Nash
Rey Mysterio
Scott Hall
Eddie Guerrero
In this essay I will....
Seriously, though. Gotta a LOT of love for all these dudes.
Kevin Nash - ahh my Big Sexy Silver Medal
- No hate for booking himself to break Goldberg's streak, I hated that 'undefeated' angle anyway. Wish he'd have kept the belt, though, instead of propping up Hogan with it.
- While his in ring work was mid at times, his charisma and mic work were off the mf'n charts. Peak for me was the original NWO run/WolfPac split. He was SO over, and he knew it.
- I was trash for his snark, his humor, and his cocky ass attitude.
Wrestling Scale: 6/10
Persona Scale: 8/10 (avg of ALL his personas)
Reedsy's Rail Scale: 11/10
Rey Mysterio, Jr. - my favorite high flyer
- a lot of love for his insaaaaanely high degree of talent and execution. The most entertaining of the luchadors for me.
- he gave us the mulleted gorgeousness of Dom Dom 🤌
- I was not thrilled when he lost his mask in WCW, I didn't understand why that angle was so high on the showrunners priority, however, he was SO adorably cute
Wrestling Scale: 10/10
Persona Scale: 7/10 (and I usually don't like faces)
Reedsy's Rail Scale: 4/10 (I need em tall with long hair, but this makes me sad 😭)
Scott Hall
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-Y'all...I don't feel like can accurately articulate my affinity for this man. I could watch him any time, any day and just mark out SO hard. Any Era, any version. Absolutely throw myself, vag first right at him.
- once I got used to being able to watch him without pterodactyl screeching, I was entranced by his ringwork. He could sell like no other and didn't care whether he won or lost, only whether or not the match was entertaining and made the other guy look good. Work wise he was selfless.
- incomprehensible screeching
Wrestling Scale: 20/10
Persona Scale: 12/10 (avg of all)
Reedsy's Rail Scale: ER (He broke the fucking scale)
Eddie Guerrero
-Oh Eddie, oh Uncle Eddie, how could I ever explain how much I adoooore you. You made the mullet sexy first, you were thrilling to watch in the ring.
-His kayfabe was beautiful, I think he was the villain that everyone secretly loved.
-He was good to Joanie ❤️❤️❤️
- he elevated Chavo early on and really amplified the mid-card entertainment when WCW was struggling to think of anything other than in-ring promos by the NWO.
Wrestling Scale: 10/10
Persona Scale: 10/10
Reedsy's Rail Scale: 9/10
Thank you for the ask @saebasanart !!!! You picked some of my all time favorites! I had to abbreviate Scott's 😂
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