knightzp · 6 months
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here's the part from the climax!! it's google translate so maybe not 100% accurate but the point is there
no but. the way leo was just talking abt himself and izumi suddenly said that He is cold implying he cant make leo warm????? he said it like so out of the blue it didnt have anything to do with what leo was saying (unless they said something abt it before) but it means izumi Wants to warm him up and he is sad he cant IM- and if that wasnt enough then leo gave me the final shot with his last line "i was the one who knew that and i hugged you" OUGHUGHGGH
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yuacherry · 1 year
"A winter's first goodbye"
I decided for this to have another title, but this is pretty much based on the song titled "When first love ends" covered by Rachie on YT! I recommend listening to it after you read this, cuz there are some parts that I changed specially from the lyrics.
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Walking down the path as the fresh winter breeze hits Izumi Sena's fair skin, his body shivered making him stop in the middle of his tracks. Sighing deeply, he watched his breath blow chilling winter smokes in the air, looking far ahead and glanced at the sky before continuing his little journey to the train station where his beloved awaits. Keeping his head lowered and his guard up, he reminisces about memories of 'him' composing lyrics, running off somewhere all of a sudden, or just simply being too loud in the hallways, his eyes looking up once more in a city full of crowds and smiled at the sight. Trees, decorated with christmas lights, the evening sky painted with golden hues.
A crowded noise surrounds him, his ear filled with chatters of different people, his pupils dilating at the sight of both the city and the sky, loosing himself in a train of thoughts. A high pitched laughter caught his attention 'How annoying' he thought to himself as he turns to look at the direction of the voice and his widen at the sight as he heard the woman declaring "Hey look! It's finally snowing, love. Isn't it pretty?" She happily says as she glanced at her lover who looked up at the sky and smiled, "You're right, it's pretty."
A bitter smile crept up to Izumi's lips as he continued his way to the station, his chest suddenly feeling heavy, his breathing becoming more and more restless, he's getting more and more antsy the closer he gets and the more the clock continues to tick. His hand clutched to the bag that hungs on his shoulders, a parting gift, a gift that he poured all his love and effort into, and the same gift that he will hand over to Leo, before he departs, before their paths seperates. With it being the last memory Leo will have of him, the last memory that will remind Leo Tsukinaga, that their love story had already ended the moment the gift lands on his palms. Stopping on his tracks as he heard the announcement for the incoming train stirred panic and anxiety inside his head, taking the time to catch his breath in front of the entrance of the train station, he hurriedly walked inside, going through the securities, claiming in the ticket booth, and finally running through a crowd of people entering the train.
Panting as he looked everywhere, until finally spotting a ponkan headed guy who wears a very tired expression entering the train- his head is brimming with anxiety as he fasten his pace and called out. "LEO!" And as if on cue, the said person looked automatically to the direction of the voice only to spot a panting Izumi. Leo automatically smiled upon spotting his beloved, wasting no time to run and greet him. "You came Sena! Ahahaha!!" Leo chirped, hugging Izumi tightly. "Of course, I have to see you go." Izumi replied with a sad smile, though farewells aren't exactly new to him. This one is by far one of the most heartbreaking farewells that he will ever do, literally. "Caring as always, Sena ahahaha!" Leo said, looking at Izumi with a fond smile, Leo knew that this might be the last time Izumi will see him off as a lover, Leo indeed does not plan to return anytime soon. The heavy burden that Leo has been carrying over the past years, the insults and descrimitination he received continued to play like a broken record on his head. This caused the ponkan headed boy to make the decision of leaving for a very long time, to go somewhere peaceful, somewhere he will be able to drown the voices out and mostly somewhere where no one will see him drown in his own tears, sobs and wails.
"What's with the face, Sena?" Leo asked concern at his partner's frowning face, little did he know, Izumi is coming up with the words that he wanted to speak depending on his feelings, his stomach churned from stress and pressure, knowing that the train will have to go soon, and so will Leo. Izumi searched for words on the back of his head, sighing. Leo saw this, knowing that it must've been stressful for Izumi to see him go. Leo leaned in to Izumi's face slowly reaching for a kiss, even if it doesn't help. At least, at least Leo was able to leave something memorable to his beloved. Throughout the months that they've dated this will probably be their first, yet will also be the last kiss. "You know I-" Izumi got cut off with Leo's lips landing on his, as if they were part of a TV show, it felt like the seconds were a bit longer than it should be. Everything around them slowed and with widened eyes. Tears started to form out of Izumi's eyes, it gently ran down his cheeks, leo gently pulled away and smiled at Izumi. Noticing his tear stained cheeks, Leo kissed the tears away "Stop crying now Ahahaha☆~!!" Leo smiled, and upon hearing the announcement before the train departs. He immediately hurried inside the train, "That's my cue! I have to go now Sena, bye bye!!" Leo waved, before Sena get to process anything- he hurriedly went after Leo and shoved the parting gift that he made on his own. A pair of winter mufflers shining red, sits inside the box that is delicately wrapped in a blue wrapper, and a red ribbon sits a top. Izumi smiled as he watched the door of the train closed, seeing Leo waved off while holding the gift in his hand tightly like his life depended on it- as the train starts to slowly move forward. Izumi watched the train disappear from his sight and looked up at the dim sky, "Oh, it's finally evening. I guess I should head back." He mumbled under his red scarf- hold on Scarf? He doesn't remember wearing any scarf when he hurried to the train station earlier. Eyes widening as he realized who it may belong to, gently sniffing the scarf, enjoying the remanants of the perfume of its previous owner, yep- without a doubt, it does belong to Leo. "He's as sneaky as always.." Izumi thought to himself and smiled. "I wonder where we'll both be at this time around next year? Either way.. please continue to smile, Leo."
Writing this kind of made my braincells run away, since I haven't written anything since 2021, crying.
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silversnowblossom · 7 months
hmm been thinking about an izuleo god au where leo is a god, and izumi his priest/most faithful follower
leo is perfectly happy being a minor god, with the smallest of followings - just the village. he’s the god of the flickering flame, the spark of inspiration that turns designs alight, the hearth in winter, the summer breeze. But izumi wants to be more, wants more than the village can offer. and so for Izumi, leo presses forward, higher and higher and eventually he becomes a major god, Music and Fire, bright as the sun, but—
leo is kind, is the thing. as a major god, he’s flooded with prayers and requests for assistance and he works hard at answering them but it wears him thin—especially the deluge of requests he can’t grant. and he finally breaks under the weight of all the prayers he can’t grant, all the people he can’t help, the suffering of the world. and the realization that izumi is human, that he will suffer, that sooner or later he will be gone. (maybe sparked by the war?)
izumi, meanwhile is flourishing - leo’s chief priest maybe? And he doesn’t realize the price until leo breaks. he comes across ritsu, another minor god for all that his brother is the mighty tsukiyomi, and asks him for help, but there’s nothing much ritsu can do. ritsu is, after all, just the moonlight reflecting off a pond at night, the calm of the quiet breeze. he’s not powerful enough to save a god who does not want to be saved. but ritsu likes izumi, because izumi is one of the first not to recognize him for his brother, and what happened to izumi and leo is a tragic thing, and besides—mao is too busy these days to tend to a needy god, he knows how short a human’s life is and he can’t infringe upon his human so much. so ritsu hangs around for a bit.
hmm I think arashi would be human. she grows up in the same village as izumi, and she's there for some of it. 
presently, some years down the line, tsukasa comes to existence, a young, fledgling god, but with the same hints of something more, of being greater, like leo once upon a time. he is Honor and Courage and Honesty. and he knows something has happened to leo, this god who was once so great, but no one in takamagahara really knows what happened, just that he broke. or if they do, they won’t tell him about it. (because no one was closer to leo than izumi, and for all that leo is charismatic and friendly, the other gods weren’t really his friends)
hmm not sure how it'll end though. maybe tsukasa finds leo, and he's just a flickering flame, and ends up revitalizing him somehow. leo and izumi finally (don't) talk it out. maybe it ends with izumi becoming a god, too.
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fierysunrises · 7 months
winter wonderland bingo masterlist
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@seasonaldelightsbingo 1. (alt) Watching the ball drop together on new year’s (enstars, izuleo, 200 words, T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53309233
2. Covering them up with a blanket while sleeping (blue lock, nagisagi, 700 words, T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/52321729 3. Cooking together (boueibu, kinatsu, 2k words, T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/52469035
4. Squeezing their hand to reassure them (boueibu happy kiss, kyoata, 1k words, T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53247334
5. Reading together (boueibu, en & arima, 500 words, T) https://archiveofourown.org/works/54086821
6. Holding hands while ice skating (daiya no ace, furusawa, 1.7k words, T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53224825
7. Stuck together (project sekai, akikasa, 2.5k words, T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/54249427
8. (alt) playful wrestling (kaguya-sama, ishimiko, 1.6k, T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/52032259
9. Taking care of one another (boueibu happy kiss, nanaryo, 1.4k words, T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53014165
10. (alt) building a snowman (daiya no a, furusawa, 2.4k, T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/52928617
11. Teaching their partner to ice skate (kaguya-sama, ishimiko, 300 words, G): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53919130
12. First dates (a3!, tsuzukazu, 400 words, T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/52375099
13. Chocolate kisses (boueibu happy kiss, nanaryo, 500 words, T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/52033786
14. Couple skating (blue lock, nagisagi, 1.5k words, T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/54333217
15. (alt) christmas dinners (daiya no ace, furusawa, 900 words, T) https://archiveofourown.org/works/52055791
16. Cuddling (a3!, tsuzucito, 400 words, G): https://archiveofourown.org/works/53107747
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
nudnerstwnda le 🧸how have you been doing cobalt ^^ im enjoying reading your izuleo rampage over yhe past day
My rampage...i love this description lmao! Im about to get dressed to go see a friend's new apartment for the first time and then watch some films, but other than this i feel...restless. like time is slipping away and i should be making the most out of these last few days of winter break...but im not. I havent done anything in particular and im still so tired. Alas, thats just what my life is like, i shouldve gotten used to these feelings by now. How have you been?^_^
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canarymemories · 1 year
shared warmth
rating: general audiences archive warning: no archive warnings apply relationship: sena izumi/ tsukinaga leo additional tags: ! era, takes place once starfes is over, izuleo festa, fluff, mutual pining, i think about them in ! era a normal amount :) words: 1,850 published: 2022-12-18
summary: he notes the way leo’s cheeks look the tiniest bit red from the cold, and how the small cloud of leo’s breath lingers between them, briefly mixing with his own. the longer they stand there, more snowflakes find home in the bits of leo’s hair that sticks out from under the hat. some choose to fall and stick along his shoulders. izumi isn’t quite sure what it is about the moment, but he finds his breath catching in his throat.
here on ao3
izumi steps out into the fresh snow, his breath puffing in a small cloud in front of him while the winter air embraces him. he’s almost disappointed that the snow doesn’t quite crunch beneath his feet; the snow's too powdery and the air isn’t quite cold enough for the noise to be anything other than faint.
the snow is still falling in big, slow flakes that cover up the tracks left by others leaving the school, and for a moment, it’s picturesque. or it is until a strong gust of wind blows through, making izumi shrink back into his coat and scarf, hands curling in on themselves where they sit buried in his pockets. despite him not minding the cold, he has to admit there’s a bite in the air when the wind comes through like that. it’ll be a while before he gets home and he already craves the warmth that comes with being inside.
as he walks down the path, izumi hears something begin to mix with the soft crunch of snow beneath his feet. at first it sounds like nothing more than the murmur of a faraway conversation passing by, but he soon recognizes it as a tune being vocalized. it doesn’t take him long to realize he knows that voice. after that, he quickly spots the form of that very person under a tree near the school gates.
izumi isn’t sure if he should be surprised or not that leo hadn’t gone home like promised. instead, izumi sees once close enough, that leo’s made himself home on the ground, a thin layer of snow having built up on his shoulders and part of his back, making it obvious how long he’s been there.
he nudges leo’s leg with his foot. “hey,” he says. leo hardly reacts at the contact with nothing more than a small jiggle of his leg. when he gets no response, izumi nudges him once again, slightly harder this time. “i thought i told you to go home, ousama.”
leo makes a surprised noise, shoulders jumping as his pen halts on the notebook as he finally looks up. “sena, hi! when did you get here?”
izumi’s eyes narrow. at least leo is wearing the hat and gloves he’d been gifted earlier. they’re better than nothing he supposes, but it’s not much if leo’s been sitting out here since he’d left, bored of watching izumi tidy up the studio knights use. either way, it’s nice to know that leo at least appreciates the gift.
“go home already, would you? your parents and ruka-chan are probably worried about you.”
leo’s face scrunches for a moment, making it all the more obvious just how red the tip of his nose is. “i was going home,” leo starts, flinging himself back to lay in the snow. the loose flakes around him fly up at the force only to float back down a moment later. “but the way the snow was falling was perfect, sena. you would’ve stopped too if you were me.”
izumi sighs heavily. “if i were you, i wouldn’t be out here in the snow. seriously, what are you? a child?”
leo makes a halfhearted swipe at izumi’s ankles. there’s a small pout on his lips that only proves izumi’s point. “you just don’t get it, sena.”
“clearly,” he mutters. izumi shakes his head and bends down, grabbing the notebook leo had been working in and the pen left to the side where it had been tossed. he glances over the notes as he shakes the snow from the notebook. it’s hardly a finished song. izumi can see the notes rewritten, lines indented from a pen that didn’t want to write. nevertheless, what he can make out isn’t bad.
looking back down at leo, he asks, “aren’t you bad with the cold anyway?”
leo closes his eyes. “yeah, but that doesn’t matter when it comes to inspiration.” his tone makes it sound like he’s giving sagely advice rather than trying to explain why, for the second time that day, he’s willingly sitting out in the cold.
izumi rolls his eyes. “whatever you say.” he tucks the notebook and pen into his coat pocket. “you’re done writing for now, so let’s go.”
sitting up, leo blinks curiously at him. “go where?”
“i’m making sure you go home, idiot.”
that gets leo to stand albeit a little unsteadily. “my legs are so cold,” he says as if he’s amazed and maybe even excited by that fact. he tugs on his hat, pulling it to lay over the tips of his ears, knocking some of the snow out of his hair and from the hat itself in the process.
though the lighting is dim under the cloudy night sky, izumi can see the way leo shivers in front of him the same way he had before going out on stage earlier. without a second thought, izumi steps closer and unravels his scarf from where it sits. he drapes it across the back of leo’s neck, taking care to loosely loop it in front of him to hopefully conserve whatever heat may be in it. it’s not until his hand brushes lightly against leo’s jaw as he places the ends of the scarf behind his shoulders that izumi realizes just what he’s doing. his hands freeze where they are, having been smoothing the ends of the scarf out.
leo’s been oddly quiet since he’d stepped forward and that in itself only makes izumi nervous. somewhat reluctantly, izumi wills himself to look at leo instead of his hands. his gaze shifts and meets leo's only to see him staring, eyes slightly wide and unblinking. for the briefest of moments, izumi stares back, unsure of what to say, if anything at all.
he notes the way leo’s cheeks look the tiniest bit red from the cold, and how the small cloud of leo’s breath lingers between them, briefly mixing with his own. the longer they stand there, more snowflakes find home in the bits of leo’s hair that sticks out from under the hat. some choose to fall and stick along his shoulders. izumi isn’t quite sure what it is about the moment, but he finds his breath catching in his throat. a stray snowflake lands on leo’s eyelashes, finally making him blink. 
with whatever that moment was having been broken, izumi looks away and shifts half a step back. no matter how much he likes attention, there’s always something the tiniest bit uncomfortable — not even in a bad way — about being the sole thing leo is focusing. his hands begin to pull away from where they hover, but they halt in their journey.
clearing his throat, izumi’s hands go to leo’s shoulders once more, brushing the snow from them. he hopes the bitter, wet cold on his palms serves as a warning to himself to not do something like that without thinking again. “seriously ousama, you’re going to freeze out here. how have you even stayed out here for this long? i know i made you a hat and gloves, but that doesn’t mean you can sit there in the snow, you know. what’s going to happen if you get sick?” 
leo doesn’t reply right away, though his lips part slightly. izumi steps back, hands falling back to his sides now that his task is done. 
leo brings a hand up and presses the scarf to the lower part of his face, covering what looks like an almost shy smile pulling at his mouth. “sena, you’re so warm,” he says, apparently pleased as he closes his eyes.
izumi feels a small bit of relief at that.
“and you’d take care of me if i ever got sick, right?” leo’s voice comes once more, this time quiet and muffled beneath the scarf. there’s something about the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice —  soft and maybe a bit too trusting considering everything between them — that stirs something in izumi.
his gaze drops to the space between the two of them, settling in the spot where his feet had been moments ago. as he searches for the words to respond, he’s interrupted by leo sniffling. when izumi looks back up at him, he sees leo nuzzling deeper into the scarf. “you better not be wiping your nose in that,” he says. “that’s not why i gave you my scarf, you know.”
leo hums happily. “i wouldn’t do that,” he says, seeming not bothered by the accusation at all. izumi’s heard the words from leo’s mouth enough times to know there’s a you’re so kind, sena left unsaid. 
gladly ignoring the feeling that gives him, izumi huffs, “so annoying.” he turns on his heel and starts towards the gate once more. “come on, leo-kun.”
he can hear leo run after him a second or two later, though it’s not like he’s walked all that far. “are you gonna stay over?”
the thought of being allowed back in leo’s house makes izumi feel unsure. he knows it’s okay for him to be there; leo wouldn’t ask otherwise, right? it’s also late enough that leo’s family wouldn’t even know he’s there until the morning, which means he’d be able to avoid any awkward conversations until then. 
it’s also late enough that izumi doesn’t really feel like going all the way back to his own house, the fatigue of starfes starting to hit him, whereas leo’s is closer. the tsukinagas had always been warm in a way izumi had craved since he was young and that in itself only makes being let back in all the more tempting.
the only issue is, well, does he really deserve that yet?
“i’ll think about it,” izumi finally decides.
as much of a non-answer that is, it’s enough for leo as he launches himself at izumi. his feet slide with the force of leo practically jumping onto his back. izumi yelps, a hand flying out to balance himself out of instinct while the other rests against leo’s arms around his shoulders. “get off of me, ousama. you’re heavy,” he says once he’s certain neither of them will fall. he tries to wiggle out of leo’s hold, but it doesn’t do much when the arms around him tighten into what feels more like a hug.
leo’s cheek, still ice cold, presses to the side of his neck, nearly making izumi flinch. “you should stay over,” he says, voice soft. “ruka-tan misses you.”
izumi moves his hand from leo’s arms. he gives a small nod after a few seconds. “i’ll stay then. just for her.”
satisfied, leo finally pulls away, leaving an odd absence in the space where he’d clung. he smiles wide, a bit too knowing for izumi’s comfort as he stands next to him. leo holds out his hand, expectant. in the light of the yumenosaki entrance, izumi can see that the knit of the gloves are wet from the snow. even so, he still gently places his hand in leo’s.
the smile on leo’s face only grows, teeth showing as it does. “let’s go then.”
end notes: realistically i know izumi would be wearing gloves too but listen,,, anyway shout out to fluffcember prompt for the 18th being reunion bc i saw that and thought of starfes and now here we are
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sizhui · 1 year
Izuleo theres no path to me, look, everything's white it's winter now, and don't go without a coat, everything's white it's winter now
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herri-writes · 1 year
forever winter is just post-checkmate izuleo. change my mind.
midnight rain is just ! wataei. change my mind.
love story is just ritsumao. change my mind.
speak now is almost every ship in enstars but with third wheels. change my mind.
enchanted is almost every ship in enstars. change my mind.
and most of all, we all know that goregous is just every ship and one of them has blue eyes. change my mind.
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maridied · 2 years
after i get little romance ritsu i am going to get the izuleo winter outifts cards and after that i will save up for both a to z kaoru and swee2wink yuuta
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listlessfox · 4 years
izuleo - though far away (we’re still the same)
the AU where leo never returns to yumenosaki academy.
Summer fades into autumn, and autumn becomes winter, and Tsukinaga Leo doesn’t come back.
Izumi tarnishes Knights’ reputation, and the newbie asks about their missing king with stars in his eyes, and Tsukinaga Leo doesn’t come back.
Leo is gone, but Knights is still his unit, his castle.  All of their songs are his, and that doesn’t change even when the throne is vacant.  The flash drives start arriving sometime in September.  New songs in envelopes with no return address, no name—only Knights written in a messy, familiar script across the back.
read more (ao3)
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ousamaleo · 5 years
“Quit touching me, your feet are cold!” (( idk why but this screamed izuleo at me
“But Sena~” Leo let a long whine out, his arms reaching over the Kotatsu to hold on to Izumi, he wouldn’t want his heat to run away from him. The Kotatsu wasn’t even heated up yet, so ‘Sena house’ seem very cold.His feet under the cover seeking the heat out. Winter was a nice time of year, only when it snowed. When it was wet and cold it seemed like nothing was possible. His fingers to cold to practice and his feet to cold to practices.Even if he was gonna use Izumi as his personal heat pat, placing his feet in the middle of the other legs as it seemed like the warmest place, also his legs wasn’t long enough to get under the other shirt with out laying down.
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“Your king is gonna die, and loose his feet if they turn cold.”
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enstaries · 7 years
Hi!! I read that one post where it was 3B on what they're doing after graduation, and is it to much trouble to ask for a small story on Leo's one? Like, him trashing Izumi's room? Thank you!
well, i dabbled a little more with the aftermath, sorry if you were looking something more of crack :0 hope you still appreciate the izuleo tho ,,
 Man is a creature of habit, and sadly the averagely average Sena Izumi is also a creature of habit; every day he comes home from his 9 to 5 job on the dot, hangs his coat on the rack and says to no one at all, "I'm home."
  Today is another one of those days. Izumi had rejected his colleagues' offer to go drinking together - "It's Friday after all, Sena-san. Let's drink away our worries!" - and headed straight home. He stretches his arms, sighing. It's been another tiring week, and he's looking forward to resting over the weekend.
  "I'm home," he calls out again, removing his coat. There is no reply - as expected, he lives an average and lonely life - but then a loud, abrupt snort erupts within the house, and Izumi jumps a little.
  "What the-"
  He collects himself when his gaze falls on the pair of shoes beside his, the pair that are so flashy there can only be one person who wears them. Izumi growls, and storms into his home.
  "Oi, Leo-kun!"
  What meets his eye is a tornado of destruction; in fact, it almost seemed as if Leo had meant for that to happen. His table and chairs are strewn over the floor, and cabinets ransacked, left open with food scattered about by some rampant, starving monster. Then, of course, Leo's signature move - paper flutter around the room and coats it a soft layer of white, in an illusion that winter has come early.  It's going to take at least an hour to fix this mess.
  "For God's sake," he groans. "I gave you the key here so that you have a place to stay, not for you to trash my goddamn house every few weeks as stress relief. I swear to God, if you do this one more time I'm really going to take the key away from you. You heard me, Leo-kun?"
  Leo doesn't reply, and a vein pops on Izumi's temple. "Oi, Leo-kun! Reply to me, dammit!"
  His reply is another loud snort, so Izumi turns to see Leo in his full glory. As taxing as it is to clean up Leo's mess, it must have been equally so to kick up such a mess; Leo is tuckered out, and snuggles comfortably in Izumi's futon with a blissful smile.
  "Are you kidding me."
  Sometimes, Izumi thinks he treats Leo too kindly. There's a murderous intent within him to reach out and strangle Leo while he's still asleep, yet there is this unspeakably vulnerable side of him that weakens him, and compels him to just stand there and look at - no, admire - Leo. This man has just torn his home to pieces for the umpteenth time, and yet... and yet...
  "Senaaaa..."  Izumi jolts a little. Did Leo notice Izumi's heavy stare?
  "Senaaaa," Leo whines, stirring in his spot. His eyes are still shut, and Izumi laughs: Leo is sleep-talking. "Sena, come home... I miss you..."
  "Tch." Izumi rolls his eyes. "I'm always here, idiot. You're the one flying all over the world and leaving me alone."
  Leo's face scrunches up. "Mmm... smells nice... smells just like Sena."
  "That's because it is 'Sena's' bed."
  Izumi's hand lurches forward out of instinct, and strokes Leo's cheek. He hasn't seen him for weeks, and he looks the same: youthful, happy and beautiful. Leo nuzzles against Izumi's hand. "Sena," he says. "I'm home."
  Izumi smiles. Maybe one day... one day he'll be able to change this habit of his.
  "Welcome home, Leo-kun."
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