#Voltron Cinda
chibi-pix · 3 months
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Holy crow! A third chibi in one day?! What sorcery is this!? Anyway, I wanted to draw another chibi and was debating between Krik and Cinda. I decided on Cinda because A, she's beautiful, and B, I felt I should change pace and colour the land team uniform. It's a win-win situation.
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Commissions are available on my Ko-fi. Until next time!
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sweetmariabear · 2 months
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I forgot how much fun Discord Bots can be
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nomadicism · 7 months
I know you might have already translated the page in the Dairugger book where Keats and Kirigas’s gems glow, but the rough translation refers to the gem as Taisanatama or Tama. So maybe it could be the name of their gems. But I wanna know what you think and translated.
Hi there, thank you for the Ask!
I don’t see Taisanatama in that page spread, but the text calls the gems tama (hiragana: たま, kanji: 玉) twice. Tama can mean: marble, ball, lens, gem, bead, jewel, etc. Did you mean chiisanatama (小さなたま) instead?
If so, that means small marble, ball, gem, lens, bead, jewel, etc. Chiisanatama is what is written in the first mention of it on the page. The second mention is hitainotama (ひたいのたま) I suspect the intention is to mean bead or jewel.
If I were localizing this translation, then I'd call it "mind lens", "psionic gem", "oracle stone", or similar due to the context of its use. Personally, I like "mind lens" the best.
Full text:
ラガー•ガードは無事にうさ縫うの旅を続けていた。 戦いもなく、メンバーもそれぞれくつろいでいた。 ところが、キーツ•チーフの額についている小さなたまが、突然光り始めた。 「何か怪しい物を感じる!」 「私も」 見ると、キリガッスの額のたまも光っていた。
My amateur translation combined with Google translate:
The Rugger Guard continues their journey safely. There was no fighting, and so each member was relaxing. However, the small jewel on Chief Keats' forehead suddenly began to glow. “I feel something strange!” “Me too.” When they looked, the jewel on Kirigas’ forehead was also glowing.
Scan of the page spread is below for those who haven't seen it before. Since this is from a book for children, words that would otherwise be written with kanji are in hiragana instead. I swapped out some it for kanji when typing up the text.
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moondal514 · 10 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @decaflondonfog and @jaywalkers (thanks y’all, loved reading both of your thoughts. sorry I’m late doing this)
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
10 works (8 fics (one of which is a secret fic for @aftgthenandnow) and 2 original works)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
30,661 (not a whole lot but I’m working on it 😅)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
All For the Game is my main bitch but I also have fics published (or orphaned in some cases) for KinnPorsche, Romeo & Juliet, and BBC Merlin. It’s actually my default state to be a fandom hoe so I currently have active WIPs for All For the Game, BBC Merlin, Mo Dao Zu Shi, Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System, Word of Honor, Tian Guan Ci Fu, KinnPorsche, and a secret fandom for Yuletide
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
leave or stay (i’m invisible here) (KinnPorsche, Kim/Chay, 4k, T)
secret @aftgthenandnow fic
sometimes i wish i kept some of my feelings in the basement (All For the Game, Andrew/Neil, 6k, M)
A Damned Saint, An Honorable Villain (Romeo & Juliet, Benvolio/Tybalt, 3k, M)
No Stranger To the Wind (All For the Game, Andrew/Neil, 10k, T)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to comments, mostly just cuz I like thanking people or engaging in conversation with them if they leave a neat comment. But I’m (happily) not exactly a popular writer, both cuz I’ve only just started posting fic and also cuz the subject matters and/or fandoms I tend to write for can be pretty niche, so it’s easy for me to have the energy to reply to all the comments I get
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm I guess prob Prayers or A Damned Saint, An Honorable Villain. Both have kind of depressing open endings
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Prob Belonging cuz it’s mostly just found family fluff
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I’ve never gotten hate before and I really hope I never do cuz I would cry
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Lol no. Most I’ll do is a fade-to-black pg-13-type of thing or innuendo
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do write crossovers but I haven’t ever finished writing any of them, just a couple fandom fusions (No Stranger To the Wind is the All For the Game characters existing in the universe of Cinda Williams Chima’s The Seven Realms series). The craziest one that I’ve ever outlined though was a BBC Merlin/Voltron crossover where after Lancelot walks through the Veil, he’s reincarnated as Voltron’s Lance McClain 😂 (I may or may not have been very inspired by Trust Me, I'm an Alchemist by metisket)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and I hope I never do cuz that’s such an insanely disrespectful and shitty thing to do
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would be thrilled to have any of my fics translated…so long as the translation is hosted on ao3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
My best friend helped me out with the kissing scenes in sometimes i wish i kept some of my feelings in the basement so that’s about the closest to co-writing I’ve ever gotten. I’d love to fully co-write with someone one day though
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Hmm difficult question. It’s hard for me to have an all-time favorite ship cuz my favorite ship is usually going to be whoever holds the spot of brainrot of the moment. As I currently don’t have a single ship that’s taking the cake rn, I’m going to say Andreil because they hold the record for longest time of being brainrot of the moment for me (19 months, which I know doesn’t sound like a long time but you have to consider that it’s my default state to be in a lot of fandoms at the same time, so the fact that I was for the most part only focused on AFTG for a sizable period of time is highly unusual for me). I have to give a shout-out to Merthur though cuz they’re responsible for turning my fandom participation from passive (solely reading fic) to active (actually writing fic and engaging with fandom communities…that is to say Merthur was part of the driving force behind me creating this tumblr, though Andreil is the ship that got me to actually start posting lol)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
So I’ve got this AFTG Hunger Games au that I’ve been unable to write because every time I sit down to try to write something for it, I get a new idea to add to my outline for the au and then next thing I know I’ve done no actual writing and I’ve just made the outline longer. And now I just stare at the monster of an outline I’ve made and get too intimidated to write the fic cuz it’s just soooo long. And I don’t like posting fics unless I know they could stand on their own (even if they’re a part of a series) so the likelihood of me ever posting anything for this au is becoming sadly less and less likely as time goes on
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’m not sure actually. Prob characterization cuz that’s usually what I get complimented on the most in fics
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
1000% dialogue. Every bit of dialogue I’ve ever written has been an excruciating process where I hold the screen with a death grip and ask “would he/she/they fucking say that????” I hate writing people talking so much, it’s just exhausting for me, especially in a large group setting, which is prob why my default type of fic to write is usually a short introspective character study of some sort 😂
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I would never do it myself cuz unfortunately I’m a lame American who is only fluent in English, but I love reading it in other fics (…if it’s done well cuz I’ve seen some very cringey and awkward instances of multilingual dialogue in fic over the years)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The 1st fic I ever wrote that I posted on ao3 was for BBC Merlin (which I’ve since orphaned cuz the fic is kinda cringe). But before that, I took a creative writing class and our 1st writing assignment was essentially write a fanfiction (the prompt was literally “write a variation on an existing story”). I chose to write a story inspired by Monsta X’s DRAMARAMA music video and accidentally used the names of 2 guys in my class for the main characters (in my defense, it was the 1st week of class and the names were very generic American boy names). So I guess technically that was my 1st fanfiction 😂
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
sometimes i wish i kept some of my feelings in the basement. I really popped off with that one. It’s the only fic of mine that I actively reread for fun and I’ve been trying to replicate whatever was in the water when I wrote that fic ever since
No pressure tagging (apologies if you’ve already done this I haven’t been keeping track 😂): @seasy33 @bisexualbard @quensty @nanatsuyu @justadreamfox @worldenough-and-time @kairospy
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reindeer-games-sven · 2 years
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Made a voltron sketch dump of these dweebs
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corefenarts · 2 years
How about a drawing of Cinda from Voltron Vehicle
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I do wish we had sn origins episode for the alien cast
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queenscene2 · 3 years
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nesonkin · 2 years
Interesting character bits from DaiRugger XV episode 4
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Keats is sensing something bad and Aki tries to calm him down. Walter finds this quite ironic. It sets the basic characterization between the team captains and I think it's was a very neat interaction.
What intrigues me however is Walter and Aki's attitude throughout the episode.
When Keats is sent into a destructive region Aki is on edge and is very worried about Keats and the others. He thinks they should have sent Aki Team as well. He is being calmed down by Walter who is being quite chill about this because he has full trust in Keats and his team.
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Walter also basically makes fun of Aki here as well due to Aki's reputation as a hothead.
However, once it's confirmed that Keats Team is in trouble and Ise sends out Aki Team and Walter Team to find them their attitude flips.
Aki, now that he has some control over the situation, is calm because he can see Keats' status for himself even if it will take some time before they find him. Walter on other hand is worried and constantly asks Aki if he's detecting Keats Team's presense.
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It's only when they confirm that Keats Team is in one piece Walter can relax and go back to his usual laid back self.
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Because I've exceeded the limit for pictures you will have to trust my word on the rest.
This episode is the first one (I think?) to indicate that Keats and Haruka are on the first name basis (there's more in some of the next episodes).
Ise: DaiRugger, can you hear us? Aki: That voice.
This episode has the most Baros content out of any other DaiRugger XV episodes. This one goes to every Baros stan out there.
It's also one of the earlier episodes where Izumo is shown to be idealistic and righteous as he refuses to abort the rescue mission even though it might mean the end of them. The other instances include some of his lines during the Achilles Arc. I might make a post about that...
Katz is also incredibly loyal to his captain - Keats. He was shown defending Keats from accusations thrown by other Rugger Team members.
Kirigas always looks after Keats whenever she feels as though something is bothering him. She seems to have a high emotional intelligence even if her premonition abilities are not as good as Keats'.
what zero content does to a mf
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vld-prompts · 2 years
Allura, Pidge, Acxa, and Shay have a Girls Night with DotU’s Merla, Lisa, Ginger, Cinda, and Dorma
Go forth and create!
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chellekumari · 4 years
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Uhhh old VV sketch dump
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textsfromvoltron · 3 years
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(985): shut up i haven't hooked up with anyone since 45 minutes ago
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chibi-pix · 1 year
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Taking a VLD screenshot, I felt the need to draw Chip and ended up needing Cinda, too, because I was hit with ideas. VLD blind twinverse, the others eventually meeting Krik and Cinda of planet Myra.  And, different from my previous work with Cinda, I decided to make her more intriguing looking. Two-tone skin, like Blaytz or Ulaz, finned ears, perfect.  I love her.  Also, this is the screenshot I worked from.
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Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this one.  Until next time!
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voltronfandomhag · 6 years
Psychic Aliens
Krik and Cinda are a pair of blue skinned, water world dwelling aliens from the Vehicle Voltron season of Voltron: Defender of the Universe. Besides being the same species, they both possess special ESP abilities. Today I’m taking a look at the extent of their powers and if there’s any difference between them.
Both Kirk and Cinda have the ability to sense danger, troubling events, or that something is “off” about their current situation or surroundings. This is often described by them as having a “funny feeling.” In “Captain Newley Returns”, when the Explorer lands a very Earth-like planet, the homesick crew ventures out to relax on the beach. While looking out over a cliff together, Krik and Cinda are simultaneously struck by “a funny feeling” that something isn’t right. They run off to investigate the surrounding area, leading to the discovery of a Drule scouting party.
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However, Krik’s sixth sense may be stronger than Cinda’s. In “Defend the New World” an unguarded Alliance base is attacked by Captain Nerok’s forces. Krik is hanging out in the Explorer’s lounge when he’s suddenly struck by a feeling something’s amiss. When Cinda asks him if something’s wrong, Krik explains he can sense something’s wrong at the base. Krik pages Jeff and asks him to check up on the base, explaining he has a “strong feeling” there’s trouble. It’s not until a few minutes later that Cinda starts sensing something is wrong at the base too.
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Krik also has at least a limited ability to predict future events and the location of objects. In “Goodbye, New World” he successfully predicts the location of a planet which is hidden behind a cluster of black holes known as the Sea of Holes. This same episode opens with Krik acting strangely, apparently disturbed by something. Later the Drules use a false distress single to lure the Sea Team into the Sea of Holes, where they are attacked by Drule drones trying force them forward. Krik recognizes this from a nightmare he had...and he knows what’s going to happen. That’s when they’re attacked by a robeast.
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This isn’t an ability Cinda seems to possess. At least I can’t recall any confirmed instance of her predicting the future. At the beginning of “The Red Moon People” she mentions having a nightmare. However, there’s no dialogue indicating her dream was prophetic like Krik’s. So, again, it appears Krik may be the more gifted of the two when come to their ESP abilities. Cinda is able to sense the presence of human life though.
It’s not known exactly how Krik and Cinda’s powers work. Even when Jeff outright asks Krik how he predicts things, Krik just chuckles and claims “aliens” wouldn’t understand. So it’s not really clear how much control, if any, Krik and Cinda have over their abilities. I also have to wonder if ESP is something all members of their species possess or only certain individuals.
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pastellipastels · 7 years
After writing Cric's pov in a short story, I started thinking of Cinda. She doesn't have that deep of a connection to the planet due to being farther away from the trenches and living in the relatively safer shallows. She faintly picks up on it but not as quickly as Cric. Cinda isn't angry though, in fact she helps Cric when she can despite her weakness in future sight. Her powers are weaker, but she excels in finding missing objects or knowing where to go and turn if cornered. She is more instinct and finding necessities than future sight and telepathy. When you live in the shallows you have more predators than in the deeper parts of the planet (The bigger they are the less food there is). Still thinking on it but ya know. :)
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reindeer-games-sven · 3 years
The Vehicle Gals
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(Without the logo)  
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Down below is the actual illustration I referenced : 
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bookseraph · 7 years
Hunk: "Stop blaming yourself."
Lance: "What makes you think I'm blaming myself?"
Hunk: "Because I know you."
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