#Touch Screen LCD Monitor
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yesterdays-xkcd · 10 months ago
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Viruses so far have been really disappointing on the 'disable the internet' front, and time is running out. When Linux/Mac win in a decade or so the game will be over.
Network [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[Megan looking at a large screen with many green and red squares. The squares have writing in them and lines connecting them.]
[Side view. The screen is a huge LCD connected to a wireless router.] Cueball: Pretty, isn't it? Megan: What is it?
Cueball: I've got a bunch of virtual Windows machines networked together, hooked up to an incoming pipe from the net. They execute email attachments, share files, and have no security patches. Cueball: Between them they have practically every virus.
Cueball: There are mail trojans, warhol worms, and all sorts of exotic polymorphics. A monitoring system adds and wipes machines at random. The display shows the viruses as they move through the network. Growing and struggling.
[Cueball walks past the girl and touches the monitor.] Megan: You know, normal people just have aquariums. Cueball: Good morning, Blaster. Are you and W32.Welchia getting along? Cueball: Who's a good virus? You are! Yes, you are!
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innorkommedical · 2 months ago
INNORKOM INC-AM-1 Anesthesia Machine! 🏥💉
Looking for the ultimate precision and safety for your patients during surgeries? Meet the INNORKOM INC-AM-1 – a state-of-the-art anesthesia machine that combines cutting-edge technology, reliability, and ease of use。
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✨ Features ✨ ✅ 10.4" TFT LCD Touch Screen for real-time monitoring ✅ Advanced Alarming & Sensors that keep everything in check ✅ Accurate Gas Flow Control – because your patients deserve comfort ✅ Durable, Compact Design – space-saving & sleek ✅ Customizable Options to suit your clinic's needs
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Perfect for ICU, operation rooms, and anesthesiology departments. Whether you're working with pediatric or geriatric patients, this machine’s got you covered!
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Why INNORKOM? 🔧 Precision & Reliability – Delivering consistent anesthesia during the most critical procedures. 🌍 Ships Worldwide – Get it to your clinic in just 5-7 days (when in stock)!
🩺 Applications:
Pediatric to Geriatric Care – Supports patients of all ages.
Versatile Use: ICUs, outpatient clinics, and emergency rooms.
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leam1983 · 4 months ago
Tech - FAQ
Why do magnets still fuck up computers? Aren't plate drives archaic?
Plate drives might be going the way of the dodo as active storage, but magnetism isn't going anywhere. NAND cells use magnetic polarity to shift bits as needed. A control gate handles the programming and the chip's interfacing with the rest of your drive or your system altogether, and a floating gate stores a charge, so that you can theoretically unplug an SSD, leave it lying around for ages, then plug it back in on a whim to find that all your stuff's still there. It's essentially the same tech that's been used since the first few plate drives - and even in things like your old SNES carts. It's why you still have that Megaman X save on your thirty-odd year-old cart - assuming of course that you don't go about sticking a big enough magnet on it.
Fucking magnets - how do they work? I mean, in relation to data?
Alright. Imagine that you're both Jackson Pollock and Magnetism personified. You start out with a row of paint cans and a blank stretch of canvas - a nice, clean and orderly hard drive, more or less. There's magnetic force involved even in the system's proper state - after all, you've got paint in cans. It's just not splashed everywhere, right now.
The thing is, systems want to create neat and orderly drive systems. This is why you'd defragment your drives back when plate drives were super common. The thing is, that pesky user keeps pulling files and shifting them to RAM, which fucks up your neat and orderly arrangement! Unlike raw magnetism, however, a computer fetching files and moving bits around is working as intended. Put a magnet on that drive and, well, you're Pollock splashing paint everywhere, creating beautiful chaos - and an irrecoverable drive.
But if drives are magnetic, then what's the issue?
When an SSD calls up a file, it's doing so in a controlled and expected manner. Magnetism is involved, the NAND chip's configuration changes to match the new state - but nothing's going haywire. Add a magnet to this and you're adding too much of a good thing.
Does any magnet work?
No, thankfully. One of my older PCs ended up with Buckyballs stuck somewhere in the drive cage - I was a dumb teen with way too many desk toys for my own good - and nothing's ever happened. Sticking a fridge magnet or a credit card's strip against a drive won't do much; most PC parts are actually built to tolerate some exposure to open magnetic fields - but leaving that magnet there or going for something bigger might cause issues.
Aren't LCD screens magnetic?
Technically, yes! However, the screen is running off of a controlled and isolated field, and nobody's sticking a computer monitor right next to a running power supply, anyway. You'll need a fairly targeted application of a bigger field to really fuck up your little crystals' polarity - thereby creating the dreaded "dead pixels" video enthusiasts loathe so much.
Let's talk OSes - specifically, dumb shit I'm too scared to try but always wanted to do. What happens if I delete System32 in Windows?
Most modern versions of Windows - we're talking 7 and above - won't let you touch that folder, even with normal elevated system privileges, as a computer's Admin. You can mash Delete for days, the OS just won't let you nuke it. However, a little Terminal wizardry can succeed in telling Windows "shut up, I own you, let me delete the equivalent to your cerebellum, I have Reasons that have nothing to do with wanting to test an insult or run with a shitpost".
The system will ask you a few more times, as you really shouldn't be doing this - and will then let you proceed ahead. In short order, you'll realize that your current rig is, for all intents and purposes, fucked severe. Even rebooting won't let you fix it, even if you're trying to backtrack to a previous Restore Point. Your only option, at this point, is a complete reformat and reinstall.
Is this why the FORMAT.C command always brings up a warning?
That is exactly why. FORMAT.C, in Terminal or PowerShell, is effectively computer-speak for "I want you to start over, in the most abrupt and uncalled-for way possible. Wipe yourself."
And if what you want is to wipe away a system's very existence, there's more effective, physical and gratifying ways of doing that, anyway. Most of them involve an already-scrapped microwave and a power drill! Awesome!
What is the black magic I need to delete System32? I swear I want to do this to a virtual machine, and not to perpetrate an act of technological malfeasance on someone I happen to loathe.
If you need to ask about the black magic, you're not ready for the black magic. Google is your friend, and I'm not responsible for what you do on your own time.
Linux is so much better, the system trusts me! But, just for funzies, how can I fuck up a distro running off of Ubuntu?
It's the object of the same memes as "delete System32". If the darkness calls to you, thou shall find thine answers upon the myriad pages of Google.
Water's a poor conductor; I remember this from Physics class! Why my PC go broky if I spray it with a garden hose, then?
Because it's not the water that's making the magic smoke happen, believe it or not. If you were a baller and could spray your PC with a tank's worth of pure, ozonized water with absolutely zero particulates in it and no minerals whatsoever, it would probably be totally fine. Hell, there's even entire PC build projects that involve immersing components in purified water. The problem is, tap water isn't exactly pure. There's trace minerals in it, we typically add fluoride as well, and most water tables fall somewhere on the pH and alkalinity scales, and not often in the "objectively pure" margins of them. And even if you could guarantee a basin of 100% pure H2O, then you'd just condemn your PC to suffocation by way of its own building and festering thermal mass. You'd need systems to agitate the water or to re-absorb its heat before diffusing it elsewhere.
This is also why distilled water isn't often used in full-immersion builds, seeing as distilled water is hard to keep in its pure state. You need air to leech off some of its absorbed heat, and exposure to the outside world means a potential exposure to trace minerals, dead skin flakes or other bits of stuff that aren't chemically related to water and that happen to conduct a charge a little bit better, so...
Is this why this never really took off, compared to the liquid-cooling rigs we know of?
Yes. A well-assembled water-cooling loop has water come in contact with a cooling plate, which itself touches the CPU, or occasionally the GPU as well. As it's a closed loop, any traces of organic components - like fungi - could be dangerous over time. It's why most dye kits for water-cooling loops typically generously include a little bottle of sterilizer. The one issue is that with copper being one of the most thermally-effective metals and also fairly rust-prone, a lot of care has to be involved. A lot of cautious water-cooling enthusiasts tend to advise users in that space to drain out and dry out their loop every few years, to check for signs of corrosion.
But fans are so noisy!
I know, but if you're a budget, an air-cooled build is going to be the most effective approach you could take.
What about AIOs?
All-in-One systems are convenient, but you can't typically access the coolant that's circulating in the loop. On the one hand, an airtight system means no buildup of anything. On the other? No maintenance is possible. If it breaks, it breaks. The average AIO has a life expectancy of about five years - about the same lifespan as your typical rig.
Why is everyone bad-mouthing Windows? I'm just an end-user, I don't give a shit about what I put on my computron!
In a few words, Microsoft's pivoted from its former business model, which involved selling legitimate copies of their OS at high prices, to selling their users' data to the highest bidder. It generates far more profits, it's dystopian as shit, and it's a frightfully smart business decision. I don't approve of it one bit - but it's still smart. In the "I don't give a shit about you, now give your browser history, I'm Patrick Bateman with a fancy ISO to give to you" sense of it being smart.
You and I are the product, now. This is why people are moving to Linux - even if I think this is a flawed solution to a problem that has objectively very few serious consequences for the average end-user.
What do you mean? This is terrible!
Yes, it is! However, your collection of cat pics or your snapping stills with a phone because DRM doesn't let you capture frames for a gifset is of zero worth whatsoever to both Microsoft and the advertisers your data is sold to. The more private aspects of your life are safe, for the most part - what they're focused on is what they could sell to you. So - that involves most of your browsing history and potentially your emails, too. Windows Recall, however, could up the ante by giving MS access to those less-marketable aspects of who you are. That's the onus, here.
What's that?
A user-accessible long-term memory of sorts, used to help the user remember previous tasks or recall where certain elements are stored. It seems neat, until you realize this means Microsoft wants to record everything you do at your computer.
And Linux is better?
It doesn't overtly spy on you - at least, not if you stick to most trustworthy distributions, or OS installs. You're paying for an uptick in privacy with a loss in convenience, however. The more tech-savvy you are, the easier you'll get used to Linux. This isn't to say there aren't noob-friendly distros, there's actually several - but if something goes wonky, chances are you could find yourself stuck on your distro's Community forums, trying to divine what this rando means when he's asking you to list what the lspci command returns. Most enthusiasts in the sphere are nice, but several tend to forget that for a lot of end-users, there's no thrill in spending a few days hunting-and-pecking for a fix. Grandma won't grep shit, she just wants her Bluetooth manager to work!
What's grep?
It's Orc-speak for "find shit now." Jokes aside, it means Global Regular Expression Print. It's a command you can input in a Terminal while accessing a file, to have it search for what's inside. So if I open up a folder called "chocolate chip cookie recipe" in Linux and want to check how much flour I need while being too lazy to open the file on my own, I can just head to the terminal and type grep flour chocolatechipcookies.doc Grep tells the computer it'll need to look for something, flour is what it needs to look for in the file, and chocolatechipcookies.doc is what I'm pointing it to. I'm basically saying "Look in the chocolatechipcookies.doc file and find me all instances of the word flour being used."
If your head feels about to burst, I get it. It's a lot, and it's non-obvious - much like Windows' own Terminal or PowerShell languages.
Ah. So some Linux peeps think people are just going to troubleshoot everything themselves?
I know, right? It's almost as if some of these people forgot that for a lot of folks, a PC is just a convenient portal for emails, social networks and the occasional YouTube binge-watch.
So you don't believe we'll ever get the Year of the Linux Desktop?
Nope. Linux is too atomized, too fiddly, too focused on doing things honestly, as opposed to practically. Windows and MacOS aren't in any real danger of losing their market shares, even if the number of Linux users is slowly and steadily increasing. Unless Linux Mint or something close to it becomes so foulproof that your grandma can flat-out not know of the Terminal's existence without it impacting the computer's usage even in the advent of software failure, then we won't get a fully reliable third option.
I don't know what you're talking about, I've changed permissions on my Plex server and I passed my GPU through a VM for containerized Windows gaming on Linux; it's stupid as shi-
You're not the average use-case scenario, Steven. Sit back down. Raise your hand again once you're eighty-six and barely know how to access your NeuraMail or connect with the Galactic Sodality while your hypothetical grandchildren drone on about leaving the prison of the flesh for the purity of silicon wafers and you feel an encroaching sense of Sartrian Contingency rise up in the pit of your stomach upon realizing how incomprehensible this cold and barren new world is for you.
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cuprohastes · 6 months ago
Gen X have become Boomers
I just read this article which is so out of touch with reality I can only assume it’s been written to get Amazon Affiliate money.
TL:DR The author says that once they had to carry a heavy laptop for a job, and it’s scarred them for life. Ugh. Laptops right? With their monochrome LCD screens, and spinning hard drives.
So hey, why not use a Steam Deck‽
They’re small, powerful and run Linux!
All you need is a mouse, a full size keyboard, a dock to plug it all into, a USB monitor, and then OpenOffice. And a $90 sound bar.
OK if you’re using Open Office you’re a masochist. That thing is buggy and will crash on you way too often. Use Google Docs if you have to
OK so all you have to do is bring a suitcase along, haul this all out, wire it all together - Shouldn’t cost you more than $700, and voila, up to 45 minutes of computer time!
Take that Chromebook, with your built in keyboard, 8 hour battery life and under-1kg weight!
Or if you’re truly desperate: Buy an iPad. You know what you get with an iPad?
Pages and Numbers, and a pretty solid notes app that can link between notes, and keyboard and mouse support.
Or buy a windows laptop.
All of which are better than trying to turn a Steam Deck into a mobile computer solution, because I have one here and it suuuuuucks at anything that isn’t a game.
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blazehedgehog · 11 months ago
Do you ever see yourself using two monitors? I think with the sort of thing you do, it would make your life a lot easier
I don't often see the appeal. I mean, I dunno. I do, but the appeal also seems limited?
Like, while Twitch streaming? Definitely see a use there. I use something called Touch Portal that turns an old Android Tablet into a "Stream Deck" type device where I get a bunch of buttons to manage my stream. One of those panels is chat, but it's not as good as real live Twitch chat. If I get a spam bot or something, I still have to tab out of the game and load up a browser to deal with it.
If I could just leave the Twitch chat tab up on another monitor, that would be less of a problem.
Video editing, I suppose, could also help. Having the timeline, preview, and library all on the same screen can feel a little cramped sometimes. If I could spread some of those out so I had more room to show the timeline, that might also be nice.
The rest of the time? Eh. I feel like I can be a pretty cluttered person. A second monitor would just spread the clutter out and might make it worse. But I guess I don't really know that for sure.
Friends have tried to nudge me towards a second monitor but their examples (watching Twitch on a second screen, etc.) is something I already do. I technically have two monitors.
I have the monitor my PC is connected to, a 1600x900 ASUS VE208. I bought it in 2011 with the very first payout I ever got from monetizing my Youtube channel. It was my first flat panel ever, after my last CRT physically exploded (sparks shot out of the side of the monitor before an audible pop and then smoke). The VE208 cost about $125 then, and has really great color and was very low latency in an era where latency on LCDs could be pretty bad (bad enough that an entire website sprung up with recommendations on low-lag displays, which is what I used to choose this monitor in particular).
Probably worth mentioning, but the VE208 has been getting kind of weird. Even beyond just feeling kind of dark, a couple times over the last year it's blinked out mid-display and turned into colored snow almost like an old CRT. It usually sits on the snow signal for a second or two and then returns to normal. Totally unprompted.
Sitting next to me on my left is a Vizio TV my Mom bought for me in... 2014? 2015? It's 1080p but not the greatest screen in the world. Has weird color banding issues with certain shades of green (the unit isn't defective, my Mom got her the same TV, with the same problem). That's the TV where all my game consoles get hooked up, and everything also feeds into the PC so I can hear the TV through the same headphones I hear the PC.
Both the ASUS monitor and the Vizio TV are about the same size. I think the monitor is 20 inches and the TV might be 22 or 24 inches?
So generally I am watching Youtube or Twitch on the TV, either using the PS4 or my Roku, and I have the web or my work up on the computer monitor. It's not the same, but I'm also not dying in a desert of only one screen.
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atplblog · 1 day ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] From the manufacturer 【Quick-dry & Streak-free】- Sounce screen cleaner quickly remove dust, fingerprints, oil, stains, and make the screen look new. Professional quick-dry and streak-free formula, more convenient to use. Let clean screen bring you good mood. 【Cleaning Cloth & Keyboard Brush】- Screen cleaner kit comes with super soft microfiber cleaning cloth, will not scratch the screen. The special texture is used with screen cleaner to get the double cleaning power. Also comes with a keyboard brush to make cleaning more thoroughly. 【Suitable for Any Screen】- Ammonia-free & alcohol-free screen cleaner, you can rest assured to apply it on any screen, such as computer monitors, smart phones, tablets, laptops,TV, e-Readers, eyeglasses, OLED, LCD, LED screens and so on. The 100ml capacity screen cleaner spray is unscented and pigment-free, make every touch more reassuring. 【Stream & Spray Settings】- This screen cleaner can be sprayed in two ways, either as a stream or as a spray by simply rotating the nozzle. The spray method will spray more evenly onto the screen, while the stream type is more targeted, you can choose the type of spray you want as required. You won't regret having this screen cleaner, it'll give your screen a new look in seconds! 【Longevity 】The Sounce 3 in 1 Cleaning Kit is a long-lasting solution for cleaning electronic devices. The 100ml cleaning liquid is enough for multiple uses, and the microfiber cloth can be washed and reused multiple times, which makes the kit a cost-effective and eco-friendly cleaning solution. The soft brush is also durable and can be used for a long time without losing its effectiveness. [ad_2]
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trivenimarketing · 2 days ago
Rising-Star is a professional manufacturer of high brightness LCD monitors, an excellent global supplier, a modern high-tech enterprise with 100 employees, including 20 highly qualified and well-trained engineers.
With a production capacity of 10,000 pieces per month, we can meet your needs. Professional production and sales of various high-brightness Hi-Tni LCD panels, wide temperature Hi-Tni LCD modules, sunlight readable displays, window digital displays, outdoor digital signage, waterproof displays, mirror displays, touch screens, etc. 
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zwoelffarben · 2 months ago
For those not in the know, a CRT TV is a TV from ye olde times.
The jist of how they function, simplifying to the point of inaccuracy, is rather than having several itty bitty lightbulbs form the pixels of the screen like in modern LCD monitors, CRTs are one big lightbulb surrounded by some big fuck off electromagnets along the length which because physics, bend the light of the bulb such that it hits specific points on the wide curved glass screen at the end of the tube.
There are two big dangers to disassembling a CRT TV:
Implosion Because CRTs are one big lightbulb, they are a big vaccum: if the vaccuum seal fails, glass is liable to implode, sending glass everywhere.
Electric Shock CRT TV's big fuck off electromagnets require more power than can be drawn from a standard voltage home-power outlet. For the TV function correctly, it needs more power, and it gets this by having some big fuck-off capacitors inside it which hold enough charge to opperate the big fuck-off electromagnets for extended periods of time, charging up when the TV plugged in but turned off. These capacitors are designed to hold their massive charge for an extended period of time. This combined with the fact that grounded incorrectly, it will discarge all its stored energy very quickly, opening up a CRT TV, even one that hasn't been plugged in for decades, is very dangerous. Like, if you accidently touch a CRT TV's capacitor, assuming you live, you might be getting complements on how cool your lichtenberg scars look for the rest of your life.
Even if the teacher took percautions, telling kids to open up a safe-proofed CRT TV is a very bad idea, because they might get it in their head that they can do it with any CRT TV.
These things killed people. Regularly.
Thinking of the time my teacher wanted to encourage our curiosity and engineering skills so she brought a broken CRT TV and a bunch of screwdrivers into class into class and told us that we could disassemble the TV and muck about with it whenever we wanted during breaks and recess and stuff. The power cord had been cut but otherwise the TV had not been made safe in any way. We were ten years old.
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vitsolution5 · 5 days ago
Why Battery Life Is the New Battlefield in the Laptop Market?
Laptops being portable devices have become a necessity in society today due to the nature of an ever changing world that demands constant working and learning on the move, as well as interaction and entertainment. Since carrying a portable computer has become almost a necessity, the battery factor has become all the more crucial, and is often deliberated by a user when choosing a laptop. With competition stiff, among manufacturers especially in the laptop market, battery life has become the new frontier. Depending on the type of laptop you are looking at – a new one or a Best Touch Screen Laptop – this feature can really be a showstopper.
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The Growing Importance of Battery Life
This makes the modern consumer’s lifestyle a mobile one. From business people attending a chain of meetings to pupils working on assignments on café, everybody looks for a laptop that can equally match their rhythm, not having to be plugged into a power source very often. Battery longevity is not just a luxury, it’s a necessity today, all thanks to the demands of consistent work and performance.
Several factors drive this trend:
Remote Work and Learning: Due to the current emergence of work from home and online classes laptops should not have any performance issues.
Travel-Friendly Devices: Cheapest notebooks with long battery life are seen as essential by constant business travelers who cannot afford time offline.
Streaming and Gaming: For entertainment on laptops, be it watching movies or playing occasional games, there has to be durability, that is, a long-lasting battery.
Unfortunately, there has also been an upswing in the selection of budget products even where client expectations for battery life are reasonable so far as they are getting a refurbished laptop for under 20k.
Advances in Battery Technology
Presently, different laptop manufacturing companies are among the leading consumers of battery technology to cope with the current competitiveness. Consumer friendly advancements like lithium-polymer battery, charging time, and self-learning charging systems are some of the breakthroughs that are changing the use of batteries. Such developments make laptops power efficient, last longer on a single charge and recharge faster, attributes that make them highly reusable.
For instance, HP has provided the latest models with better battery solutions among other companies. The laptops from the HP in India are available in a wide price range depending on the segment, however, entry level to the high end performance machines, battery life seems to be a major selling point. This is due to the fact HP pays particular attention to energy efficient processors and efficient power management technologies to make the device all it can be.
The Role of Display in Battery Consumption
Among all the components in a laptop, the display is probably one of the most energy-consuming. Although, larger, higher-resolution screens require more power and that is why producers are making efforts to improve display technology’s efficiency. For example, the Computer Monitor 22 Inch Price segment critically shows the current demand for a large monitor with good image quality, moderate dimensions, and reasonable power consumption. Backlighting technology like OLED or low power LCD are now becoming more popular among laptop buyers.
Budget Laptops and Battery Life
Despite the fact that most advanced premium notebooks may feature high battery durability, budget notebooks, including refurbished notebooks, have also been improving their battery performances significantly. If one is looking to buy a laptop under 20k that has been refurbished, there is a chance that it may not have high end features of some of the flagship models but then many of these laptops come fitted with decent batteries that enable simple things such as web browsing, document editing and of course video calling. As for those users who look for an affordable price and mobility but don’t necessarily need high performance – these laptops will fit perfectly.
Balancing Price and Performance
That is, consumers reviewing laptops are always torn between the performance and the cost of the laptop. For example, despite the fact that HP notebooks cost more than some companies’ products in India, their durability and long life batteries are seen as a worthy investment. Likewise, for people who want to buy a computer monitor within the 22-inch price range, he or she should also look at the energy consumption of the monitor, which in turn, affects the laptop battery indicator when connected as the secondary display.
Why Battery Life Will Continue to Matter
Battery life is not a modern fancy; it is a basic requirement for laptops and will act as the engine for development of this gadget. Since 5G, AI, cloud computing and similar devices and systems become more and more present in daily usage, laptops will have to offload more significant loads, while retaining the portability factor. Developers of vehicles will also have to consider options of developing better battery power, how to minimize energy requirements and exploring over opt for new energy types such as solar charging or without contact charging.
Batter initiative has undoubtedly emerged as one of the most important Laptop selling points. Depending on whether you are in the market for a refurbished laptop under 20k, looking at the price of hp laptops in India or opting for a new line of pricey laptops, you will realize that the battery life of the device is a critical component that needs to be looked at when making the purchase. Due to the improvement of ways of recharging, energy-efficient components and batteries, consumers get longer lasting laptops which meet their various demands. Given the increasing importance of portability and performance, battery life will remain the key factor influencing the development of the laptop market.
Contact V5 IT Solution for affordable and durable laptops for any of your technology needs. Our products range from high-performance laptops to the best-priced computer monitor 22-inch with relatively high quality and sturdy after-sales services. Upgrade your tech game today!
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howzitsa · 18 days ago
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NEC LCD1970VX-BK-2 19 Inch LCD Monitor (Used) NEC has long made some of the top business monitors on the market and the LCD1970VX continues the tradition. This 19" LCD panel has a 1280x1024 optimum resolution for stunning clarity and detail. Its 800:1 contrast ratio and 300cd/m² brightness rating deliver an excellent picture even in an office lighting situation. The VESA standard mounting interface lets you mount the monitor on the wall of your office or cubicle. If you want to keep the monitor on your desk, the stand has tilt, swivel, height, and pivot adjustments. The pivot adjustment is great for when you are writing or editing long documents since more of the document shows on the screen at once. Once you have the monitor hooked up to your computer further setup is automatic. The No Touch Auto Adjust automatically optimizes settings at power on. In corporate environments, the NaViSet utility lets administrators remotely monitor and control display settings over the network. Specifications: Brand: NEC Display Solutions Model: LCD1970VX-BK-2 Cabinet Color: Black Display Screen Size: 19" Widescreen: No Recommended Resolution: 1280 x 1024 Viewing Angle: 176° (H) / 170° (V) Pixel Pitch: 0.294mm Brightness: 300 cd/m2 Contrast Ratio: 800:1 Response Time: 5 ms Horizontal Refresh Rate: 31.5 - 81 kHz ( Analog/Digital) Vertical Refresh Rate: 56-75 Hz Display Type: SXGA Connectivity Input Video Compatibility: Analog RGB, Digital Connectors: D-Sub, DVI-D D-Sub: 1 DVI: 1 HDMI: No Power Complies with VESA DPMS power management Power Supply: AC 100-120V/AC 220-240V Power Consumption: 36W Convenience User Controls: OSM User Controls Regulatory Approvals: ISO 13406-2 Class II Stand Adjustments: Height, Pivot, Swivel, Tilt Built-in TV Tuner: No Built-in Speakers: No HDCP Support: No Features: Plug and Play (VESA DDC 1/2B) VESA Hole Configuration Specifications: 100mm x 100mm Windows: Works with Windows Vista Dimensions & Weight Dimensions (H x W x D) 16.2" x 15.2"-19.5" x 8.7" Weight 15.4 lbs. Power cable, D-Sub, DVI-D cables not included
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itdtechnology · 25 days ago
industrial touch screen monitor
ITD is a worldwide leading industrial touch displays’ solutions provider combining researching, developing and manufacturing with an excellence in varied kinds of industrial displays like open frame monitor, panel mount monitor, chassis monitor, rack mount monitor, rear mount monitor, desktop touch monitor, industrial panel PC, CCTV monitor, LCD kits etc. All types (resistive, SAW,infrared, surface capacitive, projected capacitive touch and surface light wave multi touch screens) of touch panels are available. The main application are for ATM, Kiosks, gaming machine, military, marine, transportation, industrial automation,medical treatment, digital signage, etc.
industrial touch screen monitor
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avendor123 · 26 days ago
The Rising Demand for LCD Video Walls and Large Wall Monitors in Modern Spaces
In today’s rapidly changing world, visual communication has taken center stage. Businesses, educational institutions, and public spaces are all embracing cutting-edge display technologies to captivate audiences, enhance experiences, and streamline operations. Among the most transformative solutions are LCD video walls andlarge wall monitors, which are redefining how we share and consume information in modern spaces.
From dynamic advertising displays in retail environments to control rooms and collaborative office setups, these technologies are now indispensable. But what’s driving this demand, and how do factors like LCD video wall price and functionality play a role in their growing popularity? Let’s explore.
Why LCD Video Walls Are Gaining Popularity
LCD video walls have become a staple in industries requiring high-impact visuals and robust performance. Unlike single displays, video walls consist of multiple LCD panels seamlessly tiled together to form a larger, unified screen. The result? Unparalleled resolution, scalability, and versatility.
Key Advantages of LCD Video Walls:
Crystal-Clear Image Quality With ultra-thin bezels and full HD or 4K resolution, LCD video walls deliver vibrant, sharp visuals that leave a lasting impression on viewers.
Cost-Effectiveness While the LCD video wall price varies depending on size, resolution, and customization, these walls offer exceptional value for money due to their durability and scalability. Businesses can start with a modest setup and expand as needed, optimizing their investment over time.
Flexibility Across Industries Whether it’s a retail store displaying promotional content, a corporate boardroom showcasing presentations, or a transportation hub providing real-time updates, LCD video walls excel in diverse applications.
 Energy Efficiency Modern LCD panels are designed to consume less energy, making them an eco-friendly choice for organizations looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
Large Wall Monitors: A Must-Have for Modern Spaces
While LCD video walls cater to larger-scale needs, large wall monitors are equally essential for businesses and individuals seeking impactful yet compact display solutions. These monitors, often exceeding 55 inches, are perfect for environments requiring a single, high-performance screen.
Why Choose Large Wall Monitors?
 Ideal for Versatile Applications Large wall monitors are frequently used in conference rooms, classrooms, healthcare facilities, and home theaters. Their all-in-one design ensures easy installation and hassle-free operation.
 Enhanced Collaboration Many large monitors come with interactive features, such as touch capability or integration with collaboration tools. This makes them indispensable in team environments where communication and engagement are key.
 Affordability and Availability Compared to LCD video walls, large monitors are often more affordable while still offering impressive display quality. Businesses can find models that fit their specific needs without breaking the bank.
Use Cases of LCD Video Walls and Large Wall Monitors
 Retail Spaces Eye-catchingLCD video walls are transforming how retailers engage customers. Promotions, product highlights, and interactive content are brought to life, increasing foot traffic and sales.
 Corporate Environments
Large wall monitors are perfect for presentations, team collaboration, and video conferencing, ensuring clear communication and impactful visuals.
 Control Rooms In command centers, such as those in transportation or security, video walls provide operators with a comprehensive view of critical information, enabling quick decision-making.
Public Spaces Airports, train stations, and entertainment venues rely on both technologies to deliver real-time information, advertising, and entertainment, ensuring seamless experiences for visitors.
Factors Influencing LCD Video Wall Price
When investing in an LCD video wall, understanding the pricing factors is crucial. Key determinants include:
 Screen Size and Resolution: Larger and higher-resolution walls command a higher price.
 Bezel Size: Ultra-thin bezels, which create a seamless viewing experience, can slightly increase costs.
 Features: Advanced features like touch capability, HDR support, and integration with content management systems affect pricing.
 Installation and Maintenance: Custom installation services and long-term support may add to the overall expense.
Despite these variables, LCD video walls are often considered a worthwhile investment due to their versatility, durability, and ability to scale with business needs.
Final Thoughts
The rising demand for LCD video walls and large wall monitors is a testament to their transformative power in modern spaces. Whether enhancing collaboration in the workplace, captivating audiences in retail environments, or providing critical information in public settings, these technologies are indispensable.
As businesses and institutions continue to prioritize impactful visual communication, the market for these solutions will only grow. From affordable LCD video wall prices to high-performancelarge wall monitors, there’s an option for every need and budget.
Are you ready to elevate your space with the latest in display technology? The future is now, and the possibilities are endless.
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laserlcdd · 27 days ago
Dependable Producers of Resistive Touch Screens: Why LaserLCD.com Stands Out
Resistive touch screens are a cornerstone in various industries, from healthcare to retail, owing to their durability, precision, and versatility. When searching for top-notch resistive touch screens, reliability and quality are paramount. This is where LaserLCD.com steps in, offering unmatched products and services to meet your needs.
Understanding Resistive Touch Screens
Resistive touch screens operate by detecting pressure applied on the screen's surface. They consist of two flexible layers separated by a gap, which registers touch when pressed together. This technology is particularly advantageous in environments requiring precision and durability, such as industrial settings, medical devices, and point-of-sale systems.
Unlike their capacitive counterparts, resistive touch screen manufacturers work effortlessly with gloves, styluses, and other tools, making them ideal for specialized applications.
What Sets LaserLCD.com Apart?
When it comes to sourcing resistive touch screens, LaserLCD.com is a trusted name in the industry. Here’s why:
High-Quality Products
LaserLCD.com offers a diverse range of resistive touch screens built to deliver precision and reliability. Their products are designed to withstand rigorous usage, ensuring durability and long-term performance. Whether you need standard or custom screens, their solutions cater to various industries and applications.
Customization Options
Every industry has unique requirements, and LaserLCD.com excels at providing tailored solutions. Their team collaborates with clients to design resistive touch screens that align with specific dimensions, functionalities, and environmental conditions. From ruggedized screens for outdoor use to compact designs for handheld devices, their customization capabilities are unparalleled.
Outstanding Customer Service
At LaserLCD.com, customer satisfaction is a priority. From the initial consultation to after-sales support, their team ensures a seamless experience. Their technical expertise and responsive service make them a reliable partner for your business.
Competitive Pricing
Quality doesn’t have to come at an exorbitant price. LaserLCD.com offers cost-effective solutions without compromising on performance or durability, making their products accessible to businesses of all sizes.
Applications of Resistive Touch Screens
Resistive touch screens are integral to numerous industries, each benefiting from their unique features:
Healthcare: Used in medical devices, diagnostic tools, and patient monitoring systems, resistive touch screens provide precision and can be operated with gloves, ensuring hygiene and accuracy.
Retail and Hospitality: From point-of-sale terminals to self-service kiosks, these screens enhance customer interactions by offering reliable and user-friendly interfaces.
Industrial Automation: Resistive touch screens are preferred in harsh environments where gloves or tools are necessary, such as manufacturing plants and warehouses.
Transportation: In vehicles, aviation, and public transport systems, these screens are used for navigation, ticketing, and control systems due to their robustness and reliability.
Why Invest in Resistive Touch Screens?
For businesses aiming to optimize operations and improve user experience, investing in resistive touch screens is a wise choice. Their advantages include:
Affordability: Resistive technology is cost-effective compared to capacitive alternatives.
Versatility: They function seamlessly with various input methods, including gloves and styluses.
Durability: Designed to withstand high usage and challenging environments, resistive touch screens offer a longer lifespan.
Steps to Place Your Order on LaserLCD.com
Ordering from LaserLCD.com is a straightforward process:
Browse Their Catalog: Explore their wide range of resistive tft lcd touch display suppliers screens to find the perfect match for your requirements.
Consult Their Experts: If you need guidance or custom solutions, reach out to their knowledgeable team for assistance.
Place Your Order: With a user-friendly website and secure payment options, placing your order is simple and hassle-free.
For businesses seeking reliable and high-performance resistive touch screens, LaserLCD.com is the ultimate destination. Their commitment to quality, customization, and customer satisfaction makes them a standout provider in the industry.
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thebrandwriter · 1 month ago
Showcasing the Evolution of the Company’s Ultra-Premium Brand, Advanced Lineup Delivers Enhanced User Experiences and Enriched, Connected Living
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LG Electronics (LG) is unveiling its expanded second-generation LG SIGNATURE lineup at CES 2025 in Las Vegas (January 7-10). Exhibited under the Live Beyond brand theme, the latest LG SIGNATURE range features exceptional products that integrate cutting-edge technology and sophisticated design to deliver enhanced usability, seamless connectivity and an unparalleled smart home experience.
The second-generation LG SIGNATURE lineup builds on its signature minimalist aesthetic and exceptional performance with AI-driven features and intuitive functionality. This new wave of appliances comprises the LG SIGNATURE French Door Refrigerator with T-OLED door panel, LG SIGNATURE Smart InstaView™ Over-the-Range Microwave and Slide-in Double Oven Induction Range, LG SIGNATURE Dishwasher, LG SIGNATURE Washer & Dryer, and the LG SIGNATURE Washing Machine and Dryer pair.
Taste Beyond: Redefining the Kitchen
The 36-inch Smart InstaView French Door Refrigerator offers a differentiated kitchen experience with its remarkable and fully transparent T-OLED display embedded in the upper right door. This dual-purpose display serves as both a digital touch interface and a Dual InstaView panel, allowing users to conveniently manage the refrigerator and view its contents without opening the door. It can also display mesmerizing hologram-like visuals, blending the virtual with the real in a sublime fusion of art and high technology. For added ambiance, the refrigerator provides access to a curated music playlist* that lets users enjoy smooth, atmospheric beats whenever they are in the kitchen.
The refrigerator’s ThinQ™ Food management system and a built-in AI camera elevate convenience, automatically recognizing stored food items, suggesting recipes based on available ingredients and user preferences, and tracking inventory and expiration dates. These innovations streamline food management, menu planning and meal preparation, saving users time and making the kitchen a truly connected and dynamic space.
The LG SIGNATURE Over-the-Range Microwave and Slide-in Double Oven Induction Range enhance the culinary experience with their versatile cooking capabilities. The microwave is equipped with three built-in cameras for real-time cooking monitoring and time-lapse creation, capturing meals’ journeys from the oven to the table. The induction range, powered by Gourmet AI technology, identifies ingredients and provides helpful recipe suggestions.
The new LG SIGNATURE microwave not only excels in cooking and reheating but also redefines its category by delivering an immersive entertainment experience right in the kitchen. Featuring a 27-inch Full-HD touchscreen display with InstaView, built-in speakers and Wi-Fi connectivity, it enables users to enjoy a variety of entertainment content while they cook. The screen also provides access to the LG ThinQ Smart Home Dashboard, allowing users to control all LG AI appliances and compatible Matter and Thread devices in the home. In addition, when paired with the induction range, the microwave’s LCD display conveniently shows the cooking progress of dishes in the range, eliminating the need to bend down and check the oven manually.
The LG SIGNATURE Dishwasher is designed to fit perfectly with existing cabinetry, creating a clean, built-in look for a sleek, modern kitchen. Its innovative pop-out handle sits flush with the door when not in use and automatically “pops out” when a hand approaches. The new dishwasher is equipped with LG’s exclusive and highly-efficient QuadWash™ Pro and Dynamic Heat Dry™ technologies.
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Live Beyond: Seamless Laundry Solutions
The second-generation LG SIGNATURE lineup also offers exceptional advancements in laundry care. Featuring the LG SIGNATURE Washer & Dryer and 29-inch LG SIGNATURE Washing Machine and Dryer pair, the new laundry lineup leverages LG’s Artificial Intelligence Direct Drive™ (AI DD™) 2.0 for precise fabric care, and inverter heat pump technology for effective, low-temperature drying. Each models is equipped with a 7-inch LCD touchscreen for easy control.
The LG SIGNATURE zone at CES 2025 will feature an “ideal lifestyle” space highlighting the second-generation lineup in settings like a living room, laundry room and kitchen. In collaboration with premium Italian furniture brand Molteni&C, LG will pair its technologically-advanced products with Molteni&C’s exquisite designs. Visitors will also experience the LG ThinQ ON AI home hub in action, demonstrating the ease and efficiency of the AI Home lifestyle.
“The expanded second-gen LG SIGNATURE lineup seamlessly combines advanced technology with elegant, modern design to deliver a smarter, more efficient luxury home lifestyle,” said Lyu Jae-cheol, president of the LG Home Appliance Solution Company. “Through the flawless fusion of state-of-the-art smart home, AI and connectivity technologies, we will continue to provide transformative customer experiences that go beyond expectations.”
Visitors to CES 2025 from January 7-10 can explore the new additions to the second-generation LG SIGNATURE lineup at LG’s booth (#15004, Las Vegas Convention Center).
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narangmedical · 2 months ago
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The AN330 Anesthesia Machine features a 12.1" TFT LCD touch screen for real-time ventilation monitoring, dual control options, precise electronic and mechanical flowmeters, and a separate electric and gas circuit design for durability ... https://www.narang.com/anaesthesia-equipments-products/anesthesia-machine/AN330.php
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trivenimarketing · 16 days ago
The correct EV charging station LCD digital display panel is an important component of an electric vehicle charging station. It provides a visual interface for users to monitor and control the charging process. The display panel typically features a high-resolution LCD screen that can show various information, such as charging status, battery capacity, charging rate, and time remaining.
It may also have touch screen capabilities for easier interaction. Additionally, the display panel can provide information about the electricity cost, renewable energy usage, and environmental impact of the charging process.
Connect with us
Phone: +86 75523247140
Phone: +86 15889469208
Website: https://rising-lcd.com/ev-charging-station/
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