#Unfortunately for me he is close enough to ''evil AI character'' in my brain that I am picking him up like a vile little bug.
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beebfreeb · 6 months ago
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Against my will, this freak is fun to draw.
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atlasifyllm · 7 years ago
Because yes
1. Your first OC ever?
I would say Queen Mana, my self insert alicorn pony princess, but in all honesty I'd say my Littlest Pet Shop toys from 3rd grade that I gave each a persona or my mouse character "Licky" and his sister "Lucky". Yeah Licky had quite the unfortunate name. As for my LPS toys, I'm not sure which was my FIRST among all of them, but I do know the first ones were Trevor and Erica! They were a happy married couple~
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Ooh, I gotta say I have one for each story. Though among all of them? I HAVE to go with Cobalt Zaffre from DOTS: DD. Honestly my fave out of the DOTS peeps, I love his design (thanks Raven), her persona, his character arc, god I love this dickhead
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Honesty no? I did base Rose off of a friend's OC, but that was years ago and she's more original now.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I gotta say Agent Silver and Agent Neon from MAR, mostly since I've been pretty dry with MAR ideas and have near no hope to revamping them both from their 5th grade counterparts. That and the protag of D.exe, since I'm revamping them too. Pretty much any character I've planned on revamping but haven't really gotten to yet...
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
COBALT ZAFFRE. I honestly feel like he's worth the fame, though I'm probably biased-
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
Yang and Tig! When designing one of them into DOTS, I created Yang with Tig's original palette concepts of 2016 with no intentions of bringing Tig into the story yet. Though that changed, and I brought Tig into DOTS: DD and got too attatched to their palettes to change them. I have thought of changing Yang's design, but I got too attached so Tig and Yang just so happen to share the same hair and skin tone.
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
The real question is who ISN'T apart of any story? I get too attached to OCs easily so I'd either need to make a story or put them into a story! I did have a void character for a week named Benvolio, though I found him a place in "Dragon Destiny"
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I've never actually roleplayed before! I have thought of opening an askblog for Turquoise Sky from DOTS: DD, though I've lost most motivation for continuing it
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I'm too attached to my babies!
But in all honesty my brain makes so many character concepts that I could legit probably sell them at this point for the characters I REALLY don't need.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
I don't have a picture of her on-hand, but the first that comes to mind is Nio from Chrisis! Mostly due to her rainbow sleeves and cards...
A close second is Iris from the DOTSverse, though it's honestly just due to her hair being a gradient AND layer mode at the same time.
I'm sure there's more though, I can never keeo track of them all!
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “cinnamon roll”?
Rose Morganite from DOTS: DD and Nimbus Fulmen from AuAg! Both are sorta naive kids who don't know what's going in too well...
My other kid OC is basically Ed Elric except with Queen Moon's look-
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
fuck it i'm calling them out @ravenwolfie97
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Tig is sorta on the border between troublemaker and full-blown villain. Though my new OC Roman Rho from Dragon Destiny seems to fit that description? Others include Kaiser and Shadow from Last Light, Aquamarine from SOTGC, the entire cast of Sky Games, Viobalt and Charoite from Chrisis, Ater from the DOTSverse (somewhat), Ala Blaster from DOTS: SF, Reed from ROP, Akumu from D.exe, Mika from ZP, and... yeah I hope that's all of them
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Cobalt Zaffre from DOTS has a pretty angsty backstory so far, though I can't spoil that right now. Iris actually has a sad story too, but I can't spoil that either. Have some runner ups!
- Bluebot (Beyond Repair) Bluebot is the only android that is utterly seen as useless by Eris, the main AI
- Storm Gray (Dragon Destiny) Storm was treated more as an experiment than child by the scientist who made him, having him be bullied by his scientist's son, Roman
- Ventus Fulmen (AuAg) while he isn't a full blown "angst son", Ventus got into prison thinking his girlfriend was shot dead by soldiers
- Viobalt (Chrisis) Viobalt is trying to strive beyond the void since his own universe was erased from existence by the creator
- Pretty much all the Darksiders in Last Light. Each Darksider succumbed to a dark, deep form of Despair, which caused them to turn into monsterous beings seeking revenge, acceptance, pain, or freedom
- The Squire (A Story Told) The Squire lost his kingdom to an evil king, and wants to try and get it back
Those are the ones from the top of my head!
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
Oh honey I could talk about my OCs all year
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
I'm gonna say the scientists in Dragon Destiny, since out of the two other brands of scientists in my story (D.exe and BR), the DraDes scientists had to deal with organic matter way more in order to create the dragons. Vincent from D.exe is a close second, though he's more of a specifically neuroscientist than biologist
17. Any OC OTPs?
- Storm x Orlene in DraDes
- Cobalt x Ruri in DOTS: DD (and by extension, DOTS: SF)
- Ruby x Blaze in DOTS: DD
- Yin x Tigerlily in DOTS: DD
- Yang x Vio in DOTS: DD
- Ventus x Vepris in AuAg
- Momo x Ringo in PSG!
- Alpha x Zetto in DOTS: 5x5
- Iris x Alba in DOTS: 5x5
18. Any OC crackships?
- Cobalt x Yang in DOTS: DD. The two palabros honestly are hilarious together as a hugely dumb couple
- Reed from ROP x Zetto from DOTS: 5x5. This is a REALLY odd one, but one time I had a dream that created a new OC that looked like a fusion between the two with a dark blue color scheme. So of course I joked about them having a son, though it's extra funny when Zetto is just a humanoid snorlax made of pure light and eats flowers, and Reed is an energetic anime prince protag boy who's... well, not made of light. And of course, some crossover ships are absolutely hilarious
But my favorite:
- Turquoise x Cobalt in DOTS: DD. Gotta get that good ol fashion Oncest 👍
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
All the Chrises tbh, but especially Cobalt in particular. Cobalt (and by extension, the other Chrises) is based off of the guy who inspired me to continue making stories and OCs, and I can never thank him enough for helping me find that spark that gave me a purpose. Cobalt's everything to me, a coping character and a tribute to the man who inspired me to be this creative. I created the other Chrises because I want the creativity that the guy gave me to be a symbol of all my stories, and a tribute to the man himself. Cobalt as I've developed him has represented all the things that remind me of the guy, so he's the closest to him but also with my own twists I adore so I can't help but love him so much! Cobalt, out of all the Chrises, represents the man who's inspired me to be a creator to this extent the most, so he means so much to me. The other Chrises are a VERY close second, since they represent him in various ways too that is both a tribute to him and a symbol of me, though Cobalt represents him the most.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
HA! EASY! The Zero Percent crew 100% (pun intended)
Robin I can see sounding probably like a mix of the singer from Set It Off (Sorry I don't know his name!), Natewantstobattle, and I think Billie Joe Armstrong/Gerard Way?? There's so many good voices crie-
He likes rock music tho! He's in a band so that's a given but... yeah.
Elliot is a newer OC from the same story, but not from Robin's band! He's a lone singer cause I wanted a singer OC who sounded like Adam Lambert-
Outside ZP, I had the headcanon that Yang from DOTS: DD had an embarassing rap phase in high school. Ash Embers from the same story was also in a band, though it disbanded as soon as it was made ;n; I'm not sure if she was the vocalist though? Def rockstar, though. Cobalt I can see having a good singing voice since I've really liked Chris Niosi's singing (sing more Chris ;o;), and Ruri too since her voice claim is Rose Quartz from SU! Not sure on their genres, though... Other punk rockers include Ruby, I have been thinking her voice claim changing to Hayley Williams? Not sure, though...
Lastly, The Bard in A Story Told. She plays medieval music, though it's not particularly good since she'e pretty much a drunken bard who gets around by riding her horse backwards.
Anyway that's 20 questions, hope you 5 peeps enjoyed it, ehehe-
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