#Tumblr's UI changed and is really wonky for me at the moment
sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Grovyle and Celebi have a 'chat'
 Yall wanted more angst? No? Too bad!
Written By Oblonger
The trees and grass were stuck in limbo. moved and flattened from a breeze. It would look like a beautiful painting. were it not for the lack of color, and it being a constant reminder of where Grovyle was. Twig slept peacefully next to him as he sat under a tree. The first time she’d slept for this long in, Days maybe? It was hard to tell when there wasn’t anything to reference. Grovyle certainly felt like he hadn’t slept in days. But it’s not as though he knew anything different at this point. He needed to be constantly alert. Any moment he got complacent they could be ambushed. He had to do it for Twig. She couldn’t defend herself. And Dusknoir had made it quite clear what his intentions were if he got a hold of her.Something in the air shifted. Normally an unnoticeable difference, setting off alarm bells in Grovyle’s head. The leaves on his arms sharpened. His muscles tightened. He was prepared to run at any moment, and fight if necessary.He could faintly hear the sound of wings approaching. It felt soothing to hear something so familiar in this world where nothing made sense. He relaxed as Celebi came into sight from out of the nearby trees.“There you are honey!~” Despite their situation, Celebi tried to remain a source of positivity.He knew that it was an act. How could it not? It would be concerning if it wasn’t. But Grovyle could tell that this time it was different. That something was deeply wrong.She didn’t want to address it right away. She would have already made it known if their lives were in immediate danger.“Nearly gave me a heart attack there.” Grovyle sarcastically stated. “Maybe try and make the time rifts show up closer so i don’t have to wait and see who’s approaching?” Grovyle playfully added, hoping the first statement didn’t sound irate. He often tried to reciprocate Celebi’s positivity. Even if it wasn’t real from either party.Celebi nervously chuckled. A clear sign that something heavy was on her mind. “Well, it’s a bit hard to be precise when you’re managing the flow of time!” That last part felt… Off. She chuckled again. It couldn’t be more obvious something was wrong.Grovyle could ignore his own problems until hell froze over. But he wouldn’t accept that anyone he cares for is doing the same.“What’s wrong?” Grovyle directly asked.Celebi flinched. Her disposition instantly changed to something almost… Mournful? She fidgeted her hands together and her eyes wandered away from Grovyle.“I… I need to talk to you… Alone.”Grovyle’s concern only grew. they would openly discuss life threatening situations in front of Twig constantly. Even if she didn’t understand what they said, she still understood the gravity of the situation. What was so serious that Twig couldn’t be included in the off chance she did know what they were saying?“She’ll be safe. Our… Chat wont take long.” Celebi attempted to reassure Grovyle. The reassurance fell flat, upon seeing the expression of sorrow that flashed across Celebi’s face when she briefly considered what word to use. But he trusted Celebi with his life. She could see into the future, and let him know of any dangers. If she says that Twig will be safe, then she’ll be safe.Grovyle pulled himself up and followed Celebi as she flew towards a nearby clearing. Grovyle stayed near the edge of it. Close enough to where He could hear Twig if something was wrong. He didn’t distrust Celebi, but being so far from her put him on edge.“Alright, What’s on your mind?” Grovyle wanted to know what was wrong. The possibility that he might unavoidably die crossed his mind. That was okay with him. He’d long since accepted that he might die. As long as Twig was safe, and the world would be saved, then Grovyle would gladly die a thousand times over. Celebi turned to face him. She looked very tired and scared.“I have to be honest with you. I looked into the future and… It’s pretty dire.”She was clearly trying to underplay just how bad of a situation they were in, but Grovyle knew that they would survive.“I know. But we’ve been through worse.” Grovyle said. Hoping it sounded reassuring, instead of dismissive.Celebi looked at him with thorough worry.“No, this… This is different.”Grovyle could see tears forming in the corners of her eyes. The gravity of the situation was beginning to make itself known. Celebi made a point to never cry in front of him, always running away if she began to. This was that bad.“I’ve looked at so many futures and…” She paused. The way she said that made her exhaustion clear. Tears were already being shed by Celebi. “Every single one leads to the same thing.”Grovyle flinched. “But… that’s not how that works…”He didn’t understand how time works a whole lot, especially given the current circumstances. But he did know that the future isn’t set in stone.“Well,” Celebi was doing everything she can to not look Grovyle in the eye. “It’s not exactly the same, but the result is.”Grovyle’s brow furrowed.“No matter what I say or do, I always get sealed away by Dusknoir and he… Gets you two…”Grovyle felt his heart skip a beat. Oh… This was REALLY that bad.Celebi’s tears were really flowing now. She was putting most of her energy into not completely breaking down into incoherent sobbing.“ I-I can delay it. B-but I can’t stop it from happening.” Grovyle felt sick. Everything he had ever done was going to amount to nothing.No. He couldn’t accept that. He would, no, he WILL fight till his last breath to make sure that Twig is safe and that the dark future is reversed.Grovyle pondered for a moment. “Then why don’t you open a rift and take us to the past? Dusknoir can’t follow us there.”Celebi shook her head and hugged herself with her arms. “I can’t. I’ve used up too much power already. A-at most I could take us back by about an hour.”Celebi was already pressed for strength from managing the flow of time, and even then it’s not enough to undo even a fraction of the damage.That wasn’t an option.Grovyle thought for another moment. “Is there any way we can defend ourselves? Surely we can fight back.”Celebi shook her head harder, flinging tears in either direction. “We lose. They… They overpower us. We-” She hyperventilated “We can’t win.”Grovyle could feel tears beginning to sting his eyes. He doesn’t remember the last time he cried. It felt like the world was crumbling around him. “W-Well, there must be something we can do! Maybe we can find another ally or, set up a trap or something!” Grovyle looked at Celebi. He had accepted his death. But Twig’s? The image of her dying before she even had a chance to live… He pushed the thought away. He cannot accept that there isn’t hope. Grovyle steeled himself. “There has to be something we can do!”Celebi looked away from him. She looked like she would have a mental breakdown any second. “Th-… There is one thing.”Normally Grovyle would feel relieved, but seeing Celebi’s expression filled him with the deepest dread.Celebi finally looked at Grovyle after breathing shakily for a few moments. “You…” The words getting caught in her throat. “You have to kill me.”Grovyle’s blood ran cold. It felt like time had stopped around him. Ironic.“Wh-… What?” Grovyle finally mustered his pathetic response.Celebi didn’t say anything. She simply nodded.Grovyle placed his palm on his temple. His head began spinning. “But-, but that’s not possible! Legends can’t… Can they?“  he felt like the ground would give out beneath him.Celebi whimpered and nodded again.Grovyle was silent. Even the very concept of a literal force of nature being able to die… It doesn’t feel real.Celebi managed to talk before Grovyle could chastise her for coming up with such an obviously stupid plan.“Legends can die…” Celebi hyperventilated whenever she stopped speaking. “Th-they can only die b-by the h-hands of a mortal.”Grovyle felt frozen. His tears flowing down his face were the only thing that moved. In his mind, he desperately prayed to whoever would listen, that what was happening right now was a nightmare, and that he would wake up.“The… The mortal that kills them… I-is… They get given their powers.”The weight of everything Celebi had said came crashing crashing down on him. Grovyle stumbled. His legs had given out beneath him and he caught himself on the nearest tree. Grovyle didn’t want to believe her. But, how couldn’t he? At all times the only thoughts on her mind were of reversing the dark future and making sure that Twig and Him would survive. She had never lied to him. All of the different reasons for why she might be lying rushed through his mind. Every single one being shot down by the fact that Celebi had never led him astray. A phrase repeatedly screamed in his head, it felt like he was having a migraine.“She’s telling the truth.”Grovyle managed to stand back up. “N-no, there-. There must be something, anything else we can do. I… I can’t-” Grovyle’s voice cracked.“No!” Celebi sobbed“Everything else, I-it always ends up with you or Twig dead first a-and the other shortly after!” Celebi put her face in her hands and sobbed before looking back up at Grovyle “Th-this is the only thing we can do. Only you are able to keep Twig s-safe and reverse the dark future!”Grovyle felt like his chest would cave in. He wanted to do anything else. He wanted to suggest any number of plans that don’t involve killing his only other friend. But he knew better than to ignore Celebi’s warnings. Celebi suddenly flew forward and hugged Grovyle. Her sobbing muffled by his chest. Grovyle hugged her back. Making sure his tears fell upon the ground, and not on her. They don’t know how long they spent like this. Finally Celebi pulled away, still crying but not hyperventilating as much.He looked back at where Twig was. She still slept peacefully on the ground. He didn’t want to do it. But this was the only option. This is the only way to protect her and reverse the dark future.Finally, Grovyle looked at Celebi.“A-are you sure about this?” The words only barely escaped past the lump in his throat. Coming out as barely louder than a whisper.Celebi looked away and shut her eyes.“No.” Her voice shook with despair. “But w-we don’t have a choice.”Grovyle clenched his fists. His claws pierced the skin on his palms, he could feel blood begin dripping from them. He couldn’t care about that right now.Grovyle couldn’t muster anything else to say. He slammed his eyes shut. He can’t watch what happens next.“I love you.” Celebi whispered.It hurt so much, but he had to do it. Grovyle took in one long, shaky breath. The leaves on his arms sharpened.
Personally I think Grovyle would require some more convincing than this, but I feel its good enough. (killing the perfectionist in me rn)
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