lord-squiggletits · 1 year
See and that's the tragic thing about post-Delphi Pharma lsdkfjlks. Whether it's because he believes he doesn't deserve reform or simply is too far gone to care, he would never actually admit to feeling regret or anguish and that's part of what makes him so easy to condemn. Pharma's victimhood and feelings of regret are entirely below the surface, read-between-the-lines, and isn't it hard to offer forgiveness to someone who seems to laugh at the idea?
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haechanokeh · 3 years
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I'm Right For You [pt.9]
pairing: popular college! mark x average! reader
genre: romance, smut, angst, series.
warning (general): corruption, oral sex (both receiving and giving), cream pie, rough sex, mention of religion, rough sex, self-esteem, public sex, sub! reader, sex toys. possessive mark two-faced mark
[teaser] [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 2 ] [ Chapter 3 ] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8]
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when mark said that he will not touch you, he failed again. you're sore everywhere and exhausted.
"y/n?" mark poked your cheeks but you didn't respond at all or move an inch. you're weightlessly lying on top of him, cheek squished against his hard chest, arms on each side of his head, and legs spread, dick still touching your stickiness. you can still that the mixed liquids are dripping from you and mark also can feel it.
he played the tips of your hair.
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"i love you." he whispered on top of your head and gave it a kiss.
"-mm too." you mumbled. he grinned as he fined it cute.
his phone suddenly rang and it wasn't that far so he reached for it. it's his mom. mark answered the call.
"mom?" he answered with forehead wrinkled in curiosity. it made you flinched and made you panic, you stopped yourself from cursing and was about to get off from mark's body but his hand on top of your lower back pushed you down preventing you from moving.
"stay still." he said with his commanding tone. so you did yet hoping that his mom didn't hear him.
"mark, where are you? your classmates are already here, they told me you weren't in class? what happened?" you could hear the concerned mother from the phone. your heart beating fast in panic and nervousness.
shit, they already knew he skipped class?
"where are my classmates? what do you mean?" mark ignore his mother's question on what happened why he's not in classes.
"we have worship service today mark, remember? you even invited your classmates"
you saw mark squeezed his nose bridge, brows furrowed, and he looked like he screwed up. it felt like you're at fault, if only you stopped mark from bringing you here and just pushed him to attend class. the truth was you loved the idea of staying alone with mark but now you could tell, it wasn't a good idea.
"mom, i'm sorry i forgot. it's because..." his eyes landed on you. mark saw your guilty face. he gave you a reassuring smile and caressed your cheeks. "have the headache today, i'm feeling under the weather mom. sorry."
he lied. you bit your lower lip. mark is a devoted christian and he will never lie about this kind of matter.
"oh my, okay okay. do you want us to go there?" his mom asked, totally fell from his son. mark's mom knew his son as someone who will lie and mark never skipped the worships unless he's sick.
"no, mom i'm fine. just have to rest." he replied. his mom told him to get enough sleep before she hangs up. mark placed his phone beside him.
"mark, you did not attend your worship." you were obviously guilty. "we should've gone to school."
mark didn't like the mood you're giving him, he translated it as if you regretted spending your day with him, alone. he also doesn't like that you're blaming yourself.
"but i got to spend my time alone with you, there's nothing wrong with it." mark smiled at you. his smiles always make your heart flutter but, this one... it's strange. "we don't have to worry about anything, won't go to hell for my absence in worship and my grades won't fall for skipping for a day." mark tucked some strand of hair in your face and tucked it behind your ear. there's no guilt or remorse for skipping two things that his world used to revolve into.
"you and me, that's only matters, hmm? do you not like being with me, y/n?" mark eyes were dark and icy, he smiled but it was cold. it made your blood run cold. he was asking you but he clearly was ordering you to answer him what he wanted to hear from you.
but it's taking you so long, mark looked slightly upset.
"y/n?" his hand grabbed your cheeks and squeezed it but it didn't hurt you, it was playfully but it felt like your heart was stabbed by cold spiked ice.
"yes." finally respond to him with a forced smile.
maybe he's lying, maybe he's just making me feel less bad.
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you locked your front door and get inside in mark's car.
"how's your sleep." he started to drive the car.
"insufficient, i still want to sleep." you yawned. mark looked at you.
"do you want to sleep in my condo or your house?" he said.
"what? no, i'm good. i'll just sleep in class." you joked. mark smiled but he knew you will really fall asleep especially during pharma marketing.
"so, does your mom know that i exist?" mark changed the subject. you went silent. "no plans in introducing me to your mother?" he was calmly laughing but he's slightly upset.
"ahm no, well... she doesn't even know i gave friends but ahm, if she has a chance to meet ahm..." he touched your hand and squeezed it.
"relax, i know your mom is very busy." mark intertwined your hands with his. you're staring at him.
he's switching mood so fast.
"you're not yet even my girlfriend... yet." he added. he glanced at me and raised his brow but smirking.
"you can ask me again though..." you lowered your voice but you made sure that he will hear it.
his head quickly turned to you and you burst into laughter when you saw his eyes bulging out.
"yow, dude are you serious?!" his voice cracked and you couldn't stop laughing. you nodded your head.
"but mark if you want me to be your girlfriend, don't call me dude. okay?" you teased him.
"then can I be your girlfriend-- wait what?" both of you looked confused.
"mark!" you threw your head back and shaking in laughter.
"I mean, can you be my girlfriend, dang it." you chuckled and squeezed his hand.
"yes." your eyes were locking. "but eyes on the road."
"oh, yes! right!" he panicked.
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it's been only 1 hour after you officially became his girlfriend but he's already pouting.
"mark, we should be careful. i don't like to be the center of attention just because you're my boyfriend." you said.
he stayed silent. well, he kept on insisting that both of you enter the school at the same time but you decline it because it's better if one of you go first just to avoid suspicion.
"I'm going first, okay?" you gave him a calming smile but it didn't reach him. he just stared at the steering wheel. you sighed and just stepped out of the car.
when you entered the room, same morning, no one greets you because the only person who greets you was sulking in his car. you sat on your usual chair, your class has no fix seating arrangement but everyone knows that the corner on the fourth row is your seat.
"hey." you looked up and saw lucas sitting beside you.
"hey." you smiled at him.
"where were you yesterday?" he put down his bag. you already prepared your excuse.
"fetch my mom in the airport." though your mom use land transpo.
"oh, i see well mark is absent to- oh hey dude." lucas offered his hand to mark for hand shake.
you looked up, he's infront of you but he's staring at lucas with his emotionless face. lucas fingers where slowly folding because it seems like mark will not take it.
"move, that's my seat." mark's voice was frosty and slightly loud but it didn't raise a pitch.
"dude, you seat everywhe-" lucas didn't finish his word when mark grabbed his shirt. he was looking up to mark who's standing and towering him.
everyone was alarmed and stood from their seats, including you.
"mark, calm down..." everyone was trying to pull you away from him, some were trying to remove his hand from lucas' shirt.
"mark!" you grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away from lucas who's stop dead in track on the seat.
"you thought you can have her just because everyone kept on saying that you and y/n look good together, that doesn't mean you can have her! stay away from my girlfriend!" he spat harshly. everyone saw the mark that they never expect to meet, eyes dark and glaring.
your jaw dropped when he announced your relationship that wasn't supposed to be revealed.
"mark!" you stomp on your feet and tried to pull his arms once more. "mark, let's talk!"
some of your classmates were staring at you and you started to over analyze it. your felt embarrassed and in verge of crying.
"mark, please." you voice was shaking and tears started to fell from your eyes.
when mark heard that voice he quickly went back in his senses and looked at you. he freed lucas and forget that they exist. mark was about to cup your face but you stepped back.
"let's talk, outside."
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mark followed you until you reach the front gate of your school. you brought your bag because you haven't remove it from your back and so was he.
"what was that?" you angrily turned to face him.
"he likes you, but he doesn't like you like ido-"
"i don't care about him!" you raised your voice. mark was surprised from your voice and angry face. your chest was heaving and nose flaring, you face is also redden in anger.
you know that lucas doesn't like you anyway which made you angry more.
"i told you, we're not supposed to tell them that we're together."
"i didn't agree, because if i agree with you, that boy will try ask you out." he pointed his finger to you. "why are you so mad, i just tried to warn him."
"you just made a scene mark! that's not you!" you pointed your finger back at him.
"and you're not suppose to be talking to anyone or get too close to anyone because that's not you. i am the only one who talks to you, all these years i am the only one who notices you and they never did so i don't understand how did lucas casually sitting on the seat beside you which is by the way my seat." he growled, his face was inches away from you but his breath fanning your face. he was fuming in anger.
"you are mine, they are not like what you think they are. they are bunch of losers, blood suckers. i lied when i said that they want to befriend you, they never mention you because they don't care. i am the only person who tried to get close to you so fucking stay away from them!" he shouted.
you flinched. you were staring at him as if you're looking for something... or someone.
"who are you?" you whispered. "where's the mark that everybody loves? the kind mark that i always look up to?"
mark face slowly soften when he realized what kind of behavior he was giving you.
"you only like me because i'm kind." he looked disappointed. again, he wasn't supposed to feel that way.
"no, i love you because you're lovely." you sobbed. you bit your lip and burst into tears. you shook your head. "don't go after me." you were dead serious and walked away from him.
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