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duothelingo · 7 months
bee movie script (full) According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly.Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.Ooh, black and yellow!Let's shake it up a little.Barry! Breakfast is ready!Coming!Hang on a second.Hello?Barry?Adam?Can you believe this is happening?I can't.I'll pick you up.Looking sharp.Use the stairs, Your father paid good money for those.Sorry. I'm excited.Here's the graduate.We're very proud of you, son.A perfect report card, all B's.Very proud.Ma! I got a thing going here.You got lint on your fuzz.Ow! That's me!Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.Bye!Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house!Hey, Adam.Hey, Barry.Is that fuzz gel?A little. Special day, graduation.Never thought I'd make it.Three days grade school, three days high school.Those were awkward.Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around The Hive.You did come back different.Hi, Barry. Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.Hear about Frankie?Yeah.You going to the funeral?No, I'm not going.Everybody knows, sting someone, you die.Don't waste it on a squirrel.Such a hothead.I guess he could have just gotten out of the way.I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day.That's why we don't need vacations.Boy, quite a bit of pomp under the circumstances.Well, Adam, today we are men.We are!Bee-men.Amen!Hallelujah!Students, faculty, distinguished bees,please welcome Dean Buzzwell.Welcome, New Hive City graduating class of 9:15.That concludes our ceremonies And begins your career at Honex Industries!Will we pick our job today?I heard it's just orientation.Heads up! Here we go.Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times.Wonder what it'll be like?A little scary.Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group.This is it!Wow.Wow.We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life.Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to The Hive.
Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey!That girl was hot.She's my cousin!She is?Yes, we're all cousins.Right. You're right.At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence.These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology.What do you think he makes?Not enough.Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman.What does that do?Catches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it.Saves us millions.Can anyone work on the Krelman?Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones.But bees know that every small job, if it's done well, means a lot.But choose carefully because you'll stay in the job you pick for the rest of your life.The same job the rest of your life? I didn't know that.What's the difference?You'll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off in 27 million years.So you'll just work us to death?We'll sure try.Wow! That blew my mind!"What's the difference?"How can you say that?One job forever?That's an insane choice to have to make.I'm relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life.But, Adam, how could they never have told us that?Why would you question anything? We're bees.We're the most perfectly functioning society on Earth.You ever think maybe things work a little too well here?Like what?
Give me one example.I don't know. But you know what I'm talking about.Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach.Wait a second. Check it out.Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!Wow.I've never seen them this close.They know what it's like outside The Hive.Yeah, but some don't come back.Hey, Jocks!Hi, Jocks!You guys did great!You're monsters!You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!I wonder where they were.I don't know.Their day's not planned.Outside The Hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what.You can't just decide to be a Pollen Jock. You have to be bred for that.Right.Look. That's more pollen than you and I will see in a lifetime.It's just a status symbol.Bees make too much of it.Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it and the ladies see you wearing it.Those ladies?Aren't they our cousins too?Distant. Distant.Look at these two.Couple of Hive Harrys.Let's have fun with them.It must be dangerous being a Pollen Jock.Yeah. Once a bear pinned me against a mushroom!He had a paw on my throat, and with the other, he was slapping me!
Oh, my!I never thought I'd knock him out.What were you doing during this?Trying to alert the authorities.I can autograph that.A little gusty out there today, wasn't it, comrades?Yeah. Gusty.We're hitting a sunflower patch six miles from here tomorrow.Six miles, huh?Barry!A puddle jump for us, but maybe you're not up for it.Maybe I am.You are not!We're going 0900 at J-Gate.What do you think, buzzy-boy?Are you bee enough?I might be. It all depends on what 0900 means.Hey, Honex!Dad, you surprised me.You decide what you're interested in?Well, there's a lot of choices.But you only get one.Do you ever get bored doing the same job every day?Son, let me tell you about stirring.You grab that stick, and you just move it around, and you stir it around.You get yourself into a rhythm.It's a beautiful thing.You know, Dad, the more I think about it,maybe the honey field just isn't right for me.You were thinking of what, making balloon animals?That's a bad job for a guy with a stinger.Janet, your son's not sure he wants to go into honey!Barry, you are so funny sometimes.I'm not trying to be funny.You're not funny!
You're going into honey. Our son, the stirrer!You're gonna be a stirrer?No one's listening to me!Wait till you see the sticks I have.I could say anything right now.I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!Let's open some honey and celebrate!Maybe I'll pierce my thorax. Shave my antennae. Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!I'm so proud.We're starting work today!Today's the day.Come on! All the good jobs will be gone.Yeah, right.Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, hair removal...Is it still available?Hang on. Two left!One of them's yours! Congratulations!Step to the side.What'd you get?Picking crud out. Stellar!Wow!Couple of newbies?Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!Make your choice.You want to go first?No, you go.Oh, my. What's available?Restroom attendant's open, not for the reason you think.Any chance of getting the Krelman?Sure, you're on.I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.Wax monkey's always open.The Krelman opened up again.What happened?A bee died.
Makes an opening. See? He's dead. Another dead one.Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down. That's life!Oh, this is so hard!Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer, humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrangler.Barry, what do you think I should... Barry?Barry!All right, we've got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine...What happened to you?Where are you?I'm going out.Out? Out where?Out there.Oh, no!I have to, before I go to work for the rest of my life.You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello?Another call coming in.If anyone's feeling brave, there's a Korean deli on 83rd that gets their roses today.Hey, guys.Look at that.Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday?Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted.It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up.Really? Feeling lucky, are you?Sign here, here. Just initial that.Thank you.
OK.You got a rain advisory today, and as you all know, bees cannot fly in rain.So be careful. As always, watch your brooms, hockey sticks, dogs, birds, bears and bats.Also, I got a couple of reports of root beer being poured on us.Murphy's in a home because of it, babbling like a cicada!That's awful.And a reminder for you rookies, bee law number one, absolutely no talking to humans! All right, launch positions!Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!Black and yellow!Hello!You ready for this, hot shot?Yeah. Yeah, bring it on.Wind, check.Antennae, check.Nectar pack, check.Wings, check.Stinger, check.Scared out of my shorts, check.OK, ladies,let's move it out!Pound those petunias, you striped stem-suckers!All of you, drain those flowers!Wow! I'm out!I can't believe I'm out!So blue.I feel so fast and free!Box kite!Wow!Flowers!This is Blue Leader, We have roses visual.Bring it around 30 degrees and hold.Roses!30 degrees, roger. Bringing it around.Stand to the side, kid.It's got a bit of a kick.That is one nectar collector!
Ever see pollination up close?No, sir.I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it over here. Maybe a dash over there, a pinch on that one.See that? It's a little bit of magic.That's amazing. Why do we do that?That's pollen power. More pollen, more flowers, more nectar, more honey for us.Cool.I'm picking up a lot of bright yellow, Could be daisies, Don't we need those?Copy that visual.Wait. One of these flowers seems to be on the move.Say again? You're reporting a moving flower?Affirmative.That was on the line!This is the coolest. What is it?I don't know, but I'm loving this color.It smells good.Not like a flower, but I like it.Yeah, fuzzy.Chemical-y.Careful, guys. It's a little grabby.My sweet lord of bees!Candy-brain, get off there!Problem!Guys!This could be bad.Affirmative.Very close.Gonna hurt.Mama's little boy.You are way out of position, rookie!Coming in at you like a missile!Help me!I don't think these are flowers.Should we tell him?I think he knows.What is this?!Match point!You can start packing up, honey, because you're about to eat it!Yowser!Gross.
There's a bee in the car!Do something!I'm driving!Hi, bee.He's back here!He's going to sting me!Nobody move. If you don't move, he won't sting you. Freeze!He blinked!Spray him, Granny!What are you doing?!Wow... the tension level out here is unbelievable.I gotta get home.Can't fly in rain. Can't fly in rain. Can't fly in rain.Mayday! Mayday! Bee going down!Ken, could you close the window please?Ken, could you close the window please?Check out my new resume. I made it into a fold-out brochure. You see? Folds out.Oh, no. More humans. I don't need this.What was that?Maybe this time. This time. This time. This time! This time! This... Drapes!That is diabolical.It's fantastic. It's got all my special skills, even my top-ten favorite movies.What's number one? Star Wars?Nah, I don't go for that... kind of stuff.No wonder we shouldn't talk to them. They're out of their minds.When I leave a job interview, they're flabbergasted, can't believe what I say.There's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.I don't remember the sun having a big 75 on it.I predicted global warming. I could feel it getting hotter. At first I thought it was just me.Wait! Stop! Bee!Stand back.
These are winter boots.Wait!Don't kill him!You know I'm allergic to them! This thing could kill me!Why does his life have less value than yours?Why does his life have any less value than mine? Is that your statement?I'm just saying all life has value. You don't know what he's capable of feeling.My brochure!There you go, little guy.I'm not scared of him.It's an allergic thing. Put that on your resume brochure.My whole face could puff up.Make it one of your special skills.Knocking someone out is also a special skill.Right. Bye, Vanessa. Thanks.Vanessa, next week? Yogurt night?Sure, Ken. You know, whatever.You could put carob chips on there.Bye.Supposed to be less calories.Bye.I gotta say something. She saved my life. I gotta say something.All right, here it goes.Nah.What would I say?I could really get in trouble. It's a bee law. You're not supposed to talk to a human.I can't believe I'm doing this. I've got to.
Oh, I can't do it. Come on!No. Yes. No. Do it. I can't.How should I start it? "You like jazz?" No, that's no good.Here she comes! Speak, you fool!Hi!I'm sorry. You're talking.Yes, I know.You're talking!I'm so sorry.No, it's OK. It's fine.I know I'm dreaming. But I don't recall going to bed.Well, I'm sure this is very disconcerting.This is a bit of a surprise to me. I mean, you're a bee!I am. And I'm not supposed to be doing this, but they were all trying to kill me.And if it wasn't for you... I had to thank you. It's just how I was raised.That was a little weird. I'm talking with a bee.Yeah.I'm talking to a bee. And the bee is talking to me!I just want to say I'm grateful.I'll leave now.Wait! How did you learn to do that?What?The talking thing.Same way you did, I guess. "Mama, Dada, honey." You pick it up.That's very funny.Yeah.Bees are funny. If we didn't laugh, we'd cry with what we have to deal with.
Anyway... Can I... get you something?Like what?I don't know. I mean... I don't know. Coffee?I don't want to put you out.It's no trouble. It takes two minutes.It's just coffee.I hate to impose.Don't be ridiculous!Actually, I would love a cup.Hey, you want rum cake?I shouldn't.Have some.No, I can't.Come on!I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms.Where?These stripes don't help.You look great!I don't know if you know anything about fashion.Are you all right?No.He's making the tie in the cab as they're flying up Madison.He finally gets there.He runs up the steps into the church.The wedding is on.And he says, "Watermelon?I thought you said Guatemalan.Why would I marry a watermelon?"Is that a bee joke?That's the kind of stuff we do.Yeah, different.So, what are you gonna do, Barry?About work? I don't know.I want to do my part for The Hive, but I can't do it the way they want.I know how you feel.You do?Sure.My parents wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, but I wanted to be a florist.Really?My only interest is flowers.Our new queen was just elected with that same campaign slogan.Anyway, if you look... There's my hive right there. See it?You're in Sheep Meadow!
Yes! I'm right off the Turtle Pond!No way! I know that area. I lost a toe ring there once.Why do girls put rings on their toes?Why not?It's like putting a hat on your knee.Maybe I'll try that.You all right, ma'am?Oh, yeah. Fine.Just having two cups of coffee!Anyway, this has been great.Thanks for the coffee.Yeah, it's no trouble.Sorry I couldn't finish it. If I did, I'd be up the rest of my life.Are you...?Can I take a piece of this with me?Sure! Here, have a crumb.Thanks!Yeah.All right. Well, then... I guess I'll see you around. Or not.OK, Barry.And thank you so much again... for before.Oh, that? That was nothing.Well, not nothing, but... Anyway...This can't possibly work.He's all set to go.We may as well try it.OK, Dave, pull the chute.Sounds amazing.It was amazing!It was the scariest, happiest moment of my life.Humans! I can't believe you were with humans!Giant, scary humans!What were they like?Huge and crazy.
They talk crazy.They eat crazy giant things.They drive crazy.Do they try and kill you, like on TV?Some of them. But some of them don't.How'd you get back?Poodle.You did it, and I'm glad. You saw whatever you wanted to see.You had your "experience." Now you can pick out yourjob and be normal.Well...Well?Well, I met someone.You did? Was she Bee-ish?A wasp?! Your parents will kill you!No, no, no, not a wasp.Spider?I'm not attracted to spiders.I know it's the hottest thing, with the eight legs and all. I can't get by that face.So who is she?She's... human.No, no. That's a bee law. You wouldn't break a bee law.Her name's Vanessa.Oh, boy.She's so nice. And she's a florist!Oh, no! You're dating a human florist!We're not dating.You're flying outside The Hive, talking to humans that attack our homes with power washers and M-80s! One-eighth a stick of dynamite!She saved my life! And she understands me.This is over!Eat this.This is not over! What was that?
They call it a crumb.It was so stingin' stripey!And that's not what they eat.That's what falls off what they eat!You know what a Cinnabon is?No.It's bread and cinnamon and frosting. They heat it up...Sit down!...really hot!Listen to me!We are not them! We're us.There's us and there's them!Yes, but who can deny the heart that is yearning?There's no yearning. Stop yearning. Listen to me!You have got to start thinking bee, my friend. Thinking bee!Thinking bee.Thinking bee.Thinking bee! Thinking bee! Thinking bee! Thinking bee!There he is. He's in the pool.You know what your problem is, Barry?I gotta start thinking bee?How much longer will this go on?It's been three days! Why aren't you working?I've got a lot of big life decisions to think about.What life? You have no life!You have no job. You're barely a bee!Would it kill you to make a little honey?Barry, come out. Your father's talking to you.
Martin, would you talk to him?Barry, I'm talking to you!You coming?Got everything?All set!Go ahead. I'll catch up.Don't be too long.Watch this!Vanessa!We're still here.I told you not to yell at him.He doesn't respond to yelling!Then why yell at me?Because you don't listen!I'm not listening to this.Sorry, I've gotta go.Where are you going?I'm meeting a friend.A girl? Is this why you can't decide?Bye.I just hope she's Bee-ish.They have a huge parade of flowers every year in Pasadena?To be in the Tournament of Roses, that's every florist's dream!Up on a float, surrounded by flowers, crowds cheering.A tournament. Do the roses compete in athletic events?No. All right, I've got one.How come you don't fly everywhere?It's exhausting. Why don't you run everywhere? It's faster.Yeah, OK, I see, I see.All right, your turn.TiVo.
You can just freeze live TV? That's insane!You don't have that?We have Hivo, but it's a disease. It's a horrible, horrible disease.Oh, my.Dumb bees!You must want to sting all those jerks.We try not to sting. It's usually fatal for us.So you have to watch your temper.Very carefully.You kick a wall, take a walk, write an angry letter and throw it out. Work through it like any emotion: Anger, jealousy, lust.Oh, my goodness! Are you OK?Yeah.What is wrong with you?!It's a bug.He's not bothering anybody.Get out of here, you creep!What was that? A Pic 'N' Save circular?Yeah, it was. How did you know?It felt like about 10 pages. Seventy-five is pretty much our limit.You've really got that down to a science.I lost a cousin to Italian Vogue.I'll bet.What in the name of Mighty Hercules is this?How did this get here? cute Bee, Golden Blossom, Ray Liotta Private Select?Is he that actor?I never heard of him.Why is this here?For people. We eat it.You don't have enough food of your own?Well, yes.How do you get it?Bees make it.I know who makes it! And it's hard to make it!There's heating, cooling, stirring. You need a whole Krelman thing!It's organic.It's our-ganic!It's just honey, Barry.Just what?!
Bees don't know about this! This is stealing! A lot of stealing!You've taken our homes, schools,hospitals! This is all we have!And it's on sale?! I'm getting to the bottom of this.I'm getting to the bottom of all of this!Hey, Hector. You almost done?Almost.He is here. I sense it.Well, I guess I'll go home now and just leave this nice honey out, with no one around.You're busted, box boy!I knew I heard something.So you can talk!I can talk. And now you'll start talking!Where you getting the sweet stuff? Who's your supplier?I don't understand.I thought we were friends.The last thing we want to do is upset bees!You're too late! It's ours now!You, sir, have crossed the wrong sword!You, sir, will be lunch for my iguana, Ignacio!Where is the honey coming from? Tell me where!Honey Farms! It comes from Honey Farms!
Crazy person!What horrible thing has happened here?These faces, they never knew what hit them. And nowthey're on the road to nowhere!Just keep still.What? You're not dead?Do I look dead? They will wipe anything that moves. Where you headed?To Honey Farms. I am onto something huge here.I'm going to Alaska. Moose blood, crazy stuff. Blows your head off!I'm going to Tacoma.And you?He really is dead.All right.Uh-oh!What is that?!Oh, no!A wiper! Triple blade!Triple blade?Jump on! It's your only chance, bee!Why does everything haveto be so doggone clean?!How much do you people need to see?!Open your eyes!Stick your head out the window!From NPR News in Washington,I'm Carl Kasell.But don't kill no more bugs!Bee!Moose blood guy!!You hear something?Like what?Like tiny screaming.Turn off the radio.Whassup, bee boy?Hey, Blood.Just a row of honey jars, as far as the eye could see.Wow!I assume wherever this truck goes is where they're getting it. I mean, that honey's ours.Bees hang tight.
We're all jammed in.It's a close community.Not us, man. We on our own. Every mosquito on his own.What if you get in trouble?You a mosquito, you in trouble. Nobody likes us. They just smack. See a mosquito, smack, smack!At least you're out in the world. You must meet girls.Mosquito girls try to trade up, get with a moth, dragonfly. Mosquito girl don't want no mosquito.You got to be kidding me!Mooseblood's about to leave the building! So long, bee!Hey, guys!Mooseblood!I knew I'd catch y'all down here.Did you bring your crazy straw?We throw it in jars, slap a label on it, and it's pretty much pure profit.What is this place?A bee's got a brain the size of a pinhead.They are pinheads!Pinhead.Check out the new smoker.Oh, sweet. That's the one you want. The Thomas 3000!Smoker?Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice the nicotine, all the tar. A couple breaths of this knocks them right out.They make the honey, and we make the money."They make the honey, and we make the money"?Oh, my!What's going on? Are you OK?Yeah. It doesn't last too long.Do you know you're in a fake hive with fake walls?Our queen was moved here. We had no choice.This is your queen? That's a man in women's clothes!
That's a drag queen!What is this?Oh, no!There's hundreds of them!Bee honey.Our honey is being brazenly stolen on a massive scale!This is worse than anything bears have done! I intend to do something.Oh, Barry, stop.Who told you humans are taking our honey? That's a rumor.Do these look like rumors?That's a conspiracy theory. These are obviously doctored photos. How did you get mixed up in this?He's been talking to humans.What? Talking to humans?!He has a human girlfriend. And they make out!Make out? Barry!We do not.You wish you could.Whose side are you on?The bees!I dated a cricket once in San Antonio. Those crazy legs kept me up all night.Barry, this is what you want to do with your life?I want to do it for all our lives. Nobody works harder than bees!Dad, I remember you coming home so overworkedyour hands were still stirring. You couldn't stop.I remember that.What right do they have to our honey?We live on two cups a year.
They put it in lip balm for no reason whatsoever!Even if it's true, what can one bee do?Sting them where it really hurts.In the face! The eye!That would hurt.No.Up the nose? That's a killer.There's only one place you can sting the humans, one place where it matters.Hive at Five, The Hive's only full-hour action news source.No more bee beards!With Bob Bumble at the anchor desk. Weather with Storm Stinger. Sports with Buzz Larvi. And Jeanette Chung.Good evening. I'm Bob Bumble.And I'm Jeanette Ohung.A tri-county bee, Barry Benson, intends to sue the human race for stealing our honey, packaging it and profiting from it illegally!Tomorrow night on Bee Larry King, we'll have three former queens here in our studio, discussing their new book, classy Ladies, out this week on Hexagon.Tonight we're talking to Barry Benson.Did you ever think, "I'm a kid from The Hive. I can't do this"?
Bees have never been afraid to change the world.What about Bee Oolumbus? Bee Gandhi? Bejesus?Where I'm from, we'd never sue humans.We were thinking of stickball or candy stores.How old are you?The bee community is supporting you in this case, which will be the trial of the bee century.You know, they have a Larry King in the human world too.It's a common name. Next week...He looks like you and has a show and suspenders and colored dots...Next week...Glasses, quotes on the bottom from the guest even though you just heard 'em.Bear Week next week! They're scary, hairy and here live.Always leans forward, pointy shoulders, squinty eyes, very Jewish.In tennis, you attack at the point of weakness!It was my grandmother, Ken. She's 81.
Honey, her backhand's a joke!I'm not gonna take advantage of that?Quiet, please.Actual work going on here.Is that that same bee?Yes, it is!I'm helping him sue the human race.Hello.Hello, bee.This is Ken.Yeah, I remember you. Timberland, size ten and a half. Vibram sole, I believe.Why does he talk again?Listen, you better go 'cause we're really busy working.But it's our yogurt night!Bye-bye.Why is yogurt night so difficult?!You poor thing. You two have been at this for hours!Yes, and Adam here has been a huge help.Frosting...How many sugars?Just one. I try not to use the competition.So why are you helping me?Bees have good qualities. And it takes my mind off the shop. Instead of flowers, people are giving balloon bouquets now.Those are great, if you're three.And artificial flowers.Oh, those just get me psychotic!Yeah, me too.Bent stingers, pointless pollination.Bees must hate those fake things!Nothing worse than a daffodil that's had work done.
Maybe this could make up for it a little bit.This lawsuit's a pretty big deal.I guess.You sure you want to go through with it?Am I sure? When I'm done with the humans, they won't be able to say, "Honey, I'm home," without paying a royalty!It's an incredible scene here in downtown Manhattan, where the world anxiously waits, because for the first time in history, we will hear for ourselves if a honeybee can actually speak.What have we gotten into here, Barry?It's pretty big, isn't it?I can't believe how many humans don't work during the day.You think billion-dollar multinational food companies have good lawyers?Everybody needs to stay behind the barricade.What's the matter?I don't know, I just got a chill.Well, if it isn't the bee team.You boys work on this?All rise! The Honorable Judge Bumbleton presiding.All right. Case number 4475,Superior Court of New York,Barry Bee Benson v. the Honey Industry is now in session.Mr. Montgomery, you're representing the five food companies collectively?A privilege.Mr. Benson... you're representing all the bees of the world?I'm kidding.
Yes, Your Honor, we're ready to proceed.Mr. Montgomery, your opening statement, please.Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my grandmother was a simple woman. Born on a farm, she believed it was man's divine right to benefit from the bounty of nature God put before us.If we lived in the topsy-turvy world Mr. Benson imagines, just think of what would it mean.I would have to negotiate with the silkworm for the elastic in my britches!Talking bee!How do we know this isn't some sort of holographic motion-picture-capture Hollywood wizardry?They could be using laser beams! Robotics! Ventriloquism! Cloning! For all we know, he could be on steroids!Mr. Benson?Ladies and gentlemen, there's no trickery here. I'm just an ordinary bee. Honey's pretty important to me. It's important to all bees. We invented it! We make it. And we protect it with our lives.Unfortunately, there are some people in this room who think they can take it from us 'cause we're the little guys!I'm hoping that, after this is all over, you'll see how, by taking our honey, you not only take everything we have but everything we are!I wish he'd dress like that all the time.
So nice!Call your first witness.So, Mr. Klauss Vanderhayden of Honey Farms, big company you have.I suppose so.I see you also own Honeyburton and Honron!Yes, they provide beekeepers for our farms.Beekeeper. I find that to be a very disturbing term.I don't imagine you employ any bee-free-ers, do you?No.I couldn't hear you.No.No. Because you don't free bees. You keep bees. Not only that, it seems you thought a bear would be an appropriate image for a jar of honey.They're very lovable creatures. Yogi Bear, Fozzie Bear, Build-A-Bear.You mean like this?Bears kill bees!How'd you like his head crashing through your living room?! Biting into your couch! Spitting out your throw pillows! OK, that's enough. Take him away.So, Mr. Sting, thank you for being here. Your name intrigues me. Where have I heard it before?I was with a band called The Police.But you've never been a police officer, have you?No, I haven't.No, you haven't. And so here we have yet another example of bee culture casually stolen by a human for nothing more than a prance-about stage name.Oh, please.
Have you ever been stung, Mr. Sting? Because I'm feeling a little stung, Sting. Or should I say... Mr. Gordon M. Sumner!That's not his real name?! You idiots!Mr. Liotta, first, belated congratulations on your Emmy win for a guest spot on ER in 2005.Thank you. Thank you.I see from your resume that you're devilishly handsome with a churning inner turmoil that's ready to blow.I enjoy what I do. Is that a crime?Not yet it isn't. But is this what it's come to for you? Exploiting tiny, helpless bees so you don't have to rehearse your part and learn your lines, sir?Watch it, Benson! I could blow right now!This isn't a goodfella.This is a badfella!Why doesn't someone just step on this creep, and we can all go home?!Order in this court!You're all thinking it!Order! Order, I say!Say it!Mr. Liotta, please sit down!I think it was awfully nice of that bear to pitch in like that. I think the jury's on our side.Are we doing everything right, legally?I'm a florist.Right. Well, here's to a great team.To a great team!Well, hello.Ken!Hello.I didn't think you were coming.No, I was just late I tried to call, but... the battery.I didn't want all this to go to waste,so I called Barry. Luckily, he was free.
Oh, that was lucky.There's a little left. I could heat it up.Yeah, heat it up, sure, whatever.So I hear you're quite a tennis player. I'm not much for the game myself. The ball's a little grabby.That's where I usually sit. Right... there.Ken, Barry was looking at your resume, and he agreed with me that eating with chopsticks isn't really a special skill.You think I don't see what you're doing?I know how hard it is to find the right job. We have that in common.Do we?Bees have 100 percent employment, but we do jobs like taking the crud out.That's just what I was thinking about doing.Ken, I let Barry borrow your razor for his fuzz. I hope that was all right.I'm going to drain the old stinger.Yeah, you do that.Look at that.You know, I've just about had it with your little Mind Games.What's that?Italian Vogue.Mamma mia, that's a lot of pages.A lot of ads.Remember what Van said, why is your life more valuable than mine?Funny, I just can't seem to recall that! I think something stinks in here!I love the smell of flowers.How do you like the smell of flames?!Not as much.Water bug! Not taking sides!Ken, I'm wearing a Chapstick hat!
This is pathetic!I've got issues!Well, well, well, a royal flush!You're bluffing.Am I?Surf's up, dude!Poo water!That bowl is gnarly. Except for those dirty yellow rings!Kenneth! What are you doing?!You know, I don't even like honey! I don't eat it!We need to talk! He's just a little bee!And he happens to be the nicest bee I've met in a long time!Long time? What are you talking about?! Are there other bugs in your life? No, but there are other things bugging me in life. And you're one of them!Fine! Talking bees, no yogurt night...My nerves are fried from riding on this emotional roller coaster!Goodbye, Ken.And for your information, I prefer sugar-free, artificial sweeteners made by man!I'm sorry about all that.I know it's got an aftertaste! I like it!I always felt there was some kind of barrier between Ken and me. I couldn't overcome it.
Oh, well.Are you OK for the trial?I believe Mr. Montgomery is about out of ideas.We would like to call Mr. Barry Benson Bee to the stand.Good idea! You can really see why he's considered one of the best lawyers...Yeah.Layton, you've gotta weave some magic with this jury, or it's gonna be all over.Don't worry. The only thing I have to do to turn this jury around is to remind them of what they don't like about bees.You got the tweezers?Are you allergic?Only to losing, son. Only to losing.Mr. Benson Bee, I'll ask you what I think we'd all like to know.What exactly is your relationship to that woman?We're friends.Good friends?Yes.How good? Do you live together?Wait a minute... Are you her little... bedbug?I've seen a bee documentary or two. From what I understand, doesn't your queen give birth to all the bee children?
Yeah, but...So those aren't your real parents!Oh, Barry...Yes, they are!Hold me back!You're an illegitimate bee, aren't you, Benson?He's denouncing bees!Don't y'all date your cousins?Objection!I'm going to pincushion this guy!Adam, don't! It's what he wants!Oh, I'm hit!! Oh, lordy, I am hit!Order! Order!The venom! The venom is coursing through my veins! I have been felled by a winged beast of destruction! You see? You can't treat them like equals! They're striped savages! Stinging's the only thing they know! It's their way!Adam, stay with me.I can't feel my legs.What Angel of Mercy will come forward to suck the poison from my heaving buttocks?I will have order in this court. Order! Order, please!
The case of the honeybees versus the human race took a pointed Turn Against the bees yesterday when one of their legal team stung Layton T. Montgomery.Hey, buddy.Hey.Is there much pain?Yeah.I... I blew the whole case, didn't I?It doesn't matter. What matters isyou're alive. You could have died.I'd be better off dead. Look at me.They got it from the cafeteria downstairs, in a tuna sandwich. Look, there's a little celery still on it.What was it like to sting someone?I can't explain it. It was all... All adrenaline and then...and then ecstasy!All right.You think it was all a trap?Of course. I'm sorry. I flew us right into this.What were we thinking? Look at us. We're just a couple of bugs in this world.What will the humans do to us if they win?I don't know.I hear they put the roaches in motels. That doesn't sound so bad.Adam, they check in, but they don't check out!Oh, my.Could you get a nurse to close that window?Why?The smoke.Bees don't smoke.Right. Bees don't smoke.Bees don't smoke!
But some bees are smoking.That's it! That's our case!It is? It's not over?Get dressed. I've gotta go somewhere.Get back to the court and stall. Stall any way you can.And assuming you've done step correctly, you're ready for the tub.Mr. Flayman.Yes? Yes, Your Honor!Where is the rest of your team?Well, Your Honor, it's interesting. Bees are trained to fly haphazardly, and as a result, we don't make very good time.I actually heard a funny story about...Your Honor, haven't these ridiculous bugs taken up enough of this court's valuable time? How much longer will we allow these absurd shenanigans to go on?They have presented no compelling evidence to support their charges against my clients, who run legitimate businesses.I move for a complete dismissal of this entire case!Mr. Flayman, I'm afraid I'm going to have to consider Mr. Montgomery's motion.
But you can't! We have a terrific case.Where is your proof?Where is the evidence?Show me the smoking gun!Hold it, Your Honor!You want a smoking gun? Here is your smoking gun.What is that?It's a bee smoker!What, this? This harmless little contraption? This couldn't hurt a fly, let alone a bee.Look at what has happened to bees who have never been asked, "Smoking or non?" Is this what nature intended for us? To be forcibly addicted to smoke machines and man-made wooden slat work camps?Living out our lives as honey slaves to the white man?What are we gonna do?He's playing the species card.Ladies and gentlemen, please, free these bees!Free the bees! Free the bees! Free the bees! Free the bees! Free the bees!The court finds in favor of the bees!
Vanessa, we won!I knew you could do it! High-five!Sorry.I'm OK! You know what this means?All the honey will finally belong to the bees.Now we won't have to work so hard all the time.This is an unholy perversion of the balance of nature, Benson.You'll regret this.Barry, how much honey is out there?All right. One at a time.Barry, who are you wearing?My sweater is Ralph Lauren, and I have no pants.What if Montgomery's right?What do you mean?We've been living the bee way a long time, 27 million years.Congratulations on your victory. What will you demand as a settlement?First, we'll demand a complete shutdown of all bee work camps.
Then we want back the honey that was ours to begin with, every last drop.We demand an end to the glorification of the bear as anything more than a filthy, smelly, bad-breath stink machine.We're all aware of what they do in the woods.Wait for my signal. Take him out.He'll have nauseous for a few hours, then he'll be fine.And we will no longer tolerate bee-negative nicknames...But it's just a prance-about stage name!...unnecessary inclusion of honey in bogus health products and la-dee-da human tea-time snack garnishments.Can't breathe.Bring it in, boys!Hold it right there! Good.Tap it.Mr. Buzzwell, we just passed three cups and there's gallons more coming!I think we need to shut down!Shut down? We've never shut down.Shut down honey production!Stop making honey!
Turn your key, sir!What do we do now?Cannonball!We're shutting honey production!Mission abort.Aborting pollination and nectar detail.Returning to base.Adam, you wouldn't believe how much honey was out there.Oh, yeah?What's going on? Where is everybody?Are they out celebrating?They're home.They don't know what to do. Laying out, sleeping in.I heard your Uncle Carl was on his way to San Antonio with a cricket.At least we got our honey back.Sometimes I think, so what if humans liked our honey? Who wouldn't?It's the greatest thing in the world! I was excited to be part of making it.This was my new desk. This was my new job. I wanted to do it really well. And now...Now I can't.I don't understand why they're not happy.I thought their lives would be better!They're doing nothing. It's amazing.Honey really changes people.You don't have any idea what's going on, do you?What did you want to show me?This.What happened here?That is not the half of it.
Oh, no. Oh, my.They're all wilting.Doesn't look very good, does it?No.And whose fault do you think that is?You know, I'm gonna guess bees.Bees?Specifically, me.I didn't think bees not needing to make honey would affect all these things.It's not just flowers. Fruits, vegetables, they all need bees.That's our whole SAT test right there.Take away produce, that affects the entire animal kingdom.And then, of course...The human species?So if there's no more pollination, it could all just go south here, couldn't it?I know this is also partly my fault.How about a suicide pact?How do we do it?I'll sting you, you step on me.That just kills you twice.Right, right.Listen, Barry... sorry, but I gotta get going.I had to open my mouth and talk.Vanessa?Vanessa? Why are you leaving?Where are you going?To the final Tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena.
They've moved it to this weekend because all the flowers are dying.It's the Last Chance I'll ever have to see it.Vanessa, I just wanna say I'm sorry.I never meant it to turn out like this.I know. Me neither.Tournament of Roses.Roses can't do sports.Wait a minute. Roses. Roses?Roses!Vanessa!Roses?!Barry?Roses are flowers!Yes, they are.Flowers, bees, pollen!I know.That's why this is the last parade.Maybe not.Could you ask him to slow down?Could you slow down?Barry!OK, I made a huge mistake.This is a total disaster, all my fault.Yes, it kind of is.I've ruined the planet. I wanted to help you with the flower shop. I've made it worse.
Actually, it's completely closed down.I thought maybe you were remodeling.But I have another idea, and it's greater than my previous ideas combined.I don't want to hear it!All right, they have the roses, the roses have the pollen.I know every bee, plant and flower bud in this park.All we gotta do is get what they've got back here with what we've got.Bees.Park.Pollen!Flowers.Repollination!Across the nation!Tournament of Roses, Pasadena, California.They've got nothing but flowers, floats and cotton candy.Security will be tight.I have an idea.Vanessa Bloome, FTD.Official floral business. It's real.Sorry, ma'am. Nice brooch.Thank you. It was a gift.Once inside, we just pick the right float.How about The Princess and the Pea?I could be the princess, and you could be the pea!
Yes, I got it.Where should I sit?What are you?I believe I'm the pea.The pea?It goes under the mattresses.Not in this fairy tale, sweetheart.I'm getting the marshal.You do that! This whole parade is a fiasco!Let's see what this baby'll do.Hey, what are you doing?!Then all we do is blend in with traffic... without arousing suspicion.Once at the airport, there's no stopping us.Stop! Security.You and your insect pack your float?Yes.Has it been in your possession the entire time?Would you remove your shoes?Remove your stinger.It's part of me.I know. Just having some fun.Enjoy your flight.Then if we're lucky, we'll have just enough pollen to do the job.Can you believe how lucky we are? We have just enough pollen to do the job!I think this is gonna work.It's got to work.Attention, passengers, this is Captain Scott. We have a bit of bad weather in New York. It looks like we'll experience a couple hours delay.Barry, these are cut flowers with no water.
They'll never make it.I gotta get up there and talk to them.Be careful.Can I get help with the Sky Mall magazine? I'd like to order the talking inflatable nose and ear hair trimmer.Captain, I'm in a real situation.What'd you say, Hal?Nothing.Bee!Don't freak out! My entire species...What are you doing?Wait a minute! I'm an attorney!Who's an attorney?Don't move.Oh, Barry.Good afternoon, passengers. This is your captain. Would a Miss Vanessa Bloome in 24B please report to the cockpit? And please hurry!What happened here?There was a DustBuster, a toupee, a life raft exploded.One's bald, one's in a boat, they're both unconscious!Is that another bee joke?No!No one's flying the plane!This is JFK control tower, Flight 356. What's your status?This is Vanessa Bloome. I'm a florist from New York.Where's the pilot?He's unconscious, and so is the copilot.Not good. Does anyone onboard have flight experience?As a matter of fact, there is.Who's that?Barry Benson.From the honey trial?! Oh, great.Vanessa, this is nothing more than a big metal bee.
It's got giant wings, huge engines.I can't fly a plane.Why not? Isn't John Travolta a pilot?Yes.How hard could it be?Wait, Barry!We're headed into some lightning.This is Bob Bumble. We have some late-breaking news from JFK Airport, where a suspenseful scene is developing.Barry Benson, fresh from his legal victory...That's Barry!...is attempting to land a plane, loaded with people, flowers and an incapacitated flight crew.Flowers?!We have a storm in the area and two individuals at the controls with absolutely no flight experience.Just a minute. There's a bee on that plane.I'm quite familiar with Mr. Benson and his no-account compadres.They've done enough damage.But isn't he your only hope?Technically, a bee shouldn't be able to fly at all.Their wings are too small... Haven't we heard this a million times?"The surface area of the wings and body mass make no sense."Get this on the air!
Got it.Stand by.We're going live.The way we work may be a mystery to you. Making honey takes a lot of bees doing a lot of small jobs.But let me tell you about a small job. If you do it well, it makes a big difference.More than we realized. To us, to everyone.That's why I want to get bees back to working together. That's the bee way! We're not made of Jell-O.We get behind a fellow.Black and yellow!Hello!Left, right, down, hover.Hover?Forget hover.This isn't so hard.Beep-beep! Beep-beep!Barry, what happened?!Wait, I think we were on autopilot the whole time.That may have been helping me.And now we're not!So it turns out I cannot fly a plane.All of you, let's get behind this fellow! Move it out!Move out!
Our only chance is if I do what I'd do, you copy me with the wings of the plane!Don't have to yell.I'm not yelling! We're in a lot of trouble.It's very hard to concentrate with that panicky tone in your voice!It's not a tone. I'm panicking!I can't do this!Vanessa, pull yourself together. You have to snap out of it!You snap out of it.You snap out of it.You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!Hold it!Why? Come on, it's my turn.How is the plane flying?I don't know.Hello?Benson, got any flowers for a happy occasion in there?The Pollen Jocks!They do get behind a fellow.Black and yellow.Hello.All right, let's drop this tin can on the blacktop.Where? I can't see anything. Can you?No, nothing. It's all cloudy.Come on. You got to think bee, Barry.
Thinking bee.Thinking bee.Thinking bee!Thinking bee! Thinking bee!Wait a minute. I think I'm feeling something.What?I don't know. It's strong, pulling me.Like a 27-million-year-old instinct.Bring the nose down.Thinking bee!Thinking bee! Thinking bee!What in the world is on the tarmac?Get some lights on that!Thinking bee!Thinking bee! Thinking bee!Vanessa, aim for the flower.OK.Cut the engines. We're going in on bee power. Ready, boys?Affirmative!Good. Good. Easy, now. That's it.Land on that flower!Ready? Full reverse!Spin it around!Not that flower! The other one!Which one?That flower.I'm aiming at the flower!That's a fat guy in a flowered shirt.I mean the giant pulsating flower made of millions of bees!Pull forward. Nose down. Tail up.Rotate around it.This is insane, Barry!This's the only way I know how to fly.Am I koo-koo-kachoo, or is this plane flying in an insect-like pattern?Get your nose in there. Don't be afraid. Smell it. Full reverse!Just drop it. Be a part of it.Aim for the center!Now drop it in! Drop it in, woman!Come on, already.Barry, we did it! You taught me how to fly!Yes. No high-five!Right.Barry, it worked!Did you see the giant flower?What giant flower? Where? Of courseI saw the flower! That was genius!Thank you.But we're not done yet.Listen, everyone!This runway is covered with the last pollen from the last flowers available anywhere on Earth.That means this is our Last Chance. We're the only ones who make honey, pollinate flowers and dress like this.If we're gonna survive as a species, this is our moment! What do you say?Are we going to be bees, or just Museum of Natural History keychains?We're bees!Keychain!Then follow me! Except Keychain.Hold on, Barry. Here. You've earned this.Yeah!I'm a Pollen Jock! And it's a perfect fit. All I gotta do are the sleeves.Oh, yeah.That's our Barry.Mom! The bees are back!If anybody needs to make a call, now's the time. I got a feeling we'll be working late tonight!Here's your change. Have a great afternoon! Can I help who's next?Would you like some honey with that?It is bee-approved. Don't forget these.Milk, cream, cheese, it's all me. And I don't see a nickel!Sometimes I just feel like a piece of meat!I had no idea.Barry, I'm sorry.Have you got a moment?Would you excuse me?My mosquito associate will help you.Sorry I'm late.He's a lawyer too?I was already a blood-sucking parasite. All I needed was a briefcase.Have a great afternoon!Barry, I just got this huge tulip order, and I can't get them anywhere.No problem, Vannie. Just leave it to me.You're a lifesaver, Barry. Can I help who's next?All right, scramble, jocks! It's time to fly.Thank you, Barry!That bee is living my life!Let it go, Kenny.When will this nightmare end?!Let it all go.Beautiful day to fly.Sure is.Between you and me,I was dying to get out of that office.You have got to start thinking bee, my friend.Thinking bee!Me?Hold it. Let's just stop for a second. Hold it.I'm sorry. I'm sorry, everyone. Can we stop here?I'm not making a major life decision during a production number!All right. Take ten, everybody. Wrap it up, guys.I had virtually no rehearsal for that.
with love, @realsafari
For fucks sake safari
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just-indi · 13 days
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly.Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.Ooh, black and yellow!Let's shake it up a little.
Barry! Breakfast is ready!Coming!Hang on a second.Hello?Barry?Adam?Can you believe this is happening?I can't.I'll pick you up.Looking sharp.Use the stairs, Your father paid good money for those.Sorry. I'm excited.Here's the graduate.We're very proud of you, son.A perfect report card, all B's.Very proud.Ma! I got a thing going here.You got lint on your fuzz.Ow! That's me!Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.Bye!Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house!Hey, Adam.Hey, Barry.Is that fuzz gel?A little. Special day, graduation.Never thought I'd make it.Three days grade school, three days high school.Those were awkward.Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around The Hive.You did come back different.Hi, Barry. Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.Hear about Frankie?Yeah.You going to the funeral?No, I'm not going.Everybody knows, sting someone, you die.Don't waste it on a squirrel.Such a hothead.I guess he could have just gotten out of the way.I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day.That's why we don't need vacations.Boy, quite a bit of pomp under the circumstances.Well, Adam, today we are men.We are!Bee-
men.Amen!Hallelujah!Students, faculty, distinguished bees,please welcome Dean Buzzwell.Welcome, New Hive City graduating class of 9:15.That concludes our ceremonies And begins your career at Honex Industries!Will we pick our job today?I heard it's just orientation.Heads up! Here we go.Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times.Wonder what it'll be like?A little scary.Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group.This is it!Wow.Wow.We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life.Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to The Hive.Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as...
Honey!That girl was hot.She's my cousin!She is?Yes, we're all cousins.Right. You're right.At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence.These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology.What do you think he makes?Not enough.Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman.What does that do?Catches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it.Saves us millions.Can anyone work on the Krelman?Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones.But bees know that every small job, if it's done well, means a lot.But choose carefully because you'll stay in the job you pick for the rest of your life.The same job the rest of your life? I didn't know that.What's the difference?You'll be happy
to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off in 27 million years.So you'll just work us to death?We'll sure try.Wow! That blew my mind!"What's the difference?"How can you say that?One job forever?That's an insane choice to have to make.I'm relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life.But, Adam, how could they never have told us that?Why would you question anything? We're bees.We're the most perfectly functioning society on Earth.You ever think maybe things work a little too well here?Like what? Give me one example.I don't know. But you know what I'm talking about.Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach.Wait a second. Check it out.Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!Wow.I've never seen them this close.They know what it's like outside The Hive.Yeah, but some don't come back.Hey, Jocks!Hi, Jocks!You guys did great!You're monsters!You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!I wonder where they were.I don't know.Their day's not planned.Outside The Hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what.You can't just decide to be a Pollen Jock. You have to be bred for that.Right.Look. That's more pollen than you and I will see in a lifetime.It's just a status symbol.Bees make too much of it.Perhaps.
Unless you're wearing it and the ladies see you wearing it.Those ladies?Aren't they our cousins too?Distant. Distant.Look at these two.Couple of Hive Harrys.Let's have fun with them.It must be dangerous being a Pollen Jock.Yeah. Once a bear pinned me against a mushroom!He had a paw on my throat, and with the other, he was slapping me!Oh, my!I never thought I'd knock him out.What were you doing during this?Trying to alert the authorities.I can autograph that.A little gusty out there today, wasn't it, comrades?Yeah. Gusty.We're hitting a sunflower patch six miles from here tomorrow.Six miles, huh?Barry!A puddle jump for us, but maybe you're not up for it.Maybe I am.You are not!We're going 0900 at J-Gate.What do you think, buzzy-boy?Are you bee enough?I might be. It all depends on what 0900 means.Hey, Honex!Dad, you surprised me.You decide what you're interested in?
Well, there's a lot of choices.But you only get one.Do you ever get bored doing the same job every day?Son, let me tell you about stirring.You grab that stick, and you just move it around, and you stir it around.You get yourself into a rhythm.It's a beautiful thing.You know, Dad, the more I think about it,maybe the honey field just isn't right for me.You were thinking of what, making balloon animals?That's a bad job for a guy with a stinger.Janet, your son's not sure he wants to go into honey!Barry, you are so funny sometimes.I'm not trying to be funny.You're not funny! You're going into honey. Our son, the stirrer!You're gonna be a stirrer?No one's listening to me!Wait till you see the sticks I have.I could say anything right now.I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!Let's open some honey and celebrate!Maybe I'll pierce my thorax. Shave my antennae.
Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!I'm so proud.We're starting work today!Today's the day.Come on! All the good jobs will be gone.Yeah, right.Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, hair removal...Is it still available?Hang on. Two left!One of them's yours! Congratulations!Step to the side.What'd you get?Picking crud out. Stellar!Wow!Couple of newbies?Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!Make your choice.You want to go first?No, you go.Oh, my. What's available?Restroom attendant's open, not for the reason you think.Any chance of getting the Krelman?Sure, you're on.I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.Wax monkey's always open.The Krelman opened up again.What happened?A bee died. Makes an opening. See? He's dead. Another dead one.Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down. That's life!
Oh, this is so hard!Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer, humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrangler.Barry, what do you think I should... Barry?Barry!All right, we've got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine...What happened to you?Where are you?I'm going out.Out? Out where?Out there.Oh, no!I have to, before I go to work for the rest of my life.You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello?Another call coming in.If anyone's feeling brave, there's a Korean deli on 83rd that gets their roses today.Hey, guys.Look at that.Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday?Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted.I
t's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up.Really? Feeling lucky, are you?Sign here, here. Just initial that.Thank you.OK.You got a rain advisory today, and as you all know, bees cannot fly in rain.So be careful. As always, watch your brooms, hockey sticks, dogs, birds, bears and bats.Also, I got a couple of reports of root beer being poured on us.Murphy's in a home because of it, babbling like a cicada!That's awful.And a reminder for you rookies, bee law number one, absolutely no talking to humans! All right, launch positions!Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!Black and yellow!Hello!You ready for this, hot shot?Yeah. Yeah, bring it on.Wind, check.Antennae, check.Nectar pack, check.Wings, check.Stinger, check.Scared out of my shorts, check.OK, ladies,let's move it out!Pound those petunias, you striped stem-suckers!All of you, drain those flowers!Wow! I'm out!I can't believe I'm out!So blue.I feel so fast and free!Box kite!Wow!Flowers!This is Blue Leader, We have roses visual.
Bring it around 30 degrees and hold.Roses!30 degrees, roger. Bringing it around.Stand to the side, kid.It's got a bit of a kick.That is one nectar collector!Ever see pollination up close?No, sir.I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it over here. Maybe a dash over there, a pinch on that one.See that? It's a little bit of magic.That's amazing. Why do we do that?That's pollen power. More pollen, more flowers, more nectar, more honey for us.Cool.I'm picking up a lot of bright yellow, Could be daisies, Don't we need those?Copy that visual.Wait. One of these flowers seems to be on the move.Say again? You're reporting a moving flower?
Affirmative.That was on the line!This is the coolest. What is it?I don't know, but I'm loving this color.It smells good.Not like a flower, but I like it.Yeah, fuzzy.Chemical-y.Careful, guys. It's a little grabby.My sweet lord of bees!Candy-brain, get off there!Problem!Guys!This could be bad.Affirmative.Very close.Gonna hurt.Mama's little boy.You are way out of position, rookie!Coming in at you like a missile!Help me!I don't think these are flowers.Should we tell him?I think he knows.What is this?!Match point!You can start packing up, honey, because you're about to eat it!Yowser!Gross.There's a bee in the car!Do something!I'm driving!Hi, bee.He's back here!He's going to sting me!Nobody move. If you don't move, he won't sting you. Freeze!He blinked!Spray him, Granny!What are you doing?!Wow... the tension level out here is unbelievable.I gotta get home.Can't fly in rain. Can't fly in rain. Can't fly in rain.Mayday! Mayday! Bee going down!Ken, could you close the window please?Ken, could you close the window please?Check out my new resume. I made it into a fold-out brochure. You see? Folds out.
Oh, no. More humans. I don't need this.What was that?Maybe this time. This time. This time. This time! This time! This... Drapes!That is diabolical.It's fantastic. It's got all my special skills, even my top-ten favorite movies.What's number one? Star Wars?Nah, I don't go for that... kind of stuff.No wonder we shouldn't talk to them. They're out of their minds.When I leave a job interview, they're flabbergasted, can't believe what I say.There's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.I don't remember the sun having a big 75 on it.I predicted global warming. I could feel it getting hotter. At first I thought it was just me.Wait! Stop! Bee!Stand back. These are winter boots.Wait!Don't kill him!You know I'm allergic to them! This thing could kill me!Why does his life have less value than yours?Why does his life have any less value than mine? Is that your statement?I'm just saying all life has value. You don't know what he's capable of feeling.My brochure!There you go, little guy.I'm not scared of him.It's an allergic thing. Put that on your resume brochure.My whole face could puff up.Make it one of your special skills.Knocking someone out is also a special skill.Right. Bye, Vanessa. Thanks.Vaness
a, next week? Yogurt night?Sure, Ken. You know, whatever.You could put carob chips on there.Bye.Supposed to be less calories.Bye.I gotta say something. She saved my life. I gotta say something.All right, here it goes.Nah.What would I say?I could really get in trouble. It's a bee law. You're not supposed to talk to a human.I can't believe I'm doing this. I've got to.Oh, I can't do it. Come on!No. Yes. No. Do it. I can't.How should I start it? "You like jazz?" No, that's no good.Here she comes! Speak, you fool!Hi!I'm sorry. You're talking.Yes, I know.You're talking!I'm so sorry.No, it's OK. It's fine.I know I'm dreaming. But I don't recall going to bed.Well, I'm sure this is very disconcerting.This is a bit of a surprise to me. I mean, you're a bee!I am. And I'm not supposed to be doing this, but they were all trying to kill me.And if it wasn't for you... I had to thank you. It's just how I was raised.That was a little weird. I'm talking with a bee.Yeah.I'm talking to a bee. And the bee is talking to me!I just want to say I'm grateful.I'll leave now.Wait! How did you learn to do that?What?The talking thing.Same way you did, I
guess. "Mama, Dada, honey." You pick it up.That's very funny.Yeah.Bees are funny. If we didn't laugh, we'd cry with what we have to deal with.Anyway... Can I... get you something?Like what?I don't know. I mean... I don't know. Coffee?I don't want to put you out.It's no trouble. It takes two minutes.It's just coffee.I hate to impose.Don't be ridiculous!Actually, I would love a cup.Hey, you want rum cake?I shouldn't.Have some.No, I can't.Come on!I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms.Where?These stripes don't help.You look great!I don't know if you know anything about fashion.Are you all right?No.He's making the tie in the cab as they're flying up Madison.He finally gets there.He runs up the steps into the church.The wedding is on.And he says, "Watermelon?I thought you said Guatemalan.Why would I marry a watermelon?"Is that a bee joke?That's the kind of stuff we do.Yeah, different.So, what are you gonna do, Barry?About work? I don't know.I want to do my part for The Hive, but I can't do it the way they want.I know how you feel.You do?Sure.My parents wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, but I wanted to be a florist.Really?My only interest is flowers.Our new queen was just elected with that same campaign slogan.Anyway, if you look... There's my hive right there. See it?You're in Sheep Meadow!Yes! I'm right off th
e Turtle Pond!No way! I know that area. I lost a toe ring there once.Why do girls put rings on their toes?Why not?It's like putting a hat on your knee.Maybe I'll try that.You all right, ma'am?Oh, yeah. Fine.Just having two cups of coffee!Anyway, this has been great.Thanks for the coffee.Yeah, it's no trouble.Sorry I couldn't finish it. If I did, I'd be up the rest of my life.Are you...?Can I take a piece of this with me?Sure! Here, have a crumb.Thanks!Yeah.All right. Well, then... I guess I'll see you around. Or not.OK, Barry.And thank you so much again... for before.Oh, that? That was nothing.Well, not nothing, but... Anyway...This can't possibly work.He's all set to go.We may as well try it.OK, Dave, pull the chute.Sounds amazing.It was amazing!It was the scariest, happiest moment of my life.Humans! I can't believe you were with humans!Giant, scary humans!What were they like?Huge and crazy. They talk crazy.They eat crazy giant things.They drive crazy.Do they try and kill you, like on TV?Some of them. But some of them don't.How'd you get back?Poodle.You did it, and I'm glad. You saw whatever you wanted to see.You had your "experience." Now you can pick out yourjob and be normal.Well...Well?Well, I met someone.You did? Was she Bee-ish?A wasp?! Your parents will kill you!No, no, no, not a wasp.
Spider?I'm not attracted to spiders.I know it's the hottest thing, with the eight legs and all. I can't get by that face.So who is she?She's... human.No, no. That's a bee law. You wouldn't break a bee law.Her name's Vanessa.Oh, boy.She's so nice. And she's a florist!Oh, no! You're dating a human florist!We're not dating.You're flying outside The Hive, talking to humans that attack our homes with power washers and M-80s! One-eighth a stick of dynamite!She saved my life! And she understands me.This is over!Eat this.This is not over! What was that?They call it a crumb.It was so stingin' stripey!And that's not what they eat.That's what falls off what they eat!You know what a Cinnabon is?No.It's bread and
cinnamon and frosting. They heat it up...Sit down!...really hot!Listen to me!We are not them! We're us.There's us and there's them!Yes, but who can deny the heart that is yearning?There's no yearning. Stop yearning. Listen to me!You have got to start thinking bee, my friend. Thinking bee!Thinking bee.Thinking bee.Thinking bee! Thinking bee! Thinking bee! Thinking bee!There he is. He's in the pool.You know what your problem is, Barry?I gotta start thinking bee?How much longer will this go on?It's been three days! Why aren't you working?I've got a lot of big life decisions to think about.What life? You have no life!You have no job. You're barely a bee!Would it kill you to make a little honey?Barry, come out. Your father's talking to you.Martin, would you talk to him?Barry, I'm talking to you!You coming?Got everything?All set!Go ahead. I'll catch up.Don't be too long.Watch this!Vanessa!We're still here.I told you not to yell at him.He doesn't respond to yelling!Then why yell at me?Because you don't listen!I'm not listening to this.Sorry, I've gotta go.Where are you going?I'm meeting a friend.A girl? Is this why you can't decide?Bye.I just hope she's Bee-ish.They have a huge parade of flowers every year in Pasadena?To be in the Tournament of Roses, that's every florist's dream!Up on a float, surrounded by flowers, crowds cheering.A tournament. Do the roses compete
in athletic events?No. All right, I've got one.How come you don't fly everywhere?It's exhausting. Why don't you run everywhere? It's faster.Yeah, OK, I see, I see.All right, your turn.TiVo. You can just freeze live TV? That's insane!You don't have that?We have Hivo, but it's a disease. It's a horrible, horrible disease.Oh, my.Dumb bees!You must want to sting all those jerks.We try not to sting. It's usually fatal for us.So you have to watch your temper.Very carefully.You kick a wall, take a walk, write an angry letter and throw it out. Work through it like any emotion: Anger, jealousy, lust.Oh, my goodness! Are you OK?Yeah.What is wrong with you?!It's a bug.He's not bothering anybody.Get out of here, you creep!Wh
at was that? A Pic 'N' Save circular?Yeah, it was. How did you know?It felt like about 10 pages. Seventy-five is pretty much our limit.You've really got that down to a science.I lost a cousin to Italian Vogue.I'll bet.What in the name of Mighty Hercules is this?How did this get here? cute Bee, Golden Blossom, Ray Liotta Private Select?Is he that actor?I never heard of him.Why is this here?For people. We eat it.You don't have enough food of your own?Well, yes.How do you get it?Bees make it.I know who makes it! And it's hard to make it!There's heating, cooling, stirring. You need a whole Krelman thing!It's organic.It's our-ganic!It's just honey, Barry.Just what?!Bees don't know about this! This is stealing! A lot of stealing!You've taken our homes, schools,hospitals! This is all we have!And it's on sale?! I'm getting to the bottom of this.I'm getting to the bottom of all of this!Hey, Hector. You almost done?Almost.He is here. I sense it.Well, I guess I'll go home now and just
leave this nice honey out, with no one around.You're busted, box boy!I knew I heard something.So you can talk!I can talk. And now you'll start talking!Where you getting the sweet stuff? Who's your supplier?I don't understand.I thought we were friends.The last thing we want to do is upset bees!You're too late! It's ours now!You, sir, have crossed the wrong sword!You, sir, will be lunch for my iguana, Ignacio!Where is the honey coming from? Tell me where!Honey Farms! It comes from Honey Farms!Crazy person!What horrible thing has happened here?These faces, they never knew what hit them. And nowthey're on the road to nowhere!Just keep still.What? You're not dead?Do I look dead?
They will wipe anything that moves. Where you headed?To Honey Farms. I am onto something huge here.I'm going to Alaska. Moose blood, crazy stuff. Blows your head off!I'm going to Tacoma.And you?He really is dead.All right.Uh-oh!What is that?!Oh, no!A wiper! Triple blade!Triple blade?Jump on! It's your only chance, bee!Why does everything haveto be so doggone clean?!How much do you people need to see?!Open your eyes!Stick your head out the window!From NPR News in Washington,I'm Carl Kasell.But don't kill no more bugs!Bee!Moose blood guy!!You hear something?Like what?Like tiny screaming.Turn off the radio.Whassup, bee boy?Hey, Blood.Just a row of honey jars, as far as the eye could see.Wow!I assume wherever this truck goes is where they're getting it. I mean, that honey's ours.Bees hang tight. We're all jammed in.It's a close community.Not us, man. We on our own. Every mosquito on his own.What if you get in trouble?You a mosquito, you in trouble.
Nobody likes us. They just smack. See a mosquito, smack, smack!At least you're out in the world. You must meet girls.Mosquito girls try to trade up, get with a moth, dragonfly. Mosquito girl don't want no mosquito.You got to be kidding me!Mooseblood's about to leave the building! So long, bee!Hey, guys!Mooseblood!I knew I'd catch y'all down here.Did you bring your crazy straw?We throw it in jars, slap a label on it, and it's pretty much pure profit.What is this place?A bee's got a brain the size of a pinhead.They are pinheads!Pinhead.Check out the new smoker.Oh, sweet. That's the one you want.
The Thomas 3000!Smoker?Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice the nicotine, all the tar. A couple breaths of this knocks them right out.They make the honey, and we make the money."They make the honey, and we make the money"?Oh, my!What's going on? Are you OK?Yeah. It doesn't last too long.Do you know you're in a fake hive with fake walls?Our queen was moved here. We had no choice.This is your queen? That's a man in women's clothes! That's a drag queen!What is this?Oh, no!There's hundreds of them!Bee honey.Our honey is being brazenly stolen on a massive scale!This is worse than anything bears have done! I intend to do something.Oh, Barry, stop.Who told you humans are taking our honey?
That's a rumor.Do these look like rumors?That's a conspiracy theory. These are obviously doctored photos. How did you get mixed up in this?He's been talking to humans.What? Talking to humans?!He has a human girlfriend. And they make out!Make out? Barry!We do not.You wish you could.Whose side are you on?The bees!I dated a cricket once in San Antonio. Those crazy legs kept me up all night.Barry, this is what you want to do with your life?I want to do it for all our lives.
Nobody works harder than bees!Dad, I remember you coming home so overworkedyour hands were still stirring. You couldn't stop.I remember that.What right do they have to our honey?We live on two cups a year. They put it in lip balm for no reason whatsoever!Even if it's true, what can one bee do?Sting them where it really hurts.In the face! The eye!That would hurt.No.Up the nose? That's a killer.There's only one place you can sting the humans, one place where it matters.Hive at Five, The Hive's only full-hour action news source.No more bee beards!With Bob Bumble at the anchor desk. Weather with Storm Stinger. Sports with Buzz Larvi. And Jeanette Chung.Good
evening. I'm Bob Bumble.And I'm Jeanette Ohung.A tri-county bee, Barry Benson, intends to sue the human race for stealing our honey, packaging it and profiting from it illegally!Tomorrow night on Bee Larry King, we'll have three former queens here in our studio, discussing their new book, classy Ladies, out this week on Hexagon.Tonight we're talking to Barry Benson.Did you ever think, "I'm a kid from The Hive. I can't do this"?Bees have never been afraid to change the world.What about Bee Oolumbus? Bee Gandhi? Bejesus?Where I'm from, we'd never sue humans.We were thinking of stickball or candy stores.How old are you?The bee community is supporting you in this case, which will be the trial of the bee century.You know, they have a Larry King in the human world too.It's a common name. Next week...He looks like you and has a show and
suspenders and colored dots...Next week...Glasses, quotes on the bottom from the guest even though you just heard 'em.Bear Week next week! They're scary, hairy and here live.Always leans forward, pointy shoulders, squinty eyes, very Jewish.In tennis, you attack at the point of weakness!It was my grandmother, Ken. She's 81.Honey, her backhand's a joke!I'm not gonna take advantage of that?Quiet, please.Actual work going on here.Is that that same bee?Yes, it is!I'm helping him sue the human race.Hello.Hello, bee.This is Ken.Yeah, I remember you. Timberland, size ten and a half. Vibram sole, I believe.Why does he talk again?Listen, you better go 'cause we're
really busy working.But it's our yogurt night!Bye-bye.Why is yogurt night so difficult?!You poor thing. You two have been at this for hours!Yes, and Adam here has been a huge help.Frosting...How many sugars?Just one. I try not to use the competition.So why are you helping me?Bees have good qualities. And it takes my mind off the shop. Instead of flowers, people are giving balloon bouquets now.Those are great, if you're three.And artificial flowers.Oh, those just get me psychotic!Yeah, me too.Bent stingers, pointless pollination.Bees must hate those fake things!Nothing worse than a
daffodil that's had work done.Maybe this could make up for it a little bit.This lawsuit's a pretty big deal.I guess.You sure you want to go through with it?Am I sure? When I'm done with the humans, they won't be able to say, "Honey, I'm home," without paying a royalty!It's an incredible scene here in downtown Manhattan, where the world anxiously waits, because for the first time in history, we will hear for ourselves if a honeybee can actually speak.What have we gotten into here, Barry?It's pretty big, isn't it?I can't believe how many humans don't work during the day.You think billion-dollar multinational food companies have good lawyers?Everybody needs to stay behind the barricade.What's the matter?I don't know, I just got a chill.Well, if it isn't the bee team.You boys work on this?All rise! The Honorable Judge Bumbleton presiding.All right. Case number 4475,Superior
Court of New York,Barry Bee Benson v. the Honey Industry is now in session.Mr. Montgomery, you're representing the five food companies collectively?A privilege.Mr. Benson... you're representing all the bees of the world?I'm kidding. Yes, Your Honor, we're ready to proceed.Mr. Montgomery, your opening statement, please.Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my grandmother was a simple woman. Born on a farm, she believed it was man's divine right to benefit from the bounty of nature God put before us.If we lived in the topsy-turvy world Mr. Benson imagines, just think of what would it mean.I would have to negotiate with the silkworm for the elastic in my britches!Talking bee!How do we know this isn't some sort of holographic motion-picture-capture Hollywood wizardry?They could
be using laser beams! Robotics! Ventriloquism! Cloning! For all we know, he could be on steroids!Mr. Benson?Ladies and gentlemen, there's no trickery here. I'm just an ordinary bee. Honey's pretty important to me. It's important to all bees. We invented it! We make it. And we protect it with our lives.Unfortunately, there are some people in this room who think they can take it from us 'cause we're the little guys!I'm hoping that, after this is all over, you'll see how, by taking our honey, you not only take everything we have but everything we are!I wish he'd dress like that all the time. So nice!Call your first witness.So, Mr. Klauss Vanderhayden of Honey Farms, big company you have.I suppose so.I see you also own Honeyburton and Honron!Yes, they provide beekeepers for our farms.Beekeeper. I find that to be a very disturbing term.I don't imagine you employ any bee-
free-ers, do you?No.I couldn't hear you.No.No. Because you don't free bees. You keep bees. Not only that, it seems you thought a bear would be an appropriate image for a jar of honey.They're very lovable creatures. Yogi Bear, Fozzie Bear, Build-A-Bear.You mean like this?Bears kill bees!How'd you like his head crashing through your living room?! Biting into your couch! Spitting out your throw pillows! OK, that's enough. Take him away.So, Mr. Sting, thank you for being here. Your name intrigues me. Where have I heard it before?I was with a band called The Police.But you've never been a police officer, have you?No, I haven't.No, you haven't. And so here we have yet another example of bee culture casually stolen by a human for nothing more than a prance-about stage name.Oh, please.Have you ever been
stung, Mr. Sting? Because I'm feeling a little stung, Sting. Or should I say... Mr. Gordon M. Sumner!That's not his real name?! You idiots!Mr. Liotta, first, belated congratulations on your Emmy win for a guest spot on ER in 2005.Thank you. Thank you.I see from your resume that you're devilishly handsome with a churning inner turmoil that's ready to blow.I enjoy what I do. Is that a crime?Not yet it isn't. But is this what it's come to for you? Exploiting tiny, helpless bees so you don't have to rehearse your part and learn your lines, sir?Watch it, Benson! I could blow right now!This isn't a goodfella.This is a badfella!Why doesn't someone just step on this creep, and we can all go home?!Order in this court!You're all thinking it!Order! Order, I say!Say it!Mr. Liotta, please sit down!I think it was awfully nice of that
bear to pitch in like that. I think the jury's on our side.Are we doing everything right, legally?I'm a florist.Right. Well, here's to a great team.To a great team!Well, hello.Ken!Hello.I didn't think you were coming.No, I was just late I tried to call, but... the battery.I didn't want all this to go to waste,so I called Barry. Luckily, he was free.Oh, that was lucky.There's a little left. I could heat it up.Yeah, heat it up, sure, whatever.So I hear you're quite a tennis player. I'm not much for the game myself. The ball's a little grabby.That's where I usually sit. Right... there.Ken, Barry was looking at your resume, and he agreed with me that eating with chopsticks isn't really a special skill.You think I don't see what you're doing?I know how hard it is to find the right job. We have that in common.Do we?Bees have 100 percent
employment, but we do jobs like taking the crud out.That's just what I was thinking about doing.Ken, I let Barry borrow your razor for his fuzz. I hope that was all right.I'm going to drain the old stinger.Yeah, you do that.Look at that.You know, I've just about had it with your little Mind Games.What's that?Italian Vogue.Mamma mia, that's a lot of pages.A lot of ads.Remember what Van said, why is your life more valuable than mine?Funny, I just can't seem to recall that! I think something stinks in here!I love the smell of flowers.How do you like the smell of flames?!Not as much.Water bug! Not taking sides!Ken,
I'm wearing a Chapstick hat!This is pathetic!I've got issues!Well, well, well, a royal flush!You're bluffing.Am I?Surf's up, dude!Poo water!That bowl is gnarly. Except for those dirty yellow rings!Kenneth! What are you doing?!You know, I don't even like honey! I don't eat it!We need to talk! He's just a little bee!And he happens to be the nicest bee I've met in a long time!Long time? What are you talking about?! Are there other bugs in your life? No, but there are other things bugging me in life. And you're one of them!Fine! Talking bees, no yogurt night...My nerves are fried from riding on this emotional roller coaster!Goodbye, Ken.And for your information, I prefer sugar-free, artificial sweeteners made by man!I'm sorry about all that.I know it's got an
aftertaste! I like it!I always felt there was some kind of barrier between Ken and me. I couldn't overcome it.Oh, well.Are you OK for the trial?I believe Mr. Montgomery is about out of ideas.We would like to call Mr. Barry Benson Bee to the stand.Good idea! You can really see why he's considered one of the best lawyers...Yeah.Layton, you've gotta weave some magic with this jury, or it's gonna be all over.Don't worry. The only thing I have to do to turn this jury around is to remind them of what they don't like about bees.You got the tweezers?Are you allergic?Only to losing, son. Only to losing.Mr. Benson Bee, I'll ask you what I think we'd all like to know.What exactly is your relationship to that woman?We're friends.Good friends?Yes.How good? Do you live together?Wait a minute... Are you her little... bedbug?I've seen a bee
documentary or two. From what I understand, doesn't your queen give birth to all the bee children?Yeah, but...So those aren't your real parents!Oh, Barry...Yes, they are!Hold me back!You're an illegitimate bee, aren't you, Benson?He's denouncing bees!Don't y'all date your cousins?Objection!I'm going to pincushion this guy!Adam, don't! It's what he wants!Oh, I'm hit!! Oh, lordy, I am hit!Order! Order!The venom! The venom is coursing through my veins! I have been felled by a winged beast of destruction! You see? You can't treat them like equals! They're striped savages! Stinging's the only thing they know! It's their way!Adam, stay with me.I can't feel my legs.What Angel of
Mercy will come forward to suck the poison from my heaving buttocks?I will have order in this court. Order! Order, please!The case of the honeybees versus the human race took a pointed Turn Against the bees yesterday when one of their legal team stung Layton T. Montgomery.Hey, buddy.Hey.Is there much pain?Yeah.I... I blew the whole case, didn't I?It doesn't matter. What matters isyou're alive. You could have died.I'd be better off dead. Look at me.They got it from the cafeteria downstairs, in a tuna sandwich. Look, there's a little celery still on it.What was it like to sting someone?I can't explain it. It was all... All adrenaline and then...and then ecstasy!All right.You think it was all a trap?Of course. I'm sorry. I flew us right into this.What were we thinking? Look at us. We're just a couple of bugs in this world.What will the humans do to us if they win?I don't know.I hear
they put the roaches in motels. That doesn't sound so bad.Adam, they check in, but they don't check out!Oh, my.Could you get a nurse to close that window?Why?The smoke.Bees don't smoke.Right. Bees don't smoke.Bees don't smoke!But some bees are smoking.That's it! That's our case!It is? It's not over?Get dressed. I've gotta go somewhere.Get back to the court and stall. Stall any way you can.And assuming you've done step correctly, you're ready for the tub.Mr. Flayman.Yes? Yes, Your Honor!Where is the rest of your team?Well, Your Honor, it's interesting. Bees are trained to fly haphazardly, and as a result, we don't make very good time.I actually heard a funny story about...Your Honor, haven't these ridiculous bugs taken up enough of this court's valuable time? How much longer will we allow these absurd shenanigans to go on?They have presented no
compelling evidence to support their charges against my clients, who run legitimate businesses.I move for a complete dismissal of this entire case!Mr. Flayman, I'm afraid I'm going to have to consider Mr. Montgomery's motion.But you can't! We have a terrific case.Where is your proof?Where is the evidence?Show me the smoking gun!Hold it, Your Honor!You want a smoking gun? Here is your smoking gun.What is that?It's a bee smoker!What, this? This harmless little contraption? This couldn't hurt a fly, let alone a bee.Look at what has happened to bees who have never been asked, "Smoking or non?" Is this what nature intended for us? To be forcibly addicted to smoke machines
and man-made wooden slat work camps?Living out our lives as honey slaves to the white man?What are we gonna do?He's playing the species card.Ladies and gentlemen, please, free these bees!Free the bees! Free the bees! Free the bees! Free the bees! Free the bees!The court finds in favor of the bees!Vanessa, we won!I knew you could do it! High-five!Sorry.I'm OK! You know what this means?All the honey will finally belong to the bees.Now we won't have to work so hard all the time.This is an unholy perversion of the balance of nature, Benson.You'll regret this.Barry, how much honey is out there?All right. One at a time.Barry, who are you wearing?My sweater is Ralph Lauren, and I have no pants.What if Montgomery's right?What do you mean?We've been living the bee way a long time, 27 million
years.Congratulations on your victory. What will you demand as a settlement?First, we'll demand a complete shutdown of all bee work camps.Then we want back the honey that was ours to begin with, every last drop.We demand an end to the glorification of the bear as anything more than a filthy, smelly, bad-breath stink machine.We're all aware of what they do in the woods.Wait for my signal. Take him out.He'll have nauseous for a few hours, then he'll be fine.And we will
no longer tolerate bee-negative nicknames...But it's just a prance-about stage name!...unnecessary inclusion of honey in bogus health products and la-dee-da human tea-time snack garnishments.Can't breathe.Bring it in, boys!Hold it right there! Good.Tap it.Mr. Buzzwell, we just passed three cups and there's gallons more coming!I think we need to shut down!Shut down? We've never shut down.Shut down honey production!Stop making honey!Turn your key, sir!What do we do now?Cannonball!We're shutting honey production!Mission
abort.Aborting pollination and nectar detail.Returning to base.Adam, you wouldn't believe how much honey was out there.Oh, yeah?What's going on? Where is everybody?Are they out celebrating?They're home.They don't know what to do. Laying out, sleeping in.I heard your Uncle Carl was on his way to San Antonio with a cricket.At least we got our honey back.Sometimes I think, so what if humans liked our honey? Who wouldn't?It's the greatest thing in the world! I was excited to be part of making it.This was my new desk. This was my
new job. I wanted to do it really well. And now...Now I can't.I don't understand why they're not happy.I thought their lives would be better!They're doing nothing. It's amazing.Honey really changes people.You don't have any idea what's going on, do you?What did you want to show me?This.What happened here?That is not the half of it.Oh, no. Oh, my.They're all wilting.Doesn't look very good, does it?No.And whose fault do you think that is?You know, I'm gonna guess bees.Bees?Specifically, me.I didn't think bees not needing to make honey would affect all these things.It's not just flowers. Fruits, vegetables, they all need bees.That's our whole SAT test right
there.Take away produce, that affects the entire animal kingdom.And then, of course...The human species?So if there's no more pollination, it could all just go south here, couldn't it?I know this is also partly my fault.How about a suicide pact?How do we do it?I'll sting you, you step on me.That just kills you twice.Right, right.Listen, Barry... sorry, but I gotta get going.I had to open my mouth and talk.Vanessa?
Vanessa? Why are you leaving?Where are you going?To the final Tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena.They've moved it to this weekend because all the flowers are dying.It's the Last Chance I'll ever have to see it.Vanessa, I just wanna say I'm sorry.I never meant it to turn out like this.I know. Me neither.Tournament of Roses.Roses can't do sports.Wait a minute. Roses. Roses?Roses!Vanessa!Roses?!Barry?Roses are flowers!Yes, they are.Flowers,
bees, pollen!I know.That's why this is the last parade.Maybe not.Could you ask him to slow down?Could you slow down?Barry!OK, I made a huge mistake.This is a total disaster, all my fault.Yes, it kind of is.I've ruined the planet. I wanted to help you with the flower shop. I've made it worse.Actually, it's completely closed down.I thought maybe you were remodeling.But I have another idea, and it's greater than my previous ideas combined.I don't want to hear it!All right, they have the roses, the roses have the pollen.I know every bee, plant and flower bud in this park.All we gotta do is get what they've got back here with what we've
got.Bees.Park.Pollen!Flowers.Repollination!Across the nation!Tournament of Roses, Pasadena, California.They've got nothing but flowers, floats and cotton candy.Security will be tight.I have an idea.Vanessa Bloome, FTD.Official floral business. It's real.Sorry, ma'am. Nice brooch.Thank you. It was a gift.Once inside, we just pick the right float.How about The Princess and the Pea?I could be the princess, and you could be the pea!Yes, I got it.Where should I sit?What are you?I believe I'm the pea.The pea?It goes under
the mattresses.Not in this fairy tale, sweetheart.I'm getting the marshal.You do that! This whole parade is a fiasco!Let's see what this baby'll do.Hey, what are you doing?!Then all we do is blend in with traffic... without arousing suspicion.Once at the airport, there's no stopping us.Stop! Security.You and your insect pack your float?Yes.Has it been in your possession the entire time?Would you remove your shoes?Remove your stinger.It's part of me.I know. Just having
some fun.Enjoy your flight.Then if we're lucky, we'll have just enough pollen to do the job.Can you believe how lucky we are? We have just enough pollen to do the job!I think this is gonna work.It's got to work.Attention, passengers, this is Captain Scott. We have a bit of bad weather in New York. It looks like we'll experience a couple hours delay.Barry, these are cut flowers with no water. They'll never make it.I gotta get up there and talk to them.Be careful.Can I get help with the Sky Mall magazine? I'd like to order the talking inflatable nose and ear hair trimmer.Captain, I'm in a real situation.What'd you say, Hal?Nothing.Bee!Don't freak out! My entire species...What are you doing?
Wait a minute! I'm an attorney!Who's an attorney?Don't move.Oh, Barry.Good afternoon, passengers. This is your captain. Would a Miss Vanessa Bloome in 24B please report to the cockpit? And please hurry!What happened here?There was a DustBuster, a toupee, a life raft exploded.One's bald, one's in a boat, they're both unconscious!Is that another bee joke?No!No one's flying the plane!This is JFK control tower, Flight 356. What's your status?This is Vanessa Bloome. I'm a florist from New York.Where's the pilot?He's unconscious, and so is the copilot.Not good. Does anyone onboard have flight experience?As a matter of fact, there is.Who's that?Barry
Benson.From the honey trial?! Oh, great.Vanessa, this is nothing more than a big metal bee.It's got giant wings, huge engines.I can't fly a plane.Why not? Isn't John Travolta a pilot?Yes.How hard could it be?Wait, Barry!We're headed into some lightning.This is Bob Bumble. We have some late-breaking news from JFK Airport, where a suspenseful scene is developing.Barry Benson, fresh from his legal victory...That's Barry!...is attempting to land a plane, loaded with people, flowers and an incapacitated flight crew.Flowers?!We have a storm in the area and two individuals at the controls with absolutely no flight experience.Just a minute. There's a bee on that plane.I'm
quite familiar with Mr. Benson and his no-account compadres.They've done enough damage.But isn't he your only hope?Technically, a bee shouldn't be able to fly at all.Their wings are too small... Haven't we heard this a million times?"The surface area of the wings and body mass make no sense."Get this on the air!Got it.Stand by.We're going live.The way we work may be a mystery to you. Making honey takes a lot of bees doing a lot of small jobs.But let me tell you about a small job. If you do it well, it makes a big difference.More than we realized. To us, to everyone.That's why I want to get bees back to working together. That's the bee way! We're not made of Jell-O.We get behind a fellow.Black and yellow!Hello!Left, right, down, hover.Hover?Forget hover.This isn't so hard.Beep-beep! Beep-beep!Barry, what happened?!Wait, I think we
were on autopilot the whole time.That may have been helping me.And now we're not!So it turns out I cannot fly a plane.All of you, let's get behind this fellow! Move it out!Move out!Our only chance is if I do what I'd do, you copy me with the wings of the plane!Don't have to yell.I'm not yelling! We're in a lot of trouble.It's very hard to concentrate with that panicky tone in your voice!It's not a tone. I'm panicking!I can't do this!Vanessa, pull yourself together. You have to snap out of it!You snap out of it.You snap out of it.You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!Hold it!Why? Come on, it's my turn.How is the plane flying?I don't know.Hello?Benson, got any flowers for a happy occasion in there?The Pollen Jocks!They do get behind a fellow.Black and yellow.Hello.All right, let's drop this tin can on the blacktop.Where? I can't see anything. Can you?No, nothing. It's all cloudy.Come on. You got to think bee, Barry.Thinking bee.Thinking
bee.Thinking bee!Thinking bee! Thinking bee!Wait a minute. I think I'm feeling something.What?I don't know. It's strong, pulling me.Like a 27-million-year-old instinct.Bring the nose down.Thinking bee!Thinking bee! Thinking bee!What in the world is on the tarmac?Get some lights on that!Thinking bee!Thinking bee! Thinking bee!Vanessa, aim for the flower.OK.Cut the engines. We're going in on bee power. Ready, boys?Affirmative!Good. Good. Easy, now. That's it.Land on that flower!Ready? Full reverse!Spin it around!Not that flower! The other one!Which one?That flower.I'm aiming at the flower!That's a fat guy in a flowered shirt.I mean the giant pulsating flower made of millions of bees!Pull forward. Nose down. Tail up.Rotate around it.This is insane, Barry!This's the only way I know
how to fly.Am I koo-koo-kachoo, or is this plane flying in an insect-like pattern?Get your nose in there. Don't be afraid. Smell it. Full reverse!Just drop it. Be a part of it.Aim for the center!Now drop it in! Drop it in, woman!Come on, already.Barry, we did it! You taught me how to fly!Yes. No high-five!Right.Barry, it worked!Did you see the giant flower?What giant flower? Where? Of courseI saw the flower! That was genius!Thank you.But we're not done yet.Listen, everyone!This runway is covered with the last pollen from the last flowers available anywhere on Earth.That means this is our Last Chance. We're the only ones who make honey, pollinate flowers and dress like this.If we're gonna survive as a species, this is our moment!
What do you say?Are we going to be bees, or just Museum of Natural History keychains?We're bees!Keychain!Then follow me! Except Keychain.Hold on, Barry. Here. You've earned this.Yeah!I'm a Pollen Jock! And it's a perfect fit. All I gotta do are the sleeves.Oh, yeah.That's our Barry.Mom! The bees are back!If anybody needs to make a call, now's the time. I got a feeling we'll be working late tonight!Here's your change. Have a great afternoon! Can I help who's next?Would you like some honey with that?It is bee-approved. Don't forget these.Milk, cream, cheese, it's all me. And I don't see a nickel!Sometimes I just feel like a piece of meat!I had no idea.Barry,
I'm sorry.Have you got a moment?Would you excuse me?My mosquito associate will help you.Sorry I'm late.He's a lawyer too?I was already a blood-sucking parasite. All I needed was a briefcase.Have a great afternoon!Barry, I just got this huge tulip order, and I can't get them anywhere.No problem, Vannie. Just leave it to me.You're a lifesaver, Barry. Can I help who's next?All right, scramble, jocks! It's time to fly.Thank you, Barry!That bee is living my life!Let it go, Kenny.When will this nightmare end?!Let it all go.Beautiful day to fly.Sure is.Between you and me,I was dying to get out of that office.You have got to start thinking bee, my friend.Thinking bee!Me?Hold it. Let's just stop for a second. Hold it.I'm sorry. I'm sorry, everyone. Can we stop here?I'm not making a major life decision during a production number!All right. Take ten, everybody. Wrap it up, guys.I had virtually no rehearsal for that.
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callme-mys-tical · 2 months
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly.Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.Ooh, black and yellow!Let’s shake it up a little.Barry! Breakfast is ready!Coming!Hang on a second.Hello?Barry?Adam?Can you believe this is happening?I can’t.I’ll pick you up.Looking sharp.Use the stairs, Your father paid good money for those.Sorry. I’m excited.Here’s the graduate.We’re very proud of you, son.A perfect report card, all B’s.Very proud.Ma! I got a thing going here.You got lint on your fuzz.Ow! That’s me!Wave to us! We’ll be in row 118,000.Bye!Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house!Hey, Adam.Hey, Barry.Is that fuzz gel?A little. Special day, graduation.Never thought I’d make it.Three days grade school, three days high school.Those were awkward.Three days college. I’m glad I took a day and hitchhiked around The Hive.You did come back different.Hi, Barry. Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.Hear about Frankie?Yeah.You going to the funeral?No, I’m not going.Everybody knows, sting someone, you die.Don’t waste it on a squirrel.Such a hothead.I guess he could have just gotten out of the way.I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day.That’s why we don’t need vacations.Boy, quite a bit of pomp under the circumstances.Well, Adam, today we are men.We are!Bee-men.Amen!Hallelujah!
Students, faculty, distinguished bees,please welcome Dean Buzzwell.Welcome, New Hive City graduating class of 9:15.That concludes our ceremonies And begins your career at Honex Industries!Will we pick our job today?I heard it’s just orientation.Heads up! Here we go.Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times.Wonder what it’ll be like?A little scary.Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group.This is it!Wow.Wow.We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life.Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to The Hive.Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as… Honey!That girl was hot.She’s my cousin!She is?Yes, we’re all cousins.Right. You’re right.At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence.These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology.What do you think he makes?Not enough.Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman.What does that do?Catches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it.Saves us millions.Can anyone work on the Krelman?Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones.But bees know that every small job, if it’s done well, means a lot.But choose carefully because you’ll stay in the job you pick for the rest of your life.The same job the rest of your life? I didn’t know that.What’s the difference?You’ll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven’t had one day off in 27 million years.So you’ll just work us to death?We’ll sure try.Wow! That blew my mind!“What’s the difference?”
How can you say that?One job forever?That’s an insane choice to have to make.I’m relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life.But, Adam, how could they never have told us that?Why would you question anything? We’re bees.We’re the most perfectly functioning society on Earth.You ever think maybe things work a little too well here?Like what? Give me one example.I don’t know. But you know what I’m talking about.Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach.Wait a second. Check it out.Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!Wow.I’ve never seen them this close.They know what it’s like outside The Hive.Yeah, but some don’t come back.Hey, Jocks!Hi, Jocks!You guys did great!You’re monsters!You’re sky freaks! I love it! I love it!I wonder where they were.I don’t know.Their day’s not planned.Outside The Hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what.You can’t just decide to be a Pollen Jock. You have to be bred for that.Right.Look. That’s more pollen than you and I will see in a lifetime.It’s just a status symbol.Bees make too much of it.Perhaps. Unless you’re wearing it and the ladies see you wearing it.Those ladies?Aren’t they our cousins too?Distant. Distant.Look at these two.Couple of Hive Harrys.Let’s have fun with them.It must be dangerous being a Pollen Jock.Yeah. Once a bear pinned me against a mushroom!He had a paw on my throat, and with the other, he was slapping me!Oh, my!I never thought I’d knock him out.What were you doing during this?Trying to alert the authorities.I can autograph that.
A little gusty out there today, wasn’t it, comrades?Yeah. Gusty.We’re hitting a sunflower patch six miles from here tomorrow.Six miles, huh?Barry!A puddle jump for us, but maybe you’re not up for it.Maybe I am.You are not!We’re going 0900 at J-Gate.What do you think, buzzy-boy?Are you bee enough?I might be. It all depends on what 0900 means.Hey, Honex!Dad, you surprised me.You decide what you’re interested in?Well, there’s a lot of choices.But you only get one.Do you ever get bored doing the same job every day?Son, let me tell you about stirring.You grab that stick, and you just move it around, and you stir it around.You get yourself into a rhythm.It’s a beautiful thing.You know, Dad, the more I think about it,maybe the honey field just isn’t right for me.You were thinking of what, making balloon animals?That’s a bad job for a guy with a stinger.Janet, your son’s not sure he wants to go into honey!Barry, you are so funny sometimes.I’m not trying to be funny.You’re not funny! You’re going into honey. Our son, the stirrer!You’re gonna be a stirrer?No one’s listening to me!Wait till you see the sticks I have.I could say anything right now.I’m gonna get an ant tattoo!Let’s open some honey and celebrate!Maybe I’ll pierce my thorax. Shave my antennae. Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody “dawg”!I’m so proud.We’re starting work today!Today’s the day.Come on! All the good jobs will be gone.Yeah, right.Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, hair removal…Is it still available?Hang on. Two left!One of them’s yours! Congratulations!Step to the side.What’d you get?Picking crud out. Stellar!Wow!Couple of newbies?Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!Make your choice.You want to go first?
No, you go.Oh, my. What’s available?Restroom attendant’s open, not for the reason you think.Any chance of getting the Krelman?Sure, you’re on.I’m sorry, the Krelman just closed out.Wax monkey’s always open.The Krelman opened up again.What happened?A bee died. Makes an opening. See? He’s dead. Another dead one.Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down. That’s life!Oh, this is so hard!Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer, humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrangler.Barry, what do you think I should… Barry?Barry!All right, we’ve got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine…What happened to you?Where are you?I’m going out.Out? Out where?Out there.Oh, no!I have to, before I go to work for the rest of my life.You’re gonna die! You’re crazy! Hello?Another call coming in.If anyone’s feeling brave, there’s a Korean deli on 83rd that gets their roses today.Hey, guys.Look at that.Isn’t that the kid we saw yesterday?Hold it, son, flight deck’s restricted.It’s OK, Lou. We’re gonna take him up.Really? Feeling lucky, are you?Sign here, here. Just initial that.Thank you.OK.You got a rain advisory today, and as you all know, bees cannot fly in rain.So be careful. As always, watch your brooms, hockey sticks, dogs, birds, bears and bats.Also, I got a couple of reports of root beer being poured on us.Murphy’s in a home because of it, babbling like a cicada!That’s awful.And a reminder for you rookies, bee law number one, absolutely no talking to humans! All right, launch positions!Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!Black and yellow!Hello!You ready for this, hot shot?Yeah. Yeah, bring it on.Wind, check.Antennae, check.Nectar pack, check.Wings, check.Stinger, check.Scared out of my shorts, check.OK, ladies,let’s move it out!Pound those petunias, you striped stem-suckers!All of you, drain those flowers!Wow! I’m out!
I can’t believe I’m out!So blue.I feel so fast and free!Box kite!Wow!Flowers!This is Blue Leader, We have roses visual.Bring it around 30 degrees and hold.Roses!30 degrees, roger. Bringing it around.Stand to the side, kid.It’s got a bit of a kick.That is one nectar collector!Ever see pollination up close?No, sir.I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it over here. Maybe a dash over there, a pinch on that one.See that? It’s a little bit of magic.That’s amazing. Why do we do that?That’s pollen power. More pollen, more flowers, more nectar, more honey for us.Cool.I’m picking up a lot of bright yellow, Could be daisies, Don’t we need those?Copy that visual.Wait. One of these flowers seems to be on the move.Say again? You’re reporting a moving flower?Affirmative.That was on the line!This is the coolest. What is it?I don’t know, but I’m loving this color.It smells good.Not like a flower, but I like it.Yeah, fuzzy.Chemical-y.Careful, guys. It’s a little grabby.My sweet lord of bees!Candy-brain, get off there!Problem!Guys!This could be bad.Affirmative.Very close.Gonna hurt.Mama’s little boy.You are way out of position, rookie!Coming in at you like a missile!Help me!I don’t think these are flowers.Should we tell him?I think he knows.What is this?!Match point!You can start packing up, honey, because you’re about to eat it!Yowser!Gross.There’s a bee in the car!Do something!I’m driving!Hi, bee.He’s back here!He’s going to sting me!Nobody move. If you don’t move, he won’t sting you. Freeze!He blinked!
Spray him, Granny!What are you doing?!Wow… the tension level out here is unbelievable.I gotta get home.Can’t fly in rain. Can’t fly in rain. Can’t fly in rain.Mayday! Mayday! Bee going down!Ken, could you close the window please?Ken, could you close the window please?Check out my new resume. I made it into a fold-out brochure. You see? Folds out.Oh, no. More humans. I don’t need this.What was that?Maybe this time. This time. This time. This time! This time! This… Drapes!That is diabolical.It’s fantastic. It’s got all my special skills, even my top-ten favorite movies.What’s number one? Star Wars?Nah, I don’t go for that… kind of stuff.No wonder we shouldn’t talk to them. They’re out of their minds.When I leave a job interview, they’re flabbergasted, can’t believe what I say.There’s the sun. Maybe that’s a way out.I don’t remember the sun having a big 75 on it.I predicted global warming. I could feel it getting hotter. At first I thought it was just me.Wait! Stop! Bee!Stand back. These are winter boots.Wait!Don’t kill him!You know I’m allergic to them! This thing could kill me!Why does his life have less value than yours?Why does his life have any less value than mine? Is that your statement?I’m just saying all life has value. You don’t know what he’s capable of feeling.My brochure!There you go, little guy.I’m not scared of him.It’s an allergic thing. Put that on your resume brochure.My whole face could puff up.Make it one of your special skills.Knocking someone out is also a special skill.Right. Bye, Vanessa. Thanks.Vanessa, next week? Yogurt night?Sure, Ken. You know, whatever.You could put carob chips on there.Bye.Supposed to be less calories.Bye.I gotta say something. She saved my life. I gotta say something.All right, here it goes.Nah.What would I say?I could really get in trouble. It’s a bee law. You’re not supposed to talk to a human.I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’ve got to.Oh, I can’t do it. Come on!No. Yes. No. Do it. I can’t.How should I start it? “You like jazz?” No, that’s no good.Here she comes! Speak, you fool!Hi!I’m sorry. You’re talking.Yes, I know.You’re talking!I’m so sorry.No, it’s OK. It’s fine.I know I’m dreaming. But I don’t recall going to bed.Well, I’m sure this is very disconcerting.This is a bit of a surprise to me. I mean, you’re a bee!
I am. And I’m not supposed to be doing this, but they were all trying to kill me.And if it wasn’t for you… I had to thank you. It’s just how I was raised.That was a little weird. I’m talking with a bee.Yeah.I’m talking to a bee. And the bee is talking to me!I just want to say I’m grateful.I’ll leave now.Wait! How did you learn to do that?What?The talking thing.Same way you did, I guess. “Mama, Dada, honey.” You pick it up.That’s very funny.Yeah.Bees are funny. If we didn’t laugh, we’d cry with what we have to deal with.Anyway… Can I… get you something?Like what?I don’t know. I mean… I don’t know. Coffee?I don’t want to put you out.It’s no trouble. It takes two minutes.It’s just coffee.I hate to impose.Don’t be ridiculous!Actually, I would love a cup.Hey, you want rum cake?I shouldn’t.Have some.No, I can’t.Come on!I’m trying to lose a couple micrograms.Where?These stripes don’t help.You look great!I don’t know if you know anything about fashion.Are you all right?No.He’s making the tie in the cab as they’re flying up Madison.He finally gets there.He runs up the steps into the church.The wedding is on.And he says, “Watermelon?I thought you said Guatemalan.Why would I marry a watermelon?"Is that a bee joke?That’s the kind of stuff we do.Yeah, different.So, what are you gonna do, Barry?About work? I don’t know.I want to do my part for The Hive, but I can’t do it the way they want.I know how you feel.You do?Sure.My parents wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, but I wanted to be a florist.Really?My only interest is flowers.Our new queen was just elected with that same campaign slogan.Anyway, if you look… There’s my hive right there. See it?You’re in Sheep Meadow!
Yes! I’m right off the Turtle Pond!No way! I know that area. I lost a toe ring there once.Why do girls put rings on their toes?Why not?It’s like putting a hat on your knee.Maybe I’ll try that.You all right, ma'am?Oh, yeah. Fine.Just having two cups of coffee!Anyway, this has been great.Thanks for the coffee.Yeah, it’s no trouble.Sorry I couldn’t finish it. If I did, I’d be up the rest of my life.Are you…?Can I take a piece of this with me?Sure! Here, have a crumb.Thanks!Yeah.All right. Well, then… I guess I’ll see you around. Or not.OK, Barry.And thank you so much again… for before.Oh, that? That was nothing.Well, not nothing, but… Anyway…This can’t possibly work.He’s all set to go.We may as well try it.OK, Dave, pull the chute.Sounds amazing.It was amazing!It was the scariest, happiest moment of my life.Humans! I can’t believe you were with humans!Giant, scary humans!What were they like?Huge and crazy. They talk crazy.They eat crazy giant things.They drive crazy.Do they try and kill you, like on TV?Some of them. But some of them don’t.How’d you get back?Poodle.You did it, and I’m glad. You saw whatever you wanted to see.You had your "experience.” Now you can pick out yourjob and be normal.Well…Well?Well, I met someone.You did? Was she Bee-ish?A wasp?! Your parents will kill you!No, no, no, not a wasp.Spider?I’m not attracted to spiders.I know it’s the hottest thing, with the eight legs and all. I can’t get by that face.So who is she?She’s… human.No, no. That’s a bee law. You wouldn’t break a bee law.Her name’s Vanessa.Oh, boy.She’s so nice. And she’s a florist!Oh, no! You’re dating a human florist!We’re not dating.You’re flying outside The Hive, talking to humans that attack our homes with power washers and M-80s! One-eighth a stick of dynamite!She saved my life! And she understands me.This is over!Eat this.This is not over! What was that?They call it a crumb.It was so stingin’ stripey!And that’s not what they eat.That’s what falls off what they eat!You know what a Cinnabon is?No.It’s bread and cinnamon and frosting. They heat it up…Sit down!…really hot!Listen to me!We are not them! We’re us.There’s us and there’s them!Yes, but who can deny the heart that is yearning?There’s no yearning. Stop yearning. Listen to me!You have got to start thinking bee, my friend. Thinking bee!Thinking bee.Thinking bee.Thinking bee! Thinking bee! Thinking bee! Thinking bee!There he is. He’s in the pool.You know what your problem is, Barry?I gotta start thinking bee?How much longer will this go on?It’s been three days! Why aren’t you working?I’ve got a lot of big life decisions to think about.What life? You have no life!You have no job. You’re barely a bee!Would it kill you to make a little honey?Barry, come out. Your father’s talking to you.Martin, would you talk to him?
Barry, I’m talking to you!You coming?Got everything?All set!Go ahead. I’ll catch up.Don’t be too long.Watch this!Vanessa!We’re still here.I told you not to yell at him.He doesn’t respond to yelling!Then why yell at me?Because you don’t listen!I’m not listening to this.Sorry, I’ve gotta go.Where are you going?I’m meeting a friend.A girl? Is this why you can’t decide?Bye.I just hope she’s Bee-ish.They have a huge parade of flowers every year in Pasadena?To be in the Tournament of Roses, that’s every florist’s dream!Up on a float, surrounded by flowers, crowds cheering.A tournament. Do the roses compete in athletic events?No. All right, I’ve got one.How come you don’t fly everywhere?It’s exhausting. Why don’t you run everywhere? It’s faster.Yeah, OK, I see, I see.All right, your turn.TiVo. You can just freeze live TV? That’s insane!You don’t have that?We have Hivo, but it’s a disease. It’s a horrible, horrible disease.Oh, my.Dumb bees!You must want to sting all those jerks.We try not to sting. It’s usually fatal for us.So you have to watch your temper.Very carefully.You kick a wall, take a walk, write an angry letter and throw it out. Work through it like any emotion: Anger, jealousy, lust.Oh, my goodness! Are you OK?Yeah.What is wrong with you?!It’s a bug.He’s not bothering anybody.Get out of here, you creep!What was that? A Pic ‘N’ Save circular?Yeah, it was. How did you know?It felt like about 10 pages. Seventy-five is pretty much our limit.You’ve really got that down to a science.I lost a cousin to Italian Vogue.I’ll bet.What in the name of Mighty Hercules is this?How did this get here? cute Bee, Golden Blossom, Ray Liotta Private Select?Is he that actor?I never heard of him.Why is this here?For people. We eat it.You don’t have enough food of your own?Well, yes.How do you get it?Bees make it.I know who makes it! And it’s hard to make it!There’s heating, cooling, stirring. You need a whole Krelman thing!It’s organic.It’s our-ganic!It’s just honey, Barry.Just what?!Bees don’t know about this! This is stealing! A lot of stealing!You’ve taken our homes, schools,hospitals! This is all we have!And it’s on sale?! I’m getting to the bottom of this.I’m getting to the bottom of all of this!Hey, Hector. You almost done?Almost.He is here. I sense it.Well, I guess I’ll go home now and just leave this nice honey out, with no one around.You’re busted, box boy!I knew I heard something.So you can talk!I can talk. And now you’ll start talking!Where you getting the sweet stuff? Who’s your supplier?I don’t understand.I thought we were friends.The last thing we want to do is upset bees!You’re too late! It’s ours now!You, sir, have crossed the wrong sword!You, sir, will be lunch for my iguana, Ignacio!Where is the honey coming from? Tell me where!Honey Farms! It comes from Honey Farms!Crazy person!
What horrible thing has happened here?These faces, they never knew what hit them. And nowthey’re on the road to nowhere!Just keep still.What? You’re not dead?Do I look dead? They will wipe anything that moves. Where you headed?To Honey Farms. I am onto something huge here.I’m going to Alaska. Moose blood, crazy stuff. Blows your head off!I’m going to Tacoma.And you?He really is dead.All right.Uh-oh!What is that?!Oh, no!A wiper! Triple blade!Triple blade?Jump on! It’s your only chance, bee!Why does everything haveto be so doggone clean?!How much do you people need to see?!Open your eyes!Stick your head out the window!From NPR News in Washington,I’m Carl Kasell.But don’t kill no more bugs!Bee!Moose blood guy!!You hear something?Like what?Like tiny screaming.Turn off the radio.Whassup, bee boy?Hey, Blood.Just a row of honey jars, as far as the eye could see.Wow!I assume wherever this truck goes is where they’re getting it. I mean, that honey’s ours.Bees hang tight. We’re all jammed in.It’s a close community.Not us, man. We on our own. Every mosquito on his own.What if you get in trouble?You a mosquito, you in trouble. Nobody likes us. They just smack. See a mosquito, smack, smack!At least you’re out in the world. You must meet girls.Mosquito girls try to trade up, get with a moth, dragonfly. Mosquito girl don’t want no mosquito.You got to be kidding me!Mooseblood’s about to leave the building! So long, bee!Hey, guys!Mooseblood!I knew I’d catch y'all down here.Did you bring your crazy straw?We throw it in jars, slap a label on it, and it’s pretty much pure profit.What is this place?A bee’s got a brain the size of a pinhead.They are pinheads!Pinhead.Check out the new smoker.Oh, sweet. That’s the one you want. The Thomas 3000!Smoker?Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice the nicotine, all the tar. A couple breaths of this knocks them right out.They make the honey, and we make the money.“They make the honey, and we make the money”?Oh, my!What’s going on? Are you OK?Yeah. It doesn’t last too long.Do you know you’re in a fake hive with fake walls?Our queen was moved here. We had no choice.This is your queen? That’s a man in women’s clothes! That’s a drag queen!What is this?Oh, no!There’s hundreds of them!Bee honey.Our honey is being brazenly stolen on a massive scale!This is worse than anything bears have done! I intend to do something.Oh, Barry, stop.Who told you humans are taking our honey? That’s a rumor.Do these look like rumors?That’s a conspiracy theory. These are obviously doctored photos. How did you get mixed up in this?He’s been talking to humans.What? Talking to humans?!He has a human girlfriend. And they make out!Make out? Barry!We do not.You wish you could.Whose side are you on?The bees!
I dated a cricket once in San Antonio. Those crazy legs kept me up all night.Barry, this is what you want to do with your life?I want to do it for all our lives. Nobody works harder than bees!Dad, I remember you coming home so overworkedyour hands were still stirring. You couldn’t stop.I remember that.What right do they have to our honey?We live on two cups a year. They put it in lip balm for no reason whatsoever!Even if it’s true, what can one bee do?Sting them where it really hurts.In the face! The eye!That would hurt.No.Up the nose? That’s a killer.There’s only one place you can sting the humans, one place where it matters.Hive at Five, The Hive’s only full-hour action news source.No more bee beards!With Bob Bumble at the anchor desk. Weather with Storm Stinger. Sports with Buzz Larvi. And Jeanette Chung.Good evening. I’m Bob Bumble.And I’m Jeanette Ohung.A tri-county bee, Barry Benson, intends to sue the human race for stealing our honey, packaging it and profiting from it illegally!Tomorrow night on Bee Larry King, we’ll have three former queens here in our studio, discussing their new book, classy Ladies, out this week on Hexagon.Tonight we’re talking to Barry Benson.Did you ever think, “I’m a kid from The Hive. I can’t do this”?Bees have never been afraid to change the world.What about Bee Oolumbus? Bee Gandhi? Bejesus?Where I’m from, we’d never sue humans.We were thinking of stickball or candy stores.How old are you?The bee community is supporting you in this case, which will be the trial of the bee century.You know, they have a Larry King in the human world too.It’s a common name. Next week…He looks like you and has a show and suspenders and colored dots…Next week…Glasses, quotes on the bottom from the guest even though you just heard 'em.Bear Week next week! They’re scary, hairy and here live.Always leans forward, pointy shoulders, squinty eyes, very Jewish.In tennis, you attack at the point of weakness!It was my grandmother, Ken. She’s 81.Honey, her backhand’s a joke!I’m not gonna take advantage of that?Quiet, please.Actual work going on here.Is that that same bee?Yes, it is!I’m helping him sue the human race.Hello.Hello, bee.This is Ken.Yeah, I remember you. Timberland, size ten and a half. Vibram sole, I believe.Why does he talk again?Listen, you better go 'cause we’re really busy working.But it’s our yogurt night!Bye-bye.Why is yogurt night so difficult?!You poor thing. You two have been at this for hours!Yes, and Adam here has been a huge help.Frosting…How many sugars?
Just one. I try not to use the competition.So why are you helping me?Bees have good qualities. And it takes my mind off the shop. Instead of flowers, people are giving balloon bouquets now.Those are great, if you’re three.And artificial flowers.Oh, those just get me psychotic!Yeah, me too.Bent stingers, pointless pollination.Bees must hate those fake things!Nothing worse than a daffodil that’s had work done.Maybe this could make up for it a little bit.This lawsuit’s a pretty big deal.I guess.You sure you want to go through with it?Am I sure? When I’m done with the humans, they won’t be able to say, “Honey, I’m home,” without paying a royalty!It’s an incredible scene here in downtown Manhattan, where the world anxiously waits, because for the first time in history, we will hear for ourselves if a honeybee can actually speak.What have we gotten into here, Barry?It’s pretty big, isn’t it?I can’t believe how many humans don’t work during the day.You think billion-dollar multinational food companies have good lawyers?Everybody needs to stay behind the barricade.What’s the matter?I don’t know, I just got a chill.Well, if it isn’t the bee team.You boys work on this?All rise! The Honorable Judge Bumbleton presiding.All right. Case number 4475,Superior Court of New York,Barry Bee Benson v. the Honey Industry is now in session.Mr. Montgomery, you’re representing the five food companies collectively?A privilege.Mr. Benson… you’re representing all the bees of the world?I’m kidding. Yes, Your Honor, we’re ready to proceed.Mr. Montgomery, your opening statement, please.Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my grandmother was a simple woman. Born on a farm, she believed it was man’s divine right to benefit from the bounty of nature God put before us.If we lived in the topsy-turvy world Mr. Benson imagines, just think of what would it mean.I would have to negotiate with the silkworm for the elastic in my britches!Talking bee!How do we know this isn’t some sort of holographic motion-picture-capture Hollywood wizardry?They could be using laser beams! Robotics! Ventriloquism! Cloning! For all we know, he could be on steroids!Mr. Benson?Ladies and gentlemen, there’s no trickery here. I’m just an ordinary bee. Honey’s pretty important to me. It’s important to all bees. We invented it! We make it. And we protect it with our lives.Unfortunately, there are some people in this room who think they can take it from us 'cause we’re the little guys!I’m hoping that, after this is all over, you’ll see how, by taking our honey, you not only take everything we have but everything we are!I wish he’d dress like that all the time. So nice!Call your first witness.So, Mr. Klauss Vanderhayden of Honey Farms, big company you have.I suppose so.I see you also own Honeyburton and Honron!Yes, they provide beekeepers for our farms.Beekeeper. I find that to be a very disturbing term.I don’t imagine you employ any bee-free-ers, do you?No.I couldn’t hear you.No.No. Because you don’t free bees. You keep bees. Not only that, it seems you thought a bear would be an appropriate image for a jar of honey.They’re very lovable creatures. Yogi Bear, Fozzie Bear, Build-A-Bear.You mean like this?Bears kill bees!How’d you like his head crashing through your living room?! Biting into your couch! Spitting out your throw pillows! OK, that’s enough. Take him away.So, Mr. Sting, thank you for being here. Your name intrigues me. Where have I heard it before?I was with a band called The Police.
But you’ve never been a police officer, have you?No, I haven’t.No, you haven’t. And so here we have yet another example of bee culture casually stolen by a human for nothing more than a prance-about stage name.Oh, please.Have you ever been stung, Mr. Sting? Because I’m feeling a little stung, Sting. Or should I say… Mr. Gordon M. Sumner!That’s not his real name?! You idiots!Mr. Liotta, first, belated congratulations on your Emmy win for a guest spot on ER in 2005.Thank you. Thank you.
I see from your resume that you’re devilishly handsome with a churning inner turmoil that’s ready to blow.I enjoy what I do. Is that a crime?Not yet it isn’t. But is this what it’s come to for you? Exploiting tiny, helpless bees so you don’t have to rehearse your part and learn your lines, sir?Watch it, Benson! I could blow right now!This isn’t a goodfella.This is a badfella!Why doesn’t someone just step on this creep, and we can all go home?!Order in this court!You’re all thinking it!Order! Order, I say!Say it!Mr. Liotta, please sit down!I think it was awfully nice of that bear to pitch in like that. I think the jury’s on our side.Are we doing everything right, legally?I’m a florist.Right. Well, here’s to a great team.To a great team!Well, hello.Ken!Hello.I didn’t think you were coming.No, I was just late I tried to call, but… the battery.
So those aren’t your real parents!Oh, Barry…Yes, they are!Hold me back!You’re an illegitimate bee, aren’t you, Benson?He’s denouncing bees!Don’t y'all date your cousins?Objection!I’m going to pincushion this guy!Adam, don’t! It’s what he wants!Oh, I’m hit!! Oh, lordy, I am hit!Order! Order!The venom! The venom is coursing through my veins! I have been felled by a winged beast of destruction! You see? You can’t treat them like equals! They’re striped savages! Stinging’s the only thing they know! It’s their way!Adam, stay with me.I can’t feel my legs.What Angel of Mercy will come forward to suck the poison from my heaving buttocks?I will have order in this court. Order! Order, please!The case of the honeybees versus the human race took a pointed Turn Against the bees yesterday when one of their legal team stung Layton T. Montgomery.Hey, buddy.Hey.Is there much pain?Yeah.I… I blew the whole case, didn’t I?It doesn’t matter. What matters isyou’re alive. You could have died.I’d be better off dead. Look at me.They got it from the cafeteria downstairs, in a tuna sandwich. Look, there’s a little celery still on it.What was it like to sting someone?I can’t explain it. It was all… All adrenaline and then…and then ecstasy!All right.You think it was all a trap?Of course. I’m sorry. I flew us right into this.What were we thinking? Look at us. We’re just a couple of bugs in this world.What will the humans do to us if they win?I don’t know.I hear they put the roaches in motels. That doesn’t sound so bad.Adam, they check in, but they don’t check out!Oh, my.
I didn’t want all this to go to waste,so I called Barry. Luckily, he was free.Oh, that was lucky.There’s a little left. I could heat it up.Yeah, heat it up, sure, whatever.So I hear you’re quite a tennis player. I’m not much for the game myself. The ball’s a little grabby.That’s where I usually sit. Right… there.Ken, Barry was looking at your resume, and he agreed with me that eating with chopsticks isn’t really a special skill.You think I don’t see what you’re doing?I know how hard it is to find the right job. We have that in common.Do we?Bees have 100 percent employment, but we do jobs like taking the crud out.That’s just what I was thinking about doing.Ken, I let Barry borrow your razor for his fuzz. I hope that was all right.I’m going to drain the old stinger.Yeah, you do that.Look at that.You know, I’ve just about had it with your little Mind Games.What’s that?Italian Vogue.Mamma mia, that’s a lot of pages.A lot of ads.Remember what Van said, why is your life more valuable than mine?Funny, I just can’t seem to recall that! I think something stinks in here!I love the smell of flowers.How do you like the smell of flames?!Not as much.Water bug! Not taking sides!Ken, I’m wearing a Chapstick hat!This is pathetic!I’ve got issues!Well, well, well, a royal flush!You’re bluffing.Am I?Surf’s up, dude!Poo water!That bowl is gnarly. Except for those dirty yellow rings!Kenneth! What are you doing?!You know, I don’t even like honey! I don’t eat it!We need to talk! He’s just a little bee!And he happens to be the nicest bee I’ve met in a long time!Long time? What are you talking about?! Are there other bugs in your life? No, but there are other things bugging me in life. And you’re one of them!Fine! Talking bees, no yogurt night…My nerves are fried from riding on this emotional roller coaster!Goodbye, Ken.And for your information, I prefer sugar-free, artificial sweeteners made by man!I’m sorry about all that.I know it’s got an aftertaste! I like it!I always felt there was some kind of barrier between Ken and me. I couldn’t overcome it.Oh, well.Are you OK for the trial?I believe Mr. Montgomery is about out of ideas.We would like to call Mr. Barry Benson Bee to the stand.Good idea! You can really see why he’s considered one of the best lawyers…Yeah.Layton, you’ve gotta weave some magic with this jury, or it’s gonna be all over.Don’t worry. The only thing I have to do to turn this jury around is to remind them of what they don’t like about bees.You got the tweezers?Are you allergic?Only to losing, son. Only to losing.Mr. Benson Bee, I’ll ask you what I think we’d all like to know.What exactly is your relationship to that woman?We’re friends.Good friends?Yes.How good? Do you live together?Wait a minute… Are you her little… bedbug?I’ve seen a bee documentary or two. From what I understand, doesn’t your queen give birth to all the bee children?Yeah, but…
So those aren’t your real parents!Oh, Barry…Yes, they are!Hold me back!You’re an illegitimate bee, aren’t you, Benson?He’s denouncing bees!Don’t y'all date your cousins?Objection!I’m going to pincushion this guy!Adam, don’t! It’s what he wants!Oh, I’m hit!! Oh, lordy, I am hit!Order! Order!The venom! The venom is coursing through my veins! I have been felled by a winged beast of destruction! You see? You can’t treat them like equals! They’re striped savages! Stinging’s the only thing they know! It’s their way!Adam, stay with me.I can’t feel my legs.What Angel of Mercy will come forward to suck the poison from my heaving buttocks?I will have order in this court. Order! Order, please!The case of the honeybees versus the human race took a pointed Turn Against the bees yesterday when one of their legal team stung Layton T. Montgomery.Hey, buddy.Hey.Is there much pain?Yeah.I… I blew the whole case, didn’t I?It doesn’t matter. What matters isyou’re alive. You could have died.I’d be better off dead. Look at me.They got it from the cafeteria downstairs, in a tuna sandwich. Look, there’s a little celery still on it.What was it like to sting someone?I can’t explain it. It was all… All adrenaline and then…and then ecstasy!All right.You think it was all a trap?Of course. I’m sorry. I flew us right into this.What were we thinking? Look at us. We’re just a couple of bugs in this world.What will the humans do to us if they win?I don’t know.I hear they put the roaches in motels. That doesn’t sound so bad.Adam, they check in, but they don’t check out!Oh, my.Could you get a nurse to close that window?Why?The smoke.Bees don’t smoke.Right. Bees don’t smoke.Bees don’t smoke!But some bees are smoking.That’s it! That’s our case!It is? It’s not over?Get dressed. I’ve gotta go somewhere.Get back to the court and stall. Stall any way you can.And assuming you’ve done step correctly, you’re ready for the tub.Mr. Flayman.Yes? Yes, Your Honor!
Where is the rest of your team?Well, Your Honor, it’s interesting. Bees are trained to fly haphazardly, and as a result, we don’t make very good time.I actually heard a funny story about…Your Honor, haven’t these ridiculous bugs taken up enough of this court’s valuable time? How much longer will we allow these absurd shenanigans to go on?They have presented no compelling evidence to support their charges against my clients, who run legitimate businesses.I move for a complete dismissal of this entire case!Mr. Flayman, I’m afraid I’m going to have to consider Mr. Montgomery’s motion.But you can’t! We have a terrific case.Where is your proof?Where is the evidence?Show me the smoking gun!Hold it, Your Honor!You want a smoking gun? Here is your smoking gun.What is that?It’s a bee smoker!What, this? This harmless little contraption? This couldn’t hurt a fly, let alone a bee.Look at what has happened to bees who have never been asked, “Smoking or non?” Is this what nature intended for us? To be forcibly addicted to smoke machines and man-made wooden slat work camps?Living out our lives as honey slaves to the white man?What are we gonna do?He’s playing the species card.Ladies and gentlemen, please, free these bees!Free the bees! Free the bees! Free the bees! Free the bees! Free the bees!The court finds in favor of the bees!Vanessa, we won!I knew you could do it! High-five!Sorry.I’m OK! You know what this means?All the honey will finally belong to the bees.Now we won’t have to work so hard all the time.This is an unholy perversion of the balance of nature, Benson.You’ll regret this.
Barry, how much honey is out there?All right. One at a time.Barry, who are you wearing?My sweater is Ralph Lauren, and I have no pants.What if Montgomery’s right?What do you mean?We’ve been living the bee way a long time, 27 million years.Congratulations on your victory. What will you demand as a settlement?First, we’ll demand a complete shutdown of all bee work camps.Then we want back the honey that was ours to begin with, every last drop.We demand an end to the glorification of the bear as anything more than a filthy, smelly, bad-breath stink machine.We’re all aware of what they do in the woods.Wait for my signal. Take him out.He’ll have nauseous for a few hours, then he’ll be fine.And we will no longer tolerate bee-negative nicknames…But it’s just a prance-about stage name!…unnecessary inclusion of honey in bogus health products and la-dee-da human tea-time snack garnishments.Can’t breathe.Bring it in, boys!Hold it right there! Good.Tap it.Mr. Buzzwell, we just passed three cups and there’s gallons more coming!I think we need to shut down!Shut down? We’ve never shut down.Shut down honey production!Stop making honey!Turn your key, sir!What do we do now?Cannonball!We’re shutting honey production!Mission abort.Aborting pollination and nectar detail.Returning to base.Adam, you wouldn’t believe how much honey was out there.Oh, yeah?What’s going on? Where is everybody?Are they out celebrating?They’re home.They don’t know what to do. Laying out, sleeping in.I heard your Uncle Carl was on his way to San Antonio with a cricket.At least we got our honey back.Sometimes I think, so what if humans liked our honey? Who wouldn’t?It’s the greatest thing in the world! I was excited to be part of making it.This was my new desk. This was my new job. I wanted to do it really well. And now…Now I can’t.I don’t understand why they’re not happy.I thought their lives would be better!They’re doing nothing. It’s amazing.Honey really changes people.You don’t have any idea what’s going on, do you?What did you want to show me?This.
What happened here?That is not the half of it.Oh, no. Oh, my.They’re all wilting.Doesn’t look very good, does it?No.And whose fault do you think that is?You know, I’m gonna guess bees.Bees?Specifically, me.I didn’t think bees not needing to make honey would affect all these things.It’s not just flowers. Fruits, vegetables, they all need bees.That’s our whole SAT test right there.Take away produce, that affects the entire animal kingdom.And then, of course…The human species?So if there’s no more pollination, it could all just go south here, couldn’t it?I know this is also partly my fault.How about a suicide pact?How do we do it?I’ll sting you, you step on me.That just kills you twice.Right, right.Listen, Barry… sorry, but I gotta get going.I had to open my mouth and talk.Vanessa?Vanessa? Why are you leaving?Where are you going?To the final Tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena.They’ve moved it to this weekend because all the flowers are dying.It’s the Last Chance I’ll ever have to see it.Vanessa, I just wanna say I’m sorry.I never meant it to turn out like this.I know. Me neither.Tournament of Roses.Roses can’t do sports.Wait a minute. Roses. Roses?Roses!Vanessa!Roses?!Barry?Roses are flowers!Yes, they are.Flowers, bees, pollen!I know.That’s why this is the last parade.
Maybe not.Could you ask him to slow down?Could you slow down?Barry!OK, I made a huge mistake.This is a total disaster, all my fault.Yes, it kind of is.I’ve ruined the planet. I wanted to help you with the flower shop. I’ve made it worse.Actually, it’s completely closed down.I thought maybe you were remodeling.But I have another idea, and it’s greater than my previous ideas combined.I don’t want to hear it!All right, they have the roses, the roses have the pollen.I know every bee, plant and flower bud in this park.All we gotta do is get what they’ve got back here with what we’ve got.Bees.Park.Pollen!Flowers.Repollination!Across the nation!Tournament of Roses, Pasadena, California.They’ve got nothing but flowers, floats and cotton candy.Security will be tight.I have an idea.Vanessa Bloome, FTD.Official floral business. It’s real.Sorry, ma'am. Nice brooch.Thank you. It was a gift.Once inside, we just pick the right float.How about The Princess and the Pea?I could be the princess, and you could be the pea!Yes, I got it.Where should I sit?What are you?I believe I’m the pea.The pea?It goes under the mattresses.Not in this fairy tale, sweetheart.I’m getting the marshal.You do that! This whole parade is a fiasco!Let’s see what this baby’ll do.Hey, what are you doing?!Then all we do is blend in with traffic… without arousing suspicion.Once at the airport, there’s no stopping us.Stop! Security.You and your insect pack your float?
Yes.Has it been in your possession the entire time?Would you remove your shoes?Remove your stinger.It’s part of me.I know. Just having some fun.Enjoy your flight.Then if we’re lucky, we’ll have just enough pollen to do the job.Can you believe how lucky we are? We have just enough pollen to do the job!I think this is gonna work.It’s got to work.Attention, passengers, this is Captain Scott. We have a bit of bad weather in New York. It looks like we’ll experience a couple hours delay.Barry, these are cut flowers with no water. They’ll never make it.I gotta get up there and talk to them.Be careful.Can I get help with the Sky Mall magazine? I’d like to order the talking inflatable nose and ear hair trimmer.Captain, I’m in a real situation.What’d you say, Hal?Nothing.Bee!Don’t freak out! My entire species…What are you doing?Wait a minute! I’m an attorney!Who’s an attorney?Don’t move.Oh, Barry.Good afternoon, passengers. This is your captain. Would a Miss Vanessa Bloome in 24B please report to the cockpit? And please hurry!What happened here?There was a DustBuster, a toupee, a life raft exploded.One’s bald, one’s in a boat, they’re both unconscious!Is that another bee joke?No!No one’s flying the plane!This is JFK control tower, Flight 356. What’s your status?This is Vanessa Bloome. I’m a florist from New York.Where’s the pilot?He’s unconscious, and so is the copilot.Not good. Does anyone onboard have flight experience?As a matter of fact, there is.Who’s that?Barry Benson.From the honey trial?! Oh, great.Vanessa, this is nothing more than a big metal bee.It’s got giant wings, huge engines.I can’t fly a plane.Why not? Isn’t John Travolta a pilot?Yes.How hard could it be?Wait, Barry!We’re headed into some lightning.This is Bob Bumble. We have some late-breaking news from JFK Airport, where a suspenseful scene is developing.Barry Benson, fresh from his legal victory…That’s Barry!…is attempting to land a plane, loaded with people, flowers and an incapacitated flight crew.Flowers?!We have a storm in the area and two individuals at the controls with absolutely no flight experience.Just a minute. There’s a bee on that plane.I’m quite familiar with Mr. Benson and his no-account compadres.They’ve done enough damage.But isn’t he your only hope?
Technically, a bee shouldn’t be able to fly at all.Their wings are too small… Haven’t we heard this a million times?“The surface area of the wings and body mass make no sense."Get this on the air!Got it.Stand by.We’re going live.The way we work may be a mystery to you. Making honey takes a lot of bees doing a lot of small jobs.But let me tell you about a small job. If you do it well, it makes a big difference.More than we realized. To us, to everyone.That’s why I want to get bees back to working together. That’s the bee way! We’re not made of Jell-O.We get behind a fellow.Black and yellow!Hello!Left, right, down, hover.Hover?Forget hover.This isn’t so hard.Beep-beep! Beep-beep!Barry, what happened?!Wait, I think we were on autopilot the whole time.That may have been helping me.And now we’re not!So it turns out I cannot fly a plane.All of you, let’s get behind this fellow! Move it out!Move out!Our only chance is if I do what I’d do, you copy me with the wings of the plane!Don’t have to yell.I’m not yelling! We’re in a lot of trouble.It’s very hard to concentrate with that panicky tone in your voice!It’s not a tone. I’m panicking!I can’t do this!Vanessa, pull yourself together. You have to snap out of it!You snap out of it.You snap out of it.You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!Hold it!
Why? Come on, it’s my turn.How is the plane flying?I don’t know.Hello?Benson, got any flowers for a happy occasion in there?The Pollen Jocks!They do get behind a fellow.Black and yellow.Hello.All right, let’s drop this tin can on the blacktop.Where? I can’t see anything. Can you?No, nothing. It’s all cloudy.Come on. You got to think bee, Barry.Thinking bee.Thinking bee.Thinking bee!Thinking bee! Thinking bee!Wait a minute. I think I’m feeling something.What?I don’t know. It’s strong, pulling me.Like a 27-million-year-old instinct.Bring the nose down.Thinking bee!Thinking bee! Thinking bee!What in the world is on the tarmac?Get some lights on that!Thinking bee!Thinking bee! Thinking bee!Vanessa, aim for the flower.OK.
Cut the engines. We’re going in on bee power. Ready, boys?Affirmative!Good. Good. Easy, now. That’s it.Land on that flower!Ready? Full reverse!Spin it around!Not that flower! The other one!Which one?That flower.I’m aiming at the flower!That’s a fat guy in a flowered shirt.I mean the giant pulsating flower made of millions of bees!Pull forward. Nose down. Tail up.Rotate around it.This is insane, Barry!This’s the only way I know how to fly.Am I koo-koo-kachoo, or is this plane flying in an insect-like pattern?Get your nose in there. Don’t be afraid. Smell it. Full reverse!Just drop it. Be a part of it.Aim for the center!Now drop it in! Drop it in, woman!Come on, already.Barry, we did it! You taught me how to fly!Yes. No high-five!Right.Barry, it worked!Did you see the giant flower?What giant flower? Where? Of courseI saw the flower! That was genius!Thank you.But we’re not done yet.Listen, everyone!This runway is covered with the last pollen from the last flowers available anywhere on Earth.That means this is our Last Chance. We’re the only ones who make honey, pollinate flowers and dress like this.If we’re gonna survive as a species, this is our moment! What do you say?Are we going to be bees, or just Museum of Natural History keychains?We’re bees!Keychain!Then follow me! Except Keychain.Hold on, Barry. Here. You’ve earned this.Yeah!I’m a Pollen Jock! And it’s a perfect fit. All I gotta do are the sleeves.Oh, yeah.That’s our Barry.
Mom! The bees are back!If anybody needs to make a call, now’s the time. I got a feeling we’ll be working late tonight!Here’s your change. Have a great afternoon! Can I help who’s next?Would you like some honey with that?It is bee-approved. Don’t forget these.Milk, cream, cheese, it’s all me. And I don’t see a nickel!Sometimes I just feel like a piece of meat!I had no idea.Barry, I’m sorry.Have you got a moment?Would you excuse me?My mosquito associate will help you.Sorry I’m late.He’s a lawyer too?I was already a blood-sucking parasite. All I needed was a briefcase.Have a great afternoon!Barry, I just got this huge tulip order, and I can’t get them anywhere.No problem, Vannie. Just leave it to me.You’re a lifesaver, Barry. Can I help who’s next?All right, scramble, jocks! It’s time to fly.Thank you, Barry!That bee is living my life!Let it go, Kenny.When will this nightmare end?!Let it all go.Beautiful day to fly.Sure is.Between you and me,I was dying to get out of that office.You have got to start thinking bee, my friend.Thinking bee!Me?Hold it. Let’s just stop for a second. Hold it.I’m sorry. I’m sorry, everyone. Can we stop here?I’m not making a major life decision during a production number!All right. Take ten, everybody. Wrap it up, guys.I had virtually no rehearsal for that.
@dont-mind-me-i-just-exist Don't. You Dare. Try to deny anything.
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ednacrabapple · 1 year
Happy Penis!
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly.Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.Ooh, black and yellow!Let's shake it up a little.Barry! Breakfast is ready!Coming!Hang on a second.Hello?Barry?Adam?Can you believe this is happening?I can't.I'll pick you up.Looking sharp.Use the stairs, Your father paid good money for those.Sorry. I'm excited.Here's the graduate.We're very proud of you, son.A perfect report card, all B's.Very proud.Ma! I got a thing going here.You got lint on your fuzz.Ow! That's me!Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.Bye!Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house!Hey, Adam.Hey, Barry.Is that fuzz gel?A little. Special day, graduation.Never thought I'd make it.Three days grade school, three days high school.Those were awkward.Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around The Hive.You did come back different.Hi, Barry. Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.Hear about Frankie?Yeah.You going to the funeral?
No, I'm not going.Everybody knows, sting someone, you die.Don't waste it on a squirrel.Such a hothead.I guess he could have just gotten out of the way.I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day.That's why we don't need vacations.Boy, quite a bit of pomp under the circumstances.Well, Adam, today we are men.We are!Bee-men.Amen!Hallelujah!Students, faculty, distinguished bees,please welcome Dean Buzzwell.Welcome, New Hive City graduating class of 9:15.That concludes our ceremonies And begins your career at Honex Industries!Will we pick our job today?I heard it's just orientation.Heads up! Here we go.Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times.Wonder what it'll be like?A little scary.Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group.This is it!Wow.Wow.We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life.Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to The Hive.Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey!That girl was hot.She's my cousin!She is?Yes, we're all cousins.Right. You're right.At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence.These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology.What do you think he makes?
Not enough.Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman.What does that do?Catches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it.Saves us millions.Can anyone work on the Krelman?Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones.But bees know that every small job, if it's done well, means a lot.But choose carefully because you'll stay in the job you pick for the rest of your life.The same job the rest of your life? I didn't know that.What's the difference?You'll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off in 27 million years.So you'll just work us to death?We'll sure try.Wow! That blew my mind!"What's the difference?"How can you say that?One job forever?That's an insane choice to have to make.I'm relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life.But, Adam, how could they never have told us that?Why would you question anything? We're bees.We're the most perfectly functioning society on Earth.You ever think maybe things work a little too well here?Like what? Give me one example.I don't know. But you know what I'm talking about.Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach.Wait a second. Check it out.Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!Wow.I've never seen them this close.They know what it's like outside The Hive.Yeah, but some don't come back.Hey, Jocks!Hi, Jocks!You guys did great!You're monsters!You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!I wonder where they were.I don't know.Their day's not planned.Outside The Hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what.You can't just decide to be a Pollen Jock. You have to be bred for that.Right.Look.
That's more pollen than you and I will see in a lifetime.It's just a status symbol.Bees make too much of it.Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it and the ladies see you wearing it.Those ladies?Aren't they our cousins too?Distant. Distant.Look at these two.Couple of Hive Harrys.Let's have fun with them.It must be dangerous being a Pollen Jock.Yeah. Once a bear pinned me against a mushroom!He had a paw on my throat, and with the other, he was slapping me!Oh, my!I never thought I'd knock him out.What were you doing during this?Trying to alert the authorities.I can autograph that.A little gusty out there today, wasn't it, comrades?Yeah. Gusty.We're hitting a sunflower patch six miles from here tomorrow.Six miles, huh?Barry!A puddle jump for us, but maybe you're not up for it.Maybe I am.You are not!We're going 0900 at J-Gate.What do you think, buzzy-boy?Are you bee enough?I might be. It all depends on what 0900 means.Hey, Honex!Dad, you surprised me.You decide what you're interested in?Well, there's a lot of choices.But you only get one.Do you ever get bored doing the same job every day?Son, let me tell you about stirring.You grab that stick, and you just move it around, and you stir it around.You get yourself into a rhythm.It's a beautiful thing.You know, Dad, the more I think about it,maybe the honey field just isn't right for me.You were thinking of what, making balloon animals?That's a bad job for a guy with a stinger.Janet, your son's not sure he wants to go into honey!Barry, you are so funny sometimes.I'm not trying to be funny.You're not funny! You're going into honey.
Our son, the stirrer!You're gonna be a stirrer?No one's listening to me!Wait till you see the sticks I have.I could say anything right now.I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!Let's open some honey and celebrate!Maybe I'll pierce my thorax. Shave my antennae. Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!I'm so proud.We're starting work today!Today's the day.Come on! All the good jobs will be gone.Yeah, right.Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, hair removal...Is it still available?Hang on. Two left!One of them's yours! Congratulations!Step to the side.What'd you get?Picking crud out. Stellar!Wow!Couple of newbies?Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!Make your choice.You want to go first?No, you go.Oh, my. What's available?Restroom attendant's open, not for the reason you think.Any chance of getting the Krelman?Sure, you're on.I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.Wax monkey's always open.The Krelman opened up again.What happened?A bee died. Makes an opening. See? He's dead. Another dead one.Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down. That's life!Oh, this is so hard!Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer, humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrangler.Barry, what do you think I should... Barry?Barry!All right, we've got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine...What happened to you?Where are you?I'm going out.Out?
Out where?Out there.Oh, no!I have to, before I go to work for the rest of my life.You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello?Another call coming in.If anyone's feeling brave, there's a Korean deli on 83rd that gets their roses today.Hey, guys.Look at that.Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday?Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted.It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up.Really? Feeling lucky, are you?Sign here, here. Just initial that.Thank you.OK.You got a rain advisory today, and as you all know, bees cannot fly in rain.So be careful. As always, watch your brooms, hockey sticks, dogs, birds, bears and bats.Also, I got a couple of reports of root beer being poured on us.Murphy's in a home because of it, babbling like a cicada!That's awful.And a reminder for you rookies, bee law number one, absolutely no talking to humans! All right, launch positions!Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!Black and yellow!Hello!You ready for this, hot shot?Yeah. Yeah, bring it on.Wind, check.Antennae, check.Nectar pack, check.Wings, check.Stinger, check.
Scared out of my shorts, check.OK, ladies,let's move it out!Pound those petunias, you striped stem-suckers!All of you, drain those flowers!Wow! I'm out!I can't believe I'm out!So blue.I feel so fast and free!Box kite!Wow!Flowers!This is Blue Leader, We have roses visual.Bring it around 30 degrees and hold.Roses!30 degrees, roger. Bringing it around.Stand to the side, kid.It's got a bit of a kick.That is one nectar collector!Ever see pollination up close?No, sir.I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it over here. Maybe a dash over there, a pinch on that one.See that? It's a little bit of magic.That's amazing. Why do we do that?That's pollen power. More pollen, more flowers, more nectar, more honey for us.Cool.I'm picking up a lot of bright yellow, Could be daisies, Don't we need those?Copy that visual.Wait. One of these flowers seems to be on the move.Say again? You're reporting a moving flower?Affirmative.That was on the line!This is the coolest. What is it?I don't know, but I'm loving this color.It smells good.Not like a flower, but I like it.Yeah, fuzzy.Chemical-y.Careful, guys. It's a little grabby.My sweet lord of bees!Candy-brain, get off there!Problem!Guys!This could be bad.Affirmative.
Very close.Gonna hurt.Mama's little boy.You are way out of position, rookie!Coming in at you like a missile!Help me!I don't think these are flowers.Should we tell him?I think he knows.What is this?!Match point!You can start packing up, honey, because you're about to eat it!Yowser!Gross.There's a bee in the car!Do something!I'm driving!Hi, bee.He's back here!He's going to sting me!Nobody move. If you don't move, he won't sting you. Freeze!He blinked!Spray him, Granny!What are you doing?!Wow... the tension level out here is unbelievable.I gotta get home.Can't fly in rain. Can't fly in rain. Can't fly in rain.Mayday! Mayday! Bee going down!Ken, could you close the window please?Ken, could you close the window please?Check out my new resume. I made it into a fold-out brochure. You see? Folds out.Oh, no. More humans. I don't need this.What was that?Maybe this time. This time. This time. This time! This time! This... Drapes!That is diabolical.It's fantastic. It's got all my special skills, even my top-ten favorite movies.What's number one? Star Wars?Nah, I don't go for that... kind of stuff.No wonder we shouldn't talk to them. They're out of their minds.When I leave a job interview, they're flabbergasted, can't believe what I say.There's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.I don't remember the sun having a big 75 on it.I predicted global warming. I could feel it getting hotter. At first I thought it was just me.Wait! Stop! Bee!Stand back.
These are winter boots.Wait!Don't kill him!You know I'm allergic to them! This thing could kill me!Why does his life have less value than yours?Why does his life have any less value than mine? Is that your statement?I'm just saying all life has value. You don't know what he's capable of feeling.My brochure!There you go, little guy.I'm not scared of him.It's an allergic thing. Put that on your resume brochure.My whole face could puff up.Make it one of your special skills.Knocking someone out is also a special skill.Right. Bye, Vanessa. Thanks.Vanessa, next week? Yogurt night?Sure, Ken. You know, whatever.You could put carob chips on there.Bye.Supposed to be less calories.Bye.I gotta say something. She saved my life. I gotta say something.All right, here it goes.Nah.What would I say?I could really get in trouble. It's a bee law. You're not supposed to talk to a human.I can't believe I'm doing this. I've got to.Oh, I can't do it. Come on!No. Yes. No. Do it. I can't.How should I start it? "You like jazz?" No, that's no good.Here she comes! Speak, you fool!Hi!I'm sorry. You're talking.Yes, I know.You're talking!I'm so sorry.No, it's OK. It's fine.I know I'm dreaming.
But I don't recall going to bed.Well, I'm sure this is very disconcerting.This is a bit of a surprise to me. I mean, you're a bee!I am. And I'm not supposed to be doing this, but they were all trying to kill me.And if it wasn't for you... I had to thank you. It's just how I was raised.That was a little weird. I'm talking with a bee.Yeah.I'm talking to a bee. And the bee is talking to me!I just want to say I'm grateful.I'll leave now.Wait! How did you learn to do that?What?The talking thing.Same way you did, I guess. "Mama, Dada, honey." You pick it up.That's very funny.Yeah.Bees are funny. If we didn't laugh, we'd cry with what we have to deal with.Anyway... Can I... get you something?Like what?I don't know. I mean... I don't know. Coffee?I don't want to put you out.It's no trouble. It takes two minutes.It's just coffee.I hate to impose.Don't be ridiculous!Actually, I would love a cup.Hey, you want rum cake?I shouldn't.Have some.No, I can't.Come on!I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms.Where?These stripes don't help.You look great!I don't know if you know anything about fashion.
Are you all right?No.He's making the tie in the cab as they're flying up Madison.He finally gets there.He runs up the steps into the church.The wedding is on.And he says, "Watermelon?I thought you said Guatemalan.Why would I marry a watermelon?"Is that a bee joke?That's the kind of stuff we do.Yeah, different.So, what are you gonna do, Barry?About work? I don't know.I want to do my part for The Hive, but I can't do it the way they want.I know how you feel.You do?Sure.My parents wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, but I wanted to be a florist.Really?My only interest is flowers.Our new queen was just elected with that same campaign slogan.Anyway, if you look... There's my hive right there. See it?You're in Sheep Meadow!Yes! I'm right off the Turtle Pond!No way! I know that area. I lost a toe ring there once.Why do girls put rings on their toes?Why not?It's like putting a hat on your knee.Maybe I'll try that.You all right, ma'am?Oh, yeah. Fine.Just having two cups of coffee!Anyway, this has been great.Thanks for the coffee.Yeah, it's no trouble.Sorry I couldn't finish it. If I did, I'd be up the rest of my life.Are you...?Can I take a piece of this with me?Sure!
Here, have a crumb.Thanks!Yeah.All right. Well, then... I guess I'll see you around. Or not.OK, Barry.And thank you so much again... for before.Oh, that? That was nothing.Well, not nothing, but... Anyway...This can't possibly work.He's all set to go.We may as well try it.OK, Dave, pull the chute.Sounds amazing.It was amazing!It was the scariest, happiest moment of my life.Humans! I can't believe you were with humans!Giant, scary humans!What were they like?Huge and crazy. They talk crazy.They eat crazy giant things.They drive crazy.Do they try and kill you, like on TV?Some of them. But some of them don't.How'd you get back?Poodle.You did it, and I'm glad. You saw whatever you wanted to see.You had your "experience." Now you can pick out yourjob and be normal.Well...Well?Well, I met someone.You did? Was she Bee-ish?A wasp?! Your parents will kill you!No, no, no, not a wasp.Spider?I'm not attracted to spiders.I know it's the hottest thing, with the eight legs and all. I can't get by that face.So who is she?She's... human.No, no. That's a bee law. You wouldn't break a bee law.Her name's Vanessa.Oh, boy.She's so nice. And she's a florist!Oh, no! You're dating a human florist!We're not dating.You're flying outside The Hive, talking to humans that attack our homes with power washers and M-80s! One-eighth a stick of dynamite!She saved my life! And she understands me.This is over!Eat this.This is not over! What was that?They call it a crumb.It was so stingin' stripey!And that's not what they eat.That's what falls off what they eat!You know what a Cinnabon is?No.It's bread and cinnamon and frosting. They heat it up...Sit down!...really hot!
Listen to me!We are not them! We're us.There's us and there's them!Yes, but who can deny the heart that is yearning?There's no yearning. Stop yearning. Listen to me!You have got to start thinking bee, my friend. Thinking bee!Thinking bee.Thinking bee.Thinking bee! Thinking bee! Thinking bee! Thinking bee!There he is. He's in the pool.You know what your problem is, Barry?I gotta start thinking bee?How much longer will this go on?It's been three days! Why aren't you working?I've got a lot of big life decisions to think about.What life? You have no life!You have no job. You're barely a bee!Would it kill you to make a little honey?Barry, come out. Your father's talking to you.Martin, would you talk to him?Barry, I'm talking to you!You coming?Got everything?All set!Go ahead. I'll catch up.Don't be too long.Watch this!Vanessa!We're still here.I told you not to yell at him.He doesn't respond to yelling!Then why yell at me?Because you don't listen!I'm not listening to this.Sorry, I've gotta go.Where are you going?I'm meeting a friend.A girl? Is this why you can't decide?Bye.I just hope she's Bee-ish.They have a huge parade of flowers every year in Pasadena?To be in the Tournament of Roses, that's every florist's dream!Up on a float, surrounded by flowers, crowds cheering.
A tournament. Do the roses compete in athletic events?No. All right, I've got one.How come you don't fly everywhere?It's exhausting. Why don't you run everywhere? It's faster.Yeah, OK, I see, I see.All right, your turn.TiVo. You can just freeze live TV? That's insane!You don't have that?We have Hivo, but it's a disease. It's a horrible, horrible disease.Oh, my.Dumb bees!You must want to sting all those jerks.We try not to sting. It's usually fatal for us.So you have to watch your temper.Very carefully.You kick a wall, take a walk, write an angry letter and throw it out. Work through it like any emotion: Anger, jealousy, lust.Oh, my goodness! Are you OK?Yeah.What is wrong with you?!It's a bug.He's not bothering anybody.Get out of here, you creep!What was that? A Pic 'N' Save circular?Yeah, it was. How did you know?It felt like about 10 pages. Seventy-five is pretty much our limit.You've really got that down to a science.I lost a cousin to Italian Vogue.I'll bet.What in the name of Mighty Hercules is this?How did this get here? cute Bee, Golden Blossom, Ray Liotta Private Select?Is he that actor?I never heard of him.Why is this here?For people. We eat it.You don't have enough food of your own?Well, yes.How do you get it?Bees make it.I know who makes it!
And it's hard to make it!There's heating, cooling, stirring. You need a whole Krelman thing!It's organic.It's our-ganic!It's just honey, Barry.Just what?!Bees don't know about this! This is stealing! A lot of stealing!You've taken our homes, schools,hospitals! This is all we have!And it's on sale?! I'm getting to the bottom of this.I'm getting to the bottom of all of this!Hey, Hector. You almost done?Almost.He is here. I sense it.Well, I guess I'll go home now and just leave this nice honey out, with no one around.You're busted, box boy!I knew I heard something.So you can talk!I can talk. And now you'll start talking!Where you getting the sweet stuff? Who's your supplier?I don't understand.I thought we were friends.The last thing we want to do is upset bees!You're too late! It's ours now!You, sir, have crossed the wrong sword!You, sir, will be lunch for my iguana, Ignacio!Where is the honey coming from? Tell me where!Honey Farms! It comes from Honey Farms!Crazy person!What horrible thing has happened here?These faces, they never knew what hit them. And nowthey're on the road to nowhere!Just keep still.What? You're not dead?Do I look dead? They will wipe anything that moves. Where you headed?To Honey Farms. I am onto something huge here.I'm going to Alaska. Moose blood, crazy stuff. Blows your head off!I'm going to Tacoma.And you?He really is dead.All right.Uh-oh!
What is that?!Oh, no!A wiper! Triple blade!Triple blade?Jump on! It's your only chance, bee!Why does everything haveto be so doggone clean?!How much do you people need to see?!Open your eyes!Stick your head out the window!From NPR News in Washington,I'm Carl Kasell.But don't kill no more bugs!Bee!Moose blood guy!!You hear something?Like what?Like tiny screaming.Turn off the radio.Whassup, bee boy?Hey, Blood.Just a row of honey jars, as far as the eye could see.Wow!I assume wherever this truck goes is where they're getting it. I mean, that honey's ours.Bees hang tight. We're all jammed in.It's a close community.Not us, man. We on our own. Every mosquito on his own.What if you get in trouble?You a mosquito, you in trouble. Nobody likes us. They just smack. See a mosquito, smack, smack!At least you're out in the world. You must meet girls.Mosquito girls try to trade up, get with a moth, dragonfly. Mosquito girl don't want no mosquito.You got to be kidding me!Mooseblood's about to leave the building! So long, bee!Hey, guys!Mooseblood!I knew I'd catch y'all down here.Did you bring your crazy straw?We throw it in jars, slap a label on it, and it's pretty much pure profit.What is this place?A bee's got a brain the size of a pinhead.They are pinheads!Pinhead.Check out the new smoker.Oh, sweet.
That's the one you want. The Thomas 3000!Smoker?Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice the nicotine, all the tar. A couple breaths of this knocks them right out.They make the honey, and we make the money."They make the honey, and we make the money"?Oh, my!What's going on? Are you OK?Yeah. It doesn't last too long.Do you know you're in a fake hive with fake walls?Our queen was moved here. We had no choice.This is your queen? That's a man in women's clothes! That's a drag queen!What is this?Oh, no!There's hundreds of them!Bee honey.Our honey is being brazenly stolen on a massive scale!This is worse than anything bears have done! I intend to do something.Oh, Barry, stop.Who told you humans are taking our honey? That's a rumor.Do these look like rumors?That's a conspiracy theory. These are obviously doctored photos. How did you get mixed up in this?He's been talking to humans.What? Talking to humans?!He has a human girlfriend. And they make out!Make out? Barry!We do not.You wish you could.Whose side are you on?The bees!I dated a cricket once in San Antonio. Those crazy legs kept me up all night.Barry, this is what you want to do with your life?I want to do it for all our lives. Nobody works harder than bees!Dad, I remember you coming home so overworkedyour hands were still stirring. You couldn't stop.I remember that.What right do they have to our honey?We live on two cups a year. They put it in lip balm for no reason whatsoever!Even if it's true, what can one bee do?Sting them where it really hurts.In the face! The eye!That would hurt.No.Up the nose? That's a killer.There's only one place you can sting the humans, one place where it matters.Hive at Five, The Hive's only full-hour action news source.No more bee beards!With Bob Bumble at the anchor desk. Weather with Storm Stinger. Sports with Buzz Larvi. And Jeanette Chung.Good evening. I'm Bob Bumble.
And I'm Jeanette Ohung.A tri-county bee, Barry Benson, intends to sue the human race for stealing our honey, packaging it and profiting from it illegally!Tomorrow night on Bee Larry King, we'll have three former queens here in our studio, discussing their new book, classy Ladies, out this week on Hexagon.Tonight we're talking to Barry Benson.Did you ever think, "I'm a kid from The Hive. I can't do this"?Bees have never been afraid to change the world.What about Bee Oolumbus? Bee Gandhi? Bejesus?Where I'm from, we'd never sue humans.We were thinking of stickball or candy stores.How old are you?The bee community is supporting you in this case, which will be the trial of the bee century.You know, they have a Larry King in the human world too.It's a common name. Next week...He looks like you and has a show and suspenders and colored dots...Next week...Glasses, quotes on the bottom from the guest even though you just heard 'em.Bear Week next week! They're scary, hairy and here live.Always leans forward, pointy shoulders, squinty eyes, very Jewish.In tennis, you attack at the point of weakness!It was my grandmother, Ken. She's 81.Honey, her backhand's a joke!I'm not gonna take advantage of that?Quiet, please.Actual work going on here.Is that that same bee?Yes, it is!I'm helping him sue the human race.Hello.Hello, bee.This is Ken.Yeah, I remember you. Timberland, size ten and a half. Vibram sole, I believe.Why does he talk again?Listen, you better go 'cause we're really busy working.But it's our yogurt night!Bye-bye.Why is yogurt night so difficult?!You poor thing. You two have been at this for hours!Yes, and Adam here has been a huge help.Frosting...How many sugars?Just one. I try not to use the competition.So why are you helping me?Bees have good qualities. And it takes my mind off the shop. Instead of flowers, people are giving balloon bouquets now.
Those are great, if you're three.And artificial flowers.Oh, those just get me psychotic!Yeah, me too.Bent stingers, pointless pollination.Bees must hate those fake things!Nothing worse than a daffodil that's had work done.Maybe this could make up for it a little bit.This lawsuit's a pretty big deal.I guess.You sure you want to go through with it?Am I sure? When I'm done with the humans, they won't be able to say, "Honey, I'm home," without paying a royalty!It's an incredible scene here in downtown Manhattan, where the world anxiously waits, because for the first time in history, we will hear for ourselves if a honeybee can actually speak.What have we gotten into here, Barry?It's pretty big, isn't it?I can't believe how many humans don't work during the day.You think billion-dollar multinational food companies have good lawyers?Everybody needs to stay behind the barricade.What's the matter?I don't know, I just got a chill.Well, if it isn't the bee team.You boys work on this?All rise! The Honorable Judge Bumbleton presiding.All right. Case number 4475,Superior Court of New York,Barry Bee Benson v. the Honey Industry is now in session.Mr. Montgomery, you're representing the five food companies collectively?A privilege.Mr. Benson... you're representing all the bees of the world?I'm kidding.
Yes, Your Honor, we're ready to proceed.Mr. Montgomery, your opening statement, please.Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my grandmother was a simple woman. Born on a farm, she believed it was man's divine right to benefit from the bounty of nature God put before us.If we lived in the topsy-turvy world Mr. Benson imagines, just think of what would it mean.I would have to negotiate with the silkworm for the elastic in my britches!Talking bee!How do we know this isn't some sort of holographic motion-picture-capture Hollywood wizardry?They could be using laser beams! Robotics! Ventriloquism! Cloning! For all we know, he could be on steroids!Mr. Benson?Ladies and gentlemen, there's no trickery here. I'm just an ordinary bee. Honey's pretty important to me. It's important to all bees. We invented it! We make it. And we protect it with our lives.Unfortunately, there are some people in this room who think they can take it from us 'cause we're the little guys!I'm hoping that, after this is all over, you'll see how, by taking our honey, you not only take everything we have but everything we are!I wish he'd dress like that all the time. So nice!Call your first witness.
So, Mr. Klauss Vanderhayden of Honey Farms, big company you have.I suppose so.I see you also own Honeyburton and Honron!Yes, they provide beekeepers for our farms.Beekeeper. I find that to be a very disturbing term.I don't imagine you employ any bee-free-ers, do you?No.I couldn't hear you.No.No. Because you don't free bees. You keep bees. Not only that, it seems you thought a bear would be an appropriate image for a jar of honey.They're very lovable creatures. Yogi Bear, Fozzie Bear, Build-A-Bear.You mean like this?Bears kill bees!How'd you like his head crashing through your living room?! Biting into your couch! Spitting out your throw pillows! OK, that's enough. Take him away.So, Mr. Sting, thank you for being here. Your name intrigues me. Where have I heard it before?I was with a band called The Police.But you've never been a police officer, have you?No, I haven't.No, you haven't. And so here we have yet another example of bee culture casually stolen by a human for nothing more than a prance-about stage name.Oh, please.Have you ever been stung, Mr. Sting? Because I'm feeling a little stung, Sting. Or should I say... Mr. Gordon M. Sumner!That's not his real name?! You idiots!Mr. Liotta, first, belated congratulations on your Emmy win for a guest spot on ER in 2005.Thank you. Thank you.I see from your resume that you're devilishly handsome with a churning inner turmoil that's ready to blow.I enjoy what I do. Is that a crime?Not yet it isn't.
But is this what it's come to for you? Exploiting tiny, helpless bees so you don't have to rehearse your part and learn your lines, sir?Watch it, Benson! I could blow right now!This isn't a goodfella.This is a badfella!Why doesn't someone just step on this creep, and we can all go home?!Order in this court!You're all thinking it!Order! Order, I say!Say it!Mr. Liotta, please sit down!I think it was awfully nice of that bear to pitch in like that. I think the jury's on our side.Are we doing everything right, legally?I'm a florist.Right. Well, here's to a great team.To a great team!Well, hello.Ken!Hello.I didn't think you were coming.No, I was just late I tried to call, but... the battery.I didn't want all this to go to waste,so I called Barry. Luckily, he was free.Oh, that was lucky.There's a little left. I could heat it up.Yeah, heat it up, sure, whatever.So I hear you're quite a tennis player. I'm not much for the game myself. The ball's a little grabby.That's where I usually sit. Right... there.Ken, Barry was looking at your resume, and he agreed with me that eating with chopsticks isn't really a special skill.You think I don't see what you're doing?I know how hard it is to find the right job. We have that in common.Do we?Bees have 100 percent employment, but we do jobs like taking the crud out.That's just what I was thinking about doing.Ken, I let Barry borrow your razor for his fuzz. I hope that was all right.I'm going to drain the old stinger.Yeah, you do that.Look at that.You know, I've just about had it with your little Mind Games.What's that?Italian Vogue.
Mamma mia, that's a lot of pages.A lot of ads.Remember what Van said, why is your life more valuable than mine?Funny, I just can't seem to recall that! I think something stinks in here!I love the smell of flowers.How do you like the smell of flames?!Not as much.Water bug! Not taking sides!Ken, I'm wearing a Chapstick hat!This is pathetic!I've got issues!Well, well, well, a royal flush!You're bluffing.Am I?Surf's up, dude!Poo water!That bowl is gnarly. Except for those dirty yellow rings!Kenneth! What are you doing?!You know, I don't even like honey! I don't eat it!We need to talk! He's just a little bee!And he happens to be the nicest bee I've met in a long time!Long time? What are you talking about?! Are there other bugs in your life? No, but there are other things bugging me in life. And you're one of them!Fine! Talking bees, no yogurt night...My nerves are fried from riding on this emotional roller coaster!Goodbye, Ken.And for your information, I prefer sugar-free, artificial sweeteners made by man!I'm sorry about all that.I know it's got an aftertaste! I like it!I always felt there was some kind of barrier between Ken and me. I couldn't overcome it.Oh, well.Are you OK for the trial?I believe Mr. Montgomery is about out of ideas.We would like to call Mr. Barry Benson Bee to the stand.Good idea! You can really see why he's considered one of the best lawyers...Yeah.Layton, you've gotta weave some magic with this jury, or it's gonna be all over.
Don't worry. The only thing I have to do to turn this jury around is to remind them of what they don't like about bees.You got the tweezers?Are you allergic?Only to losing, son. Only to losing.Mr. Benson Bee, I'll ask you what I think we'd all like to know.What exactly is your relationship to that woman?We're friends.Good friends?Yes.How good? Do you live together?Wait a minute... Are you her little... bedbug?I've seen a bee documentary or two. From what I understand, doesn't your queen give birth to all the bee children?Yeah, but...So those aren't your real parents!Oh, Barry...Yes, they are!Hold me back!You're an illegitimate bee, aren't you, Benson?He's denouncing bees!Don't y'all date your cousins?Objection!I'm going to pincushion this guy!Adam, don't! It's what he wants!Oh, I'm hit!! Oh, lordy, I am hit!Order! Order!The venom! The venom is coursing through my veins! I have been felled by a winged beast of destruction! You see? You can't treat them like equals! They're striped savages! Stinging's the only thing they know! It's their way!Adam, stay with me.I can't feel my legs.What Angel of Mercy will come forward to suck the poison from my heaving buttocks?I will have order in this court. Order! Order, please!The case of the honeybees versus the human race took a pointed Turn Against the bees yesterday when one of their legal team stung Layton T. Montgomery.Hey, buddy.Hey.Is there much pain?Yeah.I... I blew the whole case, didn't I?It doesn't matter. What matters isyou're alive. You could have died.I'd be better off dead. Look at me.They got it from the cafeteria downstairs, in a tuna sandwich.
Look, there's a little celery still on it.What was it like to sting someone?I can't explain it. It was all... All adrenaline and then...and then ecstasy!All right.You think it was all a trap?Of course. I'm sorry. I flew us right into this.What were we thinking? Look at us. We're just a couple of bugs in this world.What will the humans do to us if they win?I don't know.I hear they put the roaches in motels. That doesn't sound so bad.Adam, they check in, but they don't check out!Oh, my.Could you get a nurse to close that window?Why?The smoke.Bees don't smoke.Right. Bees don't smoke.Bees don't smoke!But some bees are smoking.That's it! That's our case!It is? It's not over?Get dressed. I've gotta go somewhere.Get back to the court and stall. Stall any way you can.And assuming you've done step correctly, you're ready for the tub.Mr. Flayman.Yes? Yes, Your Honor!Where is the rest of your team?Well, Your Honor, it's interesting. Bees are trained to fly haphazardly, and as a result, we don't make very good time.I actually heard a funny story about...Your Honor, haven't these ridiculous bugs taken up enough of this court's valuable time? How much longer will we allow these absurd shenanigans to go on?
They have presented no compelling evidence to support their charges against my clients, who run legitimate businesses.I move for a complete dismissal of this entire case!Mr. Flayman, I'm afraid I'm going to have to consider Mr. Montgomery's motion.But you can't! We have a terrific case.Where is your proof?Where is the evidence?Show me the smoking gun!Hold it, Your Honor!You want a smoking gun? Here is your smoking gun.What is that?It's a bee smoker!What, this? This harmless little contraption? This couldn't hurt a fly, let alone a bee.Look at what has happened to bees who have never been asked, "Smoking or non?" Is this what nature intended for us? To be forcibly addicted to smoke machines and man-made wooden slat work camps?Living out our lives as honey slaves to the white man?What are we gonna do?He's playing the species card.Ladies and gentlemen, please, free these bees!Free the bees! Free the bees! Free the bees! Free the bees! Free the bees!The court finds in favor of the bees!Vanessa, we won!I knew you could do it! High-five!Sorry.I'm OK! You know what this means?All the honey will finally belong to the bees.Now we won't have to work so hard all the time.This is an unholy perversion of the balance of nature, Benson.You'll regret this.Barry, how much honey is out there?All right.
One at a time.Barry, who are you wearing?My sweater is Ralph Lauren, and I have no pants.What if Montgomery's right?What do you mean?We've been living the bee way a long time, 27 million years.Congratulations on your victory. What will you demand as a settlement?First, we'll demand a complete shutdown of all bee work camps.Then we want back the honey that was ours to begin with, every last drop.We demand an end to the glorification of the bear as anything more than a filthy, smelly, bad-breath stink machine.We're all aware of what they do in the woods.Wait for my signal. Take him out.He'll have nauseous for a few hours, then he'll be fine.And we will no longer tolerate bee-negative nicknames...But it's just a prance-about stage name!...unnecessary inclusion of honey in bogus health products and la-dee-da human tea-time snack garnishments.Can't breathe.Bring it in, boys!Hold it right there! Good.Tap it.Mr. Buzzwell, we just passed three cups and there's gallons more coming!I think we need to shut down!Shut down? We've never shut down.Shut down honey production!Stop making honey!Turn your key, sir!What do we do now?Cannonball!We're shutting honey production!Mission abort.Aborting pollination and nectar detail.Returning to base.Adam, you wouldn't believe how much honey was out there.Oh, yeah?What's going on? Where is everybody?Are they out celebrating?They're home.They don't know what to do.
Laying out, sleeping in.I heard your Uncle Carl was on his way to San Antonio with a cricket.At least we got our honey back.Sometimes I think, so what if humans liked our honey? Who wouldn't?It's the greatest thing in the world! I was excited to be part of making it.This was my new desk. This was my new job. I wanted to do it really well. And now...Now I can't.I don't understand why they're not happy.I thought their lives would be better!They're doing nothing. It's amazing.Honey really changes people.You don't have any idea what's going on, do you?What did you want to show me?This.What happened here?That is not the half of it.Oh, no. Oh, my.They're all wilting.Doesn't look very good, does it?No.And whose fault do you think that is?You know, I'm gonna guess bees.Bees?Specifically, me.I didn't think bees not needing to make honey would affect all these things.It's not just flowers. Fruits, vegetables, they all need bees.That's our whole SAT test right there.Take away produce, that affects the entire animal kingdom.And then, of course...The human species?So if there's no more pollination, it could all just go south here, couldn't it?I know this is also partly my fault.How about a suicide pact?How do we do it?I'll sting you, you step on me.That just kills you twice.Right, right.Listen, Barry... sorry, but I gotta get going.I had to open my mouth and talk.Vanessa?Vanessa? Why are you leaving?Where are you going?To the final Tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena.They've moved it to this weekend because all the flowers are dying.It's the Last Chance I'll ever have to see it.Vanessa, I just wanna say I'm sorry.
I never meant it to turn out like this.I know. Me neither.Tournament of Roses.Roses can't do sports.Wait a minute. Roses. Roses?Roses!Vanessa!Roses?!Barry?Roses are flowers!Yes, they are.Flowers, bees, pollen!I know.That's why this is the last parade.Maybe not.Could you ask him to slow down?Could you slow down?Barry!OK, I made a huge mistake.This is a total disaster, all my fault.Yes, it kind of is.I've ruined the planet. I wanted to help you with the flower shop. I've made it worse.Actually, it's completely closed down.I thought maybe you were remodeling.But I have another idea, and it's greater than my previous ideas combined.I don't want to hear it!All right, they have the roses, the roses have the pollen.I know every bee, plant and flower bud in this park.All we gotta do is get what they've got back here with what we've got.Bees.Park.Pollen!Flowers.Repollination!Across the nation!Tournament of Roses, Pasadena, California.They've got nothing but flowers, floats and cotton candy.Security will be tight.I have an idea.Vanessa Bloome, FTD.Official floral business. It's real.Sorry, ma'am. Nice brooch.Thank you. It was a gift.Once inside, we just pick the right float.How about The Princess and the Pea?I could be the princess, and you could be the pea!Yes, I got it.Where should I sit?What are you?I believe I'm the pea.The pea?It goes under the mattresses.Not in this fairy tale, sweetheart.I'm getting the marshal.You do that! This whole parade is a fiasco!Let's see what this baby'll do.Hey, what are you doing?!Then all we do is blend in with traffic... without arousing suspicion.Once at the airport, there's no stopping us.Stop! Security.You and your insect pack your float?Yes.Has it been in your possession the entire time?Would you remove your shoes?Remove your stinger.It's part of me.I know. Just having some fun.Enjoy your flight.
Then if we're lucky, we'll have just enough pollen to do the job.Can you believe how lucky we are? We have just enough pollen to do the job!I think this is gonna work.It's got to work.Attention, passengers, this is Captain Scott. We have a bit of bad weather in New York. It looks like we'll experience a couple hours delay.Barry, these are cut flowers with no water. They'll never make it.I gotta get up there and talk to them.Be careful.Can I get help with the Sky Mall magazine? I'd like to order the talking inflatable nose and ear hair trimmer.Captain, I'm in a real situation.What'd you say, Hal?Nothing.Bee!Don't freak out! My entire species...What are you doing?Wait a minute! I'm an attorney!Who's an attorney?Don't move.Oh, Barry.Good afternoon, passengers. This is your captain. Would a Miss Vanessa Bloome in 24B please report to the cockpit? And please hurry!What happened here?There was a DustBuster, a toupee, a life raft exploded.One's bald, one's in a boat, they're both unconscious!Is that another bee joke?No!No one's flying the plane!This is JFK control tower, Flight 356. What's your status?This is Vanessa Bloome. I'm a florist from New York.Where's the pilot?He's unconscious, and so is the copilot.Not good. Does anyone onboard have flight experience?As a matter of fact, there is.Who's that?Barry Benson.From the honey trial?! Oh, great.Vanessa, this is nothing more than a big metal bee.It's got giant wings, huge engines.I can't fly a plane.Why not? Isn't John Travolta a pilot?Yes.How hard could it be?Wait, Barry!We're headed into some lightning.This is Bob Bumble. We have some late-breaking news from JFK Airport, where a suspenseful scene is developing.Barry Benson, fresh from his legal victory...That's Barry!...is attempting to land a plane, loaded with people, flowers and an incapacitated flight crew.
Flowers?!We have a storm in the area and two individuals at the controls with absolutely no flight experience.Just a minute. There's a bee on that plane.I'm quite familiar with Mr. Benson and his no-account compadres.They've done enough damage.But isn't he your only hope?Technically, a bee shouldn't be able to fly at all.Their wings are too small... Haven't we heard this a million times?"The surface area of the wings and body mass make no sense."Get this on the air!Got it.Stand by.We're going live.The way we work may be a mystery to you. Making honey takes a lot of bees doing a lot of small jobs.But let me tell you about a small job. If you do it well, it makes a big difference.More than we realized. To us, to everyone.That's why I want to get bees back to working together. That's the bee way! We're not made of Jell-O.We get behind a fellow.Black and yellow!Hello!Left, right, down, hover.Hover?Forget hover.This isn't so hard.Beep-beep! Beep-beep!Barry, what happened?!Wait, I think we were on autopilot the whole time.That may have been helping me.And now we're not!So it turns out I cannot fly a plane.All of you, let's get behind this fellow! Move it out!Move out!Our only chance is if I do what I'd do, you copy me with the wings of the plane!Don't have to yell.I'm not yelling! We're in a lot of trouble.It's very hard to concentrate with that panicky tone in your voice!It's not a tone. I'm panicking!I can't do this!Vanessa, pull yourself together. You have to snap out of it!You snap out of it.You snap out of it.You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!You snap out of it!Hold it!Why? Come on, it's my turn.How is the plane flying?I don't know.Hello?Benson, got any flowers for a happy occasion in there?The Pollen Jocks!They do get behind a fellow.Black and yellow.Hello.All right, let's drop this tin can on the blacktop.Where? I can't see anything. Can you?No, nothing. It's all cloudy.Come on. You got to think bee, Barry.Thinking bee.Thinking bee.Thinking bee!Thinking bee! Thinking bee!Wait a minute. I think I'm feeling something.What?I don't know. It's strong, pulling me.Like a 27-million-year-old instinct.Bring the nose down.Thinking bee!Thinking bee! Thinking bee!What in the world is on the tarmac?Get some lights on that!Thinking bee!
Thinking bee! Thinking bee!Vanessa, aim for the flower.OK.Cut the engines. We're going in on bee power. Ready, boys?Affirmative!Good. Good. Easy, now. That's it.Land on that flower!Ready? Full reverse!Spin it around!Not that flower! The other one!Which one?That flower.I'm aiming at the flower!That's a fat guy in a flowered shirt.I mean the giant pulsating flower made of millions of bees!Pull forward. Nose down. Tail up.Rotate around it.This is insane, Barry!This's the only way I know how to fly.Am I koo-koo-kachoo, or is this plane flying in an insect-like pattern?Get your nose in there. Don't be afraid. Smell it. Full reverse!Just drop it. Be a part of it.Aim for the center!Now drop it in! Drop it in, woman!Come on, already.Barry, we did it! You taught me how to fly!Yes. No high-five!Right.Barry, it worked!Did you see the giant flower?What giant flower? Where? Of courseI saw the flower! That was genius!Thank you.But we're not done yet.Listen, everyone!This runway is covered with the last pollen from the last flowers available anywhere on Earth.That means this is our Last Chance. We're the only ones who make honey, pollinate flowers and dress like this.If we're gonna survive as a species, this is our moment! What do you say?Are we going to be bees, or just Museum of Natural History keychains?We're bees!Keychain!Then follow me! Except Keychain.Hold on, Barry. Here. You've earned this.Yeah!I'm a Pollen Jock! And it's a perfect fit. All I gotta do are the sleeves.Oh, yeah.That's our Barry.
Mom! The bees are back!If anybody needs to make a call, now's the time. I got a feeling we'll be working late tonight!Here's your change. Have a great afternoon! Can I help who's next?Would you like some honey with that?It is bee-approved. Don't forget these.Milk, cream, cheese, it's all me. And I don't see a nickel!Sometimes I just feel like a piece of meat!I had no idea.Barry, I'm sorry.Have you got a moment?Would you excuse me?My mosquito associate will help you.Sorry I'm late.He's a lawyer too?I was already a blood-sucking parasite. All I needed was a briefcase.Have a great afternoon!Barry, I just got this huge tulip order, and I can't get them anywhere.No problem, Vannie. Just leave it to me.You're a lifesaver, Barry. Can I help who's next?All right, scramble, jocks! It's time to fly.Thank you, Barry!That bee is living my life!Let it go, Kenny.When will this nightmare end?!Let it all go.Beautiful day to fly.Sure is.Between you and me,I was dying to get out of that office.You have got to start thinking bee, my friend.Thinking bee!Me?Hold it. Let's just stop for a second. Hold it.I'm sorry. I'm sorry, everyone. Can we stop here?I'm not making a major life decision during a production number!All right. Take ten, everybody. Wrap it up, guys.I had virtually no rehearsal for that.
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alex-just-viling · 1 year
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly.Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.Ooh, black and yellow!Let's shake it up a little.Barry! Breakfast is ready!Coming!Hang on a second.Hello?Barry?Adam?Can you believe this is happening?I can't.I'll pick you up.Looking sharp.Use the stairs, Your father paid good money for those.Sorry. I'm excited.Here's the graduate.We're very proud of you, son.A perfect report card, all B's.Very proud.Ma! I got a thing going here.You got lint on your fuzz.Ow! That's me!Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.Bye!Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house!Hey, Adam.Hey, Barry.Is that fuzz gel?A little. Special day, graduation.Never thought I'd make it.Three days grade school, three days high school.Those were awkward.Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around The Hive.You did come back different.Hi, Barry. Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.Hear about Frankie?Yeah.You going to the funeral?No, I'm not going.Everybody knows, sting someone, you die.Don't waste it on a squirrel.Such a hothead.I guess he could have just gotten out of the way.I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day.That's why we don't need vacations.Boy, quite a bit of pomp under the circumstances.Well, Adam, today we are men.We are!Bee-men.Amen!Hallelujah!Students, faculty, distinguished bees,please welcome Dean Buzzwell.Welcome, New Hive City graduating class of 9:15.That concludes our ceremonies And begins your career at Honex Industries!Will we pick our job today?I heard it's just orientation.Heads up! Here we go.Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times.Wonder what it'll be like?A little scary.Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group.This is it!Wow.Wow.We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life.Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to The Hive.Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey!That girl was hot.She's my cousin!She is?Yes, we're all cousins.Right. You're right.At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence.These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology.What do you think he makes?Not enough.Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman.What does that do?Catches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it.Saves us millions.Can anyone work on the Krelman?Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones.But bees know that every small job, if it's done well, means a lot.But choose carefully because you'll stay in the job you pick for the rest of your life.The same job the rest of your life? I didn't know that.What's the difference?You'll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off in 27 million years.So you'll just work us to death?We'll sure try.Wow! That blew my mind!"What's the difference?"How can you say that?One job forever?That's an insane choice to have to make.I'm relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life.But, Adam, how could they never have told us that?Why would you question anything? We're bees.We're the most perfectly functioning society on Earth.You ever think maybe things work a little too well here?Like what? Give me one example.I don't know. But you know what I'm talking about.Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach.Wait a second. Check it out.Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!Wow.I've never seen them this close.They know what it's like outside The Hive.Yeah, but some don't come back.Hey, Jocks!Hi, Jocks!You guys did great!You're monsters!You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!I wonder where they were.I don't know.Their day's not planned.Outside The Hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what.You
[She at first begins reading it so that she’s not alone with her thoughts, but is left grinding her teeth together while having a dull headache.]
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training-tale · 4 days
Forensic Nursing Course: At Training Tale
With Training Tale's Forensic Nursing Course, learn the steps to a rewarding career. Acquire abilities to connect justice and healthcare! Training Tale offers a Forensic Nursing Course. Encouraging Nurses in Justice and Healthcare
There is a greater need than ever for skilled healthcare workers in the quickly changing world of today. Within this industry, forensic nursing stands out as a distinct and vital area that blends nursing knowledge with legal and investigative skills. Enrolling in Training Tale's Forensic Nursing Course could be the ideal next step if you've ever considered developing your nursing career while having a real impact on the judicial system.
A Forensic Nursing Course: What Is It?
A forensic nursing course is a type of educational program created to give registered nurses the specific knowledge and abilities needed to practice in forensic settings. With this course, which focuses on the relationship between law enforcement and healthcare, nurses can support investigations and provide compassionate care.
Our forensic nursing course at Training Tale includes subjects like:
Gathering and preserving evidence
Concerns about law and ethics in forensic nursing
Investigating crime scenes and forensic pathology
Trauma-informed treatment for assault victims
providing testimony as a medical expert in court
Our extensive curriculum guarantees that students acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, equipping them with the confidence needed to operate in a variety of forensic environments, such as crime scenes, hospitals, and legal offices.
Why Choose Training Tale for a Forensic Nursing Course?
It's important to pick the correct place to continue your studies, and Training Tale is an excellent choice for those who want to become forensic nurses. Working professionals can benefit from our unique combination of online learning and hands-on training in forensic nursing.
What makes Training Tale unique is this:
Expert-Guided Training: We guarantee that you will receive a top-notch education that is based on practical experience because our lecturers are seasoned experts with backgrounds in both forensic science and nursing.
Flexible Learning: You can finish your homework at your own speed using our online modules, which makes it simpler to juggle your studies with your existing obligations at work and home.
Hands-On Training: We provide hands-on training opportunities in addition to online learning to make sure you acquire the practical skills required to succeed in the
Networking Opportunities: Connect with professionals from both healthcare and legal sectors, building a network that can support your career growth.
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Career Opportunities After a Forensic Nursing Course
After completing a Forensic Nursing Course, graduates are prepared to work in a variety of settings where healthcare and legal systems intersect. This versatile qualification opens doors to many rewarding career opportunities, including:
Who Should Enrol in a Forensic Nursing Course?
For registered nurses who wish to pursue a career in forensics, the Forensic Nursing Course is a great option. This course can provide you the skills you need to make a difference whether you want to work with law enforcement, in sexual assault clinics, or in emergency departments.
If you are someone who: 
Is passionate about patient advocacy and fairness,
is curious about the legal ramifications of healthcare,
aspires to support trauma and crime victims,
If so, Training Tale's Forensic Nursing Course is ideal for you.
The Benefits of Forensic Nurses in Contemporary Culture
After completing a forensic nursing course, nurses gain the ability to provide trauma-informed care that promotes patients' pursuit of justice in addition to their own healing. By taking a comprehensive approach to both professions, the work that forensic nurses conduct serves to close the gap between healthcare and the legal system.
The Format of Training Tale's Forensic Nursing Course
Our forensic nursing course at Training Tale is designed to offer a thorough educational experience that strikes a balance between theoretical understanding and real-world application. What to anticipate from the program is as follows.
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samaira132187 · 11 days
Top Courses to Study in the UK 2024
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The UK remains one of the most sought-after destinations for higher education, known for its world-class universities and diverse academic offerings. As we approach 2024, students from around the globe are eyeing UK institutions for a range of courses that promise both academic excellence and career opportunities. Here’s a look at some of the top courses to study in the UK this year.
1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
With the increasing integration of technology in every facet of life, AI and Machine Learning are at the forefront of educational priorities. Universities like Oxford and Imperial College London offer cutting-edge programs that prepare students for careers in data science, robotics, and AI research. The UK’s focus on innovation makes these courses highly relevant for future job markets.
2. Cybersecurity
As digital threats become more sophisticated, the demand for cybersecurity professionals continues to grow. Courses in cybersecurity, such as those offered at University College London and the University of Edinburgh, provide students with the skills needed to protect information systems from cyber attacks. This field promises strong job prospects and high salaries.
3. Data Science and Analytics
Data Science is another booming field, with applications across various industries including finance, healthcare, and technology. Courses at institutions like the University of Manchester and the London School of Economics equip students with skills in data analysis, statistical methods, and programming. Graduates are well-prepared for roles in data analysis, business intelligence, and more.
4. Environmental Science and Sustainability
With growing concerns about climate change and environmental conservation, Environmental Science and Sustainability are becoming increasingly popular fields of study. Programs at the University of Bristol and the University of Glasgow focus on topics such as climate science, renewable energy, and sustainable development. These courses are ideal for students passionate about making a positive impact on the planet.
5. Business and Management
Business and Management courses remain a staple for students aiming to enter the corporate world. Institutions like the University of Warwick and the University of Cambridge offer comprehensive programs that cover everything from international business to entrepreneurship. These courses are designed to develop leadership skills and strategic thinking.
6. Biomedical Sciences
Biomedical Sciences continue to attract students interested in healthcare and medical research. Courses at universities such as King’s College London and the University of Sheffield focus on understanding the biological processes behind diseases and developing new treatments. Graduates often pursue careers in research, clinical practice, or pharmaceutical industries.
7. Creative Arts and Design
The UK has a rich heritage in the creative arts, making it a great place to study subjects like Fine Arts, Graphic Design, and Fashion. Institutions like Central Saint Martins and the Royal College of Art are renowned for their creative programs, offering students the opportunity to work with leading industry professionals and build impressive portfolios.
8. Law
Law remains a popular choice for students aiming for careers in legal practice, public policy, or academia. The UK’s prestigious law schools, including the University of Oxford and the London School of Economics, offer rigorous programs that cover various aspects of law, from international human rights to corporate law.
9. Psychology
Psychology courses are gaining traction as more people recognize the importance of mental health. Programs at universities like University College London and the University of Edinburgh provide a deep understanding of human behavior and mental processes, preparing graduates for careers in counseling, research, or clinical practice.
10. Engineering
Engineering courses, particularly in fields like Mechanical, Civil, and Electrical Engineering, are highly sought after. The UK’s engineering programs, such as those at Imperial College London and the University of Bristol, offer students hands-on experience and prepare them for high-demand roles in various industries.
The UK’s educational landscape in 2024 offers a diverse array of courses that cater to various interests and career aspirations. Whether you’re drawn to the cutting-edge fields of technology and data science or passionate about creative arts and social impact, UK universities provide top-notch programs to help you achieve your academic and professional goals. As you consider your options, make sure to explore the unique strengths of each institution and program to find the best fit for your aspirations.
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collegedunias · 15 days
Discover Quality Education at BML Munjal University: A Student's Guide to Success
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Choosing the right university is a crucial step toward shaping your future. With so many options, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, if you’re looking for a top-notch educational experience that not only focuses on academics but also prepares you for real-world success, BML Munjal University should be at the top of your list. This article will guide you through why this university is a preferred choice among students and how it can help you thrive academically and professionally.
Why Choose BML Munjal University?
One of the standout features of BML Munjal University is its holistic approach to education. The university doesn’t just emphasize theoretical knowledge but also promotes experiential learning. Students here engage in project-based learning, internships, and workshops that provide hands-on experience, which is crucial for career development.
Moreover, BML Munjal University is well-known for its industry partnerships and collaborations with global institutions. The university offers programs designed in consultation with industry leaders, ensuring that what you learn is always relevant and up-to-date.
Programs Offered at BML Munjal University
At BML Munjal University, students can choose from a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across different fields such as engineering, management, law, and economics. Each program is carefully designed to equip students with the necessary skills to succeed in their chosen field. Whether you’re interested in becoming a business leader, an engineer, or a legal expert, BML Munjal University has a program tailored to your career goals.
Additionally, the university focuses on interdisciplinary learning. For instance, engineering students may take courses in management to enhance their understanding of business dynamics, while management students may learn the basics of technology to stay competitive in today’s tech-driven world. This flexible curriculum makes BML Munjal University a great option for students who want to broaden their knowledge base.
World-Class Faculty at BML Munjal University
Another key advantage of studying at BML Munjal University is the world-class faculty. The university prides itself on having experienced professors who bring a mix of academic excellence and industry experience. These faculty members don’t just teach but also mentor students, guiding them through their academic journey and helping them navigate career decisions.
In addition to the in-house faculty, BML Munjal University often invites guest lecturers and industry experts to conduct seminars and workshops. This exposure to various viewpoints and real-world scenarios helps students gain insights beyond the classroom, making them better prepared for life after graduation.
Campus Life at BML Munjal University
The vibrant campus life at BML Munjal University is another reason why students enjoy their time here. The university provides a range of extracurricular activities, clubs, and events that allow students to pursue their passions outside of academics. From cultural events to sports and social initiatives, there’s something for everyone at BML Munjal University.
The university also encourages students to participate in community service and leadership activities, promoting personal growth along with academic achievement. Whether you’re interested in joining a student-led club, participating in debates, or volunteering for a social cause, BML Munjal University ensures that you have ample opportunities to develop leadership skills and contribute to the community.
Career Opportunities After Graduating from BML Munjal University
A degree from BML Munjal University is highly regarded by employers, thanks to the university’s focus on producing job-ready graduates. The university’s placement cell works tirelessly to connect students with top companies, both in India and globally. Regular placement drives and career counseling sessions are organized to help students land their dream jobs.
The industry connections at BML Munjal University also offer students a distinct advantage. With partnerships with leading companies and exposure to real-world projects, students are well-prepared to enter the workforce confidently. Many alumni of BML Munjal University have gone on to secure positions at prestigious organizations, making the university a launchpad for a successful career.
If you are a student aiming for a quality education that not only imparts academic knowledge but also prepares you for the challenges of the real world, BML Munjal University is an excellent choice. With its comprehensive programs, dedicated faculty, and focus on experiential learning, this university stands out as a leader in the field of higher education.
Moreover, the vibrant campus life and excellent career opportunities make BML Munjal University a perfect place for students to grow both personally and professionally. So, if you’re ready to take the next step in your educational journey, consider BML Munjal University — a place where education meets excellence and prepares you for success.
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abroadstudy635 · 15 days
Exploring Griffith College Dublin: A Premier Destination for International Students
When considering study abroad options, Ireland stands out as an appealing choice, offering world-class education, cultural richness, and a welcoming environment. Among Ireland’s leading educational institutions is Griffith College Dublin—a name synonymous with academic excellence, diversity, and vibrant student life. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at Griffith College Dublin, covering aspects such as its history, programs, facilities, Griffith College Dublin ranking, and what makes it an ideal destination for international students.
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A Brief History of Griffith College
Griffith College was established in 1974 and has grown into one of Ireland's largest independent colleges. Named after Arthur Griffith, the founding father of modern Ireland, the college has campuses in Dublin, Cork, and Limerick. However, Griffith College Dublin is the flagship campus and is located in the heart of the capital city. Over the years, the college has built a reputation for delivering high-quality education across various disciplines, including business, law, media, engineering, design, and more.
The college's mission is to foster a learning environment where students can develop their skills and achieve their potential. With a focus on both academic excellence and practical experience, Griffith College Dublin prepares its students for successful careers in their chosen fields.
Why Choose Griffith College Dublin for Study Abroad?
Choosing to study abroad can be one of the most life-changing decisions you make. Ireland, with its beautiful landscapes, rich history, and strong academic tradition, is a top destination for international students. Among the country’s renowned educational institutions, Griffith College Dublin offers a unique blend of traditional learning and modern innovation.
1. Location and Campus Life
The Griffith College Dublin campus is centrally located, providing students with easy access to Dublin’s cultural, social, and business hubs. The campus itself is a blend of historical buildings and modern infrastructure, creating a unique learning environment. Dublin is a vibrant city, known for its warm hospitality, which makes it easy for international students to feel at home.
Living in Dublin also gives students access to numerous career opportunities. Many global companies have their European headquarters in the city, offering internships and employment opportunities for students.
2. Diverse Programs and Courses
One of the key reasons why students choose Griffith College Dublin is the diverse range of programs on offer. Whether you're interested in business, law, media, or engineering, Griffith College Ireland has a program that can meet your educational goals. The college is known for its balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application, ensuring students graduate with the skills they need to succeed in the real world.
Students can pursue undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional programs, with opportunities for full-time and part-time study. This flexibility makes Griffith College Dublin a great choice for students with different needs and schedules.
3. International Community
Griffith College Dublin attracts students from all over the world, creating a diverse and multicultural community. This diversity enhances the student experience, as it fosters collaboration, understanding, and the opportunity to make global connections. International students at Griffith College are supported through dedicated services, including visa assistance, accommodation help, and orientation programs to make the transition to life in Ireland as smooth as possible.
4. Quality of Education and Griffith College Dublin Ranking
When it comes to choosing a college for study abroad, rankings matter. Griffith College Dublin ranking is highly regarded both in Ireland and internationally. While it may not always feature at the top of global rankings dominated by large universities, Griffith College Dublin consistently ranks as one of the best private colleges in Ireland. Its strong reputation stems from its high academic standards, industry links, and the employability of its graduates.
5. Small Class Sizes and Personal Attention
One of the unique features of Griffith College Dublin is its commitment to small class sizes. In contrast to larger universities, students at Griffith College benefit from a more personalized learning experience. Professors are accessible and dedicated to helping students succeed. This approach allows for greater student-teacher interaction, fostering a supportive and collaborative educational environment.
6. State-of-the-Art Facilities
Griffith College Dublin offers state-of-the-art facilities to enhance students’ learning experiences. The campus includes modern lecture halls, libraries, media production studios, and computer labs. Whether you're studying law or pursuing a career in journalism, the college provides all the necessary tools to help you excel in your chosen field.
For students interested in design, the college’s design studios are equipped with the latest technology, enabling them to create innovative projects and portfolios that stand out in the job market.
Griffith College Dublin Ranking and Reputation
While Griffith College Dublin ranking is more prominent in national contexts, it also has a strong international reputation. The college is accredited by several prestigious organizations and recognized for the quality of its programs. For example, its business school is accredited by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), and its law degrees are recognized by the Irish professional bodies, which is a testament to the high standards maintained by the college.
Employment and Graduate Opportunities
A key indicator of a college’s success is the employability of its graduates. Griffith College Dublin has an excellent track record in this area. Many graduates go on to secure jobs in leading companies both in Ireland and abroad. The college maintains strong links with industry, ensuring that students have access to internships, work placements, and networking opportunities that enhance their employability.
Griffith College also offers career guidance services to help students prepare for the job market. From CV writing workshops to interview preparation, students are given the support they need to succeed in their careers.
Life as an International Student at Griffith College Dublin
One of the first things international students need to consider when choosing to study abroad is accommodation. Griffith College Dublin offers on-campus housing, which is a popular option for first-year students. Living on campus allows students to be close to classes and facilities, and it also provides an excellent opportunity to meet fellow students and build friendships.
For students who prefer off-campus living, there are numerous options available in Dublin. The college’s accommodation office provides assistance to help students find suitable housing based on their preferences and budget.
Student Support Services
Griffith College Dublin is dedicated to ensuring that international students feel supported throughout their academic journey. The college offers a range of services to assist with academic, personal, and professional development. From counseling services to academic tutoring, students have access to resources that help them overcome challenges and make the most of their time at the college.
The college also has a Student Union, which organizes events and activities that foster a sense of community among students. Whether it's social events, sports activities, or academic workshops, there’s always something happening on campus to keep students engaged.
Cultural Experience
Ireland is renowned for its rich culture, history, and natural beauty, and students at Griffith College Dublin are perfectly positioned to explore all that the country has to offer. Dublin itself is a vibrant city filled with museums, theaters, and galleries. It is also known for its music and literary traditions, with festivals and events taking place year-round.
For those who love the outdoors, Ireland’s stunning landscapes, from the Cliffs of Moher to the Giant’s Causeway, are just a short trip away. Studying at Griffith College Dublin offers students the opportunity to experience Ireland’s unique culture while receiving a world-class education.
Admission Process and Requirements for International Students
The admission process for Griffith College Dublin is straightforward, but it’s important to start early, especially if you require a student visa. International students can apply directly through the college’s website or through an educational agent in their home country. Entry requirements vary depending on the program, but generally include academic transcripts, proof of English proficiency, and personal statements.
The college offers rolling admissions, meaning that applications are accepted throughout the year. However, it is recommended to apply as early as possible to secure your place and accommodation.
Cost of Living and Tuition Fees at Griffith College Dublin
While studying abroad is a significant investment, Ireland is known for being more affordable compared to other study destinations like the UK or the US. The cost of living in Dublin can vary depending on lifestyle, but international students should budget for accommodation, food, transport, and leisure activities.
In terms of tuition fees, Griffith College Dublin is competitively priced, especially when compared to larger universities. The exact cost will depend on the program of study, but scholarships and financial aid are available for international students, helping to make studying at Griffith College more affordable.
Conclusion: Is Griffith College Dublin Right for You?
If you're considering study abroad and are looking for a college that combines academic excellence, practical experience, and a supportive international community, Griffith College Dublin is an excellent choice. With its central location in Ireland���s bustling capital, strong Griffith College Dublin ranking, and commitment to student success, the college provides an ideal environment for both personal and academic growth.
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ranjit004 · 17 days
Top Masters Programmes in UK for International Students 
The UK has always remained a first choice among students when it comes to higher education, keeping in view the rich academic history, world-class universities, and vibrant cultural environment. Studying a master's course in the UK not only adds more worth to the academics you have already pursued but also pulls up your global career prospects. In this blog, we go through the most recent selection of some of the best master's degree programs in the UK, highly popular among international students-so you can be really informed about your next academic step.
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1. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
These topics are one of the most famous graduate courses in the UK, where lots of students join from different parts of the world. There is a range of top-ranked business schools offering highly reputed MBA programs at London Business School, Saïd Business School-University of Oxford, and Judge Business School-University of Cambridge.
Those are niche programs in the fields of leadership, entrepreneurship, and strategic thinking which, as a matter of fact, attract graduates in the job market. Networking with industry leaders, experiencing real business challenges, and comprehensive career support mean high value with an MBA in the UK.
2. Master's in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
The world is increasingly dependent on data-driven decision-making and business outcomes for which industry and enterprise alike seek. It is due to this that subjects like Data Science and Artificial Intelligence master's programs are one of the most sought-after courses offered by schools such as Imperial College London, the University of Edinburgh, and the University of Warwick-schools offering courses at the forefront of such highly sought-after disciplines.
It covers everything a student needs to know in machine learning, data analytics, and programming to be equipped for a working opportunity in technology companies, financial services, healthcare, and other related areas. A master's earned within the UK offers entry into highly paid and future-proof careers.
3. Master's in International Relations and Politics
With great experience in politics, the UK also enjoys great experience in international relations and diplomacy; thus, it is the best destination for studying International Relations and Politics. Courses offered at recognized institutions including the London School of Economics and Political Science, King's College London, and the University of St Andrews offer learners profound insight into global issues, international law, and political theory.
This UK Master's degree, therefore, prepares students for careers within government departments, international organizations, NGOs, and the media. However, closeness to such keys-or political hub, coupled with contact with influential guest speakers and networks, further enriches the learning experience.
4. Master's in Engineering and Technology
One of the most sought-after disciplines in which an international student can pursue a master's degree in the UK encompasses programs offered in engineering and technology. With highly reputed programs in the field-in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Robotics-some of the top universities are the University of Manchester, University of Sheffield, and University of Bristol.
These are practice-oriented programs that have a great emphasis on innovation, research, and laboratory work. A relatively good number of graduates from such programs are usually absorbed into top engineering firms, technology firms, and research houses within the UK and other parts of the world.
5. Master's in Public Health (MPH)
Other popular areas in the UK include Public Health, and the universities offer highly inclusive programs for the same, thus attracting students from each and every part of the world. The University of Glasgow, University of Edinburgh, and UCL have highly reputed Master's programs in Public Health with specializations in fields like epidemiology, health policy, and global health challenges.
A master's in Public Health from the UK would prepare the students to face pressing health problems, work at governmental levels, and NGO levels that help improve healthcare systems around the world.
From business and technology to politics and public health, the fields of study where a student can specialize while pursuing a master's in UK are endless. With prestigious universities, a range of programs on offer, and practical learning skills, the UK has the knack of ensuring that any international student is looked after with a valuable globally recognized education. Correct identification of the master's program will prove very instrumental in your career whereby you are supposed to gain all the necessary skills, networks, and credentials that are accoutrements to success on the selected career path. Whether it be to further a career in the same existing field or changing over to another, studying for a UK master's will help you do just that.
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classbazaar · 29 days
Top Professional Courses to Boost Your Career in 2024
In today's competitive job market, staying relevant and up-to-date with the latest skills is crucial. Whether you are a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, enhancing your knowledge through professional courses can significantly impact your career trajectory. With a plethora of options available, it’s essential to choose the right course that aligns with your career goals. In this blog, we will explore the top professional courses that can help you stand out in your field in 2024.
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1. Digital Marketing Certification
Digital marketing is an ever-evolving field, and businesses are increasingly seeking professionals who can navigate the digital landscape effectively. A Digital Marketing Certification can equip you with essential skills like SEO, SEM, content marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing. These courses often include hands-on projects that allow you to apply what you've learned in real-world scenarios.
Why Choose Digital Marketing?
High demand for digital marketers.
Versatile skill set applicable across industries.
Potential for freelancing or starting your own business.
2. Data Science and Analytics Certification
With data being the new oil, expertise in data science and analytics is highly sought after. A Data Science and Analytics Certification can provide you with the knowledge of data visualization, machine learning, statistical analysis, and more. This course is ideal for those who have a knack for numbers and a passion for solving complex problems.
Why Choose Data Science and Analytics?
High-paying job opportunities.
Essential for decision-making in businesses.
Growing demand across various sectors.
3. Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification
The PMP Certification is recognized globally and is highly valued by employers. It provides you with the tools and techniques necessary to manage projects effectively. The course covers areas like project planning, risk management, time management, and cost control.
Why Choose PMP Certification?
Globally recognized credential.
Improves your ability to manage large and complex projects.
Increases your marketability and earning potential.
4. Cybersecurity Certification
As cyber threats continue to evolve, the need for skilled cybersecurity professionals is more critical than ever. A Cybersecurity Certification covers topics like network security, ethical hacking, risk management, and compliance. This course is ideal for IT professionals looking to specialize in cybersecurity.
Why Choose Cybersecurity?
Growing demand for cybersecurity professionals.
High earning potential.
Essential for safeguarding company data and systems.
5. Human Resources Management Certification
For those interested in managing talent and overseeing organizational culture, a Human Resources Management Certification is a great choice. This course covers areas like employee relations, talent acquisition, performance management, and labor laws.
Why Choose Human Resources Management?
Essential for maintaining a positive workplace environment.
Key role in employee development and satisfaction.
High demand in various industries.
6. Finance and Accounting Certification
A Finance and Accounting Certification is essential for those looking to advance in financial management, investment banking, or accounting. This course covers financial analysis, auditing, tax planning, and financial reporting.
Why Choose Finance and Accounting?
Vital for managing organizational finances.
High earning potential.
Opportunities in diverse industries.
7. Web Development Certification
In a world driven by technology, web developers are in high demand. A Web Development Certification can teach you how to build responsive and dynamic websites using languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React or Angular.
Why Choose Web Development?
High demand for skilled web developers.
Opportunities to work as a freelancer or in a company.
Constantly evolving field with new technologies.
8. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Certification
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are at the forefront of technological innovation. An AI and Machine Learning Certification can equip you with the skills needed to develop algorithms, work on natural language processing, and design intelligent systems.
Why Choose AI and Machine Learning?
High demand in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and tech.
Cutting-edge field with constant innovation.
Lucrative career opportunities.
Choosing the Right Professional Course
Selecting the right professional course depends on your career goals, interests, and the current market demand. It’s essential to research thoroughly and choose a course that not only enhances your skills but also aligns with your long-term career aspirations.
Conclusion: Take the Next Step in Your Career
Investing in your professional development through certification courses is a smart move in today's competitive job market. Whether you choose to dive into data science, digital marketing, or cybersecurity, the right course can open doors to new opportunities and career growth.
Ready to take the next step? Explore these top professional courses and more at ClassBazaar, and boost your career in 2024. Don’t wait—start your journey to success today!
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mbbsblogsblog · 2 months
Pursuing MBBS in Bangladesh: A Comprehensive Guide for Indian Students
The people of Bangladesh possess creative and innovative ideas. The system of education in Bangladesh is at par with the modern educational system.  Respecting your online navigation the page offers you relevant information about MBBS in Bangladesh. The top medical college in Bangladesh offer excellent education to their students. Students studying MBBS in Bangladesh acquire in-depth theoretical knowledge and excellent practical skills. For Indian MBBS aspirants Bangladesh is a safe country because it maintains proper harmony and concordance. Indian students are not required to be worried about any language barrier while studying MBBS in Bangladesh because the medium of teaching instruction is English.  For more days-to -day interaction with the people of Bangladesh, you can use Standard English language because many Bangladeshis possess the knowledge of Standard English. However, it is better to learn some common language of Bangladesh for your day-to-day communication with the folk.
MBBS in Bangladesh: Key Benefits
·         India accepts Bangladeshi MBBS as legitimate
·         In India, an MBBS degree from Bangladesh is respectable and sufficient.
·         The students become eligible to pursue their careers anywhere in the globe and are qualified for important exams such as the USMLE, PLAB, and screening evaluation overseen by the Medical Council of India (MCI).
·         MCI views the MBBS degree and further practitioner training obtained from a medical university in Bangladesh. Thus, this provides an additional incentive for understudies to study MBBS in Bangladesh.
·         Duration of MBBS in Bangladesh Including Internship
·         For international students, there is an optional one-year logbook-based rotatory internship following the five-year MBBS program in Bangladesh.
·         Since the students receive the utmost attention, they feel as though they have a sense safety. 
·         High-quality, reasonably priced accommodations and infrastructure are provided.
·         Bangladesh medical colleges produce a vast number of highly qualified medical professionals.
MBBS in Bangladesh: Job Prospective
After studying MBBS in Bangladesh students can track their professional career with great professional opportunities. Bangladesh has strict law for drugs and alcohol. Thus, Indian students can get safe and better environment for their study and maintaining a harmonious life style. Bangladeshi MBBS degrees are widely accepted for the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE). Since the MBBS curriculum in Bangladesh adheres to the Medical Council of India's (MCI) British-style study structure, many Indian physicians pass the FMGE on their first try without further instruction or coaching.
MBBS in Bangladesh at a Glance:
·         Recognition: NMC and WHO approved
·         Eligibility: 60% in PCB in aggregate
·         Course Duration: 5 yr + 1yr internship program
·         NEET Qualify               : Required
·         IELTS/ TOFEL: Nor required
·         Medium of Teaching: English
Documents Needed in Bangladesh for MBBS Admission
·         A copy of your passport
·         Ten current passport-size photos are received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Dhaka.
·         All certificates must be officially certified by the appropriate body, such as the Ministry of Education in the issuing nation and the relevant foreign and Bangladeshi embassies located in Dhaka.
·         The selected candidates will have to provide all of their mark cards and academic credentials (transcripts in their original formats at the time of MBBS admission).
For more information about MBBS in Bangladesh contact us.
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epacer · 2 months
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California to add financial literacy as a high school graduation requirement
Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed a bill into law that is poised to radically reform the state of financial literacy in California.
Assembly Bill 2927, which was passed near the end of June, changes high school graduation requirements to include a financial literacy course in 2031, and requires school districts to have one as an elective starting in 2027. This marks California as the latest among a group of over two dozen states that will require students to take a financial literacy class for graduation.
“We need to help Californians prepare for their financial futures as early as possible. Saving for the future, making investments, and spending wisely are lifelong skills that young adults need to learn before they start their careers, not after," said Newsom, in a statement last month.
California's State Superintendent of Education, Tony Thurmond, one of the bill's main co-sponsors during its two year odyssey through the state legislature, told NBC Bay Area that he feels the bill "represents the opportunity for us to have more Californians who can contribute to our society and be able to provide for themselves and their family."
Thurmond, who throughout an interview with NBC Bay Area voiced strong support for financial literacy education, is far from alone in his feelings either. A 2022 poll from the National Endowment for Financial Education showed that 88% of adults support adding financial literacy as a graduation requirement. Additionally, a more recent report from Tyton Partners, a consulting firm comprised of self-declared "Global Knowledge Sector experts," says that a financial literacy course could hold a lifetime value upwards of $127,000.
Thurmond also said that only 25% of Californians have access to personal finance courses, compared to 70% percent for students nationwide. He hopes that the change in curriculum will help students better navigate living in a state with some of the highest cost of living in the country.
"Students will be getting great messaging about how to manage their finances, how to make good decisions, how to be able to afford to live in a state and in a nation that has inflation and high cost of living, helping young people learn decisions that will stay with them for the rest of their life and will help to guarantee their success," he said
The bill comes at a time where post-pandemic cost of living has surged far past the rate of inflation. Goods and services have increased 20% since 2020, and recent housing data suggests that the sale price of homes in the Bay Area is approaching record highs. The two largest metropolitan areas in the Bay Area, San Jose and San Francisco consistently rank amongst the top five nationally in cost of living indexes, problems which appear to be here to stay for the long term.
Next-Gen Personal Finance, an East Palo Alto based financial literacy nonprofit founded in 2014, is said to be assisting in the bill's implementation, offering up "over a million" dollars in grants to for professional development of teachers and curriculum creation, according to Superintendent Thurmond. Tim Ranzetta, a co-founder of the East Palo Alto based organization, said in a CNBC op-ed that he was "elated" at the bill's passage.
"Every student in the state — regardless of where they go to school or their economic status — will now have equal opportunity to learn such vital 21st century skills including budgeting, credit management and understanding financial options for career or college," wrote Ranzetta, later in the piece. AB 2927's author and main legislative sponsor, Assemblymember Kevin McCarty, holds similar views as well, saying in a news release that, “This is a time where young people are bombarded with credit card offers which can lead to thousands of dollars in debt," he said. "Taking a finance class in high school can help students make smart money decisions that will benefit them throughout their adult life.” *Reposted article from NBC 7 by Virgil Aspen on July 26, 2024
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shruiti · 2 months
Which Field is Best with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in India?
Nowadays, the MBA professional course is the most opted-for program by candidates willing to gain academic and career advantages in management studies. Reputable institutes in India offer a variety of MBA programs. There are regular, part-time, distance, and online MBA modes.
MBA is the most versatile program, where students have various options to make their career according to their interest in business administration. Candidates can pursue this 2-year PG program after completing their graduation degree from a recognized university. MBA programs are gaining popularity in India among students and working professionals. Students will gain managerial, technical, organizational, and technical skills by the end of the programs. This knowledge will help them build their careers.
Even those who are currently working in an organization can choose to pursue an MBA in distance or online mode, which will help them grow their careers with better designations. Candidates who pursue this degree will get high-paying jobs in their current organization or in other fields, as well as help them become entrepreneurs. Even for new candidates, it will help them attract great jobs after completing their graduation.
As said earlier, there are various modes of education for MBA programs. There is not only a traditional or regular MBA; students can opt for a distance, online, or executive MBA. This executive MBA is especially curated for working candidates at the mid-senior executive level.
Which is the best college for an MBA?
Top MBA institutes offer a variety of specializations, as well as their own curricula. Students can choose their interested disciplines in the admission process. Below are few of the top 10 MBA institutes in India are:
IIM Kolkata
IIM Lucknow
IIM Bangalore
IIM Ahmedabad
IIM Kozhikode
IIM Indore
IIT Delhi
XLRI Jamshedpur
Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune
IIT Kharagpur-VGSOM
Which field has the best scope for MBA?
There are many specializations that are available in the MBA program that will help the students in various fields. Here we have listed the Top MBA Specializations, that have great demand in making a career are given below:
MBA in Finance Management
MBA in Marketing
MBA in Operations Management
MBA in Hospital and Healthcare Management
MBA in Tourism Management
MBA in International Management
MBA in Rural Management
The detailed info about each of the specializations will be mentioned below:
MBA in Finance Management
Finance management is most popular and in-demand specialization opted by MBA students. There is high scope in a career if students choose finance management. The curriculum involves the study of finances, its planning, and controlling of financial decisions.
By the end of the program, students shall excel in mathematical calculations, leadership, communication, strategic thinking, and more. Some of the financial skills would be costing, budgeting, capital management, international finance, etc.
Topics that will be covered in Finance Management are:
Financial Risk Management
Fixed Income Markets
Portfolio Management
International Finance
Managerial Economics
Macro Economics
Business and Corporate Laws
Acquisitions and Merges
Corporate investment management
Bank Management
Treasury and Risk Management
Money and Banking
Trading Strategies
Finance Management Career Scope:
After completing an MBA degree in Finance Management, candidates can start their career in finance areas like:
Finance Ministry
Asset Management
Derivatives Structuring
Stock marketing
Corporate Banking
Credit List Management and more
Under this stream, candidates can expect a starting salary package of INR 7 LPA on average. Accenture, TCS, HDFC Bank, EY, Axis Bank, etc. would be some of the top recruiting companies. 
MBA in Human Resource Management 
Any business organization will need people, i.e., human power. So human resource management will become essential in any industry. Pursuing an MBA in HRM will help the candidates in the study of people, employment management, and the responsibilities of employers towards the organization.
The HRM curriculum involves recruiting, salary, benefits and increments, training, performance updates, employee safety, employee policy, employee health, as well as staff amenities.
Topics that will be covered in Human Resource Management:
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Development and Planning
Organizational Development and change
Managerial Economics
Industrial Relations Management
Personnel Management Concepts
The methodology of Training and Development
Management Laws 
Compensation Management
Corporate Communication
Operations Management
Labour Laws
After completing an MBA degree in Human Resource Management, candidates can start their career in HR areas like:
Human Resource Generalist
Human Resource Manager
Technical Recruiter
Employee Relations Manager
Human Resource Entrepreneur
Labour Relations Manager
Non-Profit Human Resource Experts
Compensation or Benefit Analyst or Manager
Training and Development Coordinator or Manager
Staffing Director
The expected starting salary for HRM candidates shall be around 6 LPA. In the case of senior-level HR managers, salaries can range from 7–10 LPA. Candidates can find job openings in many IT companies, advertising, media houses, and many more. 
MBA in Marketing Management 
Marketing management streams from various career paths from consulting to entrepreneurial management. Some of the skills trained in the curriculum are consumer behavior, cost volume and profit, market research, sales, advertising, promotion, branding, etc.
Topics that will be covered in Marketing Management:
Marketing Concepts
Marketing Ethics
Consumer Behavior
Business Communication
International Marketing
Industrial Marketing
Sales Forecasting
Economic Analysis
Customer Relationship Marketing
Business Management
After completing an MBA degree in Marketing Management, candidates can start their career in IB areas like:
Marketing Manager
Sales Manager
Asset Manager
Branding Manager
Media Planner
Public Relations Director
Product Manager
Head of Digital Marketing
Market Research Analyst
Corporate Sales
Candidates can find job opportunities in IT firms, advertising agencies, marketing companies, etc. with an average salary package of INR 7.5 LPA.
MBA in Operations Management  
Under Operations Management, the curriculum will deal with all the business operations. They will get to learn skills like good communication, customer handling, negotiations, etc. to grow in their career. 
Topics that will be covered in Operations Management:
Supply chain Management
Operations Research
Inventory Control
Project Management
International Logistics
Marketing Management
Enterprise Resource Planning
Plant Design and Layout
Manufacturing Strategy
After completing an MBA degree in Operations Management, candidates can start their career in OM areas like:
Marketing and sales
Logistics Information Systems
Inventory-Material Control
Import and Export
Financial Institutions
Information Technology
Students can get job opportunities in some of the fortune companies like ONGC, Blue Dart, GAIL, First Flight, and DAMCO. The average salary package while starting their career would be INR 8 LPA.
MBA in Health Care and Hospital Management
In this MBA curriculum, candidates will learn to handle critical hospital issues and their administration. Students must need skills like adaptability, leadership, quick thinking, ethical judgment, etc.
Topics that will be covered in health care and hospital management: 
Health Service Management
Operations and Services Management
Medical Ethics Quality Management
Hospital Information
Medical Emergency Systems
Medical Tourism Financial
Financial and Costing Accounting for Hospitals
Healthcare Policies and Regulations
After completing an MBA degree in Health care and Hospital Management, candidates can start their career in Health care areas like:
Private Hospitals
Health Insurance Companies
Medical Colleges
Diagnostic Laboratory Chains
Pharmaceutical Companies
Medical Tourism Companies
Healthcare IT
Preventive and Social Healthcare Sectors
Market Research Organization
Primary Healthcare Chains
Eligible candidates can get job opportunities in health industry like Fortis Healthcare Limited, Infosys, AIIMS, KMPG, Apollo Hospital etc. In the beginning, candidates can expect a salary of INR 6.6 LPA.  
MBA in Rural Management 
Students will involve a lot of experimental learning in rural management. They will need to inculcate skills like empathy, integrity, and commitment to work in this field; problem-solving skills; handling huge masses; and knowledge of the local language. 
Topics that will be covered in Rural Management:
Natural Resources and Sustainability
Rural Livelihood and Research Methods
Development Theories and Practices
Economic Analysis for Rural Management
Social Entrepreneurship
Legal Environment
Rural Infrastructure
Precision’s farming and Horticulture
After completing an MBA degree in Rural Management, candidates can start their career in RM areas like:
Grameen Bank
Government-owned or sponsored Rural Development Projects
National or international NGO’s
Voluntary Groups
Research Institute conducting extensive research on rural areas.
Funding Agencies
 Some of the good job opportunities will be from insurance companies, research and consulting firms, rural and agricultural financing, and banks. The starting salary package would be around 4 LPA.
MBA in International Business
Pursuing an MBA in IT streams has high demand. Students are required to have certain skills like global orientation, IT knowledge, problem-solving skills, analytical skills, strategic thinking, etc.
Topics that will be covered in International Business:
International Business Environment
Financial Management
Marketing Management
International Business Law
Global Financial Markets and Instruments
Management of Multinational corporation
Foreign Trade and Policy
International Logistics Management
Global Marketing Management
Cross-Cultural Business Management
After completing an MBA degree in International Business, candidates can start their career in IB areas like:
International Finance
International Logistics
International Marketing
Foreign Exchange Management
Export and Import Management
Consultant for an International Organization
Management Analyst
International Banks
International Logistics Company
IT candidates can get jobs from top companies like Credit Suisse, Pepsico, Accenture, EY, Deutsche Bank, and GE. The expected salary package will be nearly for INR 5 LPA. 
MBA in Tourism Management 
Candidates with good negotiation and communication skills can opt for tourism management. Candidates will be introduced to different designation points, the hospitality industry, the history of tourism, and other relevant streams of tourism.
Topics that will be covered in tourism management:
World Geography
Travel and Transportation planning
The History of Tourism
Marketing Strategies
International Tourism and Trends
Organizational behavior
Human Resource Management
Travel Agency and Tour Operation Business
Hospitality, Hotel, and Hotelier Ing
Destination Planning and Management
After completing an MBA degree in Tourism Management, candidates can start their career in tourism areas like:
Tourism Departments
Travel Agencies
Tour Companies
Hospitality and Catering Industry
Hotel Industry
Travel and Tourism Colleges
International and National Food Chains
Food Craft Institutes
Deserving candidates can get jobs in top companies like Thomas Cook, Yatra.com, Cox & Kings, TCI, Airlines, etc. The expected average salary at the starting would be INR 5-10 LPA. 
MBA in Information Technology 
Aspirants taking up IT management specialization in the MBA program are expected to have certain skills in IT knowledge, global orientation, analytical skills, problem-solving skills, strategic thinking, etc.
Topics that will be covered in International Management:
Computer Security
Legal and Ethical Business Practices
Systems Analysis and Design
Database Management
Management of Information Systems
Financial Analysis for Technology Managers
Information Technology Infrastructure
Technology Entrepreneurship
IT Consulting and Advisory Practice
After completing an MBA degree in IT management, candidates can start their career in IT areas like:
Project Management
Cross-Platform Communications
Product and corporate marketing
Strategy and Planning
Information System Manager
IT Director
Business Development Manager
Chief Technology Officer
IT Specialist
Computer Information Specialist
The IT field's top recruiters would be Credit Suisse, Accenture, Pepsico, EY, Deutsche Bank, and GE. The average starting salary would be INR 5 LPA.
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pieteducation · 2 months
Reasons Why B.Com. is a Great Option for your Career
Following the completion of their degree from one of the top B.Com. Hons colleges in Haryana, students can pursue exciting and diverse postgraduate opportunities such as MBA, M. Com, LAW, International studies, Designing and Merchandising, MBE, Finance, Economics, and so on, which will set them apart from the crowd and prepare them for success in the global marketplace. So, after completing the B.Com., you have a good range of academic possibilities and can easily find profit-oriented career chances.
The industry considers them on a level with students with professional degrees such as BBA, Hotel Management, and so on, and sometimes on a higher platform if they are from a reputable college. Because almost all universities and colleges in India offer a B.Com. degree, one can select the best programme by applying to any of the top B.Com. colleges in the Haryana region.
Employment Opportunities A master's degree is replacing a bachelor's degree as the minimal need for employment in numerous occupational categories, including higher education, administration, public affairs, and social services. Previously, an entry-level post as an admissions counsellor, academic adviser, or student services coordinator might be obtained with a bachelor's degree such as B.Com. While a graduate degree does not ensure ultimate success, it can open many more doors for employment. So, after graduating B.Com., you can count on it to land results-oriented work possibilities.
Here are some of the opportunities available to graduate students from the top B.Com. Hons colleges in Haryana:
2. Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in Finance Most students believe that an MBA in finance is synonymous with accounting, but in truth, finance is a huge discipline in which accounting is only a subset. To pursue an MBA (finance), students must take the CAT, XAT, and GMAT exams, which qualify them for admission to top B-Schools in India with scores as high as the 99.99 percentile. Even after the training, the options are limitless, and you can become an essential component of the corporate finance structure and earn a good living.
3. Masters in Commerce (M.Com.) M.Com. is Master's in Commerce; which students can pursue after completing their B.Com. programme at any of the top B.Com. colleges in Haryana. Students can pursue M.Phil. or PhD degrees in a variety of disciplines such as Economics, Statistics, Finance, Business, and Accounting.
4. Cost Accounting ICWAI is a cost accounting course given by the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India that Commerce students can pursue after graduating B.Com. Students who complete ICWAI have excellent employment options as Financial Controllers, Cost Controllers, Chief Accountants, and Chief Internal Auditors.
Different commerce graduates receive great compensation packages due to the large job profiles and many career sectors to investigate, where the salary of the candidates differs from department to department. Candidates with a few years of experience may be rewarded handsomely. Salaries are determined by the nature of the firm and the sort of employment chosen by the student as a career option.
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