#U'sheiroh Tia
dragoon-mid-jump · 12 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 Day 12: Quarry
quarry (n.): an animal pursued by a hunter, hound, predatory mammal, or bird of prey.
Rating: T (animal death) Word Count: 183
Young U'reksh Tia lifted his bow and reached behind him to grab an arrow from his quiver. He knocked it against the bowstring and drew it back, pointing the tip at the lone unsuspecting Angler sitting on the sand. He narrowed one eye and focused, waiting a few moments before loosing the arrow. It flew straight ahead and struck the Angler in the side of its head. It fell over without so much as a cry.
The boy gasped excitedly and grabbed the pants leg of his guardian and mentor. "Shieroh, look! I did it! Did you see?"
The Nunh ruffled his hair with a proud smile. "I did. Good work, boy." He walked ahead to gather the fallen creature, picking it up by the arrow. "I can see your improvement."
U'reksh ran to catch up to him. "Yeah! I've been practicing every day!"
"You'll make a fine huntsman one day if you keep that up."
U'reksh pumped his fist in the air. "I'm gonna be the best!" U'sheiroh laughed and urged the boy along.
"Come on, Reksh. Let's fine out next quarry."
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dragoon-mid-jump · 1 year
Sorry if this is obvious or I missed/forgot it but I'm curious! Is U'reksh directly related to U'odh Nunh? Or are they just from the same tribe? :0
Nah, just same tribe.
So....lore time!
Both Reksh's biological father and adoptive/foster father, the previous Nunh, were best friends and held the titles jointly for many years. However, U'redgis died to a hunting party/investigation gone horribly wrong (read: Ascian machinations) when Reksh was very young. That same incident claimed his mother U'kurala's life as well. U'sheiroh was the one U'odh defeated for the title and afterwards went into self-imposed exile 5 years before ARR to hone himself. U'sheiroh even lost am eye in that duel.
Between U'redgis's death and U'shieroh's defeat, other Nunhs have ruled alongside old U'shieroh until the tribe's numbers began to dwindle. By the time U'odh won the title, it had just been U'sheiroh for a couple years.
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dragoon-mid-jump · 1 year
OC tag game (FFXIV Edition)
Tagged by: @sundered-souls! Thank you!
Favorite OC: I gotta say, when I was first creating Kouh'to as a concept for Y'dehlya having a younger sibling, I did not expect him to turn out the way he did and he is very fun to daydream about.
Oldest OC: Oldest by creation, U’reksh, actually. I had made his “original files” first before Y’dehlya’s, but it was Y’dehlya that I decided to put in FFXIV first. But in terms of age, it’s among Y’tohmar, Kouh, U’sheiroh and Kouh’s Unnamed Best Friend, as they’re all parents.
If you wanna get really technical about age, Persephone and Ares.
Newest OC: Polydeukes, an Ancient OC. And technically Kastor, even though he’s Kouh’to’s unsundered self. In case anyone’s wondering, Poly allowed herself to be sacrificed to Zodiark and left Kastor behind, which tragically follows the "end" of the Gemini Twins' story of the immortal Polydeuces living on after the mortal Kastor is killed.
Meanest OC: Kouh’to. Arguably Y’tohmar, if you wanna count his blunt/brutal honesty “mean”, as the source of that trait of Kouh’to’s.
Softest OC: U'reksh has the undisputed fluffiest hair of the Scions.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Kouh. Where do you think Kouh'to got it from?
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: U’reksh. Absolute puppydog of a catboy, he is.
Dumbest (Derogatory) OC: U’sheiroh. He’s a decent guy and all, the self-imposed exile after losing his Nunh status notwithstanding...but he also fucking ghosted the two kids he was closest to from HW to EW because he thought they’d long outgrown him. Which especially in U’reksh’s case couldn’t be further from the truth.
Smartest OC: They’ve all got their own smarts in specific areas, but academically? Kouh’s Still-Unnamed Childhood Bestie being an Arcanist. Or probably Ares, a formidable genius in mechanical and martial creations and concepts. And the unfortunate origin of a lot of the technology Emet-Selch introduced to Allag and Garlemald.....
Horniest OC: I'd say...Y'dehlya. Flirty, charismatic, falls in love pretty quickly once she decides to set her sights on someone especially if they're available, turned as red as her own hair when Hancock called her "Stealer of Pants" in Stormblood, earning funny looks from the other Scions, especially after Kouh'to himself confirmed that there was at least one incident of such (I never got around tot he Hildebrand quests).
OC You'd Bang: Uh....*points to the above entry* and also Y'kouha. While both have gotten around, both also seek long-term romantic partners to get to know.
OC You'd Be Best Friends With IRL: I actually am not sure. Maybe both my WoLs? They're both pretty fun to be around.
Tagging: You. Yeah, you, reading this. If you wanna.
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dragoon-mid-jump · 1 year
Patch 6.1 a.k.a. U'sheiroh Tia (U'reksh's childhood father figure) Suddenly Finds Himself with At Most 5 Additional Children
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