#Tony stark x enhanced!reader
tldrthor · 1 month
The Princess (and the chaos she brings with her) - steve rogers x fem!reader (1/?)
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Summary: when Thor asked the avengers to guard a dear friend of his, they didn't think twice before saying yes. What they didn't know was that said friend is the princess of one of the nine realms, and a lost love of one Captain Rogers.
Part 1 // I thought you were dead // word count: 3.5k
"(y/n), you have to eject, right now!" Steve screamed over the torrents of wind whistling through the ship. Schmidt was dead, gone. So was the tesseract. But it wasn't over yet. "I have to put her in the water!"
The girl behind him widened her eyes, battling against the elements to reach him. "There's no world in which I let you do that, Captain!"
"I'm not asking for permission!"
"Well then, I guess we go down together!" She painstakingly made her way to him, every step a feat of strength. Her previously neatly pinned curls no longer even resembled what they once were as her hair whipped around her face.
As Steve turned to face her, she somehow still looked angelic. He felt that right now, she was more heavenly than ever. He couldn't let her die with him.
"Buckle in." He commanded, as they began their quick descent. He looked at her, the first woman who had ever made him feel seen, the only person he had ever met who was as crazy as he was.
As the ice flew closer, he turned and placed a hand tenderly on her face. Tears welled in his eyes as his mind wandered to the future they could've had. God, they could have been amazing.
"I'm sorry, (y/n)." He whispered. She could only just hear it, even though they were right next to each other.
He pulled the yellow ejection lever on the seat she had just buckled herself into, watching as her eyes widened. "No! Steve, no!" She lifted her hands to stop him, to jam the lever, anything to stay with him. She wasn't quick enough.
Steve closed his eyes as her seat was ejected, hearing her scream his name. There was no world where he allowed her to go down with him, and he trusted that wherever she ended up, Stark and Peggy would find her. He hoped they would be able to find him, too.
He hadn't prayed in a long time, but as he went down, he bargained with God for her safety.
"It is my honour to introduce the new and improved Captain America and the Howling Commandos exhibit, in honour of the 100th birthday of Captain Steven Grant Rogers." The crowd clapped as the senator stepped off the podium, motioning for Steve to take the mic. Bucky and Sam laughed at how uncomfortable the Captain was as he stood thanking everyone for an exhibit he never wanted. All part of the job, he supposed.
After the handshakes, and the photo ops, and the autographs and the meet and greets, the boys finally got relative peace to wander around the new exhibition.
"I can't believe you used to wear these stupid suits." Sam laughed, standing in front of the main exhibit. Bucky sighed, budging Sam's shoulder. "Says the asshole who wears a bird suit to fight." He retorts.
Steve laughed at his friends antics, but walked away when he noticed an addition to the exhibit he hadn't seen before. He stared, wide eyed at the name in front of him.
Steve found himself drinking in every inch of the gorgeous photo underneath the text, her bright smile and barely visible freckles. The lighting highlighted the different hues in her immaculately pinned hair. She looked just like an angel, as she always did in real life.
Steve looked down, forlorn eyes investigating very few artefacts in the glass exhibit. Her folded uniform, found in her room after the plane went down. The blush lipstick you wore every day. Finally, an object that Steve didn't recognise. A golden ring, encrusted in unidentified jewels and a family crest no one knew. He frowned.
He had known her only a short few months, but he regretted never asking about her family. And now, it would haunt him that he never did until his last breath.
"They never found her, huh?" Bucky placed his covered hand on Steve's shoulder, a sadness tinged in his voice. He had only met (y/n) briefly, but he knew even then that Steve's heart rested in the palm of that woman's hand.
He had asked about her, once, but the look on Steve's face when her name was mentioned told him everything he needed to know.
"No. Howard searched for years, found nothing. Turned out that she had lied on her intake forms for the SSR, too. We don't even know if (y/n) was really her name." He took a beat. "We have no idea if she survived or not."
Steve didn't have to make the subtext clear, Bucky knew he worried that he had killed her by ejecting her from that plane. Bucky also knew there was no sense in trying to tell him she would have died either way, that the ice would've killed her.
"You okay?" Bucky asked, after another few moments of silence.
Steve nodded, looking at the photo. "I'm glad she's remembered. I just wish I didn't have so many unanswered questions."
"So," Tony started. "Thor is arriving with the guest of honour later today, who we have agreed to protect here for the meantime. We don't have a lot of background for this one. The dark elves are the ones we're protecting her against, but Thor said threat could come from many areas. Do we have any questions?"
The team looked nothing short of bored. Well, most of them. Cap always had the good grace to sit up and look interested. Scott was straight up asleep.
"Is she important? How long will she be staying with us?" Steve asked.
"No idea, and uh, no idea. Anything else?"
"Is she single?" Sam asked, earning a laugh from some of the others. Steve shook his head disapprovingly, but smiled at his friend's levity.
As Steve stood up to go back to training, FRIDAY sounded around the room. "Excuse me everyone, my satellites have detected a bifrost signal heading for the compound imminently."
"Speak of the devil!" Tony clapped his hands as everyone headed out to the bifrost landing site (something that had been instituted after Tony's lawn got scorched one too many times).
Bucky smacked Scott upside the head to wake him up with a jolt. "Oh, where are you guys going?" He called behind them, jogging to catch up. Steve waited behind from him, laughing at his groggy friend.
A bright light connected with the grass just beside the landing site. Tony's hands covered his eyes as he mouthed are you fucking kidding me. When the light cleared, Thor stood tall in his usual armour.
"My friends!" His voice boomed, "I present to you, my fellow avengers, the honourable princess of Alfheim, jewel of the Alfar and ambassador to Asgard." Thor's voice boomed through the halls of the compound. "This is my friend, (y/n)."
Beside Thor stood a girl. She was breathtakingly beautiful, with a heavenly stature. She looked like she could have been carved from marble by the hands of God himself.
A light Asgardian pink dress was covered by a golden chest-plate which fit her body like it had been moulded just for her. It was covered in intricate etchings of suns and stars, which caught the light and shone brilliantly. She wore golden jewellery, which was nothing like the avengers had ever seen. Golden ear cuffs covered her pointed ears, with her long hair pulled into an up-do, emphasising the golden, bejewelled tiara on her head.
"Princess?" Sam squeaked. Wanda smacked him, with a look that screamed don't embarrass us.
Tony tilted his head in confusion at the guest, who he could almost swear he recognised from somewhere. "Thor, you did not inform us that we were looking after the ruler of a planet. We would have been more prepared."
"I am not ruler yet, Mr. Stark." The girl cast her eyes up at Tony, as she smiled sweetly. Her voice was honey smooth, and anyone who heard it felt themselves being charmed by it. "I have heard much about you all from Thor."
"Should we bow?" Bruce whispered to Tony, who shrugged his shoulders. Thankfully, (y/n) took the lead and shook each of their hands.
She looked around at each of the gathered avengers. Thor made his introductions to the rest of the group. "Where are the others?" Thor enquired.
"Here!" Steve smiled at the site of his old friend, his view of the princess obscured by the large man. Bucky and Scott tagged behind him, also happily greeting Thor.
"Captain, it is very good to see you. Please, let me introduce you to the Princess (y/n)." Thor stepped aside to introduce them, but his eyebrows knitted together in confusion when neither of them moved, almost frozen in place.
"Uh... hi." Scott side-stepped the Captain and caught the eye of their guest. "My name's Scott Lang."
The girl tore her eyes away from the captain, unsure really on what to do. But her training kicked in, knowing that being rude was one of the worst sins a princess could commit. "Hello, Mr. Lang. I am (y/n)."
"Holy shit." Bucky breathed out.
The rest of the avengers watched the rather silent exchange with confusion. It was very unlike Steve to get so tongue-tied, and he would never be so rude as to not introduce himself.
"Captain Rogers..." The girl spoke first, confusing them further. "I believed you dead." Tears had welled in her eyes, intriguing the observing crowd even more.
"I thought you were dead." He breathed. "What... what is going on?"
Bucky interjected. "Um, hi. I'm Bucky, we met briefly in '45."
She smiled softly at him, but her eyes betrayed her confusion. "Sergeant Barnes, of course! Didn't you... also die?"
"Yeah, we've all got a lot of explaining to do." Bucky laughed as the absurdity of the situation caught up to him.
Thor's eyes darted between his friend and the captain. When Thor asked the avengers to guard her from the war on Alfheim, he knew some hijinks would ensue. This is not what he expected. He knew you had spent some time on Midgard before and when you returned you were emotionally distraught. He had simply figured the war you had fought with the Midgardians had taken it's toll.
He eyed both the Captain and you, suspiciously. You were his dear friend, but you had never talked to him about any mortal love.
"So, Princess. You've been here before." Tony enquired.
The Princess licked her lips nervously, glancing at Steve, who had barely moved a muscle, his eyebrows furrowed. "Yes, Mr. Stark. I spent some time here during the second world war. I left Midgard when Johann Schmidt was defeated, and haven't returned since."
"Tell us about your world, Princess. I've never heard of it before." Natasha, the red-head in the corner, asked the guest.
"You have heard of it before." The princess smiled, explaining. "I believe we are now known as a fantasy character here - you call us elves." She pointed to her pointed ears as each avenger clung to her words.
Thor smiled at his Midgardian friends' curiosity.
"The Alfar still live amongst you, they are simply unseen. I believe you may know Tolkien?" At the mention of the author's name, everyone's ears pricked. "He was one of my father's greatest friends and many of his book settings were inspired by Alfheim."
"What!" Scott exclaimed. "That's insane."
"Really, Ant Man?" Bucky responded, pointing out that they were all ridiculous, when you thought about it. The world was crazy now.
The princess chuckled, and rose from her seat at the conference table. "Thank you very much for your hospitality, Avengers. I would quite like to rest in my chambers, if you would be so gracious to allow me."
"Um, yeah... consider yourself allowed." Tony stumbled over his words. Very unusual for him, and it did not go unnoticed by the others. "Dinner is at seven."
"Thank you, Mr. Stark. Captain Rogers," She addressed the Captain, who looked up quickly. His face was pale, and he nervously twiddled his thumbs. "Would you be so kind as to show me my rooms?"
He popped up, almost comedically fast. "Yes. Yeah, sure. Um, this way." He walked out quickly, darting his eyes back to make sure the princess was following him.
She followed, gracefully. Her skirts fanned out behind her as she walked. The avengers in the room could scarcely take their eyes off her as she faded from sight.
As soon as the door closed behind them, the room devolved into chaos. People shouting theories and questions left, right and centre. Mostly, everyone was just bewildered. Bucky and Thor discussed how they had both known the couple separately, and whether each had talked about the other.
Natasha watched as Tony sat quietly on his tablet for a few seconds, searching for something she could only assume was relevant to the discussion at hand.
"Bucky, what's the deal there?" Clint asked.
He was interrupted by Tony. "Aha!" Stark called, silencing the room. "I knew I recognised her from somewhere."
He projected a photograph to the wall, and the avengers gasped.
The photograph consisted of Steve and Bucky front and centre. Bucky had his left arm wrapped lazily around Tony's dad, Howard. And Steve was looking directly at the girl next to him, holding her to him by the waist. It was the princess. The gaze he looked at her with... it was like nothing they had ever seen from him.
"They didn't just know each other, they were in love." Bucky replied to Clint's question, a hint of sadness underneath his words.
(Y/n) followed Steve along the large corridors of the compound, her smaller legs working double time to match his long strides. They walked in silence, for the most part. It wasn't the comfortable kind.
"Captain." She spoke first, again. As she called for him, he stopped walking abruptly, turning slowly. He met her gaze and then cast his eye down.
"(y/n)... I mean, um, Princess." He responded.
"(y/n) is sufficient." She whispered, almost guiltily. "I can't believe you're alive..."
"I can't believe you're alive," He retorted. "I searched for you, when I woke up. They couldn't find any records of you other than your enlistment form, and they found you had lied. People think you're just a ghost story..."
He took a breath. "I can't believe you're here and... an alien princess?"
"I know it's hard to believe, I hope you understand why I couldn't tell you back then." She laughed. "When I found that you and Sergeant Barnes were dead, I couldn't face being here anymore... I returned to Alfheim."
As she thought back on it, a tear sprung to her eye. On seeing her reaction, Steve couldn't help himself but place a friendly hand on her back, rubbing soothing circles. She briefly froze at the contact, but quickly, she moved her own hand down his arm until she was holding onto his hand with both of hers.
So much went unsaid, but the contact confirmed what they had both most desperately wanted to know. Would it be the same?
"If I had known that you and Sergeant Barnes were alive, Captain..." She admitted. "I would have returned in an instant, I give you my word."
He smiled, rubbing a thumb over the back of her hand. A red blush hugged her cheeks as he did so.
It was typical of him that he couldn't concentrate on the moment, "Why are you here?" He asked. "What are we protecting you from?"
She sighed. "The Svartalfar, or the dark elves. You may know them - they attacked Thor in the Midgardian city of London some years ago now." He nodded in recognition.
"They are determined to conquer Alfheim, and have set their sights on my family. They have already managed to get close to killing me."
She pushed the collar of her dress down, showing a large, angry, red scar just above her collarbone. His hands flew up to trace the scar. She gulped at the close contact, her eyes meeting his.
His expression gave away his concern, knowing that Thor had suggested she was in a lot of danger. "Don't worry, Princess. You're safe here." He smiled, softly. "We'll protect you with everything we've got."
"Thank you, Captain."
"It's just Steve." He unhooked their hands, and gave her his arm. She linked her arm in his, and he resumed wandering down the halls to her rooms. "Do you have any bags?"
"No, I fled to Asgard with nothing when I needed healing. The Asgardians were kind enough to offer many gorgeous clothes for me to bring, but I figured they were a bit conspicuous."
Steve laughed, "Yeah, they might be."
They walked for a little while longer, before Steve entered a room to the side. It was rather basic compared to what she was used to, but it would more than suffice for the meantime.
"This is your room." He stood by the door as she entered. "I'm just down the hall if you need anything. I'll get Tony to send you some less conspicuous clothes. See you at dinner."
"Thank you, Steven." He laughed at her inability to be too informal with him. He nodded at her, and turned to walk down the hall to his room.
As he entered, the photograph of her from the Smithsonian caught his eye from the nightstand. He picked it up, tracing her features with his finger - unable to stop the smile spreading across his face. Who would've thought? Not only was his girl alive, she was also alien royalty. Sometimes, just sometimes, he adored his strange, strange world.
"Sir," The agent walked into the dark room with purpose in her every step. "The Princess has been spotted."
The man in the chair looked up at the mention of his target. "Show me" he ordered. He watched as agent transferred the images on her tablet to the big screen, showing grainy, far away surveillance of the avengers compound.
As low quality as the image was, the woman arriving with Thor in the distinctive Alfar dress and armour was certainly the princess.
"Oh, my dear..." The man's deep voice dragged out. "You have walked right into our sights."
a/n: let me know what you think! if you can't tell, this is basically the set up for a longer series... i'm really excited to explore this character and get deeper into the relationships!
i've never really written in the third person POV before, so let me know if it's something you like or not, and i can switch for the next part.
please like/reblog if you enjoy! let me know if you would like to be tagged in the next part <3
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theconstantsidekick · 8 months
heyyyy...how are you doing.????
I was just wondering that if you have the idea of writing one shots for static verse , could you.. maybe write something where static takes Bucky as her date to her Harvard reunion...
may be when she was studying , everyone used to be so jealous of her cuz she is basically a sassy smartass...but now in the reunion they are acting so nice because she is a lawyer/avenger.. Definitely faking niceness...
and Jamie boy being too proud of his girl...
The Class of '92 | b.b
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings)
Genre: Fluffy with a chance of angst.
Summary: Y/n goes to the Harvard Reunion to reap the benefits of the alumni fees she's been giving out for the last three and a half decades.
(This takes place after the events of Static: Get, Set, Glitch. However, it can be read as a stand-alone piece. But it’s fun. I promise.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Recreational Drug Use, Mentions of Sex, Minors DNI, 18+ Only.
a/n: I think I strayed a little away from the original premise? I'm sorry?
Bucky Barnes, The Boyfriend (other one-shots) | The Falcon, The Winter Soldier and Static | Static: Get, Set, Glitch | Static Verse Masterlist
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If she were being completely honest, she never entertained the idea of going to her class reunions. The whole ‘being-half-alien-aging-like-a-nebula-and-looking-the-same-for-years-on-end’ thing kinda took the wind out of her sails whenever she even thought about accepting the invite.
But that was then. 
Now people know who she is, what she is. No more reasons to hide, no Ross on her ass trying to hunt her down for the Accords, no giant purple grape looking alien knocking at the door threatening to burn the world down, no younger brother constantly being confused as her older brother.
Fuck. She’ll never get used to that.
The moment the invitation popped up on her laptop screen, her first reaction was to call Tony.
“You’ve got Tony Stark. I’m probably busy saving the world or curing a hangover. You can leave a message at the beep but I only get back to people if they’re hot. F.R.I.D.A.Y. will delete your message if you’re not. You’ve been warned.” The pre-recorded voice-message cut off with a beep.
Exhaling harshly, she spoke softly, “I was calling to ask you if you wanted to go to my reunion with me. Free booze, snobby assholes, jealous losers who hate me for being smarter, and did I mention the free booze? Totally your scene.” She fidgeted with the folder on her desk, nervous about a voicemail. “But you’re busy… being a dead dick so… So I guess I’ll just skip it this year as well.”
Life had other plans, though.
Well, her beloved boyfriend James Bucky Barnes did.
“I can go with you?” He offered. 
“What?” she asked him, confused.
“To the reunion,” he answered easily, his eyes still fixed on the omelet he was making for her. “I can go with you. Can’t guarantee I’ll be as fun company as your brother, but I can show you a good time. Pull out all the stops, be the trophy husband of a lifetime.” He smiled at her then. “Only if you want to, though.”
And now here they were. 
“This was a bad idea,” she comments, sipping on her drink.
“Why?” Bucky asks her, more confident than her—which don’t get her wrong was hot as fuck, but very unlike them.
“They’re all… they’re all—”
“Old?” Bucky finished with an amused smile. 
She couldn’t help the smile that slipped out.
He looks good, comfortable and sen-fucking-sational. He’s wearing a black tux with a white shirt and black bowtie. She’d been a little too busy trying to decide what to wear to have noticed him changing into the outfit. Eventually, having finalized on a white twill suit and a blood red silk shirt with a matching tie, she stepped out of her room. And he was a fucking vision.
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Looking at him might just be her favourite hobby. She could pursue that shit as a vocation.
“That happens sometimes.” Bucky tells her. “People do get old, you know?”
She looks around at the crowd. They’re at the prime location for people watching, standing at the bar, far in the corner of the vast room. The lights are dim, only sprinkles of yellow scattered around the venue, the rest is overshadowed by a sea of ocean blue. So, she takes the moment, the isolation and takes a while to soak in his words. 
‘People do get old.’
“Yeah… yeah. I know,” she responds solemnly.
He takes a moment too, not to look at the crowd. Bucky seldom looks at anything with interest apart from her. He does the same now, he looks at her, studying the expression on her face. With his assessment done, he says, “I’ve never seen you nervous before.”
“I’m not nervous,” Y/n bites back, scolding him with absolutely no heat whatsoever.
“I’ve never seen you anxious before,” he amends.
Rolling her eyes, “I’m not anxious.”
She has to look at him then. Brows furrowed, she frowns. 
Bucky throws up his hands instantly, admitting his mistake with an adorable smile.
“I used to steal Bruce’s homemade tacos before he learned to control the Hulk,” she smiles too. “I’m not afraid of anything.”
He takes a step closer to her, his words are softer when he speaks but bold enough for her to hear with ease. Gently placing his hand on the small of her back, he asks, “Then what’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“I wasn’t exactly… well, let’s just say there’s a reason I avoided going to class when I was in college,” she answers. Bucky’s face scrunches up at the insinuation.
But before he can enquire about it any further, before she can warn him, a voice cuts in.
“That was because you used to be a facetious little know-it-all,” the man comments. “You didn’t need the classes anyway.” He smiles, and there is no warmth in it.
Bucky must notice because his arm tightens just a little around her.
This was bound to happen sooner or later. She decides to roll with the punches. She knew what she was getting into when she came here.
“Charles Walton,” she greets him with a smile, just as dead as his. “Been a long time.”
“I’d say the same, but you look exactly the same as you did back then—not a hair out of place. I’m not sure time even passed,” he jokes, or well he tries.
“What can I say? It’s the price of being an Avenger,” she bites back.
He laughs, a hollow thing. “Hey, Milkovich!” He yells out over her head. “Guess who showed up!”
Well, fuck.
That one shout is enough to draw the attention of the entire class of 92. Cause almost instantly there’s a crowd gathered around Bucky and her. There’s chuckles and whispers among them—some are bewildered at her presence while others seem itching to make this a battlefield. 
“Ah, the famous Avenger,” a female voice chimes in. “You're famous around these parts, you know?” She takes a couple steps closer to them. Assessing her from head to toe, “Not just for being an Avenger, but being so elusive that you didn’t show up for a single reunion… But at least now we know why.”
“Nice to see you too, Seline,” Y/n tells her, calm and centered.
“Shit, Stark!” Mickey Milkovitch balks. “You look the fucking same!” 
And fine, she can take it from Milkovich. The guy was always crass but never rude. He just lacked a fucking filter.
So the smile that she smiles is open and kind. “Thanks, Mick. I could say the same about you.” She’s not lying. The guy looks pretty good for his age… and for the copious amount of alcohol she remembers him consuming during every party and every lecture.
“Not as good as you, holy shit! You really don’t age, do you?” He asks and it’s genuine so again, he gets a pass.
Nodding, “Not enough. My telomeres don’t work right, I think. Rest of me is human… mostly.”
And Mickey seems to take a lot of pleasure in her answer—smiling, he holds up his glass to cheers. She meets him with her own glass.
“Can’t lie, it’s a surprise to see you here,” another woman speaks up. “We thought we’d seen the last of you at the graduation.” 
“Sorry to disappoint you, Candace. I saw the invite and I just couldn’t help myself,” Y/n bites back.
“Didn’t have time for us before?” Candace Huston asks.
“Ah.” Y/n never really liked these snobby prep school kids. Even after all these years, they’ve somehow managed to not change at all. She doesn’t know why she expected them to. “I was a little caught up.”
“Saving the world?” Archer Bass suggests, mocking.
“Yes,” Bucky cuts in before she can form some modest version of that answer. She can always count on him to stump the opposition while she reloads. “That’s the day job. Doesn’t pay as well as whatever it is you guys have been doing. And oh! Odd hours, really odd. But it’s good work, wouldn’t you say, sweetheart?”
She smiles, finding comfort in the warmth of his gaze. “Could’ve been worse. Could’ve been a Personal Injury Lawyer.” Bucky smiles at that and fuck if that doesn’t just rile her up. “Oh! I almost forgot, this is my boyfriend—”
She’s cut off by Charles ‘Chickenshit’ Walton, “The Winter Soldier. We know who he is.”
“At least he’s a looker,” Seline snickers. “I’ll give you that.”
“The two of you make a great couple—The Winter Soldier and Static, ex assassin and ex assassin,” Candace adds with a snide smile. There’s more catty bullshit like that from the rest of the crowd but she kinda zones out.
And fuck it all to hell.
Her entire college life was avoiding these fools.
All her life she’d watched shows about the shitshow that is high school. She hadn’t attended it, of course but Harvard was supposed to be her first try. It was supposed to be her playing her hand at being utterly and completely normal, one with the crowd. College wasn’t supposed to be as brutal as highschool but not as uncaring as a desk job. It was supposed to be an easy middle between the two. Part of her was excited even. But the reality wasn’t all that movies made it out to be.
They were snobs, the fucking lot of them. Always looking at every tiny little detail, studying it a microscope, planning and scheming to find a chink in her armour just to break her down. She didn’t understand why then. Why they didn’t like her, why she was the outsider. Because despite everything she wasn’t exactly that different from them, not to their knowledge at least. Howie was fucking loaded, ipso facto she was too. None of them knew her past but everytime they looked at her their eyes were always hungry, always searching for some weakness.
She gets it now.
It wasn’t hunger. It wasn’t some twisted version of distrust.
It was straight up jealousy.
They were jealous of her.
They were jealous of her back then and if possible they are even more jealous of her now.
Y/n just laughs. She can’t help it, okay? It’s hilarious.
She really, genuinely believed at one point in her life that these fucking dipshits would figure out her secret, when all they were looking for was a way to top the class. These are some of the smartest individuals she’s come across—graduates of Harvard Law. Fuck! They were just kids fighting for brownie points when she was fighting for her freedom. God fucking damn it, she’s been so damn dumb. 
So she laughs.
Bucky looks at her for a second, raises his brow in concern. She waves her hand at him, letting him know she’s fine. It’s just funny.
“Something funny, Stark?” Archer asks, wearing a smile on his face that contradicts his tone which is just a little too shrill to be considered calm.
She shakes her head but continues chuckling.
“Don’t wanna share it with the rest of the class?” Charles bites. “Guess some things just don’t change.”
Y/n laughs a little harder. “My god, Charlie. You sure I’m the only one not aging here? Cause you sound like a sullen teenager.” She waves off his response before he can even form one. “Anyway, as I was saying, this is my boyfriend, Sergeant James Buchanon Barnes.” She drops a kiss on his cheek. “You can call him Sergeant Barnes… Well, except Milkovich. He’s just Barnes to you, Mick.”
Mickey seems pleased with her words, “Nice to meet you, Barnes.” He extends his hand to Bucky who takes it without hesitation. “Always thought your arm was really cool.” 
That one throws Bucky a little. He looks back at her, eyes big and a sneaky curve of his lip. It screams, ‘Where the fuck did you find this guy?’ But like she said, no filter on that one. 
“Why does Milkovitch get special treatment?” Seline rebukes her.
Y/n just shrugs. “Cause he wasn’t a dick to me in college?” Isn’t it obvious?
“Excuse me?” Candace exclaims like the hit was personal. “We were never anything but generous, which was more than what you deserved considering the shit you pulled.”
“One, that is wildly inaccurate. You were all dicks, all of you. But I don’t think I blame you for it, pompous kids do what pompous kids see. And two, what shit did I pull?” She waves at the bartender asking for a refill.
“You are seriously going to pretend you don’t know?” Archer throws back.
Taking the last sip from her drink she sets the now empty glass down on the nearest table. “Yes, enlighten me.”
“You were sleeping with Professor Keating to get the answers to all the tests,” Charles answers, disdain clear on his face.
“I—” She looks from his face to Bucky's, who feigns shock before breaking into a smile.
Charles cuts her off. “You hid it well enough but everyone knew you spent most of the free time between classes in his office. You scored well in every single one of his tests, which were impossible to crack and he was always so very eager to call on you in class.” He scoffs. “We were never able to find any concrete evidence to pin you down, we’ll give you that. But that doesn’t mean we were naive enough not to see it.”
“I—” She begins laughing again. “Professor Keating.” Fuck.
“What’s so fucking funny, Stark?” Archer pushes her. Well, he tries but before he can grab the collar he was reaching for, Bucky’s metal arm is already pulling him off.
“Easy there, cowboy,” Bucky warns.
“Get your hands off me!” Archer tries to brush Bucky off, pushing him back, trying desperately to get out of his grip, but come on. It’s Bucky. “What do you think you’re doing?!” 
“Saving you the ass beating of a lifetime, buddy boy. Be glad it’s me and not her,” Bucky comments causally as he twists Archer’s arm behind his back.
“It’s fine, Sunshine. Let him go,” she coos at him sweetly.
And because he’s Bucky, he urges Archer to take a few steps away from her and then simply lets him go.
“Are you still mentally unstable?! How dare you touch me? I’m gonna sue your Nazi ass for that!” Archer warns. 
“I mean, you can try. But he’s got a great lawyer,” Y/n tells him, grabbing her new drink from the waiter. She takes a sip. “Got him pardoned for countless assassinations. You think assault is where I lose that battle?” The blood drains from Archer’s face, all the color is gone. “And as for the Professor Keating matter,” she giggles again, before forcing herself to compose. “He was ex-KGB. I used to hang out with him after class to find out if he knew the updated location of HYDRA bases.”
“Ex-KGB?” Seline asks, just as pale as Archer.
“You expect us to buy that bullshit story? His name was Arthur Keating for Christ’s Sake!” Candace shouts.
“Which he changed when he asked for political asylum here. His real name was Boris Levitsky. His family was murdered by HYDRA when he couldn’t free some official high in their ranks. After that he was fairly willing to spill all about them,” Y/n explains.
“To a college student?” Charles question, clearly not buying it.
“To an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. operative,” she corrects.
“You were an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. operative back then?” Bucky asks her, reclaiming his position next to her with a steady arm around her waist.
“No,” she tells him. “But he didn’t know that.”
Bucky’s face breaks into a proud smile. The sprinkles of yellow around the venue seem to be attracted to her sun. They fall softly on his face, lighting up the curve of his cheekbones, the smile lines around his lips. He seems so much more comfortable in his skin than he used to before. And he shines brighter, if that was even possible. She thinks maybe she’ll have to carry sunglasses around from now on.
“How the fuck did you score so well then?” Seline question, furious at the revelation.
“Did you guys ever think maybe she’s just that fucking smart?” Bucky throws out, kissing her forehead. “My sweetheart’s a fucking genius!” He leans in closer. “A lesser man would be very intimidated by that, you know?”
He’s so close, she can taste his scent on the tip of her tongue. The smell of summer in the woods, and remnants of leather. It drives her insane.
“A lesser man, huh?” She teases. “You’re not intimidated by it then?”
“Oh I am,” he tells her. “Just not very intimidated.”
God, he’s so fucking beautiful.
“Hey! Lovebirds! We’re not done here,” Charles jumps in. 
Rolling her eyes and reluctantly turning back to face the asshat, she asks, “What do you want?”
“Winter Soldier here might think you’re all that, but I know better.” He looks like he’s about to spontaneously combust into flames purely out of anger. “You’re not that smart. Unlike you, some of us worked hard to get where we are. We didn’t rely on fake daddy’s money to make something of ourselves.”
Now that’s just stupid. “Charlie… Come on, man. Howard Stark was not my father, he was my best friend, I just needed a cover. And his money got me nowhere. And, and! The fucker went and got killed before I even graduated.” Bucky’s head falls at the mention, but her time at college was too closely knit to his passing for her to not mention it. “But even after all that if you think I got in because he bribed the board—I didn’t fucking graduate Summa Cum Laude by kicking my feet and batting my eyelashes. I barely came to college to even do that with perfect follow through. That was my dropping-acid-and-doing-fireball-shots phase. I’m surprised to be alive, honestly.” She takes a step towards him. “Maybe in retrospect it seems like everything was handed to me on a silver platter now that my life seems so glorious on the outside, but that wasn’t the case, dude. Part of me wanted to be a lawyer so I could fight for my freedom if the time ever came.”
“Freedom from what, Stark?!” He yells out. “Your life is fucking perfect! You’re an Avengers, governments step aside to make way for you. You’ve got a super hot boyfriend who can clearly throw a punch, what more could you possibly want?” 
I want my brother back.
The answer is right there, on the tip of her tongue. But they don’t need to know it. They don’t really deserve it. Not their fault—most people don’t. 
So, instead she steps back, clasps her hands into Bucky’s. “Nothing, actually. You’re right. I couldn’t ask for more.” Someone in the back catches her eye then. “Lighten up, Charlie.” She looks around at the rest of them. “You’re supposed to be the brightest minds of the nation, not petty fucking 6th graders. Lighten the fuck up, kids. I assure you there are worse things to be than fucking Harvard graduates.” She pulls Bucky by the hand and this hunk of a man follows along without an ounce of hesitation, as always. She yells out without turning “I’d say it was nice to see you guys, but it really fucking wasn’t.” But then her steps halt. She turns, “All except you, Milkovitch. It really was nice to see you again. Call me sometime, we should catch up.”
“I don’t have your number,” Mickey replies innocently.
She smiles. “Fine then, I’ll call you.”
“You don’t have my number.”
Her smile just turns mischievous.
Mickey picks up instantly. “Of course,” he says, a little embarrassed. “World class spy—I forgot.”
Hugging the man quickly, she turns and grabs Bucky by the hand again and begins walking off.
“This was amazing! Let’s do this again next year,” Bucky yells out, waving at the gaping faces they’ve left behind.
“Shut up, James.” She hushes him without heat.
“Where you taking me, sweetheart?” He asks, but there is no real curiosity in his question.
So she says as much. “You don’t really seem that curious about it.”
“I’m asking for the fuck of it—to hear you talk. I love hearing you talk.”
“Sap.” She’s smiling.
“I’ll follow you anywhere, don’t care where you take me,” he promises. 
They’ve stopped walking, her target is in her eyesight so she’s all too worried. So she takes the moment to drink him in.
“FUCKING SAP,” she chides, pushing him a little.
Bucky (pretends to) stumble. “Only for you. Always for you,” he tells her, honest and true. He covers the distance between them with a few short steps. His hand comes to caress her jaw, gently—always so gently. He leans in. His lips brush against her as he speaks, “Till the end of my days, sweetheart.”
“Till the end of mine,” she corrects him and then closes the gap.
The best thing about kissing Bucky is that it always feels like the first time. No matter however many times she kisses this boy, every time it feels overwhelmingly new. It feels like her mind is melting, like she’s turning to mush under his hands—one flesh, the other metal. He always knows how to give her exactly what he craves, maybe because she mostly just craves him.
With one hand on her cheek, the other on the small of her back, Bucky pulls her in closer. His tongue tastes of whiskey, but his lips are all him. They are delectable enough to eat. It takes everything in her not to bite down too hard. But she can’t resist the urge to pull his lip between her teeth, biting just hard enough to leave them red. He kindly obliges by slipping his tongue into the mix. He’s so hungry for her, he’s always so fucking hungry for her.
Absent-mindedly she thinks maybe he feels it too. The inexplicable newness in the repeated action of kissing each other. Because hunger like that—hunger like his, seems insatiable. She would give away all of herself to it. Let him consume her whole. She will do just that… Just not here, not now.
Reluctantly, with great strength and determination, she pulls herself away. 
Bucky, this fucker, whimpers. “What?” He whines.
She can’t help but chuckle. “I need to one thing then we can just get the fuck out of here and do more of that—a lot more of that.”
He pretends to think for a second but she already knows she’s won him over. “Fine,” he says after a beat. “What do you need?”
“An answer,” she tells him, before fixing herself a bit and walking over to the woman who’d caught her eye before. 
She’s a tall woman, short black hair—a pixie cut that she pulls off flawlessly. She’s standing alone, smoking in the open area of the venue, looking out at the scene ahead of them.
Y/n approaches her cautiously. “Jeri Hogarth,” she calls out, making the woman turn. “You’re a hard woman to reach.”
“Y/f/n Stark.” Jeri doesn’t even turn to look at her. She keeps on staring straight ahead, smoking. “Did you ever consider, maybe I didn’t want to be reached?”
Y/n lets go of Bucky’s hand, but not before giving it a gentle press as a promise to come back soon. She walks up next to Jeri. “I did consider that possibility, but couldn’t bring myself to care about it, unfortunately.”
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And then, finally Jeri turns to look at her, “What do you need for me? I mean it must be something big if you decided to show up here.”
Y/n shrugs. “It’s not big, I wouldn't say. I think it’s more that it’s… urgent?” That seems to intrigue Jeri, she cocks her brow in question. And Y/n answers, “I need to speak with Danny Rand.”
That seems to throw Jeri off. “I—I don’t know where he is. Besides, if you want his business—”
“It’s not about Rand Enterprises, Hogarth.” She clicks her tongue in disappointment. Nothing that fucking arbitrary would bring her here. “I want to talk to Danny’s friend. I want to talk to the Iron Fist.”
“I don’t—” Jeri looks like she’s at a loss for words which, yeah, a fairly new look on her. Y/n had very rarely seen Jeryn Hogarth lose her calm in class. They shared a lot of them, and while she wasn’t exactly kind to Y/n, she wasn’t unkind either.
“I know that you know, Jeri. I also know about Jessica Jones and… Kilgrave.” Y/n doesn’t want to be unkind to her either. “I am sorry about what happened…” Jeri just looks away. “I wouldn’t ask you if it was important, and I wouldn't be looking for Danny if it wasn’t urgent. But I need to talk to him.”
“And you think I can help?” Jeri challenges, finally finding her ground.
But Y/n isn’t here for a fight. “I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t know you could.”
“Why should I?”
“I don’t have a very good reason for that. I don’t think I have anything of value to you that I could even barter with? But I’ll owe you one,” Y/n offers.
“You’ll owe me one?” She asks, unconvinced.
Y/n shrugs. “Yes.”
“And that’s supposed to be good enough?”
For the second time tonight, Y/n just wears a mischievous smile with furrowed brows. 
Jeri seems to understand her without any words being spoken. “Yeah. That’s good enough.” She nods. “Okay, I can try to get a message to him, but there is no guarantee that he’ll respond.”
“He’ll respond,” Y/n answers easily.
Jeri eyes her suspiciously. “So, what’s the message?”
“Just tell him we need to talk,” Y/n answers.
“That’s all?”
“What else am I supposed to fucking say? The peacock rests peacefully in the moonlight?! This isn’t Mission Impossible. I’m not Tom Cruise. I just wanna talk to the dude,” Y/n rebukes.
“Fine,” Jeri tries to calm her down half-heartedly, turning back to the view ahead of her.
“Thanks, Hogarth,” Y/n says one last time before heading out.
Jeri takes out a fresh cigarette and lights it. “Just remember you owe me one.”
With that out of the way, Bucky and Y/n leave the reunion of the class of '92, hand in hand. It’s much later when they’re out for ice cream does Bucky ask the question she had been anticipating the entire night.
“Something was off tonight—before the whole sleeping with the teacher thing.” 
She chuckles at his words. “Was there?” She asks.
“Yeah,” he doesn’t let her dodge it. “You wanna talk about it?” He does give her the option to opt out. He’s so considerate, how can she deny him anything?
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They are sitting on the curb outside the 24 hour ice cream shop. They are bathed in the harsh light from the streetlight. Bucky, she thinks, somehow manages to still look pretty in that. He has a chocolate ice-cream cone in his hand that’s melting away at a matching speed to the vanilla cone in hers. They’d spent a little too long lost in each other’s mouths to focus on the ice-cream in a timely fashion. Both of them are now trying to furiously make up for that.
It takes her a moment to find the words. “I… It’s hard looking around at the room and seeing so many people who are… who are…”
“Old?” Bucky supplies again.
She shakes her head, laughing and trying to lick the ice cream off the cone—save it from falling. “No, Jamie. Not that.”
“Then?” He prompts, leaning to lick the leftover ice cream off her fingers.
Taking in a long breath, she musters up her courage and begins. “Tony’s the same age as Milkovitch. Or well, Tony would have been.” Bucky’s eyes turn softer in an instant. “It’s weird to see it—people who used to be young, who used to look like me, a crowd that I could have blended into seamlessly become old and gray. I mean, I lived it with Tony but I was there to see it day in and day out. He aged in front of my eyes, so it felt—it felt…”
“Natural?” Bucky offers.
And yeah. Yeah, it did. So, she nods. “Natural,” she agrees. “I remember when I noticed his first gray hair,” she laughs. “I freaked the fuck out but I didn’t want to tell him, cause that seemed fucking shallow, you know? I tried to hide it but man, I don’t think I was doing a good job ‘cause two days later the poor kid had dyed it black—that one single strand.” Bucky laughs too. “I think he figured out why it was freaking me out and that was his way of—I don’t know—calm me down, maybe?” She clicks her tongue at the thought. “The wrinkles were an easy adjustment. It began with smile lines, crinkles around his eyes every time he’d laugh at a joke, so it was…”
“Comforting?” Bucky suggests, once again giving her the words she can’t seem to find.
She rests her head on his shoulder then, “Yes. It was okay after that—especially after Pepper. Watching him age began feeling like a privilege. It felt like he was growing old instead of, you know, dying?”
Bucky nods. “Are you worried about that now? With me?” She punches him in the side. “FUCK! What was that for?”
She pulls back to face him, “I am not thinking about that shit yet!”
“Oh I’m sorry!” Bucky yells out annoyed and animated. “I was just drawing the LOGICAL conclusion to the conversation, but of course, that was stupid.”
“You’re such a little shit, James,” she rebukes him, shoving him and getting back on her feet.
“I’m a shit?! What did I do?!” He gets up as well. “We keep making grand promises about how we’ll love each other to the end of your days because you’ll obviously live longer.”
“BUCKY, DON’T SAY THAT!” She begins walking towards their motorbike parked in the parking lot.
He follows behind, “It’s not breaking news, Y/n! It’s inevitable.”
“But I have a plan!”
That makes her halt. She turns to face him, he almost runs into her. “What’s the plan?”
He smiles all cheeky and insolent. “Freeze me for a decade once in a while.” She can’t believe her ears.”Put me in the fridge every ten years or so for a decade and then pull me out. I’m also open to being in the freezer for a year with a two year gap in the middle as well.” She wants to punch him again. “I haven’t done the math on which will make me live longer but both will definitely extend my lifespan significantly.” She is going to punch him again. “I age a little slower anyway, this was I think we could extend this relationship into the next millennium at leas—” She punches him again. “FUCK! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ONE FOR NOW?” 
Turning around, she begins walking off again. “You’re not ice-cream, Jamie. I’m not fucking freezing you!” She cans the ice-cream in her hand, having lost her appetite.
He follows her again. “I have another plan!”
“Shut up, Barnes!”
“What if we ask Banner to make me body like you guys did for Vision?! Put my consciousness in there?” Bucky asks as they reach their motorbike.
She pulls out the keys, handing them off to Bucky. “What made him capable of emotions was the Mind Stone, you got any spare of those lying around?”
Bucky hops on the bike and then thinks for a second, “Steve told me you guys put Zola in a big computer kinda thing.” She gets on behind him. “What if we did that? I know our sex life might suffer but—”
She punches him right under his ribs..
“STOP FUCKING PUNCHING ME! These ideas are golden.”
She punches him again.
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malia-lake-love · 10 months
L.A.S.S.S Masterlist
Here is the Love At Super Sonic Speed Masterlist. You can read the full chapters on my Wattpad Account.
3 notes · View notes
the-underthinker · 2 years
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- The Avengers are actually Crack Addicts.
Description: Quite Frankly, you’re all idiots. How you guys are able to save the world so many times is an anomaly even you don’t understand, but you try not to think too much about it when you’re having fun.
1 2 3 4 5 
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Steve Rogers
- Home 
Description: Steve Rogers is attempting to find a new purpose in this new world. It isn’t until one day when he decides to finally embark on one last mission before hanging up the suit, that he encounters a few moments with someone who is in need of guidance—just like him.
1 2 3
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 6 months
The Widow's Shadow
Natasha Romanoff x Enhanced! Stark!Fem!Reader
Summary: Tony and Pepper adopted you at 13 and now at the age of 18 a beautiful woman named Natalie Rushman walks into your life just as things start to heat up as your powers get displayed for the world to see.
Word Count: 10.5K
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, just basic smut nothing crazy. R is innocent and it's her first time, Natasha at times refers to herself as Daddy, mentions of death (a car accident), R is orphaned,
A/N: I spent so long on this. It takes place during Iron Man 2 when Natasha is undercover as Natalie Rushman.
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The lights in the room were dim, with only the boxing ring illuminated in the center. The rhythmic thud of gloves against pads filled the air, accompanied by the grunts and shouts of those sparring. Your heart raced as you adjusted the grip on your boxing gloves, the anticipation building up inside you.
Then she walked in.
Natalie Rushman. Or at least, that's the name she gave. With her fiery red hair, confident stride, and those piercing eyes that seemed to look right through you, she was a force to be reckoned with. She exuded an aura of mystery, and you were instantly captivated.
Your attention wavered, and in that split second of distraction, you stumbled. Your fist, meant for Happy, met nothing but air as you lost your balance. The next thing you knew, you were on the ground, your chin throbbing, and the metallic taste of blood in your mouth.
"Damn it," you muttered, spitting out the blood, embarrassment flooding over you.
Before you could gather yourself, Natalie was by your side, a small cloth in hand. The gentle touch of her fingers as she dabbed away the blood sent shivers down your spine. "You should be more careful, cupcake," she said, her voice dripping with concern and a hint of playfulness.
“Cupcake?” your heart fluttered.
"Yes, I'm just clumsy sometimes. Don't worry about me, uh..."
"Natalie. Natalie Rushman," she introduced herself, her lips curling into a warm smile that made your heart skip a beat.
"Thank you, Ms. Rushman," You managed to say, your cheeks burning.
As she was called into the ring by Tony, you made your way over to Pepper, your adoptive mother. Sitting down in front of her, you tried to regain your composure, your mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions.
"What is he doing?" You asked, trying to divert your attention from Natalie's impending spar with Tony.
Pepper sighed, shaking her head. "About to cause us a lawsuit more than likely."
You chuckled, the tension in your chest easing slightly. But as you watched Natalie effortlessly dodge Tony's advances in the ring, a newfound determination took root within you. You needed to know more about her, to unravel the enigma that was Natalie Rushman.
The tension in the room shifted as Tony and Natalie engaged in their intense staring contest. You couldn't help but watch, the air thick with anticipation. After what felt like an eternity, Tony finally broke the silence, stepping out of the ring with a smirk.
"Happy, spar with her," he commanded, leaving Natalie and Happy to face off. You couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity about this mysterious woman.
As Happy began to give instructions, Natalie's attention turned toward us. "Rule number one, never take your eyes off your oppon—"
Before Happy could finish his sentence, Natalie moved with lightning speed, effortlessly taking him down. It was a display of skill and strength that left you in awe. The intensity of the moment had a certain allure, and you couldn't deny the fascination that welled up inside of you.
However, your admiration was cut short as Pepper freaked out. You could see the concern in her eyes, contrasting sharply with Tony's impressed expression. It was clear that Natalie possessed a level of expertise that few could match.
As Natalie left the training area, Tony, sitting next to Pepper, turned to her with a grin. "I want one," he remarked, referring to Natalie.
Without thinking, you blurted out, "Me too." The room fell silent for a moment, and you became acutely aware of the disapproving glances from your parents—not because Natalie was a woman, but because she was about eight years older than you.
You cleared your throat, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious. "I mean, I want a trainer like her. Someone who can handle themselves like that." You tried to backpedal, but the amusement in Tony's eyes and the stern look from your mother told you that your slip hadn't gone unnoticed.
Little did they know, Natalie Rushman had already left an indelible mark on you, and the journey into the world of the extraordinary was just beginning.
The sun bathed the Italian Grand Prix track in warm hues as the three of you strolled into the restaurant for lunch. The aroma of rich Italian cuisine filled the air, creating a backdrop to the high-energy atmosphere of the race.
"Mr. Stark," her voice called out, and your heart skipped a beat. There she was, Natalie Rushman, in a dress that accentuated every curve, giving you a smirk that sent a wave of excitement through you.
"Ms. Stark. Hello, how was your flight?" she greeted, her eyes locked onto you.
"Good, it was excellent," Tony replied before you could get a word in. You fought to conceal the disappointment and joined your parents as they went to grab drinks offered to them.
Natalie took the opportunity to brief Tony about someone wanting photos of you three. You found yourself pulled between your parents for the impromptu photo session, the camera flashes blinding you momentarily. As the bickering unfolded behind you, you tried to maintain a composed façade.
"Stark, you're a magnet for trouble," Natalie quipped, her gaze never leaving Tony.
"Yeah, but I love it," Tony retorted with his signature smirk.
While your adoptive parents argued about the unexpected presence of Natalie, it became apparent that Pepper was just as surprised as you were to see her here. The tension in the air was palpable, and you couldn't shake the feeling that Natalie Rushman was intricately woven into the fabric of your lives, bringing a mix of excitement and unpredictability. Little did you know, this encounter in Italy was just the beginning of a series of events.
The atmosphere in the restaurant was electric, filled with the buzz of conversation and the clinking of glasses. As you settled into the corner table, Tony's casual request for the specific seating sent Natalie off to make the arrangements. You couldn't help but watch her go, your eyes tracing the graceful sway of her hips with a sense of admiration.
'Damn, she's beautiful,' You thought, feeling a warmth spread through you. The age gap that had seemed so significant earlier now felt inconsequential.
You were lost in your thoughts when you felt Pepper's gaze on you. "Did you know about this?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.
"No ma'am, Dad didn't tell me anything about this," You replied honestly, your eyes still lingering on Natalie.
Caught up in the moment, you decided to shed your jacket, feeling the confines of the suit weigh heavily on you. Beneath it, your black vest and light blue button-up felt more comfortable, hugging your frame just right. You rolled up your sleeves to your elbows, revealing the tattoos that adorned your arms.
You couldn't help but notice Natalie's subtle glances in your direction as you settled back into your chair, your posture relaxed yet confident. Resting your elbows on the table, you clasped your hands together, the pose unintentionally showcasing your tattoos and muscles.
You glanced over your shoulder, catching Natalie's eye. This time, it was her turn to look away, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. The playful exchange sent a thrill through you, and you couldn't help but smile.
The restaurant's ambiance was suddenly punctuated by a sense of urgency as Pepper scanned the room, her eyes widening in disbelief as she spotted the TV screen. Following her gaze, you saw what had caught her attention—a news report showing Tony getting into some sort of altercation.
"Uhhh, Mom..." You hesitated, pointing to the screen, your voice tinged with concern.
"Oh, you've gotta be..." Pepper's voice trailed off, her worry evident. "Where is Happy? Natalie?" she muttered, scanning the room once more.
You shrugged, feeling a sense of unease settle over you. "I'll go check, see if I can find them. If not, I'll go stop him myself," You offered, determined to help.
Pepper's warning glare stopped you in your tracks. "No use of your powers in public," she whispered through clenched teeth, her concern for your secret identity overriding any immediate action. “I have enough going on with your father right now Y/N/N.”
You rolled your eyes, frustration bubbling up inside you. Shoving your hands into your pockets, you sighed, "Yeah, yeah... I know, Mom." The weight of your powers felt like a burden in that moment, the desire to help conflicting with the need for secrecy.
Walking away, you couldn't help but dwell on the constraints that held you back. You had this incredible power at your fingertips, yet you were forbidden from using it when it mattered most. The internal struggle was real, and you grappled with the complexities of your identity, torn between the desire to do good and the necessity of maintaining your carefully guarded secret.
The urgency of the situation propelled you to take action. Without wasting any words, you found Natalie just around the corner and swiftly grabbed her wrist. She reacted defensively, ready to strike, but you caught her fist with your own, feeling the subtle itch of your tattoos, a primal instinct to protect yourself kicking in.
"Just me. We have a situation," you stated firmly, guiding her back toward Pepper.
As we approached Pepper, Natalie's attention shifted to the TV screens displaying Tony's predicament. Pepper wasted no time in questioning Natalie's knowledge of the situation. "Did you know about this?" she asked, her tone demanding answers.
Natalie looked up at one of the TVs, a nervous energy radiating from her as she wiped her hands on her dress. "No, this is the first I'm hearing of this," she assured Pepper.
Concern etched on her face, Pepper inquired about Happy's whereabouts. "Where's Happy?" she pressed.
"He's waiting just outside," Natalie responded promptly. "Go get him. I need him."
Natalie rushed off to retrieve Happy, leaving you standing there, eyes fixed on the screens. "What are you doing, Dad?" You muttered, your left arm itching, a physical manifestation of the unease and frustration building within you. The unpredictability of your lives was becoming increasingly apparent, and you couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of the challenges that lay ahead.
"Y/N. Go, now. We'll meet you there." The urgency in Pepper's voice snapped you into action. Without hesitation, you sprinted toward the race track, your focus razor-sharp as you navigated through the crowd. As you passed Happy and Natalie, you shouted over the noise, "I'll meet you down there! Get to the car with Mom!"
Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you approached the unfolding situation. Every second counted, and you couldn't afford to waste any time. The man on the track posed a potential threat, and you needed to intervene before things escalated further.
As you reached the edge of the track, you assessed the situation, formulating a plan of action. The safety of the racers and spectators was paramount, and you braced yourself for whatever challenges lay ahead.
The air crackled with electricity as the man on the track wielded his arch reactor-powered tendrils with lethal precision, slicing through the race cars as if they were mere toys. Your heart pounded in your chest as Tony's car took the hit, flipping over in a terrifying display of destruction.
"DAD!" Your scream echoed across the track, the fear and urgency evident in your voice. Without a second thought, you vaulted over the fence, your tattoos coming to life, swirling patterns of black smoke enveloping the two of you as you helped Tony out of the wreckage.
"Dad, are you okay?" You asked, your voice trembling with concern.
Tony's resolve hardened as he steadied himself, his gaze locked on the mysterious man. "Yes, Y/N/N, I'm fine. We need to stop him. This isn't how I wanted your debut to be, but it looks like it's time. I'm going to get behind him and try to knock him out," he declared, determination burning in his eyes.
You nodded, the gravity of the situation sinking in. As the smoke began to dissipate, you positioned yourself as the distraction, ready to confront the man and protect your family. The tendrils lashed out at you, crackling with energy, but your tattoos responded instinctively, deflecting each strike with calculated precision.
The standoff intensified, the track becoming a battleground as we clashed with an unknown adversary. But amidst the chaos, a newfound sense of purpose surged within you. You were ready to embrace your powers, to stand alongside your father and defend your legacy against those who sought to harm you.
The screeching of tires and the roar of the engine filled the air as the car skidded to a halt, Happy and Pepper finally arriving on the scene. The sight of the man slamming into the fence was a welcome relief, albeit a brief one.
"Get in the car, now!" Pepper's voice cut through the chaos, her urgency driving you into action. You didn't hesitate, quickly climbing into the car as Tony and the man continued their struggle.
The tension inside the car was palpable, Tony's stubbornness clashing with the immediate need for safety. The man's relentless pursuit of the Ironman suitcase added another layer of danger, and you knew you had to intervene.
Seizing the moment, you grabbed the suitcase and hurled it out of the car, clearing the way for Tony to finally subdue the man in a climactic showdown. The sense of relief was overwhelming as the police arrived, taking the man into custody and securing the arch reactor.
As the adrenaline wore off, Pepper's concern shifted to you, her hands checking for any sign of injury. "Are you hurt, Y/N/N? Does it hurt anywhere? Are you okay?" she asked repeatedly, her voice filled with worry.
You tried to reassure her, but the repetitive questions only intensified the throbbing in your head. "Mom, I'm fine, really," you said, doing your best to quell her concerns.
The atmosphere in the penthouse suite was thick with tension and emotion as Pepper and you returned from the chaotic events at the race track. The concern in Natalie's eyes was evident as she greeted you, her hands gently resting on your arms as she assessed your well-being.
"You aren't hurt, right?" Her voice was filled with genuine concern, sending a wave of warmth through you. She cared, and that realization was both comforting and exhilarating.
"I'm fine, but thank you. I just need some Tylenol and a hot shower," you replied, trying to mask the lingering adrenaline and fatigue.
"I'll get both ready for you, Ms. Stark," Natalie offered, her voice soft yet reassuring.
Retreating to your room, you collapsed onto the bed, the events of the day weighing heavily on your mind. Your tattoos continued to shift across your skin, a visual reminder of the power and responsibility that came with your abilities.
Lost in thought, you were caught off guard when Natalie suddenly appeared beside you, her proximity sending your heart racing. Your eyes locked, and you found yourself mesmerized by the intensity of her gaze.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Her whisper was barely audible, the concern evident in her eyes.
Caught up in the moment, you found yourself flirting with the boundaries of your relationship. "I mean...my lips kind of hurt...maybe you could kiss them better," You teased, throwing caution to the wind.
For a moment, Natalie looked taken aback, the implications of kissing Tony Stark's daughter weighing heavily on her mind. But the pull between you two was undeniable, and she leaned in, her lips meeting yours in a soft, electrifying kiss.
The world seemed to fade away as the two of you lost yourselves in the moment, the electricity between you igniting a spark that neither of you could deny. In that instant, you realized that your feelings for Natalie ran deeper than you had ever imagined, and you couldn't help but wonder what the future held for the two of you.
But for now, in this fleeting moment, you were content to savor the warmth of her embrace, the promise of what lay ahead lingering in the air as your lips met once again in a passionate kiss.
"My parents will kill both of us if they find out about that." You say sitting up. The post-adrenaline haze hung in the air as you sat up, the realization of the impulsive kiss sinking in. As you took the pills and downed the glass of water Natalie brought you, she playfully remarked, "Good girl." A shiver ran down your spine at her words, a mixture of surprise and amusement at the unexpected response to a simple act.
"I'll keep that reaction in mind for later, but for now, your shower is waiting for you. I'd join you, Ms. Stark, but I think they'd realize I was gone," Natalie whispered with a mischievous smile.
"Y/N. You can just call me Y/N or Y/N/N," you corrected, scratching your arm as a small smile played on your lips.
"Okay, Y/N/N, well, enjoy your shower and try not to think about me too much," Natalie teased, purposefully bending forward as she got up. The suggestive move caught you off guard, and you felt a sudden wetness between your thighs, a heat rising within you.
You stormed off toward the shower, your mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The day had taken unexpected turns, and Natalie's playful banter only added to the complexity of the situation. As you stepped into the shower, the warm water enveloping you, you couldn't shake the lingering sensations from your encounter.
The atmosphere inside the plane was heavy with tension, the hum of the engines providing a constant backdrop to the somber mood. The news reports filled the cabin, discussing the events at the race track and speculating about Tony's actions and the existence of your powers.
"Child with toys," you grumbled, rolling your eyes at the dismissive tone of the reporters. The urge to defend your father and your family's legacy was strong, but you bit your tongue, choosing to retreat into your music instead.
Inserting your earbuds and selecting a playlist on your iPod, you closed your eyes and let the music wash over you. The familiar melodies provided a welcome escape, transporting you back to the intimate moment you shared with Natalie, the soft touch of her lips still lingering on yours.
Lost in thought, you found yourself yearning for the comfort and excitement of that stolen moment, a brief respite from the chaos and scrutiny that surrounded your lives. The complexity of your feelings for Natalie weighed on your mind, the unexpected connection leaving you yearning for more.
As the plane soared through the night sky, you allowed yourself to drift, the memories of your kiss and the promise of what lay ahead providing a glimmer of hope and excitement amidst the uncertainty of your lives.
The tension in the living room was palpable as Pepper and Natalie juggled their respective phone calls, their voices filled with a sense of urgency and concern. The events of the past few days had taken a toll on all of you, and the need for damage control was evident.
Rhodey's unexpected arrival added another layer of complexity to the situation, his stern demeanor contrasting with the chaos unfolding around you. Natalie's attempt to keep him away was met with a united front from Pepper and you, your synchronized response catching her off guard.
As Natalie's eyes narrowed and she mouthed a warning, you couldn't help but smirk, a chuckle escaping your lips as you shook your head in amusement. The playful exchange only heightened the tension between you, the unspoken connection growing stronger with each passing moment.
Walking on thin ice had never been so exhilarating, and you found yourself eagerly anticipating the moment when it would finally break, allowing you two to explore the depth of your feelings and the possibilities that lay ahead.
The anticipation for Tony's birthday party filled the air as you got ready in your room. Opting for an edgy yet stylish look, you adorned yourself in an asymmetrical black techwear skirt, a matching crop top, and thigh-high stockings with garter belts. Chunky Doc Martens completed the ensemble, and you threw up your Y/H/C up into a slightly messy bun. Dark makeup accentuated the tattoos that adorned your legs and covered your body.
Lost in your reflection, you didn't hear the door open and close. Only when Natalie appeared behind you, her arm snaking around your waist, did you realize you weren't alone. Her proximity sent a shiver down your spine as she whispered in your ear, "Who knew you could pull off suits and pretty skirts, cupcake."
A playful comment lingered in the air as you met her gaze through the mirror. Your breath caught when she continued, "I could just eat you out...I mean up." A suggestive bite of her lip followed, and your cheeks flushed with heat.
Her promise for later hung in the air, leaving you at a loss for words. "Once I get your dad all ready for his party, I'll come find you so we can have some fun of our own, okay, cupcake?" You could only nod, words escaping you in the face of the unexpected intensity of your exchange.
"Words, cupcake," she purred, her hand grazing your ass and squeezing slightly as she kissed your cheek. A shaky breath left you as you managed to stammer, "Y-yes, Natalie."
She smirked, letting her presence linger before sauntering off. You watched her leave in yet another alluring dress, feeling a magnetic pull as desire surged through you.
The pulsating beat from the party below seemed distant as you found myself alone with Natalie in your room. The bottle of vodka in your hand was both a comfort and a reminder of the chaos surrounding you. The weight of the world's scrutiny, the questions about your abilities, and the expectations tied to your identity as Tony Stark's daughter pressed down on you.
Natalie's sudden presence broke through your thoughts, her voice drawing you back to the present. "Hmmm last I checked you aren't 21, Ms. Stark," she remarked, her eyes locked onto yours. You took notice that she had changed since earlier now wearing a cheetah print slip dress.
Caught off guard, you tried to justify your actions. "Look, it's been a week, you know this. I just need to not think about everything for a bit, okay?" Your voice was tinged with frustration and vulnerability, the raw emotions bubbling to the surface.
Natalie's raised eyebrow and confident stride toward you sent a jolt of electricity through the air. Placing the bottle down, she closed the distance between you, her hands resting on your hips as she leaned in, her voice husky and seductive. "Well, if you don't want to not think for a bit...I could certainly help you with that. I am your assistant, after all."
The subtle shift in her voice, the hint of an accent, and the intoxicating proximity sent your heart racing. The line between assistant and lovers blurred, leaving you breathless and longing for more.
"No, you're my parents' assistant," you countered, trying to maintain some semblance of control. But Natalie's words and actions had already ignited a fire within you, the tension between you was palpable.
Her response, dripping with desire and intensity, pulled you in further, your resolve crumbling with each passing second. "You're their precious daughter, how could I not take care of you?" The closeness of your bodies, the warmth radiating between the two of you, elicited a soft moan from your lips, your voice betraying the desire coursing through me.
"Natalie..." you whispered, your voice filled with longing and anticipation, the promise of what lay ahead leaving you eager and breathless as your worlds collided, opening the door to a connection neither of you could deny.
The world seemed to fade away as your lips met, the intensity of your connection deepening with each passing second. Natalie's hand found its way to the back of your neck, pulling you closer as the kiss grew more passionate. Your hands instinctively cupped her cheeks, your bodies moving in perfect harmony as desire took hold.
The sensation was electrifying, every touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. Before you knew it, the two of you were tumbling onto the bed, your bodies entwined as the passion between you intensified. The softness of the sheets beneath you, the warmth of her body pressed against yours, all added to the overwhelming sensation of being lost in the moment.
When your lips finally parted, the look of surprise in Natalie's eyes mirrored your own feelings. But before you could react, she flipped you, her strength and confidence evident as she pinned you against the bed. The feeling of her thigh pressing between your legs sent a shiver down your spine, a gasp escaping your lips as pleasure surged through you.
Your eyes locked, the intensity of the moment leaving you both breathless and eager for more. Her husky voice and commanding words spurred you on, igniting a fire within you that you never knew existed.
"Move your hips, cupcake. Ride my thigh," she whispered, her lips finding yours once again in a passionate kiss.
The encouragement and guidance from Natalie gave you the confidence to explore new sensations, your body instinctively responding to her touch. As you began to move your hips, the pleasure intensified, a soft moan escaping your lips as the rhythm between you grew more intense.
The experience was exhilarating, the connection between you deepening as the two of you explored new levels of intimacy. Despite your lack of experience, Natalie's guidance and the undeniable chemistry between you allowed you to lose yourself in the moment, embracing the pleasure and excitement of the unknown.
Every touch, every kiss was a testament to the passion and desire that had been simmering beneath the surface, now fully unleashed as the two of you surrendered to the intensity of your connection. Lost in a world of pleasure and longing, you allowed yourself to be guided by Natalie, trusting her to lead you on a journey of discovery and fulfillment.
The intensity of the moment reached its peak as Natalie's words and actions drove you closer to the edge. The sensation of her hands on your hips, guiding and encouraging you, sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, each touch amplifying the ecstasy that was building within you.
"I'm so glad you wore this skirt; it's so much easier to play with you," she murmured, her voice filled with desire and anticipation.
Her words, combined with the intoxicating rhythm of your bodies moving together, pushed you closer to the brink. The feeling of being on the edge, teetering between pleasure and release, was exhilarating, and you found yourself whining in desperation, craving the release that was within reach.
"N-Nat..." you moaned, your voice filled with longing and need.
"Go on, cupcake, cum for me," she whispered seductively, her eyes locked onto yours as she urged you to let go.
The intensity of her gaze, the warmth of her touch, and the intoxicating rhythm drove you over the edge, your body trembling with pleasure as waves of ecstasy washed over you. Your tattoos seemed to come alive, moving across your body in sync with the waves of pleasure, a visual testament to the intensity of the experience.
"That's my good girl. Just like that...ride it out, baby girl," Natalie whispered, her voice filled with pride and satisfaction.
You opened your eyes, the world coming back into focus as you met Natalie's gaze. Her pupils were blown, the green barely visible as desire and satisfaction radiated from her. You could only imagine that your own eyes mirrored hers, the connection between you deepening as you shared a moment of pure ecstasy and intimacy, lost in the intensity of your connection.
The sudden interruption jolted you back to reality, the remnants of your intimate moment with Natalie quickly fading as the house shook with the force of the impact. Instinctively, you both ran towards the main floor, your concern growing as you heard Pepper's voice.
"Natalie!" Pepper's voice echoed through the chaos, her tone filled with urgency and concern.
"Mrs. Potts," Natalie responded promptly, her professional demeanor coming to the forefront.
The tension in the room was palpable, Pepper's eyes narrowing as she looked from Natalie to you, her concern evident. Before she could say more, the floor erupted beneath us, Tony and Rhodey crashing through in a display of raw power and conflict.
"Go!" you urged Natalie and Pepper, your tattoos coming to life as you stepped forward, ready to intervene.
The look of concern in Natalie's eyes tugged at your heart, but you reassured her, "Go...I'll be fine." With that, they retreated, Happy guiding Pepper away while Natalie disappeared in another direction.
"Stop fighting, you two! I will separate you!" You called out, your shadowy tendrils extending from your body, ready to intervene.
"Don't get involved, Y/N/N. This is between your father and me," Rhodey warned, his voice filled with determination and resolve. As he was don in the War Machine suit.
Despite his words, you couldn't stand by and watch as the two men you cared about most clashed in a battle that threatened to tear them apart. The power surging through you, the determination to protect and intervene, drove you forward as you stepped between them, ready to do whatever it took to stop the fighting and restore peace.
The adrenaline coursing through your veins began to wane as the immediate threat subsided. Exhausted, you released your grip on Tony, your muscles aching from the effort it took to restrain him. His intoxicated state only added to my frustration and concern, the gravity of his actions weighing heavily on you.
"What the hell was that, Dad!?" You shouted, your voice filled with anger and disbelief.
But Tony was lost in a drunken haze, his words slurred and unintelligible as he mumbled to himself. The reality of the situation hit you hard, the realization that his actions had not only put himself at risk but also jeopardized the safety and well-being of everyone around him.
"You ruined my night..." you muttered, the disappointment and frustration evident in your voice.
Thoughts of Natalie filled your mind, the connection you had shared was overshadowed by the chaos and conflict that had erupted. The uncertainty of whether you would see her again weighed heavily on you, the hope of exploring your newfound connection clouded by the events that had transpired.
The morning brought a new day, but the lingering tension from the events of the previous night weighed heavily on you. Tony, still in his suit, took you to a breakfast spot for some donuts, attempting to break the silence and ease the tension that hung between you.
"You really messed up last night," you stated bluntly, taking a bite of your bear claw.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up and eat your breakfast," he retorted, a hint of regret in his tone.
As the two of you enjoyed your breakfast on the rooftop, Nick Fury approached, interrupting your moment of relative peace. You used your smoky tendrils to descend slowly, greeting Fury with a smile.
"Fury," you acknowledged, the familiarity in your interactions a contrast to the strain in your relationship with your father.
"Little Stark," Fury replied, a smile crossing his face as he hugged you. Tony eventually joined you, and the three of you headed inside to continue your conversation.
Sitting in a booth with your father and Fury on the opposite side, you were taken aback when Natalie appeared, clad in a skin-tight black bodysuit. Your mouth fell open as she smiled at you. The unexpected presence of someone you thought you might not see again left you momentarily speechless.
"We've secured the perimeter, but I don't think we can handle it much longer," she reported to Fury.
"Huh...you're fired," Tony declared, a hurt expression crossing your face.
"Oh, that's not up to you," Natalie retorted, her words cutting through the tension.
"Tony, little Stark, I'd like you to meet Agent Romanoff," Fury introduced.
"I'm a S.H.I.E.L.D shadow. Once we knew you were ill, I was tasked to you by Director Fury. Finding out you had powers was just icing on the cake," Natalie explained, her gaze lingering on you.
The revelation about Natalie's true role left you unsettled. As you looked away, a sense of dissociation washed over you—a defense mechanism you hadn't employed in a long time. The complexities of your newfound powers and the tangled web of relationships and secrets threatened to pull you further into the abyss, leaving you grappling with the uncertain path that lay ahead.
The weight of the recent events and the complexities of your relationships left you feeling isolated and overwhelmed. Holed up in your room, a wave of depression washed over you, casting a shadow over everything. A knock at the door interrupted your solitude, but you didn't feel like engaging with anyone. Despite your lack of response, the door opened.
"Go away, Dad. I don't want to talk," you called out, assuming it was Tony attempting to breach the walls of your solitude.
"Oh, I'm not your dad, unless that's something you're into," Natalie's voice cut through the air. The unexpectedness of her presence caused you to shoot up, facing her as she stood just past your door.
"What do you want?" you asked coldly, your guard up as you braced for whatever conversation or confrontation might follow. The uncertainty of where you stood and the weight of your emotions made it difficult to predict the nature of your interaction.
"I want to talk if you'll let me," Natalie's voice was soft, but the weight of her words hung heavily in the air.
"Why should I? Everything I know about you is a lie, Natalie! Oh wait, that isn't even your name!" Your voice trembled with anger and hurt, the betrayal you felt evident in every word. "I gave myself to you. You were my first, and it was all a lie!" Tears welled in your eyes, the pain of the deception cutting deep.
As Natalie stepped closer, you felt a surge of emotions, your tattoos reacting to your heightened state. "Don't," you warned, the tendrils of smoke-like energy emanating from your skin, ready to defend and protect.
"You wouldn't," she challenged, closing the distance between us despite your warning.
"I said don't." Your voice was firm, the energy around you intensifying as you braced for a confrontation.
But instead of a clash, Natalie's arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a hug as you broke down. Your knees buckled beneath you, and you clung to her tightly, the weight of your emotions overwhelming. Smoke from your tattoos clouded around the two of you, a physical manifestation to how clouded your mind felt.
"You lied...you lied to me..." you sobbed, your fists weakly pounding against her as the tears flowed freely.
She held you close, waiting patiently for the storm of emotions to pass, her presence a source of comfort amidst the chaos of your feelings. The pain of the betrayal lingered, but in that moment, the connection between you offered a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty and pain.
"I had to, and I know you have no reason to trust me, but I'm going to tell you something, something no one else knows about me. Can you look at me, Y/N/N?" Natasha urged, her voice filled with a vulnerability you had never heard from her before. Gently, she tilted your chin upwards, her eyes searching yours as she saw the hurt reflected in them.
"You're right, my name isn't Natalie. I go by Natasha now, but my real name, not a spy name or anything like that. The one on my original birth certificate is Natalia," she confessed, her voice soft and sincere. "Though I change names around, I've always been..."
"Nat?" You interrupted, the realization dawning on you.
She was caught off guard but smiled warmly, "Yeah, always, cupcake."
You searched her eyes, looking for any sign of deception, any hint that this was another lie. But all you found was sincerity and a depth of emotion that mirrored your own. The journey to rebuild trust would be a long one, but in that moment, you felt a glimmer of hope.
"It's going to take time for me to fully trust anything you say, but for now...please just...stay with me," you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion as you clung to her tightly.
"Whatever you need, cupcake," Natasha replied, her voice filled with determination and resolve. Slowly the smoke dissipated around you, your mind clearing up.
Leaning up, you captured her lips in a soft, lingering kiss, the connection between you reigniting as you slowly explored the depths of your feelings. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead, the bond between you remained unbroken, a testament to the strength of your connection and the hope for a future built on trust and understanding.
The atmosphere in the lab was thick with anticipation and nostalgia as Tony and yourself delved into the trunk of his father's belongings. The weight of the legacy left behind by his father loomed large, the contents of the trunk a tangible link to the past and the future.
"So this is all the stuff Grandpa left for you," you remarked, sorting through the items before handing a blueprint of the arc reactor to Tony. His fingers traced the lines and annotations, a sense of reverence in his touch as he studied the intricate design.
Setting the blueprint aside, Tony began to sift through his father's old journal, his eyes scanning the pages filled with calculations and theories. The depth of knowledge contained within the pages was staggering, a testament to his father's genius and the groundbreaking work he had undertaken.
"Hey, Dad, there are some reels of film. We should watch them," you suggested, your curiosity piqued as you handed the reels to Tony.
Nodding in agreement, Tony set up the projector, the soft whir of the film reels filling the room. As the images flickered to life, we were greeted by the familiar face of his father, his voice echoing through the years as he spoke passionately about the arc reactor and its potential to change the world.
As the film played on, revealing insights and revelations about the arc reactor's design and functionality, Tony and you were drawn deeper into the legacy that had shaped his family's destiny. The blend of past and present, the convergence of old knowledge and new possibilities, served as a poignant reminder of the responsibility you carried and the legacy you hoped to uphold.
Together, you continued to explore the contents of the trunk, each item a piece of the puzzle, each revelation a step closer to unlocking the mysteries of the arc reactor and fulfilling Tony's quest to perfect it for his own life force and well-being. The journey ahead was filled with challenges and uncertainties, but in that moment, you were united in your determination to honor the legacy of the past and forge a path forward into the future.
As the film continued to play, a poignant moment unfolded as Tony's father addressed him directly. The atmosphere in the lab grew still, the weight of the words hanging in the air as his father spoke with a sense of purpose and conviction.
"I built all of this for you, Tony," his father's voice echoed through the years, a heartfelt message from the past. "Someday, you'll understand it all and be able to pick up where I left off."
The sincerity in his father's words resonated deeply, the realization dawning on Tony that he was part of something far greater than himself, a legacy that spanned generations. The mention of his father, limited by the resources available to him at the time, added another layer of complexity to the narrative, highlighting the sacrifices and challenges faced by those who had come before him.
As the film continued, revealing more insights and revelations about the arc reactor's design and functionality, Tony was faced with the daunting task of carrying forward the legacy entrusted to him. The responsibility weighed heavily on him, but the belief and confidence his father had placed in him served as a source of inspiration and motivation.
“It was an illegal seizure of trademark property.” Your mother spoke on the phone as you lounged on the couch in her office, the news once again playing on about Iron Man and talking about you. How young you are and how reckless it is of your adoptive father to allow you to use these enhanced powers. A scoff rolls off your tongue as if he truly had any control over you. You had mostly stopped paying attention to the droning anchorman when two words slipped out of a small girls mouth who was being interviewed.
“When I grow up I wanna be just like the Shadow Queen!” You shot up straight, watching the television and ignoring the fact that your father just walked in carrying the one thing your mom is allergic too.
“Did you guys hear that!?” You asked excitedly calling over the couch that you now perched backwards on and interrupting the conversation they were having. Both looked at you and then the news on TV which now had the headline ‘Shadow Queen: Is This Child Endangerment?’ Pepper let out an exasperated sigh and Tony smiled.
“You are not pulling anymore stunts. Natalie and I are still trying to do damage control.” Pepper spoke and you could hear how over the topic she’d become ever since Italy. You deflated a bit back into the couch until Natasha walked in. Her eyes flicked to you a smirk on her face as she walked up to Pepper.
“Wheels up in 25 minutes. Will Ms. Stark be joining us?” Natasha asked and you smiled.
“Yes she will be.” You answered, jumping the couch. “Oh and Natalie dear can you get me a meeting with the press? I’d like to make an official statement as Shadow Queen.” Both Pepper and Natasha looked at you.
“Absolutely not.” Pepper spoke.
“Sorry mom. I need to do this. I know you and dad both think I’m a kid still. I’m not. I’m not the same girl dad found. I’m an adult now. I’ve watched both of you for so long now and I need to do this for myself. I need the world to know who I am.” You look from your mom to Natasha who doesn’t offer any guidance as your eyes wander back to your mom who lets out a sigh.
“If it’s not your dad it’s you causing me a headache.” She was rubbing her temples. “Just go get ready for the flight. Wear something nice.”
“Do you need anything else boss?” You heard Happy call and when both Pepper and Tony tried to answer, Tony looked around the room at the three of you.
“Oh I see I lost all the kids in the divorce.” He laughs, but Natasha stays focused on Pepper and you stay focused on Natasha. You see Happy shake his head in your peripheral. “No.” Natasha’s focus moved from Pepper to out the floor to ceiling windows of the office before her eyes flickered back to you. Her expression unchanging. Tony cleared his throat, catching your attention. “Are you blending in well here, Natalie? Here at Stark Enterprises?” Is he serious right now? You think to yourself as his tone shifts. At the mention of her name Natasha turns her head towards Tony. Her head tilting down ever so slightly as if to say stop, but Tony being who he is continues. “Your name is Natalie, isn’t it?”
“Dad.” You catch all three of their attention. “Did you hit your head or something?” You ask sticking your hands in your pockets. “Her name hasn’t changed since we met her. Natalie. Natalie Rushman. Remember?” You tilt your head to the side almost as a little warning. Your tattoos shifting ever so slightly that catches Tony’s attention.
Pepper got up while the two of you talked, taking with her the papers she had just signed. “Y/N/N, hurry up. Go change I’ll meet you and Natalie on the plane.” You smiled at your mother as she left the room. Natasha began to clean up her desk waiting for Pepper to be gone before speaking,
“I’m surprised you can keep your mouth shut.” There was a bite to her voice that made you shiver and smile.
“Boy, you’re good. You are mind-blowingly duplicitous. How do you do it? You just tear things....You’re a triple imposter. I’ve never seen anything like you. Is there anything real about you? Do you even speak Latin?” Tony rambled and as Natasha started to leave, following behind you she spoke out in Latin,
“Which means? Wait. What? What did you just say?” Tony asked spinning around in his chair as you wait by the door for Natasha who spun around on her heels to answer him.
“It means I’m fucking your daughter.” She turned back and grabbed your wrist as the two of you left, your mind sputtering.
“What the hell Nat!?” You finally managed out as the two of you stopped at your room to change. An outfit already picked out by Natasha you assumed.
“You think that he’ll actually take that to heart? He called me a triple agent and asked if anything about me is real.” You went to say something, but she stopped you with a kiss. “Shhh cupcake. Get dressed in the outfit I picked.” Her breath hot against your lips and no matter how much you wanted to fight it. That wouldn’t happen as she helped get you undressed.
You, Pepper, Happy, and Natasha arrive at the Expo. It’s all too loud and noisy for your liking, but you stick close to Natasha. You brush your arms together every so often and a gentle squeeze here and there from her when she can tell you’re getting too tense.
Your tattoos have ben shifting all night. Something wasn’t right and you make mention of it to Natasha when she asks what’s wrong. The markings adorning your body shifting along and Natasha who was already keeping a close eye on things seems to double down.
The three of you sat in the audience watching as Justin Hammer revealed his latest ‘invention’ which was just a rip of of the Iron Man suit making your blood boil and your tattoos itch as they crawled around your skin. You had begun itching at your arms until Natasha’s hand found yours. Your fingers intertwining with hers as she she your hands down on your lap. Keeping her eyes on the stage. You looked at her and then your eyes flicked to Pepper who was too wrapped up in the blatant rip off of Tony’s suit.
Everyone around the three of you clapping as he showed off each set in a different style for each branch of the military. “That’s a hell of a lot better than some cheerleader, let me tell you. But as revolutionary as this technology is, there will always be a need for man to be present in the theater of war.” You roll your eyes knowing just how badly things could go if they start adding anything remotely close to robotic tech like this into the mix of war. It should be nowhere near the battlefield, but idiots like Justin don’t know and don’t care about things like that when money is involved. “Ladies and gentlemen, today I am proud to present to you the very first prototype in the Variable Threat Response Battle Suit and its pilot, Air Force Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes.” As Justin stepped back leaving both Pepper and yourself in shock two quiet “What!?” came out of your mouths.
Rhodey was slowly lifted up in the Mark II suit he had taken a few days prior. You grit your teeth at the man who you practically considered an uncle turning against your father. As Rhodey came into full view you could tell modifications had been made to the suit and it looked a bit bulkier all around with a gun coming off the right shoulder. “For America and its allies, Hammer Industries is reporting for...” Justin didn’t get to finish his sentence as a rumbling started to approach catching everyone’s attention.
You knew what it was as soon as it came into view, your dad, in his suit. Coming right up and touching down in front of Rhodey. You stood up, un able to sit any longer, but you felt the tug back from Natasha. You looked back at her and exchanged looks for a moment before she slowly let your hand go after giving it a tight squeeze.
Everyone was standing up to clap so luckily it went mostly unnoticed until your tattoos moved off your skin pushing you up and landing you just behind your dad. He turned only slightly, but gave no other acknowledgement.
“We got trouble.” Tony stated walking towards Rhodey.
“Tony, Y/N/N there are civilians present.” Rhodey mentioned and you looked behind and back at him like, ‘yeah I know’. “I’m here on orders. Let’s not do this right now.”
“Give them a wave.” You heard Tony state as you walked up to the two men. You turned around giving a smile and two peace signs, letting your tattoos slowly dance around you.
“Hey, all right! Yeah!” Justin pushed past you trying to recapture the audience attention.
“All these people are in danger.” You heard Tony speak, but didn’t react as you were still looking at the crowd. “We gotta get em outta here. You gotta trust me for the next five minutes.”
“Yeah, I tried that. I got tossed around your house, remember?” Rhodey reminds and you turn to the two men finally.
“Listen I think he’s working with Vanko.”
“Vanko is alive?” Rhodey asked and you were questioning the same thing. Tony moved you back to just behind Rhodey as he stepped up to Justin.
“Where is he?” Tony asked Justin.
“Where’s Vanko?”
“Tell me.”
“What are you doing here, man?”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Rhodey spoke.
“What? What is it?” You ask looking up at Rhodey. Suddenly the gun on his shoulder is pointed at Tony along with the civilians. Your mind races knowing Pepper and Natasha are there too.
“Is that you!?” Tony asks in a panic.
“No, I’m not doing that. That’s not me. I can’t move. I’m locked up. I’m locked up.” Rhodes was panicing as the robots behind you also started to move.
“Dad. I’ve got this.” You called out moving just behind Rhodey. “Help Rhodey.” Almost all the tattoos came off your skin, acting as a barrier to stop the the robots from hurting anyone as they started to fire. Though you felt the hits through the markings you stood tall. As your dad and Rhodey took off into the sky so did the robots. Leaving you there.
“Fuck not being able to fly.” You grumbled, but your tattoos moved instinctively to protect the civilians from the falling glass. You coughed up blood from all the gunshots and glass. Trying to look over the crowd for your mother and Natasha. Finally finding them and moving yourself to them.
Your tattoos came back into you. Your skin feeling like it was on fire as you came up behind Natasha. She grabbed onto when you fell against her.
“You did a good job cupcake take a break. Daddy’s gotta take care of something.” You looked up at her in confusion before she arm barred Justin into the table. “You tell me who’s behind this. Who’s behind this?” Natasha practically growled and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t turn you on.
“Ivan. Ivan Vanko.” Justin groaned.
“Where is he?” She asked, tightening her hold.
“He’s at my facility.” As soon as she had the information she let go. Walking away from Pepper and you followed close behind.
“Don’t follow cupcake.” Her voice was stern, but you weren’t about to listen.
“I’m coming with you. I took this guy on once before. I’m coming with you and I’m helping.” Natasha stopped turning on her heels. She looked down at you. Her face was harsh and took your breath away, but you didn’t back down.
“I can’t loose you.” Natasha’s voice was flat.
“And I can’t loose you. So either we go together or I hold you here with me.” She raised an eyebrow in a challenge before turning once more and continuing on.
The two of you made your way outside, Happy caught your eye in the crowd of people trying to escape. “Nobody’s answering the phone. What’s going on?” He asked quickly.
“Get in the car. You’re taking us to Hammer industries.” Natasha called out and Happy looked to you for confirmation. You gave him a nod as Natasha got in the back seat, you climbing in passenger.
Happy drove frantically after you had gotten out of the crowd. Luckily because of the Expo and the time of night the streets were rather clear.
“When we arrive, I need you to watch the perimeter, Happy.” You looked back at Natasha, watching as she took her hair down. “I’m gonna enter the facility and take down the target.” Natasha started undressing and you looked away, a blush covering your cheeks as you noticed Happy looking. He started swerving and your tattoos moved up blocking the view as your girlfriend changed. You exchanged a look with Happy before his eyes returned to the road.
“Go ahead Nat. You’re good.” You called out to which you got a ‘Thanks cupcake.’ in return as another look with Happy is exchanged. “I’ll explain when half of New York isn’t in danger, okay?”
When we pull up to the building Nat has changed herself into that skin tight one piece she had on when you found out her true identity. If half of New York weren’t in danger you’d probably take her-
“Stay in the car Happy.” Nat called out as the two of you got out.
“I’m not staying in the car.” Happy called back.
“I said stay in the car.”
“What are you wearing?” Happy asked.
“Don’t ask. Just stay here Happy. Nat and I got this.” The two of us slipped inside. Working out a small plan before actually starting to attack anyone the two of you happened to come across. As you watched her in action for the first time you were simply amazed by her movements, her agility, just everything about her and you were lucky enough to call her yours?
Just as you were getting lost in thought one of Vanko’s guards came up, but the black tendrils of your tattoos came out. Wrapping around the guards throat just until he passed out from lack of oxygen. The two of you taking down guard after guard as you make your way to Vanko. Natasha pulled out two pistols as she kicked the door in, but Vanko was gone. Just two more of the guards hanging from the ceiling.
“He’s gone.” Natasha stated.
“Fuck.” You cursed, your hands balling into fists as the tattoos moved and itched. Natasha pushed further into the room. Getting up to the computer and started typing as you came up just behind her and to the side. Watching what she was doing. “Are you hacking back into Rhodey’s suit?” You asked getting a short ‘mhmm’ in response. Your eyebrows knitted together. “I didn’t know you could hack.” She threw you a look over her shoulder, a smirk playing on her lips.
“There’s a lot you still need to learn about me cupcake.” It was the way she worded it that made you smile.
“Tony.” Natasha looked at the screen where you could see your father’s face. “Got your best friend back.”
“Thank you very much Agent Romanoff.” Tony saying a meaningful thank you was something you hadn’t heard in a while.
“Well done with the new chest piece.” Natasha commented. “I am reading significantly higher output and your vitals all look promising.”
“Yes, for the moment, I’m not dying. Thank you.” Tony spoke through the comms and you smiled, wrapping and arm around Natasha.
“I’m happy to hear another parent won’t be dying on me.” You joked, but Natasha looked at you and narrowed her eyes.
“Dying? What do you mean? Did you just say you were dying?” Pepper’s face popped up on another monitor, butting into the conversation.
“Is that you? No, I’m not. Not anymore.” Tony replied. You and Natasha exchanged looks and decided not to get involved for the moment.
“What’s going on?”
“I was going to tell you. I didn’t want to alarm you.”
“You were going to tell me? You really were dying.” As the bickering went back and forth a few moments longer before Natasha interrupted finally.
“Hey, hey. Save it for the honeymoon. You got incoming Tony. Looks like the fights coming to you.”
You sat nervously in an abandoned warehouse Fury had set up in. He had asked for you first; alone. Which made you nervous, your leg wouldn’t stop and all the tattoos moved around, twitching incessantly at your anxiety. You looked at the monitors Fury had set up and the news once again talking about ‘Shadow Queen and Iron Man.’ A hard dry swallow came along with it at the moment.
A few manilla folders sat on the desk in front of you with the S.H.I.E.L.D logo and all caps just underneath it, AVENGERS INITIATIVE followed by an empty space and then PRELIMINARY REPORT. Suddenly Fury’s hand is in front of you pushing the folder back onto the table, making your tattoos come off your body and stopping just before you hit him.
“Fuck! You scared me Fury.”
“Sorry little Stark. Just don’t need you lookin at that just yet.” You slowly nodded at him, licking your dry lips. “I don’t know if you’re ready for it just yet.” Your brows knitted together.
“Why don’t you tell me first, then we can figure it out together.” You offered and he laughed.
“You trying to negotiate with me little Stark?” A smile cracking on his face.
“I always negotiate. You know who my parents are don’t you?” You raise an eyebrow, but you aren’t expecting the answer you receive.
“Y/D/N Y/L/N died at at 32 in a car accident caused by your powers awakening. Y/M/N Y/L/N died at at 29 in the same car accident. The three of you were on your way into the city to go see a play on Broadway. You weren’t too interested in going and as you started to throw a tantrum over staying back at home with your nanny a sudden burst of energy came out of you, manifesting in what you now call your tattoos. After they came out of you, you accidently tore through,”
“STOP!” Your tattoos shifted uncomfortably at the memory you hadn’t thought about it in a few years. You had buried it away, pretended it never happened.
“You tore through both your parents ending their lives in an instant.” Fury finished and you felt bile rise up that you swallowed back down. “Then the injuries you sustained which were minimal due to your tattoos protecting you you had been left to your father’s best friend and originally your Godfather, Tony Stark.”
“Please...stop. I don’t need my life rehashed.” You pleaded.
“Look at this. Agent Romanoff’s assesment of you.”
“Is...is that really?”
“Read. It.” You sighed and took the folder opening it. Skimming through,
“Okay Y/N Stark takes much after her adoptive father in many aspects, but had many caring tendencies to look after and take care of others even at the young age she is. She is kind, caring, and loving to those around her even when she’s just met you.” You carry on reading until you see it. Y/N Stark a.k.a Shadow Queen has a lot of heart and could be a liability to herself and others due to her caring nature.” You read the last line again. “No. No that isn’t fair. She’s saying that becasuse she doesn’t want me out there! She’s saying this because she cares about me. She told me she can’t loose me and this is her way of trying to stop me!” You slammed your hands down and stood up.
“I know. She told me her reasoning. Told me it was the one time she couldn’t put her feelings to the side. I’ve known Romanoff for many years now and never has she had trouble putting her feelings to the side. So I am giving the yes.” You looked up at Fury.
“You are?” You asked a little shocked.
“Yes. I am. Do not make me regret it little Stark. You’ve trained for a long time and now it’s time for you to stand in the spotlight. Little girls are already looking up to you.” Fury patted your back letting you know you could leave. You had to go talk with Nat about this.
“So he still let you join?” The two of you were laying down, she was on her back and you snuggled into her side. For once you two were both in comfortable clothes. Her hair down and slightly messy with a tank top and sweats. While you were in leggings and an old iron maiden t-shirt. Her fingers running through your hair.
“Yes. I’m still not happy you tried to stop me.” You grumbled against her.
“I know and I still stand there on it.” You roll your eyes and bite at her shoulder making her moan out. “Hey. Behave.” She reprimands and pushes her fingers against your lips. You willingly take those instead. “I don’t want you risking it out there for the wrong people or reasons.” You nodded in understanding. “I can’t lose you.” Her voice was soft and her eyes bore into you. You let her fingers go, cupping her cheek before leaning up and kissing her. It was a soft kis where you two moved your lips against each other slowly and just enjoyed the moment before you pulled away.
“You won’t lose me. I promise.” You placed your foreheads together as she accepted the answer for now though you knew she’d still always worry. You’d never let her know just how worried she made you. She’s a black widow, but she was still a human with no enhancement unlike you. Your tattoos were instinctive to protect you and those you care about. “I’m not going anywhere Tasha.” You reassured her with another kiss as the two of you melted into each other, finally getting to just enjoy each other after the past month of activities that had occurred and you were hopeful for more time like this with her for at least a little while before Fury called up one of you. You could only hope though.
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romanoffsbish · 11 months
Sinful Practices
Natasha Romanoff x Reader (AFAB - No She/Her)
Tony Stark, a man of advanced science, gifted his friend Natasha with a special pill, and the woman humored the man by taking it. Then pleased her partner by taking it | WC: 1,652
18+ | Minors DNI | Warnings Labeled
Warning: Drugs (Weed) | Sex Enchancers | Porn (Minimal Plot)
Smut: Mommy (N) | Detka / Slut (R) | | Oral -> Fingering -> Fisting | Teasing | Choking | Unprotected (Nat has a penis) | Breeding | Overstimulation | Belly-Bulge | Cock-warming
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The room reeked of sex, and there was a slight haze; Natasha finished off the blunt half an hour ago, and had been coaxing your pussy wide open ever since.
Her mouth was the first thing to touch your sweetest spot, the pleasure you felt as her tongue teased your hole was intense; she dipped the tip in then swirled up, parting and stimulating your slick folds. Then she had to go and moan, elated at the divine taste of you, that sent shivers straight down to your clit. It was less than thirty seconds before you loosened up for two of her skilled finger to slip inside, then just under sixty as your arousal gushed around her devilish fingers.
After the first orgasm she slowed it down, allowing your breathing to slow too, but with every sporadic curl or flick you would briefly hyperventilate and she'd suckle your clit that much harder. Then just as your walls would clamp down and suck her in further she'd let your bundle go with a loud pop; mocking you.
"Mommy please, need you inside" you cried, too under the influence of her touch and Mary Jane's to care about your kinky words. "Patience detka," she rasped and your walls trembled around her digits. Fuck, you never realized you had a vocal kink until you met her. Just her chuckle alone made you putty in her hands, you never tried to turn her down, or play hard to get.
You were hers in a blink, you are not ashamed and she was forever grateful for the privilege to have you.
Natasha's gaze shifted up some to lock in on your beautiful, fucked out face as her ridged teeth scraped over your clit just as her fingers swirled against your g-spot making your back arch and legs clamp shut, you couldn't see and you screamed in delighted agony.
After a minute your body stopped trembling, your bent legs fell down into the sheets and you sighed happily as the dots reconnected to show Natasha's frame. Then your face twisted as two more of her fingers, the pinky and pointer, slipped inside of you with some struggle.
The velvet warmth slowly stretched apart for her, she scissored them within just to see you thrash in reward as she pulled away and replaced her tongue with her thumb, swirling around your swollen clit like magic.
Sex with Natasha was that next level, fairytale shit. You saw the singing birds, felt the fireworks erupting and with each occasion you fell further under her spell.
Your hips jerked, and you moaned, "Oh god," as Natasha caught you off guard. She grinned in victory, her callous thumb had just ground into your clit before it swirled a seamless figure eight down that had her slipping into your stretched out hole. Her fingers were pinched together as they entered in and out of your sensitive entrance, the whimpers of confusion only spurred her need on to fuck you beyond dumb.
But she had to be patient, you needed her to be...
"Fuck," Natasha groaned, "Do you hear that Y/N?" You hummed incoherently, you'd felt it, that was for sure, her fingers spread inside of you and scraped against your walls. Your hips soon worked to meet her thrusts without thought. "Filthy bitch," she chuckled in mock disgust. There was nothing more deliciously vile than the way your pretty pussy stretched around her entire fist. All in preparation for her new length.
The redhead had taken a supplement to enhance the size of her cock, Tony had offered it to her one time at a party and she humored the man by taking it from him. You were entirely satisfied with her cocks size, normally she was four inches thick and six in length; perfect for you, but after a few hits of the blunt you'd teased an interest that she herself had been having. L
An hour later, mind (and body) altering substances had been consumed, and she was feeling incredible. Her shaft measured in at eight inches long and five and a half in girth, so she needed to properly get you ready.
Natasha enjoyed the way that your walls quaked with each slow curl into a fist, it had her oozing from her tip. She also loved the way your slick gushed and sounded every time she'd exit you, giving your body only a hint of peace before she stretched your hole with the tips of her fingers that entered you spread wider than before.
It was pleasurable, but then it became tedious enough for you to start to doze off. You were honestly numbed after her fist swirled and dug her ridges into your bored walls for a hundredth time. Natasha knew it was time to give the both of you what you needed most.
She felt the way her skin stretched taut as the veins in her enhanced cock had sizably thickened as well. It was painful, borderline unbearable but the way that your warmth enveloped and stained her hands appealed to her even more than getting her own sweet release.
"You ready for mommy's cock baby?" Natasha asked as her slick hand gripped your throat, both of you reacted to the sound of your arousal squelching beneath her tight hold; her cock spilled a sticky dribble that ran down your thigh and you cried. Your throat bobbed and her cock gravitated to your entrance, it dipped in and your walls clung to her tip before pushing it out.
Natasha's hips reared back, and she briskly humped her length against your slit, collecting the arousal and turning you on enough to loosen up for an inch of her. The stretch was something you'd never had before, and the both of you were taken aback at how you took her.
"Fuck, your pussy is desperate for a good fucking," she grunted as your cunt hardly resisted her, she gazed down to see about five inches had already made it in, "I'm fucking stretching you out like never before and you are taking me in with ease, like you needed this."
You whimpered, "I did, mommy I needed you so bad!" Natasha frowned softly, hoping you'd miss it and the festering insecurities could fade, but you didn't and were quick to reassure her, "Just like always mommy, nobody else could ever satisfy me like you do..."
"That's right," she grunted, her cock slammed in a bit rougher, and her face swiftly dipped down to nuzzle against your throat, "You're mine," her teeth nibbled around, pulling the thin skin beyond her lips and you moaned softly at the way her insecurities faded into, or more so, exploded into a bout of attractive jealousy.
"Happily," you sighed, voice trembling as your orgasm approached fast, the stretch had you edging the line of bliss but you always needed something more. It came in the moments like these where the redhead marked you up, not only claiming you physically, but she called you hers in every language that she spoke. A palpable love had roared to life, it had turned to rough grips and breathtaking touches to your breasts and pulsing clit.
Then she bit into your neck and came inside of you without the rubber, and the subsequent warmth that spread within quickly traveled all over your body as your orgasm crashed over you, sparking your nerves. Natasha's flow was cut off momentarily as your walls squeezed her tight enough to pause her bliss. It even flushed some of her seed out as you'd cum in tandem.
After a moment you'd loosened enough for her to pull out and continue to thrust back in, her hands pressed your thighs further into the sheets and your dilated, bloodshot eyes crossed as she pushed in rather deep, urging her lively cum closer to your womb, and that thought alone made a shrill moan fall from her lips.
"You feel that detka?" Your moan was strangled, and borderline incoherent, "mhm, 'm full mmy," but she understood you. She herself felt her mind wandering into such a desirable subspace, but tonight she was in control, so she fought off the encroaching waves.
Her hips continued to ram into yours, building the both of you back up in seconds, and her into a mind blowing second orgasm. A scream left you as your pleasure was proving never ending, her thick veins pulsed for what felt like forever as she continued to spew her seed against your walls. It ebbed off fast as she pressed down into the bulge of your abdomen, taking your breath away, and you came some more.
If there were a world record for best lover on the planet you'd nominate Natasha and call it criminal if she lost. The both of you fell limp, Natasha atop of you, pressing your exhausted body firmly into the mattress. Her lips quirked into a smile against your neck as her breathing returned to normal. Yours followed and she moved to steal it once more as she kissed your mind thoughtless.
Her arms slid beneath your body, and she flipped your positions while her tongue explored your mouth. You shivered as you shifted but sank down on her at a new, more intense angle. Natasha pulled a blanket over you, and you nuzzled into her, instantly understanding. "Get some rest detka, we'll see how long the effects last, and if they do we'll have sex instead of training."
"Nat?" Natasha hummed, her lips softly moved against the side of your neck, tickling the skin enough to make you shiver as you spoke, "Tell Tony you want more."
Natasha chuckled, kissed your skin, and whispered a raspy, "I already texted him detka, don't worry..."
The only thing Tony forgot to mention to Natasha before giving her a bottle, was that a particular side effect came with the drug, increased fertility...
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emptyultimatum · 2 months
Avenger Loki x gender neutral!reader In which Loki changes things up a little
~ SMUT!! [ fingering, praise, light breast play, light oral, references to vaginal s3x ]
~ TW!! [ character injury but mild ]
I meant it as a joke, you thought to yourself, half ruefully, half gleefully. But as the quivering, spread legs before you revealed a dripping, fluttering cunt, you could hardly call your thoughts regret. 
It all started with the mission. Twenty-four escaped convicts, an easy night out for the Avengers. Technically, it was below Avenger status (not exactly world-saving, after all), but Tony was trying to make a good impression on the U.S. government, so the superhuman heroes spent a lot of time running errands for the White House. You and Peter were on it, an easy fix. Honestly, either one of you could’ve done it alone. 
You went left, Spider-Man went right. There were supposed to be an even split, but the numbers changed too quickly to communicate. You soared over the frigid treetops, angel wings beating the air, when a harpoon speared through your feathers. You crashed to the ground, keening with pain. 
Six criminals got away. Peter handled the other eighteen, but the damage was done. They sent Vision after the last six and helicoptered the two of them back to Stark Towers. 
Loki, as one can imagine, was distraught. 
“What happened? Parker, who did this to her? She needs medical assistance—”
“What do you think I’m trying to do, Curlicues?” Tony Stark gestured to the corner with his chin. “Go over there and sit like a good girl.”
An unfamiliarly dangerous spark lit Loki’s features. You cocked your head curiously through the pain, but Tony blew him a kiss. Loki hissed through his teeth, but backed off, letting Tony scan your gaping wound.
“You know, I always wondered if these things were illusions,” Tony mused, tapping on his holographic screens. “They appear out of nowhere, it doesn’t make sense, unless—” 
“Pocket dimension,” you gritted, as Bruce Banner and Tony snapped their fingers in unison. 
“That does make sense,” Bruce said brightly.
A red syringe-shaped arm popped out of the side of the medical bed. It blasted freezing nanoparticles over the gash in your wing, then retracted. Enhanced healing patches were placed over the bruises and road rash along your arm and thighs, and Tony gave you a jar of skin-repair salve for later. A few adrenaline injections to the arm later, and you were feeling much better. 
“Can I see my boyfriend now? He might tear a hole through all nine realms if you don’t let him check on me,” you rolled your eyes, beckoning Loki over. 
He pushed past Tony, elbowing him out of the way. “Darling, are you okay?”
“You’re welcome,” Stark said. “No problem. I’ll just go over here and lick my ass, I guess.”
“Yes, do that,” Loki muttered. Tony winked at him, deadpan. 
“I’m much better,” you reassured him, flexing the wing and drawing his attention. “I heal quickly, remember? The worst was the pain, but it won’t linger.” 
“Good. Then let’s get to your bed. You need rest.” Loki scooped you up. The world wavered in a flash of green, blinding and strong, and suddenly they were back in their old, cozy room. A sweater lay, forgotten, on a chair. A few snack wrappers and… other kinds of wrappers lay scattered about the floor. 
“Oh it’s a mess,” you smacked your forehead. “Good thing they healed me in the med bay and not here.” 
“I’ll clean it up, don’t worry,” he assured you, his eyes sincere. “Just take it easy, dearest.” 
“What’s got you all worried, Lo?” you laughed, cupping his cheek. “I’m fine. I’ve been hurt worse before.” 
“Yes, but that was before we were together. Additionally, I fear I’m facing some… insecurity, as it were.” He glanced away, cheeks pinking. 
“Insecurity? About what?” 
“I- nothing. It’s no matter. We shall discuss later,” he brushed you off, standing. “Please, let me clean for you.” 
You grinned up at him. “If you say so. Thanks for cleaning for me, Loki. You’re such a good girl.” 
You put a growl on it, a low, sultry purr. The tone of voice you usually said good boy or beg for me in. You meant it as a joke, a demeaning one, a call back to Tony’s patronizing snub. 
Instead, you saw something liquify in Loki’s eyes. That same look he got when his cock was in your hands, or your teeth were sinking into his skin. 
And being yourself, you capitalized on it. 
“Do you like that?” you cooed, arching an eyebrow. “Do you want to be my pretty girl, Loki? My good little obedient princess?”
Oh, you had him cornered. His bottom lip trembled with thinly held control, his eyes darting back and forth, warring with himself. 
You reached up, pulling him back down, so that he kneeled before her. You locked his gaze with her own. 
“If you want to be my good girl,” you said gently, “You can.”
Loki shuddered, and slowly, his shoulders began to slough down and round off. His frame turned slighter, more slender, and his chest swelled. He was daintier, but still with the shoulder-length choppy hair and wild silver eyes. He was no he at all. She was Loki. A tall, wiry, masc Loki, with a dripping mess between her legs. 
Loki whimpered as you laughed aloud, running your hands through that silky black hair. “Oh, you pretty girl, so many tricks up your sleeve! Why don’t you strip for me, so we can see what pretty trick you have up your pants.”
You had never seen Loki undress so quickly. 
And so, here you were, Loki breathless and growling beneath you, your fingers sliding into Loki’s slippery, throbbing mess. You curled your fingers acutely, and Loki bucked up into your hand. 
“Naughty,” you cooed. “Bad girls don’t get to cum. Stay still.”
“Please, love,” Loki begged, her cheeks flushed red. “Please let me cum.” 
“Behave,” you scolded. “And maybe I’ll consider it.” 
Loki let out the prettiest keening sound you’d ever heard. You giggled, leaning forward, wrapping your lips around Loki’s pulsating clit. You sucked, hard, and she moaned again, her legs clamping around your head.
“Is this the insecurity you were dealing with, pet?” you asked, stroking the pad of your thumb over Loki’s sensitive, aching clit. “Were you lost?” 
She nodded, eyes screwed shut with pleasure and humiliation. “I wasn’t sure how you’d —fuck— react.” 
You smiled, running your hand flat up her belly, cupping a tender breast, and squeezing. “Pretty girl. I’d never want you to be anything less than yourself.” 
Her eyes opened, beautiful and silver as always. Loki smiled up at you, holding your hand over her breast. “Sweet love,” she murmured. 
“Besides,” you gave her a sharklike smile. “Now I get to fuck you. Spread your legs.” 
With a whimper, she complied. 
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kurogxrix · 1 year
Hallway Runaways
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Peter Parker x Stark!reader
IN WHICH you are on the verge of taking Peter’s virginity on your 18th birthday, but god forbid your father and teammates just have to interrupt the moment.
WC: 3.6k
Warnings: Mentions of sex, tony stark is a warning of his own, making out, reader is Tony’s adopted daughter, getting caught, semi-public sexual encounters, grinding.
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The sound of your heels clicking against the cold tiled floor was all that could be heard resonating around the vacant hallway. Well that apart from the few sounds of complaint that’s left Peter’s mouth, as well as the muffled laughter that escaped yourself. You were more than done with this chase, the hallways were dark and you knew that Peter had a better advantage than you in this situation because of his enhanced senses.
Why was Peter Parker chasing you exactly? Well it had all started while the both of you were just a few floors below with the rest of the avengers, where you should’ve been right now. Today was finally your 18th birthday, and having Tony Stark as a father meant no little celebration. Even if it was just with the people that you considered family, he’d find a way to make everything extravagant and boujee. 
Though you had to admit as you looked past the overdoing of your father, it truly was an enjoyable evening in the company of the people you loved, a certain spiderman a little more than the others. Dinner was passed by a wonderful meal and a few dirty jokes made by none other than your father, making a reddish colour rise on Peter’s neck. You found his ability to get flustered by little to nothing so adorable, the cutest virgin that you knew, there was no doubt in that. 
Everyone was finally settled, apart from the constantly arguing Asgardian brothers, one of which Tony had begrudgingly invited. The sight of the innocent Peter trailing around with his eyes glued to his phone aroused an idea from the corners of your mind. He was most probably scrolling on some news report about Spiderman, given the goofy smile on his face, and he could most probably feel you sneaking up to him because of his spidey senses. Though he played into your game, allowing you to rip the phone from his oddly loose grip and run away from him, not without throwing in a tentative sentence to get him going. 
It wasn’t anything weird to Peter, although it should be. Two 18 year olds chasing one another like children down the halls of your father’s tower. It was even more absurd as you both got onto the tower's elevator, standing beside each other quietly like you both hadn’t been in a friendly chase. He wasn’t even sure that those stilettos of yours were meant for this chase, but he’d always be there to catch you heroically if you ever did fall back. 
Peter couldn’t help a smile from forming on his face as he watched your figure stagger before him, managing to catch yourself before slipping embarrassingly on your face. He observed the way you bent your knees slightly before turning to the curve, running straight as though you had a clear idea of where you wanted to go.
To be honest with himself, Peter had developed feelings for you ever since Tony had introduced the both of you. 
The smirk on your father’s face went unnoticed as you both stared at each other upon first meeting, unspeaking as you took in every single feature of the other in. His feelings only continued to grow for you as time went by, having his heart race manically against his ribcage as you treated his wounds with such intense care and a delicacy that he ignored you could hold, being a Stark and all. 
Now as he ran with you idiotically, the suit that he had borrowed from your father swaying with the speed, he couldn’t help but feel an intense feeling of ecstasy. You both rounded the corner before Peter had spotted it, the familiar view of your room door. He was no stranger to your intentions, hiding away behind your closed door with his unlocked phone in hand. Not like he had much to hide, just the thousand word essay of confessions that he sent to Ned about his feelings towards you, nothing to fret about. 
You let out a sound of surprise once you felt a pair of arms wrapping around your midsection, trapping you against a chiselled chest that you knew much of. It seemed like Peter’s mind had finally caught up on the fact that you could discover his very badly hidden feelings towards you as you held his phone in your hand.
“Thought you could get away from me? Must I remind you that I’m piderman?” Peter breathed out, his warm breath fanning your neck as he spoke. His hands were still gripping onto your hips unrelentlessly, making the option of you ripping away from his hold completely futile. Instead you opted with thrashing around in his arms, though the pair of you burst out laughing as you realised that your strength really was nothing compared to Peter’s. 
The fabric of your dress scrunched up around your middle as you struggled in his embrace, riding up your thighs as you felt the cool air hitting the previously covered area. Finally, the thrashing stopped as you gave up, leaning your whole body against Peter as you craned your neck back so that the top of your head was flushed against him. 
Peter gulped as he tried to ignore the feeling of you being so pressed up against him, in certain areas more than others. He closed his eyes for a second, head tilting upwards towards the ceiling as he audibly gulped. Aunt May had taught him to be a gentleman and to respect women, but god was it hard to retain the rush of blood ploughing towards his nethers as the girl of his dreams was literally  pushed up on him. 
Peter brought a hand up towards his head of curls, running a hand through them as he tried to soothe his nerves. God forbid he popped a boner right there against you, in the middle of the fucking hallways. He wasn’t sure that he’d ever mentally recover if it did happen, or even worse, if you reacted badly to it. Who was he kidding, of course you’d react badly to your best friend being completely bricked up from just playing fight with yo-
“Peter…” the whisper of his name brought him back to the current moment, his mind hesitating at your tone. You moved your body slightly to meet his gaze, and at that moment Peter had understood why you had called out for him. 
He nearly let out a satisfied groan as your hips brushed against his, but he managed to save himself from further embarrassment. He was frozen in fear, unwilling to believe that his body had betrayed him in such a way. Though Peter was able to keep his spiderman secret away from many people, the evident tent in his pants was much harder to hide. Especially when you had already seen it, yet even felt it. 
Oh and how much he wished for the floor to open up and swallow him whole at the moment, until the soft touch of your hand on his arm woke him up from his pity party. 
“Hey, what’s going on in that little brain of yours?” you attempted to joke, bringing a closed fist up towards his head as you knocked on it. Peter tried to stifle a tiny laugh as you joked about the size of his brain, that for sure was anything but little. “You don’t have to be ashamed Peter, I-I mean things like this are natural and you can’t control it at times.” 
You tried to reassure him, bringing a hand to caress the man’s cheek softly. Though his eyes were still full of humiliation and discomfort, looking for some sort of exit that he could run off to if anything went bad. 
“If anything I apologise, I shouldn't have been all pressed up against you like this..” you knew that it was stupid of you to apologise, given that you had nothing to be sorry for, but you weren’t about to let your bestfriend drown in embarrassment any longer. 
“No-no I mean, I'm the one that pulled you in and everything…” he looked away, avoiding your gaze at all cost as he spoke slowly. “Look, I’m so-so sorr-“ 
You cut off the rambling boy with the smooth slip of your lips against his, knocking him back slightly as he nearly stumbled from shock. He looked like the cutest idiot like this, his eyes wide open as he stared down at you to confirm if this was all real, though your eyes were closed, he reckoned that he should be doing the same. Once the initial surprise had passed him, Peter allowed himself to lean into the kiss more. His hands hesitantly but firmly regained their position onto your hips as he squeezed the flesh there, scrunching the already out-of-place, heightened fabric of your dress. 
Your lips were so soft and they moved fluidly against his own, like they were meant to be together. Peter couldn’t help himself but pull you flush against him once he felt your arms wrapping against his neck, pulling out an audible gasp out of you as his little problem resurfaced once more. 
Breaking the kiss, you both couldn’t help but burst out laughing for whatever reason. Maybe from the stupid flow of events, or most probably because Thor had slipped (with much consent) some of his Asgardian alcohol into your drinks. Whatever, it helped cease the previous tension that was drowning you both, now reduced to dust as you both stared into each other’s eyes so tenderly. 
“I always knew you had a little something for me, Spider-man.” you teased Peter, bringing your other hand up to caress the soft skin of his cheeks. Holding back the urge to giggle at the rise of pinkish colour along his neck, you leaned impossibly closer to him. 
“Oh and please, if by little you mean enormous, then sure u do!” Peter joked, making the both of you double over with laughter. Somewhat his joke was not even close to being funny, but something about this moment made everything that came out of Peter’s mouth so amusing to you. 
Suddenly, Peter’s laughter was cut short as he felt your hand dip from his cheeks and onto the area at the back of his neck. He suppressed a shudder as you ran your fingers up and down across the shorter hairs at the back of his head, and his smile dropped completely as his eyes crossed your own. God, that extreme feeling of nervousness was resurfacing and suddenly, the tightness in his pants was made 100x more aware. 
“I can help you with that, if you want me to.” you whispered quietly as if you were talking to yourself, but Peter had heard you as clear as day. The hairs on his arms raised at your choice of words, he knew exactly what you meant, and damn was he ready for it. The look in your eyes just screamed ‘desire’ to Peter, and he’d be lying if he said his didn’t reflect the same feeling. The shy little nod of his head made you chuckle slightly to yourself. 
His chest tightened as one of your hands lowered towards his abdomen, caressing your way down his body. You maintained eye contact with him all the way down his stomach, searching in them if this was okay for you to do. His eyes were unrelenting, swirling with passion as he gave you the go to continue your hand’s trail. 
Your left hand ended up on his upper thigh, teasing Peter as you were millimetres away from relieving the ache in his pants. You couldn’t help but admit that the fine material of your father’s pants (Tony had passed them to Peter because let’s be real, he was too broke to afford his own) felt uncomfortable under your own fingertips. You wanted to feel skin, raw, naked skin belonging to the boy that was currently looming over you. 
Your other hand was still busy playing with Peter’s hair as his were still glued to your hips. Without any type of warning, Peter pursued your lips in a bruising kiss. The sheer force of the kiss nearly sent you tumbling back, but his strong grip kept you grounded. Peter kissed you with a passion that you ignored a virgin boy could hold, you could only imagine the things that he was going to do to you. Or the things that he wishes you would do to him.
Top or bottom tonight, it didn’t matter to you. As long as you got to spend the night with the boy that haunted your feelings, then you’d be able to die happy. 
You both kissed until you felt your lungs yelling at you for air, breaking away reluctantly from each other to breathe in loudly. His lips didn’t stray much further as they were back on yours just as quickly as they left. Unexpectedly, you dipped your hand a little lower to cup the bulge in Peter’s pants, urging for any type of reaction from him. His first instinct was to gasp, the feeling of your touch felt so gratifying after the minutes spent ignoring his little problem. 
You wasted no time to take advantage of his newfound pleasured state, slipping your tongue into his mouth as you led the kiss. Peter was quick to recover after that, his tongue fighting against yours for dominance. He was a little sloppy, and you could tell that he had kissed before but never to this extent. You weren’t complaining though, his eagerness sent a sharp tingly feeling towards your core. 
The hushed groans and moan that left Peter’s mouth as you continuously rubbed him felt like music to your ears. He was definitely a very vocal man in that domain, and you were going to enjoy every single second of it. It was your turn to groan as you felt Peter’s hands pushing you towards the walls of the hallway, trapping you between his arms as you continued your assault in each other’s mouth. 
When your lungs began to burn once more, your mouth left the man’s to rest your face in between the crook of his neck. He was so close to you, close enough that you could feel his hardened cock brushing against your lower stomach. You could hear his laboured breathing picking up the pace as you rubbed him faster, getting enough of the pieces of fabric that was separating you both. 
Your hand rushed towards the buckle of his belt, only to stutter halfway as you wondered if he was actually ready for all of this. You didn’t want Peter to wake up tomorrow regretting everything that had happened between you two, you weren’t sure that your heart could handle the heartbreak. Though at the feeling of Peter’s lips leaving slobbery kisses against your neck, you knew that he was more than ready for it. 
Without further hesitation, his buckle fell easily under your skilled fingers. Pulling the leather stripe from the belt loops made Peter’s hips collide with yours once more, making your movements rush with anticipation. Oh and you were so close to finally touching him, giving the man the release that he desired and deserved so much. Your hand pulled as his zipper, dipping into his pants just when-
“Wow-“ the familiar booming voice had you both freezing for a second, before you quickly rushed off each other. Peter was sure that his cheeks must’ve been beet red, not only from the previous rush of hands and feelings, but from the fact that you had both been caught by no other than your father. 
You brushed your dress down, fixing the fabric that had scrunched up under his grip. You were burning with embarrassment, and as much as you wished that you didn’t need to face your father, you knew that you had to be the first one to do it. Peter was still busy fumbling with his belt, the leathery fabric slipping under his sweaty, anxious fingers. 
As you turned around to see the probably disgusted face of your father, you were met with the sight of not one, but two other Avengers. Thor, that was probably too shit-faced to even remember this event by tomorrow morning, and the poor bruce that had most probably been dragged here against his will. If you didn’t wanna kill yourself before, this definitely made you want to start digging your own grave. 
“I see that you two have found each other, given that we were all searching for you both earlier.” Tony teased, as per usual. Even after finding his daughter in such a compromising position with his intern, his first instinct was to tease you both about it. Sure enough, the disgusted expression did come afterwards.  
“I’m sure they found waaaay more than just each other!” Thor laughed loudly, patting your father harshly amongst the bag with those huge arms. You watched as your dad threw the Asgardian man a look while Bruce simply smiled sympathetically at you both. Now that Peter had finally been able to fasten his belt, he was now standing besides you with a mirroring guilty expression. Maybe, making out as two horny young-adults in the middle of the hallways was not the ideal thing to do after all. 
You both snapped your heads back towards Tony as he cleared his throat. Now that he had stopped moving weirdly to retain Thor from hitting him on the back once more, you noticed the cold bottle of champagne that was gripped tightly between his fingers. The expensive bottle cost nearly nothing to the billionaire, he lifted it in the air for you both to see, unafraid of it falling to its peril. 
“We came looking for you both to cut the cake and have a drink, but it seems like you two were a little busy,” Tony raised his eyebrows at Peter, his eyes shaded by his dark glasses. You could hear a slight tone of irritation in his voice, but after all what dad wouldn't be after catching his daughter fondling with some guy in plain air. He sighed at both of your silences, clearly too embarrassed to even form the words. 
After a few seconds of further awkward silence, you watched as your father tumbled through his pocket in the search of something. Checking every single of his suit pockets, he finally found what he was looking for. 
“That’s for you, boy.” was all that came out from Tony’s mouth as he pulled out a piece of square packaging from his pocket, throwing it towards Peter, who caught it square with the help of his abilities. His eyes widened at the packaged condom that now sat flat on his hands, fumbling to put it in his pocket as he tried to mutter something back to your father, although he was quicker than Peter. He always was. 
“Don’t need no lil’ Parker’s runnin’ wild round this tower anytime soon, one’s already enough,” he teased, whispering the last part to himself. “Now, I'm gonna call you both in around 10 minutes for all of us to gather. No Fonduing with my daughter in that time-range, got it Underoos?” 
Although your father’s tone was playful at the start of his sentence, you could see his stare harden as he finished. You were drowning in embarrassment from the moment that they had walked in on you both, and your father running his mouth just made you sink further down the waters of shame. Finally, after what felt like hours, you were rejoiced to see the backs of your father and teammates as they walked back towards the elevator. 
You heard Peter release a loud breath of relief once the elevator tinged, shoving your hands towards your face as you tried to shove the embarrassment away. Great, you were most likely sure that this whole thing had killed Peter’s boner. You wanted nothing more than to give him a memorable moment for his first time, but it seemed like life was really against you. 
“Hey…” you flinched as you felt Peter’s hand upon your shoulder, suddenly turning around to meet his face. There was guilt swirling all up in his beautiful brown iris, even though none of this was his fault. 
“I’m sorry for…all of this,” you mention towards the area where the 3 Avengers previously were, making Peter chuckle. “It’s a mood killer I know, I just wanted you to have a good time.” you looked down, all the previous feelings catching up to you. 
“Aye, aye, aye. None of that!” Peter urged forward, gripping your jaw gently into his hand, the other resting softly on your cheek. You couldn’t help the smile that drew itself on your face at his actions, always such a gentleman despite the situation. He smiled right back at you, and you felt your heart race at the view. Nobody could lie and say that Peter wasn’t an attractive man, everything about him was desirable and you wanted to prove that to him. 
“If anything, the mood is definitely not killed.” he muttered, making you tilt your head to the side in confusion of his words before he pulled you in again by the hips. You gasped as you felt it, his arousal that poked you once more by the lower stomach. Peter chuckled at your expression, feeling the newfound confidence radiating off his body. 
“We can't fondue right now, but there’s a whole world of other things that I can show you in under 10 minutes.” Peter looked down into your list filled eyes as you sunk onto your knees. He gulped and damn if you didn’t show him a whole new world tonight, you offered him the whole galaxy. 
this didn’t take the romantic turn that i was expecting it to but oh well.
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literaryavenger · 5 months
Summary: Part 2 of Thoughtful.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avengers!Reader
Warnings: My poor attempts at being funny. No use of Y/N. Fluff. Angst. Tony being kind of an asshole. Bucky's self-deprecating thoughts. Reader being dumb.
Word Count: 1K
A/N: I keep having no idea what this is, I have no endgame but I hope you enjoy!
Masterlist | Part 1
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Stark parties are a hassle. Tony always insists on the team dressing up, cocktail dresses, tuxedos and all that.
So that’s why you’re all dolled up right now, a black sparkly floor-length gown that highlights your curves perfectly with a slit that goes up your left thigh with black stilettos, your hair curled perfectly and your make-up on point thanks to Natasha and Wanda, gold hoop earrings finishing the ensemble.
The only thing that looks like it doesn’t belong on your right now are Bucky’s dog tags hanging from your neck.
Things with Bucky have been going relatively good, you’re not really dating but neither of you let a moment pass without trying to flirt with each other. You enjoy the attention he only gives you and he enjoys making you flustered.
You’ve even managed to make him blush himself a few times.
You haven’t taken his dog tags off since that morning Bucky put them on you, and that’s not gone unnoticed by the team who have had a field day teasing you about it. Just never enough to bother you and make you want to take them off.
Until now.
“Come on, they look so out of place!” Tony says while chuckling as you roll your eyes, drink in hand while you stand in the middle of the party while talking with Tony, Scott and Maria.
“Leave her alone, Stark.” Maria comes to your defense and you give her a grateful smile. All the girls think it’s adorable that you wear Bucky’s tags.
“He’s not wrong, though.” Scott chimes in. “That’s a beautiful get up, but the tags stand out, and not in a good way.”
Anyone else, you’d be creeped out, but you know Scott is in a happy relationship with Hope and he doesn’t mean anything by it. He’s more of a girlfriend at this point.
“I don’t care.” You say simply, sipping your drink. “I like them, and I’m not taking them off.”
“You haven’t taken them off in weeks.” Tony points out, a dangerous smirk starting to grow on his face. “Could it have anything to do with the particular soldier that gave them to you?”
You roll your eyes, knowing where Tony’s going with this because he’s gone there countless times now.
“It has nothing to do with Bucky, I just like them.” You say causally.
“You like him.” Tony says childishly while the other two snicker at your groan. “Maybe you even love him.”
You scoff and almost glare at Tony. “I don’t love him.”
“Then prove it.” Tony says without missing a beat. Obviously he has you exactly where he wants you. “Take them off.”
“What would that even prove?” You roll your eyes again.
“Prove to me that they don’t mean as much to you as I think they do. Take them off.” He keeps grinning at you, challenging you.
“You’re a child.” You say simply, having no intention to accept this silly challenge.
“Yes, I am.” He says and all four of you chuckle, before Tony takes it one step further. “Take them off for a week and I’ll give you ten thousand dollars.”
You give him an unimpressed look. It’s not a surprise, Tony’s known to do this kind of thing all the time. He once bet Sam twenty thousand dollars if he went streaking for at least 4 blocks around the tower.
His ‘falcon’ was on the paper the next day.
“Come on, if you’re so sure I’m wrong, why not make some money off my arrogance.” Tony says with a smirk when you narrow your eyes at him, he knows you’re considering it.
“Fine.” You say after a pause. You hesitantly take the tags off and put them on Tony’s outstretched hand. It’s only a week and it doesn’t mean anything, you tell yourself.
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky saw the whole thing from a distance. And it meant plenty to him.
He couldn’t hear what you were saying even with his enhanced hearing because you were far away and the party noise was almost deafening, but Bucky saw you clearly as you took off his tags and gave them to Tony.
To Tony.
Did they not mean as much to you as they did to him? Was this whole thing just a joke to you? Was he making a fool out of himself thinking you liked him as much as he liked you? Maybe you just liked the attention. Maybe you were fucking with him, having fun at his expense because he convinced himself you like him, because how could he even think someone like you actually likes him? Maybe you’ve been laughing behind his back while he’s been falling for yo-
“Hey, Sergeant Grumpy.” His thoughts are interrupted by your playful voice that just a minute ago was the single greatest sound that he wanted as the soundtrack of his existence for the rest of his life.
But right now, it’s making his nostrils flare with barely contained anger while he almost glares at you.
You think nothing of it, convincing yourself that maybe the party is making him anxious like it usually does. After all, Bucky doesn’t do good with strangers.
Or maybe Sam has been getting on his nerves more than usual tonight. Whatever it is, you want to make him feel better.
So you wrap your hand around the tie of his suit and pull him towards you a little, copying the move he’s now done countless times with his dog tags around your neck.
“You wanna hear something funny?” You ask playfully, wanting to tell him about the bet you just made with Tony and thinking Bucky will get a kick out of it and it’ll take his mind off of whatever has him in a bad mood.
But you get no chance to say anything more since he takes your hand away from his tie.
“Leave me alone.” He says with a harsh tone you’ve never heard him use towards anyone, let alone you. “Forever.”
That said, he walks off and out of the room in the direction of his quarters without giving you a second glance, leaving you to look after him, too dumbfounded as your mind tries to play catch-up.
What the hell just happened?
Requested Taglist: @marvelcasey05 @ordelixx @alltoounwellread @capswife @sapphirebarnes @rio-reid-whoreee @theunknownmarveluser @alltoowellread @a-very-fictional-girl @geeky-politics-46 @winters1917 @yujyujj @blackhawkfanatic @hot-cheeto5739 @shortnloud @disneychic8 @unaxv @ziyahs-world
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Angel - Part 3
Marvel AU
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Enhanced Omega Reader x Alpha Bucky Barnes
Theme: A/B/O / True Mates
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Summary: It's different when you're enhanced. Everything is different, every smell, every sound, touch, feelings. The way it's different doesn't make sense unless you are enhanced. Throw in what comes with Alpha and Omega instincts, and the intensity of your presentation is even more than any other. When you find yourself in need of help you can call on the alpha you trust the most, Natasha Romanoff. You just don't expect to find your alphas at the same time. Are you really enough for them? And can you really be the Luna to the Avengers?
"To be loved, to be loved by your mate is everything." - Wanda Maximoff
Reader is enhanced, has wings and has powers connected to electricity.
Chapter Summary: The aftermath of the readers attack continues.
Chapter Warnings: Description of sexual assault, attempted rape, torture (attacker uses an electric shocker on reader) and samples being taken.
“Scan complete.” F.R.I.D.A.Y confirmed. “Injuries, three broken ribs, two broken fingers to the left hand and one to the right, crushed vocal calls, concussion and bruising to her thighs, wrists and face. I’m detecting seminal fluid on the legs, stomach and personal areas. Suit is in tact but shows attempts at forced removal.”
“Agent, walk me through what happened.”
“Shall I interpret?” Clint asked.
“No,” Hill replied. “Let the AI do it, ideally it needs to be a neutral party.”
Clint nodded. You began to sign but your hands were shaky and your sentences abrupt.
“We got back from the mission and there were mentions of drinks in the mess. I wanted to shower first, there’s dust and rubble in my hair. He came to my room.”
“Who?” Asked Hill.
“AFH 23 Jones.”
There’s mutterings of “son of a bitch” and “I’m gonna kill him”.
“I’m going to need you all to stay quiet.” Hill instructed. There were huffs around the jet.
“Continue Agent.”
“He came to the quarters, my quarters, the room they’d put me in. I didn’t answer the door. They’d put him next door, at the side of me.”
Natasha growled. You’d already raised your concerns about Jones’ interest in you. He shouldn’t have even been in the same building.
“I waited for him to step back from the door and made sure it was locked.” You signed. “I put the shower on and then I heard another door. There was a connecting door.”
Your hands started to shake and your scent grew in distress to the point it burnt the other’s noses.
“Is this necessary? Does it have to be done now?” Asked Bruce.
“I’m afraid so Doctor Banner.” Came Hill’s reply.
“It was locked, I know it was. He said it wasn’t. Tried to give me whisky. I started to argue and went to check if he’d broken in. The handle was on the floor. He charged at me and we started to fight. He used a shocker.”
“What type?”
“For enhanced.”
Growls rumbled through the jet.
“He maced me as I tried to get it off and he knocked me to the floor and he said if I didn’t comply, he’d….”
Your hands shook and your breathing became more erratic.
“Breathe sweetie, you can do this sestra.”
You started to sign again.
“He said if I didn’t comply he’d have me thrown in the Raft. He’d have me put there as an out of control enhanced. He tried cutting at my suit but it’s the one Nat gave me.”
“It’s Stark Tech same as the new S.H.I.E.L.D ones, I had Tony make a couple for her.”
“He couldn’t get it off and he hit me across the face. Every time I struggled he shocked me. I couldn’t move. He just carried on and rubbed himself all over me, his hands round my throat. He finished, sat there drinking the whiskey. He’d shocked me so many times I was paralysed. I couldn’t get up. I must have burnt through my blocker because the others were there then, they broke down the door, they saw what he’d done.”
“What others?”
“The team I was with.”
“I’ll need the mission team list.”
“I have access to her missions. I’ll send it over.” Nat added.
“Did they try to assist you?”
You nodded and signed yes.
“I didn’t want to stay there. The way they looked at me.”
“That’s understandable.”
“So you left and contacted Agent Romanoff?”
You nodded and pointed at the watch around your wrist.
“OK. Banner, I’ll need nail clippings and her suit bagging. If there’s anything in her hair I’ll need a sample of that too.”
“Understood.” Bruce replied as he gave you a sympathetic look.
You held out your hands and Bruce started to clip your nails. You zoned out as he whispered reassurance to you and didn’t come back around until Nat tried to guide you to the shower.
“Allowed?” You signed.
“Yes, Maria said you can.”
Nat guided you to a wall and before you have chance to ask questions a panel slides back and she ushers you in, you look around confused.
“It’s like the tardis.” You sign. Nat smiles as memories of Clint and you watching old Doctor Who reruns when you were bunkered down in a safe house flicker in her mind. “I didn’t see the door.”
“Well Tony likes things to look sleek and tidy, unlike his lab.”
You make no attempt to remove your underwear, the only clothes you’ve been left wearing. Realising you’ve left your bag in the ditch you sign to Natasha.
“My things, don’t have them.”
Nat holds up your mud covered bag.
“I have it, don’t worry. We’ll lend you anything else you need.”
You nod as your eyes fill with tears.
“Can I touch you sestra?”
You nod and she pulls you into her arms as you sob. It doesn’t take long for a knock on the door to sound.
“You guys OK?”
Clint, but you know Bruce is hovering near the door too. Both of their scents lingering nearby.
You pull away and start to peel off your underwear, as Nat confirms that she has everything in hand before asking F.R.I.D.A.Y to turn on the shower.
You step in and start to rinse yourself off. Nat points out the fancy pump on the wall as shower wash and asks the AI to give you her shampoo and conditioner. Two more pumps appear and she tells you which is which. You go about your routine as you usually would post mission. Two shampoos of your hair, conditioner left on whilst you wash your body but as you start to finish off the conditioner you feel the need to wash again, desperate to scrub your skin.
Nat, whose eyes have been on you throughout, watching you through the class screen door, straightens herself as you start to scrub at your skin, more vigorously as before. She glances at your wings that are drooping down your back to see they are still jet black. You pull them inwards and they disappear into your back, unchanging in colour. You scrub and scrub more, until it changes to clawing and Nat decides she’s seen enough. Pulling towels from the warmer and ordering F.R.I.D.A.Y to turn off the shower.
You swing around to look at her and go to speak but nothing comes out. Your frustration grows and you sign furiously at her.
“I wasn’t done!”
“You’re done sestra.” She replies, her alpha tone coming through, knowing you’ll argue. “Time to get out.”
You glare at her.
“You wanna turn into a prune?”
You huff and step out as she wraps you in a towel. For many your relationship was odd. A female alpha and omega who were as close as you were was unusual, even as pack sisters, and many thought there was more to it. But it was simply friendship, deep and encompassing but friendship, which had seemingly turned into pack bonds, with Clint and Laura included. Bruce not far behind. It was you that she’d fled to shortly after the battle of New York. When you’d swung open the door of the safe house you were staying in, she’d immediately told you Banner was her mate, only for you to playfully ask if he ‘AND the green guy were’. She’d told you to fuck off and then sulked in the bath (that you’d ran for her) for two hours. You’d told her she’d be wrinkling like an old prune and she’d finally got out to yell at you some more.
Once she’d gone back to New York and they’d mated you’d hoped she’d give you some breathing space. Wrong. Nat had been on your ass about meeting the others since the group had formed and her insistence grew as the pack did. Now, it looked like she’d get her wish but not in the best circumstances. What will the others think of you? What about what’s happened? Will they think you’re weak?
You snap out of the million questions for yourself as Nat tells you she’s going to brush your hair. She doesn’t get far as the lights flash with an alert, which is soon followed by a knock on the door.
“I’ll be back.” She assures you. You start to look at yourself in the mirror and huff at what a mess you look. You pick up the brush that Nat has left at the sink and do your best to brush through it as your body pulls and aches. You throw it into a loose plait from the bottom of your neck and find the hair tie in your bag.
There’s a knock and Nat steps back in her scent and that of the others wafting through the door. Concern. Worry. Stressed.
“I’m sorry Y/N. We’ve got a situation we need to handle.”
“Situation?” You sign back, as she starts to pull out your clean clothes from your bag and help you into them.
“Rogers, Barnes and Wilson were on a mission. Their jet got into trouble on the way back.”
It might be the concussion but you’re confused. How do two super soldiers, both experienced pilots, and an experienced Pararescueman like Sam Wilson get into trouble on their journey home.
“Sitrep.” You sign but she ignores you. The change in her scent though changes and the worry takes over from concern.
“Romanoff! Sitrep!” You sign. “I can help.”
“No!” She snaps back at you. “You’re hurt. We have it covered.”
She gives you a once over, now dressed in leggings, a cropped t-shirt and a pair of fluffy socks and snaps at you for not having a jumper. The door to the shower room slides open and Clint waits to wrap you in a blanket before guiding you to one of the seats near the front of the jet and strapping you in.
“Stay put.”
Your eyes narrow at him but he doesn’t seem bothered as he plants a kiss on your head and walks away. Bruce appears then with a cup of something flowery and definitely alcoholic.
“Here. It’ll take the edge off. It’s Thor’s, so it even works for us.”
Enhanced, he means. You nod and knock it back like Natasha throws back vodka.
“OK, I meant sip it but that’ll work.” And he takes the cup and moves to the back of the jet.
The warm sensation from whatever of Thor’s you’ve just necked, the blanket over you and the hum of the jet lulls you to a light sleep. You try to fight it but it seems Bruce was right and you really should have sipped the drink.
Little did you know that when you woke up soon after you’d quickly discover that all hell had broken loose.
Fancy a cuppa? My Ko-Fi.
@animegirlgeeky @mrsevans90 @vicmc624 @elissanatok @cherlenovix @imdoingathingmom @hnnbananananana @saltedcoffeescotch @jstarr86
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innorogers · 1 day
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Steve Rogers x Reader (You)
Summary: Steve stood in front of the mirror, staring back at him, was a man madly in love. But as much as he wanted to be only that—just a man in love—he wasn’t. Falling so hard for you that he didn’t want to face the reality. There was still a world beyond your home, and he had to face it.
Warning: Minors DNI / A little smut / bj / Angst / Hydra Past / Missunderstandings / He wants to say I love you / This is getting dark as the WB logos in HP movies / Strugglings / He is so in love with you / Your past is coming back and kick your both asses
Characters: OC, Tony Stark, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson
Also: You don't have to read the previous chapters, but it would enhance the experience if you did. And thanks in advance for repost or any feedback ❤️
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Chapter 1: Insomnia | Chapter 2: Lucid | Chapter 3: Reverie
“God…!” Steve's head falls back, his body arching, knuckles turning white as he holds on tightly onto the sheets, moans ragged and labored, his chest rising and falling covered in sweat.
His hand tucking your hair, trying to be as gentle as possible, but he is finding that impossible. As you fasten your mouth and hand movements, more deep breaths are escaping his lips as waves of pleasure wash over him. 
"Babe... that feels so good... don't stop... Please don't stop..."
Your quickened pace is driving him more and more over the edge, as suddenly his entire body lost in pleasure, his head falling back onto the pillow behind him, the sheets gripping tightly in his hands as he releases warm and low in your mouth. 
“Jesus…” His body shuddering as he came hard, thoroughly quenched til the very last drop, his breath coming in gasps and pants, not being able to speak as he looks at you: puffy lips, disheveled hair, sweat drops in your perfect breasts, your silky skin marked with his handprints all over body, and you were wiping your lips. 
“Damn...” He pulls you close for a kiss, still breathing heavily, as if trying to recover from his ecstasy. “Babe, don’t… look at me like that… or I’m gonna lose it... again.”
“Wait, what?” You laugh, stepping out of bed. “That’s on me?! I didn’t do anything this time.” You were barely awake when he started. It’s not like it’s your fault you weren’t wearing anything from last night.
“That’s... arguable.” Steve murmurs, sinking back into the pillows, still riding the high of the moment. His breathing starts to slow, but then he notices you’re already in the bathroom. “Wait, no cuddling?!”
“We’ve been ‘cuddling’ all night!” You call from the shower. “And... we’ve talked about this. Tony is gonna be here in an hour.” And I don’t want to smell like sex.
Steve chuckles in resignation, raising his voice so you can hear him over the water. “Can I join you?”
“We both know how that’s gonna end…”
“Yeah, yeah, alright...” he laughs, reluctantly pulling himself out of bed, grabs his discarded clothes, making a half-hearted attempt to tidy the room. “God, we made a mess in here, didn’t we?”
By the time you’re out of the shower, the room is already cleaned up (he's done his best). It’s a far cry from how things used to be: Steve's things are everywhere now. His toothbrush in your bathroom, clothes hanging in your closet, some files scattered on the desk in your lab that's across from your private dorm.
You’re not even sure when it happened, but your secluded, tucked away 20 minutes from the main Avengers compound lab, has become more than just yours. It makes sense, actually, he wasn’t leaving at night. Or in the mornings. Or... really, ever.
At first, Steve would come over for dates. Then those dates turned into 'I'll come by later' and eventually into 'whenever he had the chance.' Now his mug is in the sink, his slippers are under your bed, and his coat has claimed a permanent spot by the door.
He’s here. So, naturally, Sam and Natasha started coming by too. 
They didn’t want to at first—especially after Tony warned them: Don’t go near the place if the windows are foggy or steamed. And the first time they showed up, the windows were, in fact, foggy. 
So, they waited outside, feeding the mosquitoes and staring at the overgrown grass.
But they had important “For your eyes only” files, and waiting beat facing Commander Hill’s irritation later. After counting all the daisies in the field—twice—they finally gave in. Sam knocked (covering his eyes), you answered (fully dressed), and they came in for a cup of tea. A carrot cake later, they became regulars.
Your lab has a charm they can’t resist: plants hang from every corner, spilling over shelves and framing the windows that let in the golden sunlight. The warm, earthy scent of the greenery mixes with the subtle perfume from your humidifiers. A soft glow of the sunlight filters through, casting a golden hue over everything. The kitchen always smells like freshly baked cookies, and the tea is good, but the coffee is great. 
Your space feels like a hidden sanctuary in the sunset. And amidst all this, there’s a relaxed and laughing, perfectly at home Steve. One that they’ve never seen before.
So of course, big boss Mr. Stark wasn’t going to be excluded.
“Remind me again why he’s coming?” Steve asked as he stepped into the shower. You were brushing your teeth, and he leaned over to kiss your shoulder, and…Yup, you were right; he knew exactly how things would’ve ended if he’d joined you earlier.
“I don’t know… there’s no meeting agenda. But technically, we are living in his compound, so…” you said, now brushing your hair and spritzing perfume. Then, after a pause, you added, “I think it has something to do with the New Era Project.”
Steve didn’t respond right away, but you caught the frown on his face through the steam of the shower. “Are you part of that?” he asked after a moment.
“Nope.” You began towel-drying your hair. “I don’t make or design weapons. I just fix your gear and armory and… sometimes I pitch cool new ideas to Tony during brainstorm sessions. You know, Level A clearance, remember?”
Steve chuckled—yeah, he remembered. You had access to all files and records, but only if Tony Stark himself granted it. Actually, he was the only one who could authorize your access and tokens. There were only two people in the entire organization with that kind of clearance: you and Peter Parker.
Your existence here was… special. Only level 3 and above tech personnel knew about you, and they practically worshiped you. You were the one who “optimized their code, fine-tuned algorithms that seemed impossible to crack, recalibrated testing protocols when simulations failed, and stepped in when machines were on the verge of catastrophic failure.” (That was Bruce’s wording. Steve didn't get shit of what he said, just referred to you as “my brilliant genius who fixes all that stuff.”) And the thing that stood out the most? You never took credit for the successes.
Selfless. That was the word Tony used when describing you. But he also said: “And that drives me nuts, because when you lack human ambition, what’s going to keep you around, right?”
Human ambition. The phrase echoed in Steve’s mind as he turned off the water with a sigh. He knew he had been avoiding the truth. Falling so hard for you that he didn’t want to face the reality. There was more to you than he fully understood, and deep down, he wasn’t sure he was ready to know the whole truth.
“I’ll make coffee,” you called from outside, interrupting his thoughts. “You staying for breakfast, or heading straight to training?”
“Yeah, I’ll stay for coffee,” he replied, wrapping a towel around himself and standing in front of the mirror. 
There, staring back at him, was a man madly in love. But as much as he wanted to be only that—just a man in love—he wasn’t. There was still a world beyond your lab, and he had to face it.
He sighed again, suspecting exactly what Tony was going to discuss with you.
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The coffee was ready, and croissants were on the table when Tony arrived. He greeted you with a cheek kiss and smirked at Steve, who was just walking out the bathroom with a towel around his waist. 
“There’s a scene I thought I’d never see.” Tony quipped as you placed a mug in front of him. “Aren’t you late, Cap?”
“Aren’t you early?” Steve shot back from the room.
“Actually, I’m late. I hung out in the car for a bit.” Tony tilted his head toward the window, a mocking grin spreading across his face. “The windows were steamed up, so I…” he clicked his tongue, “didn’t want to interrupt.” 
He turned to you, smiling. “This coffee’s great, hon. Any chance you’d consider making it a regular thing in the common room?”
“No. She wouldn’t,” Steve answered, now dressed in his training gear. He kissed you goodbye, shaking his head with a smirk. “Sorry babe, gotta go. Guess you were right, I am late.”
Tony shot him an I told you so look. 
“Coffee.” you said, handing Steve a travel mug, then cupped his face with a smile. “Kiss.”
Inhaling your fresh perfume, Steve sighed, enchanted, as he leaned down to kiss you. “Thanks…” He held back the I love you that nearly escaped his lips.
“Get something to eat after training, okay?” you said casually, unaware of how close he was to confessing.
“Yes ma’am.” He gave you a lingering glance, clearly wanting another kiss—or a few—before turning to Tony. “Easy, ok?” he warned.
“You hear that, hon? Easy on me,” Tony said with a grin, raising his mug to wave Steve off. “See you later, Cap.”
As the door closed behind Steve, Tony looked at you, “You know… that’s the best I’ve seen him in years.” He mused, his fingers tracing the rim of his mug. 
Then, after a brief pause, with a playful smile. “And the best I’ve seen of you, of course.”
You smiled back. “It’s not like you’ve been around much to see me anyway.” You patted his hand. 
“Not that I’m complaining. You’ve given me all the quiet and peace I could ever ask for.” You glanced down at the table with a soft smile. “And purpose.”
Tony stayed silent as the golden morning light filtered through the windows, casting lines of warmth and shadow across the table.
“Did you… tell him?” he asked, hesitating just as the light reached his mug.
“No. I, um…” You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “I’m scared.”
“God,” he sighed in resignation. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. And…” he shook his head, rolling his eyes, “I think his problem will eventually be, ‘Why didn’t you come sooner?’” 
He huffed. “It’s your call, but trust me—he always wants to know the truth, no matter how hard it might be.”
“I know. It’s just…” You admitted quietly, “I’m scared of him being… disappointed.”
“Then he can fuck off,” Tony shot back without hesitation, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “And die alone on his moral highlands.”
You laughed. Tony always knew how to make you laugh. After a few moments, you softened and asked, “What’s wrong, Tony? What’s really troubling you?”
“You mean besides the fact that one of my top-secret employees, whom I’ve kept hidden from everyone’s sight for years, is actually dating… I mean, no, we’re way past dating, right? I’d say… in a relationship with one of the most famous men in the world, who’s also the high commander of this… you know, little group of heroes that saves the universe from time to time? Yeah, there’s actually one tiny, tiny thing that keeps me awake at night…”
You sipped your coffee, still smiling. “What?”
“I’m having second thoughts about the New Era Project.”
You raised your eyebrows, and asked after some pause. “Do you want me to join?” Because you would, if he asked.
“No.” He was firm. “No, it’s not that. I’d never ask you to do that. It’s just… I’m having trouble piecing everything together. I don’t have the full picture. ” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. 
“The UN have been a pain in my ass since I flew out in a can suit in Afghanistan, but now… they’re... They’re being… nice.”
“And that’s a bad thing.” You raised an eyebrow, not sure whether you were asking or confirming.
“It’s incredibly dangerous and extremely suspicious.”
“I thought our little demonstration of power during Thanos would’ve made everyone play nice,” you said, grimacing as if to say, Duh.
“They even offered to cancel the Sokovian Accords.”
“Wait, what?” You blinked, surprised. “Is that even still a thing? I thought after the Blip…”
“Nobody had the time or the mood to talk about that during the Snap, so it just stayed there.” Tony explained, handing you his mug as you stood up to refill it.
“Well, that’s a generous offer,” you said, pouring more coffee. “But as you said…”
You paused, thinking for a moment.
“If rationality and facts can’t give you the full picture, maybe intuition will.” You sat back down, placing the mug in front of Tony. “What does your gut tell you? Animal instincts in the face of danger are 99% accurate, you know.”
Tony’s eyes flickered with uncertainty. “I don’t know. That’s what’s keeping me up at night. We’ve faced big threats before, but this... this feels different. Like they’re not reacting to a threat, but preparing for one.”
“Patience.” you murmured.
“Say what?” Tony hadn’t caught it.
“The Art of War,” you recalled. “‘He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.’” You nodded. “So if the picture isn’t clear, you wait for them to make the first move.”
That look crossed Tony’s face—the one he wore when you or Bruce finished a thought before him, or when you completed a task well before the deadline with an unexpected approach. The “finally, someone speaking my language” look.
“They’ve already made the first move, haven’t they?” you observed him closely.
Tony sat up, a slight smile of pride tugging at his lips. “Yes. They’re sending someone to… cooperate.”
“So… how do I fit into all this?” you asked quietly. “Strategies of war, deciphering enemy intentions, gathering intel, hacking systems… you’ve got quite a  team for that. The Team. How can I help?”
Tony sighed, leaning back in his chair as the sunlight shifted, casting shadows across the room. He paused, staring out the window before turning back to you, something close to worry in his eyes for the first time. 
“You fit in because you’re one of the few people I trust to see things clearly. No agenda. No ego. You can do things quietly, behind the scenes. And, frankly, you’re smarter than half the people working on this project…” He hesitated and added with a smirk, “...or the entire compound.”
After a brief pause, Tony confessed in a giving up tone. 
“And because I need your superpowers to sense if this guy is hiding something—something that our metal detectors and scanners can’t catch. These days, I don’t even trust that the people we meet are… well, human. Thanks to Danvers.”
Just like at the opening ceremony, he needed you to assess if there was anything suspicious about the people present. You nodded in understanding.
“Who are they sending?” 
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There were two files in front of him, both giving him the same headache. And Steve didn’t wanted to start with either of them. 
One was yours: HE0012, “Twelve.” Your code name—Hydra Experiment Number Twelve—and your real name, (If Twelve could even considered a name, but that was they’d given to you) both stamped on a complete profile folder of your classified information: layers upon layers of secrecy wrapped around your past, barely considered something near light reading.
The second file, labeled “FYEO - New Era Project” was a brick of a report, hundreds of pages long, more of a book than a document. It detailed, in excruciating pain-ass precision, the project's goal: a forced reconciliation between the Avengers and Stark Industries. The initiative was meant to foster collaborative research and development of cutting-edge technologies designed to bolster global defense systems.
Officially, the report framed it as ensuring global protection “in case of need,” but Steve knew the truth beneath the diplomatic phrasing. It was about weapons—gear, tools, anything needed to combat the next alien invasion, or any kind of catastrophic threat Earth might face.
Steve remembered Tony’s struggle with this report, how the stress weighed on him. Tony had been stuck between igniting another Civil War or throwing the damn thing in the nearest firepit. 
But seems now, that Tony had done what Tony does best: handed the problem to Steve.
Damn it, Tony.
“Captain.” Jarvis’s polite voice sounded through the nearest screen. “A guest has just entered the main building. Agent Charles Frazer from the New Era Special Committee has been announced.”
Steve sighed, shoving both files aside. He couldn’t even catch a break. “Background?” He asked as he glanced at the screen, pulling up Frazer’s information.
“Agent Frazer is currently serving with the UN Special Commission, previously tasked with supervising enhanced human activities under the Sokovian Accords. Before that, he was a top agent at MI6.” Jarvis relayed in his usual, steady tone.
“Great. I’ll meet him in the lobby. Where’s Tony?”
“Sir is en route from R&D 001 and will arrive in three and a half minutes. Agent Frazer is already in the lobby, Captain.”
“Fine.” Steve muttered, standing up. “Also ask Commander Hill to meet us there.”
From the second-floor glass railing, Steve looked down and spotted Frazer standing in the waiting area. The man was definitely an agent, but his military background was obvious in the way he stood—rigid, alert, scanning the room, it all pointed to someone used to being on guard, despite his polite, diplomatic smile and the small nods he gave to passing staff. 
After a moment of observation, Steve made his way downstairs before Frazer could notice he was being watched.
“Agent.” Steve greeted, extending a firm hand.
“Captain.” Charles Frazer responded with a wide, courteous smile. One that appeared genuine but not intrusive. “It’s an honor to meet you.”
“Likewise.” Steve was about to continue when Tony, Bruce, and you entered the room, caught up in a heated conversation.
“…so wait, are you telling me the material adapted in real-time? Enhanced its resistance with every applied force threshold—like it learned from the stress points?” Bruce’s voice was filled with astonished excitement.
“Yeah, we saw a 32% increase in tensile strength under standard shear stress.” You replied softly, barely looking up from your coffee mug.
“What about quantum resonance feedback?” Tony waved a hand, pressing for more details. “Is it boosting absorption capabilities?”
“It’s actually forming a self-reinforcing lattice that distributes the force across the entire molecular framework, but…” You trailed off as you noticed Steve. A soft smile lit up your face, your eyes brightening upon seeing him.
Steve, for a split second, returned the smile but quickly recovered his professional demeanor. “Dr. Lancaster,” he greeted you, then nodded to the others. “Tony, Bruce—this is Agent…”
A loud crash cut him off. 
Steve whipped around to see you standing there, your face as pale as your lab coat. Your mug lay shattered on the floor, coffee splattered across your clothes, but you didn’t seem to notice. Your gaze was locked on Agent Frazer’s face, your breath frozen, your body completely still.
“…Four?” The word barely escaped your lips, a whisper under the weight of everyone’s surprise.
Agent Frazer’s reaction was almost identical. 
His confident smile vanished in an instant—from confusion, to shock, and then to an almost frozen state mirroring yours, his eyes reflected the same haunting familiarity. It wasn’t just shock; it was a mix of fear, disbelief, and perhaps even something darker—like a flood of old memories being unlocked all at once. 
For a moment, the two of you stood there, staring at each other in stunned silence. Slowly, Frazer’s gaze locked onto yours, and recognition began to settle over his face. He slowly lifted a trembling hand toward your chin, his voice cracking as he murmured, “Twelve?”
“Let’s take this to a more private room.” Tony, ever the first to break the silence, said firmly even before you could go on. His eyes weren’t on you—they were glued to Steve, gauging his reaction.
Steve stood rigid, his jaw was set, his face unreadable as he observed the silent exchange between you and Frazer. 
“Yes, let’s do that.” Steve said, his voice firm but soft. A few people in the background had started to notice the unusual scene unfolding and were beginning to glance your way. So it was to act quickly.  He stepped closer to you, a part of him instinctively wanting to put a hand on your shoulder, or hold your hand to offer some comfort in the midst of the shock, but he hesitated. His hand hovered for a second before he drew it back. 
As the group moved to a quieter, more secluded room, the air was thick with unspoken questions, and no one dared to break the fragile silence. All eyes were on you and Agent Frazer, as though the past had suddenly come crashing into the present, and no one was sure how to navigate the ruins.
You met with Commander Hill in the middle of the hallway. She quickly noted the tension in the unusual group, scanning Agent Frazer as fast as she could with her x-ray inspection mode and cautious glare. 
“Is… everything okay?” She instantly reacted, reading the room. “Meeting 9 is available.” She looked at Steve and Tony and communicated in their own silent way: And it’s ready.
Ready meant that the room could provide total privacy while also functioning as the most advanced interrogation room. Everything would be recorded, with real-time facial expression analysis by Friday or Jarvis. The room’s ambiance would shift according to participants' moods, creating the most relaxing and comforting environment possible, encouraging the participants to say anything and everything that needed to be known.
But of course, you didn’t know that, and neither did Agent Frazer— or Four. You hadn’t yet recovered from the shock, so you barely heard Tony when he said, “We’ll just leave you to it,” or noticed the worried look Steve had given you. You didn’t look back; your eyes remained locked on Four’s.
“How…” You broke the silence after a long pause, sensing that both your breaths had softened. You began to regain some rationality and composure. “How did you escape? I… I thought you were dead…” 
Four closed his eyes for a moment, trying to stay as calm as possible.
He didn’t know where to start with.
“I was…” 
He didn’t look at you; his gaze was fixed on the floor, lost in some distant moment from the past. 
“The cryostasis pod that held me…malfunctioned, but instead of shutting down, it went into some sort of low-energy survival mode—almost like it was trying to protect me. Left me hanging on the edge of life, just the basics kept intact.” 
His accent was you remembered, a perfect blend of British and Russian, a strange yet polished combination of both. He talked as in Times New Roman. 
“I reckon I stayed that way for years… like being stuck in some frozen limbo. Like wandering in some desert between hell and heaven.” 
Four’s lips curled into a fragile, ironic smile: “That Hydra fortress in Caithness was too well-hidden. I’d have gone unnoticed until I wasted away, but when Hydra fell, every strategic spot on the globe became suspicious. British intel ran sweeps over the area… and they found me.”
You remained silent, memories flashing through your mind. You knew why the cryostasis pod had malfunctioned in the first place. 
After the Battle of New York, the remaining Hydra forces had started shutting down their less critical underground fortresses. Caithness, where Four was held, had probably been vital during the war, but your files were far too confidential, buried too deep to be easily retrieved. That place must have been overlooked as obsolete.
Then came the Battle in Washington, when Steve crushed Hydra for good, and Black Widow exposed Hydra’s files, Caithness would have landed on British radar.
The world had been holding its breath, watching the Avengers’ actions since New York. 
It wouldn’t surprise you if British intelligence wanted to keep Four for their own research—a super soldier hidden, repaired, filled with selective truths, and molded into a loyal agent. Their own secret Avenger, integrated into their best special forces.
“They kept your memory?” you asked softly, almost afraid of the answer.
“Bits of it.” Four replied, offering a smile, sensing your concern. He wanted to ease the pain of what he’d gone through during his rebirth. “Britain’s tech wasn’t as advanced as Hydra’s.” 
He glanced around and sighed. “And they were definitely far away from… this. They didn’t push it too far, just in case it might… break me and ruin everything.”
“Do you remember… everything?” you asked, finally looking into his eyes.
“Not everything. Just pieces, fragments. Sometimes I get flashbacks in my dreams…” Four’s eyes softened as he looked at you, a faint smile touching his lips, his voice tender with nostalgia. 
“You were a brilliant tree climber... I remember that odd old oak tree deep in the forest. Grand and ancient. You’d scramble up to the top branches and shake them until the leaves fell, making a pile on the ground. Then Five and Seven would dash over and dive in, like a pair of foxes.”
“And once, you hid a rock under the leaves, and Seven jumped right onto it…” You were lost in the memory too.
“He hit it so hard…” Four chuckled, his gaze drifting to that long-lost time. 
“We did everything to stop the bleeding before heading back, but he looked like…”
“A smashed tomato can.” You both said at the same time. And then you both laughed.
“I was grounded, of course. Bloody big time.” Four leaned back in his chair. “Six days of detention because, naturally, our blood was ‘precious,’ and Seven’s was everywhere. They had to clean up so thoroughly, it was like they burned the place down.”
“And you came by on the fifth night…” Four’s went gentle, as if telling a bedtime story. “You snuck in and gave me a piece of bread. And a golden leaf.”
He reached out and took your hand, squeezing it tight.
“I’m so glad to see you, little sister.” His voice was filled with pain. 
“When I woke up… I thought I was alone in this world.”
“Me too.” You whispered, though your eyes were elsewhere, lost in the shadows of the past. 
“Me too…”
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Steve could feel his teeth clenching. He tried desperately to release the pressure building in his fists, but the anger was overwhelming. 
He suddenly understood why he hadn’t been able to even open your file before—it was fear. He didn’t want to feel this powerless, like he does now, knowing there was nothing he could do to change what you’d been through.
Tony might have made a joke, something like, “Well, at least he’s only her brother.” but Steve could sense the tension in his voice.
“This is so…” Fucked up. Sam stood beside Steve, watching closely. “Any lie detected?”
“Facial analysis shows 99% veracity. The 1% is due to human factors beyond my calculations.” Friday’s voice echoed through the room.
“If the story’s true, it’s not impossible,” Natasha chimed in, raising an eyebrow. “When the files went public, someone must have taken action.”
“It just smells like there’s a cat hidden in the closet, y’all know?” Sam muttered, arms crossed, shaking his head. “Like, really? Now? The agent overseeing all this Sokovia Accords 2.0 stuff just so happens to be ex-Hydra, ex-experiment, and he shows up now? Like literally walking right to her. Now? When she’s…” He gestured pointedly. “With Steve? Why not before?”
“Maybe he was gone during the Blip?” Natasha suggested. “Look, I’m just trying to figure this out. Not saying the guy’s a saint, but…”
She glanced at Steve, who had turned into some kind of statue, staring at the screen, trying to read your every move, every reaction.
“We do have ex-Hydras doing just fine…” Bucky is one. You are one. Natasha didn’t say it, but it hung in the air, unspoken yet clear.
“Alright, first things first.” Maria stepped in, standing next to Steve. “What do we do with this guy? He’s still carrying the UN Special title, and…” She pulled up his file. “One thing’s for sure—his records are impeccable. At least on paper.”
Steve didn’t respond. His eyes remained fixed on the screen, where you were holding hands with Four. It wasn’t romantic, he could tell. You were pressing his hand, patting his back. You looked relaxed. The painful part of remembering was over, and now you were chatting about his life after MI6 gave him a new identity.
And you were smiling. You tilted your head slightly, something you always did when listening intently.
“Tony.” Steve suddenly spoke up, his voice low but steady. “Why are you so quiet?”
Steve hadn’t raised his voice, but the room instantly turned to Iron Man.
“Maybe I have nothing to say.”
“Or maybe it’s because I don’t want to know the answer.” Steve shot back, his tone sharper now. He didn’t say it aloud, but Tony knew. He knew exactly why Steve was looking at him like that.
But as always, Tony didn’t flinch under Steve’s scrutinizing glare, nor did he step back.
“I think Dr. Lancaster is just the perfect person for this job.” Tony said, quietly but with precision, locking eyes with Steve.
“Fuck! Tony!” Steve’s fists slammed down on the desk so hard that everything on it bounced. “She’s out of the New Era Project.” he said, gritting his teeth.
“She’s Level A.” Tony stepped closer, meeting Steve’s gaze up close. 
“And she happens to be top of R&D. Yes, I asked her to be here this morning, to check on this guy… just like she’s been doing since day one when she entered this compound.”
“So yeah, she can show him around, talk about super-intelligent things that normal people won’t understand, as long as it fits within the clearance I’ve given her. It’s not like I’m ordering her to do anything.”
Tony leaned in even closer to Steve’s face. “You can stay and hang out if you want. But seriously… and this is me being brutally honest, like you’ve always wanted.” His voice was calm, firm, unwavering. 
“Did you really think you could keep her out of this? Out of your life? Our life?”
He opened his arms slightly, giving Steve a knowing look. “Stop acting as your decisions are better than hers, Steve. She knew exactly what she was signing up for.”
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“I’m honored, but my pressure it’s on its peaks.” Four muttered, walking beside you down the long aisle that led from “Sustainable Technologies & Environmental Innovation” to the “Space Exploration & Interstellar Travel Engineering” hall.
You chuckled softly, shaking your head as you caught the reflection in the sleek glass walls: a serious, determined, and ‘touch my girl by a hair and I’ll kill the fuck out of you’ Steve, and a ‘I have so much more important and real shit to deal with right now than this’ face Maria walking behind you. 
“I mean I’m just a public employee. I expected both high commanders to receive me, but not to walk us all the way.” Four teased: “Remember when we had to escort the king during the war?”
“I thought that was the proudest day of your life.”
“It was, until this.” Four laughed, letting out a long, amused sigh after a pause. Then, more sincerely, “But you should be proud too, Twelve. Look at what you’ve accomplished.”
Four’s gaze lifted, drawn to the towering structures and intricate technology around him—robotics designed to repair spacecraft mid-flight, drones engineered for planetary terraforming. His eyes followed the sleek contours of prototype exosuits encased behind glass, shimmering with the pulse of energy cores yet to be tested.
Even with all the cutting-edge tech he’d seen around the world, he couldn’t help but admire the scale of innovation unfolding here—the flawless precision, the harmony between form and function, and the dedication and sense of unity the folks around here were putting on their work.
“Everything here... it’s like stepping into the future.” he said, his voice carrying a rare note of awe. “Back in the day, we only dreamt of machines like this. Now it’s real. I can feel the intelligence in the air, the potential of what this place can do.”
He paused in front of an android prototype, its sensors lighting up as though acknowledging his presence.
“This is what happens when visionaries are free to play with the impossible. And you are part of it. You should be proud. It’s the realization of everything we once hoped for. ”
Steve and Maria exchanged a glance at his words, and Steve’s gaze immediately shifted to you. He was desperate for you to turn, to look at him the way you always did—like you understood him without a single word needing to be spoken. But since the moment you walked out of Room 9 with Four, your gaze hadn’t found his. Not once.
You stayed silent upon your brother’s words. Your gaze was still, serene, and silent. There was no emotion beyond that on your face. Your eyes rested lightly on Four's expressions, then moved softly to the equipment he was examining. You were as still as a pond on a windless day. And your eyes…Steve could always interpret the emotions they held, if you offered him a glimpse, but you never did.
“Is it?” you murmured, emotionless. Neither Four nor Maria caught it, but Steve did. And it sent a cold shiver down his spine.
He watched you, hoping—no, needing—you to turn around, to meet his eyes with the same openness you always had. He knew you could feel his gaze, feel his desperate hope that you would just look at him. But you didn’t. You kept walking a few steps behind Four, and the space between you and Steve grew wider with every step.
He wanted to call your name, to pull you aside, to ask if you were okay, if this was too much for you. But something held him back. What if you didn’t respond the way he hoped? What if Four’s presence here was dragging you back into the person you were before? What if you weren’t the person he had fallen so deeply in love with? And what if… what if you didn’t love him back the way he loved you? Or worse, what if you were still exactly what Hydra wanted you to be? 
What if…this is the real you?
Steve’s heart was at war with itself. He had fought through battles where the stakes were higher than anything he could imagine here, but the battlefield of emotions felt far more treacherous. His love for you was the one thing he held onto with unyielding certainty—something unshakable. But now, he felt it flickering, like a candle fighting to stay lit in a growing storm.
Every time he looked at you, searching for a sign that you still belonged to him in the way he believed you did, it felt like reaching out for something just beyond his grasp.
It wasn’t the distance you kept from him physically that hurt the most. It was the emotional wall—thick, invisible, but undeniably there. His rationale, the part of him that always tried to be fair, tried to stay calm, told him not to jump to conclusions, not to doubt you. But the love-struck, emotional side of him—the part that saw you as his everything—was falling down into the vast uncertain sea of fear.
Four’s voice pulled him back from his thoughts, he was talking in low, but Steve overheard anyway.
“What are you really working on?” He was genuinely curious: “I’ve always known you were the best of us in intelligence but…this is…” he said in an obvious ‘wow’: “Mr. Stark said that you are on top of R&D, and you are also guiding the way, so I bet it is something…dramatic.”
“I can show you my workspace.” You smirk quietly, your voice a little bit proud, as a sibling that wanted to show off her new toys: “It’s not…dramatic. At least not complicated for you to read.”
“I…” Steve spoke up at the same time he frowned, but held back on calling out your name: “Dr. Lancaster. I don’t think…”
“We’ll be fine, Captain.” You interrupted him, but he could only see your back when you answered, still not looking back for a second: “I’ve got the clearance, no worries.” You said as you walked straight forward without hesitation.
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Of course, you weren't leading Four to your lab—your home with Steve, your recluse sanctuary out of the compounds. That would’ve been too much. Even for Steve, it would’ve crossed a line he couldn’t forgive, and you weren’t a monster, like, duh. 
Instead, you led Four toward your personal workspace. Or how Tony liked to call it: "the genius playroom", where cutting-edge tech, half-finished projects, and too many abandoned coffee mugs cluttered the surfaces—remnants of late-night brainstorming sessions with him and Bruce.
The room was chaotic brilliance in its purest form. Holographic models of Stark tech hovered in the air like suspended thoughts, caught in an endless cycle of innovation. Transparent screens flashed data faster than any normal person could process: only a select few could follow the constant stream of figures and projections (Three, actually, if Wakandian minds, or Dr. Cho weren't around). Half-assembled drones and sleek energy cores, still pulsating with untapped potential, were scattered around workbenches. Tony’s famous bean bag chairs—“sometimes the ass needs to think before the brain catches up”—occupied one corner, breaking the space's otherwise high-tech aesthetic.
The room was alive with invention, buzzing with the frenetic energy of genius minds always in motion. It was your playground, your escape, and the damn Thursday’s night that you couldn’t make it home and Steve's always resent.
“Bloody hell...” Four’s voice broke through the hum of machinery as he stepped into the room. His eyes widened, slowly sweeping across the multitude of inventions and half-finished designs. 
"This is... whoa...little sister, you did find your spot in the world, didn't you?" he muttered, genuine awe in his voice.
You watched him, standing close enough to catch every flicker of his gaze, how his eyes darted from one holographic projection to the next, lingering just a bit too long. As if he was, scanning.
"Well, welcome to The Crib." You said with a casual shrug, already moving toward one of the many touchscreens embedded into the workbenches. You tapped a few commands, and the room sprang to life. Holographic blueprints of your latest projects filled the space between you and Four.
"Where the magic is born. Core of the Avengers and Stark Industries inventions, we usually break a lot of rules here...and stuff, too."
Behind you, Steve and Maria stepped into the room, but your focus remained on the task at hand. Your heart began racing so fast it was going out of your chest, but you pushed it aside. You had work to do.
And a sense of unease gnawed at Steve, making his hair stand on end and his senses become hyper-alert. There was something wrong. Really wrong. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but a chill crawled up his spine, making his muscles tense.
He exchanged a glance with Maria—she felt it too. The air was too thick, too still. He could hear your heart beating, too fast, too loud.
You kept moving, subtly positioning yourself near the wall, your body shielding a button—one Steve hadn’t noticed before.
“Four?” Your voice was soft and casual. You were watching him carefully, studying his reactions like you were dissecting his every move.
“Mhm?” He didn’t look back, his attention still locked on the blueprints projected across the room, soaking up every detail.
“When did you say we escorted the king?” You leaned against the wall, arms crossed, your position relaxed, but gaze distant. “Was it at the beginning of the war? Or when it was almost over?”
“Beginning. Why?” Four turned to face you, a smile still hanging on his lips. “Why do you ask?”
“Because we were Hydra back then.” You said, voice level but resolute. “We didn’t escort people. Not the alliance, at least.”
Four’s smile faltered. It froze on his face.
“Who are you?” Your voice remained calm, but there was a razor edge beneath the surface. “And why are you pretending to be my brother?”
"Shit!" Maria immediately pulled out her gun, aiming straight at Four—no, Agent Frazer's—head, her finger tight on the trigger.
Steve stayed still, fists clenched, eyes rapidly calculating every option in the room: the exits, the distance between you and Four, and how fast he could get to either of you. In a matter of seconds, hundreds of plans flashed through his mind, each one detailing how things could go down.
Four's face remained calm, but the shift in his eyes betrayed him. The mask of the amiable older brother slipped, revealing the cold, calculating operative underneath—the same one who had greeted Captain America this morning: the perfect spy, shifting personas like a chameleon, adapting to every situation.
A slow, smug smile curled across his lips, replacing the affectionate facade he wore seconds ago.
"How did you know?" he asked, tilting his head, examining you. He seemed almost impressed by your unflinching calm, as if you'd been expecting this all along.
"'It's the realization of everything we once hoped for.'" Your gaze was unwavering, your tone even as you repeated his earlier words.
You lowered your eyelids, the weight of old memories seeping into your voice, barely a whisper.
"You’ve said that this tech, this…unrealistic world leadered by heroes, is something that we hoped for… is not." 
You didn’t know whom you were talking to, to Four, to Steve, or to yourself.
“We were kids. Trapped in a cage. We never hoped for any of this.” You paused: “My brother and sisters died before I was even grown up. And they didn’t dream big. We didn't have the chance or dared to do so.”
Steve's heart clenched. He had sensed this, but hearing you say it still hit harder than expected.
"You knew?" Four's tone shifted, darker, more dangerous. His eyes gleamed like a predator closing in on its prey. "From the beginning?"
"Easy, Frazer." Maria warned, her aim steady. "You even blink, and I'll put a bullet in your pretty forehead."
"Of course I knew…" you said calmly. "And I know you're wearing a retinal lens—a live-streaming neural interface that captures everything you see, using nanotransceivers to broadcast it live via ultra-broadband frequencies to a secure hub."
Steve's mind clicked into place. You had the ability to see the composition of materials in everything around you. It was why Tony often had you blend in with the crowd, to detect anything out of place or hidden in plain sight.
"Then you know it's too late." Four's grin widened, a victorious glint in his eyes. "I've already got everything I need, little sister."
"Do you?" You smiled—a smile Steve knew all too well, the one that meant you were about to love what happened next. 
You snapped your fingers. 
The world around you shimmered, peeling away like burning paper. The high-tech lab setup dissolved, revealing a The Crib instead, but it didn’t have all the advanced technology drafts as it was shown to Four. It was a clean, organized, fancy lab, not revealing anything confidential, it looked brand new..
"Binary Augmented Retro-Framing. Or BARF." you said, almost sighing. "It's on the market. The records are public. Tony loves to play with it."
"You think you're so smart." Frazer sneered, a cruel twist to his lips. "Or good. You think joining these superheroes will erase what you are? What you really are? You're nothing but a monstrous experiment."
"You're right." Your expression didn’t falter, not even a twitch. "My brothers and sisters were better." You continued watching him, calm as ever. "But you didn’t come all this way just for some tech demo, did you?"
"No." Frazer's smirk returned, sharper than before. "I came to confirm something, and I did. But there’s one last thing I wanted to check, just in case."
Steve's instincts kicked in, but he knew it was already too late. 
Frazer locked eyes with you, and his voice dropped, firm and deliberate:
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Divider Credits: to the wonderful @cafekitsune
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Woohooo...damn!! OMG thank you for reading thus far! Hope you really enjoyed it like I did writing it, it was a rollercoaster of emotions, tho.
Next chapter is finished already so I'll see you on next Friday! And I couldn't help myself on the "Revelio" part, I just had to give that dramatic line, if there were background music asin the movies, that's when it comes to play XD
Alright, let me know what do you think! (Also if you thought this was intense then next chapter is worse...xD)
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Shoot, I completely forgot, but it was mentioned by the brilliant @steviebbboi & @jamneuromain that I should have a taglist? So mentioning here, will edit when I have it ready ❤️
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tldrthor · 12 days
Part II: The Princess (and the chaos she brings with her) - steve rogers x princess!reader
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summary: the princess gets to grips with life in the avengers tower, the captain does his best to not allow his feelings to get in the way of acting normal. everything is nice... but for how long?
part 2 // it was an honour and a privilege, for his words to reach only her ear // word count 2k
you can find part one here and here's my masterlist <3
a/n: nothing much happens in this one but i needed to set the scene! hope you enjoy this short and fluffy fic x
Steve felt a kind of giddiness he had never felt before. It was almost nauseating; somewhere between the greatest euphoria and the deepest of depressions. He felt himself unable to bring words to his lips, when Bucky knocked on his room door to ask him how he was holding up.
“This is fucking crazy, man.” Bucky had breathed out. It seemed the same cat had got his tongue.
Steve had breathed out a half-laugh. “Yeah, it’s definitely crazy.”
He felt delirious. Dizzy with every emotion he had ever, and will ever feel. He found himself staring at the clock as time ticked by, agonisingly slowly. He fought against every instinct he had to run to her, make sure she never left his sight again.
It had been nearly 80 years since they had last seen each other. What if she had moved on? What if he was too different for her now? What if she was different?
As they had talked, it felt the same. But the talk they had had wasn't quite enough for the captain. He fought against every instinct he had to charge into her room and demand answers to the thousand questions running through his head.
His best bet would be going for a run, clear his head, work off some energy. It was a nice day outside, and a weekend so most of the agents and personnel were off-base. He shrugged on some gym clothes and headed out. He found himself lingering, as he walked past her door, trying to fend off thoughts of charging in and blurting his deepest thoughts to her.
The sound of... struggling? He could hear her, with ragged breath and the sound of what he thought was someone bumping into furniture. His eyebrows furrowed as he went into avenger mode.
"Princess?" He knocked quickly on the door, listening as he did for further sounds. As he knocked, the noises stopped. It was only through his supersoldier hearing that he could still hear her ragged breaths.
A small, breathless voice came from behind the door. "I'm okay, I'm alright!"
The captain wasn't entirely sure what to do. "Do you need help with anything?"
There was silence for a moment. And then, the lock on the door turned and she stood, once more, in front of him. Now, she was more flushed, and her hair had fallen ever so slightly out of place. The captain still thought she was the most radiant being he had ever seen.
"I... I am sorry to ask, captain. I am so used to having handmaidens that I can't get my armour off by myself." She looked away as she said it, and Steve cursed himself as a blush spread it's way over his cheeks.
"I'll help!" He said, perhaps a little too much enthusiasm behind his words. He immediately pulled it back, "or I could get Natasha, if you want."
The princess smiled at him. "It's okay, I wouldn't want to bother Miss Romanoff, if you don't mind helping?" She held the door for him and he entered her chambers. If she had been on Alfheim, or Asgard for that matter, this would have caused great scandal. For a brief moment, regardless of the circumstances, she was grateful to be back on Midgard.
She lifted her arms to show him how the chestplate connected around her torso, and he began to undo the intricate mechanism stitching it together. They were both hyper-aware of their closeness in that moment, each fighting not to think about it too much.
"It's beautiful." Steve tried to cut the silence, but his voice came out as more of a whisper. "Your armour, I mean. The carvings." He cleared his throat.
She made eye contact with him, and he nearly audibly gulped. "Thank you." As the mechanisms finally gave way, she pulled the piece over her head, holding it in front of her. "It belonged to my grandmother, the last Queen of Alfheim. They say even the stars themselves bowed to her."
Steve didn't miss the sadness layered in her voice.
"I never knew anything about your family before. It's crazy that they're kings and queens." Steve confessed.
She placed a hand, lightly on his arm. She couldn't think of what to say in response to that, but the gesture was enough. She hung the armour in the wardrobe, then began to take off her jewelry starting with her jeweled tiara. As she pulled it from her hair, he audibly gasped.
With the way her tresses fell, and covered her ears, it was like the princess disappeared and was replaced with (y/n). His (y/n). The one he ejected from the plane to save, all those years ago. The one he had mourned since he came out of the ice.
She turned to him, smiling. "You look the same, you know." She continued, "As when we last saw each other."
Steve caught a glimpse of himself in her mirror. He didn't feel the same as back then. He had been so full of hope, so naïve. The modern world made it hard to be optimistic.
"I'm older, now. You haven't aged a day." He responded.
She chuckled. "Steven, you are the same boy who jumped on the grenade at Camp Lehigh, it doesn't matter how you've aged." The kindness of her words as she said his name moved him in a way that no one had in a long time. "My people age far slower than Midgardians, so physically aging is an honour. I hope that one day, I experience the blessings of the years."
"What... what age are you?"
"Are you quite certain you want to know?" She asked, a hint of a smirk on her lips. When he nodded after a moment's hesitation, she continued; "I am 578 years old."
His jaw nearly hit the floor in shock. He looked at her features intently, his mind clawing desperately for anything to say. She didn't look a day over 25, and hadn't since the 40's.
"That's... um, pretty old." He stuttered out. Well, that was not what he had meant to say.
Her melodic laugh reached his ears and he had to admit, he breathed out a sigh of relief. "Captain, that is not a very becoming thing to say to a lady," She giggled. "I am barely a quarter of the way through my life span."
"God, sorry I didn't mean it like that, just... It's all so strange."
"I know, Captain. It is a long time in comparisons to a Midgardians life. I hope that it does not disturb you too much."
In the silence of the room, Steve suddenly became aware of the distance between them, or rather, the lack thereof. She was so close he could almost feel her breath on her face, as her eyelashes fluttered, looking up at him.
Her irresistible eyes.
He could reach out and grab her, right now. It would be easy, romantic, passionate, wonderful. He wanted to do it, badly. To feel his hands on her waist, to wrap her in his arms. He wondered, briefly, if she would tangle her hands in his hair.
In the real world, he couldn't do it. They had been apart for nearly a century, and even when they knew each other, they hadn't gotten that far. He didn't know if she still... felt that way.
His head was spinning, everything seemed to be moving too quickly and too slowly at the same time. Mayday, mayday, mayday.
He cleared his throat and moved away. Well, it was more of a jump. So much for looking normal, he thought to himself.
"We should go for dinner, uh... people will be waiting." He examined her features. She smiled politely, but her eyes betrayed something else. Was that... disappointment he detected? He was probably wishful thinking.
"Of course, Captain. I will get changed into the clothes Natasha brought for me, and then we shall go." She elegantly picked up some clothes, and wandered to the bathroom.
Dinner was lively as ever. At Thor's request, everyone had joined the team in the dining room for some pizza. Steve and the Princess wandered in later than everybody else, but were welcomed with cheers and laughter. It was nice.
"Princess (y/n)!" Thor boomed, motioning his friends over to two empty seats beside him. "I believe you have met everyone bar the young master Parker, over here." He pointed towards a young brunet boy, sitting rather awkwardly at the corner of the large table.
He waved, whispering a barely audible "Hi."
"Hello, Master Parker. I am (y/n) of Alfheim."
"Yeah, I heard, um. It's Peter, not Master Parker. My name I mean. If you want to- if it's your tradition or whatever you can call me that too I just... um, most of the uh avengers call me Peter, I mean." He placed a hand over his face in what even the princess understood was teen angst.
"Peter, then." She smiled politely at the young, flailing boy.
"I call him bugboy, if that's any more appeasing to you." A familiar voice parted through the din of the many, many conversations being had around the table. The princess looked to see Bucky sitting across from them, next to the man called Sam.
She laughed politely, at his joke, understanding immediately that the young avenger certainly experienced a lot of jokes at his expense.
Her attention was diverted, once again, by Mr. Stark. "Have you ever had the Midgardian delicacy of pizza, your highness?" There was a hint of sarcasm to his deference, that was not unnoticed by (y/n).
"Tony, she lived in Brooklyn in the 40s. Of course she's had pizza." Steve spoke up for her, also noticing the way Tony laced disquiet with her titles. He was being overprotective over pizza, and even though he was aware of the fact, he couldn't stop himself.
"Actually, Captain, I never got around to trying it during my time here."
A silence befell the dining room.
"What?" The harsh words came from Bucky, but it was a sentiment echoed quickly by Cap, and then young Peter.
"How could you have lived in New York for several years, and not had pizza?" Steve laughed at the Princess, who sheepishly smiled.
"I honestly did not realise it was a food, and I lived mostly on army rations anyway..." She explained.
"Oh my god, she's never lived." Sam spoke, dead-pan.
Tony finally interrupted the cacophony. "Well then, ma'am, consider this evening an education."
The evening was lovely. The conversation (and wine) flowed, never a dull moment. Thor and the Princess dazzled with tales of their worlds and the many battles they had faced. Steve and Bucky reminisced with the Princess about the times they had shared together.
As the evening grew quieter, the Princess found herself feeling safe, for the first time in a while. She was all too aware of Cap's arm slung over the back of her chair, dangerously close to being around her shoulders. Her heart skipped a beat every time he leant down to her ear, to share something only with her. It was an honour and a privilege, for his words to reach only her ear.
For the last 80 years, she had felt like she was spinning out of control. With the war, and especially the last attack, things had been worse than ever. But now, she could get used to this.
She dared, as she laughed at one of Tony's jokes, to put her head on the Captain's shoulder. As she did, she happened to catch Bucky's eye - he smiled and winked.
Yeah, she could definitely get used to this.
Unfortunately, she wouldn't get the chance to.
@vicmc624 @jvdgement @capswife @megluv1 @moviegurl2002 @aliciaasky @yiiiikesmish
i tagged everyone who said they wanted part 2, but let me know if you want to be removed from the taglist at any point! thanks so much for your support on the first part x
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
*intensely thinking of final answer*
*game show waiting music*
I think I'm going with miscommunication with Bucky.
*presses button to log it in*
*game show celebration music* congratulations! You have a Bingo!!! 💗 This was fun. I'm hoping it counts as Miscommunication because, technically, it's only one-sided. But I loved it so much I had to write it. Anyway - enjoy! 🥰
summary 'cause it's a little longer: You’re the new recruit with mind-controlling abilities and Bucky hates it. But after avoiding you for a while and being responsible for several dangerous situations because of it, Bucky is asked to resolve his issues with you. He’s not amused, but amazing things can happen when people are trapped in elevators and it makes Bucky realize that, maybe, you’re not as awful as he thought.
Miscommunication (Bingo Game)
BuckyBarnes x Enhanced!Female!Reader
word count: 3.3k
warnings: enemies to friends (for now?), grumpy!Bucky, angst, swearing, sassy reader, arguing, and me trying to be funny
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“Can you make people cry?”
“What about making them dance real good.” Another man chimed in. You remembered him introducing himself as ‘The Falcon’.
“On what?”
“Are you a good dancer?” You smirked. 
“Is that a challenge?” He raised his eyebrows. 
“What about farts, can you make people fart,” The ant guy asked with enthusiasm. 
“I... I haven’t tried that yet.”
“Well, it would be a great prank.”
“I guess?” It wasn’t the weirdest thing you’d been asked before - you’d never forget that day your niece brought you to school for your magic talent... kindergartners asked the most unexpected questions. But hearing them from an adult was still a little unusual. 
“So you can just make people do things?” The youngest of the group asked.
“Pretty much.”
“It’s hard to explain.”
His eyes lit up. “Woah, so you could make Mr. Falcon go and get me a bowl of popcorn right now?”
“Careful, spider boy.” The man - Sam, you believed - warned. 
“I could, yes.”
“I’ve never had this much power!” Peter rubbed his hands with a bright smile - his name was easy to remember with all the questions he fired at you.
“You still don’t, kid. Keep it down a little will ya?” The goatee man tapped his shoulder with the twitch of his brow. 
“Oh, yes Mr. Stark. Sorry, Mr. Stark.”
“Tony,” he corrected.
“Right. Mr. Tony, sir.”
You’d been here for thirty minutes and everyone was all over you. You didn’t mind, really. On the contrary, you enjoyed that the people you would work with were actually interested. Well, all except for one. It didn’t go past you that one person had been watching you from the corner the whole time, not losing a word, simply staring ahead broodily with his arms crossed 
“Alright, everyone,” Tony clapped once, “last question. I still have to show the rookie the rest of the compound.”
“Oh me, me, me!!!” Peter raised his hand and almost picked Tony’s nose.
“Barnes, do you have anything? You’ve been awfully quiet.”
“I don’t need to know shit, Stark.” The brunette pushed himself off the wall, revealing a couple more inches to his height you had not noticed before. 
“Don’t be rude, Mr. Barnes,” Peter pouted; he seemed to be adoring you already. 
“I’m not rude. It’s just a stupid power that no one needs. It’s fucking dangerous and shouldn’t be part of the Avengers,” he exclaimed and proceeded to leave the room, making you feel a little sad and the rest of the team look baffled. 
“Well... okay.” Tony turned to you, rolling his eyes as Peter’s desperate noises reached his ears again. “What’s your question, Peter?”
“Miss, I don’t think your power is stupid. It’s super mega awesome and I seriously wish I could tell Flash about it, he would be so jealous!” You laughed. 
“The question, kid.”
“Oh, yes... can you make animals talk?”
That had been about four weeks ago, and Bucky had been avoiding you ever since. He had heard what you could do the first day you got introduced, and thanks to Peter he had more than enough knowledge about how vastly your power reached. 
Mind control. That was the fucking last thing they needed on the team. How fucking ridiculous. Bucky didn’t want to have anything to do with it, or you for that matter. It was enough that Wanda had the ability to read minds, he didn’t need someone controlling them on top of it. 
So Bucky didn’t like you or your power or the danger that came with it, and he put a huge amount of effort into showing you his disdain. When you entered the room, he stood to leave. When you were assigned on a mission together, he tried to switch with someone else - earning him weeks worth of laundry duty for Sam and dishwashing chores for Nat - but that was worth it. And when he wasn’t able to, he communicated with you as little as possible, earning a couple of scoldings from Stark and Fury for not warning you of threats in time - but really, nothing bad ever happened, so Bucky didn’t know what the problem was.
And soon, much to Bucky’s relief, you started reciprocating the hostile behavior he displayed toward you on a daily basis.
Constant bickering, dangerous situations, and death stares were your new M.O. but Bucky knew it only meant for you to finally back off. Because you had tried to be nice to him in the beginning, and Bucky felt a little bad for making you sad, but it was nothing to how sorry he would be if he ever let you in. 
A gunshot sounded through the crackly speaker.
Followed by a round of grunts and hits of which a fair amount landed in Bucky’s ribs and face.
“Oh right, there’s a hostile headed your way. Sorry, must’ve slipped my mind. I’m a little ‘careless’ at times.”
Yep, that one had hurt. But he’d rather pack a punch than retract his comment about your being careless. Because that’s what you were - or rather your ability. Careless and dangerous.
Bucky watched as Steve crossed his arms after pausing the recording, his captain stare in full force as he watched his best friend lean back in his chair unimpressed.
“Buck, you know I don’t want to do this but it's also my job to make sure my team is conducting missions safely. So, what’s wrong? You don’t usually act this way - even with people you don’t like - so don’t even try.”
Bucky just huffed, crossing his arms as well. He didn’t feel the need to respond. This was ridiculous; everyone should see how dangerous you were.
“You got a chance to solve this the easy way here. Help me out a little, pal. If you don’t cooperate, I need to apply official protocol. So tell me, please, what’s the problem?” Steve’s eyebrows were raised in anticipation, but Bucky was too sulky to help. To hell with this ‘I’m your friend-‘crap - he should go ahead and apply official protocol, maybe they’d see that your ability alone probably violated six paragraphs of the Avengers’ Oath. 
He bit his tongue before losing another comment swirling in his head, looking out the window to distract himself from the unfortunate situation he found himself in. Bucky hated when Steve became all professional with him. It was stupid. 
“You’re putting yourself and the team in danger,” Steve tried again, “there must be a reason for your behaving like this. Let me fix it. Let me help-” 
“I don’t need fixing!” Bucky snapped, his eyes finding Steve’s in a heartbeat as he leaned forward in his chair. 
“Then what is it? Do you like her? Is that why you're being so...” The blonde’s hand flailed in the air as he tried to find the words to describe Bucky’s behavior. 
“Fuck no.” He leaned back again. 
“Language,” Steve warned, only to earn a side eye from his friend. 
Bucky knew exactly why he avoided you. And so should Steve. He was his best friend for fuck’s sake. This was the most unnecessary conversation he’s ever had. If anything, Steve should have his back and not try to ‘fix him’.
“You should talk to her.”
“I’m being serious. What’s the issue?”
“You know damn well what the issue is, Steve!” Bucky rose from his chair but Steve didn't flinch. He merely scolded him for his cursing again. 
But after a minute of blank staring at each other, Steve broke the silence again. “You’re scared.”
And Bucky exhaled a long breath before training his eyes on the ceiling. “Of course I’m scared, Steve! There is nothing worse than not being in control.” He looked at him. “Im gonna hurt people. I have before. And being close to her... It just makes the possibility of the winter soldier returning a lot more likely.”
“She wouldn’t do that.”
“You don’t know that. She’s had no training; it could happen accidentally.
Steve was quiet for a while, just looking at his friend, assessing his comment. Bucky could see the wheels turning behind his eyes and after a while, he just stared out the window again until the blonde would present another righteous monologue to him. 
“You should tell her,” Steve finally said and Bucky wondered why it had taken him so long to come up with a sentence he’d already said. 
“I don’t need to tell her shit. Just keep her away from me.” He rolled his eyes, but he was desperate at this point. Bucky just wanted to go - leave and stop being bothered by everyone. 
Steve just shook his head in defeat - Bucky had done it again. Successfully shaken the unavoidable for today. He smiled to himself as he turned to leave the conference room. But before he could reach the last chair on his way, Steve held him back one last time.
“She’s a very nice person, you know? And your attitude towards her is affecting everyone on the team. Maybe, if you could look past your issues with her... You’d see how nicely she fits in with us.” Steve cocked his head to the side with a small smile. “I’m sure you’d get along if you just took the time to get to know her...”
But Bucky only replied with a bitter ‘shut up, punk’ before averting his eyes again. He didn’t like this at all. 
Steve sighed. “Just promise me you’ll do something.”
Bucky shot him one last look before turning and leaving without another response. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Bucky looked at you through hooded eyelids upon your entering the elevator. 
You just ignored him. You had tried to be nice long enough, tried to make him your friend one too many times, each one teaching you just how vain the attempt had been. Because if you had learned one thing about Bucky Barnes over the past month, it was that he hated your guts and that he was not willing to try and be civil with you. So, you saw no reason to be nice anymore. 
“Don’t act like it's my pleasure either.” You turned and faced the door after pushing the buttons to your floor. 
Bucky just huffed behind you and you held your head a little higher, trying to let the seconds pass until you could leave again. It’s only an elevator ride - how hard could it be? But time seemed to pass slower than usual, and the unsteady rattling of the glass chamber going up the tower made the whole ordeal that much more unpleasant. 
That was until it suddenly stopped, a screeching sound echoing through the small space until the elevator halted abruptly, making you lose your balance for a brief moment. 
“What the-“ you muttered and pressed the floor button another time. Then again. And again. But nothing happened.  
You tried the emergency call button, but again, nothing. You were stuck. Several hundred feet in the air with Bucky Barnes. Great.
You took a deep breath, there were worse things, you tried to calm yourself, but upon stealing a glance over your shoulder, only to see Bucky glaring at you, that attempt disintegrated. Still, you chose to ignore him. You’d get out of here eventually. Someone would notice you were missing and look for you, check the security cameras, maybe - do something and finally break open these damn elevator doors. 
But then Bucky began to shuffle behind you, his steps clicking on the tiled floor of the lift, and uneven pace interrupted by the confines of the small room and it agitated you. It was enough you were stuck in an elevator when you had work to do. Now you couldn’t even concentrate. 
“Would you stop pacing?” You finally snapped and turned around only to see Bucky staring at you with wide eyes.
But he caught himself quickly. “What’s it matter to you?”
“It’s annoying. And as much as I hate to be stuck in here with you, we need to find a way not to kill each other until someone comes to help.” You turned back around taking another deep breath and enjoying the silence.
It didn’t last long though because the shuffling picked back up again soon. You waited another minute, but when Bucky made even more noise, a thudding sound coming from behind, you whipped around again to yell at him. 
But you stopped in your tracks as you saw him kneeling on the floor, his head tugged beneath his arms as his shoulder heaved rapidly. 
“Wha-“You moved forward to help but-
“Stay away from me!” He spat with fire in his eyes and then his head was back between his knees. 
You took a step back and assessed the situation. The posture, the heavy breathing, the slight shudder in his hands, the constant rocking. He was scared. He was having a panic attack. 
And as much as you wanted to avoid him, you were not cruel. When someone needed help, you helped. “Bucky-“ 
“I said stay the fuck away!” He crawled back into the corner.
You held your hands up in surrender, carefully trying to speak again. “I just want to help-“
“Well, I don’t need your help. Just back off!” The elevator shook with the boom of his voice, making your breath hitch. 
That was it, the last straw. All the pent-up anger of the past weeks bubbled to the surface, desperation and cluelessness balling up in frustration. You could barely feel it crawl up your body before you opened your mouth and screamed back. “What's your problem Bucky? I want you to feel better! What did I do that makes you hate me so much?!”
Your chest heaved in anger, your hands balling into fists as you watched Bucky get up slowly - eyes darker than you’d ever seen before. His arm whirred but he didn’t move it. He merely stepped a little closer to you, towering over you when his husky voice mumbled into the space between you. 
“I don’t hate you.” You swallowed and stared up at him, he was intimidating. “I’m fucking scared to lose control and-“ his vibranium arm shot up towards you but you stopped it in its tracks. Bucky’s fist was hanging in the air above you, your power holding him off and it took a fair amount of strength to do so. His eyes shot from his fist back to you, jaw tensing. 
“I would never do that.”
“You’re telling me I’m irrational?” He hinted towards his arm still held back by your control and you immediately let it fall back to his side. “...that it couldn’t happen by accident?”
“You underestimate me, Bucky.” You pressed with spite, willing him back a step to leave you space to breathe again. 
“I don't know you.”
“And who’s fault is that?” That shut him up. 
Bucky flexed his vibranium fingers, testing his own control again before his eyes found you again. 
“Let me show you.” You tried softly. Maybe this was the gateway to a start-over. At least now you knew the issue, now there was only solving it left. 
Bucky looked at you questioningly.
“Let me show you why you don’t need to be scared.” You smiled and somehow it softened the tension around you. 
Bucky’s shoulders relaxed when he stood up straighter. “And why would I want that?” He was stubborn.
“I’m offering an olive branch here. And after all that you have pulled, I suggest taking it. Because I cannot guarantee I’ll feel this nice again if you don’t.”
Bucky watched you carefully for a moment. As if he was trying to detect a joke in your statement, he analyzed every inch of your body suspiciously. And then after another minute, he sighed in defeat. 
“Then we need to get out of here.”
Bucky was still a little wary now that you had dragged him outside. The sun was shining in the bright blue sky but having you stand so close to him was still making him nervous. He had no idea what he had just signed up for. 
There were a few people outside as well, all going about their days and when he turned his head to you, he noticed you watching them intently. 
“I can feel their energy,” you stated, making Bucky check if anyone was behaving as though he was influenced by you in any way - they weren’t. 
“And, yes, I can make living beings succumb to my will, but when I do, I feel their pain, their mental wars...” You looked at him and Bucky could feel your eyes pushing through to his deepest fears. “I wouldn’t make them do anything I wouldn’t want to endure myself... unless, of course... it’s necessary.”
Bucky thought back to a mission a while back. You had been utilized to make a hostile talk using rather unorthodox strategies. This time you actually had to hold them in place - position their limbs in places they shouldn’t be. He closed his eyes when he remembered your death cries. They had been hunting him for days. But other than you, the hostile had been killed. 
“You’re mentally linking with them,” he whispered almost ashamed for not noticing it earlier. Everyone on the team probably knew it already - he had just never taken the time to listen. 
“Yes.” He swallowed thickly, watching as you turned to him fully and he mirrored your action.
“If I were to make you- if I..,” you trailed off, took a deep breath, and shook your head. “I wouldn’t do that.”
And that’s when Bucky finally understood. All this time he had avoided you, fought with you, and despised you for thinking you’d be cruel for fun. He felt awful.
Your name slipped from his lips for the first time, calling your attention to his sorrowful eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
You nodded. “It’s okay. I understand it’s scary. I was scared of it, too, when I first found out... But I had a lot of time to learn. And now... I actually know how to utilize my power - control it. It even has some perks.”
Bucky’s eyebrows raised intrigued. A silent question to which you only responded by carefully reaching your hand out so his flesh one. 
“Can I?” You asked before actually taking it and Bucky just nodded while watching you carefully.  
He felt a lot calmer than he had before. And when you finally touched his calloused fingers, there was no urge to pull away like there had always been. You smiled at him and then nodded up to the sky, urging him to follow your stare.
“Look,” you whispered, and then Bucky felt his spine tingle. All of a sudden, it felt like his feet were lifted off the ground - smooth and subtle - almost comforting, he was engulfed by the feeling of floating - no - flying. 
His eyes followed the birds in the sky, which were now rounding effortless constellations several feet above his head and Bucky just knew that they were feeling the same - exactly the same. It was amazing, and even though it was a little strange and scary, your hand holding his made him feel unusually safe.
After a while, Bucky felt the feeling subside, the birds in the sky stopped flying above him and continues their journey east again. Your hand left his but he still felt lighter than he had ever before. 
His smile found you. “That’s actually pretty amazing,” he beamed before looking at the birds passing him and then back to you again. 
“Yeah... it is.” You smiled as well and Bucky felt all his doubts about you float away with the feeling this extraordinary experience had brought him.
Maybe mind control wasn’t as ridiculous and careless as he had thought it to be...
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malia-lake-love · 10 months
Love At Super Sonic Speed. Teaser Chapter Seven
I awoke again and ran to the bathroom with an urgent need to pee, I did my business and my other hygiene things. I cleaned up my bathroom a little bit and cleaned my room once I was done in the bathroom.
I walked into my kitchenette and ate some fruit, then chugged some water before heading out into the lab. The doors slid open with a click and I walked in, since everybody was out on missions I had the day to myself.
I started tinkering on different projects, fixing my wings, creating new AI's. "Jarvis could you play some sad music please?" I asked as I looked through my pockets. "Of course Ms. Stark." Jarvis said, and music began to flow from the speakers.
I thought about my life and how I had gotten to this point. I thought about Svetlana, Bucky, and my dad.
I thought about the years of trauma therapy I had to go through, the nightmares, the PTSD. I don't think I would have gotten through it with out my parents and the rest of the avengers.
Sometimes if I'm focusing really hard on something I think I see Svetlana standing next to me, smiling at me encouragingly, sometimes she talked to me and I felt like I was going insane.
I sighed as I pulled my phone out of my pocket, I looked at the time realizing I had been in the lab for five hours and it was now noon.
I'm quite like my father and lose myself in my work. I slid my phone back in my pocket had Jarvis turn off the music and walked out of the lab.
I continued my journey down to the kitchens and asked the cook to make me a sandwich. She smiled and told me she would bring it to me when it was finished.
I smiled gratefully at her and went and sat down in the living room turning on the T.V. I channel surfed for about Five minutes before the cook placed a sandwich, and a glass of (Y/F/D) in-front of me.
I thanked her and she left, I ate my lunch quickly and then took a nap on the couch, pulling a red, white, and blue quilt that I made for Steve over my body. I snuggled in and fell asleep.
~~Time Skip~~
I woke up a few hours later, looked at my phone to see it was now three. I yawned and stretched rising to my feet, I folded up the quilt, laid it on the back of the couch, and walked over to the elevator going back up to my room.
Once I reached my room I went over to my closet and started looking for a dress to where to the party tonight, I narrowed it down to three.
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the-underthinker · 2 years
The Avengers are actually Crack Addicts.
Part 1: Don’t Mess with Black Widow
Description: Peter thinks you don’t have what it takes to complete a simple dare. You decide to prove the young spider-ling wrong, which leads you both to face some tough consequences.
Pairings: Enhanced!Reader x Avengers (Platonic)
Warnings: idiocy, randomness, crack, humor, a bit of angst maybe? (barely any tho). A whole lot of spelling errors and grammar mistakes, oops. 
- divider credits to @promenadewithme-graphics​​
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You’re screwed.
You’re screwed.
You’re screwed.
You are so extremely, incredibly screwed.
You were never one to hold on to regrets, but after the stunt you just pulled your starting to feel them creeping in like the consequences of someone who was lactose intolerant. Dread filled in the pit of your stomach, and anxiety seeped through your veins.
Dammit, you had dreams, and goals you’ve been too lazy to commit to. Now—now you held no future of completing them. All because your dumb ass just had to royally piss off one of the most dangerous, most lethal, most deadly human beings on this planet. 
Natasha Romanoff.
God, this was all Peters fault. This was the last time you’d involve yourself with that raunchy-ass looking Charlotte’s-web wannabe’s activities. Sure it was a dare, and who were you to pussy out on one—that’s right, never. Although, you knew you should’ve listened to your gut the moment those words left Peter’s mouth instead of allowing him to egg you on with his proclamations of calling you a “chicken”, as he proceeded to flap his wings like one whilst he waddled in a circle. 
You and your damn pride.
You wheezed out a harsh exhale as you threw the door into the common room open, ignoring whoever it was in front of you and shoving them to the side roughly. Only the glimpse of the familiar logo of Midtown High gave you a hint to who it could be. You grumbled in annoyance at the sound of Peters sequels of surprise. You would deal with him later, if Nat didn’t get to you first that is.
“Move!” You screamed, side-stepping sweet little Morgan who was sat coloring at the coffee table, causing you to swiftly jump over the couch right over Tony’s head from where he sat with his daughter, as he clutched his pearls tightly to his chest. You then swerved right past Wanda who screeched in terror as she jumped into Vision’s arms as he wore a look of confusion at the madness that was occurring.
It was like you could see a hope of light up ahead, your source of freedom that lead into the parking garage and to your car that would take you far away from the compound, and hopefully to the airport to never be seen again was only a few feet away. You just needed to reach the door that led to the staircase and you would finally get your liberation at last. 
“Mama ain’t dying today,” you whispered to yourself, as you ran straight towards the exit. Going as far as lunging straight towards the door.
Alas, it was all a dream because all to soon you were falling quickly and back into reality as you fell hard into a solid figure.
“What the hell!” The muffled voice of the person below you wailed, quickly shoving you to the side as they groaned in pain.
You mumbled a few curse words under your breath as you attempted to stand on shaky legs. There was no time to waste as you needed to escape fast, time was of the essence. So, with wide eyes and wobbly knees you began to speed walk like an old lady would towards the clearance section of her favorite craft store, and dashed straight to the exit. 
“Whoa there,” Steve said, grabbing onto your shoulders as he attempted to steady you in place. “Where do you think you’re going? You just sumo-slammed Sam, and your walking like a new born giraffe, what’s got you in such a rush?” He questioned, concern flickering in his eyes.
You felt a rush of dizziness flutter through you as you held on to Steve’s forearms tightly. Other days you would of pretended to feel a little ill just a while longer so that you’d be able to cop a feel of his toned arms, but unfortunately Nat was on a killing spree, so you sadly made the decision to feel up Captain America another time when your schedule was clear.
Steve on the other hand, was concerned. Your crazy eyes and the way you tightened your grip on his arms freaked him out tremendously. Slowly he began to hold you at arms length, reminding himself just how feral you can really be sometimes. 
The corners of your lips twitched in amusement as you tried not to cackle at Steve’s facial expression. Preventing your death by a short red-headed assassin was number one on your to-list at the moment, and you were reminded that there was simply no time to waste. You needed to run, and you needed to leave now. Slapping away Steve’s grubby hands that did well to help you stay balanced, you began waddling away towards the exit. 
Before you could take another step forward Steve grabbed you by the shoulders and turned you around to face him once again. 
“Y/n, you cannot just barge into the common room and push and shove your way through, wrestle-mania Sam into the ground, and then hobble away like an old lady as if you didn’t just abuse us with your cane. Now, what is the meaning of all this?” Steve demanded, his Captain America voice slipping past those luscious lips of his. Why do men get everything, and they don’t even deserve it.
You huffed in annoyance, as your heart continued to beat erratically. Your eyes darted back and forth all around the room as you looked for the one person who was missing from this equation. Knowing Steve, he was too stubborn to let you off the hook without an explanation, so with a swollen forehead and blurry eyes you began to give him the spark notes. 
“Look, I can’t really go into detail right now because my life is quite literally on the line-,” Steve only rolled his eyes at your exaggeration because this wasn’t the first time you’ve said this exact phrase before.
“-but I may have tinkered with Nat’s hair products, and she may, or may not resemble something similar to Morgan’s drawings.”
As if on queue, everyone’s head turned towards Morgan’s drawings that were sprawled all along the coffee table. Watching in curiosity as she drew a bunch of scribbled hearts around other shapes that were unidentifiable. 
“Not that one,” Y/n said, wincing slightly as you redirected them. “The one to the left.”
There on the coffee table laid a masterpiece (Tony’s words, no one else’s) of assorted colors, and shapes. A colorful kaleidoscope that was supposed to resemble Lucky, the Barton’s new dog designed in a way that was completely unrecognizable. He was a “rainbow unicorn puppy” (Morgan’s words, not her’s). Y/n could now admit that Morgan really was like Picasso in a sense, because she was certainly inspired to create her own disaster of a masterpiece as well.
Peter and Sam cackled loudly in the background as they both leaned on the back of the couch to hold themselves up. Struggling to breathe as they could only wonder what the damage could be to Nat’s hair.
Tony, who was sat near Morgan on the floor only smirked as he shook his head in amusement along with Wanda and Vision.
Poor Steve only pinched the bridge of his nose as he muttered a not so discreet “why me?”, all while shaking his head in disappointment.
You huffed in annoyance as you brought your attention back to Steve, impatiently waiting for him to dismiss you. “Now I don’t know what the fuc-”
“Language!” You only rolled your eyes as he continued to glare down at you in disappointment.
“Seriously? You watched me kill someone like, yesterday.”
“A little murder is no excuse to start talking inappropriately in front of a child,” he stated, flickering his eyes towards Morgan who quietly sang to herself, stuck in her own little world.
“Speaking of murder,” It was a voice like silk velvet, a smooth and delicate sound that rung in Y/n’s ears. It was a voice so dangerously beautiful that the melody of it alone could pierce through a terrified soul, and strike at it so easily, ending it once and for all. 
Gulping, Y/n turned around slowly as she clenched her fists tightly to her sides. Her bottom lip quivered in fear as she took in the image that was Natasha Romanoff herself. 
“I cant believe you actually did it!” Peter screeched, his eyes were wide in mirth as he let his gaze travel all over Nat’s menacing figure.
Her once ruby red hair that shined bright when hit by the sun just right was nothing but a muddy mess of prismatic hues. You couldn’t tell where the neon green started, and where the lavender strands ended. The collar of her shirt was soaked by the tips of her hair that were still wet from the shower she hurried out of once she realized her predicament.
As the others muffled their chuckles behind the palms of their hands, Sam and Peter decided to risk their own lives and explode with laughter right behind her. Nat stood in front of Y/n lighting her up like a fire to a puddle of gasoline with the glare she was producing. A look so intimidating that it could send even the devil back into the depths of hell all while he shivered in his boots begging for forgiveness.
Y/n believed herself to be a strong willed individual. Someone of great strength and certainly not shy from the bloodshed that came with being an enhanced being. In all her life, and with all that she has encountered; whether that be the torture of those scientist that injected some sort of fluid into her veins day in and day out with chemicals upon chemicals until she was nothing but bruised and bloodied, and from side effects that ranged between night sweats to the voices that spoke through her mind whispering words and secrets that made her wish she could turn it all off, nothing in this world; Alien, nor God could terrify her more than Natasha herself.
See Natasha wan’t the type to get revenge, no--she was the type to make sure she got even.
That was one thing she made sure to promise even her worst enemies, and Y/n knew then and there that Nat would make sure she would prevail in her mission.
“Why is he making those sounds?” Vision questioned, staring intently at the salty tear drops that leaked from Sam’s eyes from his view on the couch right beside Wanda and the others.
“It’s called crying, Vis,” Wanda said, letting out a small giggle that was muffled by the palm of her hand.
“What does ‘crying’ mean?” Vision asked, his android-looking-doe eyes gazing questionably at the red-headed Scarlet Witch.
“It’s how humans express their emotions; such as distress, sadness, and even joy.” Wanda said, smiling lovingly up at Vision as she reached for his hand to squeeze.
Vision smiled, satisfied with the information on humans that he was obtaining. Moving his gaze back towards the three delinquents (Steve’s words) that were subjected to Natasha’s wrath, he cocked his head to the side as he gazed back down at Sam who was sat on the floor of the common room in front of him. 
“That is very...interesting.” He stated, “how do we make it stop?” 
Sam only glared back at vision with puffy eyes as snot began to dribble down and out his nose.
“I don’t understand why you’re doing this to me, Y/n was the one who did the prank on you, not me!” Sam whined as he proceeded to be held down by Nat as she forcibly shaved his head with the buzzing razor that was clutched in her fist tightly.
The other two idiots who began this whole escapade were currently tied from top to bottom in a strong wire that Nat had produced out of nowhere after she cornered Y/n in the kitchen. Which wasn’t as easy as she anticipated because she had to chase her for another fifty minutes before finally lunging at her when she tripped on air.
Peter and Sam were to busy laughing their asses off to see Nat drag Y/n into the middle of the living room with a devious smile on her face. Y/n sat there with a defeated look and her chin against her chest as she finally came to terms with her consequences. Eventually Nat was able to sneak up behind both Peter and Sam and grab them by the ears and hold them down as they screamed in panic. She then began flipping a coin to determine who would be the first to get their hair shaved off completely as payment. All while the rest of the Avengers began taking their seats to enjoy the show, even passing along some drinks and snacks that Tony went to grab for them as Morgan sat on his lap sipping on a cherry flavored juice box.
“I know I should be scared for my life right now, but surprisingly I’m pretty calm. I was actually debating shaving my head earlier to be honest.” Peter said, as he sat criss-cross-applesauce  with his arms zip-tied behind his back as he watched Nat struggle a bit to hold Sam down. 
“That’s because you were having another breakdown Pete. It happens when you have crippling anxiety,” Y/n said, rolling her eyes at her best friend. It wasn’t the first time he debated doing it before either. Peter only shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head in agreement as he muttered a small ‘true’.
Y/n sighed heavily as she watched Sam scream at his own reflection in the mirror that was hung against the hallway wall. Nat only smiled evilly as she grabbed Y/n and dragged her to the center of the room.
“Please Nat, you don’t have to do this. You can always dye your hair back, this—this is permanent.”
“Don’t be dramatic, it’ll grow back,” Tony said, as he crunched loudly on his popcorn, smirk evident behind buttery lips. Y/n glared at the man in front of her as she felt Nat pull her hair loose front the bun it was in.
“The only thing I can give you Y/n, is my undying hatred at this very moment.” Nat whispered in her ear, causing everyone to shiver slightly in their seats.
Peter let out a small squeak of fear at Natasha's words, his eyes were wide as he finally registered the part he played in all this.
“I think I just peed a little.”
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
“ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ?” | ᴛ. ꜱᴛᴀʀᴋ | ꜱ. ʀᴏɢᴇʀꜱ
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GIFs not mine!
Tony Stark x Enhanced Daughter!Reader; Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader
summary: The Sokovia Accords are on the table—and her father fully on Team Accords.
word count:
warnings: protective!Steve, angst, swearing, hurt, tears, a bit of fluff in the end
author’s note: I don’t know where this came from. Maybe from a post on my feed, talking about the Accords. And maybe because I rewatched Civil War not too lang ago.
“The past four years, you’ve operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That’s an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate—but I think we have a solution.”
Ever since Ross had spoken those words and Tony had been awfully quiet in his chair far off the team, something very cold had settled in her body. She couldn’t shake off the feeling that something would go terribly wrong as soon as those pages had hit the glass table in the conference room—the name alone made her nauseous. One look at Wanda and YN had known that the woman felt similar, pushing the booklet over the table, away from her; passing this monstrosity around so that everyone could take a glimpse into a future non of them ever wished for.
Well, except for her father, apparently.
YN knew Tony Stark like the back of her hand, so she immediately knew something was off with him. The suspicion was corroborated as he had lifted his gaze from his hands and the ground, glancing over at her, and he wasn’t able to mask the guilt in his eyes entirely. Not for her, at least. She could read him like no other person in her life, not even Steve, after four years of teamwork and two years into a loving relationship.
Now, she stood in the lounge, Ross long gone, the Accords resting in the hands of her boyfriend, blonde brows deeply furrowed. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest and had taken a relatively wide stance right in Steve’s back, gazing over his shoulder and skipping through the paragraphs. YN didn’t need to read every single word to know and understand the overall notion and meaning behind the wording.
She had studied law at Harvard—she still knew her tea, even though her studies seemed as if they were part of another life.
“This is bullshit,” the Stark mumbled under her breath, shaking her head so slightly one could miss the movement entirely. Steve’s super soldier hearing picked up on it anyway, and he hummed in agreement, not turning around and continuing to flip through the many pages of regulations. “This isn’t what we stand for. That’s the opposite,” he added with a low voice so she was the only one who could hear the words. YN sighed and unfolded her arms, taking hold of one of his broad shoulders and gripping onto it as if her life depended on it.
Steve felt the discomfort—the fear—through her touch, so one hand traveled upwards to cover hers with his. He gently squeezed her fingers and could hear how she took a deep breath to slow down her rising heartbeat. But it wouldn’t work as usual, and Steve let the Accords drop to the coffee table to rise from his seat and pull her into his strong, protective hold. He wrapped her in his warmth, pulled the smaller woman into his chest, and leaned his cheek on the crown of her head; closing his eyes at the feeling of her arms locking around his waist.
“I’ll never let them take you,” the blonde whispered into her hair and pressed a kiss to her forehead. YN nodded, knowing that he meant every single word, felt protected by him though she could handle herself pretty darn good on her own. At least one thing bestowed upon her by Hydra itself she could use for the good of this world—and to protect herself and the people she loved. “I know,” she whispered back, accepting his soft lips on her own for a quick—but loving nonetheless—kiss before she turned to her father, who sat there without uttering a single word, staring up to the ceiling, a hand covering the rest of his face.
“Will you say anything about this?” YN asked him after letting go of Steve and taking a step in his direction. Tony moved his eyes to her, a dark brow cocked. “I think I made myself clear, don’t you think?” She shook her head and took another step towards him. “Maybe, but I don’t believe you understand this situation in its entirety,” she shot back and ignored the worried glances changed by the rest of the team. Tony rose from his slouching position and rested his forearms on his knees, staring over at her. “Caution, YN,” he warned, and if the usage of her full name weren’t a hint to his decision, his tone would’ve been the key. But she couldn’t let go, not when her freedom was dangling on one loose thread. “I told you what I think about this, about the Accords. We can’t keep going like we used to, can’t run havoc on the planet like we used to, destroying everything in our way.”
YN scoffed, and anger bubbled up in her body. “It’s not like we do it out of spite, Tony.” She could see how he flinched at the offbeat name she called him. YN couldn’t care less at that moment. “We are saving lives when running havoc, as you put it so charmingly. We are not Hydra or any other of these bad boy groups who destroy this planet for fun, who destroy lives out of pure fun and hurt people out of pure fun. We are not them, and we will never be them even though you seemingly think we could be—I could be.” She swallowed thickly, feeling the memories of her capturing trying to push back to the surface, trying to haunt her again during daytime though she had managed to chain them to her nightmares. “Did you ever read this fully? Did you ever think about the wording, just for a second?” Tony started to say something, but YN couldn’t control her anger anymore, the rage too all-consuming in her mind. “If you agree to this, you agree that they can take me and lock me away when I—in their eyes—overstep. No one is controlling them, and no one is telling them what an overstep looks like, not even their precious book over there.” She pointed to the Accords still resting on the coffee table. “Don’t you understand? They can decide that I overstepped, and I’m gone. They can think I’m too dangerous or that they simply fear me, and they can conjure some ridiculous boundary violation up, and I’m at their mercy. Did you ever think about this while making up your mind? Did you ever think about your daughter, Tony?!”
YN knew that she used the exact same words Pepper once screamed into his face at the early stages of their father-daughter-dynamic, right after CPS had dropped her at his front door, and Tony, by far, wasn’t ready to be a father. He had continued to party around the world, leaving his daughter to his assistant, and only returned when she was so sick Pepper had to admit her to the hospital. She had screamed those words in a brightly lit hospital hallway in which Tony finally had a mental breakdown—or breakthrough as he liked to see it—and realized what a shitty father he had been—just like his own.
So, she knew what those words would do to him, but she had to have him understand this situation they were facing now—the situation he would put her in if he continued to think that the Accords were a good thing. But instead, she could see him shut down just as he always did as soon as the emotions inside him became too much or too heavy to bear. He clearly didn’t want to think about the possibility of her being locked away, but he didn’t want to stand against it either.
“Maybe that’s the point, YN. Maybe you are too dangerous for this world,” her father suddenly said the words YN would’ve never thought possible. Her breath caught up in her throat, trying to suffocate her, and the tears, already ready to overflow, escaped her eyes. “Tony!” Natasha whispered, shocked to her very core, and even Rhodey gasped for air.
She desperately tried to suppress the rising sob wanting to escape her mouth while taking a step back, hitting a familiar broad chest, and felt big hands grabbing her shoulders in a steadying but soothing grip. But she couldn’t stay here—not in this room, not in this building, not in his vague proximity.
“Go to hell,” YN spat out and pulled away from Steve’s hold, turning around to leave this goddamn place, not witnessing the horrid realization growing on her father’s paling face.
With tear-clouded eyes, YN ripped open the double door of the closet in her room and started to pull every single piece of clothing article from its designated spot on several hangers—ruining her much-needed tidiness in the process of it. Her mind screamed at her to stop being headless and do this task thoughtfully, but she just couldn’t stop herself or her hands from throwing everything on her bed, right next to the duffel bag waiting to be filled again.
At first, she didn’t notice the figure leaning in the door frame. It only dawned on her that she was being watched when her favorite pair of combat boots flew through the air and hit the ground with a deep thudding sound, hitting the dresser, and she had turned around to see how her favorite vase almost fell victim to her headlessness. Steve had caught the delicate item mid-air and put it back in its place before moving his sky-blue eyes back at her, blonde brows furrowed again.
“What are you doing, darlin’?” His voice was as soft as always but was now laced with worry at the picture of her state of mind. YN shrugged while grabbing the last shirts from her closet and brought them to her bed before moving to the dresser right next to her boyfriend. “Leaving,” was the only response she could press out of her lungs and throat, both still constricted by the amount of still unshed tears. She pulled open the drawers one after the other to find all the essentials she needed while finding the courage to utter the next words on her mind. “You don’t have to come with me. I know how much my father means to you, and I’m sure you’ll work through this, but… but I can’t stay here and just watch.” She piled pairs of socks in her arms, followed by her underwear, before dumping everything on the growing pile of clothes, ready to push everything she needed into her bag and leave this place.
“Darlin’,” Steve gently called her, but YN shook her head, not daring to look at him. “You don’t have to feel guilty or bad, Steve. I’m a big girl; I can survive the outside world.” Money was not a problem, after all. She heard his deep, rumbling sigh while she started to put her combat boots into the duffel bag, directly followed by underwear and t-shirts—she even had sneaked one of Steve’s shirts into the pile.
“Would you please look at me, pretty girl?” At the sound of one of his many pet names for her, YN sighed as well and slowly glanced over at him. But her eyes widened at the sight of a fully prepped duffel bag leaning against the door frame and his favorite jacket thrown over his broad shoulders. “What…?” The Stark couldn’t end the question hanging in the air between them. “Did you really think I’d stay here and accept something endangering you?” He now smiled her beloved smile and walked over to her. Steve’s big hands—which always treated her like the most precious possession—cupped her cheeks; his thumb tenderly caressing her cheekbone while his blue eyes observed her face intently. “I would have never let you go alone, darlin’. I promised you something four years ago, and I should be damned if I don’t keep it to the moment of my last breath after I already failed you one time.”
YN let her hands rest on his chest and softly shook her head. “It’s not your fault,” she whispered with worried eyes because she knew that Steve would always feel guilty and responsible for her kidnapping by Hydra, even though they both knew that it wasn’t his fault. But Steve only sighed and stepped closer and only stopped as he felt her body gently pressed against his. “I’m following you until the end of the world, and I will always have your back.” She tried to blink the tears out of her eyes but failed. “Even when it means you have to go against governmental orders?” Steve smiled and bent his head down to her. “Even when it means going against governmental orders,” he agreed and kissed her with all the love he had for this woman.
It’s short and I’m really not happy with the ending, but I have to get back into the flow and have to distract my mind from the upcoming anxiety inducing things in my life lol. Hope y’all liked it tho. As usual: comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated!
taglist: @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @seasonofthenerd @onecrazydirectioner @meeksmusic83 @nyctophilic0vitnir
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