morathicain · 4 years
hi!! i saw your post about friend zone 2 and I'm THRIVING with that showw. i had really low expectations because i really didn't like how the first season ended (because of how everyone went back to their shitty partners) but this season is delivering !!! love the back and forth between the past and the present, bew is just stirring shit up I'm genuinely so curious about her character, CHRISAMM COMPLETELY STOLE MY HEART I HOPE GMMTV DOESN'T DO THEM DIRTY BUT IM SUPER AFRAID, and all the characters seem so much more well developed?? but maybe that's just me
anyway hope u have a great day:)
Aaaaaaaaah! Thank you for your ask and for seeing my post! *_*
By now I really have the feeling as if season 1 was a build-up for season 2. Now we get all the background and the development of their relationships and feelings and it’s giving them a lot of depth instead of seeing someone just as “the asshole”. I mean, take EarthSam for example. We SEE how and why Earth fell in love with Sam (which is probably why he clings to him so much) and we also see Stud’s pain regarding Earth and everything, really.
And yeah, CHRISAMM!! <3 I seriously hope so, too. I KNOW there will be pain and we won’t get fluff like we would love, but at least we know. Still hope for satisfying endings for all of them, even though I have NO idea how those might look right now. It kinda changes all the time XD but the director did 3 will be free, so I have some trust in him.
Also: ALL those lgbtq+ reps? How so many scenes just have me punching into the air bc YES, DAMN!
And those torn grey characters? Giving everyone depth and not villainising them? I mean, I hate Bew, but to be fair, she doesn’t need to do much to fuck shit up bc everyone is on thin ice. And I don’t wonder why she would want to mess with them. Okay, sorry, I could ramble on about this show forever XD we’ll see where it goes and what’s gonna happen and I am absolutely hooked *_* So, if you want to rant about it, please feel free to do so! I am eager to ramble! <3
Thanks again for sending the ask, this really made me have an amazing start in the day! =^^=
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chibalein · 7 years
Kalafina Live Report @ Zama - Acoustic Tour 2017 (Part 2/2)
Long text and grammatical mistakes ahead~
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The 5 musicians entered the stage and tested their instruments shortly, when Sakurada started to play a short solo and Kalafina entered the stage in their white dresses (no costume change this time, FYI), took a bow to the audience and sang their first song.
I don’t know why I was so surprised to hear “storia”. Maybe because this song is so overplayed in their concerts I subconsciously hoped for it not to appear, but here we were. The stage was illuminated in blue and white and during the instrumental part in green. They did their usual routine and it was no different from any other performance of this song – and it wasn’t their best either, but still nice. Here, I again noticed something weird with the acoustics. Wakana was pretty quiet and appeared to have some troubles with either her voice or the microphone. In their singing there was a strange high-pitched tone mixed into it, like when you try to sing high with a sore throat. Very strange, but this somehow disappeared after the second or third song. They immediately continued with “Kimi no gin no niwa”, truly a song I wanted to hear live once. The stage was white and pink and Hikaru sang really good. Wakana again a bit quiet for my taste, while the others were on “normal” volume. During the chorus, the stage became a warm orange and Hikaru again had her expressions on point.
During MC #1 they greeted the audience and told us how they were looking forward to this day, the start of their Acoustic Tour 2017. Keiko thanked us for coming and Hikaru greeted us by looking and waving at us, really cute. Hikaru made us laugh a lot during the MCs, more on that later. Wondering how the tour will unfold, she said that it is exciting for them as well, while Keiko continued how during the Spring Tour they sang many songs that had the image of spring or flowers in it (did they? lol). This time it will be more about the seasons or colors… not sure whether I got this right.
This lead us to “Sapphire”. It’s not that of a surprising choice for an acoustic concert, but still, how often did they perform this by now? I was super happy as I like it a lot and it was a very sad performance. The stage was deep blue, with a dominant Cello, especially Wakana was feeling it. But even she appeared to have a little trouble with the high notes. Still, awesome awesome performance.
As I thought, Kalafina did not reactivate “Sandpiper” only for the Commemoration Lives, so here was it again and I couldn’t be happier! The performance itself didn’t differ much from the Nikko Live, but still it is sooo cool. Awesome beginning, dominant Cello – other than that nothing happened on stage and without the stunning surrounding of trees and Shrine buildings it was kind of boring. Hikaru was great however, and at the end they changed positioned with Hikaru being in the middle now.
Well, she had to be for “Magia”. The stage became deep red with the girls illuminated in pink. This song becomes sadder in acoustic, but the chorus gained huge drama and power again with a green-white light. I’d like to point out the short moment before they start to sing the chorus. There is a short short instrumental part in the album version too, but here they paused for a second and then Sakurada hits every deep key he has with power. It’s hard to describe but had a cool effect on the song and the whole atmosphere. If you happen to meet me for the Budokan Live in January, ask me about it and I try my best to mimic it xD Hikaru was very fierce and powerful, sometimes shouty with short “negai”s. They skipped the instrumental part before Keiko’s turn and the “yeah yeah yeah”s. At the very end, a single spotlight focused on Hikaru while the song subsided.
Next was “Blaze”, another song I wanted to hear badly. The stage became blue and white and changed to green from time to time, with Keiko again in the middle. This is another song that becomes super sad and emotional if you take out the drums and guitars. During all the chorus’s (orange stage), Keiko and Hikaru extremely emphasized some lines and their last syllables, like “moetsukite”, “nando datte”, “sekasarete”, “sakende” etc. This had a very powerful effect on me, so very different than the normal version and I liked it a lot. During the kajiurago bridge Hikaru went away for a second, only to go between Keiko and Wakana for her part again. Hikaru was so powerful and sad at the same time, with her movements and expressions on point.
In MC #2, Wakana asked for whom it was the first acoustic concert and that they have been doing those since 2012. Even now they are surprised when they re-arrange the songs into acoustic versions, how very different the tone of the song becomes and that it is very hard work to achieve those new feeling they want to convey. Even their voices change every time, but this makes it so exciting and new. She continued to tell us how Kalafina has so many songs that haven’t been turned into an acoustic version yet and for this tour/concert they chose a song that was never performed in acoustic before.
So here I was, listening to the world-wide premiere of the acoustic version of “Oblivious”! Now that I think of it, I have a very lucky hand in terms of Kala-premieres. “Hyakka Ryouran”, “Tombo”, “Hyakka Ryouran acoustic”, “oblivious acoustic”, “Kantankatan”… :D Anyway, green light illuminated the stage and Wakana started right into her vocal part (actual text, not the aaaah thing) without the Kajiurago part at the beginning. The song was much slower than usual, with short instrumental parts. Both Wakana and Keiko sang very frail and emotional during their duet, while it was funny to look at Hikaru literally doing nothing. Then during the final part, Hikaru actually sang the aaaah thing, very beautiful, subtle and quiet. The strings did an awesome job here, but sometimes they were too loud for me. Wakana’s final “utatte” went without instruments, only later for them to end the song in a blue stage. What a great version! It would be so great if they did this version in January too (no one can tell me that their debut song won’t come up there).
Continuing with “Seventh Heaven”, the stage was again set up in deep blue and here I saw that the diamond-shaped construction actually had plus-shaped neon tubes inside and they started to shine for the first time here in blue. So, when this song was introduced I almost yelled “YEEEEES” out of joy. “Seventh Heaven” became one of my favorite songs and I wanted to see this live SO SO BADLY!!! OMG, Keiko is so beautiful with her part, I love this so much. I can say that, along with “Kantankatan”, this was by far my favorite performance of the night. Everything after “konna ni akarui sekai he” was just mind-blowingly awesome and I tried to absorb every single moment into my mind and body. Yes, this perfect and cheesy it was. It certainly wasn’t their best performance of that song, but still really cool with slightly different tone than the band version. Later the stage became blue-white, slowly turning into white towards the end.
So, as this wasn’t awesome enough, Kalafina continued without any announcement with “Kantankatan”. OH MY FUCKING GOD KANTANKATAN KANTANKATAN THEY DID IT THEY HEARD MY PRAYERS THEY READ MY TUMBLR POSTS I COULDN’T EVEN SO AWESOME AAAAAAAAAH!!! It’s sounds a lot different without the guitar and percussions, but awesome awesome awesome. With only the violins it becomes more dramatic and stronger and less “melancholic” as in the studio version and believe me, it’s even better live (I didn’t even know this was possible). Hikaru sang in a sadder voice, while Wakana almost sounded… happier? xD It changed between powerful drama and sadness the whole time. Keiko’s small part was great, though slightly different than usual (sometimes higher, sometimes deeper). The strings were very dominant here, probably because they had to cover for all the instruments of the songs. The stage was pink and red and at the end deep blue. AWESOME PERFORMANCE!!! DO IT IN JANUARY PLEASE!!!
With no pause it went on with “Lacrimosa”. The stage was set in red and white, later green, red and orange during the chorus. It was a good performance, Hikaru sang the kajiurago parts almost alone. Other than a lot of color changes, nothing really special happened here.
In MC #3, Hikaru talked about the newly performed “Kantankatan” (yaaay) and “Lacrimosa”, particularly about the LA-CRI-MO-SA part and how they have to breath specially for that lines. Apparently she or all of them couldn’t get it right during rehearsals, but here it just went fine. She continued to tell us how the next song is performed rather rarely in acoustic concerts, that it has been a while. Sometimes you have many belongings, but you just can’t take everything with you, so you have to choose which things to leave behind. For that you need a strong determination and the song is about those things left behind.
Such a nice introduction for “Hanataba”. Another song I wanted to see live. The violins covered for the accordion, which in my opinion sounds MUCH better. Hikaru sang very beautifully but Keiko took the crown here with her solo part, very powerful yet more frail than in other versions. At the end the lights were red, orange and pink, with the last kajiurago lines super pretty.
“Manten” was “Manten”, good but not superior and very much the same as in Nikko. The stage was blue with spotlights shining white from behind. The girls didn’t move at all and we had a change of dark and bright the whole time. During the instrumental part, Wakana and Hikaru looked at the audience while Keiko turned around and raised both arms, then singing her part in a deep cool way.
And here it was, just like I predicted, “Hyakka Ryouran”. This performance was very similar to Nikko but somehow more emotional, the stage became deep deep red in the beginning. During the chorus it was blue with an red-orange background. And this damn kajiurago bridge again. After the chorus we had a small pause, with the light suddenly becoming gloomy deep blue. Only Wakana was illuminated by a single spotlight and she started to sing her lines very slowly. It was again such a sad, sad way of her delivering and when it ended, another pause of silence, only for Hikaru again to EXPLODE with her following part, just together with the stage that became deep red again. The song gained speed and power once more, only to lose it again with Keiko’s part, then to become faster again. I prefer this version over the Nikko live, because it had much more fierceness and they played a lot more with illuminations (this time, this effect was cooler inside rather than outside, as the contrast of dark and bright was more impressive). At the end, the stage became again completely red.
You could see the girls were already becoming a bit exhausted when they entered MC #4. Keiko stressed how dramatic this block was and she was quite out of breath. She talked about the images or landscapes of certain lyrics, like in “Hyakka Ryouran” they sing about a red rainbow (akai niji) etc. I didn’t really get how they transited to the following part, but suddenly Keiko said towards Wakana “Well, Wakana is green, right?”, referring to how many plants she has in her home and how she is kind of obsessed with them. Wakana told us, that she deeply cares about them and even gives them names (she said some examples but these are just not translatable xD). The following was definitely the funniest moment of the whole concert. Keiko asked Wakana to do what she always does when she comes home and Hikaru, on the left side, to pretend to be one of Wakana’s plants, with Keiko retreating to the back. So Wakana “comes home”, opens the door, greets Plant-karu, while Hikaru was standing like 4 meters away from her, facing Wakana and… you know, being a plant XD She had her arms raised a bit over her head, and Wakana was like “Ah, how are you feeling today? Oh here’s some dirt *wipes dirt away*… you look a bit dry, don’t you? Do you want some water?” She was talking so cutely, like you talk to a little puppy. And Hikaru waved her arms in response to Wakana’s questions, just like a puppy wagging its tail, asking for some water. You know, plant movements. This was truly hilarious and everybody laughed and clapped afterwards. They definitely rehearsed this sketch lol But I am so thankful to be at least half-fluent in Japanese, otherwise I would have missed so many great jokes XD
After this rather long talk, Wakana went to the middle position and proceeded to introduce the next song. It contains the word “hikari” (light) a lot – there are times when it becomes so bright that you can’t see anything anymore, so bright that you can’t even lift your head. But there are people who support and help you, who take your hand. The next song has this kind of image and that was of course “Hikari furu”. Again, I wanted to hear and see this song live so so badly for such a long time and now this dream finally came true. The girls were being illuminated only from behind and above with big white spotlights. Although Wakana was again a bit quiet sometimes in my opinion, she delivered an almost flawless performance (small trouble with the high notes). Their harmony was amazing and the “shizuka na inori ni hitomi wo tozashite” part was mind-blowing and great. Towards the end the stage became brighter and brighter, full of light :)
Afterwards, Keiko went to the middle again and the girls started with “Hikari no senritsu”, but different than usual. Instead of the instrumental beginning, the girls started right with the chorus in acapella. Then the band began to play and the song went on as normal. The girls seemed to have a lot of fun singing a bright and happy song for a change. But due to its acoustic nature, “Hikari no senritsu” became much more dramatic and sad than I think they intended to and this was quite an interesting contradiction to witness. During the long middle instrumental part, Kalafina went to the sides to turn the attention to the musicians, while first Sakurada and then the Strings played “solos”. Still on the side they continued to sing on an orange illuminated stage. At the end another short piano solo and spotlights only on the girls.
Next was “Into the World”, no surprise for me though. On a dark-blue stage Kalafina delivered a beautiful performance, though nothing too special and very similar to Nikko or the 9+ONE tour.
In MC #5 we were asked whether we were able to see landscapes “full of light” and Keiko proceeded to introduce the musicians. I have no idea what she said next, so fast forward to the introduction of the last block with two titles from the “Fate” anime series. Keiko did not have to announce them, I immediately knew which ones she was talking about.
As I predicted, “believe” came next. The diamonds in the background shined in bright green while the stage was green and purple. Very similar to the 9+ONE performance in Tokyo, this song was quite emotional and a muuuuch better version than the normal one. The strings had a break here, but there was quite the body movement on stage, as they tried to sing very powerfully. Lights changed to blue and white and especially Wakana was feeling the feels of this song, while Hikaru and Keiko tended to sing more loudly and emphasized.
Continuing with “Ring your bell”, this was probably the least interesting performance for me. I’m certainly not a fan of this song and I don’t really like the acoustic version either. The stage went from blue-grey-purple to bright purple and yellow and they were only accompanied by the piano until after the first chorus. It was a nice and good performance but overall not impressive. Wakana’s super high “bell”s at the end were very strange and loud. Spotlights started to shine through the whole hall.
After that, everyone left the stage, while the audience clapped for them to return. They did, except the Strings, took a bow and MC #6 was a short introduction for the next song. “Were our many harmonies able to reach you?” they asked and now, they did not want to convey their harmony as a group but as individual singers. 
Yeah, yeah, “Tombo”, of course. This was the third time I’ve seen this song being performed by now and God help me it will also come up at the Christmas Live and Budokan Live. The stage and the whole venue was illuminated in golden stripes (looked a lot like a simple tiger pattern, very cool). Keiko sounded way too happy than this is supposed to be lol Wakana was the best here. Nice emotional performance, but not their best one.
MC #7 was again long and hilarious, with Hikaru as our main narrator. Keiko started with calling the Strings guys back, but she sounded very emotional, as if she was crying for a short moment. Hikaru took over, telling us she will talk for a while now as the next part needs to be prepared (no idea what they needed to prepare though). So, it was the first day of the tour and wondered “what shall we do now?”. She thoroughly introduced the pamphlet for this tour. They used different styles and backgrounds for the shooting, this time doing more solo than group photos. At first there is a group picture with orange light and smoke (ok, someone needs to confirm this for me, because I didn’t really know which photos she was talking about and I was super busy panicky writing down everything she said). Hikaru was like “Keiko is great in this shot, Wakana looks strong but beautiful and Hikaru is like meh”. The next pictures are gloomy and glowing (kira kira), with the girls conveying a soft/gentle (yawaraka) image. Then pictures follow where the background is white with a round dark fringe (like in the postcard set). There is apparently a “rare” shot where Keiko is posing while lifting her skirt a bit. “Wakana has a pretty pose, but Hikaru was just lame” (her words - In my opinion she has got the best shots of all, from what I could see), but her modesty made everyone laugh. Another shot with a lot of light, where Keiko is showing her back to the viewer: “Very pretty, but what is Hikaru doing? I am just kneeling weirdly...”. Following extended solo interviews with each girl about their feelings towards the tour, they also feature a big profile portrait (but you can only see the silhouette of the head). Apparently, Keiko’s picture is especially cool and Hikaru asked us to definitely buy the pamphlet to look at them. Wakana was very elegant, while “Hikaru is only standing around”. Also, the pamphlet contains photos from last year‘s acoustic tour, where they wore completely different dresses (especially the big puffy “princess like wedding dresses”). The funny part was that even Hikaru couldn’t recall the order of the photos in pamphlet, so she had a fan from the first row show her the whole thing page after page. At the end, there is a comment from Kajiura Yuki. Hikaru was very lively and funny, so I don’t really know how she still manages to maintain this shy and introvert image of hers, because she really owned the MCs.
Keiko continued to tell us how they met the many employees of Harmony Hall and how they signed a lot of autographs for them. As this tour begins, they wanted to convey the warmth of all those new acquaintances and feelings towards them with their last song of the night, “Yasashii Uta”. No surprise, I thought. The stage was illuminated in orange and yellow, with an overall great but normal performance with awesome harmonies. Especially that very last line by Wakana was extremely well sung and beautiful and marked a great end of the concert.
Again, Kalafina introduced the musicians afterwards and they bowed before everyone. After the musicians left, the girls went to the right side first, where Wakana thanked everyone. At the left side, Hikaru told us that she didn’t intend to sing “Magia” that fierce and strong the way she did, but she just got thrilled by everyone’s energy. In the middle, Keiko wants to enjoy and make many more harmonies with everyone and with this words and a lot of waving they left.
I need to digress for a second. When I went to the restaurant after the goods sale, a grown-up japanese dude approached my way - in a full and complete Santa Clause costume. No really, at the beginning of November. He ran towards Harmony Hall, but never did it occur to me that he might be attending the Kalafina concert. But there he was, sitting in the Arena, maybe third or fourth row, right in the middle, applausing Kalafina. If the girls noticed this blatant cry for attention, they professionally ignored the poor jerk.
♦ Some final thoughts: I really enjoyed this concert. It truly differs in most aspects from their normal full-band concerts and though I missed some energetic and fun songs, I am more than happy to have been able to see them live like this. Kalafina blessed me with many many songs I have been craving to see live. Many more to go though. And at least they spared me having to hear “Mirai” again.*cough*
♦ I still wish they had been more action on stage. Of course, with all the sadness  there isn’t much room for a big show, but still there was room for more movement, more involvement of light, videos etc. Towards the end I actually got really tired listening to those slow songs. (#needless nitpicking)
♦ Also, I was wondering which song(s) will be replaced in the following concerts, as you know Kalafina usually changes at least one song of each setlist of a tour. Usually it’s the song in the middle and/or end, so that would be “Lacrimosa” and/or “Yasashii Uta”, although I kinda feel like “Yasashii Uta” is a fixed part of the setlist. Just being curios.
Thank you for reading my long report, I hope you enjoyed it ! Any comments or questions are welcome as always. My next and probably final Kalafina Live report will be about the Christmas Premium Live in Osaka in December :) But the next concert I’ll attend will be MUSE next week! YAAAY!!!
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P.S.: the flower seen here is called “golden-rayed lily” (ヤマユリ yamayuri), which grows only in Japan and is the symbol flower of Kanagawa prefecture! The upcoming bookmarks follow the same pattern, which I think is a very sweet idea.
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asimlishpixel · 7 years
Here’s replies for the past 71 days, because I haven’t sat my ass down earlier and actually done them. Some of these aren’t even relevant any longer. I’ll try to section them after different topics and stuff.
Be warned this post is EXTREMELY long!
under a cut, bc i’m not that evil.
melien replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Aaa happy belated birthday ;_;
my-simension replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Ohhh another one already!!! Happy Happy birthday , sweet one! Have a wonderful day!! ��
javapixels replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Happy Birthday!
sleek-simmerr replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
happy birthday!
experimentalsims replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Happy birthday!
karisamarie replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Happy Birthday!❤��
jackssims replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Happy Birthday! ��
plumboops replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
happy birthday!! ♥
sevenleafsimblr replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
happy birthday :OO
futurecarrie replied to your post “Happy birthday!!!”
Happy birthday! ^-^
Thanks you guys! I’m so happy for all these replies! <3
my-simension replied to your photoset
So cute! great work!
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset
This shit is adorableeee!!
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset
!!!! :D Super excited!! ♥
davidmont replied to your photoset
Thanks!! I hope you’re all excited and that I won’t dissapoint you, ahah.
tranquiltowns replied to your photo “Murasaki Ito...”
She's so cute ah!
smile-beautifuly replied to your photo “Murasaki Ito...”
All of your sims are so cute <3
Thanks, I’m actually very happy with how she turned out! :D
tranquiltowns replied to your photo “Zola Ndiaye Loner ✕ Technophobe ✕ Athletic ✕ Grumpy ✕ Easily...”
She's stunning!
They are! But most of the credit goes to @cosysimmer for their genetics! I just dressed them and changed the hair!
deletedladdersanddoors replied to your photoset
melien replied to your photoset “Bay: Yeah, that’s me! Bay Hamilton. I’m happy to meet you, Nathan....”
She's adorable!
pushingupplumbobs replied to your photoset “Bay: Yeah, that’s me! Bay Hamilton. I’m happy to meet you, Nathan....”
Ahh! She looks perfect in your game ��
She is really adorable! Thank you pushingupplumbobs for letting me have her! <3
davidmont replied to your photoset “Nathan: Oh by the way! Did you know that I am actually a very strong...”
SAME. they’re very cute together :D
deletedladdersanddoors replied to your photoset “Safiya: And that’s how you win Mario Kart! Evan: Ah! Another red...”
I'm adopting safiya as my grandma too late u can't stop me the papers are signed
you have to take good care of her then, please.
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset “Lucie: You just want me to change your haircolour? You’re sure that...”
aren’t we all thinking it?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
my-simension replied to your photoset “ffs nate”
blurrypxls replied to your photoset “ffs nate”
Me with life
lmao same
hollywood3015 replied to your photoset
So cute
he is >u<
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset “The next day… Evan: Nathan steals the blankets.”
He looks so happy. What happened last night??? Lemme stop��
madeyesims replied to your photoset “Nathan: Anyways bro, we don’t have any spare beds, so we’ll have to...”
yes.... no homo........... v straight..................... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
deletedladdersanddoors replied to your photoset “Nathan: Anyways bro, we don’t have any spare beds, so we’ll have to...”
2 bros, chillin in the same bed, a few inches apart cus they are gay!
jackssims replied to your photoset “Nathan: Anyways bro, we don’t have any spare beds, so we’ll have to...”
"No homo" ��
vkthesims4 replied to your photoset “Nathan: Anyways bro, we don’t have any spare beds, so we’ll have to...”
" no homo"
my-simension replied to your photoset “Nathan: How am I losing?! Evan: I don’t know what I’m doing, but it...”
So nice to see your colorful pics! :D
Thank you!!! The mmbc sure gets a bit boring with the colours, ahah!
deletedladdersanddoors replied to your photoset “Nathan: How am I losing?! Evan: I don’t know what I’m doing, but it...”
Me constantly
hashtag relatable
deletedladdersanddoors replied to your photoset “Nathan: Oh, there you are! Hi! ???: Hey, Nathan!”
deletedladdersanddoors replied to your photoset “Nathan: You’re Evan, right? Evan Foster! Evan: Yeah! And you’re the...”
Presh boi
i’ll let you answer your own question. Evan is a presh boyo
davidmont replied to your photoset “Juliette has taken up sculpting!”
oh god that's impressive+
let’s see if we can master this skill too?
madeyesims replied to your photoset “The sun rises over Twinbrook (and a new Meadows queue)”
amespixels replied to your photoset “The sun rises over Twinbrook (and a new Meadows queue)”
Yay!!! Was just thinking about this save earlier =)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i’m so happy that you guys are excited for my meadows queues!
my-simension replied to your photo “BMMBC Maybe Babies - Chalina Calaca - berriesandbrownsugar Edwin and...”
Cute! :)
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photo “BMMBC Maybe Babies - Chalina Calaca - berriesandbrownsugar Edwin and...”
Their adorableeeee
Looks like their mom, Chalina! :D
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Viridian: Oh Em. You have been hurt so much. Viridian: Instead of...”
1. would be lovely if these emojis actually showed up on my computer 2. they’re crying emojis for anyone who also can’t see them. 3. same.
cosysimmer replied to your photoset “Neptune: Guess what? I’m not a robot, a robot Guess what? I’m not a...”
YASSSS MARINA, great choice my dudes
jackssims replied to your photoset “Neptune and Emerald: Guess what? I am not a robot Guess what? I am not...”
Is this Marina? Because I love Marina
i love marina!!! you can probably expect more of her songs, if i do more karaoke.
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Neptune: Up for a little karaoke? You pick a song!”
Aw he would so do this
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Neptune: Welcome to the alien family! Shaka brah!”
neptune is a sweetheart <3
littlemissylissamel replied to your photoset “Chalina: Oh? This isn’t the happy ending I had hoped for, but… *gasp*...”
Aahhh my poor sweet child....At least she's happy...I'm sad and my heart is also Warmed
She’s okay now! At least she get to experience the afterlife that she is so interested in, even if that means that she isn’t in the mmbc anymore. (i am also Sad to see her go)
berrycutesims replied to your photo
really. uh, idk what you mean, but really really.
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Chalina: Oh? This isn’t the happy ending I had hoped for, but… *gasp*...”
1. even more intense crying emojis now 2. me too pal
cosysimmer replied to your post “Episode 9 - Hop, Stab, and Jump - End Notes”
Rosalie why ;A;
yikes, she needs to stop arguing with people
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset “???: Ah! Help me, somebody please— *thud* ???: Oh that’s a lot of...”
Hell yesss
questionable thing to say hell yes to, but i’ll take it.
cosysimmer replied to your photoset “*Tap starts running*  *humming* *door opens* ???: Hm? Oh, it’s just...”
my-simension replied to your photoset “Halcyon: OH SHIT”
my-simension replied to your photoset “First to fall off: Lavender! Lavender: Oh- ouch!”
this is the best challenge i have done so far. it’s amazing material for pictures.
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset “The last four! Bay, Rosalie, Felicity and Jeremy!”
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset “Rosalie: *highpitched screech*”
I know y'all see felicity����
do we have a felicity fan??
madisonprettyinpink replied to your photoset “Viridian: Today’s challenge is simple and, hopefully, fun! There’s a...”
Just noticed this on my dash��
hello from your dash, lmao
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Chalina: AAAAAAAAAH?! I’M FALLING TO MY DEATH!”
I like that we can see Neptune mid-Tumble in the background
there he goes
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Neptune: Oh no, I’m not going down on the hard ground, im not going,...”
amespixels replied to your photoset “Halcyon: OH SHIT”
These all look so dramatic xD I love it!
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Viridian: Today’s challenge is simple and, hopefully, fun! There’s a...”
I like it I like it
i recommend this challenge to everyone, please do it, it’s so fun and dramatic and simple
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “it’s them boys”
This is amazing I hope they do start a boy band
Them Boys, with their first album “Help Us We’re Stuck In A MMBC”
experimentalsims replied to your photoset “Lavender: I just saw Melanite eat something from the ground! Rosalie:...”
Lol. gossip
the gossip goes around when you’re living this close together i guess
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Jeremy: Viridian? I, uh… have something, or rather someone to show...”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Jeremy: Don’t worry Phoebe. You were born in the middle of a horrible...”
I'm pretty sure this is the first MMBC Baby (at least that I know of). New Grounds
Phoebe Ronchi, First MMBC Baby Ever... Maybe
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lavender and Bailey both witnessed the birth, and aren’t quite sure...”
anyway i might have missed the whole birth until i get screenshots but congratulations jeremy :')
congrats jeremy!
jackssims replied to your photoset “Lavender and Bailey both witnessed the birth, and aren’t quite sure...”
I don't think Jeremy was expecting it either tbh
were anyone expecting this? i wasn’t
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lavender and Bailey both witnessed the birth, and aren’t quite sure...”
whys so much of this queue marked as sensitive jfc
tumblr hates me and probably also bc of the amount of words relating to death
jackssims replied to your photoset “Jeremy: Wha- Argh!”
simsandthensome replied to your photoset “Jeremy: Wha- Argh!”
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Jeremy: Wha- Argh!”
1. that’s supposed to be eye emojis 2. BABY
blurrypxls replied to your photoset “Viridian: Here’s the poll results. Um, it’s best if you just see it...”
Someone really has it in for her
blurrypxls replied to your photoset “Viridian: Here’s the poll results. Um, it’s best if you just see it...”
What the fuck Felicity
blurrypxls replied to your photoset “Emerald: Come on, Felicity! You got 16 votes in the last poll? At...”
Feli nooo
it’s going downhill for Felicity, sadly :/
jackssims replied to your photoset “Meanwhile, in the other bedroom… Jeremy: What is happening to me..?”
He Bigg
davidmont replied to your photoset “Episode 7 - Tempt Fate”
yeeee my favorite is still there!!
not if your favourite is Raven... :(
sevenleafsimblr replied to your post “Simblr either or: 1-9??”
gdi this contains both the numbers i sent
futurecarrie replied to your post “nobody cares but....” I felt lukewarm about Kazuichi tbh, but I can see where the love comes from
jackssims replied to your post “nobody cares but....”
I love Kazuichi too tf`
i am BURNING HOT for kazuichi, so yeah i had to freak out for a bit. also hi fellow kazuichi lover, we are too few.
smile-beautifuly replied to your photo
I've noticed that anything that has the word dead in it gets tagged
smile-beautifuly replied to your photo
Or flagged I guess
experimentalsims replied to your photo
I think when you use certain words it triggers safemode like murder kill death shooting. It was happening to me on almost every single draft so I changed my words. I haven't figured out what else triggers it.
yeah, that’s probably it, but idk how to get around using words like that for a mmbc. unless i need to start saying that chalina got stabby-stabbied and raven got CRONCHED. yeah let’s just stick with using the word murder.
blurrypxls replied to your post “mmbc queue”
Idk if i mentioned this in our convo the other day but for some reason safe mode doesn't work on my phone?? Which is weird because such posts don't show up on my ipad and desktop
u sneaky! >_>
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset
why is tumblr censoring half of an episode literally called Bright and Pure
once again, tumblr hates me.
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