#Twisted Wonderland Deity AU
Remember that funny video where the dog is staring at the cupcakes but the owner is telling them “away, away”, I imagine that being both Grim and any version of Yuu with Trey in the kitchen and Cater with recording the whole thing
Video in question.
Omg, I remember that episode of “It’s Me or the Dog!” 😂 Victoria is a dog trainer in the show, and she was helping that family stop the family dog who was obsessed with human food and training him to resist the temptation of unattended food on the counter. 🤣
Now, aside from Kaiju!Trey (as they’re not exactly in a good environment or have the same process to make certain ingredients to attempt baking), I can definitely see Monster!Trey and Deity!Trey being used to the swarm of hungry dorm members drooling at the chance to get a bite of baked deliciousness. The moment Grim and Yuu (any of them) come into the picture though, he thinks it’s quite adorable how the two are almost always there, eagerly awaiting the “Go ahead” for them to dig into the tray. 
Oh, there’s a specific pastry that Yuu really misses from home and hasn’t been able to find in Twisted Wonderland? Just describe it to him and he’ll find the closest recipe possible and make sure it tastes the same. Nothing brings about feelings of warmth and comfort than a little taste of home, right? (The first time he does this for Yuu, I can see them crying like Chihiro from Spirited Away did when she was eating the rice ball with Haku nearby ;;v;; )
Meanwhile, Cater’s having a blast recording the reactions and posting to Magicam! Yuu and Grim sitting at the counter eagerly waiting for the treats to come out, resisting the urge to swipe the closest one, then happily humming while eating? Captured on camera~! Mini!Yuu and Grim sitting side-by-side watching the goodies bake in the Monster!AU? Or a video of the tiny toddler asking, “When are the yummies going to be ready?” while staring up at big brother Trey? Both got so many likes and reblogs that it momentarily caused Magicam to crash! 😂
Or how about teen/adult!Yuu (or even mini!Yuu…I just love wholesome cuteness regardless of the AU, darnit!!!) and Grim watching the stone-brick ovens churn out treat after treat as the God of Summer whips up more dough and batter faster than the eye can blink in the Deity!AU, Cater’s always there to capture the moment. He swears it’s like watching two adorable puppies waiting impatiently for their food, while Trey enjoys having the chance to spoil someone other than the members of his pantheon with baked goods! (And of course, he and Monster!AU Trey are more notorious than canon Trey when it comes to teeth hygiene for various reason. Can’t let those chompers get worn down by too much sugar and lack of care!)
Whichever AU they’re in (well, except the Kaiju!AU like I said, since I’m not even sure how they’d go about baking even if our intrepid little human figured out how to do it), Trey is always going to be the one who can whip up anything Yuu can imagine to help them feel at home. It’s not much, but if he can somehow bring a little taste of home to a lonely human/mortal, then that’s all that really matters to him in the end.
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yuumcbr · 16 days
A human's curiosity for an unknown god
Okay, this was in my notes and I didn't know whether to post it or not.
This is the deity AU by @ceruleancattail, I wrote this based on their amazing stories.
I think Leona might have become a bit OC, there's a POV switch.
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You are a History student and recently your class started studying Greek history. One of your teachers decided to give some classes about the history of some gods and asked you to choose one of them and do a seminar.
In your research you found something on an internet wiki about Falena, the God of the Sun. In Greek culture, he was as famous as the god Neige and the god Cheka.
But what you found on the wiki caught your attention, it was a god you had never heard of, God Leona, the younger brother of the god of the Sun.
You clicked to see if you could find more about him and discovered that Leona was known as the God of the Moon. You found it interesting, this would mean that Leona and Falena looked after opposite areas of the world.
However, unlike what you imagined, Leona was considered a bad god who haunted humans by bringing night.
I mean, back then it was normal to think that night was something bad, since it was dark and cold (and since candles were a luxury item and there was no electricity, it must have been a little scary).
But in a few wikis on the internet there was information about how Falena loved her little brother and that the god Cheka idolized him above all else.
Cheka might be known as the God of innocence and childhood, but you were sure that Falena would push him away if the God Leona was really bad company.
Maybe, just maybe, the information was never complete (a plot hole?).
After much, much research and your interest in this mysterious god grew, you decided that he would be the subject of your college research.
Your classmates said that they would research more well-known Gods and that you should do the same, but your interest in the unknown always spoke louder.
As time went by and the deadline for your assignment approached, you noticed that it was getting harder and harder to find anything about this god, and sometimes you even talked in front of the computer, begging for information.
"Come on Leona, show up!" or "Why is it so hard to find anything about you, Leona?"
Over time, you found one or two books with some superficial information, and when that happened, you said it was your lucky day. Tired of always searching the same internet and all the books in the college library, you decided to abandon this method and look elsewhere, and what better place would there be than in the country of the ancient religion itself.
With a long weekend coming up, you looked for a temple of Leona, that way you could research it more in depth.
No matter how much you looked for any temple, nothing appeared. So you decided to go to a city where you would find a temple of Falena and Cheka, hoping to find a temple of Leona nearby.
You bought your ticket, rented a hotel and calmly waited for the big day.
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The more followers a god has, the more power he has to use magic and perform miracles.
Just the fact that a human visits your temple or a place built to honor you is enough for him to be able to cure incurable diseases.
Constant prayer was even better, since this would signify faith in a god. It would give you the ability to move mountains.
However, if you wished to never meet this god or for another god to protect you from him, the god would begin to have a negative energy, meaning that if this god used magic, bad things would happen.
Leona thought that when he became known as the god of the moon, he would be as worshiped as his brother. However, several humans distorted his story to attract more followers to Falena.
And little by little, all who followed him were condemned and he could do nothing about it, since his magic was too negative to help them and this would only make the situation worse.
After the anger of having those who trusted him leave and having his feelings shattered. He gave up on ever having a follower again.
Centuries passed and several gods lost their followers to time and countless were resurrected.
No matter how many gods were forgotten, there was always someone who quoted them to say something and that was enough for their legacy to continue existing.
Leona had almost no moments where his legacy was remembered and of those few moments, most described him as a bad and bitter god.
He gave up on seeing what happened in the human world, just lying down and relaxing for eternity.
Sometimes he felt his chest tighten with something bad or a short feeling of goodness and he knew it was just another one of the few moments when someone remembered him.
Leona ignored it, never wanting to see what they talked about behind his back.
One day when Leona was playing chess alone, that distressing feeling appeared again and it made him angry.
"Tch, humans should learn to think a little with their heads instead of believing everything they see."
And as if this human was able to hear him, the feeling gradually improved, bringing a small joy.
This made Leona stop for a moment, holding a pawn in her hand and thinking deeply.
A ghost of a smile appeared when she understood, but she doesn't think it's worth checking, his game is more interesting than a short-lived thought.
However, the feeling lasted a few more hours before it went away.
The next day, Leona had dinner with Falena, Cheka and his sister-in-law at Falena's request.
"So Leona, what good have you been up to?"
His sister-in-law asked, trying to start a conversation.
Playing with the vegetables on his plate, the Moon God stared at his sister-in-law.
"Nothing much, just the same as always."
"Oh mom, yesterday there was a soul researching Unca!"
Cheka said excitedly, the god of innocence and childhood was always happy when a human was nice to his uncle.
Leona looked at his nephew, maybe yesterday's soul found him while researching about Cheka or his brother.
"Oh that's nice! It's not every day we get good news like this, why don't we celebrate?"
His brother said excitedly. He knows in reality they just want him to get out and interact with other gods.
"No, I'll pass. It would be ridiculous to celebrate every time someone remembers the existence of a god."
"Oh come on Leona, it's been a while since you've accompanied us to a party"
Falena insisted Leona highly doubts that the other gods would come anyway, he doesn't want to hear Ruggie laugh at the news of a party because of a human quote.
Dinner was over and before Leona could reach his resting place, his previous feelings returned.
Now there were more people talking about him, some curious and others more disinterested.
The lion-like god stopped walking, the conflicting thoughts of whether to go look at these humans or not fighting among themselves.
Apparently, some of these humans didn't seem very friendly towards him.
It would be a matter of time before that would disappear and he would fall into oblivion again.
However, contrary to Leona's thoughts, day after day, a human would return to want to know more about him.
He supposed that on the days when there were more people thinking about him, it was because the human he was thinking about frequently commented on his discoveries with his friends.
Not that he would admit it, but he was starting to get scared that the calming feeling in his chest would stop, that this curious mortal soul would stop being so interested in him.
What made him finally look at this human and give up the fear of oblivion was a prayer.
"Come on Leona, show yourself."
It wasn't a prayer, but it would qualify as one.
Leona was dozing off at the moment you made this unconscious prayer, the lion's eyes opened with the wave of power that ran through his body. Sitting up from where he was lying, Leona looked at his hands and gave a heartfelt laugh.
"How far will humans go for their curiosity?"
Opening a kind of magic bubble, he saw you for the first time.
You were sitting on a chair looking at a thin illuminated box, with some attention the god noticed that it was some kind of research.
He remembers Cheka mentioning long ago about thin boxes that work much like the magic bubble of gods, but less powerful.
He saw you put your head on the table.
"Why can't I find anything, not a single piece of additional information."
When you turned your gaze to the strange box, he saw the information about him disappear and go to Falena.
Your lips pursed in disgust at this action. In retaliation, you sighed and went back to thinking about him.
'Why is it so difficult to find anything about Leona? The few mentions about him oscillate between saying that he was good and evil.'
"Maybe if I…." The human in front of her began to research his temples. Leona doubted that he would find any that were still standing.
All of his temples (which weren't many) were destroyed a long time ago.
The days went by and your improvised requests to know more about him gradually increased your power. You didn't do it on purpose, you just talked to yourself, sometimes and it resulted in a kind of prayer, but it boosted your ego anyway.
He watched your day to day life and saw how you researched countless gods, but you didn't follow any of them.
Apparently you studied in a place that taught about various gods, religions and the history of the world. Interesting to say the least, seeing so many humans willing to learn about different gods and have an open mind to understand the past and present.
Leona liked to help you sometimes. Everything he did you would consider a stroke of luck. For your colleagues, you definitely had a guardian angel.
Leona always laughed when someone said that. You literally had a god who did many things for you. But in return, he always waited for her to seek him out.
It's fair, isn't it? Herbivore!
He helps you in your daily life and in return you ask to know more about him and feed his power.
In case you focused on something else or had another study you wanted to do for fun, Leona would give you some time.
However, if you dared to take too long to go back to researching about him, certain incidents would get in your way and lead you to the book with something about him that was closest.
Nothing too bad, just the wind blowing all your research away, or a heavy rain that would make you go back to the library to avoid getting wet.
When Leona noticed that you were looking for a temple of his near one of Falena or Cheka on the day I was free. He used his magic to change the research on your weird glowing box that you called PC and showed a temple of Farena and Cheka that there was one of his fallen temples nearby.
And maybe some other information that would make you go to him.
Seeing you excited about the trip and hoping that you would find something about Leona only fueled his arrogance.
Sometimes he liked to think of you as a follower and how everyone would react when they saw that someone believed in him again.
"Leona, there better be something about you in this place or I'll strangle you!"
A smile appeared on the lion's face, it was amusing to see a weak and defenseless human like you irritated when you didn't find anything new about him.
"Don't worry Herbivore, you'll find much more than just information!"
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English is not my first language, I used Google Translate.
I fixed some mistakes, but there must still be one or two left, sorry about that.
Thanks for reading this far, feel free to say something [I love to talk (◇w◇)].
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 11 months
Ok here's the request, how would Deity! Jamil, Leona, and Malleus discovered their temple was attacked and destroyed leaving the reader a priest or acolyte the only survivor. And they had to fend for themselves. At some point, they return and rebuild the temple, then train the new people how to protect themselves. I hope this isn't too complex.
Thank you so much for waiting, I feel terrible for making you wait so long. I hope you still enjoy this :)
Deity!Jamil, Leona, Malleus + Watching their sole acolyte rebuild their temples!
Jamil Viper
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Jamil was deeply enraged by the fact his temples were demolished, that his followers were slaughtered, and that his image was made a mockery of. That instead of simply dismissing his work, -which would have still pissed him off, but significantly less so- those against him chose to go after the innocent followers needing a place to belong.
He watches as the sole survivor, his poor acolyte, run to safety amidst the chaos. At this rate, there was nothing that he could do other than bless them with his gift of knowledge and hope that they would one day return.
Those hopes rang true as he saw you return many months later; and not alone. You had come back with a handful of skilled followers willing to come rebuild what had been destroyed. In only a handful of weeks, plans to revive the temple were already on their way. He was quite proud to see you use his blessings in such a way.
For Jamil, he sees the idea of making physical appearances needless to his followers. They know he watches over them, and he’d rather not deal with the frighteningly high number of people that go mad after meeting a deity. But, since you showed such a striking display of loyalty to him, he is more willing to bend that rule and thank you “in person”. It was via a mirage but the point still stands.
“You have shown me that your piety is unwavering, and that you truly care for me as well as your fellow acolytes. For that you have my thanks and my offer to you: I will grant you any wish you have, you just have to say it. What do you have your heart set on?”
Leona Kingscholar
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Leona is also quite pissed at the destruction of his temple, but shifts his focus to the sole survivor: you. As long as he’s able to assist you to safety, he knows the fate of his religion rests in good hands.
While Leona would like you to eventually return, he’s not holding his breath. Considering what you witnessed and experienced, he’d be very surprised to see you stay in that part of the city.
So imagine the shock he had when you came back, not some three weeks later, ready to reclaim what was thought to have been lost. Proud doesn’t even begin to describe how he feels as he watches you bring people from all over to assist. Especially since he definitely isn’t the most beloved deity in the pantheon.
Of course, he’s not gonna let you go unrewarded. And don’t even think about telling him that “working for him is reward enough” shit. He’s been around humans for long enough to know that they love their silly little gifts and trinkets.
“You. Let me talk with you. What is it do you want me to give you? Power, money, fame? Don’t get all bashful now, you did something for me and I’m not gonna let that go unpaid.”
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus is completely heartbroken. For starters, his followers are very few and far between. So for them to be slaughtered to make a mockery of him shook him to his core. Was he angry? Yes of course, but he cared about the followers that he started to view as family more than anything else.
As he watched you flee to safety, he had convinced himself that you would never return to his temple. He didn’t blame you either. It was far too dangerous; his many enemies could be lurking anywhere.
When you do eventually return, whether it’s been days, weeks, months, or maybe even years, he greats you like you never left. With open arms and acceptance.
He works with you to rebuild the temple. Deities aren’t technically supposed interact directly with mortals, but it’s not a heavily enforced rule either. With his help, it’s restored to its former glory in a matter of days; alongside any additions you wanted to make.
“You came back to me. For that, you have my eternal gratitude. I will never forget your kindness, and swear that your actions will be rewarded handsomely.”
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sweetbunpura · 9 days
Rollo and Yuu arguing with each other :3
People: Little foxes having an argument~
Rollo: We both know swearing does nothing!
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roseapov · 1 year
TWST Self Aware AU
The difference between 'The Player' and 'The Overseer' based on my observations and some Headcannons
Warning: Mentions of obsession, slaying people, stalking, cult themes and delusional worshippers
[TWST Self Aware AU] - [Masterlist]
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The Player:
Everyone knows that Twisted Wonderland is just a game and they're the characters in it. They as a self aware AU communicate with you through Yuu, as it is their only form of communication with you (unlike the Overseer). They see you as their 'safe space' and can be/are possessive of you, cause of the comfort that you bring to them (some more than the others). They know you're somewhere out there playing and having your own life, so they really appreciate it when you do decide to play.
You don't have worshippers, just a bunch of students obsessively starved for your affection and attention - trying to harbor it all to themselves (Poor boys, shower them with affection - or not, Choose the safest option).
The Housewardens would be the most clingiest of them all. They have some real problems to overblot in the first place (-Kalim, +Jamil), but your presence seems to calm all their worries, so stay with them a little longer. Just. A. Little. Longer.
They're also not above stalking - when you play there's always someone following Yuu around, and when you're offline those with more magic than the others have the chance to infiltrate through your phone and watch your daily life through the camera as well as hear your voice through the microphone.
Since you communicate through Yuu, there are 2 options I see happening when you're offline:
Yuu is living their normal life without your influence as an npc, where they normally talk to everyone behind the scenes
When you log out, Yuu just disappears, which I think is pretty reasonable. Everyone then knows that you're offline and the only thing they can do is wait for you to log in again.
And of course, our very lonely Future Fae King tries to bring you into their world with his powerful magic, so he won't have to be alone anymore💕 The others also approve of this action, so See you soon!
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The Overseer:
The characters there are a bunch of lunatic worshippers that see you as a God/Creator, and The Overseer. You're known there internally and Nations are worshipping you (unlike The Player who is only known by the characters they met). Their level of worship is different in each county, when in some (Briar Valley) you're the highest being to ever exist, while in the others you're seen as a respectable person who watches over them, but not as the deity to offer-everything-you-can to (Sunset Savanna, since they already have a Royal Family that rules for centuries - the irony since Briar Valley also have long ruling Royal Family).
You're a perfect being that soothes them, they're totally obsessed and very possessive of your attention. They have no problems with slaying everyone who's not respecting you enough *ekhem* Briar Valley/Diasomnia. They are elated when they feel your gaze linger on them a little longer than on the others.
They can feel your gaze on them, feel your touches but your silhouette is blurred/transparent for them (thanks to the screen, cause as we all know, the screen can't compare to the real experience), so they don't know your exact look (even tho they're dying to know *ekhem* Pomefiore, cause of their Fairest Queen opinion on you).
The Great Seven also met you (thanks to the Fairy of thorns), their God and Creator. They have made various opinions on your person (all positive, cause don't forget - they're all obsessed delulus), like for example: The Fairest Queen opinion on you is that 'You're the Fairest one of them all', all said while kneeling before your beauty.
Of course our current generation is also dying to meet their creator in all of their glory, so our most powerful and most delusional Diasomnia boys (mostly Malleus and Lilia) are trying to find a way to bring you into their world to worship you endlessly like you rightfully deserve.
You're not really communicating with them through Yuu, as they can see you through the screen of your phone (although blurry). They are always talking to you, always looking at you. All those lines, all for you, towards you, so answer them, look at them or things may get really ugly.
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Some of my rambling now:
I know many days ago I posted that my first fic will appear in a few days, but it never did (sorry🙏). My first fic project was very ambitious and in the meantime I caugt a cold which numbed me totally, but it did gave me many ideas for fics in the future🤭. So instead of the fic planned to be my first one, this one will serve the purpose of being the first fic - pretty analysational and rational (I hope).
I'm still working on the fic that was supposed to be the first one, yet i have too little information on the topic to write it (it's also gonna be analysis like), so I'm going to take my sweet time with writing it and hopefully after the october (cause of the october writing challenge), succesfully release it.
I hope this fic came out good and y'all are satisfied with it, I am also open to any criticizm towards my works, so please feel free to tell me where i can improve!
I also apologize for all the mistakes that I could possibly have done here👀
Thank you all again and see you soon!💕
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the-broken-truth · 5 months
Introducing: The Self-Aware/Overseer AU
Broken: I have recently been reading stories about a game called "Self-Aware TWST". In this game, the characters are aware of the player controlling their story, as well as a vessel is known as "Yuu" or "The Ramshackle Prefect". The characters also see the player as the "God of Twisted Wonderland".
Inspired by this concept, I have decided to create my own characters - the Overseer Twins of Twisted Wonderland. They are a brother and sister duo who are believed to have created Twisted Wonderland, the Great Seven, and magic itself. Despite their immense power, they chose to live among their creations in mortal bodies and possess powerful magic.
In reality, the twins possess powerful magic, but when they arrive at Night Raven, they try to conceal their true identities as deities. However, the 22 main characters recognize their eyes and their voices from their time watching Wonderland from an unknown realm.
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the-trinket-witch · 2 years
Twisted Fears? Twisted Archives? What I'm trying to say is, "NEW AU ROLLING OUT"
So since I’ve gotten into TWST, I’ve also been wrangling my residual Magnus Archives Brainrot. I’d finished it just as I hopped aboard, and it’s seeped into my enjoyment of this fandom too. For those who aren't into 🏳️‍🌈 Horror podcasts, The Magnus Archives takes the idea of Primal Fear, separates them into 14 Eldritch Powers, akin to deities, and they have tangible power and presence in our world. Their influence is brought onto others by way of Avatars-humans and artifacts that have been touched by and can use powers from that Fear. 
Now With That all in mind, The AU/concept I've been drawing is more or less answering the question: Which Twisted Wonderland Characters would be touched by different fears to be Its Avatar?
This is more of a personal writing project, BUT, I am more than happy to accept requests or prompts regarding it. It is predominantly going to be a Horror AU, with possible Yandere themes. I’ll be accepting requests, headcanons and Ideas for this so send them my way! I'll be editing this periodically when I add new art to this project, so keep an eye out on that.
As for the Listed Avatars and Domains, I have:
Azul: The Buried-Fear of tight spaces/suffocating/drowning/overwhelment/everything crashing down around you.
Lilia: The Vast-Fear of Falling/too wide open space/the feeling of insignificance against things MUCH bigger than you
Cater: The Lonely-Fear of isolation/fully being cut off from others and society
Yuu/MC: The Stranger-Fear of The Uncanny/unfamiliar
Leona: The Corruption-Fear of decay/filth/corruption
Riddle: The Desolation-Fear of destruction/pain/burning
Floyd: The Slaughter-Fear of wanton/unmotivated violence/pain coming any random moment
Jade: The Spiral-Fear of being lied to/madness/deception
Jamil: The Web-Fear of being controlled/trapped/being unaware of one's own entrapment
Rook: The Hunt-Fear of being seen/pursued as Prey.
Vil: The Flesh-the insignificant feeling knowing we are just Meat and Bone/Feelings of body dysmorphia/body image discomfort
Idia: The Eye-The fear of being watched/having secrets exposed/the drive for knowledge even at personal cost
Ortho: The End-Death…
Malleus: The Dark-self explanatory/fear of what we can't see lurking in the dark/the unknown
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It be pretty funny if Yuu did that pulling finger off trick in front of the others in either monster au or god au
Ah yes, a non-magical human's trick to baffle and amaze others. Optical illusions, sleight of hand, smoke and mirrors--you name it, and someone will have found more ways to impress (and confuse) their audience!
I can see the magic "disappearing thumb" trick working on some of the more naive members of the boys in both AUs. Ace knows a lot of magic tricks thanks to his older brother (such as the card trick and the disappearing coin trick he taught Grim in the game), so he'd be amongst the more keen-eyed students (aka most of the second and third years) who would figure out it was a simple hand trick off bat. Whether they reveal the truth or not though depends on when the reactions of the others stop being so hilarious!
Riddle might initially be fooled in both AUs (if Yuu chose to do it during a tea party, then yes, he spat out his tea in shock), but he quickly figures it out because he's too curious to know the methodology behind it. Malleus and Kalim, however, might be the only ones who would be a mix of amazed and horrified (although compared to deity!AU Kalim, monster!AU Kalim would be scrambling around the room yelling and barking like the fennec einfield fox he is looking for the first aid kit. Monster!AU Jamil was not amused).
Now, if Yuu were to do things like the "invisible chair" trick like in this video here and other public magic tricks, imagine the sheer chaos and shenanigans that can occur in the monster!AU or the amusement in the deity!AU! Woe be to those researchers who thought Yuu had somehow developed magical powers. U.U
Hmm...now that I think about it, in the deity!AU, most of the deities would be out of touch with mortal activities. Sure, they may be able to watch mortals going about their daily lives, but generally speaking, they have other duties to perform. Like North said in "Rise of the Guardians" when Jack asked when was the last time he, the tooth fairy, and Easter bunny hung out with kids/knew how to have fun:
"We are very busy bringing joy to children! We don't have time...for children?"
Except in this case, the deities are very busy with maintaining the balance for mortals. They don't have time to interact...with...mortals...oh.
These guys are going to discover that they have much to learn once Yuu meets them. And luckily, they do have some deities who are more familiar with the way mortals work, so they'll be more than happy to educate their fellow deities~!
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yuumcbr · 16 days
A curiosidade de um humano por um deus desconhecido
Ok, isso estava nas minhas anotações e não sabia se postava ou não.
Essa é a deity AU de @ceruleancattail, escrevi isso baseados nos contos incríveis deles.
Acho que Leona pode ter ficado um pouco oc, há troca de POV.
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Você é um estudante de História e recentemente sua turma começou a estudar sobre a história grega. Um de seus professores decidiu dar alguma aulas sobre a história de alguns deuses e pediu para você escolherem um deles e fizessem um seminário.
Em suas pesquisas você achou algo em uma wiki na internet sobre Falena, o Deus do Sol. Na cultura grega, ele era tão famoso quanto o deus Neige e o deus Cheka.
Mas o que você acho na wiki te chamou atenção, era um deus que você nunca havia ouvido falar. Deus Leona, o irmão mais novo do deus do Sol.
Você clicou para ver ser encontrava mais sobre ele e descobriu que Leona era conhecido como o Deus da Lua. Você achou interessante, isso significaria que Leona e Falena cuidavam de áreas opostas do mundo.
Porém, diferente do que você imaginou, Leona era considerado um deus ruim e que assombrava os humanos trazendo a noite.
Quer dizer, naquela época era normal pensar que a noite era algo ruim, já que era escura e fria (e como velas eram um artigo de luxo e não existia energia, deveria ser um pouco assutador).
Mas em algumas poucas wikis da internet haviam informações sobre como Falena amava seu irmãozinho e que o deus Cheka o idolatrava a cima de tudo.
Cheka poderia ser conhecido como o Deus da inocência e da infância, contudo você tinha certeza que Falena o afastaria se o Deus Leona você realmente uma má companhia.
Talvez, apenas talvez, a informação nunca esteve completa (um furo na história? ).
Depois de muitas e muitas pesquisas e seu interesse por esse deus misterioso aumentou, você decidiu que ele seria a matéria da sua pesquisa da faculdade.
Seus colegas disseram que pesquisariam sobre Deuses mais conhecidas e que você deveria fazer o mesmo, porém seu interesse pelo desconhecido sempre falou mais alto.
Com o passar do tempo e a data do trabalho se aproximando, você notou que estava cada vez mais complicado achar algo sobre esse deus e às vezes até falava na frente do computador, implorando por informações.
"Vamos Leona, apareça!" ou "Porque é tão complicado achar algo sobre você, Leona?"
Com o tempo, você encontrava um ou dois livros com alguma informação rasa e quando isso ocorria você dizia que era o seu dia de sorte. Cansado de sempre procurar na mesma redes e em todos os livros da biblioteca da faculdade, você decidiu abandonar esse método e procurar em outros lugares e que lugar seria melhor do que no próprio país da religião antiga.
Com um feriado prolongado chegando, você procurou por um templo de Leona, dessa maneira você poderia pesquisar mais afundo sobre ele.
Por mais que procurasse por qualquer existência de um templo, nada apareceu. Então você escolheu ir a uma cidade onde encontraria um templo de Falena e Cheka, com a esperança de achar um templo de Leona por perto.
Você comprou sua passagem, alugou um hotel e esperou calmamente para o grande dia.
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Quanto mais seguidores um deus tem, mais poder ele tem para usar magia e fazer milagres.
Apenas o fato de um humano visitar seu templo ou um local construído para te homenagear, já é o suficiente para que ele consiga fazer curar doenças incuráveis.
Uma oração constante era ainda melhor, já que isso significaria a fé em um deus. Daria a capacidade de mover montanhas.
Porém caso você desejasse nunca encontrar esse deus ou que outro deus te protegesse dele, o deus começava a ter uma energia negativa, fazendo que se este Deus usasse magia, coisa ruins aconteceriam.
Leona pensou que na época em que ficou conhecido como deus da lua seria tão adorado como seu irmão. Porém vários humanos distorceram sua história para atraírem mais seguidores a Falena.
E aos poucos, todos que o seguiam foram condenados e ele não pode fazer nada a respeito, já que sua magia estava muito negativa para ajudá-los e isso só pioraria a situação.
Após a raiva de ter aqueles que confiavam nele indo embora e ter seus sentimentos despedaçados. Ele desistiu de ter um seguidor novamente.
Séculos se passaram e vários deuses perderam seus seguidores para o tempo e inúmeros foram reerguidos.
Por mais que vários deuses fossem esquecidos, sempre havia alguém que citava-os para dizer algo e isso era o suficiente para que seu legado continuasse existindo.
Leona teve quase nenhum momento onde seu legado fosse lembrado e desses poucos momentos, a maioria o descrevia como um deus ruim e amargo.
Ele desistiu de ver o que acontecia no mundo dos humanos, só deitando e relaxando pela eternidade.
Às vezes ele sentia seu peito apertar em algo ruim ou um sentimento curto de bondade e ele sabia que era apenas mais um dos poucos momentos em que alguém se lembrou dele.
Leona ignorava, nunca querendo ver sobre o que falavam nas suas costas.
Em um dia em que Leona jogava xadrez sozinho, aquele sentimento angustiante apareceu novamente e isso o fez ficar irritado.
"Tch, humanos deveriam aprender a pensar um pouco com suas cabeças ao invés de acreditarem em tudo que veem."
E como se este humano fosse capaz de ouvi-lo o sentimento melhorou aos poucos, trazendo uma pequena alegria.
Isso fez Leona parar por um momento, segurando um peão em sua mão e pensando profundamente.
Um fantasma de um sorriso apareceu quando entendeu, mas ele não acha que valha a pena conferir, seu jogo é mais interessante que um pensamento de curta duração.
Porém o sentimento durou mais algumas horas antes que fosse embora.
No dia seguinte, Leona jantou com Falena, Cheka e sua cunhada a pedido de Falena.
"Então Leona, o que tem feito de bom?"
Sua cunhada perguntou tentado puxar assunto.
Brincando com as verduras em seu prato, o Deus da Lua encarou sua cunhada.
"Nada demais, apenas o mesmo de sempre"
"Ah mãe, ontem havia uma alma pesquisando sobre Unca!"
Cheka disse animado, o deus da inocência e da infância sempre ficava feliz quando um humano era legal com seu tio.
Leona olhou para seu sobrinho, talvez a alma de ontem encontrou sobre ele enquanto pesquisava sobre Cheka ou seu irmão.
"Oh isso é legal! Não é todo dia que temos uma boa notícia como esta, porque não comemoramos?"
Seu irmão disse animado, mas Leona sabe na realidade eles só querem que ele saia um pouco e interaja com outros deuses.
"Não, eu passo. Seria ridículo festejar toda vez que alguém se lembra da existência de um deus".
“Ah vamos Leona, já faz um tempo que você não nos acompanha em uma festa”
Falena insistiu, porém Leona duvida muito que os outros deuses viriam de qualquer maneira, ele não quer ouvir a risada de Ruggie com a notícia de uma festa por causa de uma citação humana.
O jantar terminou e antes que Leona pudesse chegar a seu local de descanso, os sentimentos anteriores voltaram.
Agora havia mais pessoas falando sobre ele, uns curiosos e outros mais desinteressados.
O deus com características de leão parou sua caminhada, os pensamentos conflitantes de ir olhar sobre esses humanos ou não lutavam entre si.
Aparentemente, alguns desses humanos não pareciam muito amigáveis com ele.
Seria questão de tempo até que isso sumisse e ele caísse no esquecimento novamente.
Porém, ao contrário do pensamentos de Leona, dia após dia, um humano voltava para querer saber mais sobre ele.
Ele supôs que nos dias que haviam mais pessoas pensando nele, era porque o humano que pensava com frequência comentava suas descobertas com seus amigos.
Não que ele fosse admitir, mas estava começando a ficar com medo que o sentimento calmante em seu peito parasse, que essa alma mortal curiosa parasse de se interessar tanto nele.
O que o fez finalmente olhar esse humano e desistir do medo do esquecimento foi uma oração.
"Vamos Leona, apareça"
Não era uma oração, mas se classificaria como uma.
Leona estava cochilando no momento em que você fez essa oração inconsciente, os olhos do leão se abriram com a onda de poder que correu por seu corpo.
Se sentando de onde estava deitado Leona olhou para suas mãos e deu uma risada sincera.
"Até onde os humanos vão por sua curiosidade?"
Abrindo uma espécie de bolha mágica, ele te viu pela primeira vez.
Você estava sentada em um cadeira olhando para uma caixa fina iluminada, com alguma atenção o deus notou que aquilo era uma espécie de pesquisa.
Ele se lembra de Cheka ter mencionado há muito tempo sobre caixas finas que funcionam muito parecida com a bolha mágica de deuses, mas menos poderosas.
Ele viu você colocar a cabeça na mesa.
"Por que não encontro nada, nem uma única informação a mais".
Quando você voltou seu olhar para caixa esquisita, ele viu as informações sobre ele sumirem e irem para Falena.
Seus lábios franziram em desgosto com essa ação. Você em retaliação suspirou e voltar a pensar nele.
'Porque é tão complicado achar algo sobre Leona? As poucas citações sobre ele oscilam em falar que ele era bom e mal.'
"Talvez se eu…."
O humano a sua frente começou a pesquisar sobre templos dele, Leona duvida muito que ele encontre algum que ainda esteja de pé.
Todos os seus templos (que não eram muitos) foram destruídos a muito tempo.
Os dias continuaram e seus pedidos improvisados de saber mais sobre ele aumentavam seu poder aos poucos. Você não fazia de propósito, apenas falava sozinho, às vezes e resultava em uma espécie de oração, mas isso aumentava seu ego mesmo assim.
Ele assistia seu dia a dia e via como você pesquisava sobre inúmeros deuses, mas não seguia nenhum.
Aparentemente você estudava em um lugar que ensinava sobre vários deuses, religiões e a história do mundo. Interessante para dizer o mínimo, ver tantos humanos dispostos a aprender sobre diversos deuses e ter a mente aberta para entender o passado e o presente.
Leona gostava de te ajudar às vezes, tudo que ele fazia você consideraria um golpe de sorte. Para seus colegas você definitivamente tinha um anjo protetor.
Leona sempre ria quando alguém dizia isso, você literalmente tinha um deus que fazia várias coisas para você. Mas em troca, ele sempre esperava por sua busca por ele.
É justo, não é? Herbívoro!
Ele te ajuda no seu cotidiano e em troca você pede para saber mais sobre ele e alimenta seu poder.
No caso de você focasse em outra coisa ou tivesse outro estudo que quisesse fazer por diversão, Leona te daria um tempo.
Porém se você ousasse demorar demais para voltar a pesquisar sobre ele, certos incidentes te atrapalhariam e te guiariam ao livro com alguma coisa sobre ele mais próximo.
Nada muito ruim, apenas o vento soprando toda sua pesquisa para longe, ou uma chuva forte que faria você voltar a biblioteca para não se molhar.
Quando Leona notou que você procuraria um templo dele perto de um de Falena ou de Cheka no dia em que estive livre. Ele usou sua magia para mudar as pesquisas da sua caixa esquisita luminosa que você chamava de PC e mostrou um templo de Farena e Cheka que havia um dos seus templos caidos por perto.
E talvez algumas outras informações que fariam você ir até ele.
Ver você animado pela viagem e torcendo para que encontrasse algo sobre Leona só alimentou sua arrogância.
Às vezes ele gostava de pensar em você como um seguidor e como todos reagiriam ao ver que alguém voltou a acreditar nele.
"Leona, é bom ter algo sobre você neste lugar ou vou estrangula-lo!"
Um sorriso apareceu no rosto do leão, era divertido ver um humano fraco e indefeso como você irritado quando não encontrava nada novo sobre ele.
"Fique tranquilo Herbívoro, você encontrará muito mais que apenas uma informação!"
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Desculpe se houver algum erro de gramática, revisei inúmeras vezes e parece que cada vez que faço isso, acho um erro novo.
Obrigada por ler até aqui, fique a vontade para dizer algo [adoro conversar (◇w◇) ].
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sweetbunpura · 9 days
Rollo calls Yuu "Kit" as if he isn't only a decade or two older than her lol.
(Which kinda tracks, since, in the main sanctuary au, Rollo is a few months older than Yuu. Poor Rolls is gonna get called old no matter the universe it seems, ha.)
Lmao yeah! Rollo's birthday is in February, Yuu's is in March! They're only a month apart!
Yuu, learning this: Asshole, you're only a decade older than me! I should be calling you the "Kit"!
Rollo, face is red: I'm more mature than you!
Yuu: At least I don't look like an old man!
Rollo, gasp and covers his mouth with one of his tails: I do not look old!
Yuu: The eye bags and the haircut beg to differ! Did your barber hate you that much?
Rollo: You are childish!
Yuu: And you need to pull that stick out of your ass!
Imagine passing by and seeing two foxes just yipping at each other.
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fizzydreamz · 1 year
✎ Writing Masterlist ✎
Started: August 26th, 2023
Last Updated: August 8th, 2024
ℕ𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕝 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕪
✼ Divine Oracles ✼
Raymond Brooks
Raeni Brooks
More coming soon..
✵ Astraverra ✵
New Deity Alert!
More coming soon..
✝ Archangels ✝
The War
Beautiful Angels
There Wasn't Much Time
It Was Nice To Be Loved
More coming soon..
✵ Humans ✵
Estevan Morello
Some Dialogue
Zelda Whitlock
Did you know the stars could cry?
Extra Temple Guardians
Have Faith
More coming soon..
★ Mysticals ★
Anubis Thora
Not Really the Bad Guy
A Cold Heart
Did you know the stars could cry?
Ezekiel Ableson
About Him
Zachary Sullivan
Did you know the stars could cry?
More coming soon..
⋆ Vampires ⋆
Luther Ashdown
More coming soon..
✧ Demons ✧
Enough About Purity (Not Canon anymore)
𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕪
Mission Update: Escape to a nearby Galaxy
The Solar Court
War is Brewing
Runa Soulstone
Ancient Writings
More coming soon..
𝔽𝕦𝕟 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 (ℝ𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕤, 𝕖𝕥𝕔)
An Unhealthy Addiction feat. Chuki Gatsha and Leona Kingschloar
Twisted Wonderland: Pirate Au feat. Raymond Brooks, Raeni Brooks and Zelda Whitlock
Twisted Wonderland: Prince! Azul Ideas PT 1.
Twisted Wonderland: Fantasy! Jade Ideas
Valentines Day Special: Deity Ocs x GN! Reader
"I'm ____ of course" trend (Oc Edition)
♥ All writing and rightful ocs belong to FizzyDreamz ♥
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 2 years
Hello I remember your Deity AU for Twisted Wonderland is it ok with you if I request something for it?
Go for it! It might take a little longer for me to respond because because I have a couple more requests :)
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the-broken-truth · 7 months
[CRAFTED: MARCH 3, 2024]
[UPDATED: MARCH 3, 2024]
The Prince's Precious Brother - [Leona Kingscholar] [Platonic Yandere] [Male Yuu]
Summary: Sixteen years ago, Leona experienced a tragic loss that changed him forever. His newborn brother, Feore Kingscholar, was taken away and declared dead, causing him immense pain that he carried with him throughout his entire life. However, everything changed when he arrived at Night Raven College and met Yuu Arisugawa - The Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm. During Crewel's Class, a secret was revealed, and Leona decided to reclaim what was rightfully his. He was determined to do it at any cost, and no one would be able to stop him without facing the consequences.
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Missing Piece - [Leona Kingscholar] [Yandere] [Female Yuu]
Summary: Leona finds Yuu is pregnant with his child and demands she get rid of it; claiming he hated children and walked nothing to with the cub she was carrying. Upon refusing to do so, she ends their relationship. 7 years have passed since graduation, and Leona is working at his Father's Company but he feels like something is missing in his life. He finds what he is missing upon meeting a lost boy while on his way to work.
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Yuu - Child of the Great Seven
Summary: The Magicless Prefect of Ramshackle is revealed to be the child of the deities of Twisted Wonderland - The Great Seven! Watch how the Friends of the Prefect react to this.
PARTS: The Great Seven | Meeting The Headmaster | The Queen of Hearts in Heartslabyul | The King of Beasts in Savanaclaw | The Sea Witch in Octavinelle | The Sorcerer of the Sands in Scarabia | The Fairest Queen in Pomefiore | The King of the Underworld in Ignihyde | The Thorn Fairy in Diasomnia | Departure
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Twisted Wonderland Nonsense
Summary: Random Stuff My Brain Cooked Up.
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Shattered Fragments - [Papa Crewel] [Big Brother Sam] [Enma Yuuken/Male Yuu]
Summary: After an accident at Night Raven Campus, the Prefect of Ramshackle, Enma Yuuken, is left severely injured and in a coma. Crewel and Sam decide to take matters into their own hands and protect Yuuken from danger. When Yuuken wakes up, he has lost his memory, and Crewel and Sam make a vow to help him regain it, but with a few modifications.
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A Mad Lion's Love - [Yandere] [Leona Kingscholar] [Oneshot]
Primal Hunt - [Yandere] [Werewolf Jamil Viper] [Female Yuu] [Oneshot]
Divulgence - Twisted Wonderland (INSPIRED BY @shiny-jr's - I Didn't Ask To Be Isekaied AU (Rightful Credit To Them)
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TWST OC - First Prince Sabor Zoro of Diasomnia [FIRST ATTEMPT]
TWST OC - Second Prince Malik Zoro of Savanaclaw [FIRST ATTEMPT]
TWST OC - Yuusuke Okumura of Ramshackle [FIRST ATTEMPT]
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m34gs · 6 months
honestly some of these twisted wonderland outfits and the art that fanartists make has got me thinking about some sort of deity au or something
I have scraps of it floating around in my head just trying to come together and form a coherent picture
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Hi I don't know if your taking requests or not, if you aren't please just ignore this. I had a small idea for the Yuu au's, where Yuu is actually like an slumbering God that was summoned by the mirror. Like, just imagine, Yuu is an almighty powerful being, and yet they are forced to live in a dump, and fight edgy teenagers all day. I don't know why, but I can't help but chuckle at the idea of it. I think that Yuu would be the God of mischief, but that's just my thoughts. Hope this is too weird😅
I… may have strayed off from the God of Mischief idea and wrote whatever what was on my mind, ehehe. I got carried away.
Also, I technically don’t take requests(?). Well, at least I think I don’t. Taking request means having a quota to fill (or at least that’s what I think it means) but I like writing at my own pace 'cause it's fun to experiment with things. Y'all give great ideas in my inbox, though I haven't really gotten around that, hehe. Wait, is that considered taking requests? Hmmm...
I'm just here to mix-and-match different kinds of Yuus with different kinds of personalities to see what monstrosity I can make. That being said,,, Deity!Yuu brainrot!
Unlike the normal coffin that students that get to attend NRC get, Yuu wakes up in their own specialized coffin.
One that was made for them by some people they could call their friends a long, long time ago. A coffin hidden inside a room, unable to be seen by anyone, alone and peacefully slumbering.
Well, that was until they were forcefully awoken by someone when their coffin was opened by none other than Grim.
Grim rejoiced about being able to open a coffin but then notices that the person inside wasn’t wearing the students’ robes, meaning that the person probably wasn’t a student.
Yuu’s just confused that someone was able to open the coffin because they were sure that the coffin wouldn’t be able to be opened unless under certain conditions.
“How did you find this room, dear?”
“What do you mean?”
“This room can’t be seen or entered by just anyone… much less can anyone open this coffin.”
“Then that just means that the Great Grim isn’t just anyone! Fnyahahaha! Wait, what are you doing here anyway?”
Well, mystery aside, Yuu finds themselves charmed by Grim’s personality. He's bubbly and mischievous, a child still learning and growing.
Yuu loved watching all kinds of creatures grow and learn, never static or still. Ever changing and flawed, yet still beautiful. Unlike them who simply… existed.
Yuu gets out of the coffin, although they seem to have trouble with walking. Or standing, really. Like a baby deer that was just learning to walk.
"What are you doing? Are you broken or something?”
"Oh no, I hope not. Just a moment dear, I’ll be reoriented with walking soon. It isn’t always that I have a corporeal form, you know.”
“Corpo-what? What does that mean?”
Of course Yuu refuses to elaborate and just chuckles.
So anyway, the two make their way outside the hidden room and Yuu learns that Grim’s reason for opening the coffin, and that all the other coffins that he found were empty aside from Yuu’s.
Grim perhaps may not have realized it but it seemed that he instinctively trusted Yuu and was ready and willing to tell a person they literally just met his problems.
Yuu wondered if it was because of their being. Was their aura leaking out? Animals always seemed to be more sensitive to their existence than humans were. Was Grim an animal?
They were a god, after all. Even if their powers were mostly sealed since they were in their mortal body, but they could still at least access some of it.
“Well, why don’t you tell me what the robe looks like, dear. Mayhaps I can be of help? Two pairs of eyes are better than one, after all.”
And by that, they meant conjuring a robe out of nowhere and pretending that they found it. Though they would need to know what the robe Grim needed to look like first. They were powerful, not all-knowing.
But before Grim could say anything, Crowley arrived with a confused expression on his face.
“Are you perhaps Yuu?”
Hearing this, Yuu chuckles as if thinking of an inside joke.
“Yes. Yes I am Yuu.”
So the two, along with Grim, proceed to the Mirror Chamber.
Apparently when the coffin was opened and Yuu was woken up, the Dark Mirror sensed this and said, ‘They have awoken. Find them. Find Yuu.’ which prompted the Headmaster to look for this person because the mirror kept insisting and wouldn’t let the ceremony end.
He mistakenly assumes that Yuu was a student that he wasn’t aware of. Maybe they were called by the Mirror at the last minute and arrived late? Because last he checked, all the coffins were already empty.
So anyway, Yuu ends up standing in front of the Dark Mirror and the two refuse to break eye contact. The room was silent, the atmosphere tense. What exactly are these two doing?
Crowley: *coughs* “Oh Dark Mirro-“
Dark Mirror: “You soul… is unsortable. Therefore you are suited for no dormitory.”
Crowley looks at Yuu, who for some reason looks like they took it as a compliment, and looks back at the mirror in confusion.
A little later, Crowley tried to bring Yuu back to where they belong but the mirror refused and Yuu just gave out an awkward cough.
It wasn’t like they didn’t have a home. Well… kind of anyway. They didn’t technically need a home since they were deity. Their home and being was both anywhere and nowhere, existing and non-existing. Confusing as it may be but it is what it is.
Timeskip later, Grim and Yuu begins to live in Ramshackle.
Grim wasn’t able to cause chaos in ceremony because Yuu may have subdued his fire before they could even begin to light it up.
Yuu knew what a bad idea it would’ve been if Grim just randomly set things on fire.
Though, when they were walking inside Ramshackle, Grim noticed that Yuu’s eyes were filled with nostalgia and melancholy.
“Are ya okay, human?”
“Oh, I’m just… lost in pleasant memories, you could say.”
In one of the rooms in Ramshackle, Grim found a storybook. It looked worn-out and old.
Grim: “A kid must’ve been the one who made this. Look, the drawings are crooked and weird. It’s a weird-looking stick figure.”
Yuu, embarrassed and covering their face: “…Please stop talking, dear. Maybe… Maybe it was their first time drawing…”
But anyway, Yuu takes the storybook away from Grim and reads it to him instead. It was a story about seven vastly different people, powerful and mighty.
Well, you probably know where this is going.
Anyway, contrary to what Yuu thinks, they aren’t really that good at hiding their not-human-ness.
Everyone just pretends not to notice. They don’t exactly know that Yuu’s a deity but they do know they’re powerful. And they also have an inkling that Yuu’s much, much more older than Lilia.
Someone: overblots
Yuu: “Hmmm… I don’t remember this happening to anyone before. But then again, not everyone had magic back then.”
Yuu doesn’t have much of an active role in here-- then again they didn’t have much of an active role in the game either. They’re bound by the world’s laws, you could say. They can only be a narrator or a spectator but not a character.
They aren’t supposed to be in other’s stories, after all. Although they step in when they absolutely need to but the world doesn’t take too kindly to it...
As Yuu and Grim get more comfortable in Ramshackle, the more storybooks they discover all throughout the abandoned dorm. Or in Yuu’s case, rediscover. There were seven in total.
Although the names weren’t specifically stated in the stories, Grim begins to realize that the seven characters in it corresponded to the Great Seven. He only noticed because the drawing skills of whoever made it started to become better and the character’s features became more defined.
In other words, the storybooks were actually biographies.
So imagine talking about of the Great Seven and Grim casually mentions things that weren’t even known about them.
“Didn’t the King of Hearts pardon most of the subjects that the Queen of Hearts decided to execute? They have a good system going on. If the King thought the person didn’t deserve it then he’d speak on behalf of that person and get them a trial. If they did deserve it, he’d agree wholeheartedly with the Queen.”
This prompts questions from the others where they then find out the existence of the storybooks.
Of course, everyone unintentionally or intentionally disses the storybook’s stick figures while Yuu continued to cry internally from the side.
But anyway, there were still a lot of speculation whether the contents in the storybooks were real or not so Crowley had to take it all away to verify it.
While that was happening Grim found the last storybook though, and he realized it was unfinished. It seemed that whoever made it wasn’t the same person who made the other previous books.
It was a story about someone who didn’t belong in their world. Someone who was bound to the rules of their world and had their powers sealed to protect the balance. A story of someone who befriended all the 7 people in the previous storybooks and wrote their stories for others to remember but couldn’t write their own story for others to remember them by, so the 7 worked together to make one for them instead.
Someone who was dragged into their stories and taught them all kinds of things and at the same time, whom they taught things to. Someone who had to forcefully go away in the end, leaving no trace of themselves behind but their body.
So the 7 people put the being’s mortal body into a coffin and hid it away. And for years and years it stayed that way with the 7 waiting and waiting and slowly realizing that the being wouldn’t come back anymore because the Great Seven’s stories were already finished.
Grim isn’t dumb, he knows who was being referred to here when they brought up the unknown being.
“Ne, Yuu. Do you think stories should end?”
“Hm? What brought this on, dear?”
“Don’t you think that it’s sad when stories end? Don’t you just want it to keep on continuing?”
“Well… as bittersweet as it sounds, all stories have to come to an end whether we like it or not. That’s why we have to cherish every moment we have with each other and have something to make us remember all those sweet memories.”
“Then… what if it’s someone that no one can remember? What about them? Isn’t it sad for them to have no stories? If it was you, wouldn’t you want to be remembered by others?”
“…Yes... Yes, I would...”
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yandere-dark-cupid · 2 years
Deity AU: Darling; goddess of sex, fire, death, creativity, architecture, and volcanoes 🔥🚬🗿.
🔥In this AU, there are 6 main rulers. There are exceptions of course, but more on that later.
🔥 You're not one of those rulers. But If you married one you can be a co-ruler.
🔥 In this AU in general; you're either a human, a deity, or some minor or half-divine being ( like a demigod or nymph ). But in this case, you're a goddess.
🔥 You're part of the second generation of gods.
🔥 You're a minor deity
🔥 You're the goddess of sex, fire, death, creativity, architecture, and volcanoes
🔥 Humans know you as a harlot ( the cheating partner likes to blame you for their adulterous ways ) and the Lady of Death. So some are afraid of you, others hate you. So you're not particularly a fan favorite par say........
🚬 You don't really care for the humans. You don't hate them, but you also don't love them.
🗿 You're very artistic
🚬 Unapologetically blunt and upfront. Brutally honest to a T.
🚬 Smokes cigarettes and cigars
🚬 Under heavy negative emotions you'll chain smoke.
🚬 Also under any heavy emotion the smoke you admit can show what you're thinking and/ or feeling. They're called smoke signals ( ex: hearts when you're in love, chains when you're feeling trapped, stars when you're amazed, etc. )
🔥 Speaking of smoke, you can produce 3 different types of smoke. White/ grey is safe to breathe in, red is an aphrodisiac, and black is very toxic/ poisonous.
🔥 Protects sex workers or anyone that works in a similar line of work.
🔥 Also protects construction workers
🗿 You live in a mini palace
🗿 The statues you create guards said palace.
🗿 Speaking of Statues; the ones in graveyards, you use to watch the dead and keep an eye out for troublemakers.
🗿 Snakes are your spirit animal ( They're EVERYWHERE in your domain )
🚬 Lover of alcohol
🔥 Offerings for you consist of red roses, black roses, sometimes white roses, cigarettes, cigars, alcohol, pomegranates, blood oranges, red apples, cherries, obsidian, rubies, baby-making juice Cum, red and/ or black clothing ( sometimes white too ), shedded snakeskin, candles, art ( any kind ), and blood.
🔥 You're commonly associated with the colors red, black, and/ or sometimes white.
🔥 Insects that you're associated with are moths.
🚬 Very flexible
🚬 Pole dancing is one of your favorite past times
🚬 Very level-headed. Takes a lot to tic you off. ( But when you are upset, you can cause volcanic eruptions )
🚬 You don't like spicy food
🚬 You have a lot of acquaintances, but very few friends.
🚬 Long sharp nails. They're usually painted in some form of red or black.
🔥 Your sibling is a snake. You used to be a snake, but evolved.
🚬 Intoverted
🚬 A good liar.
🗿 Your home doesn't stay the same way for too long. You're always changing it to fit your wants and desires.
🗿 Your indoor garden is by far one of your favorite places in your home. It is close to second. Tying at first is your art room and art gallery.
🗿 You have a couple of pomegranate and blood orange trees in your garden.
🚬 You're a great dancer. Very skilled at belly dancing
🔥 It should be common knowledge that deities can be cruel beings at times. You are no exception.
🔥 The curses you place on some can range from sad to incredibly cruel.
🔥 The lighter/ tamer curses you can place on someone is turning someone into snakes, moths, rats, and mice ( when you turn someone into a rodent, you debate whether or not to feed them to your snake spirit friends )
🔥 In the mid territory, you'll turn people into statues and put their still very much alive bodies in a dark place. Where they won't be seen again.
🔥 The more server curses you can place on someone is burning them alive and having their soul tormented in the afterlife, causing mass destruction via volcanic eruption, causing mass death, turning one's souls into grotesque wandering spirits.
🔥 All in all, you're one of the most chill and unbothered deities.
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Second darling deity I did 😄! This was by far my favorite as of right now. Maybe next time I can do a nymph or a human darling in the Deity AU. Hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did 💕. Until next time my little tainted Angels, see you soon ❤💜❤ ~
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