#Vehka Kurjenmiekka
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kattila85 · 5 months ago
Turun kirjamessut 2024
Pari vuotta ne jäivät välistä, mutta nyt pääsin taas Turun kirjamessuille! Sain houkuteltua puolisoni mukaan. Kivat treffit, nääs. Ensimmäisenä kiersimme Ruokamessujen alueen. Jäin harkitsemaan aineksia mocktaileihin, mutta rahahanat avautuivat Dirty dykin sossien edessä. Jos näet heidän kojunsa jossain, mene ehdottomasti maistamaan! Ostimme ketsuppia, valkosipulissoossia sekä…
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hiddenbeks · 4 months ago
people i'd like to know better
tagged by @ecofear, thank you!!! 😌🫶
last song: apocalypse please by muse!
favorite color: really into dark emerald green rn
last book read: last book i remember actually finishing was the obelisk gate by n. k. jemisin like... two years ago aha... i'm currently enjoying kellopelisydän by vehka kurjenmiekka!! it's in finnish but the title translates to 'clockwork heart' and it's about these assassins who have had their hearts replaced by a mechanical one that demands they kill at least one person per year and if they fail to do this the heart will kill them... lots of mystery surrounding the hearts and the assassins... and like the setting and its people in general... i really don't wanna say too much bc i believe this book is best enjoyed if you just dive in with minimal knowledge... finnish speaking mutuals check it out 🫵 if u wanna
last movie: mad max fury road was on tv the other day and i watched it... still love it still the most action movie of all time... i've seen it four times now i think
last show: i'm currently juggling between twin peaks and battlestar galactica (2004 remake)! i've never watched twin peaks before but i borrowed the dvd box set from my sib and i've watched 3 episodes so far? i really enjoy the setting and the soundtrack and the mystery and the characters and their secrets and the overall ✨ambiance✨ but the creepy staring man in ep 2 jumpscared me so hard that it has been difficult to continue lol
sweet/savory/spicy: savory mostly
relationship status: single. sigh
last thing i looked up: 'antibiotics hair loss' bc i'm still on antibiotics and i'm losing a lot more hair than normally so i was wondering if it was connected. could be but also could be that it's something else who knows. i'm so tired
current obsession: idk i'm not really intensely obsessed with anything at the moment. but i'm spending lots of time with fields of mistria... and kotor... i'm gonna get the 4th star map soon and i know after that you encounter malak on the leviathan?? so the Reveal is about to happen soon??? i'm nervous... also speaking of kotor i am obsessed with liah actually. i watch battlestar galactica and i go what if liah bsg au 🤔 i think abt the sw prequels and i go what if liah prequel au 🤔 i've never played cyberponk and never will but the other day i went what if liah cyberponk au (liah with mantis blades??!?!?!?!!???!!) 🤔 can't think abt anything without also thinking abt inserting liah in it somehow...
looking forward to: kotor remake :) fields of mistria update later this month :) finding out who wins this season of finland's dancing with the stars... it's gotta be either isaac or linnea. or bess maybe
tagging @yahgrondu @volkihar @nokstella @thelavellans
@pinkfey @pawnguild @bellaralutare no pressure thooooo!
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revontulenkajo · 2 months ago
1, 3, 25 for the book asks? :D
Thank you friend!! :D
1. How many books have you read this year?
Currently I'm at 35 but I'm going to finish at least one more before the end of the year (it's my book club pick and I will finish it dammit :D). Might end up finishing another one too, but we'll see, so the final number will probably be 36 or 37 which I'm incredibly happy about!
3. What were your top five books of the year?
I read some excellent stuff this year, especially Finnish books, so this is tough but here goes in no particular order:
Pienen hauen pyydystys by Juhani Karila (I listened to the audiobook and can't recommend it enough, it was absolutely fantastic!)
Voro by Janne Kukkonen (an amazing Finnish fasntasy graphic novel, also highly recommend)
Kellopelisydän by Vehka Kurjenmiekka (another Finnish book, this time a fantasy novel that took my breath away and quite literally had me falling in love with Finnish as a language again)
Tytär hämärän, piika pimeän by J.S. Meresmaa (another Finnish fantasy novel, can you sense a theme here? :D, that I absolutely loved)
Exit Strategy by Martha Wells (something a little different at last :D this is the fourth book in the Murderbot Diaries and the ending destroyed me in the best possible way, probably my favourite of the series this far, I can't wait to finally read the rest next year!)
25. What reading goals do you have for next year?
My main goal is to read to 30 books but I also have a bunch of smaller goals like reading 5 books from my physical TBR, reading 5 books that have been translated into Finnish (or English I suppose considering I read a book translated from Japanese into English this year) from a language that isn't English and then I'm also doing a couple different reading challenges this year which I haven't tried before so I'm hoping to keep up with those but we'll see what ends up happening!
Well that got a bit long :D I've been working on my reading journal a bunch this past week so reading and book things have been on my mind A Lot :D
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