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The two-finger test is an invasive, unscientific and regressive practice used in rape cases to gauge whether a person is sexually active or a virgin. . . . Swipe to know more about it. #twofingertest #twofingertestrapevictim #rapesurvivors #rapé #stoprapenow #nirbhayacase #virginitytest #sexuallyactive #sexualintercourse #justicevermacommitteereport #justicechandrachud #justicehimakohli #supremecourtofindia #supremecourt #righttoprivacy #patriarchy #sexist #law #lawyers #legalmatter #legal #legalknowledge #currentaffairs #clatpg #clatpg2023 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkaYJwavU3S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Praktika e Dy-Gishtave duhet te Marre Fund
Praktika e Dy-Gishtave duhet te Marre Fund
Perpara disa ditesh, Organizata Boterore e Shendetit beri nje njoftim ne rrjetet e veta sociale per dhenien fund te nje praktike te njohur diskriminuese per femrat: Testin e Virgjerise ose Testin e Dy-Gishtave. Nga komentet e shumta qe shoqeronin kete thirrje te OBSH-se ne Facebook, dukej se kishte shume njerez qe habiteshin nga ekzistenca e nje praktike te tille dhe qe sigurisht e denonin ate.
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superspy that super agent oddly refused and re fused and vehementlyrefused to return tothe usa why only? maybeit hastodowith their internals. oh an d rich background studied sophisticated didnot pass virginitytest muscular is like skiing a skiing superagent hmmmmmmmm and agood character hmmm didn twannashoot his horse in desert carries itallnight throughtdesert hmmm #howi tallstarted #howitallbegan
superspy that super agent oddly refused and re fused and vehementlyrefused to return tothe usa why only? maybeit hastodowith their internals. oh an d rich background studied sophisticated didnot pass virginitytest muscular is like skiing a skiing superagent hmmmmmmmm and agood character hmmm didn twannashoot his horse in desert carries itallnight throughtdesert hmmm #howi tallstarted #howitallbegan
superspy that super agent oddly refused and refused and vehementlyrefused to return tothe usa why only? maybeit hastodowith their internals. oh and rich background studied sophisticated didnot pass virginitytest muscular is like skiing a skiing superagent hmmmmmmmm and agood character hmmm didntwannashoot his horse in desert carries itallnight throughtdesert hmmm #howitallstarted…
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#VirginityTesting is an archaic outdated idea to determine if a female is a #virgin. The reason we need required #sexual #education in all schools. We talk about that #myth, T.I. and more in this podcast. Come get sexually educated.~ Amorist Eclectic ©2019 #TUMBLR #TWITTER @amoristeclectic https://www.instagram.com/AmoristEclectic
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University level medical textbook in Pakistan. (from Aima Khosa) . What is the Concept of Virginity? Is virginity given or taken? Was it intentionally created to oppress and control women? . Here’s one African woman’s view on the myths and origin of virginity: http://bit.ly/2Sgk3xr . . . . . . . . . . #virginity #virginitystories #virginitylost #virginitytesting #virginityrocks #virginityiscool #findingmyvirginity #secondaryvirginity #virginitysoap #losingmyvirginity #virginityisasocialconstruct #lostvirginity #virginityindonesia #virginitytaken #virginitygiven #losingvirginity #virginitygone #virginityday #virginityinstantspray #virginityinstantspray #virginityinstantsprayoriginal #virginityready
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Unchained At Last | Buckle up, 'cause we're diving into #virginityexams this week. #Virginitytesting
Unchained At Last | Buckle up, ’cause we’re diving into #virginityexams this week. #Virginitytesting
Unchained At Last for End Child Marriage
Buckle up, ’cause we’re diving into #virginityexams this week. #Virginitytesting is intrinsically tied to #forcedmarrige, as many girls are forced to undergo the invasive, unscientific procedure to test their “purity.” Marie Claire Fuller Project for International Reporting
ـــــــــــــــــ Do you support child marriage? Nada Foundation
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Two-finger examination that leaves women traumatised, humiliated and in pain is listed as requirement to join force
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#allnighteragain #traintrafficftw #fashionandnarrative #virginitytest #womensright #whatispurity
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Stupidity at its best!
I know most of our people in government are stupid. I heard so many stupid ideas from them that usually I can ignore. But not with the virginity test. That is not only stupid, meaningless, but will humiliate so many young women, esp school girls. Furthermore, they will use money from APBD 2014 to pay the test? There's no way I would pay for something stupid like that. No one in Palembang or any other province should pay tax for that too. This makes me so angry!
Gosh, some people trying their best to make Indonesia a better country. And these people (yes, PPP, I'm talking about you!) just dont know how to educate themselves. Instead, they proudly act like an idiot!
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Lol #virginitytest (Taken with Instagram)
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Virginitytest banned in Egypt! http://ping.fm/ewkaV womensrights humanrights rape abuse
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#VirginityTesting is an archaic outdated idea to determine if a female is a virgin. It has been proven untrue by health professionals for years, yet the #myth continues, because of uneducated individuals who continue promoting this outdated idea. You cannot prove if a female or a male is a virgin. There is no way to tell. Come into the future people and out of the myths of the past.
#Rapper #TI got on an international podcast/radio show and literally bragged that he takes his daughter to the #gynecologist every year, forces her to sign #privacy #rights away and then sits in the room while she is getting a #VaginalExam to find out if her #Hymen is still in tact. #DARKAGES
First of all, shame on any #doctor that allows a parent to let a young woman sign away their medical and sexual privacy. It is the law. You are supposed to ask the parent to leave the room while you do the exam and speak with the patient. Any parent who does not leave is abusive. Sexually abusive. Makes you wonder what is really going on in T.I.'s mind and soul.
Now how many parts of this are sick, #abusive #mentally, #socially and the sickest part #sexually? He is sexually abusing his daughter! This is #SexualAbuse. Yes, it is!
Mind you, he does not take his son to the doctor to see if he is sexually active. What a complete double standard. He is controlling over all women in his life. What a jerk!
I knew he was controlling and abusive toward his wife, and all of his other #mistresses, so why am I surprised he is toward his children. Especially his daughter. #Mysogynist.
He is also very uneducated. Even his daughter's doctor has tried to tell him that you cannot determine whether a female has had sex or not. It is impossible. Knowing that, any doctor should not allow any girl's father or mother to be in the room during her vaginal exam. Ever. Whether she is sexually active is no one's business except her own. I mean, this is sick on so many levels.
The fact that he sits in the room with her, naked and legs spread wide, his own daughter, is full on sexual abuse. Why haven't the authorities stepped in? Why didn't this girls's doctor report him years ago for sexually manipulating his daughter? Because that is what is going on here.
Plus, it begs the question. How does someone so uneducated and shortsighted reach the social standing and wealth that he has? Probably the same bullying, gangster ways of controlling that he puts his daughter, wife and everyone around him through. He uses fear and control. That is a bully. Nothing more. Nothing less. And this incident is completely and utterly sick.
This is why we need sexual education required in all schools to dispell the myths about sex and sexuality that have existed for far too long. Women are abused, beaten and killed based on this "birginity tests" and it is not even viable.~ Amorist Eclectic ©2019 #TUMBLR #TWITTER @amoristeclectic https://www.instagram.com/AmoristEclectic
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Unchained At Last | Are #virginityexams happening in the U.S.? Of the 288 physicians who responded,
Unchained At Last | Are #virginityexams happening in the U.S.? Of the 288 physicians who responded,
Unchained At Last for End Child Marriage
Are #virginityexams happening in the U.S.? Of the 288 physicians who responded, 10% said they had at least one patient who had requested #virginitytesting, and, of those, 34% said they, indeed, performed the procedure themselves.
Marie Claire Fuller Project for International Reporting
ـــــــــــــــــ Do you support child marriage? Nada…
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फेरे लेते वक्त अचानक उल्टियां करने लगी दुल्हन तो दूल्हे ने कराया वर्जिनिटी टेस्ट
चैतन्य भारत न्यूज बेंगलुरु. कर्नाटक के बेंगलुरु में शादी में फेरे लेते वक्त दुल्हन को अचानक ही उल्टियां होनी शुरू हो गई जिसके बाद दूल्हे ने शक के आधार पर दुल्हन का वर्जिनिटी टेस्ट कराया। पति की इस हरकत के बाद अब जाकर दुल्हन ने उसके खिलाफ कोर्ट में उत्पीड़न की शिकायत दर्ज करवाई है। मैट्रिमोनियल साइट पर हुई थी मुलाकात सूत्रों के मुताबिक, उत्तरी कर्नाटक में रहने वाले अनुज और स्मिता ने नवंबर साल 2018 में शादी की थी। दोनों की मुलाकात एक मैट्रिमोनियल साइट के जरिये हुई थी। मुलाकात के कुछ ही समय बाद अनुज और स्मिता ने शादी करने का फैसला लिया। शादी से कुछ ही दिनों पहले स्मिता की मां का कैंसर के चलते निधन हो गया था जिससे स्मिता डिप्रेशन में रहने लगी थी। अनुज को ऐसा लगने लगा कि स्मिता इस शादी से नाखुश है और इस बात को लेकर दोनों के बीच झगड़े होने लगे। वर्जिनिटी और प्रेग्नेंसी टेस्ट होते देख भड़की स्मिता डिप्रेशन में होने की वजह से स्मिता अपने दोस्त से फोन पर बात करने लगी थी। यह देख अनुज को शक होने लगा लेकिन फिर भी दोनों ने शादी करने का फैसला लिया। शादी के दिन स्मिता की तबियत खराब हो गई। दरअसल, उन्हें गैसट्राइसिस होने की वजह फेरे के समय उल्टी होने लगी। तबियत बिगड़ती देख स्मिता को तुरंत ही अस्पताल ले जाया गया जहां उन्हें गैसट्राइसिस की दवाई देने के साथ ही उनका वर्जिनिटी और प्रेगनेंसी टेस्ट कराया गया। यह सब देख स्मिता भड़क गई जिसके बाद डॉक्टर ने उन्हें बताया कि अनुज ने ही वर्जिनिटी और प्रेग्नेंसी टेस्ट करवाने की बात कही है। घर छोड़कर चली गई स्मिता स्मिता अनुज की इस बात से बेहद नाराज होकर शादी के बाद अपनी बहन के घर चली गई। जब तीन महीने तक स्मिता घर नहीं आई तो अनुज ने फैमिली काउंसलिंग सेंटर में जाकर पत्नी के खिलाफ शिकायत दर्ज कराई। फैमिली काउंसलिंग सेंटर में आकर स्मिता ने सारी सच्चाई बताई और साथ ही उन्होंने पुलिस और कोर्ट में पति अनुज के खिलाफ उत्पीड़न का केस भी दर्ज कराया है। इधर अनुज ने स्मिता से तलाक की अर्जी फाइल की है। Read the full article
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Unchained At Last | Let's talk about the #hymen: For nearly 500 yrs, the myth that an intact hymen c
Unchained At Last | Let’s talk about the #hymen: For nearly 500 yrs, the myth that an intact hymen c
Unchained At Last for End Child Marriage
Let’s talk about the #hymen: For nearly 500 yrs, the myth that an intact hymen can prove virginity has persisted & led to the abusive practice of #virginitytesting of girls, often preceding a forced/arranged marriage to prove a girls’ “purity.”
ـــــــــــــــــ Do you support child marriage? Nada Foundation Nada Al Ahdal
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Unchained At Last | Why are we talking about #virginityexams so much? Bc our founder/ED, Fraidy Reis
Unchained At Last | Why are we talking about #virginityexams so much? Bc our founder/ED, Fraidy Reis
Unchained At Last for End Child Marriage
Why are we talking about #virginityexams so much? Bc our founder/ED, Fraidy Reiss had to undergo one before her own #forcedmarriage. “I remember feeling terrified. My physical safety would have been threatened” if the OBGYN hadn’t said she was a virgin.
There's almost no discussion of #virginitytesting in the U.S., so thank you to Marie…
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