dumplingsjinson · 1 year
List of “so… this is how a situationship feels like, and it sucks” prompts 
“See… The thing is, if we ever “break up”, I’d be devastated. Not because we were ever together, but because I’d be wondering about the what ifs and could haves and the potential we could have had. I think that’s what would hurt the most: wondering if we could have been the best thing out there, and not being able to see that come into fruition.” 
“I mean, I’d rather be as we are than lose you entirely.” 
“You’re confusing the shit out of me! Like, do you like me, or do you not? Do you want me or what the fuck? What are we?” 
“You broke my heart, but we weren’t even fucking together in the first place, which makes this all the shittier. You played me, then moved on like you didn’t leave a mark turned scar on me.” 
“So like… Are we just going to dance around our feelings and act like we don’t want something more? Or is it just me who feels this way?”
“I feel like if you truly wanted to be with me then it wouldn’t be so hard for me to have you around me for even just a minute, you know?”
“Maybe you should end things with them? Before you get hurt.“ “Well, I know I’m probably going to get my heart broken at the end of this but I also like to suffer. Actually, to be honest, I’m already hurt, but thanks for worrying about me!”
“I get this rush when I talk to you. It’s a high I chase, and I know it’s unhealthy, but I can’t stop.”
“So apparently I don’t know how to respect myself, because I’m wanting someone who doesn’t want me back as much, if at all.” 
“Some stupid part of me believes one day this could become something more, so then I end up hurting myself because it’s apparently what I do best, because I know this isn’t going to become something more. I’m deluding myself.”
“I say I’m going to get over them when they stop responding for a while, but I damn well know I’d run back to them the moment they hit me up again.”
“I’ve long accepted the fact that we won’t ever move past this stage, but then you do shit like that and it gives me hope, and that fucking hurts.” 
“You want the security a relationship gives you, and everything else it has to offer, but you don’t want a relationship. Well, at least with me. What the hell? You don’t get to string me along like this, you fucking asshole.” 
“Well, I’m sick and tired of this shit. Either we become official or you lose me.” 
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