#Tosa and G'ika
gika-ghost · 11 months
random lore sunday?
G'ika's whole "becoming a Jedi" plan doesn't work out
he has a hard time keeping a job for an embarrassingly long amount of time
runs out of credits
takes credits from Kal Skirata
owes him a favor
Skirata gets Tosa and G'ika to smuggle clone troopers out of the GAR
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ct-7567 · 1 year
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so Tosa will walk around the apartment in pitch darkness and get mad when she can hear G'ika in his room. She'll THEN interrupt whatever he's and ask something dumb/pointless just to mess with them and ALSO leave the door open.
she also loved to tease them before they were actually together. gika acts embarrassed but he actually asked her to wingman for him so. it worked?
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gika-ghost · 1 year
Okay so! i meant to type this all up last night and post it but im on lunch at work rn so thatll do
How in the galaxy did G'ika end up on Coruscant as Tosa's roommate?
Before G'ika moved to Coruscant he spent years begging pleading bargaining literally ANYTHING he could think of trying to write to the Jedi Council or Council members personally or even just jedi masters who arent on the council
Years of sending space emails to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant trying to get force training. Years of Firm No's constantly back in his face.
Well. That's where Tosa comes in. See, she likes to hack into random systems just prove if she can, and there she finds buried down in a ton of subfolders are G'ika's letters. All of them neatly tucked away in chronological order and TITLED. Letters that anyone would've assumed would be deleted or erased as soon as they arrived were kept by somebody. Nobody knows who.
So Tosa finds these letters and she reads them and she thinks they are HILARIOUS. Absolutely hilarious. So she looks up G'ika's name on a whim and finds a space craigslist ad inquiring about a move. Now G'ika's just trying to MOVE to Coruscant to ask in person. Tosa gets it, she understands.
Tosa reaches out to G'ika, tells him she found his letters (which is embarrassing for G'ika) but she thinks he's hilarious and she has an extra room in her apartment so. Why not? What's the worst thing that can happen when letting some random mando live in your house?
Well Tosa makes it seem like she's got some kind of connection, but it's one of those i knew a guy who knows a guy who MIGHT know a guy situation.
Needless to say, G'ika never gets his Jedi training. But he does get a cool new fun gay roommate so. There's a win ?
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gika-ghost · 1 year
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hi there have a sketch dump
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gika-ghost · 1 year
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hi i drew Tosa and G'ika hanging out and then a cute little G'ika
i actually love tosa and gika i want to draw so many comics of them
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gika-ghost · 1 year
Tosa hosts several parties in their apartment and invites a ton of friends and then g'ika's like oh hold on i'll invite friends too
random coruscant locals plus offworld contacts plus a jedi or two plus a handful of clones and its like. uh. Hi.
the icebreakers are fun
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ct-7567 · 2 years
actual conversation theyve had
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gika-ghost · 8 months
g'ika and tosa buy a fancy caf machine for their apartment and it suddenly feels half the 501st is taking turns showing up with a to-go cup
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gika-ghost · 10 months
how about 12 & 15 ?
Hi thank you so much for participating!
12. Does your oc have any special skills/abilities? How did they acquire/learn these skills/abilities?
I might've answered this already actually. like forever ago, but that's ok i love talking. Besides the touch telepathy, G'ika's been trained to sword fight, shoot a blaster, and play the flute. I think i've mentioned all those before, but what I also want to talk about is that G'ika can hide his presence in the force. Unless he's having a bad day, other force users typically cannot tell that he has a connection to the force just in passing. Powerful force users have to like make an effort to dig in order to reveal his true nature. I think i want this to come from the fact that G'ika was never meant to have the force, so his connection is wonky at best and feels awful and Wrong to other force users.
G'ika's parents taught him most of what he knows, but the hiding his force thing specifically was forced onto him by his buir who didn't want jedi(or worse) to find him, plus the touch telepathy was inconvenient and the more control G'ika had, the better
15. Does your oc have any close friendships? Describe them.
G'ika and his older sister Fresa are only 2 years apart, they are super close. When G'ika has his NDE and comes back wrong, she's the first one that figures it out. I think it'd be cool bcs she's a twi'lek and they're lekku are sensitive to stuff, G'ika's touch telepathy didn't necessarily make sense to Fresa, but she was the most patient with G'ika when nobody in the family knew what was going on. G'ika moving to Coruscant hurt Fresa, she felt a little abandoned, but they both make an effort to call each other at least once a week, and they're constantly sending memes to each other in between calls.
Another close friend of course is G'ika's roommate Tosa. They immediately clicked with each other, Tosa thinks G'ika is just a riot to be around, he comes with his own orbit and everyone that gets swept up in it is in for a wild ride. They go out shopping together, Tosa's parents invite G'ika over for dinner all the time, G'ika and Tosa even eventually become smuggling business partners. G'ika acts as a great wingman for Tosa and cooks meals for her all the time.
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gika-ghost · 2 years
so right before order 66 g'ika is arrested for smuggling clones and is flown back to Coruscant, hes the only one arrested so the rest of his family is still fighting maul on mandalore. Bal is killed during that time
after order 66 gika is "lost" in the system during the transition from the republic to the empire
g'ika then spends time mourning with his family back on their home planet
tosa also moves away from coruscant to the kyr farm for safety, still helping smuggle clones (tho it is much more difficult)
G'ika establishes himself across the galaxy as a jedi killer. (of course he isnt rlly) its a cover he maintains so he can stil smuggle clones and jedi, he's got padawan braids and lightsabers hanging from his armor and everything
during this time the rebellion is still not organized, he helps small factions when he can but hes not part of any main or larger cell until after hes rescued from the inquisitors. hes like a fulcrum agent he mostly goes off on solo missions
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gika-ghost · 2 years
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G'ika: Don't worry, if anybody gets close i'll stun em with my blaster
Tosa: ...What blaster
Tosa: You're literally not wearing any clothes. Where's your blaster G'ika?
Tosa: G'ika?????
AKA G'ika forgot his blaster at Spolive Garden
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gika-ghost · 11 months
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
HIII ty ty!!
🎶 G'ika always has music on if he's home, even if it's quiet he always turns something on to have in the background. He goes thru a phase where only listens to bands from Coruscant. He buys ppls sample tracks from low levels of coruscant (like if youve ever had somebody come up to you trying to sell their CDs)
🍔 HE LOVES COOKING, he can bake off a recipe. G'ika cooking is like no i don't have a recipe but i see 4 things that might go together in the kitchen lets see if it works. Tosa loves it because she gets actual home cooked meals with G'ika there instead of always eating at a restaurant or junk food.
😊 G'ika was not really allowed to leave the planet when he was growing up. He makes it his goal to move away as soon as he is able which is why he ends up on Coruscant. He was kept hidden most his life because reading other people's minds is weird and rude and dangerous, so why shouldn't he try to contact the Jedi Order to help him? G'ika wants knowledge, he wants connections, he wants to see all ways of life. Traveling to the "center" of the galaxy seemed like the smartest thing to do.
G'ika continues this thru the rebellion, wanting to see the galaxy, to preserve all the knowledge he gained and to help protect those ways of life the empire threatens. His connections he's made with so many different ppl help get info and resources where they need to go to help the most.
BONUS: ❤️❤️❤️
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
1. G'ika's willingness to help anybody in need
2. G'ika's tendency to share anything he owns
3. His hot body. JFJDHTJEH no im kidding he's good at mindless manual labor which lands him a lot of boring jobs on Coruscant but he tries to brighten the mood wherever he goes. IDK WHAT THIS ANSWER IS EITHER OKAY
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ct-7567 · 1 year
i came up with tosa and g'ika's backstory im excited to share my idea
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ct-7567 · 1 year
actually im gonna do some Tosa and G'ika roomie moments too
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gika-ghost · 2 years
What’s R’ika’s most common argument?
I'll give 2 answers for this one, a silly one and a serious one
G'ika cannot make up his mind about where to order take out from. He constantly changes his mind and will mull over Rex's suggestion until theyre both starving and then they end up going with the first option they agreed on anyway, meaning all the waiting around was pointless. Rex and G'ika going back and forth "arguing" abt meal choices and prices while Tosa just laughs at them from her room.
G'ika hates Coruscant, the entire time he's there he wants to leave. He was planning on moving actually, but the war started and he met Rex. G'ika decided to stay on Coruscant for him, even though it makes him miserable in the time between Rex's visits.
Rex wants G'ika to move back home, says they can make it work, they'll figure it out, they'll have time after the war.
Neither of them believe the words from Rex's mouth. They don't have "after the war" discussions, this is the only time its ever brought up, G'ika is too afraid they won't have "after the war"
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gika-ghost · 2 years
G'ika's a little bit of a failure. I think that's almost why he dedicates so much to the rebellion when he can.
He moves away from his family and leaves every thing he knows. He isn't used to city life and Coruscant might as well be a whole different universe.
He doesn't achieve what he set out for.
He doesn't get the force training he was hoping to receive.
G'ika instead has to scramble to find a job, make connections, find housing and pay rent. Life hits hard.
He finds jobs, he gets fired, he quits, he works. Legit jobs, side hustles, illegitimate business deals, repair work. G'ika does what he can.
He's of course extremely grateful to Tosa for moving into an apartment with him, and showing him around Coruscant as a local.
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