apex-academy · 5 years
Chapter 3: Down Down Down and the Flames Went Higher (#28)
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“What the hell?!”
I stand frozen for several seconds before my brain catches up with my eyes. Okay! Fire! BAD.
I have no idea where the closest extinguisher is. I try the stairwell. Nothing there. What moron designed this building? Did they not put extinguishers in the same place on every floor?
By the time I find one in the music room, shouting and wails have broken out in the hallway. Guess the concert’s over.
If I try to read the directions while I’m running, I’ll just slam into something, so I get the running out of the way first. Looks like the audience has assembled out here.
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“What happened?! Is anyone in there?!”
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“Don’t ask me!”
I try to push my way through.
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A path starts to clear, but the fire’s still confined to the coffee shop. Won’t stay that way forever. My gaze falls to the extinguisher label, but then Tamiko comes crashing through.
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“What in tarnation is—”
She makes it to the front.
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I look up to see what's gotten their attention and immediately regret it.
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Arthur pounds on the glass screaming before the smoke makes him too hard to see.
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“What?! I thought he was backstage?!”
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“Quit yappin’ and get ‘im outta there!”
She hurries towards the far end of the room where Arthur was. Mahavir lunges for the door, hand outstretched.
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“Th-the handle’s gonna be hot!”
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“Well, the glass ain’t gonna be cold!”
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“Then what do you suggest I do?!”
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Before any more bright ideas spring up, a sharp snap shoots through the hall.
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“What was—”
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“The glass!”
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“It’s cracking—!”
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Kanagi grabs Kaichi’s elbow and hauls him towards the left wing. The rest of us flee the other way and make it to the auditorium wall before a terrible crash sends tremors up my legs. 
It suddenly seems a lot hotter.
I pull the extinguisher pin and run back over. Supposed to aim at the base of the fire. Gonna spray the man on fire first. Once I can find him.
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I’m not sure how he’s still standing, but it takes Tamiko’s help to get him over the remaining bottom wall of the coffee shop. Keeping out of the way, I get to spraying. Glass crunches underfoot. Sweat has already plastered my bangs to my face, and enough smoke has gotten out to scrape my throat.
Where’s the base of the fire, anyway? The floor? Counters? Tables? Multiple levels are on fire, dammit!
The others are still talking behind me. There’s some kind of popping wheezing that may be Arthur trying to speak. I don’t know. Doesn’t sound good. Maybe he’s gesturing, too.
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“What? Did he leave something behind?”
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“Is... Maybe someone...”
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“Is someone else in there?!”
I freeze, the extinguisher stream sputtering out as I turn towards them.
Arthur nods.
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“Oh hell.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Mahavir turns on his heel and charges into the room.
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Swearing repeatedly, I try to point the nozzle in the general direction he ran off into. Can’t see much. Fire’s too bright, smoke’s too dark. My eyes are burning, and the smell threatens to turn my coughing into gagging. If it’s this hot on this side, how is Mahavir going to... 
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“...” I’m getting light-headed...
The flames nearly explode when I hit a spot on the counter, so I quickly aim elsewhere. I can’t see Mahavir. The frothy foam isn’t making the smell any more tolerable. I can’t see Mahavir.
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“We gotta get outta here.”
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“Somewhere we can breathe.”
I can’t disagree.
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“I’ll at least empty this first.”
I squint and try to get a gauge on how much I’ve put out, but all I see is a lumbering silhouette in the smoke.
Mahavir staggers over the wall. He can’t clear the sea of glass shards before collapsing onto all fours. Something slides off his back and thuds onto the carpet next to him. 
A cheerful jingle plays overhead.
“Um, hello? Hello!! This is the prerecorded message to make sure everyone knows a body has been found!!”
Gasping, I wave away what smoke I can and try to approach.
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Is he... really...?
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I give myself a second to cough before aiming the fire extinguisher at the coffee shop again. I think the fire’s almost gone. Can’t freaking tell. I need air.
The stream sputters out. I drop the empty extinguisher and flee for the left wing door. Closest place to get away from the smoke without falling down stairs. 
I’m not the first one over here. My head’s still spinning too much to try to do a roll call, so I’ll just hope for the best.
Hard to do that with a burned-up Arthur lying on the floor.
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“Is he... still breathing?”
Tamiko’s struggling for breath, and I don’t know how much of it is from the fire.
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“I can’t tell.”
Before we can try to say anything else, Kanagi ducks into the hallway just long enough to let a little smoke through.
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“I'm taking Iggy to his room! Think he’s got some bandages in there!”
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“He ‘kay?”
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“Looks bad, but he's, like, walking. BRB.”
She backs into the main hall, the door slamming shut behind her.
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“We already call ‘n ambulance?”
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“We can’t! They can’t reach us!”
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Tamiko kneels at Arthur’s side, her chin hovering not too far above his.
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“He—He definitely ain’t breathin’! What do I do?!”
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“I don’t know! CPR?!”
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“Y-yea! Right!”
Shaking, she crosses her palms on top of Arthur’s chest. Before she can start compressions, Kaichi throws an arm out in front of her.
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“Whoawhoa, ‘s too low! You’ll break the thing!”
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“The what?!”
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“How about you just do it, Kaichi?”
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“I—I can try?”
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“Look, ‘f we can’t get ‘n ambulance...”
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“I don’t care! Do it!”
Kaichi falls silent but shuffles over to give it a shot, anyway. But he’s right. We don’t have any real medical supplies, and when he’s burned this badly... Arthur’s done for. Even if Kokoro were here, I don’t think she could save him now.
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Certainly nothing I can do. I’ve gotten a few clear breaths in, so I probably ought to check on the coffee shop. The bathrooms are close, so I could dump water on it if the fire’s still going.
When I finally step out, just about everyone else is assembled in the hallway. The fire’s out. Don’t know if they helped with that or not. Don’t care at this point.
Aki is the first to turn to me as I enter.
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“Is he...?”
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“Right now? I don’t know. We haven’t gotten another announcement.”
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“And you said it was the heavy-laden one?”
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“A fine lady and a fine listener.”
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“Is Otoya coming back...?”
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“I don’t know.”
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“I’ll go look for him...”
She hobbles towards the stairwell. I’m guessing Otoya took one look at the carnage and left. Fair enough. It’s probably still not safe to be here.
I don’t think Yuki even has to go downstairs, because she's back in less than a minute.
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“Found him.”
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“Why d-do I need to be here what did you guys do?”
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“We need everyone we have to investigate.”
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“There aren’t many of us left to do it.”
We lapse into a silence broken only by coughing and the occasional clink of shifting glass. Still no announcement.
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“You said they were over there, Aki...?” She tilts her head towards the other hallway.
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Yuki steps that way, glass pieces crunching as she goes. We follow.
In the other hall, Tamiko is burying her face in her hands as Kaichi keeps up CPR. Only when a few of us step through the doorway does the four-note jingle play. 
“Um, hello? Hello!! This is the prerecorded message to make sure everyone knows a body has been found!!”
Kaichi’s arms fall to his sides, and he thuds back against the wall.
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“Wh-what th-the heck...”
At some point I must have sunk to my knees. I don’t know how long this all took, but it feels like it’s been hours. My arms are throbbing, and my eyes sting. It’s hard not to give up and go to sleep right now.
Tamiko’s voice is barely audible.
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“Who..... did this...?”
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“...Only one way to find out.”
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charlybradburry · 5 years
Goddamn cats! Part II
Goddamn cats! Part II
Characters/Pairing:  Dean, Sam, Reader, Rowena; Dean x Reader
Summary: It’s never a good idea to accept candy while being on a witch hunt.
Note: Yeah...Seems like my lazy ass finally finished part II which was planned to be the end, but i couldn’t get there
Wordcount: ~1,500
Warnings: pretty weird, spells, cats, allergies, fluffy fluff of doom, awkwardness….I really don’t know what else to write here…
 His fingers hover over the witch’s number. He looks at you and reaches after you with a sight. “Dean! No! You’re allergic! I don’t want you to suffer more, than you already do!” You slip back a bit, just out of his reach and place your fluffy ass on the corner of the bed. He groans and follows you. Pulling you in his lap he says, grumpy as ever: “Don’t give a shit about it right now, sweetheart! And now you shut up and let me cuddle you, while I call Rowena.” It’s your time to sigh but you won’t complain about him holding you close against his body, his free hand running softly over your head. The other hand finally hitting the call button he lifts it to his ear. You can hear the squeaking toots and cuddle up just a bit closer. After the fifth ring the witch finally picks up. “Whit?!”   “Hello to you as well, Rowena.” “Yeah, right. You would never call just to say “Hello”! So what do you need, Winchester?!” Her Scottish accent left you smiling while you curled up in Deans lap. “We need your help.” Dean mumbles and looks at your paws that started crawling in his jeans.  “Sorry”, you whisper and it takes all the effort to stop it. “Really, Who’d hae thunk!” The sarcasm is dripping through the phone and Dean exhales shaking as he tries not to explode right there. “Yeah…sorry to bother you, but it’s about Y/N.” “Oh! What has the girl done thes time? She disappeared again to see the doctur and you need to find her?” “HEY” – you flinch and press your ears to your skull – “That was one time, ok?! And this time I don’t need to find her! Actually she’s with me right now! Mind to say “Hi”, sweetheart?” You giggle as he holds the phone in your face before you meow at him. You can almost hear Rowena’s eyes roll. “Dean, that’s a cat and definitely not Y/N.” Again you giggle the phone still in front of you. “It’s really me, Rowena.” “Y/N?! Please tell me you finally convinced Dean to get a cat.” He presses a button on his phone turning her onto speaker “Oh I wish she did. But she decided taking – was it a lemon drop? “ You nod in approval. “a lemon drop it is - from a stranger was a good idea” Dean sighs and gives you a judging look. “Hey! You know I have a soft side for them!” you press your tongue to your front teeth, making him chuckle. “Sweetheart, that looks just derpy. -                 
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-Anyway. Do you think you could pass by and help us?” “…Y…Y/N got turned into a moggie by …by a lemon drap… Wa didn’t ye start wi' 'at?!” you flinch as her voice gets higher as well as louder with the last sentence and hop off Deans lap searching for a quieter place underneath the bed. “OK, where are you? I’ll be there as fast as possible!” “Carlisle, Ohio. First motel when you leave the 75 in the direction of Franclin”, he explained to her looking worried at you and giving you an apologetic look. “I’m on my way, shouldn’t take me too long.” With that she hung up. Dean places the phone back on the nightstand and kneels in front of you. “Darling? ‘re you ok?” You take a deep breath and exhale, still being a bit shaky. “ ‘m fine. Our favorite witch was just a bit too loud for me…” “Come here, kid” with that Dean scoops you up and places you on his lap, crawling this great spot right under your chin. You can’t other than sigh and start purring, drowning the complain that wants to rise from your lungs. Instead you snuggle a bit closer into him and close your eyes, breathing deeply and your feet crawling into his jeans. Before you know it you start dozing off, with his hand still moving calming over your (Y/H/C) fur.
When you wake up it’s because of the harsh movement of the body under you, that throws you off the soft, moving and warm cushion. Before you’re even close to being awake you’re landing on the floor. You hiss at the sleep interrupter and jump back on the bed where Dean – still dizzy – holds his gun in the direction of the persons head. “Whoawhoa! Calm down tiger! It’s just me! I’m coming in peace and offer you bacon and stuff against your allergy!” “Oh…Hey, Sammy…” Deans voice sounds very nasal, his eyes are puffy and an angry red. “It’s Sam. Here take those, two for now and ad another one in four to five hours.” Sam explains and throws a package at his brother. After that he lets himself fall onto the other bed, patting the mattress next to him, telling you to come next to him and leave Dean alone for now. You do as your told and plant your furry ass next to the younger Winchester. While Dean got up to grab some water from the minibar, you updated Sam on your conversation with Rowena and he told you what he found out about the pet shop that you had visited. Dean had crashed on the sofa and was watching the two of you in amusement. No, actually he was only watching you. A Y/H/C furred, ball of fluffiness with sharp claws and teeth, talking to the giant he called his brother. Just as he thought that this couldn’t turn more ridiculous you placed your tiny front paws on his shoulder and started rubbing against his cheek. “Sweetheart…what are you doing there?!” He chuckled eyes glued to the scene. “Uhm…” if you were still in your body, your cheeks would be burning hot and red now. But in this body only the twitch of your tail gave a hint of the situation being uncomfortable for you. “Y/N? Are you…are you scent marking me?!” As Sam says that you’re able to see his ears turning pink and quickly remove yourself from him. “No!” you answer just a bit too fast and too loud. “Sam what do you mean “scent marking” Dean got curious and watches you closely. “Uhm...you know how cats rub against peoples legs and corners and stuff?” “Of course, Samantha. I don’t like cats. That doesn’t mean that I don’t know anything about them.” “Yeah…exactly…so they do that to mark their…mark their territory…In other words: to show other cats what belongs to them…” The pink of Sams ears spread over his face and neck now and you could feel his embarrassment and hid your face under your paws. “Y/N…did you just tell other cats to stay away from, Sam?!” You made your body as small as possible as you tried to hide from his offended look. “Dean…I promise, it’s not what it looks like. Sam is family. I didn’t want to do that. It just felt necessary to show it…” you explain sheepishly to him and look scared at him. “Then why didn’t you mark me?!” oh…was he…was he really? “Dean? Are you jealous?!” you sit up again and look amazed at your partner in crime. The eye roll that follows your question tells you all you need to now. A big grin spreads over yours and Sams face. ”Pff…No!” Dean let you hear his “That’s-definetley-not-true!-you-are-stupid!” laugh and that’s all you need to know. You vault over the gap between the beds and into the older Winchesters lap. Purring you rub against his chest first, then his neck and his jaw. “Just that you know, Winchester: there was no reason to rub you in first place. I did that while you slept.” You wink at him and boop your nose against his. He smiles and wraps his flannel covered arms around your tiny body. “So you said you called, Rowena? What’s taking her so long?” Sam interrupts your cuddling. “You know her. She shows up when she’s ready. Rowena likes a big entrance” you sigh and curl up in the lap beneath you. “Yeah, also we don’t have to worry that she won’t show up. You know she loves Y/N for some reason.” “It’s because I last with you since almost fourteen years with the two of you now and didn’t lose my flawless sass. And maybe because a part of my family maybe was somehow attached over a few edges with her family a few hundred years ago. But mostly my sass I think” you yawn and rest your chin on Deans knee. Dean chuckled whilst Sam only stared at you in disbelieve. “Sweetheart, you can’t be tired already! We just slept for two hours!” “Don’t care. I’m a cat. ‘m allowed to sleep all the time I want…” you yawn again and slowly doze of while Dean started crawling you behind your ears again.
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