#Top Biscuit Companies In India
anmolindustries · 1 year
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
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Christmas Punch
Some point to the ancient Hindustani word "paanstch", which means five: a great drink prepared from five key elements - sweet, sour, alcohol (arrak), water and spices. Some, however, attribute it to English merchant sailors who, though they did not invent the punch, very much drank it. Men working on British East India Company ships used it as a beer alternative in the 17th century. The sailors were known to consume large quantities of beer on their voyages, but when the ships reached the warmer waters of the Indian Ocean, the beer in the cargo bays became rancid and stale. Once the ships reached the coast, the sailors created new drinks from ingredients native to their destination: Arrack, citrus fruits and spices. Back at sea or at home, rum or brandy or other wines were more likely to be used.
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Naval Officers and a Bowl of Punch by Thomas Rowlandson c.1790 (x)
The sailors brought punch back with them to Britain. With its exotic flavours and expensive ingredients, it became a fixture in the elite homes of 17th-century England and then a staple. Some parties, however, tended to get out of hand. Like the celebration of Edward Russel, captain-general and commander in chief in the Mediterranean. On 25 October 1694 he had a garden party for 6000 guests in his villa, and had his marble fountain filled with punch. For this, 4 hogsheads (c. 960l) of brandy, 8 hogsheads of water, 25000 lemons 75l of lime juice. 560kg of sugar, 3kg of nutmeg, 300 toasted biscuits and a pipe of dry mountain Malaga. The punch was served by a ship's boy who rowed through the fountain in a small boat.
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Sailors sharing both punch and wenches. Taken from “Grog on Board” by Thomas Rowlandson, 1789 (x)
Punch entered the middle class as ingredients became more affordable during the 18th century. Punch was ubiquitous in the British Atlantic world and spread to the American colonies. So why is it considered more of a Christmas drink. It was because many of the merchants stayed at home during the winter months and made punch for the family on Christmas Day with the spices they had bought for themselves locally. This made it something special and is therefore often associated with the Christmas season, even though it was served all year round, especially when the spices became affordable for many.
And if you want to make now your own punch here is a nice recipe.
Bombay Presidency Punch in Bombay Government, August 13, 1694
Servings: 2 Prep Time: 5 minutes
2 Tbsp sugar 2 Tbsp  lime or lemon juice 1/2 cup rum 3/4 cups water nutmeg
In a non-reactive bowl or pitcher, mix together the sugar and the juice and stir until dissolved.  (Please use a glass, pottery, or stainless steel bowl or pitcher. Copper, cast iron, and aluminum will react with the acid in the lemon juice.)
Remove any seeds that may have made their way into the bowl.  Blend in the rum, and then the water.
Add ice.  Then grate nutmeg over the top.
Enjoy your tipple!
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checkoutmybookshelf · 5 months
This Book is a Love Letter to English Majors, Book Girlies (gender neutral) and Pirates (gender neutral)
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I have not read a book that has had me kicking my feet, screeching, laughing, and going "OOOH I KNOW THAT ONE" at literary references in such utter JOY in a long-ass time, but India Holton GOT ME. This book spoke to literally all the (oft-contradictory) facets of me, and the WRITING STYLE was a sheer delight from start to finish. I was hooked in chapter 1 by the dry wit, the delightful comedy of manners façade, and the actual weight of the characters and then it just KEPT GETTING BETTER. And also, I desperately need to know what India Holton's beef with the Bronte Brother Time Forgot is, because the SPECIFICITY of that throughout the book was honestly one of the most unhinged, wonderful things I have read in a long time. So many popular books seem to be trying to be generic to appeal to the widest possible audience, but weirdly specific has always been a better hook for me. And then this book has the nerve to go CHEEKILY META at the end...It is perfect. I wouldn't change a thing. Let's talk The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels.
I'm putting a SPOILER WARNING here, because I feel like I want to SPOIL THE CRAP OUT OF THIS BOOK because it was a delight and I enjoyed it so much.
Miss Cecilia Bassingthwaite is a proper Victorian lady, thank you very much. She has been appropriately trained by her Aunt Darlington in all the finer aspects of piracy and weapons as well as manners and deportment. She is also a great reader and has ambitions to join the senior table of the Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels--after, of course, she murders the crap out of her father, Captain Morvath, for murdering her mother in front of her when Cecelia was seven years old. And after all of that, Cecelia wants to just lock herself in a library for a week with endless tea and biscuits and NO COMPANY. Which...Girl. That is such a mood.
Crucially though, despite being just hella competent as a Lady Pirate, Cecilia is not a murder Barbie. She's actually genuinely demure and honestly quite inexperienced with the world at large, despite being well-trained in piracy. And honestly? I kind of love that for her. She is basically the grad student at the very top of her class who can leave her colleagues in the dust technically, but would get deeply lost and flummoxed over something as basic as going to the bank because how do people work outside this paradigm? She's also just...really soft and really sweet, and I love that we can HAVE a soft protagonist, especially given her Bronte-esque backstory. Heathcliff would have eaten this poor girl alive, is what I'm saying, so it's a really good thing she doesn't have the Heathcliff character in this book as a love interest.
No, instead she gets Ned "has so many goddamn credentials and names that I stopped bothering to keep track" Lightbourne, who somehow manages to pull off smouldering rake and sensitive at the same time. He also has the delightful (and weirdly uncommon) perspective that even if Morvath deserves to die, Cecelia should ABSOLUTLEY NOT be expected or put in a position to murder her own father. That she absolutely could makes this an even stronger position, in my opinion, because there are real genuine stakes behind the choice. There's no question in anyone's mind that Cecelia couldn't kill him if it came right down to it, but...there would be emotional consequences, and it would not be GOOD for Cecilia.
We see that SUPER clearly in the breakfast room scene where Cecelia faces her father for the first time since he murdered her mother, and this very competent young woman who has been making detailed, meticulous plans for how she would face and kill him--backed up with the knowledge and skill to carry out these plans--reverts emotionally to a child throwing breakfast dishes. Which honestly? Valid. Parental trauma is HARD, and that's when actual murder isn't involved. Cecelia is also Victorian and thus everyone is allergic to feelings so she probably hasn't like...had a chance to work through any of her feelings about this in the intervening years. So yeah, Cecelia shouldn't ever have to be in the same zip code as Morvath, and she absolutely should NOT be the person to kill him...especially because he'd probably be proud of her for doing it. Ned is like...the sole character who gets this (with the possible exception of Aunt Darlington, but that woman is opaque as all hell and has her own trauma about her son trying to murder her granddaughter, so I'm not actually counting that) and does his absolute damnedest to make sure that Cecelia never has to be in that position. He's not like...wildly successful, but he tries, and he's there when she needs him emotionally, so points.
Ned and Cecilia's interactions are lovely and a ton of fun, but this book also has a STUNNINGLY well-developed cast of secondary characters who I absolutely adore too, because Victorian lady pirates who have exactly three laws and don't give a flying fuck about what ANYONE thinks of them are possibly the best thing ever to read about. Aunt Darlington is about as fragile as Windsor Castle (at one point this woman, while recovering from a near-fatal stab wound, breaks a lance over her knee to use as a makeshift cane after refusing medical treatment from a doctor who wouldn't take no for an answer...so she stabbed him in his phallic bits with his syringe full of morphine. I adore this woman) and as proper as any Victorian governess could want, and her insistence that Cecelia will catch her death of increasingly ridiculous ailments as the novel goes on just gets funnier with each instance.
We also get the delightful Lady Armitage (Aunty Army to Cecelia) who has exactly three modes: Dramatic, Murder-happy, and horny. She also keeps the key to her flying pirate house in her chastity belt and has WAY too much fun waggling her eyebrows at a suitably horrified Ned when he is trying to insist that he has to hijack her house and Cecelia is like, "if you insist, but also she will just help us if you explain, so it's your funeral." This had SHAKESPEAREAN levels of comedy, this scene. Like it could have come directly out of Comedy of Errors. I was in absolute stitches.
I also want to shout out the delightfully named Constantinopla Brown, who full-on went "I cannot have a financially successful life just seducing women all over the place, so I'm going to seduce a himbo into marrying me before he knows what's happened and then I'm going to drag his ass into increasingly wild schemes while letting him think they're his idea." This girl is 16. She is going to be a menace to society in another decade, and I cannot WAIT to see it.
Finally, we get just the most delightfully unhinged version of Queen Victoria in this book. I'm honestly not even sure how to describe her, except that if Aunt Darlington and Lady Armitage take "Victorian Lady who is imperious and doesn't give a flying fuck" to level ten, Victoria cranks it up to 100. We are DEEPLY amused.
So I'm generally a character reader, and I'm pretty flexible with forgiving mediocre prose if the characters are good. The prose in this book? Five stars. It knows what it wants to do and it DOES IT with cheekiness, aplomb, and OPINIONS. India Holton's authorial voice in this book is crystal clear, well-developed, and a sheer delight. If the plot and story had fallen off a cliff (they don't), I would still recommend this book on voice alone. It's a beautifully done stylized Victorian with a narrator who sometimes low-key Lemony Snickets to offer opinions on things or clarifications or just to put a dramatic little spin on things, and THAT. THAT was absolutely everything. There were literally parts of this book where I had to go back and reread for the plot because I was so caught up in just enjoying the voice. That's not to say the writing isn't clear; it is, it's wonderful, but I'm an English major and a writer and I got lost in the joy of craft a few times and had to catch myself up on plot. It was amazing.
The setting and worldbuilding were also really fun, because it's recognizably Victorian England, but with pirate houses that fly and are armed to the teeth for battle. The houses have as much personality as their pirate ladies, and frankly they're a delight too.
This book was an across the board WIN for me, and I am absolutely going to get the next couple of books that relate to this one. I cannot wait!
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montdigital1 · 1 year
What Is a Tiffin Box Indian, Tiffin Service?
In Tiffin Box Indian is a lunchbox used to carry a simple Indian meal. They are usually carried or transported to a workplace or school but can be found in homes as well.
Traditionally, a tiffin box consists of three or four stainless steel compartments that are stacked on top of one another and clamped down from the sides or top to hold all the food. They have a lid and side clip to prevent spillages, a handle for carrying, and are easy to clean. If you are looking for Indian tiffin then you should search tiffin service near me keyword on Google.
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Tiffin boxes became the ideal way of transporting home-cooked meals in a time when restaurants were rare and hotels scarce. They kept flies away, kept the food warm, and allowed for a full thali-style meal.
The term tiffin is now applied to any home-cooked light meal, such as lunches prepared for working Indian men by their wives or school children by their parents. The word is also used to describe tiffin centres, which are restaurants serving these meals. You can get Indian tiffin service in London.
Dabbawalas, a network of dhoti-wearing tiffin wallahs in Mumbai, provides a vital service of speedily delivering piping hot home-cooked lunches to office workers in the city. The dabbawalas use a complex system to get thousands of tiffin boxes from people’s homes and deliver them to the offices of their customers close to lunchtime. Today, tiffin service offers a variety of cuisines including Indian, Chinese, and even continental dishes.
In many parts of India, it is still a common practice to carry a tiffin for lunch. However, the advent of delivery apps such as Zomato and Swiggy has made it redundant. As a result, some Indians may be wondering what to pack in their dabba for lunch. You can get tiffin service in Slough, Berkshire UK.
What Is Punjabi Tiffin Service?
Are you looking for a Punjabi tiffin service near me in the UK? Punjabi tiffin services are a great way to get delicious Indian food delivered straight to your door. These services are perfect for people who don’t have the time to cook themselves or don’t want to eat boring meals.
What is Vegetarian Tiffin?
Are you looking for a vegetarian tiffin service near me in the UK? Vegetarian tiffin is an English term that refers to a light meal or snack taken between meals. It is usually served at restaurants, catering companies, or in a home setting. Typically, these tiffins contain a combination of vegetarian dishes and non-vegetarian foods.
What Makes a Good Tiffin?
The key to a good tiffin is to make sure that the base of the dessert is made from the correct ingredients. These ingredients should include butter, sugar, cocoa powder, and raisins. You can tiffin menu on the website.
If you are looking for a delicious, easy-to-make traybake, this chocolate tiffin recipe is perfect. It is dairy free and only four steps are required to turn this no-bake fridge cake into a scrumptious chocolate tiffin that everyone will love. You can get Indian home cooked food delivery near me according to your location.
Tiffin recipes are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth without sacrificing any of the nutrients that you need for a healthy lifestyle. They are also easy to make and make the perfect edible gift for any occasion.
What Can I Add to My Tiffin?
I often use a mixture of shortbread cookies and digestive biscuits in my tiffin recipes as they are both low in saturated fat, high in fibre, and easy to crush. Crushed graham crackers are also fine, though they will not have the same level of fibre as shortbread. You can get Indian tiffin service in London.
To start, melt the vegan butter in a saucepan with maple syrup and cocoa powder. When it is melted, stir in the crushed shortbread cookies and raisins. Transfer to a lined 9x5 loaf pan (sprayed with non-stick spray) and place in the fridge for about 2 hours to set. You can order Indian tiffin online from the website.
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trendingreportz · 3 months
Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Overview
Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market size is forecast to reach US$1,990.4 million by 2027, after growing at a CAGR of 7.3% during 2022-2027. The preference for metal food & beverage containers in the Asia-Pacific region has been increasing rapidly, owing to its range of benefits such as better product protection, durability, sustainability, affordability, light-weight, and more in comparison to other types of packaging. The development of new coating technologies which include Bisphenol A non-intent (BPA-NI) coatings are further fueling the growth of the market in the Asia-Pacific region. Moreover, increasing demand for metal packaging coatings from the pharmaceutical industry are further accelerating the growth of the market in the Asia-Pacific region. Also, strict regulations regarding the use of plastics in various countries across the Asia-Pacific region along with increasing product launches and developments associated with metal packaging is expected to increase the demand for metal packaging coatings for use in various end-use industries over the forecast period.
Covid-19 Impact
The COVID-19 outbreak led to major economic problems and challenges for the food & beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and other industries in the Asia-Pacific region. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the GDP growth of the Asia declined by 1.3% and Australia by 2.4% as indicated in the graphs, owing to the economic impact of COVID-19. The governments all across the Asia-Pacific region announced strict measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus and only the production of essential commodities were allowed, which impacted the non-essential commodity industries, thereby impacting the production of metal packaging coatings as well. However, economic stimulus packages allotted for multiple sectors in the Asia-Pacific region and the start of industrial production activities since 2021 is improving the metal packaging coatings market growth in the Asia-Pacific region by its increasing utilization in various industries.
Report Coverage
The report: “Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Report – Forecast (2022-2027)”, by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Asia-Pacific metal packaging coatings industry.
By Packaging Types: Food (2 piece and 3 piece), Caps & Closure (External and Internal), and General Line (External and Internal) By Coating Types: Water based, Solvent based, and Powder based. By Resins Type: Acrylic, Fluoropolymer, Urethanes, Epoxy (BPA and Non-BPA), Amines, and Others. By Application: Food (Sea Food, Meat, Infant Nutrition & Dairy, Vegetables, Catering, Biscuits, Cookies & Confectionary, Fats & Oils, Toppings, and Others), Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, Personal Care, and Others. By Country: China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Rest of Asia-Pacific.
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Key Takeaways
China dominated the Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market in the year 2021. One of the key drivers driving the market is increasing use of metal packaging in food products such as fruits, vegetables, infant nutrition & dairy, bakery, and other similar products in order enhance the durability of metal packaging.
Increasing product launches for phenolic resins that are primarily used in a wide range of metal packaging coatings employed in food, pharmaceuticals, and other applications which require a smooth, durable, and spotless finish, has driven the market growth. For instance, In June 2020, companies such as Allnex GMBH, which has its presence in the Asia-Pacific region launched its new eco-friendly phenolic resin for use in BPAni application for metal packaging coatings.
Strict environmental regulations are driving metal packaging coating manufacturers in the Asia-Pacific region to adopt environmentally conscious practices, thus, the demand for water-based coatings are increasing significantly in the region.
Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Segment Analysis – By Coating Types
The water based coating segment held the largest share in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.2% by 2027. Water-based coating is an environmentally friendly surface treatment that disperses the resin used in the coatings using water as a solvent. They have a high degree of flexibility and reduce moisture and solar radiation absorption, thereby, resulting in fewer solvent emissions. The VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) content in the water-based coating is significantly low, and since there are regulations restricting the high VOC content in Asia-Pacific is resulting in its increasing adoption by metal packaging coating manufacturers based in the region. For instance, in 2021, China launched its 14th Five-Year Plan, the chemical sector refocused its environmental protection goals on low-carbon transformation and comprehensive control of VOC emissions, as well as a considerable emphasis on encouraging low VOC products. Furthermore, as compared to solvent-based coatings, water-based coatings for metal packaging require less coating to cover the same surface area, cost less, and do not require any additives, thinners, or hardeners because they provide higher adherence. Thus, water-based barrier coatings are utilized to protect the metal packaging from external and internal effects by sealing the substrate surface. 
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Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Segment Analysis - By Application
Food sector held the largest share with 66% in the Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market in 2021 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Metal packaging cans, containers, tins, and more are utilized for the packaging of the food because these types of packaging maintain the food filling's flavors and nutritional content ranging from months to several years. However, the direct contact between the metal packaging and food content filled inside the cans and other types of packaging are not safe. The direct contact between metal and food can degrade the food content, owing to this food-friendly coating are applied to safeguard the packaged food from corroding metal. The shifting the focus of Asia-Pacific packaging manufacturers from plastic to metal is expected to drive up the demand for metal packaging coatings for food cans. This is further projected to expand the market growth in the Asia-Pacific region. According to UACJ Corporation, between 2019 and 2022, global demand for aluminium used in cans will rise 11% to 6.61 million tons per year. Southeast Asian countries are likely to account for half of that demand, according to the report. Thus, rising demand for cans will accelerate the production for aluminium cans, which further benefits the metal packaging coatings demand.
Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Segment Analysis – By Country
China dominated the Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market in terms of revenue with a share of 59% in 2021 and is projected to dominate the market during the forecast period (2022-2026). In China, the metal packaging coatings market is fueled by the growth of the country’s food & beverage sectors. For instance, according to the China Chain Store & Franchise Association, China’s food and beverage sector was valued at around US$ 595 billion in 2019, an increase of 7.8% in comparison to 2018. Metal cans offer a range of benefits such as better food protection, durability, sustainability, affordability, light-weight, and more in comparison to other types of packaging such as paper or plastic packaging. In August 2020, ORG technology, the Chinese manufacturer of food cans, launched its white paper on the strategic development of food cans. The company focused on coated iron metal cans with moisture-proof, environmental protection, safety, corrosion resistance, anti-extrusion, and other characteristics to gain traction in the market. In this way, such increasing food production along with the development of food cans in China, owing to its various benefits as mentioned above, is expected to increase the demand for metal packaging coatings to further enhance the durability of such food cans. This is expected to accelerate the growth of the market in China during the forecast period.
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Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Driver
Increasing Preference for Metal Containers in Food & Beverage Sector
Metal packaging coatings are primarily used to coat different metals such as steel, aluminum, tin-plate, and more that are used for food & beverage packaging in order to enhance its ability to resist corrosion. Metal containers offer a range of benefits such as better product protection, durability, sustainability, affordability, light-weight, and more in comparison to other types of packaging such as paper or plastic packaging. For instance, vegetables, fruits, pet food, soups, and meats are often packaged in metal cans. Canning foods help prolong their shelf life and can help people afford to make healthy dietary choices. Similarly, soda, beer, and even wine are usually packaged in aluminum cans since aluminum beverage cans are the most recycled category for aluminum products, with nearly 50 percent of all cans recycled annually. Thus, all of these benefits of metal containers are driving its demand over other types of packaging. As a result, many companies in the Asia-Pacific region have begun packaging their food & beverages in metal containers. For instance, in February 2021, Responsible Whatr, a brand based in India, launched spring water in aluminum beverage cans made by Ball Corporation, a leading manufacturer of aluminum packaging. The company intends to create a brand that signifies sustainability and become a significant contributor to the circular economy. In July 2020, Showa Aluminum Can Corporation (SAC), metal packaging manufacturer, launched its third aluminum can manufacturing facility in Vietnam with an overall plant capacity of 1.3 billion cans per year in order to meet the growing demand for metal packaging from the food & beverage sectors of the country. Thus, such increasing preference and use of metal containers in the Asia-Pacific region are expected to increase the demand for metal packaging coatings to further enhance the durability of the metal containers, thus, accelerating the growth of the market in the Asia-Pacific region.
Growing Demand from the Pharmaceutical Industry
Metal packaging coatings are primarily used in the pharmaceutical industry in order to provide protection to the metal from atmospheric corrosion and support decoration, labeling, and consumer information. Its range of benefits such as impermeability to light, moisture, gases, and water, durability, light-weight, and ease of printing labels directly onto the metal surface make them ideal for use in the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, an increase in pharmaceutical production in the Asia-Pacific region is expected to drive the market growth during the forecast period. According to Vietnam’s Ministry of Health, the pharmaceuticals industry is expected to grow at the rate of 10% per year from 2017 to 2028, owing to an increase in pharmaceutical production and sales in the country. Also, according to International Trade Administration, the local pharmaceutical production in Japan reached up to US$59,958 in 2017, US$62,570 in 2018, US$87,027 in 2019, and US$84,600 in 2020 respectively. thus, indicating an increase in pharmaceutical production in Japan per year. An increase in pharmaceutical production is expected to drive the demand for metal packaging coatings in the pharmaceutical industry, thus accelerating the growth of the market in the upcoming years.
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Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Challenges
Volatility of Raw Material Prices
Primary raw materials including resins, solvent, and more used in the production of metal packaging coatings are derived from crude oil. As a result, fluctuations in the prices of crude oil in the Asia-Pacific region may hinder the growth of the market. For instance, India’s Crude Oil Basket (COB) reached US$19.90 per barrel, which was the lowest record since February 2002. During the first 11 months of the year 2020-21, the average annual price of India’s COB was around US$42.72 per barrel, which decreased by 30% than the average COB price in 2019-20. Likewise, as per revised estimates for 2020-21, the COB has increased by around 35% from its initial budget estimate. Since October 2021, Vietnam has also witnessed a spike in demand for crude oil. According to the oil price, the price of light crude oil exceeded US$94.38 per barrel in February 2022, an increase of 3.63% that is equivalent to US$3.3, the highest record since November 2014. Similarly, the price of Brent crude oil also increased and reached up to US$95.39 per barrel, an increase of 1.98% which is equivalent to US$1.85.
Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Industry Outlook
Technology launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market. Asia-Pacific metal packaging coatings top 10 players include:
The Sherwin Williams Company
PPG Industries Inc.
AkzoNobel N.V.
Kansai Paint Co., Ltd.
Altana AG (Actega)
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Axalta Coating Systems Ltd.
Eason & Co.
Toyochem Co., Ltd.
Kangnam Jevisco Co., Ltd. and Others.
Recent Developments
In June 2021, AkzoNobel has invested in research and development activities associated with packaging coatings. The research is primarily focused on development of a new, and recyclable coating through use of bio-derived polyelectrolytes. These polyelectrolytes are 100% natural and are extracted from shrimp shells or waste from the wood processing industry. The versatility of natural polyelectrolytes will allow the company to become less dependent on synthesized polymers for packaging coatings.
In May 2021, ALTANA completed its acquisition of the closure materials business of Henkel group, a chemical and consumer goods manufacturing company with a strong regional presence in the Asia-Pacific region. Within the ALTANA Group, the business will be integrated into the ACTEGA division and globally assigned to the metal packaging solutions business line including the Asia-Pacific region. The main objective of this acquisition is to strengthen the company’s focus on innovative specialty chemicals.
In March 2021, Toyochem launched a new line of Bisphenol A non-intent (BPA-NI) internal coatings for metal beverage bottles and cans. These coatings are based on acrylic emulsion and polyester resins. The new BPA-NI internal sprays and coil coatings for stay-on tab (SOT) ends are specially formulated to achieve the required performance results, while addressing BPA-related health and food safety concerns from regulators and consumers in the Asia-Pacific region and worldwide.
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themarketinsights · 10 months
Food Aluminum Foil Market to See Huge Growth by 2028
Latest released the research study on Global Food Aluminum Foil Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Food Aluminum Foil Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Food Aluminum Foil The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are China Hongqiao Group Limited (China), Alcoa (United States), Hydro (Norway), United Company RUSAL PLC (Russia), Ess Dee Aluminium Ltd (India), Alufoil Products Pvt. Ltd. (India), Nicholl Food Packaging Ltd (United Kingdom), Wyda Packaging (South Africa), Penny Plate LLC (United States), Alcoa Corporation (United States)
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/28954-global-and-united-states-food-aluminum-foil-market
Food Aluminum Foil Market Definition:
Food Aluminum foils offer many advantages to the packaging and food industries and the consumer including consumer friendliness & recyclability. Consumers can freeze or heat food products in the foil container directly. Other applications of aluminum include beverage, confectionary, personal care, health care and other industrial uses. The global aluminum foil packaging market is expected to show high growth over coming years. The major growth is expected in the developing markets owing to strong economic growth and increasing middle class with growing disposable income. The change in life style which includes changed food habits has led to increased demand for packaging.
Market Trend:
Increase in the availability of foils in various forms
Market Drivers:
Increased demand in chocolates and snacks industry as well as pharmaceutical industry
Market Opportunities:
Deploying technological advancements to produce improvement in product quality
The Global Food Aluminum Foil Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Heavy Gauge Foil, Medium Gauge Foil, Light Gauge Foil), Application (Meat Snacks, Dried Fruits, Biscuits, Drinks, Other), Distribution Channel (Offline, Online), Form (Box, Wrapper, Other)
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/28954-global-and-united-states-food-aluminum-foil-market
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Food Aluminum Foil Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Food Aluminum Foil market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Food Aluminum Foil Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Food Aluminum Foil
Chapter 4: Presenting the Food Aluminum Foil Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying market size by Type, End User and Region 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Food Aluminum Foil market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries (2021-2026).
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Food Aluminum Foil Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in decision framework.
Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global Food Aluminum Foil Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
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What Is a Tiffin Box Indian, Tiffin Service?
In Tiffin Box Indian is a lunchbox used to carry a simple Indian meal. They are usually carried or transported to a workplace or school but can also be found in homes.
Traditionally, a tiffin box consists of three or four stainless steel compartments that are stacked on top of one another and clamped down from the sides or top to hold all the food. They have a lid and side clip to prevent spillages, a handle for carrying, and are easy to clean. If you are looking for Indian tiffin, then you should search tiffin service near me keyword on Google.
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Tiffin boxes became the ideal way of transporting home-cooked meals in a time when restaurants were rare and hotels scarce. They kept flies away and the food warm, allowing for a full thali-style meal.
The term tiffin is now applied to any home-cooked light meal, such as lunches prepared for working Indian men by their wives or school children by their parents. The word is also used to describe tiffin centres, which are restaurants serving these meals. You can get Indian tiffin service in London.
Dabbawalas, a network of dhoti-wearing tiffin wallahs in Mumbai, provides a vital service of speedily delivering piping hot home-cooked lunches to office workers in the city.
The dabbawalas use a complex system to get thousands of tiffin boxes from people’s homes and deliver them to their customers' offices close to lunchtime. Today, tiffin service offers a variety of cuisines, including Indian, Chinese, and even continental dishes.
In many parts of India, carrying a tiffin for lunch is still a common practice. However, the advent of delivery apps such as Zomato and Swiggy has made it redundant. As a result, some Indians may be wondering what to pack in their dabba for lunch. You can get tiffin service in Slough, Berkshire, UK.
What Is Punjabi Tiffin Service?
Are you looking for a Punjabi tiffin service near me in the UK? Punjabi tiffin services are a great way to get delicious Indian food delivered straight to your door. These services are perfect for people who don’t have the time to cook themselves or don’t want to eat boring meals.
What is Vegetarian Tiffin?
Are you looking for a vegetarian tiffin service near me in the UK? Vegetarian tiffin is an English term for a light meal or snack between meals. It is usually served at restaurants, catering companies, or in a home setting. Typically, these tiffins contain a combination of vegetarian dishes and non-vegetarian foods.
What Makes a Good Tiffin?
The key to a good tiffin is to make sure that the base of the dessert is made from the correct ingredients. These ingredients should include butter, sugar, cocoa powder, and raisins. You can tiffin menu on the website.
If you are looking for a delicious, easy-to-make traybake, this chocolate tiffin recipe is perfect. It is dairy-free, and only four steps are required to turn this no-bake fridge cake into a scrumptious chocolate tiffin that everyone will love. You can get Indian home cooked food delivery near me according to your location.
Tiffin recipes are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth without sacrificing any of the nutrients that you need for a healthy lifestyle. They are also easy to make and make the perfect edible gift for any occasion.
What Can I Add to My Tiffin?
I often use a mixture of shortbread cookies and digestive biscuits in my tiffin recipes as they are both low in saturated fat, high in fibre, and easy to crush. Crushed graham crackers are also fine, though they will not have the same level of fibre as shortbread. You can get Indian tiffin service in London.
To start, melt the vegan butter in a saucepan with maple syrup and cocoa powder. When it is melted, stir in the crushed shortbread cookies and raisins. Transfer to a lined 9x5 loaf pan (sprayed with non-stick spray) and place in the fridge for about 2 hours to set. You can order Indian tiffin online from the website.
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knitcon · 1 year
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Wheat flour handling system is an important aspect of the food industry in India. India is the second-largest producer of wheat in the world, and as a result, the country has a significant wheat flour processing industry. In India's wheat flour handling system business, Knitcon Solutions Pvt . Ltd is a leader in the provision of top-notch solutions. we approach our service with a personalized approach. For more information visit https://knitcons.com/Wheat-flour-handling-System.html
Wheat flour handling involves several steps, including transportation, storage, and processing. Let's analyze a few crucial steps.
A] Wheat Flour Transportation
Transportation is the first step in the wheat flour handling system. In this process, Tanker Loading and Unloading System plays a major role. because they are efficient, safe, and hygienic as well. The closed system reduces the risk of contamination and spillage, ensuring that the wheat flour arrives at its destination in the same condition as when it was loaded.
i] Flour Tanker Loading System
The tanker truck arrives at the wheat flour mill or storage facility and is positioned at the loading point. A loading arm or hose is connected to the tanker, and wheat flour is pumped into the tanker from the mill or storage facility. The loading process is monitored to ensure that the tanker is not overfilled.
ii] Flour Tanker Unloading system
The tanker truck arrives at the destination (e.g., a bakery or food processing plant) and is positioned at the unloading point. The tanker is connected to a discharge hose, and the wheat flour is pumped out and into the plant's storage silos or processing equipment. 
B] Wheat Flour Storage Silos
After transportation, wheat flour is stored in silos or storage containers before it is used in the bakery or food processing plant. The storage containers used in India are typically made of steel or concrete and are designed to prevent contamination and protect the wheat flour from moisture and pests.
C] Wheat Flour Processing
After transportation, wheat flour is stored in silos or storage containers before it is used in the bakery or food processing plant. The storage containers used in India are typically made of steel or concrete and are designed to prevent contamination and protect the wheat flour from moisture and pests.
Operations for processing wheat flour
Magnetic separation
Since it is in powder form, no chance of
Low air pressure
Conveying Challenges
Hygroscopic in nature, maintain plant humidity under set conditions.
Can be sticky on the absorption of
Need to separate from air using a suitable filter.
can catch fire
Can be picked up from multiple points and conveyed to multiple
Reduction in batch time and process
Low Operating Cost as Air Consumption Is
can be designed to meet any
Safe way of dust free
Food Industry
Bakery Industry
Confectionary Industry
Biscuit Industry
In India's wheat flour handling system business, Knitcon Solutions Pvt . Ltd is a leader in the provision of top-notch solutions
Get in touch with us right now to find out more about how we can help your company succeed.
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About HVM-Surface Engineering
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We are a small scale industry with state-of-the art technology solutions in the surface Engineering field. The company is well equipped to offer a comprehensive range of surface coating for- Food Industry, Automobile, Pharmaceutical, Chemical Industry and Textile Industry.
           Food processing equipment, cooking ware, pharmaceutical pharming Roller, chute, Guide Track, Heating plate (Top & Bottom) capseal segment, mixing BOWL, packing machine components tyre and shoe mold, plastic mold dies, immersion heating elements) (Used for electroplating Baths) chocolate molds, Biscuit Die, Paper Mill Roller and dies, Confectionary, Bakery Trays, Bread Molds, Chemical Reactor Vessels, Springs, Garments fusing machine Rollers etc.
Teflon Coating is also known as anti-rust coating. Teflon is chemically synthesized from fluoropolymer. It is a brand originally owned by Dupont, but now has become generic to the category of PTFE paint sealants. This protects the painted finish and offers a brilliant shine, doing away with the problem of corrosion and wear and tear in high as well as low temperatures, keeping the vehicle like new for a long time. We are backed by a competent team of professionals who hold many years of experience in handling and applying PTFE finishes to equipment of navy, aircrafts, automotive and many other sectors. The team makes sure that client specific requirements should be duly met by the services. Thus, they keep regular contact with them and provide best suited solutions. Besides, all required amenities and machines are provided to the personnel to have hassle free business processes. Being a reliable Social Enterprise, we recommend every client to avail our best coating services and prevent their instruments and products from chemical attacks. Providing reliable & cost-effective PTFE Coatings Services, Fluoropolymer PTFE Coating Services, SF Coating, Marine Coatings, Fluoro Polymer Non Stick Coating, etc
PTFE coatings are non-stick fluoropolymer coatings, which have very high operating temperature, exceptionally low coefficient of friction, good chemical resistance and abrasion resistance. They are ideal for numerous applications in different areas. A popular use of these coatings is: cookware, and other allied non-stick applications. We provide PTFE Coating Service, Commercial Coating Service for a wide range of industrial components. They utilize a two coat (primer/topcoat) system. Also, we keep up with large volumes, short runs and cost-effective techniques. With our expertise, we can create custom solutions depending on the required performance and application.
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Polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE coating uses a two-coat (primer/topcoat) system. These products have the highest operating temperature of any fluoropolymer and have extremely low coefficient of friction, fair abrasion resistance and good chemical resistance.
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Thermal epoxy cure coatings are specially blended high molecular weight coatings which provide outstanding corrosion resistance in most environments. These thermally conductive epoxy coatings are also ideal for applications where anabrasion resistant.
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Teflon Coating is also known as anti-rust coating. Teflon is chemically synthesized from fluoropolymer. It is a brand originally owned by Dupont, but now has become generic to the category of PTFE paint sealants. This protects the painted finish and offers a brilliant shine, doing away with the problem of corrosion and wear and tear in high as well as low temperatures, keeping the vehicle like new for a long time.
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Food Grade Coatings work effectively in severed warehouse floors and food storage units. The coatings have advanced anti-microbial technology which provides real fortification against Bacterial, mold & mildew. Food grade coatings are also applied on concrete walls, concrete floors, Metal Tanks etc.
We do All Types of Coating services across India | Bengaluru-Mysore | Pune-Mumbai | Hyderabad-Visakhapatnam-Vizag-Vijayawada | Tamil Nadu-Chennai | Thiruvananthapuram | Coimbatore | Kolkata | Ahmedabad | gujarat | rajasthan | Nagpur |Indore | Gurgaon-Noida-New Delhi-Agra-Lucknow and Varanasi | Ghaziabad | Surat | Faridabad | Gurgaon | Gandhinagar | Nashik | Chandigarh | Lucknow | Bhopal | Patna | Rajkot | Kochi | Vadodara | Raipur | Guwahati | Bhubaneswar | Kozhikode | Warangal |Ludhiana | Jamshedpur | Aurangabad | Tiruchirappalli and many more cities in india....
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trendingreportz · 4 months
Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Overview
Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market size is forecast to reach US$1,990.4 million by 2027, after growing at a CAGR of 7.3% during 2022-2027. The preference for metal food & beverage containers in the Asia-Pacific region has been increasing rapidly, owing to its range of benefits such as better product protection, durability, sustainability, affordability, light-weight, and more in comparison to other types of packaging. The development of new coating technologies which include Bisphenol A non-intent (BPA-NI) coatings are further fueling the growth of the market in the Asia-Pacific region. Moreover, increasing demand for metal packaging coatings from the pharmaceutical industry are further accelerating the growth of the market in the Asia-Pacific region. Also, strict regulations regarding the use of plastics in various countries across the Asia-Pacific region along with increasing product launches and developments associated with metal packaging is expected to increase the demand for metal packaging coatings for use in various end-use industries over the forecast period.
Covid-19 Impact
The COVID-19 outbreak led to major economic problems and challenges for the food & beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and other industries in the Asia-Pacific region. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the GDP growth of the Asia declined by 1.3% and Australia by 2.4% as indicated in the graphs, owing to the economic impact of COVID-19. The governments all across the Asia-Pacific region announced strict measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus and only the production of essential commodities were allowed, which impacted the non-essential commodity industries, thereby impacting the production of metal packaging coatings as well. However, economic stimulus packages allotted for multiple sectors in the Asia-Pacific region and the start of industrial production activities since 2021 is improving the metal packaging coatings market growth in the Asia-Pacific region by its increasing utilization in various industries.
Report Coverage
The report: “Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Report – Forecast (2022-2027)”, by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Asia-Pacific metal packaging coatings industry.
By Packaging Types: Food (2 piece and 3 piece), Caps & Closure (External and Internal), and General Line (External and Internal) By Coating Types: Water based, Solvent based, and Powder based. By Resins Type: Acrylic, Fluoropolymer, Urethanes, Epoxy (BPA and Non-BPA), Amines, and Others. By Application: Food (Sea Food, Meat, Infant Nutrition & Dairy, Vegetables, Catering, Biscuits, Cookies & Confectionary, Fats & Oils, Toppings, and Others), Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, Personal Care, and Others. By Country: China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Rest of Asia-Pacific.
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Key Takeaways
China dominated the Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market in the year 2021. One of the key drivers driving the market is increasing use of metal packaging in food products such as fruits, vegetables, infant nutrition & dairy, bakery, and other similar products in order enhance the durability of metal packaging.
Increasing product launches for phenolic resins that are primarily used in a wide range of metal packaging coatings employed in food, pharmaceuticals, and other applications which require a smooth, durable, and spotless finish, has driven the market growth. For instance, In June 2020, companies such as Allnex GMBH, which has its presence in the Asia-Pacific region launched its new eco-friendly phenolic resin for use in BPAni application for metal packaging coatings.
Strict environmental regulations are driving metal packaging coating manufacturers in the Asia-Pacific region to adopt environmentally conscious practices, thus, the demand for water-based coatings are increasing significantly in the region.
Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Segment Analysis – By Coating Types
The water based coating segment held the largest share in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.2% by 2027. Water-based coating is an environmentally friendly surface treatment that disperses the resin used in the coatings using water as a solvent. They have a high degree of flexibility and reduce moisture and solar radiation absorption, thereby, resulting in fewer solvent emissions. The VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) content in the water-based coating is significantly low, and since there are regulations restricting the high VOC content in Asia-Pacific is resulting in its increasing adoption by metal packaging coating manufacturers based in the region. For instance, in 2021, China launched its 14th Five-Year Plan, the chemical sector refocused its environmental protection goals on low-carbon transformation and comprehensive control of VOC emissions, as well as a considerable emphasis on encouraging low VOC products. Furthermore, as compared to solvent-based coatings, water-based coatings for metal packaging require less coating to cover the same surface area, cost less, and do not require any additives, thinners, or hardeners because they provide higher adherence. Thus, water-based barrier coatings are utilized to protect the metal packaging from external and internal effects by sealing the substrate surface. 
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Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Segment Analysis - By Application
Food sector held the largest share with 66% in the Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market in 2021 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Metal packaging cans, containers, tins, and more are utilized for the packaging of the food because these types of packaging maintain the food filling's flavors and nutritional content ranging from months to several years. However, the direct contact between the metal packaging and food content filled inside the cans and other types of packaging are not safe. The direct contact between metal and food can degrade the food content, owing to this food-friendly coating are applied to safeguard the packaged food from corroding metal. The shifting the focus of Asia-Pacific packaging manufacturers from plastic to metal is expected to drive up the demand for metal packaging coatings for food cans. This is further projected to expand the market growth in the Asia-Pacific region. According to UACJ Corporation, between 2019 and 2022, global demand for aluminium used in cans will rise 11% to 6.61 million tons per year. Southeast Asian countries are likely to account for half of that demand, according to the report. Thus, rising demand for cans will accelerate the production for aluminium cans, which further benefits the metal packaging coatings demand.
Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Segment Analysis – By Country
China dominated the Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market in terms of revenue with a share of 59% in 2021 and is projected to dominate the market during the forecast period (2022-2026). In China, the metal packaging coatings market is fueled by the growth of the country’s food & beverage sectors. For instance, according to the China Chain Store & Franchise Association, China’s food and beverage sector was valued at around US$ 595 billion in 2019, an increase of 7.8% in comparison to 2018. Metal cans offer a range of benefits such as better food protection, durability, sustainability, affordability, light-weight, and more in comparison to other types of packaging such as paper or plastic packaging. In August 2020, ORG technology, the Chinese manufacturer of food cans, launched its white paper on the strategic development of food cans. The company focused on coated iron metal cans with moisture-proof, environmental protection, safety, corrosion resistance, anti-extrusion, and other characteristics to gain traction in the market. In this way, such increasing food production along with the development of food cans in China, owing to its various benefits as mentioned above, is expected to increase the demand for metal packaging coatings to further enhance the durability of such food cans. This is expected to accelerate the growth of the market in China during the forecast period.
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Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Driver
Increasing Preference for Metal Containers in Food & Beverage Sector
Metal packaging coatings are primarily used to coat different metals such as steel, aluminum, tin-plate, and more that are used for food & beverage packaging in order to enhance its ability to resist corrosion. Metal containers offer a range of benefits such as better product protection, durability, sustainability, affordability, light-weight, and more in comparison to other types of packaging such as paper or plastic packaging. For instance, vegetables, fruits, pet food, soups, and meats are often packaged in metal cans. Canning foods help prolong their shelf life and can help people afford to make healthy dietary choices. Similarly, soda, beer, and even wine are usually packaged in aluminum cans since aluminum beverage cans are the most recycled category for aluminum products, with nearly 50 percent of all cans recycled annually. Thus, all of these benefits of metal containers are driving its demand over other types of packaging. As a result, many companies in the Asia-Pacific region have begun packaging their food & beverages in metal containers. For instance, in February 2021, Responsible Whatr, a brand based in India, launched spring water in aluminum beverage cans made by Ball Corporation, a leading manufacturer of aluminum packaging. The company intends to create a brand that signifies sustainability and become a significant contributor to the circular economy. In July 2020, Showa Aluminum Can Corporation (SAC), metal packaging manufacturer, launched its third aluminum can manufacturing facility in Vietnam with an overall plant capacity of 1.3 billion cans per year in order to meet the growing demand for metal packaging from the food & beverage sectors of the country. Thus, such increasing preference and use of metal containers in the Asia-Pacific region are expected to increase the demand for metal packaging coatings to further enhance the durability of the metal containers, thus, accelerating the growth of the market in the Asia-Pacific region.
Growing Demand from the Pharmaceutical Industry
Metal packaging coatings are primarily used in the pharmaceutical industry in order to provide protection to the metal from atmospheric corrosion and support decoration, labeling, and consumer information. Its range of benefits such as impermeability to light, moisture, gases, and water, durability, light-weight, and ease of printing labels directly onto the metal surface make them ideal for use in the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, an increase in pharmaceutical production in the Asia-Pacific region is expected to drive the market growth during the forecast period. According to Vietnam’s Ministry of Health, the pharmaceuticals industry is expected to grow at the rate of 10% per year from 2017 to 2028, owing to an increase in pharmaceutical production and sales in the country. Also, according to International Trade Administration, the local pharmaceutical production in Japan reached up to US$59,958 in 2017, US$62,570 in 2018, US$87,027 in 2019, and US$84,600 in 2020 respectively. thus, indicating an increase in pharmaceutical production in Japan per year. An increase in pharmaceutical production is expected to drive the demand for metal packaging coatings in the pharmaceutical industry, thus accelerating the growth of the market in the upcoming years.
Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market Challenges
Volatility of Raw Material Prices
Primary raw materials including resins, solvent, and more used in the production of metal packaging coatings are derived from crude oil. As a result, fluctuations in the prices of crude oil in the Asia-Pacific region may hinder the growth of the market. For instance, India’s Crude Oil Basket (COB) reached US$19.90 per barrel, which was the lowest record since February 2002. During the first 11 months of the year 2020-21, the average annual price of India’s COB was around US$42.72 per barrel, which decreased by 30% than the average COB price in 2019-20. Likewise, as per revised estimates for 2020-21, the COB has increased by around 35% from its initial budget estimate. Since October 2021, Vietnam has also witnessed a spike in demand for crude oil. According to the oil price, the price of light crude oil exceeded US$94.38 per barrel in February 2022, an increase of 3.63% that is equivalent to US$3.3, the highest record since November 2014. Similarly, the price of Brent crude oil also increased and reached up to US$95.39 per barrel, an increase of 1.98% which is equivalent to US$1.85.
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Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Industry Outlook
Technology launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Asia-Pacific Metal Packaging Coatings Market. Asia-Pacific metal packaging coatings top 10 players include:
The Sherwin Williams Company
PPG Industries Inc.
AkzoNobel N.V.
Kansai Paint Co., Ltd.
Altana AG (Actega)
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Axalta Coating Systems Ltd.
Eason & Co.
Toyochem Co., Ltd.
Kangnam Jevisco Co., Ltd. and Others.
Recent Developments
In June 2021, AkzoNobel has invested in research and development activities associated with packaging coatings. The research is primarily focused on development of a new, and recyclable coating through use of bio-derived polyelectrolytes. These polyelectrolytes are 100% natural and are extracted from shrimp shells or waste from the wood processing industry. The versatility of natural polyelectrolytes will allow the company to become less dependent on synthesized polymers for packaging coatings.
In May 2021, ALTANA completed its acquisition of the closure materials business of Henkel group, a chemical and consumer goods manufacturing company with a strong regional presence in the Asia-Pacific region. Within the ALTANA Group, the business will be integrated into the ACTEGA division and globally assigned to the metal packaging solutions business line including the Asia-Pacific region. The main objective of this acquisition is to strengthen the company’s focus on innovative specialty chemicals.
In March 2021, Toyochem launched a new line of Bisphenol A non-intent (BPA-NI) internal coatings for metal beverage bottles and cans. These coatings are based on acrylic emulsion and polyester resins. The new BPA-NI internal sprays and coil coatings for stay-on tab (SOT) ends are specially formulated to achieve the required performance results, while addressing BPA-related health and food safety concerns from regulators and consumers in the Asia-Pacific region and worldwide.
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sagarg889 · 2 years
Bakery Processing Equipment Market Analysis, Driver, Trends, Business Overview, Key Value, Demand & Forecast 2023 to 2033
According to Future Market Insights, the global bakery processing equipment market size is expected to grow from US$ 11.5 Billion in 2023 to US$ 21 Billion in 2033, with overall sales accelerating at 6.2% CAGR between 2022 and 2033.
Increasing consumption of baked products across the world due to rapidly growing population, changing lifestyles, and increasing disposable income is providing a major impetus to the growth of bakery processing equipment market and the trend is likely to continue during the forecast period.
Today, people are showing a keen inclination toward purchasing bakery products such as biscuits, cakes, and breads due to their health benefits and extended shelf life. This in turn is prompting manufacturers to employ advanced processing machinery to increase their production.
Get a Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-16353
Similarly, advancements in bakery processing technologies coupled with introduction of cost-effective products by key players will boost the market during the next ten years.
Bakery ovens remain the top selling product type category in the market. This is due to the rising adoption of various types of bakery ovens by manufacturing companies globally.
According to the Market Research analysis, GEA Group, Buhler, JBT Corporation, The Middleby Corporation, Heat and Control, Inc., Rheon Automatic Machinery Co., Ltd, Ali Group, Baker Perkins are identified as Key Players in the Bakery Processing Equipment market
Key Takeaways from the Bakery Processing Equipment Market Study:
By product type, bakery ovens segment holds the largest share of the global bakery processing equipment market.
Based on application, bread category remains the most remunerative segment in the global bakery processing equipment market.
The U.S. currently dominates the global bakery processing equipment market with around 20% of the market share.
The North America bakery processing equipment market is expected to grow at 6.13% CAGR between 2023 and 2033.
China’s bakery processing equipment market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 8.19% over the next ten years.
“Increasing consumption of baked goods in countries such as the U.S., China, Germany, India, and the U.K will continue to fuel the demand for bakery processing equipment. Beside this, development of new age bakery processing equipment will aid in the market expansion during the next ten years,” says a lead FMI analyst.
Who is Winning?
According to FMI, GEA Group, Buhler, JBT Corporation, The Middleby Corporation, Heat and Control, Inc., Rheon Automatic Machinery Co., Ltd, Ali Group are identified as top Players dominating the bakery processing equipment market.
Market players are continuously upgrading their product portfolios by launching new and advanced products. Besides this, they are adopting strategies such as partnerships, mergers acquisitions, and collaborations to expand their global footprint.
Get Valuable Insights into Bakery Processing Equipment Market
FMI, in its new offering, provides an unbiased analysis of the Bakery Processing Equipment market presenting historical demand data (2018-2023) and forecast statistics for the period from (2023-2033). The study divulges compelling insights on the demand for Bakery Processing Equipment based on Product Type (Bread Systems, Bread Slicers, Bakery Ovens, Bakery Mixers, Bakery Freezers, Pan Greasers), End User (Retail & Wholesale Bakeries, Food Services Industry, Supermarkets & Retailers, Baked Snacks Industry), Application (Bread, Biscuits & Cookies, Cakes & Pastries, Pizza Crusts), across seven major regions.
Get Full Information on this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/bakery-processing-equipment-market
Bakery Processing Equipment Market by Category
By Product Type:
Bread Systems
Bread Slicers
Bakery Mixers
Bakery Ovens
Pan Greasers
Bakery Freezers
By End User:
Retail and Wholesale Bakeries
Food services industry
Supermarkets and retailers
Baked Snacks industry (Baked chips etc.)
By Application:
Biscuits & Cookies
Cakes & Pastries
Pizza Crusts
Others (Pretzels, Donuts, Pancakes etc.)
By Region:
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia
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Butter Market Top Manufacture, Growth, Share Report, Size, Regional Analysis, Opportunities and Forecast to 2028
The butter market size was USD 35.61 billion in 2020. The market is projected to grow from USD 37.01 billion 2021 to USD 49.07 billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 4.11% during the 2021-2028 period. This vital information is presented by Fortune Business Insights™, in its report titled, “Butter Market, 2021-2028.” Rising demand for processed food products such as bakery, confectionery, desserts, and ready-to-eat meals among consumers is expected to increase the footprint of the market during the forecast period. Additionally, increased demand for packaged butter across physical retail and foodservice channels will boost the market growth.
COVID-19 Impact
Increased Retail Presence to Accelerate Market Growth During Forecast
The COVID-19 pandemic affected the butter industry in its initial phases by slowing down growth. However, as the pandemic rallied on, a positive effect on sales in terms of growth and volume was observed. Baking was considered as a top hobby for many consumers who were forced to implement from work-from-home solutions. Additionally, reopening of hotels, restaurants, and cafes is expected to drive the market growth.
List of Key Players Present in the Market
Fonterra Co-operative Group (New Zealand)
Arla Foods (Denmark)
Dairy Farmers of America (U.S.)
Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (India)
Ornua Co-operative Ltd. (Ireland)
Land O’Lakes, Inc. (U.S.)
Nestle India Ltd. (India)
Organic Valley Family of Farms (U.S.)
Royal FrieslandCampina NV (Netherlands)
The Kraft Heinz Company (U.S.)
Type, End-Use, and Region are Studied
On the basis of type, the market is divided into salted and unsalted.
By end-use, the market is segmented into industrial processing, retail channels, and foodservice.
In terms of geography, the market is categorized into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Report Coverage
The study focuses on providing a comprehensive analysis for our readers by presenting critical factors such as leading companies, product types, and top end uses of the product. Additionally, the study offers insights in the sector by presenting ongoing market trends along with prominent industry developments. The study also noted various factors that will be responsible for the positive and negative outlook on the market during the forecast period.
Drivers & Restraints
Increasing Demand for Processed Food Products to Augment Growth
Rising demand for dairy products such as dairy fats & butter and increasing perception of positive health attributes are expected to boost the butter market growth during the forecast period. Also, increasing disposable income among consumers along with increasing demand for bakery products such as cakes, bread, cookies, and biscuits will increase the footprint of the market. Additionally, increasing innovations and developments across the dairy beverages coupled with increasing retail presence will fuel the market growth.
However, rising popularity of lactose-free and vegan foods will limit the market growth during the forecast period.
Regional Insights
Asia Pacific to Lead Market due to Rising Disposable Income Among Consumers
Asia Pacific is expected to witness the largest butter market share during the forecast period, owing to rising sale of packaged butter along with growing demand for dairy products. Additionally, increasing expenditure among consumers and rising integration of the product for cooking and baking will increase the footprint of the market. Increasing presence of prominent players in the market along with rising processing capabilities will fuel the growth of the market.
Europe will contribute a significant market share during the forecast period, owing to increasing demand for clean-label and sustainable milk and dairy products along with rising demand for bakery and other similar products. Rising consumer inclination toward healthier and safer products will fuel the market growth.
Competitive Landscape
Novel Product Launches to Bolster Market Growth
The major players are Arla Foods, Dairy Farmers of America, and Land O’Lakes. Dominant players are often focusing on capturing maximized revenue by launching novel products and increasing product offerings. For example, in September 2020, Minerva dairy launched a new small size package of premium butter containing sea salt. This launch is aimed at increasing the company’s retail distribution capabilities. Increased arrival of smaller players in the market will fragment the market, further consolidating he market share. Other players are contributing by instituting various strategies such as mergers & acquisitions with like-minded organizations to increase their product portfolio
Industry Development
October 2020: Grahams partnered with Isle of Skye Sea Salt Co. and launched a new artisan Scottish sea salt butter. It is a mixture of top quality, natural, and unrefined sea salt from the Isle of Skye.
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prasanththampi · 2 years
Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies MARKS : 80
N. B. : 1) Attempt all Four Case studies 2) All questions carry equal marks.
Kellogg India ltd.
Top mangers of Kellogg India ltd received unsettling reports of a gradual drop in sales. Managers realized that it would be tough to get the Indian consumer to accept its products. Kellogg banked heavily on the quality of its crispy flakes. But pouring hot milk on the flakes made them soggy and did not take good and not many Indian consumers like to have them with cold milk.
A typical average middle class Indian family did not have breakfast on regular basis like their wetern counterparts. Those who did have breakfast, consumed parathas, idlis , bread, butter, jam, milk tea and local food preparations. According to analysis, a major reason for kellogg’s failure was the fact that the tastes of its product did not suit Indian breakfast habits. Kellogg sources were however quick to assert that the company was not trying to change these habits; the idea was only to launch its products on the health platform and make consumers see the benefit of this healthier alternative. Another reason for low demand was premium pricing adopted by the company
Disappointed with the poor performance, Kellogg decides to launch two of its highly successful brands- chocos and frosties in India. The success of these variants took even Kellogg by surprise and sales picked up significantly. This was followed by the launch of chocos breakfast cereal biscuits.
The success of chocos and Frosties also led to kellogg’s decision to focus on totally Indiansing its flavors in the future. Kellogg also introduced packs of different sizes to suit Indian consumption patterns and purchasing power.
Kellogg tied up with the Indian diet association to launch a nation wide public service initiative to raise awareness about iron deficiency problems. The company has also modified its product, particularly the addition of iron fortification in breakfast cereals.
However, Kellogg continued to have the image of a premium brand and its consumption is limited to a few well of sections of the Indian market.
Question 1:- How effectively Kellogg has met conditions of marketing concept?
Question 2:- Suggest ways how Kellogg can have more influence on consumption behavior of Indian consumer?
Question 3:- SWOT Analysis of Kellogg?
Amway’s Relationship with Stakeholders
Amway is one of the largest direct sales companies in the world. It continues to be a family owned business which was founded in 1959. Today, it employs 14,000 people worldwide and markets over 450 product lines. Its vision is to help people lead better lives. Its success is largely due to its three million ABOs (Amway Business Owners) spread across 80 countries. Thanks to Amway, these people have a business of their own. The only shareholders of Amway are the families that own Amway. The communication channels used by Amway to communicate regularly with its internal and external stakeholders are websites, email, events, publications and membership of trade bodies.
Amway sells directly to consumers, without the presence of retail outlets. It has its own supply chain through the ABOs. Amway seeks regular feedback from the ABOs and customers to find out how well it is doing and to improve service. The ABOs are independent small businesses, but depend on Amway suppliers to produce quality products.
Amway’s involvement with communities is a part of its vision to ‘help people lead better lives’. It promotes its corporate social responsibility (CSR) all over the world. Corporate social responsibility at Amway involves supporting social causes, acting in an ethical manner by making good products and supporting its stakeholders in a number of ways. For example, Amway has partnered with the children’s charity UNICEF. It helps provide vaccinations to fight the world’s six most deadly diseases. It has chosen this charity because of its ABOs’ concern about families.
Ethical businesses get actively involved in improving the communities where they work. Amway’s business ethics not only provides a clear framework within which to work, but also gives it a positive business advantage. Its ‘One by One’ program is good for both the environment and for business. This program supports organic farming, seeks to reduce waste and packaging and to switch to renewable energy sources. There is a cost involved in these practices, but this can be balanced against the benefits derived by both the business and the community.
Amway has to balance the needs of its many different stakeholders. It sets high standards of ethics and codes of conduct, in order to make sure that these are upheld. Its CSR program helps the environment, its own employees and underprivileged children all around the world.
Question 1:- Who are the external stakeholders that Amway communicates with?
Question 2:- What communication channels would you recommend to Amway, apart from what is mentioned in the case and why?
Question 3:- stakeholders are the consumer of Amway. Comment
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deepakindia112 · 2 years
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