#Twi will be fine ... I'm sure...
wayfayrr · 3 months
hey uh. if requests r open. would it b possible to request a follow up to that self-aware-twi fic. if not thats ok i just wanted u to know i havent stopped thinking about it since i read it. altered my brain chemistry, touch-starved twilight princess link my beloved, etc etc. ur writing is top-tier <3<3<3
I think the best part about this ask is - I've had this written since early January. I actually wrote part two as a birthday gift for a good friend of mine @glowyskull <33
So this is more just me finally posting it sfbgdfbgdb. it's also funny to think that the twilight fic is my most popular fic now considering how the self aware au really started as just a really guiltily self indulgent fic - something fun to write that I didn't think could get as big as it did on my blog. and I'm glad that you liked it so much <333 whimpery touch starved twilight princess link is just so AUGH love him so
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“Oh you’re finally wakin up then darlin’.”
“C’mon darlin’, you can’t have forgotten what happened earlier already? Can you? Your fever - cold isn’t that bad so you can't have…”
Who’s rambling… and why does it sound so familiar?  Wait does that mean - is everything that happened earlier all real then, did link really crawl out of my tv just because he was lonely. Because I left him there, left him all on his own to rot in his own solitude. 
“Link? You - that - everything was real then? All of it?”
“All of it darlin’, from how I got out to how I’m never gonna leave ya.”
“Huh..? I could’ve sworn that you didn’t even mention anything like that…”
“Mhm, well you’re ill and still a little out of it darlin’ so you probably just forgot, you did agree though.” 
It does sound like something that I would agree to, I mean I’m the reason that he’s sentient. It would be cruel of me to throw him to the other wolves, he isn’t from here but besides even that, he isn’t from here. He doesn’t know how this world works, it would be worse than sending a dog to a shelter. It would be his death sentence for certain, and after all that I put him through for a simple pause in playing. The way he’s petting my hair like this though, it’s enough to simply just wash the rest of my worries away, if I could I would spend the rest of my life right here easily.  
“About your illness though, do you have any red potion anywhere?” 
“No, no things like that don’t exist here link and the painkillers I have aren’t worth moving for.” 
“If you’re sure… I’ll go and get them for you the second you change your mind.”    
“You don’t even know where I keep them.” 
His hand paused at that, causing me to let out an involuntary whine. I couldn’t even think to stop it with how it slipped out instantly, which he seemed fond of. Cuddling me closer to his chest and resting his head on top of mine, with what felt like a giant smile on his face. 
“I can look for them, It’s not like I won’t need to learn where everything is now that I’m living with ya… besides I’ve already put you through so much stress when you’re not well.”
“You didn’t mean to link, how could you have known I was sick?”
“...I don’t know - I just - it shouldn’t have been hard to know with how you looked when you opened the game. I’m sorry love I just wasn’t even thinking I just wanted to be out, but I should’ve been more considerate to you.”
With how silent he is in the game you could never have guessed how much he likes to ramble, it’s the second or third time it’s happened since he crawled out of the glas- the glass. Are his bandages holding up, he seems fine but he’s not from here, any infection could be deadly. He wouldn’t even see it coming with how much he’s fawning over my comfort right now. 
“Link?” “Yes, darlin’?”
Oh wow, he - well he’s whipped already. Is it real love or has all that time trapped alone twisted him into this. I’d look into getting him therapy but… if he mentioned the truth then it would be a matter of seconds until he’d be diagnosed with something inaccurate. No one. No one at all would ever believe that a video game character actually broke out of their game - especially not someone like Link falling for an exhausted student like me.
“Are you feeling alright? You have so many cuts and wounds right now.”
“It’s nothing that’s worse than anything else I’ve ever had. They do feel more real though.”
“They feel like real wounds, not something that could be healed away in seconds and they’re just tiny scrapes.”He sounds so giddy as he’s talking about being hurt - it’s unnerving when he starts holding me even tighter when he’s saying it. I don’t think I’m ever going to be getting away from him ever again… if I wanted to. Why shouldn’t I take a chance at having a relationship though. He cares about me - he really does even if it’s unhinged - it would be so nice to come home to him, to be able to spoil him and be spoilt by him. Even being held like this feels so unreal, so impossible that I shouldn’t be here with him. So much so that I want to stay here and fall back asleep without any argument. Didn’t he even say he wanted to be my lover? Why look over a gift too closely?
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magpie-lu-aside · 5 months
So. About that shadow crystal and the Master Sword. (All art belongs to @linkeduniverse and JoJo!)
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I want to discuss this part because I find Four, Wind, and Legends reactions interesting, specifically because it was those three who had the argument over Twi in the first place. An argument that all three of them seem to not want to bring up again at all.
I've seen some posts saying that Four and Twilight are gonna have a talk about it (and I'm sure they will) but I'm wondering if they're gonna have a talk about the argument again too. (post got long, if you want to read more its under the cut)
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(takes place in sunset pt 11)
So here's the thing about The Argument™. Four and Legend are the ones to have an opinion on the crystal itself, with Wind being more concerned about Twilight's status at that moment and wondering if the blood (not the crystal) is what could corrupt him. Wind seems to be almost unconcerned about the crystal which is why I think he was excited about the transformation rather than concerned (Four) and.... Whatever Legend is doing (I'll get back to that).
Legend and Wind also almost immediately put the argument behind them. They ran to find a great fairy fountain....
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... And have interacted past this point. And I think that's because overall they agree on this, both of them have trust in the Master Sword to nullify whatever corrupting power the crystal could theoretically have.
But Four and Legend on the other hand? They have not talked to each other one on one since then.
Before this, they teased each other, Four trusted him to work on Wilds sword, and they seemed fine to be in each others space and just talk and conspire a little bit. But now? They barely even speak to each other even within the group. In fact when they do interact in a group both seem... not fully annoyed but not really laughing at each others jokes either.
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Also despite the fact Legend was on the team to work on Wild's sword in the beginning, he didn't show up in the towns blacksmith to help either. And while its very easily argued he did that to stay with Twilight, based on this reaction,
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He was asked or at least knew they were doing it. He was also fine spoiling the surprise to Wild despite it being mainly Fours gift (and symbol of forgiveness). He refused to join either way, and I think it could both be because he wanted to be by Twilight and also because he just... Didn't really want to interact with Four.
Now to bring it back to Legends reaction to the transformation (told you it'd come back). I don't think Legend particularly likes the crystal (who can blame him really) and I think he's with Four on not really liking the magic, so unlike Wind who's excited to see it hes still a little.. Iffy on the magic itself. And I think that still can cause tension, but that's more of a red herring to the real thing that's causing strife... And that's the Master Sword itself.
Legend and Four didn't argue over the crystal. They argued about the Master Sword. I think the shadow crystal was just the tipping point to get them talking about the Sword and make Four oppose it in some way. Four has always been indifferent to the sword, not really willing to wield it and has been absent from discussing it. But after that? I think with Four and Legend being on opposing sides, along with Time and Sky (whole other discussion I cant delve into cuz good god this post is long enough as is) is leading me into thinking that the next arc is going to delve more into that strife. And its going to be harder to overcome than Twilight being injured.
tl;dr I think Four and Legend still have beef after sunset pt 11 and its going to boil over on them and its their inability to discuss the Master Sword like normal peoples fault.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 months
MHA Mashirao Ojrio x Support Student!Reader - Magnum Opus
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Summary: Ojiro drops by the support lab to check on the new suit he ordered, only to get much more than he requested in the order form.
Warnings: Fluff, pining, long, not proofread, afab!reader, slight innuendo
Ojiro paused at the door to the support class lab. The last time he was here to get his gi mended, he had to deal with Hatsume in all her spastic glory which, admittedly kept him from getting his costume updated much longer than he should have. Finally, he was told that if he didn't get something new, he'd be benched from his work-study, leading him to fill out a request form.
Knocking lightly on the door, he held his breath, releasing it when he heard a soft "Come in!" from within. Slipping inside, he looked around, taking in the mess. "Uh, good afternoon..." He called, unnerved when he couldn't immediately find the owner of the voice in the cluttered lab.
"Hiya, what can I do for you?" You chirped from a desk in the back corner, eyes not leaving the fabric you were feeding through a large sewing machine.
Finally finding you, he stepped closer, smiling at the way your tongue stuck out of the corner of your mouth and your magnifying goggles enarged your eye. "I'm not sure actually." He admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, waiting to be noticed.
"You need a mend, equipment, or a costume request form?" You asked, a hint of annoyance in your voice. "We're currently back up on new orders so if you're wanting something new it'll be a few weeks 'til it's done."
"None of the above?" He answered with a nervous laugh. "I put in an order last month and I was hoping to check on it, if that's fine?"
The mention of having already ordered something prompted your eyes to flicker to the client. You paled, immediately recognizing it as your longtime crush. "Oh my gosh!" You gasped, standing and hitting your head on the arm of your oversized desk lamp. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude!"
Ojiro hissed, wincing at your bump to the head, stepping forward to reach out. "No, no, I'm the one who should apologize for disturbing you! Is your head alright?"
"I'm fine!" You insisted, rubbing the crown of your head. "I was actually hoping you'd stop by! I thought about ringing for you, but I know you hero track students are pretty busy, so I didn't want to be a bug!"
He simply chuckled lightly, watching you bustle about the studio in a rolling chair. "I'm glad I came by when I did, then. But for the record, you could have called for me anytime."
"I'll keep that in mind!" You chirped, rolling back and forth. "Have a seat, I'll pull your file." As he sat at the empty table you pointed to, you rolled up to it, pushing your goggles up onto your head, giving you an even more adorably disheveled look. Setting the file down, you began to sift through it, pulling out various photos, forms, and sketches.
"So," you began, turning a few pages toward him. "I noticed you pretty much just reordered your original gi with an added pair of light blue gloves, are you married to that idea?"
The question took him by surprise, making his heart drop. He liked the simplicity of his original suit and the thought of changing it made him nervous. Not just that, but the question hinted at the notion that his order hadn't even been started yet after almost a month. "Why do you ask?" He questioned cautiously.
"Well, I've been studying some photos taken by field reporters and I noticed a few things," I say, pointing to a few candid photos of him in battle. "It seems like your gi always tears in the same places when you stretch. Do you know what that means?"
Ojiro blinked at you, confusion scribbled all over his face. "No?"
"It means wearing a gi does nothing for you." You explained, shuffling through the pages to find a diagram of his current suit. "It's purely cosmetic. The only advantage it gives you is that it's lightweight but, again there are much lighter materials out there that are twice as durable. Besides, you requested weighted accessories, so that defeats the entire purpose."
"So, what are you suggesting?" He asked, brows furrowed and shiny black eyes darting up to meet yours.
"I took the liberty of redesigning your suit to better fit your quirk and fighting style." You smirked confidently, laying a few sketches down in front of him. "The biggest change would be this body suit." You said, tapping a finger against the throat of the drawing. "It's total coverage from your neck to your feet incase of wardobe malfuntions, which seem to be an often occourance in your case." You giggle, not missing the way his cheeks flush. "It's made from a spandex and carbon fiber blend, so it's going to be pretty druable, and it'll stretch with you and still retain it's shape."
The young hero sat silent, looking over the new design, admittedly flattered by the way the sleek black material looked on him in the drawing. "Why black, though?"
"It doesn't have to be black," You answered, shrugging. "Stylistic choice. The white of the gi washes you out and this tan fur on the shoulder gets lost in your hair and tail, see?" You explain, showing him pictures that make him look much paler that he actually was. "A pop of black would break up the light colors and make you look overall more harmonious."
"I see..." He trailed, having never thought of how he looked in certain colors.
"I also in corporated this light blue you requested on the gloves and used it as an accent on the collar and a few other places." You finished, desperate for his feedback, practically rocking in your seat. "So, what do you think?"
"I-I don't know what to say, honestly..." He admitted sheepishly. "But can I be frank?"
"Of course!" You bit your cheek, thinking he'd tell you he hated the idea. "It's your suit, afterall. Your comfort and satisfaction is my absolute top priority!"
"Well..." He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "This is great and all, but it all looks awefully expensive, and as long as I'm out of a suit, I'm out of a job. The agency only gave me so much of a budget, so the rest of the cose would be out of pocket." He explained, heart stings tugged by the disappointment on your face. "I-I like it, don't get me wrong!" He soothed, holding his hands up defensively. "I just really don't think I can afford something so high-tech, and I don't really have time to wait for something so intricate."
"I'm not charging you for it," You blinked, a bit confused as to why he'd assume he'd have to pay for it.
"W-What?" He asked, taken back, tail sticking straight up like a spooked cat. "But why?"
"Equipment made by sudents is always free to other students and staff." You explain with a kind smile, fond of the excited grin on his face.
"That's awesome! So wait-" He paused. "How long is this gonna take?" He asked, stilling himself. He didn't want to get his hopes up.
"I should have it done by the end of tomorrow if all goes right." You answer, matter of factly, pulling all the pappers toward you and organizing them.
"You can do it in a day?" He nearly gasped, tail wagging lightly, despite his best efforts to keep it still. "That's increadible!"
Your interest piqued at his exclainmation and the wonder in his eyes almost made you feel guitly for laughing. "In a day? No!" You snorted. "I've been working on this since the day you turned your forms in."
He wasn't sure why, but the thought of you working tirelessly on something nice for him warmed his cheeks. He didn't even know your name off the top of his head, let alone that he'd been so heavily on your mind for so long. "Wait, you said you weren't going to charge me, does that mean a student is making it?" You nodded, pointing to yourself.
"This is the first big project I'm handling on my own. It's going to be a benchmark to see if I'm ready to become a fully fledged member of the support team." You admitted with a bashful smile, closing the file and holding it to your chest. "I wanted to do my very best on it."
Ojiro smiled down at you, clearly seeing how much the redeisgn meant to you. In all honesty, he hadn't been crazy for it at first. It was so complex and busy, definately not what he was used to. But he couldn't possibly tell you no after all the work you'd put into it.
"Of course, I've already remade your original gi as requested, so if you don't like it..." You offered, a tinge of saddness in your voice.
Looking over the design again, his shoulders slumpedas it began to grow on him. "Don't be silly, I love it."
"Really?" You gasped, beaming and leaning in a bit too close.
"Really..." He sighed, backing up with a nervous chuckle. "Can I try it on when it's ready?" He asked, hoping to steer the conversation in another direction.
"You can try it on now!" You chirped enthusiastically before realizing you were becoming too hyper and calming yourself down a tad. "If you want, that is."
"I'd love to," Ojiro laughed airily at your antics, watching you jump out of your seat and scurry over to a back room. When you reemerged, you luged a large trunk in your arms that resembled a high-tech instrument case. You set it on the table with a victorious grin, undoing the latches and opening it very carefully.
"Oh wow..." He breathed, eyes widening was the light his costume which was presented on a clear mannequin. He could see the hexagonal stitching of the black body suit up close now, and the sky blue oriental details scattered throuout. The gi stayed largely the same, save for appearing to have looser sleeves and legs. The tuft of tan fur the kep on his shoulder now wrapped around his neck to the other lapel, giving off the appearance of a lion's mane. The look was tied together with a belt sililar to his old one, boots, and fingerless gloves, all black with that blue accent.
You stood behind the case waiting to be showered with praise for your hard work, his amazement stroking your ego tremendously. "I'm sorry, I'm just at a loss for words." He confessed, dark eyes shining brighter by the second. He couldn't believe someone he barely knew when to all this trouble over him. "T-This is increadible, thank you."
"No need to thank me, just doing my job!" You bluffed, your hunger for praise satiated as you shut the case and locked it, handing it to him by the handle. "Now go try it on so I know it fits!"
Gently, you budged him toward the other side of the room where the fitting room was. In reality, it was an open cubical with a thin curtain to protect the modesty of the occupant. Ojiro couldn't have the chance to resist, his face flushing when he realized what you wanted. He was already nearly inside the cubical, shoved by you, jittering with excitment. "Whoa, alright, alright!" He relented, flashing you an uneasy look before drawing the curtain behind him.
"Just call me if you need anything!" You chirped, giving him space and returning to your desk to work on your earlier project.
"Will do," He called back, not actually intending to ask for help, even if he did find himself needing some. Setting the case down on the floor and leaning it against the wall, he sighed, looking over himself critically in the full body mirror. He kicked himself to a greeing to wear something so skin tight, dreading having to see himself in that damned body suit.
However weary he was, for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to speak up, imagining the face you might pull if rejected. It could even have the potential to make you cry, and he couldn't think of anything worse rthan having to live with knowing he made someone who worked this hard for him shed a tear- not even wearing a suit he didn't like. With another heavy sigh, he sat on the bench, kicking out of his shoes, and shedding the blazer of his school uniform. Hanging it on the hook, he began to undo his tie, and then the buttons of his shirt.
Outside, you ran your sewing machine without a care in the world, the loud buzzing of the mecahnical workings music to your ears. You hummed happily, feeling the bright red fabric through the machine, finally starting on another young hero's order. It was due to this noise, you didn't hear Ojiro's nearly silent plea for help.
This was just fantastic, he thought. Here he was, in nothing but a body suit and blushed cheeks, fighting the zipper that rested between his sacral dimples. Initially, he was solid in his resolve to not ask for help, but the tiniest hint of a rip made him freeze and think better of himself. "H-Hey, um, miss?" He asked, poking his head out of the curtain.
"(Y/N)," You giggled, looking up, a bit saddened that he didn't walready know your name. "Whatcha need?" You asked, suprised at the flustered state he was in. "Need some help?" His shoulders slumped from behind the curtain and he nodded with a relieved smile.
"The zipper's stuck and I can't reach it..." He mumbled, slipping back into the cubical when he was sure you were headed his way. You chuckled to yourself, making your way over, pressing a palm to the doorframe.
"I'm coming in, are you decent?" You asked with a sympathetic sweetness in your voice.
"Not as much as I'd like to be but go ahead," He accepted sheepishly, stepping closer to the mirror, facing it with his hands balled infront of him. It wasn't that he pegged you for a pervert, but this body suit really didn't leave anythign to the imagination.
Drawing back the curtain a bit, you went to step inside, stopping short when you caught a glimpse of him. Ojiro stood before you barefoot in that skin tight suit you'd spent weeks designing and bringing to life, glancing so shyly over his shoulder. The junction of the suit stopped underneath his tail and started again with a zipper above. The rest of his back up to his nape was bare tense under your gaze. You'd known from the photos you studied that he was muscular but none of those pictures did him justice. It was obvious he took his phisique increadibly seriously, considering her was built like a greek god.
"M-My hands might be a bit cold..." You whispered, stepping closer, shaking yourself out of your trance. He winced, jumping a bit when your fingertips grazed his burning skin, just between his dimples of Apollo. "S-Sorry..." You stammered, trying hard to focus on the task at hand and not how his muscles flexed at your touch. You quickly identified the problem. The two sides came together like a jacket to accomadate his tail, which meant they had to be lined up exactly so, and in his haste, Ojiro had misalligned the pieces. You simply unjammed the zipper before whispering. "It's fixed, do you want me to zip it for you?"
He nodded timidly, worried if he tried it he'd get it stuck again. To his relief, he began to feel tghe garmet closing as your icy fingers trailed up his spine, resting at his nap as you tucked the zipper away. You then ran a fingertip back down, pressing the closure, ensuring that the void of black that was his back was seamless.
"You're all good," you mumbled, stepping out of the cubical. "Just suit of as normal and let me know if you need anymore help." You were so relieved to be out of there and away from him. You could feel the heat radiating off your face as youy scurried over to the refuge of your sewing desk.
Just as you had begun to calm down, you heard the distinct sound of the curtain hooks sliding on the rod, and Ojiro stepped out, fully dress and looking even more handsome in your deisngn than you ever intneded him to be. Frantically, you jumped up from the desk, red faced all over again, pepering him with questions.
"How does it feel? Too tight, too loose?' You interrogated himm, circling him with a pad and pencil, taking notes on every detail you could find. "Anything itchy? Any sensory issues? Any complaints?"
"No," He laughed contentedly, stretching a bit and pulling a few stances that were typical of his fighting style. "It feels great actually. I thought I'd hate the feeling of the body suit against the gi, but I can hardly feel it at all! It's so lightweight!"
Speaking of weight, a heavy one fell off your shoulders at his affirmations. "How's the fit?" You ask, a relieved smile cracking across your face.
"It's perfect, how'd you get the measurements so close?" He asked, shifting the sleeve of the gi to pinch the body suit form his forearm, as if to demonstrate how flawless it was.
You dismissed his praise bashfully, scribbing in your notes. "I-It was easy," you insisted, knowing well it took nearly a week to calculate his growth ratio from the last measurements he'd taken. "Not even worth explaining."
"Well, you nailed it," He gushed, rushing his gloved fingers through the fur on his shoulders. "Thank you, this is all perfect."
"I'm so glad you like it." You beamed, heart swelling with pride. "Would you like any alterations to be made before I put on the finishing touches?"
"Actually, there is one thing," He admitted sheepishly, feeling ungrateful for even mentioning it. "I requested a weighted belt, this one feels pretty light."
"Oh, how could I forget!" You gasped playfully, stepping closer to him, grabbing him by the knot in his belt. Nibble fingers undid the knot and you slipped the ribbon off him, thgrowing it over your shoulder like it was nothing. Meanwhile, for the nth time today, Ojiro was reduced to a wide eyed, blushing mess.
Taking the belt with you, you pretending not to notice the top to his gi falling open, hanging at his sides, or the way his flustered stare followed you over to a nearby shelf. Digging into a box labeled 'M. Ojiro', you pulled out a small device before stepping over to your desk, laying the sash out flat.
Your client waited with baited breath as you ripped a seam abnd slipped a small disk into each end before sewing them back up. You then took the device and pried it in half, and then again into fourths. He paled, thinking you migght have broken it, but it all began to make sense when you began to attach the pieces to the sash. "There we go," You smiled, standing up and walking back over.
You pink cheeks, you wrapped your arms around his waist to position the belt, fingertips brushing his toned abdomen when you held his shirt in place. Finally, you tied the belt off, knoting it exactly like he had. Immediately, Ojiro could feel the weight shift in his center of gravity, putting a smile on his face. "Better?"
"Much better," He smiled, jagged canines gleaming in the energy efficient lighting.
"The weights on your belt are magnetic for easy removal," You begin to explain, lifting one of the ends and demonstrating how to detatch them. "They're made of steel and vaulcanized rubber," You say, reattaching them, before holding out your hand, wanting his. You continue explaining when he sets his hand in yours. "Your golves are made of that same spandex-carbon fiber blend and padded with rubber and steel on the palms, wrists, and knuckles. This adds weight to them like you requested, and it packs a punch."
"Damn..." He mouthes, balling his other fist, marveling at the small shiny circles on his nuckles.
"Your boots are also fitted with vaulcanized rubber soles and steel toes." You finish, pleased with the astonished expression on his face.
"Well, I can't thank you enough, (Y/N)," He grins, admiring himself. "Really, is there anyway I coluld repay you?"
You pause for a moment, weighing your options. You could ask for payment in the form of a date, but ultimately, if he didn't have feelings for you, that wouldn't go anywhere positive. "No, you don't have to do anything for me, you're appreciation is enough."
He gives you a sympathetic smile. "Are you sure there's nothing I could give you?"
"It was a labor of love," You sighed still cradling his hand, thumb brushuing over his steel knuckles. Qucikly you realized how your words could be mistaken and drop his hand. "L-Love for my job, that is!" He huffed out a laugh at your reaction. "S-So, was there anything else you needed or...?"
"Nope, I think that just about settles me," He replied with a kind smile, one you'd adored for so long now.
"Well, go ahead and change then," You suggested sadly. "I'll finish the alterations and have it read by tomorrow evening."
"Sounds great, I'll be by tomorrow." He nodded, turning back to the dressing room, leaving you alone with your jumbled thoughts. Before you have the chance to sort them, he's reemerging in his uniform, tie hung aroun his shoulders, undone, carrying his blazer and the garment case in his arms. "Thanks again, seriously."
You simply nodded, taking the case from him. "Anytime..." An awkward silence settled between the two of you and you knew the interaction was drawing to a close. "W-Well, I've got a lot of work to do, and I'm sure you're very busy, so..."
"I won't take up too much more of your time," He smiled sweetly, raising a hand up to brush a strand of hair from your eyes. "Forgive me for saying so but, your kindness and dedication to your craft is inspiring. It's so refreshing to see someone with the best interest of others at heart."
"Y-You think so?" You swooned, falling completely for his newfound charm.
"Mhm," He hummed fondly, the corners of his eyes crinkling with delight. "I think it makes you special." He addmitted happily. "Now, did you have something you wanted to ask me?"
How could he have possibly known? You hadn't exactly been subtle about your feelings, but surely you hadn't be that obvious, right? "I did but," You stammered, looking away timidly. "If you had something to ask me, you can go first..."
"Ladies first," Ojiro smirked, not a hint of condisention anywhere on him. "Then I'll go."
You silently cursed him, taking a shaky breath to ground yourself before shly peeking up at him. "If I'm so special, could someone like me ever have a chance with someone like you?"
His kind smile seemed to grow at your question as he inched closer. "I think any kind of person would count their lucky stars to have a chance with someone like you."
His words put honeyglow in your cheeks and you couldn't contain the joy that seemed out through the grin that cracked across your face. "That's probably the sweetest thing I've ever heard..." You gushed gleefully. "What were you going to ask?" You wondered with a knowing expression, praying you hadn't misread his intentions.
"Well..." He trailed, suddenly shy again after having upheld this charming facade for too long. "I-I was wondering if, since you went to such lengths for me..." He swallowed, trying to force the words that were stuck in his throat out. "I-If you'd let me take you out...?"
"Like on a date?!" You gasped, lunging forward, collecting his hands in yours and holding them to your chest.
"M-Mhm..." He nodded sheepishly, cheeks ears blushed. "I just think you're really sweet and I'd like to get to know you better..."
"I'd love to!" You joyously accept, throwing your arms around his neck, unable to contain your enthusiams any longer. To your delight, you could feel his arms snake around your middle. "But it'll have to wait a few days,"
"Why's that?" Ojiro asked, quirking a brow as he pulled away slightly to look at you.
"If you want your suit done by tomorrow, I have to knuckle down and finish it before I do anything else." You snickered, beaming up at him.
He thought for a moment. "if you ended your work day right now and we went out, how far would that set you back?"
"You'd probably be looking at Friday for pick up." You answer, glancing up as you fact check yourself. "Yeah, that's right."
With a sigh, his shoulders slumped. "What kind of ice cream do you like?"
"What about your suit?" You laughed, scrunching up your nose as his nudged against it and his tail wound around your ankle.
"It can wait, this is more important."
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links-in-time · 5 months
I'm taking this as an opportunity to continue to spread my headcanon that Warriors knits as a hobby. I think Legend also embroiders (with a preference for cross stitch). This is their bonding activity.
I loved writing this little head cannon @gryphonlover and it stopped me writing any whump for once!
I hope you like it.
Hobby Boys
It had been a long day in Twilight's Hyrule. The chain had fought a monster hoard on the edge of Kakariko village. No major injuries to report, only a few cuts and bruises. Although Time had suggested they stay in Kakariko and set off the following day, Twilight wanted to get back to Ordon and check on his neighbours as soon as possible. Not to mention he had been neglecting Epona the last few days and decided a trip to the spring outside his home town would be a nice treat for her.
Wars agreed to the plan reluctantly. He had had enough of walking for days on end, so had most of the others, though they kept their opinions to themselves. They all knew what it was like to end up back in their own eras. The desire to get home to familiar territory and all the comforts that come with it. Wars understood Twi's enthusiasm to get moving, but he didn't have to be happy about it.
While they walked the sun began to dip towards the horizon. They hadn't been to Twilight's era for a while, but Wars was fairly certain they weren't exactly close to Twi's village.
"Twi, I'm not sure we're going to reach Ordon before nightfall," Wars observed, trotting forwards to catch up with their rancher.
"It's okay, we should be there before midnight at least," Twi replied brightly.
"Come on Twi, I know you want to see home as badly as the rest of us. But," Wars lowered his voice, "Wind and Legend are putting on brave faces but that fight definitely took it out of them back there. We should really stop and make camp. Ordon will still be there in the morning, I promise."
Wars urged his friend, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. Twilight let out a long sigh as he glanced over his shoulder at the rest of the Chain. Wind and Four were walking hand in hand, but the longer Twi looked the more he could see the exhaustion in the teen's eyes. His grip on Four's hand was weak and he dragged his feet along the path. Legend was much the same and Twi had to admit he was being rather selfish.
"Hey guys, I don't think we'll reach Ordon before nightfall. Let's make camp and set out again in the morning after a good rest," Twi announced.
Twi's decision was met with more than a handful of cheers and greatful sighs from the others. Perhaps he had misjudged the distance from Kakariko to Ordon on foot, especially travelling as a large group rather than on his own.
The chain found a small grove of trees to use as shelter as they set up their camp. Wild set about cooking a quick supper for everyone while the others laid out their bed rolls and organised a watch rota. Wind wolfed down the stew Wild cooked up then instantly crashed on his bed roll. Time decided to scratch the teen off the watch rota and let him have a full night's sleep.
Wars was on first watch but not everyone had gone to sleep. Legend sat on a tree stump facing away from the circle of their camp. He seemed to be working away at something in his lap. With a frown Wars got to his feet to see what the Vet was up to.
"You okay Lege?" Wars asked softly, reaching out to lay a hand on the young adventurer's shoulder.
Before Wars could reach him Lege shot to his feet and spun around, hiding whatever he was holding behind his back.
"I'm fine! Hylia! Why do you have to be so nosey Cap?!" Legend exclaimed defensively, his ears turning pinker than the streak in his hair.
"Sorry," Wars replied, taking a step back. Though he thought Legend's reaction was particularly hostile, even for him. "I thought you might be hurt, I was just checking on you. You seemed quite exhausted by our last fight."
"Well I'm not hurt and yeah I'm a bit tired, but I just wanted some alone time. Is that too much to ask?" Legend retorted, there was still venom in his voice but Wars couldn't figure out where it was coming from.
"No it's not. Forgive me for worrying about you!" Wars scoffed, turning on the spot and heading back towards the fire.
He plonked himself down on the ground and pulled his bag towards himself. Legend sat down on his tree stump once again but kept his eyes on Wars for a moment. When he saw the Captain pull out a ball of wool and what looked like a half finished scarf Legend's squinting eyes went wide.
"You knit!" He burst out.
Sky snorted a breath in his sleep and Legend was afraid he might have woken him. He and Wars both checked the others were still asleep before either of them spoke.
"Yes, why do you sound so surprised? Everyone has a hobby don't they? Most of the others play instruments, but I never learnt. So I knit instead, it helps me relax and, it reminds me of my soldiers."
Wars eyes dropped towards the fire as he explained. Legend thought his friend looked sad for a moment. Curious, he moved a little closer to the fire, stepping into its circle of light and warmth.
"Your soldiers?" Legend asked.
"Yeah, one of the guys in my first squad taught me to knit. He said it helped him relax after training. But it also kept his fingers busy when his mind would race through the more terrible aspects of soldiering. When he itched to hit something or throttle the next person to speak, he had his hands full with something that helped him relax instead. I picked up the same habit and now I do a little bit almost every night. When I finish this scarf I think I'll give it to Wind, it's in his colours after all."
Wars held up the woolen scarf for Legend to see. Though the night was dim and the orange glow of the fire obscured the colours a little, Legend could see the scarf had been knitted in pale blue and white bands. Wars had even managed to use a stitch that replicated the shapes of cresting waves which Legend thought was impressive.
"Wow, that's actually pretty neat," he admitted.
"Why haven't you shown any of us this before?" Legend probed, plopping himself down to sit cross legged in front of the fire.
"Would you have been so nice about it if the others were conscious?" Wars asked, raising an eyebrow.
"True. Sorry, I probably shouldn't admit to that," Legend replied, hanging his head a little.
"It's alright, the other soldiers used to tease me too. Even the ones I used to knit stuff for. But they never meant anything by it. I'm sure you wouldn't either," Wars shrugged, as he picked up his needles and tried to remember where he was in his pattern.
"I suppose it would make me a bit of a hypocrit anyway," Legend mumbled.
"Why?" Wars said slowly, eyeing the bundle Legend had scrunched up in his lap. "What are you trying to hide Lege? It can't be any worse than a Captain knitting scarves!" He scoffed.
Legend hesitated a moment, but Wars was right, perhaps there was no harm in sharing. If the others were awake he and Wars were usually the ones to tease each other for things. If the Captain had trusted him with his secret, perhaps he should return the favour. Legend sighed and opened out the piece of fabric in his lap.
It was a beautiful piece of purple velvet with what appeared to be gold thread woven into it. As Legend held it up for Wars to see he could clearly make out the embroidered patterns of leaves and flowers in the shining golden thread. Tiny little crosses made up the shapes and came together to make quite a beautiful image.
"Rav's favourite colours, hopefully I can finish it before the next time I get to see him," Legend explained.
"It's beautiful Lege," Wars breathed, as he studied the intricate stitches. "How long have you been working on it?"
"Few weeks. Usually takes me about a month to do a piece this big, but I'm working all the hours I can spare on it. Which is usually just when I'm on watch and I won't get distracted by you lot."
"Hmm," Wars nodded, drawing how eyes away from the embroidery and up to Legend's blushing face. "It's really good Lege, I would never have teased you for this. I'm impressed. And it's sweet you're making it for Ravio. I'm sure he'll love it."
"You mean it?" Legend asked, suspicious of how nice Wars was being towards him.
"Cross my heart," Wars replied, making a cross over his chest with his knitting needles. "Honestly Lege it's beautiful. Wish I could embroider. I've been meaning to fix my scarf for ages."
"What do you mean fix it?" Legend asked, he hadn't noticed any damage to Wars' prized blue scarf.
"Yeah, with all the travelling we do through woods and swamps the design on the end has got pretty roughed up. It's supposed to be the royal crest, but quite a lot of the stitches have come loose or disappeared completely. This scarf means a lot to me and I'm ashamed I haven't kept it in very good condition."
Wars pulled the loop of his scarf up to his chin and rubbed his skin against the soft fabric. He'd done his best to keep it clean and stitch up any tears in the fabric, but he didn't have the skill to restore the crest.
"I could fix it for you if you want?" Legend suggested with a shrug.
"You mean it?!" Wars replied brightly, the firelight dancing in his eager eyes.
"Sure. How about you knit me a scarf to give to Ravio as well in payment?"
"Alright that's a deal," Wars nodded, a bright smile spread across his face.
Legend still felt a little embarrassed about his hobby being discovered. But Wars had been so impressed by his hidden talents, Legend was starting to feel better about it. The fact that he could put it to good use helping preserve something important to one of his brothers, even one of the more annoying ones, warmed his heart.
The pair sat together by the fire for a good few hours, working on their projects and talking quietly together. Sharing stores of things they had created and the friends they had given them to. Unsurprisingly most of Legend's pieces had been given to Ravio, but he also admitted he had left secret little embroideries on some of the Chain's stuff. Little cross stitched flowers or fairies on their packs or blankets. None of them had noticed but Legend didn't do it for praise or approval. He did it because they were his brothers and each piece of work was like giving each of them a little bit of himself to carry with them.
As their journey wore on Legend and Wars often found themselves passing time together. During watch or whenever they got separated from the group, they would comfort each other by asking about their latest projects. One morning Wars had woken to find his scarf neatly folded by his bedroll, the immaculate crest staring up at him.
"How did you manage it?" Wars whispered to Legend, that afternoon while they were walking through some woods in Time's era.
"Little bit of time and a little bit of my magic touch," Legend replied with a wink.
"Thank you Link," Wars uttered, flashing Legend a warm smile.
"You're welcome Captain," Legend nodded, before skipping off to walk beside Hyrule.
Wars smiled at the back of Legend's head, thinking about how many rows of stitches he had left to do in Ravio's new scarf.
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adrift-in-thyme · 8 months
Febuwhump Day 1: Helpless (Wild & Twilight)
Read on Ao3
And so it begins...
I'm super excited for another whump-filled month! Thank you in advance to everyone coming along with me on this wild ride! Your support means the world to me <33
CW for a panic attack
Wild looks down at his hands. Maybe, that isn’t the best idea at the moment, because they are trembling so violently he thinks that if he picked something up he’d drop it.
And that is not the only thing shaking either. His entire body is. Like the leaves on the trees in Hateno Village, blown wildly about by a hearty wind. 
He breathes in and gains no oxygen from it. This…whatever this is has been coming on all day, squeezing his chest and throat and turning his vision fuzzy at the edges. But now, it has broken free.
He is just glad that he made it to camp before it did. 
Why it even came, he hasn’t a clue. There’s some reason behind it, he’s sure. But it’s not often that he can pinpoint it.
This just happens sometimes, an outpouring of unpleasant emotion he isn’t expecting. A feeling so like the one that had hounded his footsteps throughout his journey to save Hyrule. The terrible, inescapable certainty that the world is going to end. 
But it’s not going to end…at least from what he can see. The sky is a calm, unassuming navy, speckled with stars. The moon glows a golden hue, innocent and merciful. The cheerful voices of his brothers drift to his ears from where they sit, bathed in the warmth of the fire.  
They are safe. He is safe. 
Yet, Wild feels anything but. He feels like a hinox has just sat down on his chest. 
Nearby, someone laughs. Warriors, he thinks. The sound is like a knife driven into his heart. 
Wild curls in on himself. He clasps his hands together, fingernails digging into calloused skin. Desperate tears spring to his eyes and slide hot and fast down his cheeks. Breathing feels useless now, impossible. He’s drowning even as he drags in air. 
His surroundings blur into shades of blue and green.
Get it together, Link, he tells himself, even as a rushing noise floods his ears, followed up by a high-pitched ring. He remembers that sound from before. He heard it so many times – during ceremonies and dances and every other stuffy royal performance that stuck him at the forefront of the people he would fail. When he kneeled before Zelda too. When Ganon attacked and all he could do was run.
You’re fine. It quickly becomes a chant. Everything’s fine. So, just pull yourself…
The sound of footsteps comes crashing through his tumbled thoughts. Whatever wheezing little air he had been able to drag in sticks in his throat. His pounding heart skips several beats.
Wild scrambles to his feet, eyes wide and feet unsteady. He reaches for his sword. But he doesn’t find it.
Oh, yeah. Because it broke the other day. Great. Just great.
The piercing blue eyes that gaze up at him, however, and the slender gray body that curves through the brush with the grace of a serpent are those he knows. A wolf sits down before him.
The panic that has reached a fever pitch dims slightly. Wild chokes out a half-breath.
Twilight pads toward him, concern in his eyes. 
“Are you alright, cub?” He seems to ask.
“I—” Wild clenches his hands into fists. “I’m…”
Fine. Everything’s fine. Nothing for you to worry about. 
He shakes his head, defeatedly. Tears burn hot behind his eyes. In the next moment, his legs give way beneath him, landing him in a pitiful pile on the ground. 
“I’m not.” It’s a croak torn from a throat too tight for anything else. A truth that Wild wishes he didn’t have to voice and yet, is certain the rancher already knows.
He has never been able to hide anything from him.
Twilight steps forward, as silent as the moon gazing down on them from above. A cool, wet nose presses against Wild’s forehead, hot breath blowing his bangs. Blindly, Wild reaches out. Thick, soft fur meets his clawing fingers. He buries himself in it. 
Twilight smells of the forest and shadow magic — wildflowers and damp leaves and the dew that settles in the early hours of the night. Smoke and something mournful.
Wild breathes it in. His fingertips brush back and forth through the fur, feeling the warmth and fluff beneath them. 
Twilight inhales, and Wild can feel his chest move. His breath hitches. 
The rancher feels real, sounds real, smells real. His presence softens the blows of the terror thrashing about within him, drives aside the sensation that the ground is crumbling beneath his feet. 
He is here. Twilight is here. And they’re okay.
“Okay,” Wild whispers, hoarse and desperate, a plea for his words to be true. Tears streak in steady streams down his cheeks. “We’re o-okay.”
Twilight nuzzles him, gently. “That’s right. We’re okay, cub.”
For now, that traitorous voice whispers, the one that squeezes the air from his lungs and overwhelms him. Until the moment when it all falls apart. When you lose them all. Because you weren’t enough.
“Why?” He can only manage a murmur, strangled and hopeless. “I feel—I feel so helpless, Twi. Why do I — ”
Another sob tears his throat apart. He can’t see past the salty liquid cascading down, can’t feel past the terrible, inescapable pressure in his mind and on his chest. 
It’s too much. Everything is just too much. The noose around him tightens until the breathtaking pain of it is unbearable. 
If he hears one more sound, feels one more sensation, has to fight one more fight, he will explode. He is certain of it.
So trapped in the prison of terror is he that Wild hardly realizes it when fur turns to the soft cloth of a tunic. Arms encircle him and pull him close. A heart beats steadily in his ears.
He clings to that noise and the promise it contains, however temporary it might be. And he clings to the sound of Twilight’s voice washing over him like a wave, assuring him that it will be alright, that he is safe, that he is anything but helpless. 
…That he doesn’t need to be invincible to protect those he loves.
“You’re stronger than you know, cub. And you’ve made me proud. But you don’t have to be strong all the time. You can’t and that’s alright.”
And though Wild can’t bring himself to truly believe that — maybe he never will, maybe that horrible tightness will remain a permanent fixture in his chest — he curls into his brother and tries to trust. 
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notgonnaedit · 6 months
Summary: When the Chain is sent through another portal, they end up in Twilight's home
Focus Link: Twilight
A/n: Art is mine. I played the Wii version of TP, so I'm gonna use that map as a reference, but Twi will have his clothes from the HD version
Master list
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Twilight groaned as he landed face first in the dirt.
Traveling by portals was always risky, never knowing what time you'd end up in, and a mouth full of dirt was not the greatest introduction to a new time.
"Great, where are we this time?" Legend grumbled as he dusted himself off. 
"No idea." Hyrule said. "But this forest is massive!"
Twilight examined his surroundings. They were standing in the middle of a forest. Tall trees surrounded them, and by the looks of it there was a faint, almost buried tile that lined where they were standing.
"Look at that tree!" Wind exclaimed.
Twilight turned around to see a Titan of a tree hanging over a cliff, the only way to reach it was a hollowed out root. He turned again to see a small shop manned by a colorful bird. If that was there, and that was over there...
"I think we're in my Hyrule." He said aloud.
"Are you sure?" Time asked as he looked around.
Twilight nodded with an energy he never showed. "I'm positive."
"Do you have a place we can stay?" Warriors asked.
Twilight nodded. "My house is about ten miles away, we'd better hurry if we wanna get there before dark."
He started walking south. Legend looked at Wild, who shrugged. Wild knew Twilight the best out of all of them, except Time. They followed their companion through the woods.
"I've never seen him so upbeat." Wild said. "He must've really missed home."
Legend nodded. "Can you blame him? He's been away for who knows how long and death was knocking at his door a few weeks ago." He shuddered at the memory of Twilight laying injured in bed. He was so pale and weak...
Meanwhile, Wind was bombarding Twilight with questions about his home.
"How big is your Hyrule? Will we get to see the goats you told us about? Are there kids in your village?"
Twilight chuckled. "Pretty big, yes, and yes, though they're much younger than you."
Soon they came to a large dip in the woods.
"What is this?" Sky asked. In all his travels, he'd never seen such a strange geographical area. The closest thing he could compare it too was the Sealed Grounds back in his time.
"There used to be a lake here from what I'm told." Twilight said as they walked through it. "But after the Twilight it was covered in a poisonous fog. It took years to disapate."
"What was your adventure like?" Four asked. "You never really talk about it."
Twilight grunted lightly and Time stepped in.
"He doesn't have to talk about it if he doesn't want to."
"No, it's fine." Twilight said. He memory of the day he was pulled into a divine plot made shivers run down his spine. It was a reminder of the day his best friend lost her memory, and of the day his companion left him forever. "It was a fairly normal day in Ordon, except that I was to deliver a sword to the Royal Family..." He told them his story. Everything from Ilia's memory loss to racing Yeto down the mountain. 
Eventually they reached Faron Spring as the day started to turn to evening.
"Let's rest here." Twilight said. "We still got a while before we'll get there."
Hyrule splashed his face with the Spring water as everyone sat down.
"Is this the Spring where you learned you were the Chosen Hero?" Wild asked.
Twilight nodded. "He told me that the tunic I wear now was the one my ancestor wore in his journey." He glanced at Time who was observing the tall stones.
Warriors stretched his back. "The weight of these bags is killing me!"
Legend rolled his eyes. "Well, maybe you shouldn't have volunteered to take them, tough guy."
Twilight walked over to where the horse grass grew and picked it.
"What are you doing?" Four asked.
Twilight didn't answer as he brought the grass to his lips and blew. A gentle melody echoed through the wind, carrying it's song to the right ear.
"That's Epona's Song." Time said turning to him, a look of bewilderment on his face. He already knew that Twilight was his decendent, but his Hyrule was much different, so it had to be at least a century. Yet Epona's Song had survived just the same.
Just as he said it, a chestnut mare with a white mane cantered to Twilight, who stroked her nose affectionately.
He said to the group. "She can carry your loads for you."
Warriors gratefully attached his bag to Epona's saddle, as did the others.
"It won't hurt her, right?" Wind asked. He wasn't used to horses.
Twilight smiled. "No, she's a tough one."
"We should keep going," Four said. "Unless, we wanna set up camp for the night."
"No, thanks." Sky said.
Twilight's continued to lead the way through a cave, lantern in hand. "Be careful of the rats." He said. "They usually run away but sometimes they bite."
Eventually, they came to a long rope bridge where Twilight smiled. "This is it, after this we'll have entered Ordon Province." He pace quickened as they went.
"He's really excited." Wind noted.
They came across another Spring that Twilight slowed when he saw. He stared sadly at the peaceful scene. All of his worst memories had happened there. But then he saw something near the back of the spring and brightened.
"Why'd we stop?" Hyrule asked approaching his distracted comrade. It was then he noticed the young woman, around Twilight's age. She had short peachy blonde hair that fell just past her chin, and pale skin that seemed to glow faintly. Her back was turned to the group, but they could tell she was very beautiful.
Twilight took a step forward. "Ilia..."
The girl turned around, revealing her sage green eyes and petal shaped lips.
"Link?" Her face broke into a smile as she ran to Twilight. He ran to her as well and they embraced in a tight hug.
The others stared at him feeling puzzled. While most of them assumed this was Ilia, Twilight's childhood best friend, Time and Warriors had a feeling something else was connecting them.
The two friends pulled apart suddenly, and Ilia's smile turned to a scowl.
"Where have you been?! It's been three months, I've been worried!" She looked at Epona, who was standing near the Links. "Epona isn't hurt is she? Link, I swear, if you hurt her—"
Twilight chuckled lightly. "Relax, Ilia. Epona's fine, I'm here now. I've been traveling, with them..." He turned to look at his brothers. Most of them nodded in greeting, but a couple (Wind and Wild) smiled and waved vigorously.
Ilia looked at them curiously. They all shared the same build. Lean and strong. But they all looked different. Most has blue eyes like Link, but one had dark brown and another grey. One thing was for sure, they were all connected.
"I see." She said softly. 
Twilight looked between his best friend and his brothers, speaking to both. "How about we go to my house. I'll explain it all there."
Time watched Twilight and Ilia catch up as the younger hero led the way to his home. The two had a strong bond, no doubt about that, but there was something else he noticed. A look air of protectiveness had surrounded Twilight. Sure, he was always protective of his friends, but with Ilia it had increased.
"Is this your house?" Wind asked as they came to a tree house in a clearing.
"Yep." Twilight said as he tethered Epona. He walked to the ladder and started to climb. "And the village is just down that way." He pointed to a fence that lined a pathway to the South. He climbed to the top and opened the door. Ilia followed him and, with a shrug, so did the others.
"Not too shabby, Rancher." Legend said as he looked around Twilight's home. 
Wild looked at the pot on the fireplace and his stomach growled. He looked at Twilight. "Can I use that? I'm starving."
A chorus of agreements rang through the small home.
"Sure." Twilight said as he removed his wolf pelt. "Ilia, are you staying for dinner?"
She smiled. "Of course. You owe me an explaination."
"So how long have you been friends?" Warriors asked as he examined the pictures on the wall. There was one of what looked like a younger Twilight and Ilia fishing together.
Twilight shrugged. "I dunno. I've known her as long as I can remember."
Over by the fire, Wild was making soup with Ilia's assistance. The girl smiled softly. "I remember."
All eyes turned to her, including Twilight's.
"My parents were away in Castle Town." Ilia explained. "I couldn't have been older than three, so I was staying with Rusl and Uli. Rusl went out hunting one day, but he didn't come back with any game. He came back with a boy around my age. He said that he found him with a golden wolf protecting him, and took him home."
Twilight glanced at Time, who was sitting in a chair. "Must have been sent by the gods." He said.
Four nodded. "They didn't want their Chosen Hero dying at such a young age."
"Yeah, that must be it." Twilight said a bit nervously. He remembered the Hero's Shade last words to him. How he learned that the stal that stood before him was his ancestor. But even more chilling was the fact that the very stal sat before him in the body of a man. Twilight wondered what had happened to Time that made him become the ghoul that couldn't move on without passing on his skills. That's couldn't fully die.
After dinner, Twilight opted to walk Ilia home, but she insisted to wait until tomorrow to show his face in the village, as to not cause everyone to wonder where he'd been.
"I'll at least take you to the entrance."
Ilia smiled as Twilight opened the door for her. "If you insist."
They left the others to settle in and get ready for bed.
"I knew about Ilia." Wild said. "But I thought he had feelings for Midna." 
They all recalled Twilight's story, and how the snarky imp had really been a beautiful princess.
Wind nodded as he got in his sleeping bag. "He sure sounded like he did."
"That was years ago." Time said wisely. "He may have changed his heart."
Warriors chuckled as he copied Wind's actions. "Well, whatever he feels, Ilia definitely likes him."
"So all those boys are you." Ilia said. "But from different times?"
Twilight scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, pretty much. But some of us might be related."
Ilia nodded. "Like you and the one missing an eye."
A startled gasp escaped Twilight's mouth. Ilia smiled. "Oh, don't act so surprised. I saw the way you looked at him after I mentioned the Golden wolf." She quieted and looked at Twilight's shadow crystal that hung from his neck. "Was he the Stal Warrior you told me about?"
Twilight nodded. Ilia was the only person in his time that knew of his quest, other than Zelda of course. "He's my ancestor, Ilia." He said. "But he doesn't know..." He trailed off. He didn't want to tell the Old Man about his doomed fate, but should he? He was brought out of his thoughts by a warm feeling against his hand. He looked down to see Ilia holding it with two of hers.
"It'll be fine, Link. If he's anything like you, he'll be okay. I know you can handle it. After all, you handled it so well when I lost my memory." She looked up at him with kindness. 
"That reminds me..." Twilight said. "Did the doctor say anything?"
Ilia sighed. "You know how Doctor Orville is." She said, no doubt remembering how he treated Ralis. "He wanted an immense fee just to tell me most of them will come back on their own, if at all. I remember most everything, except for in-between when I was taken and when Telma took me in."
Twilight gazed down at her sadly. She was so pure and kind, she didn't deserve any of the hardships she suffered. She was so strong and resilient, even when she didn't know her own name, Ilia was determined to help the dying Zora prince. 
Twilight pulled his friend into a huge, which she gladly accepted. 
"You might not remember everything, Ilia. But I'm glad you remembered me."
Ilia pulled away from the hug, her eyes slightly misty. "Thank you, Link. I'll see you tomorrow." She turned and jogged to the village and Twilight moved to go inside.
He found his friends on the floor in sleeping bags, except for Time, of course. (Twilight let him take his bed, but not without some arguing from the elder, but the younger insisted.) 
"So..." Warriors said with a smirk. "Ilia."
Twilight looked at him with his best wolf-stare. "Don't go near her, Captain."
The soldier immeaditly shook his head and held up his hands in surrender. "No, no! I didn't mean it like that."
Sky smiled at him knowingly. "He's talking about you​​​​ and Ilia."
Twilight took off his wolf pelt on his shoulders. "She's my best friend." He moved to untie the Ordon cloth around his waist.
"Are you sure she isn't more than that?" Legend hinted as he lay back with his arms behind his head.
Twilight took off his tunic and chain mail before taking off his boots. "What do you mean?"
"Hylia, he's dense." Wind whispered to Wild, who rolled his eyes.
"Ya like her!" Wild said bluntly as he sat cross legged on top of his blanket.
Twilight shook his head. "You got the wrong guy, Champion."
"Oh please, we saw the way you looked at her." Four said with a smirk that everyone seemed to be wearing.
"And the way she looked at you." Hyrule said. "Right, Old Man?"
The oldest of their group had an unreadable expression asTwilight laid down and pulled his covers around him.
"I think," Time started as he climbed the ladder to Twilight's bed. "That you all need to go to bed, and let the Rancher figure out his feelings for himself."
The group grumbled their good nights and went to sleep. But Twilight stared up at his ceiling, trying to make sense of what they had told him.
The next morning, the Links were aroused by and unfamiliar voice calling to them. Well, unfamiliar to all but one.
"Link!" A young boys voice shouted. "We know you're home! Get up!"
Legend rubbed his eyes angrily. "Who is that?" He grumbled.
Twilight got up and opened the door. He smiled when he saw the familiar sight of Talo, Malo, Beth, and Colin all standing in his yard.
"You couldn't have let me sleep?" Twilight asked jokingly. "Hold on, I'll be down in a minute."
When he went back in, he found everyone getting themselves around, well, all except Sky. That boy could sleep through anything.
"Who was that?" Time asked as he joined everyone.
"Village kids." Twilight answered fondly. "They do this every so often. Ilia must have told them I came home. I'm actually surprised they let us sleep in this late.
Hyrule looked out the upstairs window at the sun. "Its, like, eight in the morning!" While he may struggle with iliteracy, the Hero of Hyrule was no stranger to telling the time by using the sun or moon, as any traveler should know.
Twilight got dressed in his casual attire, but not the outfit his counter parts were used to. He wore a sleeveless white shirt with green embroidery, baggy dark green pants that reached past his knees, a blue cloth around his waist tied with a smaller orange cloth like usual, and a green sleeve tethered to his shirt on his left arm.
"Wake up, guys." The Rancher said. "You can't see the goats if you're asleep."
Wind immeaditly perked up. He got dressed twice as fast as the others and was at Twilight's side in a moment.
Strange clothes for farm chores." Warriors noted remembering how Twilight helped at Lon Lon Ranch in his usual attire.
"It's traditional Ordon clothing." The native told them as he walked to the door. The others followed him, all in their day clothes. Even Sky had awoken and was groggily climbing down the ladder.
"Link!" The kids all said as they ran to Twilight, jumping on his back and hanging off his arm. The Rancher didn't seem to mind at all. He laughed with delight as he hugged one particular blond boy.
"Link, Mom and Dad are waiting to see you!" Colin said. "And Rose so close to learning how to walk." He looked over Twilight's shoulder and a confused look crept across his face. "Who are they?"
Twilight turned to see his counter parts standing behind him. He really didn't want to explain how time travel and the Hero's Spirit worked.
"They're–er– travelers. I met them while I was traveling myself."
"Oh." They seemed satisfied with his answer. 
"You should probably head to the ranch." Malo said in his monotonous voice. "Fado has barely been able to keep the goats in check."
"Yeah!" Talo said. "Rusl and my dad had to go into Faron Woods to find one last week!"
"You guys!" Beth scolded. "Link just got back and you're already giving him chores!"
Twilight chuckled and took Epona's reins in his hand to lead her. "It's fine, Beth. I was just about to show my friends here the ranch anyway." He turned to his caravan. "Come on, y'all. The Ordon tour starts now."
Ordon Village was just as Twilight had left it. Calm, quiet, and quaint. The lake to his right was just as clear as ever, and the hawk grass on the earthen collums were staying in the gentle breeze.
To the left sat Fado's house, and even farther was Rusl, Uli, Colin, and Rose's house. 
"Link!" Ilia waved from where she was talking with Uli by the bridge. She was holding one year old Rose on her hip.Twilight smiled and made his way over to them.
One thing Twilight had missed was Uli's smile. No matter what he was feeling, she could always make him feel warm inside when she smiled.
"Oh, Link." She said wrapping him in a hug he gladly returned. "We've missed you so much!"
Twilight felt a hand on his shoulder and looked to see Rusl standing there, his own face shining with a welcoming smile.
"Good to have you back, son." He said.
Twilight felt his chest swell with pride. Rusl and Uli had taken him in until he moved out at sixteen, a year before his adventure. They treated him as one of their own, and Twilight always considered them to be his parents and Colin and Rose to be his younger siblings.
In the background, someone coughed. Twilight pulled away from the two and turned to his group.
"Oh, sorry, guys." He said. "I forgot to introduce you."
"Who are you're...friends." Rusl hesitated on the last word. He wasn't quite sure how these people knew Link. They varied in ages and height, but they all had the same aura that Link did.
"These are my friends." Twilight said to his parental figures. "We just call each other by nicknames. That's Traveler, Captain, Sailor, Champion, Smith, Veteran, Chosen, and the Old Man. Guys," He turned to his group. "This is Rusl and Uli, and their daughter Rose. They raised me as their own, and Colin was here just a minute ago..."
Time held out his hand to shake. "Nice to meet you." Rusl took it and nodded. Time already liked him. They did a fine job with his decendent.
"Can we see the goats now?" Wind said a bit impatiently. He might be a hero, but he was still a kid.
Ilia chuckled. "You're friend might be right, Link. I'm sure the kids already told you about Fado. You know how my father feels when you aren't helping with the ranch."
"Then why doesn't he have Link run it full time, and Faso helps?" Rusl asked.
Uli chided her husband. "Link has more important things to tend to in Castle Town with you. He can only stretch himself so thin." She turned to Twilight. "I don't mean to talk about you like you're not here."
Rose started babbling from her place on Ilia's hip. The young woman held her up to eye level. "Do you wanna see Link? You want your big brother?" She handed Rose to Twilight, who gingerly took the baby.
"Hi, Rosie." He said to her smiling.
"Ink!" She babbled happily. While she couldn't quite say Twilight's name yet, that didn't stop her from trying. Just then, Colin came up with grass stains on his clothes. The other village kids tailed behind, and went to their own parents.
"Colin, what happened to you?" Uli asked as she took in his state.
"Taking wanted to play sumo and I said I didn't want to, so he tried to make me. But I beat him."
"Good job." Rusl and Twilight said in sync. Ever since Colin saved Beth from the Bulbins, Talo had stopped bullying him. But there was always the occasion when Talo went to far.
The other Links watch in amusement at the family. Wild was wondering why his companion had never mentioned his family before. But that nice moment was interrupted by a call from the north.
"Heeeyyyy! A goat got loose!!!"
A blue, horned beast ran down the path. The group got in battle stances, not knowing what else to do. The goat was coming right for them. But Twilight handed Rose to Uli and ran across the bridge. They watched in wonder as their friend grabbed the goat by it's ringed horns and threw it to the ground. It got up, shook its head, and walked back up to the ranch.
"I should probably go see how Fado's doing." Twilight said as he dusted his hands off.
Ilia giggled. "Probably. You should go now before anymore get loose."
Twilight took Epona's reins once again and led his companions to his job.
"You're sure you don't have any magic items?" Legend teased. To be fair, Twilight had grabbed a thundering beast and threw it to the ground like it was nothing. It wouldn't be unusual for Legend to be slightly jealous of his beastly friend's strength.
Twilight chuckled. "Just my crystal."
Four noticed they were in a stretch of the path where no one is around and he took that as an opportunity. "Does anyone here know about your–you know–other form?"
"Just Ilia." The Rancher said shortly.
"You seem to really trust her." Sky said in a tone that could be considered a teasing one.
"She's my best friend." Twilight said for what felt like the umpteenth time.
"Yeah, but you didn't tell Rusl and Uli, and they raised you." Warriors pointed out.
"Ilia saw things she couldn't explain. I told her everything so she wouldn't think she was losing her mind." Twilight's tone was somber. "It's hard enough knowing there will be some things she'll never remember. I wanted to give her some peace of mind."
The group fell silent at his words. They knew he was just trying to protect his friend, but they still felt there was some unspoken feelings amidst.
"Well, we're here." Twilight said as they approached the open gates of the ranch. Ranch didn't cover it. There was a fence along the South side, but the pasture was bordered by small cliffs on all sides. There was a barn on the west side, and it's doors were open.
There was one man in the center of the pasture, and he was inspecting a goats hoof.
"Fado!" Twilight said approaching him.
Fado looked up from the goat. "Link! You're back, and you brought Epona!"
Twilight laughed. "Yep, I figured you needed the help.
Fado scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah, I sure do. I need to check for sickness today so I gotta round 'em all up in the barn. You think you can do that?"
Twilight smirked as he mounted his horse. "You bet." He turned to his friends. "Y'all better stay back while I herd them. They can get aggressive. Hyah!" He took off on Epona in a canter.
Wind watched in awe as Twilight herded the goats into barn. He made it look so easy. "He's really good."
Time felt a swell of pride. Malon would be proud to watch their decendent handle animals with such skill. He could hardly believe that the same boy who was riding around, was barely breathing a few weeks ago. Whatever that shadow did had messed him up, and Time shuddered to think what might have happened if the Traveler's life spell hadn't worked. Time thougtt about how much Twilight talked about Ilia. He had painted a perfect picture of her, from her green eyes to they way her nose scrunched when she laughed. It was clear to the man that they had feelings for each other, whether they knew it or not.
Wild, on the other hand, was confused. Twilight had talked about Midna like an old heartbreak that hadn't healed. But when Twilight was around Ilia, he smiled like her very presence was his reason for anything.
By now, all the goats were in the barn being checked for sickness and disease by Twilight and Fado.
"How did you know of their sick?" Wind asked as Twilight examined a goats mouth. Four, Time, Sky and Wild had gone back down to the village. Wind, Legend, Hyrule, and Warriors stayed out of fascination for the goats.
"You check their mouth, and if their spit is yellow, they're sick." Twilight said as he patted his goat's back. "But this old girl is as healthy as they come."
"You never mentioned the smell." Warriors said distastefully.
Legend rolled his eyes. "It's a barn, Captain. What did you expect?"
"I don't mind it." Hyrule said. In his time, there was very little livestock. Most towns were scattered and maybe had one or two cows.
Back in the village, Four and Time were talking with Rusl while Wild was playing with the kids, and Sky was talking with Ilia.
"Link said you were a blacksmith." Four said. "Do you mind if I use your forge to repair this?" He held out a broken sword, no doubt Wild's.
Rusl took the sword and inspected it. "Hmm, it will take skill. Are you up to the task?"
Four squared his shoulders. He was used to people underestimating him. "Sir, I've forged swords in the fires of the volcano of my home. I can handle a forge."
Rusl laughed at the boy's attitude. "Go on ahead, lad. I believe you."
Time chuckled as the Smith ran off with the sword.
"How about you?" Rusl asked. "How do you know Link?"
Time hesitated. "I'm just a traveler."
Rusl shifted. "Are you by any chance his family?" He continued when Time didn't respond. "You have the same eyes and air of confidence. I wouldn't be surprised if you were his father, but I feel like Link would've mentioned it by now."
"Let's just call it a coincidence." Time said. "Ilia told us that you found Link in the forest?"
Rusl nodded. His eyes were distant, like he was reliving a memory. "I was hunting and I came across a wolf. But not just any wolf: its coat was gold, like the sky at sunset. In fact, it kinda looked like the color of your hair. Anyway, it stared at me. I was afraid to kill it because it might've been a spirit or god, so I just stood there, watching it.
"It wasn't long before the leaves in the bushes rustled, and a little boy, a toddler, wrapped his arms around the wolf cheerfully. The wolf stared at me with its one red eye, and I somehow understood. It wanted me to take the boy, it couldn't take care of him forever. 
"I remember looking at the boy's hand and seeing the symbol of the Royal Family. It wasn't until years later that I leaned that the boy, our Link, was the chosen hero. I never saw that wolf again, but I had a feeling it was sacred."
Time knew he needed to have a talk with Twilight later. "You said the wolf had one eye. Which eye was missing." He knew he was crazy for thinking it, but he had to know.
"I think it was missing it's right eye, but I could be wrong."
That was all the confirmation Time needed. He wasn't going to talk with Twilight anymore. There was a reason he didn't tell him, and Time was scared to know.
That night, everyone was once again settling down in Twilight's home.
"You're home is a lot like mine, Rancher." Sky said as he lay down. "Tight-knit, friendly people. It kinda makes me miss home."
"We'll get to your home eventually." Four assured him.
Twilight sat at the table with Time. The two hadn't spoken since Twi finished helping at the ranch. Both were scared to speak to each other.
Not being able to bear the awkwardness, Twilight went to his door. "I need to check on Epona." When he was outside, Twilight inhaled a deep breath of the night air. He found it cleared his mind better than anything. 
He climbed down the ladder only to find that Epona wasn't there. Twilight scanned the area and sniffed the air. Ever since Faron had turned him back into a man, he had some side effects. Such as, his hair was wilder and courser, and his senses were always on high alert. They weren't as strong as when he was in full wolf form, but they were strong enough to come to the conclusion that Ilia had taken Epona to the Spirit's Spring.
Twilight smiled to himself as he headed down the trail. Ilia had been doing this for years, and tonight was no exception. He reached the Spring and found Ilia standing in the center, stroking Epona's face. She looked ethereal in the moonlight, her peachy hair had a silvery glow, casting a fairy-like look on her face.
"Oh, hi, Link." She said smiling. "I'd thought I'd wash Epona for you, since you probably never had a chance to in your travels."
Twilight smiled at her. It felt so nice to hear his name for what felt like the first time in months. "Thank you, you're right. She could use a good wash."
Epona nickered, causing a light laugh to pass between the two friends.
"I've missed you, you know..." Ilia said. "I was starting to wonder if you were ever coming back, even with your letters, I..." She trailed off. 
Finally, Twilight understood what his counter parts were talking about. Ilia cared for him in a way no one else did. She'd listened when he told her about his journey. The nightmares he still had, the interesting people he met. And Midna... How Ilia listened for hours about how he talked about Midna when the farm girl cared for him herself.
He stared at her. Her pale skin shimmering in the water's nightly glow.
"Ilia..." Twilight started as he moved to close the distance between them. "I..."
"Stop." She said. "I know what you're going to say. I know you love Midna, and I'm not her."
Twilight took her hand gently, his calloused palms caressing her soft ones. "Ilia, you've always been there for me. To scold or to cheer me on, you always wanted whats best for me. I was so upset that Midna left, I forgot that you were always there for me. I was a fool not to see it sooner. Ilia—"
Ilia reached up and kissed him. Twilight stood there dumbfounded for a moment before he leaned into the kiss, his hands holding hers.
When they pulled away, their foreheads were almost touching. Twilight was sure he looked like and idiot with his goofy grin and spreading blush, but Ilia didn't seem to care. She just smiled up at him and said, "Took you long enough."
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science-lings · 2 years
For a possible prompt: Twilight showing a cat and her kittens to those of the chain who've never seen a cat before like Wild and Wind?
All that knew him, knew that Wild was impossible to keep stationary. He loved to wander and climb things, even when he wasn't traveling he tended to pace or at the very least fidget restlessly in place. Sleeping was always a battle, no matter how exhausted he was, he simply refused to settle down. Usually it took an equally stubborn wolf to pin him down for him to even attempt a nap.
It was a quiet morning in Lon Lon Ranch when Twilight was finally able to find a temporary solution. The day before, he had become friends with the ranch's incredibly friendly farm cat. Once he had gained her trust, she led him directly to a warm corner of the horse stables, where a litter of her tiny kittens awaited their arrival. They were too small to do more than stumble around on their own while crying for their mother, but just on the edge of being too large for her to carry them around by the scruff of their necks.
Needless to say, Twilight was MIA for a while after that.
However, the momma cat gave him an idea. Wild had awoken before the sun had fully risen, despite the fact that they had paused their travels and there was no conceivable reason for him not to take advantage of one of the rare safe mornings to sleep in. Twilight refused to consider that it was hypocritical that he was also awake this early for no reason.
The champion had settled sitting with his back against a tree, seemingly relishing the gentle quiet of the pre-waking world, breathing in the cool morning breeze, but posed in such a way that would suggest that any moment he was going to stand up and wander around. Twilight had to act before the kid had the chance to do so.
Wild was startled out of his thoughts by a sudden weight leaning against his side, he really didn't expect anyone else to be awake. He was about to utter a greeting when he saw what was in his mentor's grasp.
A tiny but strong squeaking noise that reminded him of a fox escaped the mouth of the palm-sized creature. He couldn't help but let out a gasp at the sheer smallness of the animal. His wide eyes snapped up to Twilight in a silent question that was delightfully answered when the baby... whatever it was, was handed over to him. He grinned when he realized that its fur was just as soft as it looked.
"I remembered that you don't really have cats in your time, which is incredibly tragic, so I decided that this is the perfect opportunity to educate you on something very important. This is a kitten."
"Its face kind of reminds me of a Lynel, but cute." Wild let the kitten curl up on his lap using his hand as a blanket.
"I guess a Lynel might be the closest thing you have to a cat..." Twilight muttered with a bit of horror in his voice. Wild merely laughed.
At this point, the mother cat had found them and her stolen baby, though she didn't seem very bothered. She sniffed Wild's bent elbow and rubbed up against him with a surprising aggressiveness. He patted her head, which she really seemed to enjoy. Despite this, she quickly left, seemingly satisfied with the care her child was left in.
Wild was disappointed in her disappearance but it was only for a minute, as she returned soon after with another kitten, placing it beside the first one on a confused champion's tunic.
"What is it doing?" He asked the Rancher nervously.
"She likes you. So much so that she wants you to babysit." He replied proudly.
"I just learned what a cat was, I don't think I'm qualified for this."
The cat left again, and she came back again with another kitten. At this point, Wild had started to get nervous, he wasn't sure he was ready for such responsibility.
"You're doing fine, just keep them warm." Twi raised an eyebrow at how seriously the kid was taking this.
The cat left, and she returned with a kitten. She did it again, and again, and again, until the kittens had all been transferred to their new babysitter.
Once all the kittens were accounted for, Twilight stood up again with a stretch.
"Wait, where are you going?"
"Back to bed," he responded as if it were obvious, starting to stroll back to the house.
"You can't just leave me here! Twi! I'm not ready to be a mother!" His voice raised in volume as his brother got further and further away.
The mother cat curled up at his side, and he accepted the fact that he was stuck and wouldn't dare move, in fear of bothering the kittens. With a sigh, he patted the larger cat beside him, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be stuck like this.
Send me prompts?
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minas-linkverse · 1 year
please ramble about Twilight!! :D
Twi is in an odd spot for me, because I love love the characterization I've been able to give him, but I'm struggling to fully figure out his character arc. Sure paranoia is a huge issue that can be explored in a comic like this just fine, but I feel like I'm missing something... I need to figure out what that is so I can give him the best possible storyline.
He's not cowardly, his paranoia is not from fearing that he'll get hurt... Twi is afraid of others getting hurt on his watch, but... It didn't feel right to write him trying to stop the others from swimming in a lake either...! There's a question and an answer here somewhere but I've yet to find it. I suppose that's a part of why writing is so fun... All the pondering you get to do.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
I hope you're doing okay and that you're not overworking yourself. ❤
Here are some notes from the midwestern gothic horror WIP:
Twilight - Obviously some kind of werewolf cowboy. Not sure if he's a normal werewolf or just a dude that occasionally shares a body with a ghost wolf, though.
Wild - Undead creature. Something kind of like a zombie, except he's still a person. Died once and got the t-shirt. Now keeps a running list of how many times he should've stayed dead.
Warriors - One rumor says he's the patron guardian of a cemetery belonging to soldiers that died in battle. Another rumor says he's some kind of entity that haunts sex offenders until they go crazy.
Wind - Is either a lake monster or a river monster. Used to be an adorable kid and then came back a bit different one day. There's a reason why there are so many water-based ghost stories.
Time - An unspecified type of shape-shifter that relies on masks to change shape. Seems pretty normal, if creepy, otherwise.
Sky - There used to be some kind of old god or spirit that summoned lightning storms, but it's been conveniently gone ever since he came to town a year or so ago. The storms never left, though.
Hyrule - No one has any idea what is up with him, but they don't want to know. He kind of just showed up and generally creeps people out, but no one's died yet, so it's probably fine.
Legend - He's a witch. He's literally just a witch, and they probably should've burned him at the stake ages ago, but they didn't, and now he's their problem.
Four - Creepy shadow aside, he is always that one person standing at the side of the road in the dark, knows way more than he should, and has frankly terrifying moodswings.
I'll be honest, I am creeping myself out, so I'm going to go do ✨ Normal Person Things ✨ for a while and hope that fixes it. 👍
(yesterdays brainrot)
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Dude all your ideas are just??? god damn you cook every time and i eat it up
Werewolf cowboy twi? 10/10.
‘died and got the tshirt is genuinely hilarious
“came back different one day” IM OBSESSED.
skyskyskyskyskysky yes yes yes yes yes I LOVE IT.
I love the idea of Hyrule LOOKING normal but being slightly Off
Four is giving creepy omen and i love it
dude im chewing on all of these im obsessed, thanks for sharing :)
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skyward-floored · 3 months
I'm not sure if you take fic requests or not, but feel free to ignore this
But I read that father's day fic with IAU Time and Wars (wonderful fic btw!!!) and I thought, how does IAU Legend, Twi, Wind, Four, Wild, and Hyrule celebrate father's/mother's day with Time/Malon?
I do short periods where I take fic requests, but they’re closed right now, sorry anon 😅 But I do have some things about mother/Father’s Day I can tell you at least :)
For both holidays, the kids usually try and at least make their parents cards, or a little gift, depending on things. They usually just do cards though. Time probably takes them all out fishing one time, and that goes... okay (nobody drowns, so that’s a win in his book).
Twilight usually tries to get his younger siblings to not fight with each other on the day (Wild and Legend, ahem), and also just do more around the house so whichever parent it is doesn’t have to do as much. Legend does try not to start dumb arguments with Wild (it’s harrrrd, Wild is always doing dumb stuff), and also tries to be more helpful. On Mother’s Day, he also spends more time as a rabbit, since he knows his mom likes animals (Malon loves both his forms, but she does think it’s sweet).
Wild (once he’s old enough) often makes breakfast in bed, and gets his siblings to help (sometimes this is fine... sometimes it is not). He always works extra hard on his card too, he wants to show his parents how much he appreciates them. And when he’s a little bit older, he starts wondering about his birth parents a little, and often spares a thought or two towards them on mother’s/father’s day. Hyrule is similar, in that he wants to show his parents how much he appreciates them (and will never stop being grateful that they took him in), though he does also wonder about his birth parents like Wild does.
Wind and Four mostly do the same, try not to fight, help Wild make breakfast, make nice cards (Wind tends to use lots of stickers). Four always makes his parents a little gift, even if it’s something small (pipe cleaner flowers, popsicle stick something, etc), though they do get a little nicer once he’s older and better at making things.
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wayfayrr · 1 year
for some reason i've had another idea for a request LODGED in my damn brain ever since i wore my platforms the other week: [they are comfy to me, and the heel isn't very high, just the platform adds like- 4inches lol] someone who has tall ass shoes, and nobody notices until they take em off or something and suddenly they're shorter it sounds bad, cause why would someone be wearing platforms, but i swear i can run in em. [took some trial and error though....] also its just really goofy.
No because I'm just as stubborn with platforms the thing that gets you is stairs. I'm not entirely sure if I've mentioned it on here, but I'm a firm believer that Hylians are short. Time is seen as tall because as far as Hylians go? He is Twilight is seen as monsterously tall. Which mixes into your other ask as well - seeing as Time is fairly average height when compared to humans with Twi being tall even to humans (he grew up with humans so he adapted just a lil he's got a much higher milk tolerance sfvgf) but only Twi really knows this seeing as he grew up in ordon with humans and honestly? Means he has a reason to reach out to the reader in the first place, explaining most of the differences he noticed growing up between him and the rest of the villagers It's not the most but really at that point it's helpful to know anything. and it gets him closer to you which is what he really cares about honestly I write the chain as yandere's most of the time really, but this scenario where he's reader's best hope and they naturally get closer to him? I could see it happening really it's because he can't have a repeat of midna someone from another world stealing his heart and leaving him forever ha nope
As for platforms? that'll be fun to explain to them >:) this turned out a little bit more Twi centric than I meant for it to be but it was so fun to write and flowed so naturally !! <33 [masterlist]
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“[Name]? We’re about to have breakfast, you’ll probably want to come get some before we leave the inn. Time’s saying that we’re going to be walking a lot today”
“Hm? Yeah I’m coming wild.”
His eyes looked as if they were about to fall out of his head when I opened the door. Is there something off about my appearance? I’ve just woken up I guess so maybe I just look a bit dishevelled, but after travelling with them this long? Would that really be enough to set them off like this?
“You’re shorter! Are you alright? Twi said humans are way different compared to Hylians but I didn’t assume he meant you shrink sometimes! Come on we need to go show them to know if you’re gonna be okay.”
“Wait no wild I-”
There isn’t even time for me to argue my own point with how fast they’re pulling me over to the others, his strength is impressive even for hylians I’ve been told and that isn’t something I’ll argue with. But what is he on about me ‘shrinking’? I haven’t changed height at all… He’s never seen me without my platforms. That’d do it.
“Wild really I’m going to be fine. If you’ll just let me explai-”
“YOU CAN SHRINK? Why didn’t you tell us [name]?”
Now winds come over - great. I’ll have to count on Twi’s glare being enough to give me time to speak. 
“Wild what are you on about humans can’t - oh. You did shrink. How did that happen?”
Bingo. Now I can hopefully clear this mess up somewhat.
“I didn’t shrink. I’m just not wearing my platforms. They add to my height when I wear them, I didn’t realise this was the first time Wild’s seen me without them. Their worry was pretty cute though.”
“So you didn’t shrink..? Can I try them on?”
“Nah wind, not only are they my only pair of shoes but I think you’d break your neck if you tried to walk in them.”
He really does look kind of like a cat when he pouts, you’d assume he’s just had a lemon slice shoved in his mouth rather than being told no for his own safety. It’s nice to see that despite having to become a hero at such a young age he still acts his age.
“Then how do you wear them? You’ve been walking them for so long without issue?”
“They’re your only shoes?”
“Yeah they are Twi, there’s no issue either wild. They’re comfortable to wear and I’m used to them anyway”
Twi looks as if he’s gearing up for a lecture if the look on his face is anything to go by, the very same one that’s a warning for wild when he’s done something questionable. A short sigh, a shake of his head and it quickly softens up into some sort of lovestruck expression.
“Darlin’ It isn’t that that I’m worried ‘bout. It’s not a good idea to only be travelling with a single pair, what if they get damaged or lost? I’ve got a spare set that should fit you, you can have them.”
“You don’t have to go that for me twi, I’m sure theres somewhere here I could just buy a pair.”
“It really ain’t an issue. It’ll save you breaking in a new pair so it’s for the best really.”
There’s more to what he’s saying I can feel it, but I can’t bring it up around the others like this so answers will have to wait. 
“You don’t wanna eat while you’re, only wearing a pair of socks you? Let’s go and get them for you quickly.”
His hand is so much softer than Wild’s and his touch is more tender and is that? Oh, he’s blushing, there really is something more to this isn’t there; does he like me or something? The walk to his room in the inn isn’t long, shorter than the one to my own. 
“Give me a second darlin’ and I’ll get you them.”
 “Of course, I’m not gonna get mad at you for taking too long to get me a gift. Seriously though, thanks for this link.”
If I thought he was red before he’s downright glowing now, his face from the tips of his ears to the lowest part of his neck that I can see have gone crimson red. Matching how his rummaging through his bag has gotten ever so more frantic, his patience for finding the said boots for me gone like ashes in the wind. Then before I know it a pair of leather boots are being thrust into my arms by someone who can only really be described as a blushy mess at the moment. It’s cute. He’s cute.
“They’re wonderful thank you again Twi, really.”
“You can ah - You can call me link when we’re alone together like this darlin’.”
“If you want me to then link. I’ll just put these on then we can go join the others, hopefully, they’ve saved us some food.”
These are so soft, are they lined with something? They have to be right? It feels like some kind of fur, they should be nice to walk in so I can save my platforms some wear. It makes a lot of sense to try to keep my belongings from home safe, just to have some memories to look back on. 
“Hey link, mind me asking what they’re lined with?”
“Wolf fur darlin’”
“Is it your fur?”
How is it possible he’s gotten even more red? Answers my question though. Why would he give me something lined with his own fur?
“I - That doesn’t bother you does it?”
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imbecominggayer · 2 months
Writing Rant About OOC
I was never ever going to use Tumblr but that was before I became obsessed with AO3 and discovered I was an opinionated piece of shit. Basically, what is going to happen is I am going to say some controversial opinions about my "irrational" anger towards these cliche changes. Just remember this going forward:
If one of your favorite stories apply to this, just remember I am an insane person
I wouldn't hate these cliches as much if these "ooc" stories weren't all I have left to fuel my brain rot. I am a starving orphan.
There are two common subtypes of "distilling with tears". There is the villainous one and the angst one.
Villainous One: "I am the absolutely evil of *insert story*. But don't judwe mwe :(. Yeah, maybe I abuse my henchmen but I alswo :( have a secret cwush on one of them (///-3-///) which makes this towally fine. Sure, I have twied to kill da heroes but it's okey bcs the hero was evil actually. BTW, I also have a suber duper sad backstory I copied and pasted from someone else :(
My problems with this is two-fold:
First of all, obviously bad backstories, crushes, and revenge doesn't justify being a dick. If it did my dad would still live with us ;0
Secondly, you love this character. With all of their glorious competency, queer-codedness, and wittiness. Why would you want to change all of that? Especially, to something so redudant and uninteresting?
Angsty One: I am a perfectly sane individual with some internal conflict. *gets bwonged on the head by ANGST*. HUH! Woe is me. Here is a hugely traumatic backstory which will never be explained in depth or given any grace: (___). I'm so broken and small. Hey! Remember how sexy I am?! I am just on the brink of a mental breakdown but don't worry! All I need is a hug (^u^)
My problem with this was something I could never fully articulate. Well, obviously there is the fact that not all depressed people have this hugely traumatic backstory of abuse and death to "justify" their "irrational" behavior. I have so many issues that will never have a clear origin story. I also hate the random sexualization of characters while they're in distress. I definitely hate how a character's struggles can only be taken seriously when it's amplified to such extremes and these extremes are treated with a pep talk and a romantic cuddle.
However, I finally discovered my true issue. Thank you Lana Del Rey for the assistance! I'm not like this. When I read angsty stories I am searching for something at least vaguely related to me. Obviously, I know that not every story is like mine but all I can do is approach stories with my perspective.
When I was forced into going to the crisis center for suicidal planning, I didn't feel broken or pathetic.
When I was anxiously carving at my skin, I was still walking around and participating in my classes normally.
When I thought in bed about death, I never felt weak.
I felt whole. I feel perfectly whole.
Maybe it's because I can't distinguish between "new me" vs "old me" but I just feel like "me". My depression isn't sobbing in this melodramatic fashion ; it's quiet and calm. When I have mental breakdowns I'm not a wet tissue paper, i'm dangerously angry and have had to mentally restrain myself from not abusing my cat. When I see stories like this all I can think is how if I someone wrote my story they wouldn't call it realistic enough or sympathetic enough when, to me, these stories aren't realistic. Then again, that's too much baggage to put onto a random fanfic story. Sowwy.
THIS ISN'T THE END. I HAVE MORE RANT MATERIAL IN THE FUTURE. I know that's dissapointing news but it's the truth. No one in my family will listen to my rants.
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links-in-time · 3 months
Twilight Warriors
Chapter 1
This follows on from my fic 'Imposter'.
It's also me paying homage to @st0rmyskies. This is a love letter and prequel to their amazing fic 'Polyamorous Disaster Sky'. As well as their other work which I highly recommend.
I wanted to write my version of how I thought Warriors and Twilight's relationship got started before Sky became involved.
Anyway usual 🔞 warnings, enjoy 😊
"Shit! This is bad Twi!" Wars grunted, shifting Twi's slightly heavier body into a more comfortable position.
"It's not great but it's not terrible!" Twilight replied, tentatively poking at the arrow sticking out of his left shoulder.
"Stop doing that!" Wars smacked his hand away before Twilight could do any more damage.
"It's fine. I'll just pull it out and keep goin. Hand me a potion and I'll be right as rain," Twilight insisted. But his smile faded when he noticed Wars' stricken expression.
"What's wrong?"
"You mean other than the arrow in your shoulder? I haven't got any potions or fairies left. And if you're asking me then I'm guessing you don't either."
"Well, shit!"
"My sentiments exactly," Wars nodded.
He had managed to wrestle Twilight away from the battle in order to examine his wound. Having come up empty on healing items Wars was at a loss for what to do next. The blasted portal had spat them out in the middle of a monster camp. Enormous moblins from Wild's era surrounded them on all sides. He could still hear the others fighting for their lives not far away. Hopefully it wouldn't be long until they finished off the monsters and help would be on its way.
"We'll just have to wait for the others. One of them must have something to help. But I don't want to take that arrow out until they do." Wars insisted, trying to stay calm and level headed. Never mind that the man he had recently developed feelings for was bleeding in his arms.
"I'll be alright Cap," Twilight sighed, looking up at Wars with his lopsided grin which made Wars' knees weak. "I'm tougher than I look."
"Well you must be made of steel because you look pretty tough my friend." Wars chuckled.
His eyes kept flicking to the shaft embedded in Twi's shoulder. A million and one scenarios flashed through his mind. Not all of them bad, but only a handful of them had happy endings. His biggest concern was infection. Wars doubted moblins worried about keeping their weapons clean. The arrow head was likely dirty if not poisoned. Twilight hadn't shown any signs of poisoning, but he hadn't crossed it off the list just yet. A potion could heal most poison damage, but infections were tricky. They weren't always totally cleared up by magic, being a natural occurrence. He didn't understand why, that's just they way things worked sometimes.
"I'll be alright Wars, I've dealt with a lot worse trust me," Twi tried to assure him, gently rubbing Wars hand on his arm with his thumb.
It was a good long while before anyone came to find them. Four had a gash across his forehead, just below his head band. He was panting hard as he pushed through the brush towards them.
"I found them! They're here! Twi's hurt!" He yelled over his shoulder. "What happened? I saw you guys disappear earlier and assumed the worst." Four asked, as he dropped to his knees on the opposite side of Twilight to Wars.
"Got hit by an arrow. Can't move my left arm just now." Twilight explained plainly.
"Not good. I'll go get Hyrule. He was dealing with Wind but he should be done now."
Four sprung back to his feet and was away agin.
"Wait what happened to Wind?!" Wars called after him.
"You're such a mother cooco!" Twilight chuckled.
"Shut up you idiot," Wars huffed, no real feeling in his words.
"Aww, you always call me such sweet nicknames Cap."
"Alright now really do shut up. I'm not sure I want the others know about our little... whatever it is going on between us."
"Okay, no worries, I won't say anything," Twilight insisted and Wars could tell he wasn't teasing anymore.
Help in the form of Hyrule and Time came a few minutes later. Time held Twilight still while Wars pulled the arrow. An instant later Hyrule's healing magic flowed through Twilight's vains, stitching his skin back together. A small pink scar was all that remained just visible beneath Twilight's tunic.
"How'd you feel Twi?" Time asked, looking down at Twilight from where he sat above his head.
Twilight stared up at Time's upside down face and gave him a smile.
"Much better Old Man. Thanks Rulie, the rest of you okay?" Twilight sighed in reply.
"Everyone is mostly fine. After I fixed up Wind he claimed he spotted a village through his telescope, just up ahead on the road," Hyrule replied.
Wars thought the young hero looked exhausted. He always did after using his healing magic on so many people.
"Alright, we'll make for the village and hope we can find somewhere to stay and rest a while. Once we figure out who's era we're in we can come up with a better plan." Wars decided, his grip on Twilight's arm tightening slightly.
"Actually Four thinks it might be his, but he's not quite sure where the portal dropped us yet." Hyrule added.
"Alright, village it is," Time concluded, pushing himself to his feet with a groan. "Can you walk now Twi?"
"Yeah I'm good," Twilight insisted, gently easing Wars' hand off his arm. "Let's get moving."
The Chain moved slowly along the road Wind had found, towards the little houses off in the distance. Wars didn't walk directly beside Twilight, but he hovered near him, hardly allowing the Rancher out of his sight. He seemed fine. The chances of poison had dwindled to nothing. Maybe he was worrying needlessly. Still, he had dried smears of Twilight's blood on his hands. Wars curled his fists and tried to ignore it.
The village was small. So small in fact that there were no shops and no Inn. Time and Four spoke to a farmer who said he had a barn large enough to accommodate all of them. Four gave the old man what he thought was a generous handful of rupies and thanked him for his hospitality.
The barn was designed to house sheep and other livestock. Twilight instantly felt at home. The barn was drafty but it was the middle of summer and the breezes blowing through the cracks in the boards were pleasant. He smiled contently to himself and started unpacking his bedroll and his weapons to check a few things over.
"I don't think we're too far from my town," Four informed them.
As usual Wild's map was useless, just a fuzzy screen and only his inventory was available to him.
"We'll spend the night here then press on in the morning. These people don't seem to have been bothered by the monsters so far, I'd like to keep it that way," Time said to the others.
Wars washed his hands with the last of his water before handing it over to Sky to be filled with everyone else's.
"I'm going to go for a quick walk around the village, make sure we didn't miss any monsters back there," Wars announced.
He was already turning towards the door of the barn when he felt Twilight's hand grip his arm.
"I'll come with you. I could do with stretching my legs a bit more," he uttered, quickly letting go of Wars.
Together the pair left the barn and headed for the edge of the village. It really was small, just a collection of farm buildings and squat single story houses. Twilight spent a while saying hello to the flock of sheep out in one of the fields while Wars rolled his eyes.
Secretly though he found Twilight's way with animals both impressive and endearing. He had an amazing way with them. Like he could speak to them in their language, calm them with his natural kindness. Wars wondered if he'd ever used that soothing talent on any of his brothers.
They walked across the main road through the other end of the village in about fifteen minutes and rounded the corner back towards the barn.
"Did you see that?" Twilight asked suddenly, pointing off between two houses towards some trees.
Wars was instantly on alert. His ears pricked for any sound ahead of them. He couldn't see whatever it was Twilight had spotted, but he trusted Twi's instincts. They were always odly accurate.
"I'm sure I saw somethin slip between those two buildings. Might have just been an animal, but we should check it out."
"Alright, I'll follow your lead," Wars replied, drawing his sword just in case.
Twilight and Warriors approached the two buildings, shoulders tensed and senses seaking out anything out of the ordinary. Wars attention drifted away from Twilight towards the trees nearby. Which is why when Twilight rounded on him and pinned Wars against one of the walls, he dropped his sword in surprise.
"Twi what are you...?!" He protested.
Twilight cut off Warriors question with his lips. Planting them firmly with all the pent up passion he had felt throughout the last few days. When he drew back for breath Wars was staring at him, eyebrow raised.
"You didn't see anything, did you?"
"I might have," Twilight replied coily. "We could always go and check. Or we could stay here."
To emphasise his point Twilight pressed his thigh between Wars' legs, putting pressure on his groin. Wars whimpered, a sound which drove Twilight forwards, like a predator taking advantage of its preys weakness. He met Wars' lips once more, kissing him while his hands went to the man's hips to push him roughly against the wall.
"Mmm," Wars moaned into Twilight's mouth, as he began rubbing himself against Twi's leg.
Twilight grinned, flashing his teeth before dipping his head down to kiss Wars' neck. Their clothing didn't allow for much skin to skin contact, but Twilight made up for it. His lips and teeth found the soft spot beneath Wars' jaw and gently nipped his skin, earning him a soft moan from the Captain. Twilight hummed to himself in satisfaction. Watching someone like Warriors wriggle under his touch was intoxicating.
"You okay?" Twi asked, as Wars shuddered at the touch of Twi's tongue on his ear.
"Oh yes," Wars breathed, his hands wrapped tightly around Twilight's shoulders. "Oh Twi!"
Twilight chuckled a little and Wars felt it pass between their chests, tightly pressed together. He let his head fall back against the wall of the building while Twi continued to suckle at the soft skin of his neck.
"We sh-should probably get back. The others will start to wonder where we are," Wars uttered, just about able to keep from stammering.
Twilight moaned softly against his ear.
"I don't want to go back."
"They'll get suspicious. And I don't fancy the tease fest I know Legend will give us if he found out. Come on Twi. You know I want to, but let's be at least a little sensible about this."
Twilight withdrew a little. He stopped pinning Wars against the wall quite so firmly. And he eased his leg out from between Wars' thighs.
"Okay, we'll be careful. When we're with the others everything can be normal. We'll just have to take every chance we can to be alone," Twilight finally relented.
Wars reached up and stroked Twilight's cheek.
"I might be making my perimeter sweeps a bit longer from now on then!"
Wild made a simple meal of grilled meat and vegetables for dinner, after which everyone went to sleep. All except for Time who sat on watch at the barn door. The night passed without incident. Watch shifts were exchanged until Legend passed by Twilight at the end of his shift. The older hero was wrapped up in his blanket as usual. But Legend noticed Twilight seemed to be shivering. It wasn't cold by any estimation, it had been quite a pleasant night. But Twilight was definitely shivering.
Concerned, Legend took a few steps closer and squatted down beside Twilight's head. He reached out and laid the back of his hand on Twi's forehead. It didn't take long for Legend to confirm what he suspected. Twi's skin was hot and slick with sweat. Legend grimaced and wiped his hand on his tunic.
"Dummy, went and got yourself a fever didn't you," Legend grumbled in a low tone.
He let out a long sigh and looked around for Time. He found him sleeping not far from the door and went to rouse him.
"Hey, Time," he said, shaking the man awake. "Twi's got a fever."
"Hmm, what?" Time replied groggily rubbing his good eye, as he tried to push himself up onto one arm.
"Twilight's got a temperature and he's shivering something fierce. I think his wound got infected and now he's got a fever," Legend explained.
As Time and Legend went to check on Twilight, the other boys began to stir. Hyrule and Warriors were quick to join Time and Legend by Twilight's side while the others gave them some space and started packing up their things.
"He's got a fever alright," Time confirmed, withdrawing his own hand from Twilight's head. "Twi, can you hear me? Are you awake?"
Twilight didn't respond so Time started gently rocking his shoulder.
"I was afraid this would happen. I should have taken the arrow out sooner," Wars sighed, shaking his head.
"He would have bled out if you'd done that," Legend remarked.
"Anything you can do Rulie?" Time asked, lifting his gaze to look at the traveller.
"I don't think so." Hyrule shook his head sadly. "He needs medicine, not potions or healing. They won't do anything for an infection like this. Good food and warmth should help with the fever, but yeah, medicine."
"I'll go see if anyone in the village has anything that could help," Legend announced, already getting to his feet.
"I'll come with you," Hyrule replied, following the Vet to the door.
It didn't take long for the two boys to come back from their search. The villagers had been sad to inform them that they only had medicine for their animals and a few small supplies for themselves. However there was a larger town nearby where they should be able to get what they needed.
"Sounds like my home town," Four remarked. "I could get us some lodging if we went there."
"Twi's not in any fit state to travel Smithy," Wars reminded him, a gentle hand laid on Twilight's shoulder. "I suggest we split up. Some of us go to town and get medicine for Twilight. Some of us stay with him here and do the best we can until the others get back."
"Sounds like a good plan," Sky agreed.
"I think Four, Legend, Wind and Sky should go to the town. Maybe you should go too Time. Hyrule should stay in case Twi gets worse and he can do anything. And maybe Wild, perhaps you could make him some soup?" Wars continued, addressing each of the boys as he spoke to them.
"That's a solid plan Captain, anyone have any other suggestions?" Time affirmed.
There weren't any objections to Warriors' plan, so the boys going to town finished packing up and left as quickly as they could. Four assured Wars that they would get there and back as soon as possible and not to worry.
Wild went to forrage for ingredients even had a pumpkin donated from one of the farmers. Wars was pleased to see Twilight finally open his eyes when Wild started cooking in one of his portable pots.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked softly, brushing some of Twilight's bangs out of his face.
"Like crap," he croaked, his voice thin and weak compared to the commanding tone he had used on Wars only the day before.
"Some of the others have gone to fetch you some medicine. Wild's cooking pumpkin soup." Wars explained.
"Smells good," Twilight remarked, following his nose towards the source of the delectable smells wafting from Wild's stove.
"I'm glad you haven't lost your appetite. Think you could sit up and drink some water?"
Warriors helped prop Twilight up against a bale of hay they had moved behind his bed roll. He groaned a little but mostly he just seemed exhausted.
"Are you warm enough?" Wars asked, his hand already on a spare blanket folded up beside him.
"I'm 'k for now," Twilight sighed, taking a deep breath.
Wars handed Twilight his canteen and carefully watched Twi taking slow sips. He was pleased to see him drink quite a bit before he handed it back. Not long after Wild arrived with two bowls of steaming soup.
"I tried to make it the way Sky said, but we didn't have all the right herbs. Tastes good though. Hope it helps," Wild informed them as he passed both bowls to Warriors.
"Thanks Wild, you and Hyrule alright?" Warriors replied, looking past Wild to where Hyrule sat reading.
"We're fine. Hyrule's a little fidgety, but fine," Wild smiled with a shrug.
"Okay. You don't have to stay in the barn by the way. If you two want to go explore that's fine. Just don't go too far. Try to keep the village in sight in case we need you." Wars urged, trying not to make it sound like an order.
"Sure, Hyrule wanted to go look for fairies so we'll go check out the woods nearby," Wild brightened, before turning back towards Hyrule.
The two young men quickly slurped up their soup before picking up their gear and disappearing out the barn doors. Meanwhile, Wars turned his attention back to Twilight.
"You ready for some soup?"
"You going to feed me like a child?" Twilight frowned.
"I don't have to. You wanna take the bowl?"
Twilight unfolded his hands from his blanket and carefully took the bowl from Wars' hands. It was warm and made him realise just how cold and clammy his hands were. Twilight swallowed the lump in his throat as he picked up the spoon and lifted it to his mouth. He spilt half of it down his chin before he swallowed the rest. It was still hot and he almost burnt his mouth. Twilight sighed and rested his hands in his lap, defeated.
"You want me to feed you?" Wars asked, this time without any hint of teasing.
"Alright," Twilight replied begrudgingly.
Wars picked up the bowl and the spoon and shuffled himself into a better sitting position. He scooped up another spoonful and gently blew on it before feeding it to Twilight.
"Tastes good," Twilight mumbled.
"Don't talk with your mouth full," Wars remarked, loading up another spoonful.
"Yes Sir!" Twi chuckled, but there wasn't any fight in him.
His whole body seemed slumped and ragged, like the fever and exhaustion had seeped into his bones. Wars fought down his pity and continued to spoon feed Twilight. As he did, he couldn't help smile ever so slightly at the intimacy of the situation. Of course he was sorry that Twilight was ill, but there was a certain affection in what he was doing. He scraped the soup off Twilight's chin when he dribbled a little. He backed off when Twi seemed out of breath. And waited patiently when he needed a moment before he could eat any more.
Eventually Twilight said he'd had enough and couldn't stomach any more. Wars was pleased that he had consumed more than half the bowl and took it back to the pot to keep it warm in case Twi wanted more.
"Want me to feed you now?" Twi teased, wiggling his eyebrows a little.
"Ha ha. Very funny. I'd rather you not make a mess of my clothes thank you very much," Wars replied mockingly.
He picked up his own soup which wasn't quite tepid yet and quickly drained the bowl empty.
"Huh, that was good. I'd like to try the original recipe if we end up on Skyloft some day." Wars remarked, setting his bowl aside and taking a quick drink.
"I'd like to show you my home some day," Twilight sighed beside him.
"Yeah, what's your home like? You live in a place called Ordon right?"
"Yeah, I live in a tree house just-outside the village. Rusl helped build it when, when I was too old to stay with them anymore." Twilight explained, his eyelids growing heavy as he struggled to breathe between sentences.
"Sounds lovely. How about you get some rest and you can tell me more about it when you're feeling better Twi?" Wars said softly.
"Okay," Twi sighed, already slipping back down onto his bedroll.
Wars helped him a little and carefully wrapped Twilight in his blanket.
"You still warm enough?" He asked, gently pressing the backs of his fingers to Twilight's cheek.
"Bit cold," Twilight moaned, burying himself in his blanket up to his nose.
Wars nodded and unfolded the spare blanket, gently laying it over twilight and tucking it in around the edges.
Twilight just nodded, exhaustion already claiming his conciousness. Wars hummed in contentment, sitting back a little on his heels. He gazed down at Twilight's peaceful features. The markings on his face had always been a curiosity, but he never thought they detracted from his handsome features. Warriors had always been told he was good looking. Ever since he was a child he'd been told he'd be a heartbreaker. That never sat very well with him, and after Cia... Wars hadn't actively saught out any relationships.
There had been a few one night stands, some short term relationships that never went anywhere. People always seem to expect him to be one thing, the handsome hero. Whenever he tried to express there was more to himself than just that, people seemed to lose interest. Not Twilight. All the boys teased him for his good looks. Not with any real meanness, but even the other heroes had noticed Warriors' looks.
It seemed Twilight had noticed more about him than just his charming smile and his dazzling blue eyes. Maybe it was years of being adored for nothing more than his face that made him a little sceptical. But when Twilight looked at him it didn't feel like he was being appraised anymore. It felt like Twi was seeing him, really seeing HIM.
Imposter : Chap 2 >
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catreginae · 11 months
Twilight knows what death feels like. He had danced with it for hours as Hyrule tried to save his life.
If he had to describe it, he’d say it was a desperate lover. Trying to pull you back into its arms, not wanting to let you go until you can't ever escape its cold embrace. It's violent, trying to make sure that your attempts to survive would be futile.
This wasn't what dying felt like. No, this was worse. A cruel, horrid pain that Twilight wouldn't curse upon even Ganondorf.
He knew his eyes were open, yet he couldn't see anything but blurs and melting colors. His head spun, and his body shook violently.
What he couldn't see was made up with what he could hear and smell.
Blood filled the air, a lingering omen that something bad was happening. A scent that no doubt is ingrained into his mind, a taste that dares cling to the back of his throat and tongue. He could hear his bones shift beneath his flesh, hear it snap back into place with a sickening crunch. It flooded his ears, too many sounds, sounds that even if wolf form he couldn't hear.
He swears he heard somebody saying something to him, yet that was the only thing muffled. Almost as if the person was talking underwater, all garbled and unclear with their words. Twilight could feel somebody shift him, and then an all too familiar pain shot up his neck.
Warriors had fed off of him a total of one time. He wasn't even fully lucid during it either, the alcohol he had drank earlier that evening had nulled most of the pain when it happened.
From what little he remembered from that time, it felt like having an arrow piercing his skin. A quick jolt of pain first before it settled and dug into the muscle of his arm. This bite was much different. It crept into his bloodstream, reaching every bit of his body. It made him feel too hot, feel too cold, and make him want to pick off his skin.
(It felt tainted, diseased and poisoned. Even as his claws when did he grow claws? Tried to pick away at his skin, but another person had pried them off, which he assumes is telling him to stop.)
Was this what newborn calves felt like? Scared and confused in a world that they can't even see in?
Twilight clung to the person who held him. Like a child would their mother. He wept, not knowing if it was from the pain or from the fear he now had. It was so confusing, and he couldn't even find the strength to speak.
“I'm sorry…"
The person, Warriors he now knows, said. He sounded so guilty, as if ashamed about something. Twilight just nuzzled further into his chest, trying to focus on anything except the smell of blood and the pain in his body.
“Just… just breathe, okay? You're doing great, Twi…”
The older tried to comfort him, yet his words fell on deaf ears.
All Twi could do was sob and whimper.
How this reminded him of when he first shifted into a wolf. Afraid, alone, confused…
He cried out weakly, hoping, praying that she’d come and help him like before. But, no help came, as Warriors tried to hush him.
He was alone in the dungeon again, despite being out in an open field.
(Yeah, did you know that your immune system doesn't know you have eyeballs? Meaning if they do find out they will cause you to go blind permanently.)
(Twilight will be fine... hopefully)
Love, ❄ anon
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You came back with more! I also love the little reference to Twilight being pretty damn drunk the first time Warriors bit him.
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keketopia · 2 years
Tamaki Amajiki with a Mermaid Reader
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You and the Big 3 took a little road trip to a campsite.
Tamaki had a crush on you since you first arrive in U.A. but knowing him, he doesn't have the balls to ask you out. Tamaki always admired everything you do. How you were so curious about his quirk, how you were insanely smart. Seriously, you once solved an algebra math question nobody could answer. And I mean NOBODY! It got to the point where people would ask you for help.
Another thing that he admired was your eyes, he didn't know what it was about your eyes that made him fall in love with you more. Your eyes were so inhuman…almost…siren-like. He swears there was a strange, alluring quality that's drawing him towards you. Your sharp cheekbones were your most defining feature of all. Even Mirio & Nejire agreed that there was something abnormal about you. But then again, humans come in different shapes and sizes.
Nejire once joked that "She's like a beautiful mermaid, who draws people in with her natural beauty" Little did she know, she was right.
Anyway, you've arrived at your destination. It was a tiny cabin with a campfire in the front and a giant lake in the back to go swimming.
"Wow, only one bed," you said as you walked into the bedroom
"Good thing we brought sleeping bags," said Mirio who was toting a bunch of stuff.
"You sure you don't need help holding all that stuff?" Nejire questioned.
"Oh no, I'm fine" Mirio expressed with a big smile on his face.
"Alright, so who is going to sleep on the bed, and who is going to sleep on the floor?"
"I dips the bed!" Nejire jumped on the bed.
"Alright, Y/N and Tamaki, looks like you're both sleeping on the floor"
"Yeah, I'm taking the bed" Mirio got closer to Tamaki
"Plus, you can get close to her~" Mirio whispered.
Tamaki blushed like a tomato and immediately went to a nearby wall to place his head against. For the rest of the day, ya'll just made smores, went swimming (except you of course), and went on a walk. It was already dark by the time you all made it back to the cabin. You all got freshened up and started getting ready for bed. Both Mirio and Nejire shared a bed while you and Tamaki slept in sleeping bags on the floor. By then, you were all fast asleep, nothing could be heard other than the tiny snores and the crickets chirping.
Everything was nice and peaceful until you woke up unexpectedly. You check the clock "1:14 a.m." Tamaki woke up too, surprised that you were awake. You got up from the floor and walked out of the bedroom. Tamaki was questioning why you got up so late but thought you were just hungry or thirsty. But for some reason, he too got up and followed you. He doesn't know why, he just let his legs carry him.
When you walked past the kitchen and headed toward the back door, Tamaki was confused. Where were you going? He sneakily exits through the back door and hid behind a tree so you wouldn't spot him. He peeks to see you by the lake.
Before Tamaki could question anything else, you started taking your clothes off. He was taken aback by your action and quickly hid to silently scream.
"W-What is she doing?!"
He peeked once more to see you fully naked, standing by the lake. Good thing you had your back towards him, but that didn't help that he could see your butt.
"C-Come on, Tamaki. D-Don't be a pervert"
He then sees you getting closer to the lake, putting your arms above your head, bending forward, slightly bending your knees and dove into the water.
He assumed you were taking a skinny dip but why so late, especially in the early morning?
He was about to go back to the cabin when he heard a noise coming from the lake, it almost sounded like…screaming! Was it from you? You were screaming in agony. Were you in trouble?!
Without wasting any time, Tamaki rushed to the cabin, grab a flashlight, and boosted to the lake before jumping in. As soon as he was in the water, Tamaki turn on the flashlight and started to frantically look for you. Eventually, the light spotted a naked figure, whose body was twisting and turning under the dark lake. As he swam closer to help you, he notice something that stopped him in his tracks.
Your skin was turning grey and scaly, your nails began to grow long and sharp, and some skin began to grow between your fingers. What was happening to you?
A single fish-like fin was growing down your back and your legs began to form into a tail. You then stopped screaming, meaning your transformation was finally over.
Tamaki couldn't believe it… was he dreaming? Were his eyes deceiving him? Or was he actually seeing a real-life mermaid in front of him?
It didn't take long for you to notice a bright light shining on your body, so you turn around to see Tamaki, looking at you like he doesn't know who you are. You gave him the same look he was giving you, you were caught! You two stared at each other until Tamaki snapped back to reality to realize he was drowning.
He quickly began to swim up as he was running out of air. Thankfully, you grabbed him by the hand and brought him to shore, which took a few seconds since you were a fast swimmer. Once he was out of the water, he took a moment to breathe as he held his breath for so long. He got his breathing straight before looking at you, you were still in the water, with a fearful look on your face.
"What- How- You- Tail-" He couldn't talk properly because he was so stunned.
You tried to speak to him but all that left your mouth were high pitch calls and wails, sort of like a whale or dolphin. You forgot that mermaids can't speak while in their aquatic form, you guys communicate in a special kind of sign language. You've been on land for too long.
Tamaki looked at you confused, he knows you were trying to say something, but all that was coming out were noises.
"I guess you can't talk, huh?"
You looked at him for a second before you climbed out of the water. Tamaki move a bit so you can have some space Once you were fully out of the water, you just laid there, in the grass. Tamaki took this as an opportunity to fully inspect your fish-like appearance.
You had 3 slits in between your ribs, on either side of your body. He guessed those are your gills, that allowed you to breathe underwater. You had webbing between your fingers, tipped with razor-sharp claws in place of normal fingernails. You had spiky pelvic fins that helped you move left & right and up & down, and are half the length of your tail. Your dorsal fin was even longer, stretching from the base of your neck to the near tip of your tail. And let's not forget about your caudal fin, it was almost the shape of a dolphin but with a stinger growing out in between.
Just as he was done studying you, you suddenly started to scream in agony again. Tamaki panicked, he didn't know what was happening. All he could do was sit there and watch you scream in pain while tugging the ground
Your grey and scaly complexion was turned back into your normal human skin tone as your dorsal and pelvic fins started to disappear. Your webbed hands turn back into human ones. Your tail started to tear apart and there sprouted your legs.
When the transformation was over, you start breathing heavily as you were in so much pain. Tamaki looked at you in shock again, you just went from mermaid to human in just a few seconds. If his jaw wasn't dropped from the moment he witness you transform into a mermaid, it was now. You were laying there in front of him, on your stomach, fully naked, all that was left was your bloody fin.
"A-Are you okay? You sounded like you were in a lot of pain"
"I'm fine, my transformation is supposed to be painful. It's dreadful, but I'm used to it" You replied, giving him a small smile.
You then got up, much to Tamaki's surprise as you were still naked. He quickly covered his eyes with his palms as he blushed madly.
"H-Hey! Warn me if you were going to stand up! You do realize you have nothing on!" He panicked, clearly flustered.
You just walk over to where your pajamas were and put them on, you then approach Tamaki who still has his eyes covered as he does not want to see any nudity.
"You can uncover your eyes now"
Tamaki slowly removed his hands from his eyes to see back in your pajamas, he felt relieved.
"Now I guess this is the part where I explain everything," You said nervously as you sat down next to him.
"Yes, I thought you were quirkless"
"I am, but the whole mermaid thing is not a quirk. I'm actually a mermaid"
Tamaki looked at you with a non-believing face.
"I know it's hard to believe, but I'm not lying. There's a blood test that proves I'm not human"
"And where is it?"
"At my house, after this road trip is over I'll show you the results"
Tamaki thought for a while. What if you were actually telling the truth? I mean your file and the U.A. staff did say that you were quirkless, but they could be wrong. And 80% of the ocean was still yet to be explored, who knows what other sea creatures were out there. Part of him wants to believe you, really, part of him wants to, but he isn't certain as they were always said to be a myth.
"O-Okay, Let's say I-I do believe you, what are you doing h-here on land and not in the ocean?" Tamaki questioned
"Well…" You looked uncomfortable. Tamaki instantly regretted asking that.
"I-I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it to be personal! Y-You don't have to answer!" He apologized.
"No, it's fine, I was going to answer anyway"
Tamaki perked up, he was ready to listen to what you were about to say.
"A couple years ago, my sister was captured by humans." Tamaki was appalled, he did not expect that answer.
"We were hunting for food near the surface when a giant net came out of nowhere and trapped my sister, seeing her being hoisted up out of the water was unbearable as she was the person I loved the most. She took care of me when our mother died. And now she was gone. I can't even tell you how much that felt"
Tamaki's felt his heart drop, he felt so bad, he didn't know you were going through that.
"When I saw my sister being carried away, I followed her to see where she was going, and I saw this boat with a few men on it. My sister ambushed them before she was forced inside this giant safe. A few minutes later, a helicopter appeared and more people came, they took my sister and flew away. As risky as it was being on land with humans, I couldn't just sit there and let her be taken away. So I decided to come on land and look for her"
"Eventually, I came across two nice humans during my journey, they helped me look her"
"Did you guys find her?" Tamaki asked
"We did, but a lot went down after that" You responded.
"W-What happened?" Tamaki questioned, already nervous
"Well, for context of where my sister was, she was taken to a military base where she was used as a lab experiment. They took her blood and her skin. Somehow, she escaped and we were reunited. We went back home but later returned a month later due to the lack of food for us. I wanted to ask the humans for help but my sister didn't trust humans after what they did to her. We ended up in a fight because she felt betrayed. We later reconcile and teamed up to ambush the man that hurt my sister. We attacked him but the humans put a stop to it. We parted ways and she went back to the water. She brought another one of us and attacked the same men on the same boat, they ended up killing one of them who happens to be one of the men's Dad."
"The son of that man sought vengeance and wanted to get revenge on the person that killed his Dad, meanwhile my sister came back on land to try to get me to come back home, however, she was shot by the son and she died. I still think this is all my fault" You felt your emotions run all over your body and you fought back your tears.
"If I hadn't convinced her to hunt near the surface none of this would've happened" You sniffled.
Tamaki felt like he was about to cry after hearing that story. You went through so much, you didn't deserve any of that to happen.
"Hey…it's not your fault. What you did was very brave. Risking your life to find your sister was a really brave thing, even though your sister didn't feel the same way" Tamaki reassured. He place his hand along your back and started to rub circles on your back, comforting you.
"You're a strong and amazing woman, I'm really sorry for what happened, but always know that your sister is watching over you and even though she isn't here physically, she's here in your heart" Tamaki gave you a comforting smile. You hugged him, catching him by surprise. He hesitated before wrapping his arms around you. Patting your head in comfort.
This was a beautiful moment, you could be in this way forever if Tamaki didn't unexpectedly asked. "N-Now are you going to tell me why you were sneaking out in the middle of the night to jump in the lake?" Well, it was fun while it lasted.
"Ummm…" You broke the hug.
"Well, basically my skin was getting dry and irritated for the past few days due to me not being in the water for a while. I've been wearing baggy clothes to cover up my skin so no one would notice. This night I couldn't take it anymore as it only got worse, I had to be in water ASAP" You responded.
"What happens if you don't get in the water?"
"I die from dehydration"
Tamaki was horrified. "O-Okay"
Everything went silent. You both just sat there, by the lake, not talking, it was awkward. Not a word was spoken until Tamaki manage to say,
"D-Don't you wanna go back in the water, with your p-people?"
You didn't look at him, you just stared into space, thinking about what you're going to say.
"Well, I did thought about going back home at one point, but I chose not to"
"Because...I...I fell in love"
Tamaki felt his heart drop once again. He knew it. You were falling for someone else. What did he expect? Who would even love someone like him?
"O-Oh...w-who is this p-person?" Tamaki said on the verge of tears.
Tamaki turned his head with a surprised look on his face.
"M-Me?! W-Why me? I'm not good enough for someone like you. I probably won't be a good boyfriend"
"Oh hush! You'd make an good boyfriend, and you ARE good enough. You're amazing! You made it to the Big 3 despite your crippling anxiety. You are the most kind and handsome man I've ever met. I stayed on land because of YOU, I want to be with you, I won't be if I go back to the ocean. I love you, Tamaki!" You were practically grabbing onto his face, bringing it towards you & squishing his cheeks. Tamaki's face turned bright red by how close he was to you, he wanted to pass out.
You realized your actions and quickly let go of him "Sorry, too much?"
Tamaki took a minute to calm down "L-L-Little bit..." Man was blushing mad hard.
"So...do you feel the same way?"
Does he feel the same way?! Of course he does, if he had the chance he would shout it from the rooftops, but that would be embarrassing.
"I-I-I-I..." Tamaki was finding it hard to say the words. He could feel it coming out of his throat, why can't he say it?
"I-" Tamaki began to panic, this was so embarrassing.
"It's okay, you got it" You said, encouraging him.
"I-I...I do" Tamaki felt relief as his shoulders droop down as he finally said the words he wanted to say to you all day.
"There you go, you got it big boy" You patted him on the head.
Tamaki blushed at the nickname you gave him. Big boy?! Were you trying to kill him?!
You continued to pat his head when you heard a voice.
"Hey, is everything okay? We heard screaming" It was Nejire, along with Mirio. They were both awoke by your agonizing screaming, you can tell from their faces that they were both tired. You felt bad for waking them up, but it's not your fault, if anyone was feeling pain, they would scream, right?
Mirio and Nejire approach you both. "What are you doing up this late? And why are you both wet?" Mirio questioned.
Tamaki's eyes widened, he thought very hard on what to say to them, thankfully you came up with an excuse very quickly.
"Oh, me and Tamaki were taking a walk around the lake, but then we both fell in by accident"
"Oh, well we heard screaming, we just wanted to make sure everything is okay"
"Everything is fine, Togata" You smiled.
"Well, let's go back inside and get you two dried up so we can go back to sleep" Nejire added before yawning.
You and Tamaki got up and you all went back inside the cabin. Tamaki looked at you and you looked at him back with a finger pressed against your lips, signing to him that he should be quiet. Guess you want him to keep the mermaid thing a secret, meaning he can't tell anyone, not even his longtime best friend. He still doesn't even know that if you're telling the truth, mermaids aren't real...unless they are. He has so many questions that were yet to be answered. Guess he will find out the truth after this road trip is over.
This was my first every story I've written on Tumblr. I hope you all enjoyed this random fanfic that just popped into my head, maybe I will make a part 2 if I come up with any ideas.
This was heavily inspired by Freeform's drama series, Siren. I love the series, I recommend you watch it!
Anyways, that's all for today. Bye!
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Ruffled Feathers 🪶
~ Part 25 ~
Summary: Julia Morgan, Bobby's niece, has always been a royal thorn in Dean Winchesters ass since the day they met 1 year ago at Bobby's memorial. She wants to be a hunter, he thinks she's a dumb kid playing dress up. Will she always be seen as an unwanted load in Dean's eyes or will he see something more?
Pairing: Dean x OC
Warnings: Age gap, language, sexual themes (used lightly), physical abuse (Not by Dean).
Word Count: 872
A/N: This chapter sucks, I'm not even going to lie. I wasn't sure how I wanted it to go as I was getting serious writers block. I may come back to it later and fix it. Hope you've been enjoying the story tho! Stated as always, this story is cross posted on Wattpad. Happy reading! ♥️
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Sitting in the passenger seat of the impala, Sam gets a call from Crowley while Deans focused on driving.
"Well, boys", he begins his voice dripping with amusement on the other end of the phone,  I've been busy. I have the location of the first blade."
Dean, clearly not in the mood for his theatrics, spoke with venom, "Where is it, Crowley?
"It's in a corpse. Buried in a grave, a few miles outside of Lansing. You know, someplace no one would think to look." Crowley spoke.
Sam's eyes narrowed, and spoke into the speaker, "You buried the Blade in a body?"
"It's not like I could just leave it lying around for Abaddon to find, now could I? Besides, the corpse is rather... unremarkable. No one's paid it any attention in years." Crowley retorted.
Dean exchanged a look with Sam, his jaw tight. "Fine. We dig it up, we get the Blade, and we take her down."
The brothers drove in silence, the tension thick between them. Dean's hands gripped the wheel tightly, his mind focused on what lay ahead. The Blade was so close, and once they had it, Abaddon would be finished. But there was something else gnawing at him—something he couldn't quite shake.
Julia had insisted on coming along. She didn't want to sit back anymore, but Dean had made the call to leave her behind. She wasn't happy about it, and he knew it, but the Mark of Cain was unpredictable. The last thing he wanted was to lose control again and hurt her.
They arrived at the graveyard late at night, shovels in hand. After what felt like an eternity of digging, they finally hit the coffin. Sam pried it open, revealing a decaying corpse—its skeletal fingers clutching the First Blade.
"Got it," Sam muttered, pulling the Blade free. The power of it was palpable, even to him. He passed it to Dean, who took it with a grim expression.
"Let's go."
Things went sideways fast.
They barely made it back to the car when demons swarmed them, sent by Abaddon. They were outnumbered, and Dean could feel the power of the Mark pulsing through his veins. But what made his blood run cold was the sight of Julia. 
What the hell is she doing here?
As if she read Dean's mind, with a knife pressed against her throat, she coughed out, "You know me Dean, I don't listen. I followed you guys here and seems I wasn't the only one."
"Drop the Blade," the demon taunted. "Or I'll slit her throat right here."
Dean's heart pounded in his chest, and his grip on the Blade tightened. The Mark was urging him forward, telling him to fight, to kill. But Julia's life hung in the balance.
"Dean!" Julia's voice was strained, fear evident in her eyes. "Don't—"
Before she could finish, Dean lunged.
It all happened in a blur. The Blade was in his hand, and the power s surged through him as he fought off the other demons. The Mark of Cain made him faster, stronger—relentless. He cut through them like they were nothing, the Blade singing in his hand.
But then there was the one holding Julia.
Dean's vision tunneled, and the world around him seemed to slow as he made his move. He swung the Blade with precision, slicing through the demon's arm before he could react. Julia gasped, stumbling back as the demon howled in pain.
Dean didn't stop. He drove the First Blade deep into the demon's chest, twisting it as the light flickered out of its eyes. The body crumpled to the ground, lifeless.
But Dean wasn't done. The power of the Mark surged again, and he raised the Blade, ready to strike again, even though the demon was already dead.
"Dean!" Julia shouted, stepping forward. "It's over!"
Dean froze, his eyes wild, breath coming in ragged gasps. For a moment, he didn't seem to hear her. The bloodlust was still there, the need to kill, to destroy.
But then his gaze met hers—her wide, terrified eyes—and slowly, the fog lifted. The Blade lowered, and Dean's grip loosened. He took a shaky breath, the weight of what he had almost done hitting him like a ton of bricks.
"You okay? You should've listened and stayed back." His voice was rough, his concern for her overriding everything else.
Julia nodded, her hand on her throat where the knife had been. "Yeah... I'm okay though, thanks to you."
Dean didn't respond right away. He glanced down at the Blade, still dripping with demon blood, and a cold shiver ran down his spine. He had saved her, but the Mark—the Mark was taking more and more of him each time.
"Let's go," he finally muttered, slipping the Blade into his jacket. He couldn't dwell on it now. They had to finish this. They had to kill Abaddon before the Mark consumed him completely.
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