stargatenerd · 6 days
“This isn’t a crisis,” says woman holding local psychiatrist at gunpoint.
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tumblingxelian · 2 years
Ever get the sense that if Anime like Sailor Moon, Trigun or any classic 90s/00s Anime so many hold up today we released now as is, they'd be torn down by today's Manga Accuracy crowds?
These videos give me that vibe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odA6Vi-VcPI
This as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xTPmUcVQaY
A part of me wonder of a Manga-free viewing of The Promised Neverland Season 2, one open to alternate story routes
Oh they would have been brutalized in the modern era, like no question, people would tear them to shreds for the animation style, the characters dress, personalities, and any introduction of none manga story details. Its very depressing cos I really like the original Sailor Moon, much, much more than the Manga to be honest. Also these videos look interesting, thanks for sharing!
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gslin · 5 years
EC2 要從 Instance 數量限制改成 vCPU 數量限制
EC2 要從 Instance 數量限制改成 vCPU 數量限制
這算是 AWS 的保護機制,在 Amazon EC2 上能開的機器數量都是有限制的。
打算要用新的 vCPU 數量限制取代舊的 Instance 數量限制:「Using new vCPU-based On-Demand Instance limits with Amazon EC2」,然後現在可以先加入:「vCPU-based On-Demand Instance Limits are Now Available in Amazon EC2」。
這次改善的問題是,以往 m5.large 與 m5.xlarge 是兩個不同的限制,所以用起來會比較卡,現在則改成用 vCPU 來管理。
這次的架構是改成,一般性的機器會有一個 vCPU 數量限制,其他不同特性的各自有自己的 vCPU 數量限制:
In addition to now measuring usage in number of…
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poetryofchrist · 4 years
Biblical Hebrew Roots - hapaxes, other considerations
As noted in the post yesterday, a hapax is a word that is used only once in a text. There are (still sort-of) 917 of them where the root is a hapax by my count. They are hard to isolate though. Because if one excludes the names, a remaining root may be a hapax, a unique usage, but also doubling as a name elsewhere. This is the case with Shiloh. The same root is used once in Daniel. So I probably should restrict the definition of hapax to include the semantic domain. Then maybe my sets would not overlap or worse underlap.
There are also other forms of unique readings. Besides uniquely used roots, there are also uniquely used word forms, 19,772 of these, (if my query is correct) and there are also accidental hapaxes created by the translator when he or she uses a unique gloss in translation. I have created a few of these but I have tried to keep them to a minimum (except when I was being deliberately provocative or using word play). E.g., I was just looking at that pervasive word krm, utterly destroy or put to the ban. I also used the gloss mutilate only once (and never for any other root). See Lev 21:18. And krm also is used for the harvesting instrument, scythe. See Deut 16:9.
I also try to find, and I think I have always succeeded, a unique English gloss for each of the root hapaxes.
In the first post I listed the names with the non-names (and missed the Daniel instance). Here are the 249 alone. I have varied the sort field so you can see at a glance where these hapaxes are.
Root Domain Word Count Pointing Gloss Reference dgh Flourish vidgu 1 וְיִדְגּ֥וּ and let them spawn Gen 48:16(16) ly+ Eat hlyi'tni 1 הַלְעִיטֵ֤נִי ladle Gen 25:30(5) mwa Mountain mmwa 1 מִמֵּשָׁ֑א from Mesha Gen 10:30(3) slm Tool sulm 1 סֻלָּם֙ a ladder Gen 28:12(3) piwvn River piwon 1 פִּישׁ֑וֹן is Pishon Gen 2:11(3) xnm Death xnumot 1 צְנֻמ֥וֹת frazzled Gen 41:23(4) wpipn Animal wpipon 1 שְׁפִיפֹ֖ן a horned adder Gen 49:17(6) tli Defense tliiç 1 תֶּלְיְךָ֖ your trident Gen 27:3(5) ksps Measure mkusps 1 מְחֻסְפָּ֔ס flaky stuff Exo 16:14(9) krt Work krut 1 חָר֖וּת impressed Exo 32:16(9) lbh Fire blbt 1 בְּלַבַּת in a glimmer of Exo 3:2(5) yvnh Covenant vyonth 1 וְעֹנָתָ֖הּ and her conjugal rights Exo 21:10(7) wklt Animal uwklt 1 וּשְׁחֵ֙לֶת֙ and onycha Exo 30:34(9) awc Bodypart awç 1 אָֽשֶׁךְ scrotum Lev 21:20(14) bhq Illness bohq 1 בֹּ֥הַק a freckle Lev 13:39(9) dvb Decay umdibot 1 וּמְדִיבֹ֣ת and to sap Lev 26:16(15) km+ Animal vhkom't 1 וְהַחֹ֖מֶט and the snail Lev 11:30(4) krgl Animal hkrgol 1 ־הַחַרְגֹּ֣ל the cricket Lev 11:22(12) l+ah Animal vhl'tah 1 וְהַלְּטָאָ֑ה and the lizard Lev 11:30(3) qyqy Injury qyqy 1 קַֽעֲקַ֔ע a tattoo Lev 19:28(7) ab+kim Eat hab'tikim 1 הָֽאֲבַטִּחִ֔ים the melons Num 11:5(11) bxl Eat hbxlim 1 ־הַבְּצָלִ֖ים the onions Num 11:5(15) zg Planting zg 1 ־זָ֖ג husk Num 6:4(11) zra Illness lzrh 1 לְזָרָ֑א nauseating Num 11:20(10) kxir Eat hkxir 1 ־הֶחָצִ֥יר the leeks Num 11:5(13) aqv Animal vaqo 1 וְאַקּ֥וֹ and ibex Deu 14:5(4) dba Strength dobaç 1 דָּבְאֶֽךָ your grit Deu 33:25(5) h Particle h 1 הֲ -- Deu 32:6(1) krmw Tool vkrmw 1 וְחֶרְמֵשׁ֙ but a machete Deu 23:26(8) mzh Eat mzi 1 מְזֵ֥י gaunt of Deu 32:24(1) myqh Place myqh 1 מַעֲקֶ֖ה a parapet Deu 22:8(6) sct Quiet hsct 1 הַסְכֵּ֤ת take heed Deu 27:9(9) yibl Mountain yibl 1 עֵיבָ֑ל Eival Deu 27:13(6) wih Character twi 1 תֶּ֑שִׁי you were unmindful of Deu 32:18(3) alx Hurry vtalxhu 1 וַתְּאַֽלֲצֵ֑הוּ and badgered him Jdg 16:16(8) gmd Measure gomd 1 גֹּ֣מֶד a half-cubit in Jdg 3:16(8) kqh Violence mkqh 1 מָחֲקָ֣ה she bashed Jdg 5:26(9) la+ Quiet bla't 1 בַּלָּ֔אט muffled Jdg 4:21(14) prwdn Bodypart hprwdonh 1 הַֽפַּרְשְׁדֹֽנָה the guts Jdg 3:22(16) adb Grief vladib 1 וְלַאֲדִ֣יב and to make wilt 1Sa 2:33(10) baxx Mountain boxx 1 בּוֹצֵ֔ץ Botsets 1Sa 14:4(20) mxkh Defense umxkt 1 וּמִצְחַ֥ת and he had spats of 1Sa 17:6(1) nkx Hurry nkux 1 נָחֽוּץ pressing 1Sa 21:9(24) qlwvn Eat qilwon 1 קִלְּשׁ֖וֹן pronged fork 1Sa 13:21(7) wsp Violence viwsf 1 וַיְשַׁסֵּ֨ף and hacked in pieces 1Sa 15:33(11) mwrt Eat hmwrt 1 ־הַמַּשְׂרֵת֙ the skillet 2Sa 13:9(3) nyny Music ubmnynyim 1 וּבִמְנַֽעַנְעִ֖ים and with sistrums 2Sa 6:5(14) wpm Bodypart wpmo 1 שְׂפָמ֗וֹ his mustache 2Sa 19:25(12) aitnim Month haitnim 1 הָאֵֽתָנִ֖ים Ethanim 1Kgs 8:2(9) kl+ Trap vikl'tu 1 וַיַּחְלְט֣וּ and they clinched 1Kgs 20:33(4) wns Clothe viwns 1 וַיְשַׁנֵּ֖ס and he cinctured 1Kgs 18:46(6) awmh God awima 1 ־אֲשִׁימָֽא Ashima 2Kgs 17:30(16) dbivn Wild dibionim 1 דִּבְיוֹנִ֖ים seed-pods 2Kgs 6:25(16) kra Decay lmkraot 1 לְמֽחַרַא֖וֹת as a latrine 2Kgs 10:27(10) mltkh Clothe hmltkh 1 ־הַמֶּלְתָּחָ֔ה the vestments 2Kgs 10:22(4) nbkz God nbkz 1 נִבְחַ֖ז Nibxaz 2Kgs 17:31(3) nkwtn God nkuwtn 1 נְחֻשְׁתָּֽן Nehushtan 2Kgs 18:4(28) ynmlc God vynmlç 1 וַֽעֲנַמֶּ֖לֶךְ and Anammelek 2Kgs 17:31(12) prpr River uprpr 1 וּפַרְפַּ֜ר and Pharpar 2Kgs 5:12(4) xqlvn Measure bxqlono 1 בְּצִקְלֹנ֑וֹ in his luggage 2Kgs 4:42(14) trtq God trtq 1 ־תַּרְתָּ֑ק Tartaq 2Kgs 17:31(5) abiyd God abiyd 1 אֲבִיעַ֖ד my-father-for-ever Isa 9:5(18) abc Work vitabcu 1 וַיִּֽתְאַבְּכ֖וּ and they will braid together Isa 9:17(11) aral Character aralm 1 אֶרְאֶלָּ֔ם their lion-hearted Isa 33:7(2) gr Mineral gir 1 ־גִר֙ chalk Isa 27:9(16) grgr Planting grgrim 1 גַּרְגְּרִ֖ים olive berries Isa 17:6(8) hbr Work hobri 1 הֹבְרֵ֣י the analysts of Isa 47:13(7) hdh Approach hdh 1 הָדָֽה will park Isa 11:8(11) hms Wild hmsim 1 הֲמָסִ֗ים sizzles Isa 64:1(3) kga Fear lkoga 1 לְחָגָּ֔א for giddiness Isa 19:17(5) k+m Rule ak'tom 1 אֶחֱטָם I will dampen myself Isa 48:9(6) +pp Character v'tpof 1 וְטָפֹף֙ mincing Isa 3:16(14) iyz Character noyz 1 נוֹעָ֖ז barbarous Isa 33:19(3) lilit God lilit 1 לִּילִ֔ית Lilith Isa 34:14(12) mhl Work mhul 1 מָה֥וּל is diluted with Isa 1:22(5) mwvr Tool hmwor 1 הַמַּשּׂוֹר֙ the rasp Isa 10:15(8) nbk Appeal lnbok 1 לִנְבֹּ֑חַ to woof Isa 56:10(11) ntib Walk ntibotihm 1 נְתִיבֽוֹתֵיהֶם֙ their ways and means Isa 59:8(8) srpd Planting hsrpd 1 הַסִּרְפַּ֖ד a thorny shrub Isa 55:13(6) yzq Protect viyzqhu 1 וַֽיְעַזְּקֵ֣הוּ and he barricaded it Isa 5:2(1) yim Strength byim 1 בַּעְיָ֣ם with the vehemence of Isa 11:15(11) ylg Speak yilgim 1 עִלְּגִ֔ים stammering Isa 32:4(6) ytm Fire nytm 1 נֶעְתַּ֣ם combusted Isa 9:18(4) pqkqvk Bound pqk 1 פְּקַח opening of prison Isa 61:1(19) ptigil Clothe ptigil 1 פְּתִיגִ֖יל a dress-cloak Isa 3:24(14) xkh Character xikh 1 צִחֵ֥ה sobered by Isa 5:13(10) qpvz Wings qipoz 1 קִפּוֹז֙ great owl Isa 34:15(3) qrr Destroy mqrqr 1 מְקַרְקַ֥ר and is collapsed Isa 22:5(11) wbis Clothe vhwbisim 1 וְהַשְּׁבִיסִ֖ים and their head-bands Isa 3:18(8) wvg Defense twgwgi 1 תְּשַׂגְשֵׂ֔גִי you will build a hedge Isa 17:11(3) wcih Character wciiot 1 ־שְׂכִיּ֥וֹת veneer Isa 2:16(7) wxp Measure bwxf 1 בְּשֶׁ֣צֶף in a smidgen of Isa 54:8(1) tzz Harvest htz 1 הֵתַֽז lopped Isa 18:5(16) dhm Fear ndhm 1 נִדְהָ֔ם astounded Jer 14:9(4) div Measure bdio 1 בַּדְּיֽוֹ with ink Jer 36:18(15) iah Character iath 1 יָאָ֑תָה it is pertinent Jer 10:7(8) ipk Grief ttiipk 1 תִּתְיַפֵּ֖חַ gasping for breath Jer 4:31(10) clvb Trap cclub 1 כִּכְלוּב֙ as a cage Jer 5:27(1) nwt Fear nwth 1 נָשְׁתָ֥ה dumbfounded Jer 51:30(7) scim Office scim 1 ־סְכִ֣ים personnel Jer 39:3(15) xin Covenant xiunim 1 צִיֻּנִ֗ים milestones Jer 31:21(3) xniq Trap hxinoq 1 ־הַצִּינֹֽק the pranger Jer 29:26(20) wy+h Defense wy'tt 1 שַֽׁעֲטַת֙ the thud of Jer 47:3(2) btq Destroy ubitquç 1 וּבִתְּק֖וּךְ and massacre you Eze 16:40(7) glb Work hglbim 1 הַגַּלָּבִים֙ barber's Eze 5:1(9) hbni Mineral vhobnim 1 וְהָבְנִ֔ים and ebony Eze 27:15(10) hd Joy hd 1 ־הֵ֥ד the echo of Eze 7:7(12) ckl Character cklt 1 כָּחַ֥לְתְּ paint Eze 23:40(15) nh Character noh 1 ־נֹ֥הַּ merit Eze 7:11(12) srb Planting srbim 1 סָרָבִ֤ים pricks Eze 2:6(11) png Eat upng 1 וּפַנַּ֨ג and pastry Eze 27:17(8) qss Cut iqoss 1 יְקוֹסֵ֣ס amputate Eze 17:9(13) wwa Walk vwiwatiç 1 וְשִׁשֵּׁאתִ֔יךָ and I will steer you on Eze 39:2(2) tv Covenant htv 1 הַתָּו֙ is the graffiti Eze 9:6(13) tmvz God htmuz 1 ־הַתַּמּֽוּז Tammuz Eze 8:14(17) ltc Measure vltç 1 וְלֵ֥תֶךְ and a bit more of Hos 3:2(8) wbb Destroy wbbim 1 ־שְׁבָבִ֣ים shattered in pieces Hos 8:6(10) ybw Character ybwu 1 עָבְשׁ֣וּ rancid is Joe 1:17(1) xknh Character xknto 1 צַחֲנָת֔וֹ its stench Joe 2:20(22) bls Measure ubols 1 וּבוֹלֵ֥ס a tender of Amo 7:14(16) bws Destroy bowscm 1 בּוֹשַׁסְכֶ֞ם you encroach Amo 5:11(3) iwk Bound viwkç 1 וְיֶשְׁחֲךָ֖ and your depression Mic 6:14(5) piq Violence upiq 1 וּפִ֣ק thinned Nah 2:11(6) pldh Defense pldot 1 ־פְּלָד֥וֹת cressets Nah 2:4(8) cpis City vcpis 1 וְכָפִ֖יס and knot Hab 2:11(5) mgmh Destroy mgmt 1 מְגַמַּ֥ת pumped up Hab 1:9(4) bbh Bodypart bbbt 1 בְּבָבַ֥ת the apple of Zec 2:12(17) azrk Planting cazrk 1 כְּאֶזְרָ֥ח like a bay tree Psa 37:35(5) dci Water dociim 1 דָּכְיָֽם their crushing waves Psa 93:3(9) dpi Illness dopi 1 ־דֹּֽפִי blemish Psa 50:20(7) htt Vexation thottu 1 תְּהֽוֹתְת֣וּ will you rail Psa 62:4(3) zrzip Water zrzif 1 זַרְזִ֥יף soaking Psa 72:6(6) knml Water bknml 1 בַּֽחֲנָמַֽל with sleet Psa 78:47(5) krg Poor vikrgu 1 וְ֝יַחְרְג֗וּ no longer at ease Psa 18:46(4) kwm Office kwmnim 1 חַ֭שְׁמַנִּים ambassadors Psa 68:32(2) +pw Quiet 'tpw 1 טָפַ֣שׁ is inert Psa 119:70(1) iab Love iabti 1 יָאָֽבְתִּי my longing Psa 119:131(6) cilp Defense vcilpot 1 וְ֝כֵֽילַפֹּ֗ת and crowbars Psa 74:6(5) crsm Violence icrsmnh 1 יְכַרְסְמֶ֣נָּֽה wastes her Psa 80:14(1) lyz Character loyz 1 לֹעֵֽז exotic Psa 114:1(7) mhmrh Water bmhmorot 1 בְּ֝מַהֲמֹר֗וֹת into watery pits Psa 140:11(6) mvq Violence imiqu 1 יָמִ֤יקוּ they mock Psa 73:8(1) mzv Harvest mzvvinu 1 מְזָוֵ֣ינוּ so our granaries Psa 144:13(1) mzik Rule ulmzk 1 וּ֝לְמֵ֗זַח and a yoke Psa 109:19(5) mkvz Protect mkoz 1 ־מְח֥וֹז a harbour of Psa 107:30(6) nv+ Vexation tnu't 1 תָּנ֥וּט let be displaced Psa 99:1(7) nvw Grief vanuwh 1 וָֽאָ֫נ֥וּשָׁה and I am despondent Psa 69:21(4) sv+ Judgment s'tim 1 ־סֵטִ֥ים those who fall away Psa 101:3(8) syh Wild soyh 1 סֹעָ֣ה storming Psa 55:9(5) ycwb Animal ycwub 1 עַכְשׁ֑וּב a viper Psa 140:4(6) pvn Grief apunh 1 אָפֽוּנָה I am distracted Psa 88:16(7) psg Stand psgu 1 פַּסְּג֥וּ pass between Psa 48:14(4) xnr Water xinoriç 1 צִנּוֹרֶ֑יךָ your waterfalls Psa 42:8(6) rxd Character trxdun 1 תְּֽרַצְּדוּן֮ be envious Psa 68:17(2) wblvl Animal wblul 1 שַׁ֭בְּלוּל a slug Psa 58:9(2) wnan Measure wnan 1 שִׁנְאָ֑ן myriads Psa 68:18(5) a+vn Clothe a'tun 1 אֵט֥וּן the yarn of Pro 7:16(5) apn Character aopniv 1 ־אָפְנָֽיו roundly Pro 25:11(8) cph Character icph 1 יִכְפֶּה may pacify Pro 21:14(3) lyy Speak ily 1 יָ֣לַע impulsive with Pro 20:25(3) ylq Animal lyluqh 1 לַֽעֲלוּקָ֨ה of the leech Pro 30:15(1) pnq Character mpnq 1 מְפַנֵּ֣ק indulging Pro 29:21(1) wmmit Animal wmmit 1 שְׂ֭מָמִית an arachnid Pro 30:28(1) agl Container agli 1 אֶגְלֵי the cache of Job 38:28(7) gld Bodypart gldi 1 גִלְדִּ֑י my scarred skin Job 16:15(4) grd Vexation lhtgrd 1 לְהִתְגָּרֵ֖ד to scrape Job 2:8(4) dvx Joy tdux 1 תָּד֥וּץ is turned to joy Job 41:22(5) hcr Illness thcru 1 תַּהְכְּרוּ to insult Job 19:3(7) zhm Illness vzihmtu 1 וְזִֽהֲמַ֣תּוּ and finds foul Job 33:20(1) zyc Destroy nzycu 1 נִזְעָ֗כוּ are extinct Job 17:1(4) zrb Approach izorbu 1 יְזֹרְב֣וּ constricted Job 6:17(2) kbb Bodypart bkubi 1 בְּחֻבִּ֣י in my inner core Job 31:33(6) +vw Hurry i'tuw 1 יָט֥וּשׂ swooping Job 9:26(6) cdr Destroy lcidor 1 לַכִּידֽוֹר for onslaught Job 15:24(7) mylv Clothe myilo 1 מְעִל֔וֹ his robe Job 2:12(12) nbc Water nbci 1 ־נִבְכֵי the fountainheads of Job 38:16(3) nlh Plan mnlm 1 מִנְלָֽם a benefaction Job 15:29(9) nts Injury ntsu 1 נָתְס֗וּ they disfigure Job 30:13(1) sld Injury vasldh 1 וַאֲסַלְּדָ֣ה and I leap for joy Job 6:10(4) ygm Grief ygmh 1 עָֽגְמָ֥ה dolorous Job 30:25(6) y+iwh Character y'tiwotiv 1 עֲֽ֭טִישֹׁתָיו his sneezing Job 41:18(1) y+n City y'tiniv 1 עֲ֭טִינָיו his pail Job 21:24(1) pdy Protect pdyhu 1 פְּ֭דָעֵהוּ retrieve it Job 33:24(3) pimh Eat pimh 1 פִּימָ֣ה grease Job 15:27(6) prwz Work prwz 1 פַּרְשֵׁ֖ז to strew Job 26:9(4) pw Vexation bpw 1 בַּפַּ֣שׁ in disintegration Job 35:15(8) qnx Tool qnxi 1 קִנְצֵ֣י a wrench Job 18:2(4) rzm Defense irzmun 1 ־יִּרְזְמ֥וּן do scowl Job 15:12(5) r+pw Flourish ru'tpw 1 רֻֽטֲפַ֣שׁ will recover the bloom of Job 33:25(1) rnh Approach trnh 1 תִּרְנֶ֣ה rattles Job 39:23(2) wcvi Bodypart lwcvvi 1 לַשֶּׂ֣כְוִי to the sense Job 38:36(8) wwi Praise biwiwim 1 בִּֽישִׁישִׁ֥ים with the timeworn is Job 12:12(1) tvtk Defense totk 1 תוֹתָ֑ח a bludgeon Job 41:29(3) agvz Planting agoz 1 אֱגוֹז֙ nuts Song 6:11(3) aprivn Defense aprion 1 אַפִּרְי֗וֹן a palanquin Song 3:9(1) dbb Speak dobb 1 דּוֹבֵ֖ב gliding over Song 7:10(7) krz Work bkruzim 1 בַּחֲרוּזִֽים in strings of beads Song 1:10(5) +np Holy a'tnpm 1 אֲטַנְּפֵֽם should I soil them Song 5:3(10) crcm Planting vcrcom 1 וְכַרְכֹּ֗ם and saffron Song 4:14(2) mzg Eat hmzg 1 הַמָּ֑זֶג mixed wine Song 7:3(6) snsn Planting bsnsiniv 1 בְּסַנְסִנָּ֑יו its tufts Song 7:9(5) stv Time hstiv 1 הַסְּתָ֖יו winter Song 2:11(3) pg Planting pgih 1 פַגֶּ֔יהָ her early fruit Song 2:13(3) rpq Protect mtrpqt 1 מִתְרַפֶּ֖קֶת recumbent Song 8:5(6) tlpivt Defense ltlpiiot 1 לְתַלְפִּיּ֑וֹת for an arsenal Song 4:4(5) ygn Birth tiygnh 1 תֵּֽעָגֵ֔נָה you would remain shut up Rut 1:13(7) xb+ Measure vixbo't 1 וַיִּצְבָּט and he plied with Rut 2:14(17) xbt Harvest hxbtim 1 ־הַצְּבָתִ֑ים the bundles Rut 2:16(6) cpw Fear hcpiwni 1 הִכְפִּישַׁ֖נִי he has made me cower Lam 3:16(4) sla Measure hmsulaim 1 הַמְסֻלָּאִ֖ים to be set side by side Lam 4:2(4) pwk Violence vipwkni 1 וַֽיְפַשְּׁחֵ֖נִי dismembering me Lam 3:11(3) xpd Decay xpd 1 צָפַ֤ד adheres Lam 4:8(7) gvmx Trap gumx 1 גּוּמָּ֖ץ a pothole Eccl 10:8(2) lhg Character vlhg 1 וְלַ֥הַג and study Eccl 12:12(10) bh+ Light bh't 1 בַּהַט marble Est 1:6(18) dr Light vdr 1 וְדַ֥ר and mother-of-pearl Est 1:6(20) +bt Month 'tbt 1 טֵבֵ֑ת Tebeth Est 2:16(13) crps Planting crps 1 כַּרְפַּ֣ס cotton Est 1:6(2) sivn Month sivvn 1 סִיוָ֗ן Sivan Est 8:9(10) rmch Animal hrmcim 1 הָֽרַמָּכִֽים the broodmares Est 8:10(17) tcrik Clothe vtcriç 1 וְתַכְרִ֥יךְ and regalia of Est 8:15(12) alin Pronoun-Sa ailin 1 אִלֵּ֔ן these Dan 6:7(4) anth Pronoun-Sa antun 1 אַנְתּ֣וּן you Dan 2:8(10) apdn City apdno 1 אַפַּדְנ֔וֹ his pavilion Dan 11:45(3) ary Place laryit 1 לְאַרְעִ֣ית to the bottom of Dan 6:25(19) bns Wrath bns 1 בְּנַ֖ס ranted Dan 2:12(5) brwta Covenant nbrwta 1 נֶבְרַשְׁתָּ֔א the candlestick Dan 5:5(10) gir City gira 1 ־גִּירָ֕א the stucco Dan 5:5(12) dry Bodypart udryohi 1 וּדְרָע֖וֹהִי and his arms Dan 2:32(8) zbn Measure zbnin 1 זָבְנִ֑ין want to gain Dan 2:8(11) kdi Bodypart kdohi 1 חֲד֥וֹהִי his chest Dan 2:32(7) +vt Eat 'tvvt 1 טְוָ֔ת fasting Dan 6:19(6) ibwt Heaven ibwta 1 ־יַבֶּשְׁתָּ֔א the planet Dan 2:10(10) cv City vcvvin 1 וְכַוִּ֨ין and casements Dan 6:11(9) mcmn Work bmcmni 1 בְּמִכְמַנֵּי֙ the stash of Dan 11:43(2) sbr Human visbr 1 וְיִסְבַּ֗ר and it will intend Dan 7:25(8) pkr Work pkr 1 ־פֶחָר֙ artisan Dan 2:41(8) p+w Clothe p'twihon 1 פַּטְּשֵׁיה֔וֹן their tunics Dan 3:21(6) wbw Character mwtbwin 1 מִֽשְׁתַּבְּשִֽׁין were astounded Dan 5:9(10) wilh Character wlu 1 ־שָׁלוּ֙ anything amiss Dan 6:5(23) adry Violence badry 1 בְּאֶדְרָ֥ע with a strong arm Ezr 4:23(22) anin Pronoun-Sa ainun 1 ־אִנּוּן֙ are these Ezr 5:4(6) aptm Rule vaptom 1 וְאַפְּתֹ֥ם and the revenue of Ezr 4:13(17) cnma Conj ucnima 1 וּכְנֵ֥מָא and thus Ezr 5:11(1) ma Pronoun-Sa lma 1 לְמָ֣א for how Ezr 6:8(4) alvl Month lalul 1 לֶאֱל֑וּל of Elul Neh 6:15(5) lyb Meet mlyibim 1 מַלְעִבִים֙ were sneering 2Ch 36:16(2) xyxy Work xyxuyim 1 צַעֲצֻעִ֑ים statuary 2Ch 3:10(8) xrc Measure xorcç 1 ־צָרְכֶּ֔ךָ you need 2Ch 2:15(7)
from Blogger https://ift.tt/337Wg74 via IFTTT
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kapitangkiko · 4 years
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vcpi days https://www.instagram.com/p/CC7vC5rMy9av4OGvtjMLJnqLLkXEXkBitvGpL80/?igshid=1w1sjcf7l0fj5
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mariaoliverait · 5 years
The Smart List: StarKist runs global supply...
Peter Caldwell, IT Director at StarKist Co., recently discussed how using a cloud #managedservices provider to run StarKist’s #SAP environment helps StarKist scale and optimize supply chain and operations with limited IT internal resources. Read more about #StarKist + IBM Services in this blog https://admin.blogs.prd.ibm.event.ibm.com/blogs/services/2019/06/20/the-smart-list-starkist-runs-global-supply-chain-with-sap-in-the-cloud/?cm_mmc=OSocial_Linkedin-_-Global+Technology+Services_Multi+Cloud+Services-_-WW_WW-_-Blog+Smart+List+StarKist+VCPI+code+for+LinkedIn&cm_mmca1=000000XK&cm_mmca2=10000868
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The Smart List: StarKist runs global supply...
Find out how StarKist - one of the largest names in the canned tuna business - is using a cloud #managedservices provider to run StarKist’s SAP environment to scale and optimize supply chain and operations with limited IT internal resources. Blog with Peter Caldwell, IT Director at StarKist.
IBM Get Social Hub
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moneyca1 · 7 years
http://ift.tt/2CKYARx , Inc. Taps Former CEO of VCPI for Top Finance Rolepic.twitter.com/EsdCXYwGxp
http://ift.tt/2CKYARx , Inc. Taps Former CEO of VCPI for Top Finance Role pic.twitter.com/EsdCXYwGxp
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from Twitter Search / Canadian_Money https://twitter.com/Canadian_Money/status/968409180922175488
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
IT Analyst Admits He Blackmailed Apple for Bitcoin
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/it-analyst-admits-he-blackmailed-apple-for-bitcoin
IT Analyst Admits He Blackmailed Apple for Bitcoin
22-year old Kerem Albayrak, a London-based IT analyst, has admitted to blackmailing tech giant Apple in March 2017 after releasing a YouTube video of himself hacking into iCloud accounts, the Daily Mail reported.
By paying the ransom, Apple was to prevent Albayrak from selling the personal data of the service’s 319 million users. Prior to this, the IT analyst had already pled guilty to two charges of unauthorized access to computer material at Southwark Crown Court where he was put on trial. Albayrak had initially demanded USD 75,000 worth of bitcoin (BTC) in ransom, before deciding to increase the amount to a total of USD 150,000 along with iTunes vouchers. At the time, it was worth c. BTC 136, when bitcoin traded at c. USD 1,100 per coin before skyrocketing to almost USD 20,000 by the end of the year.
“I am not going to sentence you today. I am not going to say anything else about the sentence I have in mind,” Judge Christopher Hehir told the defendant, adding that his guilty plea was a “very wise step”. “I need the pre-sentence report before I indicate what sentence I impose.”
The court is scheduled to issue its sentence on 20 December.
It’s not the only blackmailing case that involves bitcoin. In August this year, major cryptocurrency exchange Binance said that an unidentified individual threatened and harassed the exchange, "demanding BTC 300 in exchange for withholding 10,000 photos that bear similarity to Binance KYC data." Meanwhile, in November, a ransomware outbreak hit a Wisconsin-based IT company Virtual Care Provider Inc. (VCPI), which provides cloud data hosting, security and access management to more than 100 nursing homes across the United States. Unknown attackers encrypted all data the company hosts and is demanding a USD 14 million ransom in bitcoin in exchange for a digital key needed to access the files.
While in October, the FBI issued a new “high-impact” warning regarding ransomware attacks claiming they are an ongoing cyber threat facing U.S. businesses and organizations.
Cryptocurrency intelligence and blockchain security company CipherTrace, in its report for the third quarter of this year, stated that 76% of dark market transactions and ransomware use bitcoin for payments. However, they added that “after two years of large, high-profile exchange hacks and exit scams, Q3 2019 witnessed a significant reduction in total cryptocurrency crimes from previous quarters. In fact, Q3 witnessed the lowest quarterly thefts and scams in two years.”
Source: cryptonews.com
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osanecif · 7 years
VACC files admin raps vs DOH officials over Dengvaxia mess
The Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption (VACC) and the Vanguards of the Philippine Constitution, Inc. (VCPI) on Monday filed administrative cases against incumbent officials of the Department of Health (DOH) in connection to the dengue vaccine controversy.
VACC files admin raps vs DOH officials over Dengvaxia mess
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stargatenerd · 1 month
It’s WIP Wednesday and I wanted to post smth for VCPiS but I’m going to be posting the next chapter within the week so like what would even be the point of a preview of that, so instead here’s the first draft I wrote for when Izuku and Hitoshi meet face to face for the first time, which has since become a deleted scene.
This was originally set way further in the story, back when I thought I was going to be sticking closer to the canon Hannibal timeline (bc Izuku is Margot in this lol), but I’ve thrown much of that out the window, so their first meeting will happen much sooner and go quite differently than this. Originally I’d decided that the two of them would call each other their screen names until they got to know each other better and each of them would suggest a nickname that, unbeknownst to the other, was their hair color. I couldn’t remember what the Japanese word for “purple” was, and y’all when I tell you I fucking gaped when I looked it up and saw it was “murasaki”. I felt like it was fate or smth.
For those who may not know what I’m talking about: in the books Hannibal is raised by his aunt and uncle after his family dies, and his aunt’s name is Lady Murasaki (iirc no first name for her is ever given. It’s likely she’s named after one of the main characters of The Tale of Genji, Murasaki no Ue, sometimes translated as Lady Murasaki, or possibly the woman who wrote it, known as Murasaki Shikibu, though given the orientalism in the Hannibal books, it was probably the former). Considering other synonyms for purple (violet, indigo, etc) are all fairly popular first names for girls in Japan I felt even without the meta implications (Hannibal was in love with his aunt lmao) that the best purple nickname was Murasaki.
Later on when I was drafting their earliest chronological interactions I came up with the idea of Izuku having helped Hitoshi choose the characters for his name, and if that happened it would make more sense for Izuku to call him by the name he chose rather than continue to call him that nickname by the time present day of VCPiS rolled around.
So yeah, this whole bit won’t make it into the final fic but I keep the drafts of the things I write bc I’m a hoarder at heart, so I hope y’all enjoy this :3
What're you up to? he asked Midori.
Waiting to see my dad-ordered psychiatrist lmao, Midori replied with an upside-down smiley face. Fucking kill me
Hitoshi snorted. No, you have to suffer life like the rest of us.
My *real* best friend would shuffle me off this mortal coil >:(, Midori shot back.
If *I'm* your best friend I think you have more issues than just the daddy ones.
Pleeeease Murasaki just stab me, it'll be less painful than having to talk about my ~feelings~ ಥ_ಥ
Depends on where I stabbed you. Hitoshi shoved his phone in his pocket and opened the door to Hizashi's waiting room. His secretary was on honeymoon, so there was no- oh. There was a guy with curly green hair sitting there looking at his phone. Well, there went his plan of a quickie in between Hizashi's appointments.
He sat a few seats down from the other guy, who looked up briefly to acknowledge Hitoshi was there before turning his attention back to his phone.
Stab me in the heart like you just did with your words you heartless bastard x.x
When did this turn into Romeo and Juliet?
As if I'm not old enough for you ;P
Hitoshi felt his cheeks go red. And I'm not enough of a pretty boy for you, he shot back.
I'm sure you're plenty pretty!
I have eyebags big enough to hold all *my* daddy issues Midori, I'm not what you'd call "pretty".
Pff, they can't be any bigger than the ones on the guy who's sitting here with me. There was a slight delay, and then a picture loaded.
Hitoshi stared in disbelief at what was clearly a side shot of him, slumped in the waiting room chair looking particularly exhausted as he stared down at his phone. He whipped his head up, eyes wide. "Midori?" he demanded, voice cracking partway.
The green haired- fucking midori, holy fuck – guy's head shot up, with a particular deer in headlights look in his eye. "Huh?" he said intelligently.
"Midori," Hitoshi repeated, incredulous. He held his phone out, screen facing away from him. "Dude, what the fuck?"
The other boy squinted at the screen before those big green eyes got even bigger and his jaw dropped. He looked at Hitoshi, gaze flitting up to his hair before he squeaked out, "Murasaki?"
"You have fucking green hair, of course that's why you chose your contact name," Hitoshi groaned, grinning exasperatedly.
"Like your hair isn't purple!" Midori giggled. He got up from his seat and hauled Hitoshi in for a tight hug. "I told you that if we ever met IRL I'd give you the biggest hug, didn't I?"
Hitoshi chuckled, hugging Midori back just as hard. "Yeah, I remember."
He heard Midori gasp. "Oh my god." Midori pulled back, his eyes wide with glee. "Murasaki – my therapist is your sugar daddy."
Hitoshi went bright red. "Shutthefuckup!" he hissed, slapping a hand over Midori's mouth, who started to giggle. "He is not my sugar daddy!"
It was at this point, of course, that Hizashi's office door opened. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked, one eyebrow raised.
"Nope!" Hitoshi quickly removed both hands from Midori's person, which did not go unnoticed. His friend gave him a Look that Hitoshi returned with a scowl.
"Just catching up with a friend Yamada-sensei," Midori explained cheerfully.
"Oh?" Hizashi looked between them. "I had no idea you were friends with Midoriya-kun, Hitoshi."
"Really?" Hitoshi asked, deadpan. "Your screenname is a goddamn pun?"
"Like you're one to talk, Insomnyac," Midori retorted.
Hitoshi retaliated maturely by sticking his tongue out at him.
"I will hug you again, and that is a threat," Midori said, a devious gleam in his eye.
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cts-minnesota · 8 years
Virtual Care Provider sold to Madison's Agility Holdings
Extendicare Inc. of Canada has sold its Milwaukee subsidiary, Virtual Care Provider (VCPI), to Agility Holdings LLC for an undisclosed price. Madison-based Agility Holdings and VCPI, which provides provides technology consultation services to businesses in the long-term care and post-acute care industries, announced the acquisition Thursday. VCPI, which earlier this year moved into new offices in Schlitz Park, will continue to do business and remain based in Milwaukee. VCPI CEO Dan Weise will stay…
via http://www.bizjournals.com/milwaukee/news/2017/01/05/virtual-care-provider-sold-to-madisons-agility.html?ana=RSS%26s=article_search and www.computechtechnologyservices.com/nationwide-minnesota.html
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stargatenerd · 1 year
My writing career has peaked with a character tiredly saying “itadakimasu” before drinking vending machine coffee, this is the funniest joke I’ve written, I can go home now
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stargatenerd · 1 year
Ally win! Your father may be forcing you to help him kill and eat kids your age in order to keep from killing you but he is not transphobic!
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moneyca1 · 7 years
Concurrency, Inc. Taps Former CEO of VCPI for Top Finance Role http://ift.tt/2EUZ3q4 
Concurrency, Inc. Taps Former CEO of VCPI for Top Finance Role http://ift.tt/2EUZ3q4 
from Twitter Search / Canadian_Money https://twitter.com/Canadian_Money/status/968409178602647553
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