#Tox's fursona Tommy
trickstertox · 10 hours
Hi Toxxxxx your staring worked because I'm here to ask you your comfort character! So 1!!
Hiiiiiii Ranchhhhh. This took me... Three or so hours to write? A long time, regardless. Enjoyyyyy. <3 (/p)
Who is/are your comfort character(s)?
It depends on any given day! I have a good mix of OCs and media characters that bring me joy and love and safety. I'll start with media characters, and then go into OCs. I'm very Normal about my own OCs, m'kay? Let's see, who first...
Chayanne and Tallulah from QSMP. All the eggs make me happy, they're all very interesting and cute, but these two bring me comfort. I see myself in both of them. Growing up I was always trying to protect other people, and holding my emotions in, and blaming myself for everything and anything because I was supposed to be the one looking out for everyone. But I was a kid, like Chayanne, and while I have an older sibling, I was usually the oldest in my friend groups, or one of the oldest, except for one time when I was the youngest. Even though my sister is much older than me, I always felt this need to protect her. Chayanne is the one that takes all the blame, and protects everyone, and the oldest egg, and he's a kid. He also gradually starts opening up, and tries to understand and relate to others, and he's not perfect, but he tries. He's a better listener, but he tries to talk about himself, and gods that's me. I listened, I tried to understand, I didn't speak up. I still don't speak up, but I do more than I ever did growing up. I ask for things now and then, but still get the "Oh he doesn't mind if less effort is put in" every now and then, but I'm trying to voice how wrong it is. I like when I'm considered and not dismissed, even if it's not intentionally malicious! It's something boys and men get treated like and it's not fair. Eating off the cutting board is different from not wanting to ruin a shirt, you know what I mean?
And I haven't gotten to talking about Tallulah! Do you know what it's like to see this little egg grow up with a dad who made promises he never kept? But you put your whole heart into keeping up your side of the bargain? Yeah. And I don't want him erased from her story because then her story doesn't make sense! She grows as a person from holding out hope for someone who only ever lets her down to seeing she has everything she would ever need and want right in front of her (the love and support of Phil and everyone else). Every now and then she gets upset because she doesn't have what she wants, but she's a little kid, you can't fault her for that. The fact she even gives up eventually is a miracle, and I'm proud of her. My dad was never absent, but he still fucked over my life. I live every day hoping I never end up like him, and try my damnedest to not be. I have everything I could ever need and want in my mom and friends, and even aunts and uncles. There's also the fact she's often described as dramatic when she isn't, she feels very strongly and expresses it. I was always described as overdramatic, and at first I was okay with it because it was when I was being sassy and having fun. But it quickly turns to hurtful when you ask for bandaids on paper cuts and have your feelings hurt, especially when it's years and years of being told it. I don't even consider myself as feeling strongly, but I must if it makes everyone say I'm overreacting. So I feel for her when others don't get that she's not acting, she really does feel the way she does, and I'm glad she has at least one person who understands that; someone she can be genuine and silly with.
Another thing more general about the eggs is the fact they communicate explicitly through body language, signs, and books. It gives me hope that so many people can love these characters that write and move to talk, as someone with an unreliable voice. I learned how to speak a bit late, and I don't know if that played a part in it, but I stammer. I trip over words, even common ones. When I speak too fast, I slip back into "d" for "th," something my elementary school tried to fix. Talking can be tiring because I get caught in a loop of trying to say just one word, and just can't, so I give up. I do talk just fine a lot, but once it starts, it's game over. Others may try to say it's a social thing, but it isn't. It's not like being too nervous to speak up, it's your mouth not doing words right. It's much easier to type than it is to speak, but not enough people read when in a voice call, especially when there's more than, like, three or four people. I get left in the dust, like when everyone is talking and an egg places a sign that gets unintentionally ignored as everyone moves on to another place.
Uhhh. I don't actually find comfort in too many characters from media. I have favourite characters and whatnot, but nothing quite, like, bringing me comfort, if that makes sense. I mean, there are characters that make me feel happy and safe, but I don't have the ability to ramble about them like I did above. So I'll just list these other characters:
Slimecicle in QSMP; for some reason.
Philza in QSMP; birdman make brain brrr.
PuppyCat from Bee & PuppyCat; I don't know where to begin with objectively cute animal that wants to be taken seriously, and that whole space princess and outlaw story. Also just the general colour palette and art style of the series is very soothing.
Brainiac-5 from Supergirl; I'm just going to gesture to the multiple versions of Brainiac-5 and the different appearances be takes on, in general, and hope you get it.
Emmet and Benny from The Lego Movie series; You don't know me if I've never been like Benny in your presence.
Diesel from Robots; Oh look, another character with an unreliable voice, but considered a treasured friend.
Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds; Take a look at this intelligent and troubled man.
June Egbert from Homestuck; I never actually finished reading, and maybe good I didn't? Anyway, here we are.
I didn't include everyone because I should go back through and remove characters. But guess what? It's time for my OCs. I find more comfort in my own characters than already existing ones probably because I made them. I can dictate what they go through and have it be true or headcanon or AU. And intentionally or not, pieces of yourself end up in your characters, because you try to make them real, and that means applying things that come from you, even if it's subverting (ex. I have a fear of bugs, but have characters who absolutely love bugs, to try to get over my fear). I feel like it's less putting yourself into a character in terms of personality and appearance, and more of how you feel about the character. People can tell when you love a character or if you don't really care for them. So here are the characters that I made and find solace in, even if that's won't why I made them.
Beau is a character I made when I was 17-18. I've been reworking his story, and I told you all about him and Hercules in DMs! Their friendship means everything to me. They're very good for each other and I love their friendship. <3
Now for miscellaneous comfort OCs:
Autumn; cat anthro; They're just really cute and give me Grian vibes for no real reason. The red sweater and orange cat with long dot eyes is him to me. They're not meant to be, just coincidentally happened that way.
Tommy aka Beloved Son; Furby furry; He's my son! My boy! He's pale yellow and white, and one of my favourite colours is yellow. I love my angry son.
Oliver; canine-dino anthro & feral; He has soft colours that are nice to look at, and generally very cute. For when I want a cute character or dino-centric character. Generally just makes me happy.
Stevie; rat anthro; Sometimes you feel like a heartless villain, and need a way to feel okay about your negative feelings because you're not.
Wandering Comet; draconic goat anthro; Ey're my beloved little guy living in a lighthouse and telescope. Not much else to say, just look at em.
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trickstertox · 1 year
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This is my beloved son, Tommy. He's full of anger.
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trickstertox · 1 year
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