skippyv20 · 4 years
✝️✝️✝️🌈🌈🌈💟💟💟PG INTERPRETATION OF MM ANON💟💟💟🌈🌈🌈✝️✝️✝️
MM ANON ………… 0600 hr. ……………… build,build,build, drink ,drink,drink …………… 🎼Braaaaaazil🎼……………… business as unusual …………… speak to the Guinness ………… TSDONY………… Subpoena ad testomonium…… theatre/ no theatre ……………… but not America ………… Lone Ranger……………… Mt, Rushmore ………… a bad day in LA ………… still hiding
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Entertainment purposes 
✝️✝️✝️🌈🌈🌈💟💟💟THANK YOU MM ANON💟💟💟🌈🌈🌈✝️✝️✝️
JULY 3/2020
0600 hr. ……………… build,build,build, drink ,drink,drink …………… 
Well tomorrow or in the UK it’s ready today there will be one massive as the paper says pub Mageddon to get a riff on the word Armageddon. Starting at 06:00 the pubs will be open and there will be so many people queued up and waiting to get in. There will be drinking like we have not seen probably since the end of prohibition in the United States it will be on an epic level. There will be so much alcohol consumed because people have not had their locals for so long now. I sure would not want to be anywhere near any any place near where there is the level of rage needing to be let loose.
Yesterday PM Boris Johnson was a really given the charge that they needed to get the economy going and they will start building and refurbishing and adding a lot to London for sure and the Country. Needing to get the economy going after it being stalled for so long and having the Bank of England flood more money into the market, just people need to get back to work.
However it will be a drinking marathon and literally that will be the Thomas like round song do you remember round songs when you were a kid?  you would like the wheels on the bus it all take turns than the song would go around and around. Anyways it will be like that drink drink drink build build build drink and drink beer I’ll be like two opposite sides working at the same time it’s going to be a gong show.
MM ANON I just love you. This song by Xavier Cugat Is entitled Brazil. It was used in many movies and many lounges at the  time when in many old movies of which I am a great fan of any of you know. Most of you would recognize the melody instantly as it was played but not know the name of it or who the performer was. It is  a great Latin music song.There’s a movie called Sitting Pretty  one of my favourite movies of all time with Maureen O’Hara and Robert Young,it is saying her husband they’re still there they’re name are Stacy and Henry King hang out what’s his name it’s gonna bug me and it’ll come back to me anyways this song plays prominently in a scene with that movie with her and Clifton Webb were doing a dance as the town gossips about them. This is one of the great Mr. Belvedere movies if you have not seen any of them oh you must. As you can see I remembered his name I am I thought I added it but above there his name is Robert Young.
Brazil is exploding with cases of COVID-19 is anyone else having COVID-19 fatigue like or is it just me? Anyhow they have decided to reopen the many businesses and they have not even hit the peak of their their cases yet. It’s it’s a dire thing for the economy and balancing lockdown and and finances and it’s just an absolute nightmare. One of the newspaper links here is saying that it’s a tragedy that is foretold is it inevitably going to happen and get my chores as things reopen the virus will spread even more. So it’s absolutely disastrous and so sad which is it just makes me so sad that this is happening.
business as unusual …………… 
Everything has changed but since Covid in this clue could apply to anything from the social distancing and restaurants are the plastic that’s not the right word but you know the clear plastic for up in front of the cash registers are between tables. The business is re-open but with limits and the levels of disease spread will be monitored very closely any increase will result in what’s happened in Leicester  were so been locked down again on people I’m sure are not obeying the the rules.
speak to the Guinness ………… 
One of my favourite beverages when I was able to drink before I’ve been on all this medication with Guinness  extra cold oh my times in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 all my good memories good memories. The way this is worded it almost reminds me of the saying talk to the hand when you didn’t want to  hear something you put your hand up and you say talk to the hand. So this is like speak to the Guinness.I don’t know if there’s not enough supply or if they’re thinking they’re not having enough obviously then you talk to you to the Guinness. That is  about it I don’t know if that’s for certain it off but that sounds possible to me.Given that they have been ramping up production of their famous beverage in anticipation of this weekends drink fest and they want to make sure they have enough on hand. Bars were supposed to open originally at midnight but they were had to be delayed until 6 AM so I’m sure the crowd will be just raring to go.
No what is this I have heard of SDNY the Southern District of New York. Geoffrey Berman he was head  prosecutor of this very aggressive arm of the criminal justice system in the United States was fired a few days ago. I am not sure who is who will replace them I haven’t looked it up yet. So what what what what does B out of New York the Southern District well I guess you know what MM ANON in on you you’re using a different abbreviation I know it is SDNY and so I think you’re doing it as TSDONY which means the Southern District of New York I’m gonna go with that. This is a court that also prosecuted Michael Cohen, President Trump‘s I think they called him his fixer anyways he’s in jail now he’s been convicted of all sorts of things he’s in jail prison.
 This is the office of which out of which Ghislaine Maxwell will be prosecuted. She was arrested in New Hampshire and she was turned over to the US Sheriffs  for transport to taking her to Manhattan to the same jail where Jeffrey Epstein was kept. I certainly hope they have better security and supervision of her other than they did have Jeffrey. From the way the papers are talking it sounds like she’s going to be flipping over and cooperating and giving up all sorts of names and she knows a lot about a lot of people that they would not want known. Continues to be as this does laser focus on Prince Andrew from something way back when with someone who was an adult. There are so many politicians and stars will start is that an old word stars were like in the 1940s those movies to me those are stars so it was considered a star today is somebody who’s got PR. There’s a lot of people political people wealthy people people we probably can’t even imagine that are in her little mental black book that she could flip over on but yet they seem to be banging away at Prince Andrew. So it seems like this attack at our monarchy it’s just it’s continuing and it’s just I am not saying that I think he’s innocent but I do think he’s innocent until it’s proven guilty right it’s not how the world works?  They just seem to be laser focussed on getting him to testify or getting something on him and were the backers are going full speed on this I’m not saying that office is corrupt but it’s very interesting that that the president had to add Bill Barr get rid of the head prosecutor there I don’t know I I don’t know anymore what what is true and what is fake news I really don’t. 
Subpoena ad testomonium…… 
So I was just looking up the meaning of the word testomonium and it means at the end of a contract or a clause that says in witness there of any person would he say that they were in witness of some incident and they will be signing their name. Subpoena I think we all know what that means that’s a pay for you to get from the prosecutors office or the defence that you need to come in and give testimony. The FBI have been going on and on how uncooperative Prince Andrew and for him his side he said he would but he’s made himself available at any point for them to come to England to interview him,. So at some point This is going to happen but I highly highly highly doubt that I’ll believe it if I sought in person that Prince Andrew would go to United States. That would be the stupidest move he could ever do because he would never get out of that country. I don’t think his lawyers would let him nor would her Majesty, that was just very foolish. Anyhow I just think I just I know I am on about this but this this this attack against our monarchy is continuing and it’s escalating and we are ramping up and we thought we reaching a tipping point last summer and we thought we were reaching a tipping point the previous summer and remember the clue we had that was the “lift off “and we thought oh wow finally  things will come out, and that’s like two years ago. so we know when the Lord Geidt has been playing The long game as has her Majesty. Will you say things have been happening in the background I know that’s been kind of like a broken record that we’ve been saying here but this is this is all coming together now with the the social unrest in the race issues and this was all planned a very long time ago and it’s financed by pick who you choose there’s a list of backers  that we all know who it could be and in combination so they’re just sitting back laughing and watching that the horror unfold. I am on the other hand I am praying for our Queen and our monarchy and our faith that we can keep our faith open and seems to be attack on everything I hold dear, Christian faith, historic statues be the popular or not they tell our history and of course some thing I hold very dear to my heart is her majesty and the monarchy.
theatre/ no theatre ……………… 
I saw an interview with a Piers Morgan and the other lady on good morning Britain were interviewing John Barrowman. And he was born in Scotland but he’s was moved to the states with his family when his dad got a I think a big factory manager job I think at caterpillar anyways he was talking about the death of the theatre regarding Covid. Now if you’re not English and you’re not aware as fall approaches in winter approaches pantomime or Panto is huge and it’s a big money raiser for theatre and local theatre and They have no idea if it’s going to go on or not he said he is scheduled to be in Bristol in some I forget would play I forget anyway she scheduled to be there but he has no idea if it’s if it’s going to be going on or not and he’s not getting any word from anybody nobody knows anything. But then he he’s also been on the stage is a very well-known stage actor and he has been for years and he went on to talk about the West End in the theatre in the end if if those things don’t resume soon he said the theatre will die he said 75% of it is already gone and if the Panto season doesn’t go ahead that he said could be will be the death of the British theatre. I won’t say that too loud with my sister might hear that and that be devastating for her she likes to go to London to see several plays quite often. It really is quite devastating this whole it’s like I don’t even know it’s the whole world is changed and what we will look like on the other side of this I I just don’t know. I’ve I think I say, l just don’t know a lot eh? and I use the word anyhow different than when I’m typing.
but not America ………… 
I think MM ANON here is referring to the air bridges is where the countries that the Brits will be able to travel to given the Covid situation. What I’m reading is that America, Russia and Brazil are definitely off the list of places where Britons can travel to. So unfortunately they won’t be able to go to those places for holiday.
Lone Ranger……………… 
Way back I think in the 1950s there was a show called the lone ranger a hero riding his horse wearing a mask and a side kick Tonto. Well given the fact that title is Native American and with the half way the world is now I’m sure that show will be banned and will never be allowed to be played again. But it’s interesting that Trump is not wanting to wear a mask for a while but you change your mind on that I guess he’s looking for staff and who do you like to joke so silly he says he looks like the Lone Ranger when he wears a mask that’s so funny you know we need to laugh months all of this sadness right so he gave me a laugh anyways I thought that was pretty funny.
Mt, Rushmore ………… 
Tomorrow’s July 4 in the United States it’s called their lndependence Day and it’s usually filled with fun and barbeques in fireworks and people getting together watching parades and that’s her thing. A lot of places it’s all been cancelled due to the Covid. President Trump and his family will be going to Mount Rushmore and having a celebration there and fireworks. This is somewhat controversial as other places it’s been cancelled but he feels it’s very important that this go on. There has been talk of getting rid of some of the faces on mount Rushmore if you’re not familiar mount Rushmore is a massive Massive not statue but it’s carved into the side of the mountain four presidents I’m going to go from memory here I think it’s Teddy Roosevelt George Washington oh dear I’m not American I think those are two of them and there’s two more I can look it up if you’re interested in. There has been talk with all these statues being pulled down and destroyed there has been talk of some talk about getting rid of the part of Mount Rushmore because somebody doesn’t like the face of one of the presidents I am not sure the logic but that would be one major task to get up there and deface that so I hope they don’t do that. I hope everything goes well tomorrow I hope it’s televised at least people will get to see the fireworks which is so important I remember as a kid we always drove down my parents always drove us down across the border and we would go to different places and watch the fireworks and have hotdogs in and we would enjoy the day even though we were Canadian we would always drive down there and we always had loads of fun it was awesome. I just think it’s so sad somethings so sacred it is destroyed for so many millions of people after all the work over the last couple of hundred years of developing this beautiful country I just think it’s so sad. And I’m sure there will be protests tomorrow and even though all they can’t get together for parades and all this other stuff to celebrate they could certainly will be allowed their first amendment right to protest and possibly would very likely burn the flag we seen that quite often at these protests so anyways from my American friends my heart aches for you it really does I’ve been praying for you and I I just it it’s my heart just aches it really does. 
a bad day in LA ………… 
Well well well, I am doing my best Angelina Jolie voice from Maleficent where she says well well well. Gil Garcetti was the DA in Los Angeles during the whole OJ trial thing and now his little boy is the mayor of Los Angeles.He has been all gung ho on the protests ,you know the first amendment right and it’s all good outside there’s fresh air and some people have masks and there’s no risk whatsoever as to COVID-19 that’s been his mantra. Well today ,as I say well well well ,there’s been a big spike in COVID-19 cases and well well well Mr. Little Eric Garcetti was forced to tell the truth today when previously when he said that the spike in Covid cases had nothing to do with the protests he had to eat some crow today and acknowledge that it was due to the protests.
still hiding
Who is still hiding? We know Madam has been hiding we know certainly that her main squeeze has been hard hiding ,Marcus and he’s either hiding  or he’s in custody and he’s flipped on her I think he might have a sleazy enough to to look after his own self and everyone else be damned.. We’re not stupid though we know LG and his men know exactly where she is what she’s doing and even though she think she may be pulling something over on somebody, oh no way, the powers that be know exactly where she is and what she’s up to.
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Entertainment purposes 
Thank you PG…looks interesting 😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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