#Volleyball player
zvdvdlvr · 11 months
on tv!?
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“you were on t.v.!?” kyle asked in disbelief. his jaw was basically on the floor as you just shrugged.
“only for like a year or two… until i transferred schools,” you casually said, still reading your book. simon, kyle, johnny, and price all stared at you in different levels of shock.
you attended an ivy league school for volleyball. and. you didnt tell anyone. until now.
soap’s eyebrows reached his hairline. “an’ yeh didn’ think ta tell us, ey? we had teh find out frommuh old video? i thought we were a team, lass. we tell each other everythin’!”
you laughed. “everything? i don’t think so, johnny-boy. beside the fact i shattered my wrist and broke my ankle like three times, i rode the bench most the time-“
“but you were on the fookin’ telly!” ghost protests.
price opened his mouth.
“don’t start, price,” you said.
price closed his mouth.
as soap and gaz bickered about your skill level and your old teammates, ghost and price still watched you read.
“and they wonder why i don’t tell them anything,” you mumbled to yourself.
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elenitrack · 7 months
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Justyna Łysiak (Budowlani Łódź)
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ldagence-sports · 7 months
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Taylor Pischke Canadian Volleyball Player ~𝓛𝓓~
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tufnation · 1 year
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Volleyball player
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gatitties · 1 year
kinda wondering if you could write wakatoshi ushijima x fem! basketball player reader headcanons where compared to him, she's the social butterfly with her being so cheery, upbeat and optimistic but is a hyperactive person that none can keep up with her energy. (and maybe a tomboy as well) also she doesn't seem to be intimated with ushijima's appearance at all after meeting him?
─Ushijima Wakatosi x fem!reader
─Summary: a confusion makes you meet the volleyball captain with whom you decided to befriend like anyone else
─Warnings: none
just say that they accidentally write basketball player but they referred volleyball player
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─ The first time you met Ushijima he mistook you for a boy trying to get into the gym's girl bathrooms.
─ Definitely none of you had a good vision of the other, because he scolded you for trying to spy on the other girls while you were offended by the accusation, you got to the point of telling him that if he wanted you could show him a tit so he would believe you.
─ Luckily for both of us, one of your friends came out asking why you were taking so long to come in, you were usually one of the first to wash up after an intense volleyball practice.
─ Ushijima completely confused there while you rubbed in his face that you were right, of course, you hadn't felt the least bit intimidated by his presence in this little incident you wouldn't on other occasions.
─ The second time you saw him was because he came to apologize for the misunderstanding, Ushijima can be many things and among them a true gentleman who knows how to accept and correct his mistakes.
─ You didn't need much more and automatically 'adopt' him into your friends list than one, they don't have that many friends or two, they're not very talkative.
─ At the end of the day you ended up coinciding in volleyball tournaments, he appreciated your passion for the game that he also enjoyed, and sometimes if he could go to see your games.
─ No one can change this thought, but a tireless person full of energy is equal to a libero (most of the time) so yes, that was your position.
─ Ushijima doesn't mind that you're the one who always leads the flow of the conversation, he has Tendou on his team so he's used to it, he's a good listener.
─ He doesn't care that whenever you decide to go for a run or a walk, you stop to say hello to almost half of the students you meet, although if this interrupts the rhythm he will simply put you on his shoulder and continue running with your weight dead on it, you keep waving to people from there.
─ You are Shiratorizawa's personal cheerleader, yes, yes, we all know that they have an amazing band that sings and claps the anthem, but the entire male team will always find you in the crowd, either because of your screams or because you decided to buy a costume of eagle as if you were the mascot of the team.
─ No doubt you and Tendou are best friends after you and Ushijima start dating.
─ There is not much change after that, you continue to behave the same with each other, only now there is more intimacy on other occasions.
─ He respects that you want to catch up with the large number of friends you have just as you know that he has a strict training schedule, but you always make time to be together despite this.
─ Many students question how the most expressive person on campus ended up with the least expressive, they assumed that opposites attract, or rather, complement each other.
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l00k4tm4m45c415 · 10 months
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Carly Wopat
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beatrack92 · 1 year
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Jaqueline Carvalho (Minas)
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creepychan08 · 2 years
Yandere Volleyball Star Player (Ishikawa Yuki) x Reader
"Stop running. You know you can't run away from me" The lazy drawl of his voice taunt you as you run through the empty park towards your apartment.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Rhythmic sounds of footsteps echoed, the perpetrator showing no signs of effort while you were panting hard, sweat dripping down your forehead as you try to find ways to evade his presence.
"Just give it up, Princess and let me love you. You do know you belong to me since the first time we met"
'That's not true' you bit your lips hard. The first time you saw him was years ago, when you were in a crowd cheering for him. He didn't notice you back then but you were a big fan of him due to his skills and looks. Add the fact that he was the captain of Japan male national volleyball team which quicky gained popularity because of their talents and standing in the world of volleyball.
Soon, exhaustion starts to sink in as your adrenaline slowly fades. Tripping over nothing, you blame your clumsiness, you closed your eyes as you wait for the impact, hoping to wake up from this dream.
"Careful there, sweetheart. Wouldn't want to hurt your pretty skin" A muscular arm reached out to grab your waist and pull you against taut, warm body.
Feeling the need to resist and push him away, you lifted your hands but your whole body refused to move as you were overwhelmed with fatigue.
"Stop this Yuki. Its not funny" 
"I've always dreamed of being this close with you. Every time were together. But you never noticed, did you?"
Your heart thudded hard against your ribcage. You don't know if its because of trepidation or butterflies from his confession. You've always wanted this man to like you even for a tiny bit, fantasy of being together with him filling most of your free time when you were younger.
"Why won't you look at me?"
So why were you scared now?
Slowly, he turned you around to face him. His arms never leaving your figure.
A crazed smile was painted on his lips, eyes brimming with desperation as he slowly leaned down to kiss your lips.
"I love you... from the bottom of my heart"
With that, he swept you off your feet as he carried you to his awaiting car, off to a new start together.
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poisonsome · 1 year
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Cloie Mitchell 🇺🇸
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higherentity · 1 month
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lbcreations-blog · 4 months
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Yuki Ishikawa
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wondermutt20 · 9 months
"Adversity, if you allow it to, will fortify you and make you the best you can be."
Kerri Walsh Jennings - American Beach Volleyball Player
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elenitrack · 9 months
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Ranna Shiraiwa (Kurobe AquaFairies)
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ldagence-sports · 7 months
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Maria Voronina Russian Volleyball Player ~𝓛𝓓~
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colddetachment · 2 years
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ysandersart · 1 year
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Part of the athletic studies I did earlier in the year. Originally intended to put a background on it, but I don't have the time to do it so...here it is! Took a really long time to finish this, but I learned a lot from it.
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