#Tyrrish headcanons you didn't ask for
she-whatshername · 2 months
EVEN MORE Tyrrish Headcanons you didn’t ask for (Xaden, Garrick, Bodhi, Imogen, aka the Kitchen Table crew)
AN: Wow I’m just posting everything but a chapter update to ‘Drifted’ aren’t I? Writing about trauma is hard for me, and IDK why i chose to make Cree’s character full of it and pair her with Bodhi who’s…surrounded by it. But, what’s a fanfic without a little author induced torture, right?
ANYWAYs, let’s get into it
Garrick, Imogen, and Bodhi would draw straws on who would have to update Xaden on Violet during her first year before Liam was tasked as her bodyguard. Bodhi never drew the short straw but was always the one who ended up telling Xaden. He carried on the tradition after Garrick and Xaden graduated.
Bodhi is viewed as the little brother of the group for two reasons. One, he always was one step behind Xaden and Garrick and a physical year younger than him. And two, despite everything he's been through, he never let it take away his humanity. Xaden cruelly jokes that Bodhi is the only one in the revolution with a still beating heart
Bodhi only 'broke character' once during his years at Basgiath when someone in his squad used a particular slur when referencing his deceased mother. Garrick and Xaden had to drag him off the cadet and dispose of the body and make a cover up so he didn't get charged with breaking the codex. It was their first trio heist together before the actual weapons operations.
Garrick didn't talk to Imogen the first month of her year at Basgiath because he was ashamed of all the horrible things he'd done in his first year
Every one of them has cried in front of Xaden at least once. Even Imogen, though she was heavily inebriated
Also, everyone has cried in Bodhi's lap. Even Xaden, who was also heavily inebriated.
Xaden didn't want to let Imogen into operations at first due to her unpredictable emotions; Garrick convinced him otherwise. When Imogen thwarted not one but 4 separate attempts on Xadens life, it was one of the first and few times he actually admitted to Garrick that he was right.
When Garrick and Xaden found out that Bodhi lost his virginity to someone at Basgiath the two literally detoured from their weapons operations to find out who it was like the protective and nosy older brothers that they are.
Imogen snorts when she laughs. She rarely laughs as deeply as she used to so when it does slip out, it instantly makes everyone feel like they aren't in a active war and that they're back home in Aretia.
Bodhi, Xaden and Garrick have all had sexual relationships with Fliers/Poromish people. Imgoen has not and refuses to out of what she calls 'pride and respect for dragons.'
I think all Tyrrish folk are pretty open and fluid about their sex lives until they find their person. Much like fated couples or mates, its Tyrrish tradition to find 'your person'.
I think they all marry for love only and Xaden's family dynamics are the outlier. Though I think Fen's 'person' was Tyrrendor the country verses Xaden's mother.
Because of this, Xaden grew up with a warped perception of romance and relationships. Also, he's fluent in all Tyrrish history and customs. He knew and spoke Tyrrish before the common language, and learning the common language was very difficult for him.
Also, Imogen is Garrick's person, 100%.
Xaden got his ego, wit and charisma from his father but his aunt, Bodhi's mother, taught him a lot about actual charm.
It was actually his aunt who, upon finding out that then 13 year old Xaden ghosted his girlfriend, made him go the the gardens and pick fresh flowers and hand deliver them to the girl's house with a handwritten apology declaring his 'boyish stupidity'.
Before the unification, if someone finds their person and they choose to marry, the couple would create a rune specific to the joining of their love/family house. Xaden giving Violet a book on weaving textiles was NO coincidence.
Tyrrish weddings are fun as shit (Why yes, there is one in 'Drifted'). In fact, there is a 'Cardulo Clause' that states that any wedding guest who drinks beyond their fare share at a wedding ceremony most pay a balance to the respective wedding partners. This came in part due to Imogen's great, great grandfather who, legend says, drank an entire keg to themselves during a wedding.
Okay now I'm actually going to go back and write 'Drifted'.
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she-whatshername · 2 months
Did somebody say, Tyrrish Men Headcanons you didn’t ask for?!
Smoochies Edition
AN: Ya’ll, I have put myself in a rather precarious position as I have somehow got myself into writing a slow burn, rivals to lovers fic (It’s called ‘Drifted’, please check it out) and I am several chapters away from a kiss scene…So I need to just Headcanon this out for my own sanity.
How I envision how they like to kiss
Certified Angel this one
His kisses have emotions to them. You can feel his joy, relief, love, etc each time you kiss. Like synesthesia for the mouth.
Stands behind you and lets you lean back into his chest, wrapping an arm across your chest or at your waist. If you tilt your head back or, better yet, fall asleep, he’s got you. Kisses your shoulder or base of your neck to wake you up.
Ultimate Move: He will caress his hand across your jaw and cradle the back of your head and kiss you. He wants to hold you, always.
I wish to type more but I am saving it for ‘Drifted’
This man puts the rizz in Charisma.
Short, precise kisses. Smiles against your lips a lot.
Ultimate Move: He will reach for your hand and pull it to his mouth for a kiss but in a fraction of a second turn it over and kiss your wrist instead. All while never breaking eye contact with you.
His eye contact is illegal in several provinces.
Bites your lip when he kisses you. Bites a lot of stuff actually.
Forehead kisses. Yep. I said it. This man loves a five second forehead kiss. Eyes closed, taking all of you in.
At first, its light touches and glances in your direction. If you’ve charmed this man enough….get ready for endless touches.
Does not hug, but embraces. Like arms around the shoulders is not his thing. He’s hands on the small of your back, legs touching legs. Like he’s trying to fuse you two together so he can be with you always.
Ultimate Move: Hand on either side of your face, caressing your cheeks and just devouring you with his mouth. Does he come up for air? Never. This shadow creature has mastered the art of kissing and breathing through his nose.
He’s said it before he could live with his mouth attached to your face and like the true perfectionist he is he trained his body to do just that
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she-whatshername · 1 month
A Tyrrish men headcanon you did ask for
Prompt: beach day.
For the lovely @itsbeenmyhonor
Prepared and prompt as usual
Has the bags packed with necessities, a cooler with all the drinks
Snacks and sandwiches included
Packs a bottle of whisky because of course
What’s he doing at the beach: lounging mostly. He needs a break. May partake in a game of volleyball
Yes will flirt and make conversation with everyone
Beach foul: gets a little too tipsy and skinny dips / tries to catch the sea creatures with his bare hands
The one you gotta remind several times to get up and get ready.
But once he’s up he’s ready to go. Packed last night. Probably will be the one to also bring a change of clothes.
What’s he doing at the beach: in the water the whole time, skimboarding or just floating in the water.
He’s probably the one dressed the best for the weather. Sun hat, reflective shorts, long sleeves. Sunscreen. His mother taught him well about taking care outdoors
He’s the one with the aloe gel taking care of everyone
Beach foul: feeding the animals, he gives the local birds one snack and all the creatures flock to their set up
It’s a toss up if he’s prepared or not. He’s either hyper organized, like everything has its own pocket and place, or he’s got a towel and is like, meh let’s go.
What’s he doing at the beach: napping under an umbrella or brooding somewhere lol
If it’s just a guys trip with Bodhi or Garrick, whole different story
What’s he doing at the beach: He’s on the skimboard, he’s surfing, he’s beating Garrick and Bodhi at whatever game they make up
He probably is the person who goes to the beach early before everyone for a run so he knows the best spot to set up.
Beach foul: getting to competitive, thus starting a fight with other beach goers. It’s not his fault no one can win against him and the others at volleyball
Probably would get grumpy about having too much sand on him at the end of the day lol
Bless. He’s just rolling up to the beach hopping everyone brought a spare towel, sunscreen, etc
Hes just happy to be at the beach with everyone
Literally when everyone’s packing it’s like “and bring an extra one because you know Liam’s going to forget his…” lol
But he did make sure to put frozen snacks in the cooler.
What’s he doing at the beach: frisbee. He at least remembers to pack that. He’s Just running up and down the shoreline having a blast
Beach foul: not telling anyone where he’s going when he wanders away from the group.
100% naps in the car on the way back
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she-whatshername · 2 months
Hold up
Did I miss it in both books; Xaden gives Violet the saddle for her Tarin, but Bodhi said he’d make the adjustments in the second book before they fly back to Basgiath.
Does that mean that Xaden commissioned Bodhi to make the saddle and Xaden just designed it? Did they work together? Omg brother group project
Does that mean Bodhi is like a craftsman of some sort? Leatherwork? Blacksmith?!
*Proceeds to spiral
Aww, did they do crafts together as kids and make a build a bunch of weird stuff together each summer at Riorson house? Is that why Xaden and Liam were so close because Liam also makes stuff like wooden figurines?
Omg, Have I been sitting on a Tyrrish men headcanon that these guys are artisans of some kind???
Welp. This theory is getting typed up this week
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she-whatshername · 11 days
Good mornings with the Marked Ones:
Good morning!! Same thing here, a little NSFW so you have been advised
Is he up before you: lolol absolutely not. My headcanon soap box is that Bodhi sleeps in and naps when he can. Now that you’re both back in Aretia at Riorson House, he’s much more comfortable risking every moment he can to sleep in as much as possible.
Let this man hit the snooze!
So, in this case you’re waking him up. Which Bodhi will protest in his own way.
He’ll throw a leg over you or put his head on your chest and wrap his arms around your waist to keep you still and mumbling a protest of “Mm, just one more minute.”
Sir you said that 10 minutes ago.
If you try to get sassy with him or push him further he takes more advanced measures
“Why do you hate the idea of staying in bed, love. Let me show you what you’ll be missing if we get out now.” He then proceeds to climb on top of you and duck under the covers, kissing his way down your abdomen.
And afterwards you are indeed exhausted and sleep claims you once more.
He plays dirty to get what he wants and I mean, don’t threaten us with a good time Mr Durran.
Bodhi - 1. You - 0 (but everyone is a winner here)
He bringing anything to bed: yeah if he’s up before you he is bringing you tea and sweets to start your day. If he has to leave to defend the front lines he’ll ensure someone else brings it to you.
Are you late to formation: yeah you both are. Xaden usually sends Garrick to break the wards in your room to get you both out of bed.
One time Xaden went after you both himself but Bodhi used his signet to render his shadows useless, which royally pissed him off. You had awoken to Xaden and Bodhi having a rather aggressive pillow fight/sparring match in your room that morning.
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she-whatshername · 1 month
Thoughts while in my cold medicine induced haze
Prompt: how absolutely terrible the Marked Ones would be at taking care of you. Because they can’t be perfect at everything
The fault: too overprotective
“Tell me again,” he asked, “who were you with yesterday?”
“Huh? Xaden, why?” You grumbled hoarsely while pulling the covers up to your chin. It had been ten minutes since Xaden came into your room with a cup of tea and all of it was spent asking weird questions. The bedside manner this man had was…questionable. Pun intended. You just wanted him to snuggle and pamper you, was that too much to ask?!
“That Ridoc kid was sneezing this morning. Didn’t even cover his mouth,” he explained. He stood up from the edge of your bed, practically pacing. “Saw him yesterday didn’t you? I knew he was behind it.”
“Love. Please just lay with me.”
He grumbled while laying next to you, his arms wrapping around your waist. Finally. This was the comfort you were seeking. You begsn to close your eyes and settle for a nap.
“…want me to stab him a few times for you?”
Oh for fucks sakes! You let out an annoyed groan and threw the covers over your head, not before throwing Xaden and his ridiculous theories out of your room for the rest of the afternoon.
The fault: too handsy
“Thank you so much for the tea, Garrick.” You mumbled from the nest of covers you were under on the bed.
“Aww, you say my name so cute when you’re all stuffed up like that.” He smirked while sitting on the bed next to you. “You know, you look really hot for being sick as shit.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. Was he serious? You were in the middle of a cold sweat, “I haven’t even showered today.”
A glint if mischief appeared in his eyes, “dirty girl.”
“Enough. Keep it in your pants Tavis, I’m sick!” Gods, normally you would find his libido and teasing tolerable but today? not the day.
But this was Garrick. It was a losing battle, “You’re so hot when you order me around like that. I’m kidding - don’t look at me like that. Just get some sleep okay?”
You rolled away from him and closed your eyes, hoping a nap would make you feel any bit better. After about an hour you woke, rising from the bed to head to the bathroom. You walked past Garrick who was lounging on a chair by the washroom door. It was nice he stayed with you while you slept. But that affection quickly ended once you felt his hand careen against your ass in a playful slap.
And while you’d normally find love taps like that endearing, you decided to return the favor and throw Garrick out of your room on his own ass.
The fault: none! Angel this one is
Though, he’s probably such a hovering partner lolol
“I got your tea, love.”
“Thanks Bodhi.” You smiled at him while snuggling into your sheets. Now that you had some tea a nap wouldn’t be too far off. Just want you need.
“Of course. Need anything else? A book?”
“No, darling. I’m good.”
“Fluff your pillows?”
“You’re so sweet. I’m fine.”
“Need some more medicine?”
“All good.”
“Want me to get you lunch? Have you eaten?”
“No, and yes. I’m all set.”
“Need a massage?”
“Want some help reorganizing your blankets?”
“Can I get you some water?”
“Can I help you clean up in here?”
You groan and throw the blankets over your face as you attempt to silence the sounds of his questions and the other noises as he began to clean your room.
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she-whatshername · 1 month
Tyrrish Men Headcanons I made you vote for
Prompt: travel edition
When we getting to the airport: 3 hours ahead, the man is the son of aide of a duke. He is prompt
And yes, he does have a folder of everyone’s passports and flight information
He 100% owns TSA precheck/global entry
Is he holding your bags: Yes. You won’t touch a thing on your journey.
Will drop you off at check in and then go park through car so you don’t have to walk
Where are you sitting? Okay, I know he’s wealthy but are the aides of dukes aristocrats themselves or just well off people? I’m guessing you’ll do economy premium, maybe first class.
Honestly this man is a social butterfly and will just chat with the gate attendants and you’ll be bumped to first class. And yeah, he’s probably sweet talking with all the flight attendants.
Snacks and drinks: will order for you and be polite about it like “you wanted a whisky, right baby?”
He’d probably be that guy to clap when the plane lands. Idk why I just feel it lolol
When we getting to the airport: maybe 2 hours before you take off.
Let’s be real, Bodhi is easy going by nature and Xaden forced him to be prompt and on top of things due to the revolution
Bodhi probably snoozes his alarm at least 4 times and takes awhile to actually get out of bed. So showing up to the airport early, meh.
Also let’s be real, you’re flying first class so you literally breeze through security and get to hang out in a lounge before take off
This man takes care of you. Literally everything is booked and you just have to show up.
Is he holding your bags: of course. Not only that, he packed all your stuff in his carry on so you could have more room to pack
Will hold your hand the entire way to the gate, on the flight, he’s got you
Where are you sitting: first class bb. Like the fancy fancy first class. You board the plane first and the attendants are like “welcome Mr. Durran.” lol
Snacks and drinks: duh. Champagne. Fancy snacks. Also he packed your favorite snacks in his bag for you.
He’s also checking in on you often, “comfortable, love? Why don’t you take a nap and I’ll wake you up when food gets here.”
An Angel this man is
Also if you’re napping he is 100% gushing to the flight crew about you.
When we getting to the airport: whenever the fuck you want
You think this man is flying commercial.
You are in a car rolling up to the runway to a private jet. Crew waiting for your arrival
Is he holding your bag: nope. But neither are you. He’s got staff to take care of that.
You have the whole private jet to yourselves. You can sit wherever.
Snacks and drinks: your favorite drinks, snacks and foods are on board waiting for you. He’s got it all taken care of.
He will also ask the flight crew to take scenic routes to your destination, avoid paths where it could be bumpy, and basically treat you like the royalty you are
NSFW: Mile high club?? Skies the limit, BB.
His plane. His seats. His woman/man/partner
Also I feel like he’d be the guy to just get up and hop in the pilot seat like, “let me fly my girl to our destination”. And the flight crew is like, 👍🏽
If he had to fly commercial I think he’d be a wreck honestly lol. His trust issues would never
The Marked ones would draw straws/fight over who has to sit next to him lolol
Garrick is like “I usually handle him every day, it’s my vacation too. Bodhi, you get him on the way there and Im, you sit next to him when we go back.”
I don’t think this man flies. He’s more of a roadtrip type.
Loves the joy of the journey with you, it’s part of the trip
And that suites you just fine
And he will absolutely drive the whole way unless you want to.
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she-whatshername · 10 days
Good Mornings with the Marked Ones
AN: lolol buckle up for the Shadow father himself. And yes, NSFW below the cut. You've been advised.
Is he up before you: lolol around you? This man is always up. But yes, he does wake up before you and is stepping out of the showers by the time you open your eyes.
And he's staring at you like someone who hasn't eaten in days and you're an exquisite meal.
So, of course, you taunt his ass
Because if Xaden can keep your heart fluttering might as well return the favor.
"Morning darling." You purr at him, stretching ever so seductively so he has access to his favorite parts of you, "Mmm, you smell amazing. Come back in bed and let me take all of you in."
His face is stoic as ever but his eyes are flaring and internally he's screaming, "If I get back in that bed we're going to miss formation."
"Well be quick." You promise him.
"The things I want to do with you should only be done slowly."
...Fuck no matter how much you try to best him he's always a step ahead. Whatever, you're still getting what you want. And you have one secret tool in your arsenal to bring this man to his knees.
You pout your lips, "Aww, be a good boy Xaden and come take care of me, please?"
Game Over Shadow Man.
He's on you in an instant. And the only work you have to do is brace yourself for the best most unhinged morning sex of your life.
Its a hard job. but you carry the task with respect and honor.
Is he bringing anything to bed: If we're picturing this during the revolution then water at your bedside, some flowers if he has to leave to the front lines before you're awake. Sometimes he's a little cheeky and he'll put a textbook by your bedside table if you've got a test coming up
I do think he's a turndown service king. If he has to leave for something midday and will be gone overnight, the bed will be made and your side of the bed will be folded down with your nightgown nearby.
He just excels at little gifts like that
Are you late for formation: haha well surprisingly you're not but its a very...interesting formation for you. During your rather intense morning tryst Xaden had you on your back with your legs over his shoulder, stretching you not enough to hurt but to make every move he made ten times more pleasurable.
When you’re both finished he’s cuddling you you’re running your hands in his hair telling him how the powerful lieutenant and leader of the revolution was so good and took such good care of you.
He feeds off your affirmations. Never stop telling him he’s wonderful
You motion to get up mumbling about needing to clean up and take a quick shower before formation and he’s stopping you before you can get up
“Dont. Just get dressed. And when you’re standing in formation and you feel me sliding out of you and down your leg, I want you to look at me with those devastatingly beautiful eyes and nod once. Can you do that for me sweetheart?”
Oh fuck, yes we can sir.
And you do nod at him midway through the morning announcements and once again Xadens eyes are locked on to you and he’s giving a look of both hunger and pride.
Bodhis right next to him letting out a quiet sigh and chuckle, mumbling to Xaden that he’ll take over assigning squad duties so you two can get a room
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she-whatshername · 1 month
A Tyrrish men headcanon you did ask for - part 2
For the darling @grayvapor
Prompt: omg if you’re still looking for requests for them, I would LOVE a post about how they react when their child (son or daughter, either one) needs to be disciplined for causing a lil toooo much chaos in Riorson house and breaking something valuable/interrupting a Very Important Meeting™️ with their shenanigans
Let’s start with the basics - how many kids does he have: if I had my way with this series Bodhi and his partner would have a lot of kids. So I let’s just say 3, for now haha.
Who is causing the trouble: eldest and second eldest. The two are caught sneaking sweets out of the kitchen. So he’s called out of his very important meeting to talk to them
Let’s be real, he’s kind of smiling because that’s what he and Xaden did when they were little
So he’s not too hard on them. Is very calm on why what they did was wrong and the importance of being patient to wait for after dinner etc.
While he’s forgiving his partner isn’t. They are a bit more strict. Lolol the kids are afraid of her and Bodhi is usually like “don’t make me get your mother.”
Let’s start with the basics - how many kids does he have: probably one. A daughter. And she’s best friends with all of Bodhi’s kids
Lolol this is already cracking me up
Who’s causing the trouble: daughter knocks over a Poromish sculpture while running through the halls and gets pulled into the Assembly room, interrupting very important meeting
Xaden just laughs. You think he’s going to discipline his kid?
His kid. His house. His sculptures. And if it’s he and Violet’s child or their daughter looks anything like her, he’s not doing shit.
He’s like, “you hurt sweetie? Oh Good. I hated that sculpture. It was a gift from Tecarus and I was going to get rid of it soon. Did I ever tell you the time me and mommy kicked his ass in Cordyn?…”
Lolol this child will get away with everything. She can do no wrong
Will probably cancel the meeting and get her a piece of cake if she’s crying because the sound of the sculpture falling scared her
Ok. I don’t think he or Imogen will have kids.
But he will absolutely be fun uncle.
Best uncle
Like. If any of Bodhi or Garricks kids get in trouble he’s bailing them out
Picture this. All the Durran and Riorson kids get in trouble for sneaking out to the hatching grounds to see a baby dragon and get caught up in some shit and Bodhi and xaden are ready to lay down the law and Garrick’s like, “I know you’re both busy. I’ll handle the little shits”
A soon as they leave Garrick just starts laughing and is like “can’t believe you walked into a dragons den…look if you want to do it again and not get caught here’s what you do.”
Uncle Garrick is the best
Will let all the kids play with his swords and weapons only to get yelled at by everyone
“You gave her a SWORD Garrick? She’s three!!”
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she-whatshername · 2 months
*Busts down door gasping for air - Who said Tyrrish Men headcanons you didn't ask for?!
I need to go back to work lol...I didn't proofread this
at. all.
Smoochies Pt 2: Featuring Liam and more Marked Ones
Pour one out for this GEM of a human
His sixth sense is you. You're cold, instant jacket on your shoulders. You sneeze once? He's at your side with a cuppa. If you fall, he will catch you, or destroy whatever you tripped on.
I also imagine he's really good at sensing your emotions. Probably knows when you're sad, angry, mad and reacts accordingly
Ultimate Move: Holding your chin with his thumb and index finger while he kisses you. Sometimes his finger brushes over your lips and its with purpose because if its a long time before he sees you again he'll often rest his face in his palms when he's in class or with the other marked ones so he can take in your scent once more.
SECOND ULTIMATE MOVE (because he deserves two TBH): Kisses your cheeks. Sometimes its with intention like when he says hello or goodbye. Other times you're just standing there and he just does it. Sometimes he'll walk behind you while you're sitting and just lean over and kiss your cheek because he can.
And a few additions to the other ones:
This man is drama, your honor
Like, if he saw Liam pull an ultimate move with his partner and saw them blush, Xaden would look at you and internally panic like, "Fuck, should I be doing that to you? I want to make you blush like that."
Also if you're late to any of your meet ups he's instantly stressing and thinks he did something wrong and will go off to find you
He gives me very 'keep you at a distance/aloof' vibes on the outside, but once you're his he's like 'i am but a planet revolving around you, my sun' lol
His sass is top tier. Best quips and one liners. You could just listen to this man give verbal beatdowns to people all day
A smoochie headcanon: forehead kisses, every night before falling asleep. Even if you're both exhausted it will still happen. He's even fallen asleep kissing your forehead.
ALSO...ain't no way this man is straight. He 1000% gives Loki's 'A bit of both, I suspect the same of you.' vibes.
...This theory is also explored in Drifted...which I absolutely need to get back to instead of these, haha
Really good at writing love letters, and letters to his S/O in general.
In fact, Bodhi gave Xaden the idea to write violet that letter. I imagine he's chastising him like "Look...If you cant communicate with your mouths without an argument, maybe write it down...and pull yourself together we're at war Xaden..." #brotherlylove
When he holds hands he will use his thumb to massage your palm. Same with a hand on your knee, he'll just rub small circles on your skin
You will never wake up to a empty nightstand. Always a glass of water/tea waiting for you
A smoochie headcanon: He and the other marked ones left to patrol with their dragons while you and the others wait at Riorson house. Not even a minute later he's back in the dining hall like "I'm sorry I just need to kiss you one more time." Xaden a Garrick are dragging him away five minutes later.
A smoochie headcanon: Coming back to Riorson house from a long mission he would scoop you up into his arms, kiss you, throw you over his shoulder and walk up the stairs while shouting that 'unless there's a hoard of venin outside, do not bother him for the next 4 hours'. And you're on the back of his shoulder dying from embarrassment as you're being hauled up the stairs
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she-whatshername · 2 months
MORE Tyrrish Men Headcanons you didn't ask for (now with 30% more Garrick)
I was excited to see my last post on this was so popular so here is more. Also a disclaimer: I made all of these up as there is very little information on these characters. They are all Facts in my head...but questionable IRL, haha
Garrick is 100% wingman first and right after that is ladies man, mares in the stable and all that. He knows he's attractive, is a show off about it, and has had many lovers because of it. Relationships, probably none, but countless of trysts and 1 nighters
I think thats probably why he's so on-and-off with Imogen. I think he's ten toes down in love with her, and I think love scares him because love makes you do foolish things (he's watched his parents die for their country and Xaden be...Xaden, to be cautious of giving his heart to someone)
With his father's job being Fen's aid, Garrick is ultra perceptive, loyal, and hella charismatic. When Xaden says that Cat wasn't his first 'by a long shot' It was 100% due to him being around Garrick.
Could you image those two out on campus or in Cordyn before Xaden met Violet The backs hearts these two must of broke...
Should his S/O be in a relationship with him, they'd have to prepare for his quips and gawks at other people, I think his rizz level is so high he couldn't help himself
But, he's so so loyal. He will know everything about you due to how observant he is and will never miss a birthday, solstice, equinox, anniversary, you name it.
Probably has the most thoughtful dates; they are few and far between during his schedule but makes it happen. I imagine he's a bit more long distance (the revolution/being there for Xaden comes first) but when its 1:1 time with his partner, he's 100% giving you his time.
I be he has an excellent mental calendar
Also, he's the BEST person to come to if you need to vent. He will listen and wait until you're done to ask questions/respond. I think a lot of people go to him before going to Xaden so he gives really good advice/leadership.
Maybe a lil spice for this thread but his familial ties to supporting and aiding royalty he enjoys the role power he has as an XO and right hand to the revolution...but I do think he likes being told what to do behind closed doors. When his partner finds this out. Its over Gare.
Did i mention SO. LOYAL. He wouldn't have a who hurt you moment he would totally be that person that would take care of the problem secretly before they could even hurt you. Like your bully/nemeses is suddenly nice to you or randomly apologizes, go thank Garrick for that.
All Tyrrish men have giant sweet tooths, Garrick being the largest (Again, I explore this theory in humorous detail in 'Drifted')
Again, no facts to back this up but I bet he's a good dancer and has dragged just about everyone up on a table at one point to sing a Tyrrish song
He supplies the churam for the group. The man has connections.
Should I do Xaden next?
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she-whatshername · 1 month
Tyrrish Men Headcanons you didn’t ask for but voted for
We back!!!
Prompt: How they would apologize after an argument
Right to jail for this one lol
The crime: Keeping a secret from you and doubling down on his decision, leading to an argument
How he apologizes: He’s seriously conflicted about the apology. He doesn’t half ass anything and the fact that he’s apologizing for what he thinks is just trying to protect you tears him up inside a bit. You hear a knock at the door and when you open its Xaden with his hands on either side of the frame, head down and not looking you in the eyes. Eventually he lifts his head and you just see the internal anguish he’s going through because he wants to keep you safe but doesn’t know how to do that without keeping secrets
He uses your full name when he begins to speak, no nicknames. That’s when you know its real.
You pull him into your arms before combusts with emotion and he just MELTS into you. He’s now muttering full apologies into your hair, your shoulders, anywhere where his face is just pressed against you.
He wants to kiss you, but he’s scared of the rejection you may give. When you finally initiate the kiss, its over, love. He picks you up with ease and hauls you into your room for a more personal, intimate apology
Ooof, a tough one.
The crime: Takes it a little to far when teasing you. You walk out on him after he makes a joke about the stance you make before you fight on the mat. He knows that you’ve been working on it, and he knows that you’re not sensitive when other people say stuff, but you are when it comes to him.
How he apologizes: The man is chasing you dow the moment he realizes what he says. He doesn’t apologize though until he’s away from everyone else and its just you two. You still push him away and ask for space, he lets you have it. The next day however he’s finding you the moment you leave your dorm room, asking to walk you to breakfast, class, you name it.
His apologies are genuine and on point. He knows what he did wrong, he knows why it was wrong and he actually puts the effort in to change his behavior.
And if anyone does say anything about your fighting stance, he’s on them in an instant. “Cut that shit out, she’s standing just fucking fine.”
Absolutely nothing, why are we even writing something. This angel could do no wrong, lol
The Crime: He yells at you. Ugh, and it hurts to write this one out!!
Yeah, I know. He is the level headed, sweet one of the group and that is absolutely true however I think Bodhi is the type of person to lose their cool every once in awhile. He is Xaden’s brother cousin after all. Like he’s got pent up emotions he doesn’t let out in a constructive way and it takes one moment to cause him to just lose it. And his fear of losing you or anyone else is projected as anger. He doesn’t mean it, but it happens.
So, he snaps at you. You’re tasked to stay behind while Bodhi and the others go out on patrol and you’re trying to convince him to let you go, saying that you’re needed there and you’re strong, which you are. However the back and fourth you both are having reaches a boiling point and Bodhi steps into his ‘wingleader’ voice and snaps with a “ I said no and thats final! Fuck, can’t you just take orders for once!”
How he apologizes: The moment it leaves his lips, and the second he sees you jerk your head, and take a step backwards he’s immediately apologizing. “Gods. I’m sorry. I’m, so, so sorry, love. I just can’t…I can’t…It can’t be you.”
He’s kind of short circuiting like Xaden but he’s much more of a waterfall of words whereas Xaden is all emotions behind the eyes.
He’s just embarrassed and ashamed he lost control like that in front of you.
Like, Bodhi would probably drop to his knees and start crying if you dont step in and tell him him to come into your arms.
“I dont deserve you.” He mumbles in your embrace. But you hold him still anyways. You’ve known him long enough to tell he’s genuinely sorry and you can see his fear through his anger
Is he off the hook though? Absolutely not. You give him a stern talking to about his behavior and he’s agreeing with everything you say.
And yes, you do get to come on the mission
And yes, yes. You best believe he puts a bouquet of flowers in your room or, better yet, hand them to you in front of everyone. Because, let’s be real Xaden learned that move from the Durran side of the family
Another precious one
The Crime: It’s not Liam’s fault, but I think it would be him not making time for you, and not seeing how much that hurts.
If we’re thinking of the Basgiath days, he’s Violet’s shadow, which means he puts her and his loyalty to Xaden above you. And that hurts.
You’re waiting for him in the hallway to talk to him and when you finally get ahold of him he’s distracted. His eyes are scanning for Violet. You tell him he needs to choose to focus on you or you’re walking away
“Please don’t ask this of me.” He pleads to you. But he’s still not making the eye contact you want. You’re done and leave him in the hallway.
You actively avoid him for a few days, even when he does manage to find the time to go look for you.
How he apologizes: Honestly, give one up for Violet who senses something is amiss and drags him to your room, pounding on the door to get you to open up so Liam can apologize. She takes it a step further and walks into your room and does her homework on your desk, saying she’s not listening so Liam can both apologize to you and keep his eyes on her.
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she-whatshername · 5 days
A dash of a Tyrrish Men Headcanon you didn’t ask for
Small NSFW, you’ve been advised.
Bodhi has an unbearable time giving you muscle massages. Every time you ask Bodhi for a back massage he happily obliges but gets immediately hard every time he touches you for an extensive amount of time. The mere thought that it is his hands that are giving you relaxation and comfort in any manner is just…exhilarating for him lolol. You never asked why he always needs to use the washroom after touching your skin like that.
One day he’s working a knot in your shoulder and he leans forward, accidentally pressing himself against your calf…
Bodhi: 😨👀
You: 😱…😏
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she-whatshername · 12 days
Good mornings with the Marked Ones:
AN: I don't know if its because I am writing him a lot in Drifted and head cannoning the life out of his character but I am really enjoying Garrick these days. Also, a little slight NSFW here. You've been advised.
Is he up before you: Yes. IDK how he can operate on so little sleep but he's absolutely the 'first one awake, last one asleep vibes'
He is the son of the aide of the former Duke of Tyrrendor. Garrick has probably completed at minimum 5 tasks before waking you up
How's he waking you up: One of two scenarios -
Shoulder kisses. Sweet, soft kisses to your shoulders, upper back and neck. Murmuring quiet "Mornin' my love."
He's being a total dick and ripping the sheets off of you and thrusting the curtains open, "Rise and shine you gorgeous little thing. My, don't you look ravishing this morning." He then proceeds to climb on top of you and kiss whatever exposed skin he could find.
You have to remind him quite frequently that your are not one Xaden and Bodhi and you're not going to be treated to bro-behavior first thing in the morning
He bringing anything to bed?: Breakfast in bed? Nope. Egotistical dick jokes. Yes
"Breakfast in bed? Oh, I have something satiate your appetite, love."
Like, sir. We are half awake please put it away.
But to our dismay and utter enjoyment, he does not.
Are you late for formation: He's not, but you almost are. Even if it is a quickie before formation he gives it his all and you're defiantly a bit disheveled as you walk into the courtyard.
Riorson is rolling his eyes at you but then you return the favor when Violet comes walking rushing in behind you with her hair in a rather messy crown braid she spends most of formation trying to correct.
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she-whatshername · 2 months
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Tyrrish men headcanons you didn't ask for, you didn't want, didn't need, but I give to you anyways.
Prompt: Love Confessions
I also use the term 'girl' in one of the prompts but feel free to strike that out and put your own self/pronouns/persona into it. These be for everyone, ya'll.
Xaden's hands skimmed the tops of your arms as he glided them up over your shoulders, collarbone and neck to finally rest at the base of your jaw. Each hand cradling the side of your head. You turned, unwilling to face him, but the strength of his fingers kept your head steady, and eyes locked on him. "I dont know what goes on in that beautiful, dangerous, lethal mind of yours that makes you think you're not worthy." He began, his voice pressing against your lips as he leaned in closer to you, "But I am going to kiss, and touch, and worship every inch of you so you'll never be convinced otherwise that there is any part of you I'm not utterly in love with."
"I will find you." He spoke it like a command, which brought you comfort in the chaos of the battle that surrounded the two of you. "Listen to me." He said again, taking both of your hands in his own, your left placed against his flight leathers directly over his heart, your right still tenderly held tight in his hand. "I have never lost hope when I was a locked up by my foster family, I never lost a challenge at Basgiath, hells I've never lost my patience being friends with Xaden of all people. And I will not lose you. You hear?" He kissed the top of your head, his lips lingering for a few moments before he pulled back, smiling, "I've got a perfect record to maintain, and I'm not going to break it. Now go, with the others and get to safety. I don't care how far away it is because I will always, always find you. You got that?"
You nodded at him, causing the man before you to smile as he muttered, "Yeah, that's my girl. Now lets go."
"Liam this is..." you paused looking at the wooding carvings on his desk, "Is this me."
"Yeah." He nodded sheepishly, "I know, It could be better."
You let out a laugh, "It looks just like me."
"There isn't a medium in the world that could capture the softness of your skin, or the beauty of your hair, the warmth of your heart even."
You looked up at him into his eyes. He was still smiling. And somehow, you could see the same glow that bore from his lips in the oasis of his eyes, "Liam. They're beautiful, they both are."
"Then take it." He said passing the small wooden of your into his hand alongside the one that looked similar to his own figure.
"I get both? You don't want to keep the one of you?"
Another smile, gods, could he get anymore beautiful, "You already own every part of me, my love. And now, you have a reminder that I have always been, and will always be, yours."
Oh, we got ourselves a Bodhi love confession, but I am saving it for 'Drifted'. I was weeping when I typed it and i'm so, so excited for it to make its way into the story. Its the best of the four in my opinion. So, if you're gnawing at your keyboard/mobile device for some Bodhi love, check out Drifted on Ao3.
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she-whatshername · 18 days
A couple in bed settling in for evening: Goodnight Dear
Their partner: Goodnight love, oh I forgot to tell you -
Me busting through their bedsheets: You Forgot to tell them about Tyrrish Men Headcanons you voted for last week, didn’t you dear?!
*Couple proceeds to scream
AN: Welcome back to another edition of Tyrrish Men Headcanons you did vote for, love languages edition. Also, you know what I found out about Love Languages, the author who wrote them is actually a controversial and, in my opinion, quite terrible person Lolol. All of this to say, I still wrote it and I like what wrote as a headcanon but damn, The more you knowww
What he gives: Acts of Service
This man THRIVES on helping and taking care of others
Probably has a multiple plans running in his mind at all times, with several back up plans waiting in the wings
He’s the son of the aide of the former Duke and leader of the rebellion
He’s also Xaden’s best friend, which is literally something I would put on my resume
I successfully handle Xaden and probably spared you from his wrath at one point without you knowing. Hired on the spot Lolol
He just knows what to do and just does it. If you need help with hand-to-hand, he’s already got a training schedule down and is telling you when to meet up. He also knows your schedule so he’s factored that in as well.
Would absolutely bring you breakfast in bed if you weren’t a morning person and would get you a cuppa tea at night if you had trouble going to sleep
Yeah he would make a sarcastic quip here and there to be funny about always taking care of you but he thrives off it and it gives him pride to know that he knows you so well that he can be of help to you
Like, the moment you start doing stuff that he does for you he’s like….”babe, did I do something wrong??”
Also…if we being NSFW about it…he takes his pride of acts of service from the streets to the sheets. From the Dais to the Dorms if you will. He knows what you need in all the right places
What he needs: Physical Touch
I think he’s touched starved. Hence the many mares this man has had in his stables
Though, I think it’s prolonged touches, the genuine caresses that he desires most, but is scared to act on it as the emotion of it all can be too much.
Hug. This. Man.
Hold his hand.
Just hold him in general. You probably can’t get your arms around his broad shoulders but you’ll be able to put his ego in a hug and that’s all that matters.
Put both of your hands on either sides of his face, your thumbs caressing his cheeks and lean in for a kiss….he’s swooning.
The scenario: After a rather tough battle with Wyvern during the RIorson House months, Garrick returns bruised and weary. You immediately suggest a bath. He resists at first. His years at Basgiath and taking an effective 90 second shower has ruined him for moments of self care. But, you promise him that you’ll be there too, taking care of him. You sit on the edge of the tub as he soaks in the water; you take your time caressing his skin with a cloth, cleansing the dirt and the pain off his body. Your nails dig into his scalp, soothing his thoughts as you massage the foams around his curls. He’s practically groaning with every touch you give him. He’s praising you in both Tyrrish and the common language, mixing the two into ineligible sentences. By the time you’re ready to apply the conditioner he’s begging you to join him, and drags you in fully clothed to hold you and show you his appreciation for your love for him.
What he gives: Words of affirmation
I meant, he probably does all of them very well. But I think his words of affirmation are just unbelievable.
The way he speaks to you, its so honest, real, and genuine.
He notices details about you, and knows you well enough that when he does give you praise and recognition, its truly heartfelt.
If you change something about yourself he’s the first to notice. A little quip like “New hair, Y/N.” While you’re walking down the hall.
If you get a good grade in class he’s embracing you with, “I knew you could do it, love. You were working so hard each night. Did you miss any points? It wasn’t that history question, was it? I knew you’d get that one right.”
If you sneeze like once the next day he’s checking in asking if you’re feeling alright or if your symptoms have gotten worse.
When you take down an opponent on the mat with a newer move you’ve been rehearsing and you look over to him he’s mouthing the words “Amazing” or “perfect”
If you’re a rider he’s probably guessed your signet already because he just knows you well enough to have a good guess on what it is. “Mending, huh? I knew it; you always said you wanted to take care of others. The Healer quadrant is going to be thanking you for lightening their workload now that you’ve manifested.”
LIke WTF he’s perfect your honor
Also, this man writes letters like is POETRY. Will sneak notes or letters into your belongings. When he’s on a mission for a few days he’s writing a letter each night and giving them to you when he sees you again.
Actually, I’m going in on this one, he’s written you poetry before. And it was perfect.
What he needs: Quality time
I think he realizes the true value of spending time with someone and knowing the pain of not having enough time with those he loves.
And when you make time for him, he just glows with appreciation
Give him your full attention, eye contact. No distractions like studying or revolution planning. Go for a walk around the quadrant. Have dinner with him at the kitchen table in RIorson house.
Just you and him
The Scenario: It’s been really hard to find quality time with Bodhi since you’ve arrived at Riorson house. You’re busy tending to the wounded riders and fliers to give Brennan a break and he’s out on missions, sometimes days at a time. When he’s back, he’s making plans with Xaden and Garrick. And when he is in bed with you he’s so tired he’s falling asleep instantly, sometimes in mid sentence. So, one day when he’s getting ready to head out on another mission you say, “Let me walk you to the flight field. Just you and me, okay?” You hold his hand, or link arms together and walk. You talk about everything that doesn’t have to do with the revolution and just bask in each other’s company. You give him a long, deep kiss before he climbs up Cuir and takes off. When he arrives home, you’re waiting for him. After a welcoming and warm kiss, you two walk back down to Riorson house together, hand in hand talking about the flora, the seasons changing, how much you’ve missed him. It’s not about the mission or what happened, its you and him. You make it a priority that every mission he’s out on you walk up together and back down together. Xaden and Garrick know this too and make a point not to interrupt your time together.
What he gives: Giving Gifts
It’s kind of a blend of acts of service, but its rooted in giving gifts
The gifts are truly heartfelt, an their purposeful.
Just think about him and Violet. The saddle, the dagger, the weaving book the JAR OF VIOLETS. The new furniture. He loves a good gift. Did many of those gifts come with unspoken secrets that should have been discussed prior to giving the gifts yes but THAT IS NOT THE POINT MY FRIENDS. He may be physically perfect but he is a young adult male…also he’s not Bodhi who is perfection so there’s that, Lolol
What Xaden is so good at with his gifts is that many of the ones he gives to you are not extravagant, they’re sentimental. It’s the “I was thinking of you when I saw this, because you’re always on my mind” vibes.
He gifts you a new uniform when its ripped during a challenge on the mat
He’ll probably rope Garrick and Bodhi to be the delivery person of said gifts when he’s not around either.
In the quadrant, he knew that you loved to cook. You often spoke about how you would make all the meals for your family growing up and even though you were doing well at making friends, you missed your family terribly. So, he gifted you the cooking duties when he was handing out assignments to each section. You were thrilled and didn’t mind waking up early each morning. At Riorson house, you had full range of the kitchens there too. And, during a mission he acquired a copy of a cookbook from your Provence filled with recipient of local dishes, in the language your family spoke
To get a gift from Xaden, it would be the best honestly
What he needs: How much time do we have Lolol - but its words of affirmation
I’ve always wondered what Xaden was like before the apostasy. Like, was he always moody, evasive and distant?
Bet he was still was cocky smartass though.
I ask this because over the years of the apostasy, foster care, Basgiath, The Assembly, all of the things basically, he’s become a very secretive person and withholds a lot from people. For his own survival and those he’s bound to protect. With that, I think of all the ways he needs love, I think words of affirmation are an absolute must for him.
I image he’s a guy who needs to ‘see it to believe it’ and in Xaden’s case, hear it to believe it.
You can spend time with him, touch him, take care of him, and all of that will be appreciated. But if you tell him how you feel, tell him how he makes you feel…
Give him those three words…give him all the words honestly. He needs it.
We know this shadowy asshole heartthrob can throw down some words of affirmation and gives a declaration of love like no other.
Once he hears how you feel for him, once he hears your declaration of love for him….clear your calendar for the rest of time friend, he’s taking up all of it.
The scenario: You’re tired of Xaden’s elusiveness when it comes to your ‘not really, but really’ relationship. You get it, he’s a wingleader and has so much on his hands, but he’s practically tiptoeing around you. Leaving you in the dark, literally and physically from his life. You love him but outside of his status in the quadrant you know nothing about him. But, you know something is up. The way he talks with Garrick and Bodhi. His ‘now he’s here, now he’s not’ elusiveness. The way the marked ones have such high regard for him. You dont want to push him into sharing something he’s not willing to, but you just want him to know that you’re all in, no matter what. So, during one afternoon when he’s been extra elusive with you, providing another half truth on where he was for the past two days you finally snap, “Xaden. Cut the shit will you.” That stops him in his tracts. He gives you a hard stare while you continue, “I…I need you to hear me when I say I love you. I love you as the WIngleader, I love you as the rider, I love you as Xaden who kisses my forehead every night before you sneak off back to you room…and yes I know you do that thinking I’m asleep. And I know you have…secrets. And I know that they are yours to keep. Xaden, I love them too. I know nothing about them, but I love them, because they’re yours. And one day, if you trust me enough to tell me, I’ll be here. And if you don’t trust me, that’s okay too. I love all that you’ve shown me more than I fear what you hide from me. So, just remember that, okay-“ He cuts you off before you can finish with his lips against yours. His hands grasping your shoulders as if he was the only thing keeping you in place. “Soon.” Is all he whispers as he kisses you again and again, “I can’t…but soon. I promise. Soon.” You smile against his lips, and you agree, “Soon.”
Liam - In the theme of ‘soon.’ , If you enjoyed the above let me know and I will update with a part two featuring Liam.
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