#Unless you genuinely don't care to play against good players
no1noman · 1 year
Okay, so apparently people are now going to be, and I quote, "shooting on sight". While I reblog stuff pretty often, I haven't actually posted anything, so I'm making this post to do two things;
Let people know I'm not a bot (please, I swear I'm not 🥺)
Geek out about PvZ Heroes, because I know I'll probably never give myself another chance for this
If you haven't heard of this specific variant of "mobile game for kids made to squeeze money out of parents pockets", it's a card game in the style of games like Magic and Hearthstone. What sets it apart from other CCGs, however, are a few key factors
Firstly, the game is asymmetrical. Plants and zombies each have their own selection of cards to choose from, access to certain keywords, and different places in turn order;
Zombies play minions first
Plants then play minions and tricks (aka spells)
Zombies are then allowed to play tricks
Finally, a combat phase where all the minions fight each other
Secondly, combat in this game is lane-based. Minions cannot attack minions in other lanes, and need to fight the minion in front of them before damaging the enemy hero's health. Tricks and abilities aren't restricted unless stated otherwise, but minions are locked into the lane that they're played in
There are 5 lanes in total; a relatively mundane "heights" lane to the left, 3 "ground" lanes that can host environments (abilities that only effect the minions within the lane they're played in), and finally a "water" lane that is only accessible to amphibious minions. Everything in this game moves from left to right, such as combat, the activation of abilities, and more
Finally, and it's not a feature worth praising, there is a block mechanic. Whenever a hero is hurt, their block meter will charge. After gaining 8 charges, the attack fully charging the block meter is nullified and the hero gains one of their 4 powers to either hold for later or use immediately for free
What makes this unfair, however, is that attacks charge the block meter randomly; by either 1, 2, or 3 charges. A common scenario is someone gaining a "California roll", which is slang for blocking an attack after 3 hits (3,2,3). It can also sometimes just roll really low, and you end up taking a ton of damage
So with that all out of the way, is the game worth playing?
It depends on what you're looking for and how willing you are to hack in all of the cards, since grinding is practically non-existent. Even if you're hitting max rank every season (a feat that is sadly very possible), you have no real way of gaining the funds necessary to keep buying card packs (outside of watching ads for hours on end)
You 100% do not need good cards to compete on ladder. If you want to play with people who are good at the game and have good decks, however, hacking is the only practical option
Finally, you may be wondering about how the meta of this game looks like? Well, there hasn't been an update since 2019. Technically, there have been bug fixes, but no new content or balance change has been made in over 4 years. PvZ Heroes has been thoroughly researched and tested at this point, but most players still don't have a clue what the meta looks like, so ranked has slowly become very uncompetitive and kind of a joke (more than it already was, anyway)
I decided to make packages for each class to represent which cards are often ran, if not auto-included. These are obviously not all of the cards that are meta, but they are some of each classes best options and are used in a lot of competitive decks. I should note that, while Solar and Crazy are the best plant and zombie classes respectively, the others are a bit more debatable
I also have this post on Reddit that you can check out if you want to know which decks are considered competitive. The majority of them are either listed on a public database and/or are made by well-known top players. The exact lists are subject to change, but it's not often that I remove or add any decks
Tl;dr: I'm not a bot and, in fact, am a huge nerd for a dead children's mobile card game
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imagobin · 3 months
🐲Grandpa Zeno HCs🐲
Because Zeno is unironically one of my favorite HxH characters, idk why, this grandpa's vibes are immaculate. So I tried imagining how it'd be like to be his grandkid! Don't judge me fhgjkd I know I got requests to work on but I need to write some sillies for me as well çwç
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A new Zoldyck is born:
Zeno prides himself on being a cold blooded assassin, laser focused on his job, but old age has definitely mellowed him out a little when it comes to his daily life.
He's definitely a lot less strict with his grandkids than he was with his own son, just like any old man. Though he has a tendency to play favorites even among his beloved family.
The day you were born, he took one look at you and knew from that moment that you were definitely going to be one of his favorites. Just that peculiar glint in your eyes was enough to activate his caring grandpa side.
Even Silva and Kikyo were surprised at how his personality seemed to flip every time he got to hold you as a baby... it was an odd, but sort of sweet sight to see Zeno behave like an actual grandpa, bouncing you on his knees or telling you stories from his younger days.
Of course, that's not all he ever did. He's a Zoldyck, and his idea of 'fun with his grandchild' went on to include flying on a dragon's back, teaching you what each torture tool does, and showing you where human weak points are. Even when you were a toddler, he was already thinking of useful things you had to know in order to grow up and be a fine Zoldyck.
Once you were old enough to start going on missions, he'd also reward you for your success, way more than your parents ever did. He'd call you to him, and would sneakily place a piece of candy and a couple bills in your hand and gently close your fist, telling you to buy whatever you wanted with that.
In your free time:
Nowadays, grandpa Zeno is a bit more focused on Killua, but you're still his second favorite at least. Naturally, because of your strength, but also because you actually listen to him and not just dismiss him like the other family members do.
You're often busy going on missions, on your own or with your siblings, but whenever you're actually home, he often asks you to get tea with him.
He has a tendency to start rambling about the "good ol' days", talking about his most iconic missions and showing you pictures of past family members.
He may still be a sharp assassin, but his memory isn't as sharp as it used to be, so sometimes he might tell you an anecdote he's already told you. If you bring it up he'll get a little embarrassed and apologize. "Ah... did I tell you already? My bad, my bad"
He tries not to let it get to him, and he definitely wouldn't tell you, but he genuinely hopes that doesn't annoy you, because it's rare to have someone who seems to genuinely enjoy listening to him.
He doesn't go out of the house too much, but when he does, sometimes he asks you to accompany him, not for any reason in particular, he just wants some company while he's out and about, and he finds the butlers quite boring.
Collaborative effort:
Grandpa Zeno doesn't take on many missions unless they're of the utmost difficulty, and he usually teams up with his son, Silva, since they're the two most experienced Zoldycks.
But he's not beyond making an exception. He recognizes your abilities as phenomenal, and compared to some of your other siblings, you're also a great team player, quick to react and synchronize with anyone you're working with. So there have been some rare times, where he's asked you to come on a mission with him.
Seeing your grandfather fight, really makes you understand why he's so feared. Despite his age and smaller build, you would NEVER want to find yourself against him. He attacks with precision and no hesitation whatsoever, like a true veteran.
If there's one frustrating thing about him, is that he's stubborn. He always wants to be the one who gets to do most of the fighting, while you're stuck on support duty.
At first, you believed it was because he didn't trust you to be strong enough, but as it turns out, it's because he enjoys fighting that much. It's not even about the kill, he gets no satisfaction from killing, he's just always looking for a good fight.
He's an old, powerful man, you figure there's not many people in the world who can surpass his strength... he's always looking for a worthy opponent.
The few times he's taken you on a mission with him, it's always been very nostalgic, because after you succeed, he always insists on going to nearby cafes, as if nothing happened, and even though by now you have your own money, he still has that old habit of putting a couple bills in your hand, to go and order whatever you want at the counter.
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crazysodomite · 1 year
my thoughts on fo3
The intro is fine. A bit dramatic for my taste but its okay. The starting screen is actually kinda fun and got me excited for the game even though it's a bit annoying to skip it each time. The intro starting screen music is okay though it showcases what i think their whole intention was with this game. They wanted it to be Epic. Fo3 is an Epic tale of Goodies against Baddies. okay.
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The vault 101 intro sequence. Genuinely not as bad as the temple of trials in fo2. The idea in of itself is Not bad! Leading the player through a tutorial in the vault where all mechanics are showcased including resolving conflicts with speech and finding alternative methods to problem solve can be done interestingly but this isn't it. I don't really care about seeing my character grow up with my stupid dad. Also the G.O.A.T exam. Come on bro.
fo1 was actually supposed to have an intro sequence in the vault but they decided against it. It would be more fun if my character already had an assigned job based on what i chose on the creation screen. Whatever.
The Dad thing is fucking stupid and I can't believe they did the 'find your missing relative' AGAIN in fo4. They really thought that was an amazing premise.
I would genuinely prefer it if it was something like. Oh no! The vault door broke and now you have to leave! Like genuinely anything other than this. Anything. I'd rather go hunting for a Vault-Tec toilet brush than my dad
The fallout starting mission doesn't have to be Epic. People should find their adventure by Adventuring and not because their stupid dad went missing. I don't care about my stupid dad. It stifles the roleplaying potential. No matter what your idea for a character is they're always the child of this Guy.
And once again most bethesda games are better when you ignore the main quest. But FALLOUT games led you carefully through the main story and you would discover all the additional stories along the way and in the end you were satisfied with a high-stakes conclusion you were invested in. Also we shouldn't just be satisfied with a bad main quest just because the world is big and there's a lot to do.
I'm going on a tangent but I actually start to think open world games are actually disadvantageous to role-playing unless Each spot on the map is a whole separate quest that can be resolved in any way. Which is incredibly resource intensive. It's better to have a smaller map and a shorter story where you can Really roleplay how you want. Bethesda games are basically dungeon crawling with some roleplay and survival mechanics strapped on top (if you're lucky). Not even saying dungeon crawling is bad but after the amazing roleplaying of fo1?... Bigger and more Epic but really shallow
Graphics: sometimes pretty good, most of the times Boring
Audio: HUGE downgrade from fo1-2
oh! i liked the radio! i like three dog and the way he comments on what you're doing. the song rotation gets pretty old though
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Megaton. You, a random nobody, walk into a city. You get offered to disarm a Nuclear Bomb the city is built around. For 100 caps no less. I wonder if this guy offers everyone who comes in to disarm the bomb? I was genuinely expecting some kind of quest to pop up relating to disarming the bomb but no. You just walk up to it and press a button .
the choice here is - do you want to kill a lot of innocent people for no fucking reason (baddie choice 😈) or are you normal.
the karma system. it was always a thing in fallout so i don't consider it an inherently bad. HOWEVER. the whole game being built on making a choice between Baddie 😈 and normal is fucking stupid. There aren't actually many choices where you actually have to weigh the options for anything. most people who aren't doing a purposefully bad person playthrough will always go with the 'good' choice. And obviously the game always decides for YOU what is good and what is bad. the thing is, obviously killing people, pickpocketing, purposefully doing bad things for no reason should carry a karma penalty. but not EVERY choice should dictate if you did 'good' or 'bad'.
A lot of the times in fallout 1 you had to think for yourself if what you're doing is the right choice. And a lot of the times you wouldn't find out until the end of the game or not at all! we will go back to this.
AH ALSO. IT'S INCREDIBLY ANNOYING that looking through containers and reading terminals gives you a karma hit. you can only really find out information by talking to people and passing a speech check instead of actually looking for clues for yourself. unless you want a karma hit and/or to every npc to turn hostile. they understand how it works in dungeons but not in cities. stupid...
this is specifically a problem for me with terminals and holotapes because i love reading terminals! but i also don't want to risk it. you know with the way bethesda code is even if you weren't spotted hacking a terminal the npcs will just randomly turn hostile.
i'm not finished. it really annoyed me that most quests immediately have a 'let me pay you' option. and obviously at a certain point you have enough caps that you just don't care about paying.
the thing is that it discourages doing anything but the easiest possible option. why bother looking for an alternative solution to anything if you can just pass an instant, poorly written speech check or pay?
Oh... I actually liked that if you did very good people come up to you and give you stuff. Sorry I do like that. There are actually good things about Some choices in this game! Like how some special encounters appear based on your choices! That's actually good except you're not guaranteed to see it. I do enjoy if your choices have a real-time effect instead of just appearing in the ending.
I also like how having neutral karma actually has benefits and is arguably the best option instead of just being really good. I wouldn't know though because im a goody two-shoes👼
I liked moira and her quest. Her voice acting was great.
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It's incredibly annoying how many quests just have people fighting for you for no reason. You had people fight for you in fo1-2 too but you had to EARN it. Hordes of immortal npcs didn't just appear everywhere you go to help you. Oh my fucking goddddd... This is about the time I stopped taking the game seriously because i realized there will just. be people covering for me no matter where i go. most of the main quest i barely pulled out my gun. why even put me against enemies at that point?
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Rivet city is annoying to navigate but who cares. You have a quest marker anyways. Here's what i think. these games are purposefully not built with NOT having a quest marker in mind. npcs have routines and walk around so finding them is a big pain in the ass. you basically Have to have a quest marker pointing to an npc or you will spend an hour running around trying to find That One Person. Fo1 had the benefit of maps being small and all npcs being stationary. so you just had to remember who is where.
The maps and quest are also just not built for you to explore and find solutions for yourself. you just have to run around and shoot people and pass speech checks (if you're lucky). you could actually complete most quests in fo1 without fighting at all, and it was actually INTERESTING! most of the time just going and killing everyone was the most boring option. it sometimes felt like a puzzle game even. in the way you had to find a creative solution BY YOURSELF!!!!
to be fair making a 3d game that is easy to navigate compared to a 2d game where you basically see everything on your screen is way harder. but you have a multimillion budget so go figure it out. they can definitely do it but then you would maybe have to shrink the map. and we don't want to do that. we want More Bigger and Epic-er and more Awesome Stuff.
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A reappearing theme in fo3 for me is 'this idea is interesting but the execution is really bad'. This is the quest that really pissed me off with its 'good' and 'bad' choice. THIS seems like a good opportunity to let the player decide what's the best option. but no. the game decides what's good and what's bad. even though arguably you could make an argument for either ending being 'better'. WHATEVERRRR also the themes of american patriotism, anti-communism and xenophobia are really mishandled in this whole game but we'll get to it
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the infamous 'stand around and listen to people talk' technique. anybody noticed that this basically never happened in fo1-2? it reqally makes me wonder if good storytelling could happen without this... hmmm...
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i'm getting tired....
okay so here's the thing. i was actually struggling with finding ammo and my equipment breaking down throughout most of the game. i actually enjoyed that! i was actually scared of enclave soldiers and super mutants walking around because i thought i couldn't handle them at all. but then i realized they all just die from a few hits. the most challenging enemy in the game is probably the giant radscorpion. ONE scorpion gave me more trouble than a whole vault of super mutants and several rooms of enclave soldiers. sigh.
the repair system. i actually don't mind equipment breaking down and you having to repair it. the problem is having to carry around so much garbage just in case you will need to repair your stuff. why the fuck can npcs repair anything but i can't? it kind of defeats the purpose for investing into your repair skill and i would know this because i prefer using the sniper rifle. which is IMPOSSIBLE to fucking find. i would rather carry around scrap parts to gradually repair my stuff or repair it at a repair station.
also the armor works weirdly in this game. it feels like all tiers of armor are basically made of tissue paper. because why does a radscorpion take out half my health in 1 hit when i'm wearing power armor. this applies to enemies too.
actually a lot of npcs encourage you to carry trash around which is annoying. bring me scrap metal! bring me books! bring me nuka cola! you need a lot of inventory space is what im saying.
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do i even have to say anything. this is an insult to even try to compare this guy to the master. wooow.... the president is a compuuuuterrr.... who gives a fuck.
Let's talk about your plan for the purifier.
oh also am i the only one who was reminded of the citadel from half life 2 ... except bad
investing in speech in this game is almost a punishment because of how bad the writing is. there were actually moments in fo2 specifically where i had to facepalm from how dumb a speech option was but HERE. Its ALWAYS really bad.
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liberty prime. i genuinely felt like i was in a marvel movie in a bad way. i don't even want to say anything anymore.
the brotherhood of steel are goodies and the enclave are baddies. see, the enclave armor even looks evil 😈 its not actually explained or shown why we should be against them. they just show up and theyre baddies and our dad kill himself. why shouold i care. and then the president shows up and explains their motivations and kills jhimselv.
the brotherhood of steel might as well be the whiterun guard with how full of character they are. whatever . i don't mind the brotherhood being changed to be more open or whaever but maybe keep SOMETHING of their characterization and principles. or anything. instead of them just being 'the good guys'
oh what they did to the super mutants is really bad too. remember the leutenant? remember marcus? remember any kind of gray morality in the game? no yeah they're all cartoony idiots except the two guys who were exiled for not being idiots. i dont care. i just dont care anymore
im tired now . the ending is stupid why shoudkl i care about being a hero. why should anyone die when theres a guy in the room who can do it so everyone survives. why is the ending narration shames you for not killing yourself for no reason. i dont care.
oh. no ending slides too. whatever.
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bloody-britt26 · 5 years
Britt's shiny team headcanons!
So... nobody asked for this, but I wanted to do it anyway since I'm happy to have completed my first shiny team for Sword and Shield.
Since I love my virtual monsters a lot, I wanted to give them some personalities and share them with you.
My team includes some pokémon that I've hatched in SwSh and shinies from previous games.
I'm currently working on making a shiny team for everyone of my favourite types, so a shiny fairy team, a shiny dragon team and a shiny poison team.
Anyways... meet my sparkly squad!
♡ Lucian
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• You're never sure whether you want to pet him or punch him.
• Lucian has attitude, and he's not afraid to use it.
• He's the kind of pokémon who enjoys the company of a very small elite group of individuals, and the rest of the world is absolute garbage to him.
• On one hand, he can be extremely loyal to those he loves and will fight with all of his pretty boy might.
• On the other hand, if he finds someone to be unworthy of his time, he can be downright aggressive and rude to them.
• His facial expressions don't lie. If he finds someone disgusting, it'll show. A lot.
• Britt had a hard time fitting him in a team. She had to figure out a group of pokémon where Lucian tolerated at least 50% of them, all the while making sure that the selected group could handle him and his marvellous attitude.
• Lucian is kind of a player.
• He loves hanging out with female pokémon and is very smooth with them, but he doesn't care for hanging with the male pokémon.
• He steers clear of Red Death as Lucian has had to deal with a few Waterfalls to the face for being an annoyance.
• He doesn't mind Snuggles as the little ball of fluff is very oblivious to his surroundings.
• Lucian is mostly seen hanging out with Nully. Since Nully is genderless, Lucian doesn't see them as a potential mate or rival.
• Although, whether they're friends or not is up for debate.
• Even when he was a small Eevee, he had a superiority complex, but that doubled when he evolved into a Sylveon.
• He's, thankfully, very supportive of his trainer and will always try to hang on even in the toughest of fights. He's constantly shaking off statuses and damage as to not worry Britt.
• He loves having Britt's attention and will demand head pats at all times.
• He's difficult to get through, but with a bit of patience, he's a good boy once you know the proper approach to his odd personality.
• The rest of the team respects him, but they know how to (and will) deal with his shit when things get too hectic.
♡ Shortcake
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• Big girl, gentle girl.
• She looks threatening, but she's the softest dragon you'll ever meet.
• She's very shy and has a hard time mingling with other groups of pokémon, always being on the sidelines and watching others play.
• She wants to play too, but she's so timid, so she mostly stays by pokémon she knows or Britt.
• She likes playing with smaller pokémon better because she finds larger pokémon to be frightening.
• The exception is Red Death. He's big, but Shortcake seems to like him because he's pretty calm for a Gyarados.
• She plays ball with Snuggles the Wooloo quite often. Sometimes, Snuggles is the ball.
• Unlike most dragons, Shortcake loves sweet fruity dishes over spicy meat dishes.
• Very good girl. Will lay her head in Britt's lap to nap.
• Pat that head. She loves pats.
• She lacks elegance and is very clumsy. She trips over her own feet quite often.
• She's self-conscious, so please tell her she's adorable. We need to boost that confidence.
• She's very powerful in battle, packing moves like Outrage, Swords Dance, Earthquake and Poison Jab, but she's usually the last resort pokémon. She's aware of her strength, and she doesn't want to harm others.
• When she was an Axew, she had the habit of hiding behind Britt whenever strangers approached. She's a bit too big to do that anymore, but she still does it, even if you can plainly see the huge Haxorous behind Britt.
• It's cute, really.
♡ Nully
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• Nully is very wary of others and still has a hard time trusting others.
• Unless another pokémon of the team comes up to them, they don't really talk to other pokémon.
• It's not because they don't like the others! They just prefer to keep to themself. They really do respect every other pokémon on the team and will absolutely defend them with their life.
• All other pokémon of the team treat them with respect and they have become the team leader, which is a title that Nully is rather fond of.
• Nully actually likes having a cutesy nickname over having a threatening name as they want to be seen as more than just a freaky fighting machine.
• They mainly run the Poison Disk. They know how much Britt loves Poison-types, and they wanted to make her happy. They ended up really liking the Poison Disk, however, due to how many resistances they have because of it.
• When Britt is running with her shiny team, Nully likes to stay out of their Poké Ball. They always want to be by her side and make sure that she is safe.
• Nully is extremely close to Britt. After all, she saved them and gave them a better life. They have a lot of respect, love and admiration for what she did for them.
• As a Type: Null, they were very difficult. They were always cowering in a corner in a very defensive posture and wouldn't hesitate to attack if Britt got to close.
• It took a lot of patience and empathy to reach out to them, but Nully is glad that she did.
• Nully genuinely gets upset when other trainers call them a freak. It's not their fault that they were created that way.
• It's okay. Britt will fistfight anyone who insults her baby.
• Britt doesn't want to play favourites, buuuuuut... Nully ♡
♡ Dumpling
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• Dumpling is more elegant than you will ever be. Deal with it.
• Seriously, she never misses a beat in whatever she's doing. She's the complete opposite of her trainer where she's absolutely not clumsy and Britt is, well... Britt.
• She acts like she's too sophisticated to battle, but no one is fooled by that. Everyone knows that she enjoys a good ass-whoopin'.
• Dumpling enjoys high-quality food and is a very picky eater. She won't accept anything lower than a Copperajah Class dish.
• Dumpling has good taste in fashion and has a very strong opinion on Britt's fashion choices. She's often out of her Poké Ball whenever Britt is shopping for some help on choosing an outfit.
• Since Britt's fashion sense is... fairly lacking, Dumpling often blows a bit of snow/ice in her trainer's face to voice her disapproval whenever she judges that the chosen outfit is ugly and/or unfit for the occasion.
• However, Dumpling and Britt are very close and share a strong girl's bond. Their bond can rival the one that Britt and Nully have.
• After all, Britt raised Dumpling from an egg, so she's practically a mother to Dumpling.
• Speaking of which, she gets along very well with Nully. She's one of the few pokémon that Nully will voluntarily speak to.
• She's often seen perched on Britt's head or on Nully's back.
• When she was a baby Snom, she used to tuck herself in Britt's pockets, but she's obviously too big for that anymore. That's why she goes for Britt's head instead, which is fine as she weighs nothing.
• She's a night owl and will often wander about at night when everyone is sleeping.
• If Britt is travelling at night, she'll follow along outside of her Poké Ball to enjoy the nighttime with her trainer.
• She's very fond of music, especially soft piano tunes.
• It doesn't come as much of a surprise that she loves a good singing voice, her cry is very melodic.
• If she was human, she'd most likely sing like an angel.
♡ Red Death
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• Don't let his name fool you, he's very calm and very difficult to annoy. It really takes a lot to phase him.
• Well, unless you're battling against him, of course.
• Unlike Britt's other Gyarados (Wrath), he's very obedient and easy to control.
• Red Death and Wrath do not get along. At all. Their personalities are much too different.
• Wrath sees Red Death as a rival that he needs to dethrone, while Red Death sees Wrath as a childish brute.
• He's much more mature and wiser than a good portion of Britt's pokémon.
• He's often meditating or practicing his Dragon Dances in a lake.
• 100% has a crush on Shortcake.
• He's extremely protective of the shy dragon. He's constantly staring at her or playing with her.
• They always look so happy to be in each other's company.
• They're probably secretly together.
• He doesn't hate Lucian, but RD's patience is always on thin ice when it comes to the arrogant Sylveon.
• He's usually the one to put Lucian back in his place. A few Waterfalls never hurt anyone, right?
• Right?
• Since Gyarados are notorious for being violent, people are usually very wary around him.
• He doesn't understand why. He's calm and clearly not displaying any form of anger, so what's the issue?
• He doesn't notice that his face is naturally contorted into an expression of pure fury.
• It's okay, those who are close to him know better.
• He's a good boy who will give you piggyback rides along bodies of water and genuinely enjoys playing in the water with his trainer.
• Sometimes, he'll use his tail to splash Britt, forgetting that he's 6.5 meters long and absolutely sends her flying across the water.
• It's all in good fun though. No offence taken or harm done.
♡ Snuggles
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• The baby of the group.
• Everyone loves Snuggles.
• It's impossible to dislike Snuggles.
• It's illegal to dislike him.
• Even Lucian likes him.
• Snuggles is very oblivious to his surroundings and will bump into everything whenever he's rolling around.
• He only has one brain cell that pings around his head like a windows screen saver.
• He's cute, so it's forgivable.
• He's pure and untainted by the ugliness of the world. The team wants to keep him innocent.
• He has never shown interest in evolving, so he's an overpowered level 100 ball of fluffy destruction.
• He actually loves to battle and thinks that they are very fun!
• Britt loves to use him in battle to add salt to the stinging wound of defeat.
• Not many people can keep their pride intact after being yeeted to the next century by a dopey-looking Wooloo.
• Leon still has nightmares about Snuggles.
• Loves to cuddle his trainer at night to keep her warm.
• He really is the best blanket.
• He needs to be brushed at least twice a day. Gotta keep that wool nice and shiny!
• He wears a soothe bell around his neck outside of battle but has an eviolite during battles. Bulky and friendly ball of floof!
• Don't you dare insult him!
• It's not that you'll hurt his feelings, insults fly way over his head.
• But you'll personally offend an angry short stack of a trainer, a sea serpent, a dragon, a frozen moth, a man-made fighting machine and a pretty boy.
• Snuggles is loved. Very much.
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duanecbrooks · 8 years
"Girl(s)"-Watching     In an earlier article I held forth concerning Baggage Claim, a cinematic black-oriented rom-com that I saw on DVD that I was initially attracted to because of its lively, funny trailer as can be seen on YouTube--and that, as I also disclosed, has made the list of My All-Time Favorite Theatrical Offerings. I have since purchased, and seen, the DVD of another picture that initially caught and held my attention due to the quality of its trailer--which, as is the case with Claim's trailer, is available on YouTube. Namely this flick, which, by the way, started out as a play, is Some Girl(s). It is, let it be said flat-out, a dazzler, laden with searing dialogue, meticulous direction, and--and this is the clincher--genuinely touching and humanistic performances. To catch and stay with Girl(s) from beginning to end is to be on a journey accompanied by a collection of really dimensional, truly flesh-and-blood-and-feeling characters, folks who, although entirely fictional, will certainly, definitely strike chords deep within you. It sincerely is that recognizable, in the human sense, a work.           Before getting into said work, a couple of explanations are in order. First, the story itself has to do with a soon-to-be-wed writer (Adam Brody) traveling around the country re-connecting with different exes and attempting to make amends with them. Secondly, since the structure of Girl(s) is, thanks be to God, honestly individualistic--the picture consists not of some convoluted, showy Plot but of a succession of scenes wherein Brody's character (he is entirely unnamed in the flick, henceforth he'll be referred to The Fellow) re-encounters the aforementioned prior girlfriends and, in various ways, clashes with each of them--what will happen is that the tangiest of the relentlessly tangy dialogue will be spotlighted.               So we commence...             Upon getting back together with Sam (Jennifer Morrison):             .Sam, upon entering The Fellow's hotel room: "I've never been here before. (Pause) Unless you're seeing someone illicitly."             .Sam, after The Fellow tells her of his romantic misadventures after breaking up with her and what he's learned from them: "It's funny how much you know about women--now."           .Sam, after The Fellow does an enormous amount of hemming-and-hawing concerning what this rendezvous with her is about: "[You need to c]ut to the chase because my kid's getting home at 3."         .The Fellow, at last finally cutting to the chase: "I'm here because I want to...right a wrong, make things OK."               .Sam, incredulously: "You want to air this [past romantic] stuff [that was between us] now?"         .Sam, after The Fellow does his buck-and-wing as to how "we [supposedly he and Sam] broke up": "There was no 'we.' It was you! You ended it."                 .The Fellow, regarding Sam: "You were a girl I could take a glance at and see her whole future."       .The Fellow, at last finally fessing up: "I suppose I got nervous and backed out of the situation [with you] the best way I knew how."                   .Sam, becoming frustrated about this whole deal: "I don't want to be thinking about this [past] shit [with you] now! I'm a wife and a mother!"                 .Sam, her frustration growing: "We talked about getting engaged but not this [situation they're now in]!"     .Sam, in her final comment to The Fellow before taking off: "Married, huh? Good for you." And off she goes. For good.             Upon getting back together with the ever-flirtatious Tyler (Mia Maestro):               .Tyler, upon The Fellow's telling her of his personal and professional triumphs: "Married? Holy shit! And New Yorker magazine [published you] in the same year."           .Tyler, upon seductively suggesting that she and The Fellow have a one-night stand and The Fellow demurring, citing his upcoming marriage: "Even if it just happens here, with nobody the wiser?"             .Tyler, upon The Fellow's breaking down and coming on to her: "Don't forget your [wedding] vow thingy."               .Tyler, in response to The Fellow telling her of "this whole [marriage] thing I'm about to embark upon": "It's not a cruise."                 Upon getting back together with the mega-bitter, mega-resentful Lindsay (Emily Watson):           .Lindsay, sarcastically initiating conversation: "So the prodigal son returns."             .Lindsay, continuing to throw her darts: "This is the part where you say something charming in return. That's why they call it 'banter.'"             .Lindsay, hurling yet another dart: "You left at the end of the second semester, so you have...no idea how it was for me."             .Lindsay, keeping up her dart-throwing: "How do you help me get back some of the dignity I lost?"               .More Lindsay dart-hurling: "You are quite capable of fucking me. You used to do it all the time."     .The final last thrown Lindsay dart, this one concerning The Fellow's profession of love and devotion to her: "You were good at [claiming that you cared about me]. Making an honest...woman like me fall for it, gobble it up."               Upon getting back together with the ever-giggly, ever-girlish Reggie (Zoe Kazan):             .Reggie, after using a somewhat foreign (to her) word: "Is that a word--'happenstance'?"           .Sam, acknowledging a key character flaw of his to Reggie: "I have never been good at keeping up with everyone from school. You want to know a secret? I'm not even on Facebook."             .Reggie, upon catching The Fellow in a lie: "You're not really good at making stuff up, are you?...Not for a man who makes his living doing it."               .Reggie, disclosing her genuine past attitude toward The Fellow: "I used to watch you. You were the favorite of [my childhood girlfriend] Kelly's friends."             .The Fellow, upon discovering a previously-unknown (to him) layer of Reggie: "I didn't even know you kept a journal! At 11?"             .Reggie, telling The Fellow of how she, too, once wrote a tale of fiction: "Like you did in your story. Only without all the--what do you call 'em?--motifs."           .Reggie, getting into she and The Fellow's past together: "Your hand was there [upon my body]. Slipping into my panties."               .Reggie, flatly refusing to let The Fellow off the hook for taking sexual advantage of her: "I was the kid. I was the little girl...You were a man...Maybe you couldn't vote or go to war, but you had a car and everything...You had no right to [exploit me sexually]. Ever!"             .Reggie, upon, before leaving, very soulfully kissing The Fellow: "That's what a woman kisses like. You feel the difference?"               Upon getting back together with the sensitive-yet-far-from-malleable Bobbi (Kristen Bell):           .Bobbi, upon The Fellow's relating to her his plan to revisit his exes and see whether or not there's any bad blood: "So I was one of [those exes], huh? The lucky ones."                 .There's this dialogue between The Fellow and Bobbi regarding the former's emotional/psychological self, the former is the first speaker, Bobbi the second:                                           "Part of your life begins to come up for you."                                     "Like vomit?"             .Bobbi, again commenting on The Fellow's visit-exes-and-see-whether-or-not-there's-any-hard-feelings strategy: "Well, I'm glad I made the cut."             .Bobbi, becoming sincerely pissed at what is in effect The Fellow's plying his snow job: "Just don't do some pathetic thing like pretending to smooth things over."                 .Bobbi, upon giving The Fellow a gift certificate and him at first refusing: "Just please don't be an asshole about this. Just take it!"                   .Bobbi, spiritedly rejecting The Fellow's attempts to gloss things over: "I don't need any friends! Let me be more specific: I don't need you!"                 .Bobbi, when The Fellow tries to smooth things over by serving up the I-didn't-mean-any-harm gambit: "Fuck you!...It's not about the meaning, it's about the doing!"               .Bobbi, still staunchly refusing to give The Fellow a free ride: "When you do what you do [sexually exploit females], people get hurt!...It makes you more than just an ex-boyfriend. It makes you a killer, an assassin, an emotional terrorist."                 .The Fellow, at last finally honestly attempting to make amends: "I've done a host of things that, if you nit-pick, look pretty awful stacked up...I'm not doing this [going around to his exes and trying to set things right] haphazardly, it's for Esquire...I may have done a lot of stupid things, but I was young!"                   .Bobbi's final last words before she leaves, in a quiet, weary tone: "It's very late...It's late." Referencing said gift certificate, in the same modest, tired voice: "It's for 100 dollars." Then Bobbi leaves.                 Next we see The Fellow upon a plane, presumably heading back home, making loving small talk with his intended via cell phone. Afterward his eyes meet with those of this hot young blonde flight attendant (Kathleen Christy) and they smile fondly at each other. The clear inference is that, despite The Fellow's upcoming wedding, they'll eventually get together sexually.             And thus we have Some Girl(s), an often gripping, frequently affecting, always, always deeply human multiple portrait of relationships, of sexual politics, indeed, of love itself. Adam Brody, coming off (for me) his mega-successful turn as Paula Patton's dyed-in-the-wool-homosexual co-conspirator/best buddy in Baggage Claim is, if anything, even better here, deftly constructing an often heart-rending portrayal of a guy who is either unable or unwilling to freely acknowledge, even to himself, that his efforts to make up for his past sexual crimes, however sincere and however well-meant, amount to too little too late. Kathleen Christy offers just the right helpings of flirtatiousness and expectation as the flight attendant who, at the end, lights The Fellow's fire. Neil LaBute, adapting his own stage work, shows that a first-class theatrical script can also be a first-class cinematic script. And director Daisy vonScherler Mayer quite adeptly orchestrates both the interaction of the players and The Fellow's various travels.               That leaves the women with whom The Fellow re-connects. All of them are expert, with two standouts. The first is Emily Watson, flinging her vengeful venom at The Fellow with the kind of stiff-upper-lip dignity and oh-how-you-hurt-me bravado that, far from turning us against her, have us feeling her pain and admiring her for fully refusing to be any sort of wounded bird. And then there's Kristen Bell. Currently riding high thanks to her leading-lady role on the rather fluffy television sitcom The Good Place, she sincerely reaches her pinnacle here, skillfully blending open-faced girlishness, lingering hurt, and steely resilience with the ease and the grace of a champion poker player handling cards. When she closes the door behind her after walking out, we feel the same devastation as does The Fellow--although, unlike his, it's mixed with firm respect and, indeed, admiration for so forcefully holding her own against him.                 It was the powerhouse actor Viola Davis, accepting her (richly well-earned) Best Supporting Actress Golden Globe Award for her performance in Fences, who said, in part, that adapting a play, even a highly-esteemed play, for the big screen "doesn't scream 'moneymaker.' But it does scream 'art.' It does scream 'heart.'" Patty West and Chris Schwartz and Andrew Carlberg--Girl(s)'s producers--have, in bringing the aforementioned play to the large screen, brought us a work that indeed freely scream both "art" and "heart." And it is we cinemagoers who are the beneficiaries.
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