#To be fair I literally just started listening to his music and I've only heard two songs but they all did the call and response!!!
rip Cab Calloway you would have loved Freddy Mercury singing Ay-oh
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decapitatedsnake · 20 days
My little (to no) context reaction to the wisdom saga 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
(I couldn't stay up to watch the live so I'm just listening to the music = no animatics)
[30th of august 14:58]
. I mean I've already heard legendary but I'm excited
. Gorgeous music, I feel transported into like ancient greece
. This sounds amazing
. The guy who voices Telemachus (MICO?) is adorable
. I don't like the riffs but he sounds good
. Telemachus deserves the world
. "L-l-l-l egendary"
. 108??!
. Isn't he like 13 here? (anywhere from 12-15 i feel like)
. I don't think we got a snippet of the ending
. I can't tell if they said 12 or 20
."BOY" Lowkey scared me
. Antinous didn't come to play DAYUM
. This is insane
. "Whatcha gonna do about it champ?" Jorge was totally right Ayron is such a good Antinous
. Awwww he can't do anything :<
. Wait?
Little wolf
. I love Antinous's voice
. I really loved the snippets for this one
. "I'll teach you all the lessons your daddy never could" it's on sight actually
. And little wolf is just so ughh I wanna punch him
. And he👏is👏a 👏bully👏
. Her voice is stunning
. The animatics are gonna go so hard
. Awww
. Oh he lost??
. Telemachus:((
. I mean yeah why did she come to your aid?
We'll be fine
. We only got Teleys bit so I'm excited
. Oo start with Athena
. Don't make me cry
. "He was a lot like you" gee I wonder why
. "Or if hes worth the hype but" > " I don't know what he's like"
. Fair enough
. And they changed "Cuz I got in a fight, sailed to an island when I've never left home shores"
. Okay it's been less than 5 minutes please refrain on the whole "friend" thing rn lol
. God telemachus voice (I can't shut up they're such good singers"
. DUET!!!!
. Kid? Is he twenty or 12 I can't tell
Love in paradise
. CALYPSO MY LOVE (only the epic version though) [Ik it's up to interpretation but for me she doesn't sa him in this version]
. She's my wife 🙂 anyway 🤨
. Oh shit love in paradise is athena watching, not Odysseus's experience
. Like this is when they first met and Calypso and Odysseus have been together for 7 years
. YEAH I SAID THAT, before the song did
. Wtf I am not emotionally stable enough for this
. Open..... arms.. BRO
God games
. Ooo very grand
. Athena get him PLEASE
. She's about that business
. "and me" 😎
. That is not how I thought Apollo would sound
. He's batting for the sirens?? Um Ig that makes sense
. Oh Heaphestus I totally thought that aphrodite was next
. Well she's level 3 anyway
. Wait Apollo and Heaphestus are very reasonable, good for them
. Athena's voice is new?
. Hmm she rerecorded but they didn't
. Don't fuck with Telemachus in front of Athena
. "Ughh release him"
. NO
. WHAT???
. WHAT'S going on
. The music is telling me she like survived whatever his ambush was
. Zeus....
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wrongcaitlyn · 4 months
On a scale of 1-10, how crazy would some characters go if they went to a Troye Sivan concert?
nico - 10
#1 troy sivan fan, i just found out that blue neighborhood was released on dec 4 2015 which is like just two weeks before he and will get together and you KNOW that nico would be listening to that nonstop. also a huge fan of literally everything else he does, he 100% goes crazy over being able to meet him at some point, huge inspiration to him + his music + just in general
will - 7
not AS huge of a fan of his music just because it isn't his usual style, but he loves seeing nico excited about things and he also likes a few of the singles!!! def sings youth at karaoke. in general he's a great concert goer because he'll go absolutely feral even if he's never heard a single song in the artist's discography, he's just got the greatest concert vibes
leo - 9
also a great concert goer, but ESPECIALLY loves his recent album. i think he'd just specifically go crazy over got me started (forgive me i've only listened to something to give each other once so i rlly only know the singlessdjfk) - either way he'd be having the time of his life
apollo - 4
but only because he's kinda learned to keep a calm face whenever being seen in public. he's left his crazy days in the past but honestly i think it'd be swapped, as in, troye would be excited as hell to meet apollo. obvi i don't know troye, but i think that his music is very similar to what i imagine apollo's to have been (in some aspects at least) so i think it'd be fair that apollo was a bit of an inspiration to him as well!
those characters i think are the biggest fans of him, but if you want any others let me know!! thank you for the ask!
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ndlesswoods · 2 years
SPOILER first thoughts on SGE film pt 1
this will be in bullet point but will be quite wordy, and it's just part 1. also not proofread so fair warning! first time giving Actual Opinions and it's just me spitballing but anyone can take it as they wish
listened to the first 4 songs on the OST when it was released, and after watching the movie, the OST still SLAPS
brutal, however, does not slap. as much as I love olivia rodrigo, brutal did not need to be there. and when the ending was okay, the accompanying modern music definitely ruined the okayness. couldn’t stand the credits and I watched all of it hshshsjks
costumes overall are so good. some were questionable (that initial theory that Agatha's poofy pink-purple dress in the trial by tale was early on in the movie and that it represented her not fitting into good that well yet? I believed that, and yea I don’t think it's symbolising anything now), choices in the makeup department are also questionable (hello Sophie nude lip, cannot get over you + never!Tedros facial scars??) - but overall, loved them I swear. Beatrix and Millicent were my favourites
somehow the characters were more… underdeveloped in the movie than they were in the books. a typical and forgivable choice yes, but why add new *characters* for certain one-liners when you could’ve just given them to the existing, underdeveloped ones?? (Chaddick, hi, I’m so sorry. you too Reena, Anadil)
uhhhh story progression. or rather, story fragments they chose to take away that I find are actually important to understand the twist later on? i.e. the whole nemesis thing and the Good and Evil rules. - like yes I totally get that they wanted to be subtle, that they wanted the viewers to be like “oh wow I totally forgot about that” but MAN. people will not remember smth that just seems like ordinary Dovey Being Good. and the nemesis dreams & symptoms weren’t even mentioned! from a non-fan’s perspective, that one wart was nothing. I dunno I dunno but the impact just wasn’t there
speaking of important lines. actually so disappointed “you were beautiful all along” didn’t make it. I understand why they didn’t dwell on it as it would make the [already 2.5hr long] movie dragging but there probably was some other way that I cannot cite right now
that said, I guess they really wanted to shift the message of the books? from messages about inner beauty and breaking standards, it’s really now focused on their friendship and that gray area between good and evil. which is nice in its own way
hahaaaa I did expect that a lot of class scenes would be cut, but erm. we literally only get 3 classes, and one wasn’t that useful. really thought they’d change the coffin scene into smth else that conveyed the message but guess not. again, dragging movie concerns
how could I forget the point of Sophie being Evil. or was she really? Gavaldon Sophie wasn’t that bad. in fact, she seemed like every other teenage girl until she came to the school. her Evil started to show there at least, esp in Room 66 - but that full 180 with Hester. I did not like that. how did they go from Sophie almost killing both Hester and her demon to Hester suddenly being okay with a truce through facials?? just because Sophie got a haircut?? and started being… less princess-looking? please
I’m aware I’m being too critical and nitpicky now so here are some things I liked
I've mentioned the OST and the costumes BUT OH the set! we've seen it all in stills and trailers but it really is as magical <3 kudos to the set design & production team!!!
Gregor Charming. cute. when I saw/heard his name, I remembered seeing it on the OST but I hadn’t listened to it yet. I liked the short character buildup, comedic timings and all, and actually showing the viewers how messed up the school can be with his “expulsion”. also it makes the whole Tedros killing the just-mogrified stymph even more jarring for Agatha
Tagatha! adorable babies. I liked their friendship. definitely the same, if not a little more than what was shown in the books. you can really see how Agatha gets comfortable with him, as does Tedros - cute inside jokes. love that. AND A KISS - I cackled when Tedros said he loved Agatha at the ball. It was a very book!Tedros move and I approve
Trial by Tale was fair. it’s made more minor and more swift but the point was taken across
Anemone's more complex personality and background BIG YES! You go Michelle Yeoh
I also liiiiked The Never Ball! Sophie turning up as a hag, the whole Nevers become Evers and vice versa, and the fight that broke out between the schools. Very nice, very good, and the modern music here was g
the whole cast really, but Sofia Wylie and Kerry Washington in particular. I love them. The way they portrayed Agatha and Dovey was straight out of the book imo, but they made it their own at the same time. Obsessed.
can't think of anything else atm bc I went out and am tired as heck but would rate 7/10! enjoyed it well minus the qualms I mentioned that's it for now? will make a pt 2 when I've really processed everything tomorrow
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wardsbackpoet · 2 years
Okay heres the rest;
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Thank you!!! Goodbye! Hope you have an amazing day night evening uh yeah!!! Hope you have a great wonderful [uh]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Static: Yes, definitely a part of one of the playlists I’ve built myself for Tweek. I may be mistaken, but I think the first time I heard it was on recommendation of butterwholesomesurfer, who also has drawn amazing art of the fic.
No way out: I love T.S.O.L. who doesn’t, right? Okay, a bunch of people who don’t know who they are, but who needs ‘em? Also, heck yeah, it fits. Tweek feeling he’s surrounded by danger and running out of places to hide from it? Yeah, it fits.
Constantly in between: I did not know this song, but yes, I can see it fitting, especially with the way you described, and with the ‘long way away always’ part and him feeling like maybe he doesn’t have a home so much anymore and he’s so far from what he’s known.
Scratch: That definitely makes sense and would be perfect for yeah, exactly that, him feeling the best he’d ever felt, and then losing everything all at once and getting shipped off to some town he doesn’t know and where he’s alone to just like, rebuild and literally start over from scratch.
Can’t decide: Oh, fuck yes. Just that. Yeah, nailed it.
Miserable failure: Oh yeah, definitely with his internal monologue of him just always fucking everything up, and also him just wanting to live life by rules that make sense to him—like, in the way he’s a bit of an anarchist/rule-breaker but he also strictly follows his own moral code—and he gets hate for it from some kids in South Park, especially. That makes a bunch of sense.
Can’t cheat karma: Holy Fuck I love Zounds and no one ever knows who they are gndkgbfdgbdqg fuck I like you. Also yes, this is definitely a Tweek song. I think it’s in that songs for later playlist, maybe. I dunno. I also considered Fear, for obvious (I think) reasons. Personal fave has gotta be Did He Jump or Was He Pushed/The Unfree Child/My Mummy’s Gone, or, or, Dirty Squatters. That one’s just a fun song.
Space ooze: Pretty self-explanatory, & I didn’t know this song by I added it in the songs for later playlist and in another one ‘cause the first is getting way too long & I don’t wanna ‘lose’ this song.
Conform: Oh, for sure, totally his (and my) jam.
Eyes in the back of your head: Oooh I haven’t listened to the adicts in a whiiiiile. So like, just yes, obviously.
I feel bad bein’ me: You know what? Like, yeah, he doesn’t like feeling sorry for himself, but a part of him still does. Like, sure, he stays sorta positive, or he gets angry instead of sad, but he still knows he missed out and it wasn’t fair and he should’ve had it easier. So like, yeah, I think it still fits.
Ghost: Yeah, I can see that, for like, all those times he feels like no one gets him and the only person who ever really saw him is gone, right?
Oh, as a bonus, 'cause I think I asked you before if you like Pete Bernhard, his song Orphan, right? I've never been much for followin' rules -yes, Tweek I always go out and act a fool -yes, Tweek, in his past And somethin' bad would happen by and by - Duh Can't say I'm always proud of myself -Yes, Tweek But I don't wish I was somebody else - Yes, Tweek In fact, I'd rather be me than you -Yes, Tweek But a lot of people don't like me - Yup, Tweek Not my music, I mean personally - Again, just yeah They wanna tell how to act and what to say - Yes, Tweek Would you rather be an orphan or a slave? - Well come on, he was basically a slave and now he's an orphan, pretty much. Would you rather be an orphan or a slave? - And also the fact it's in question form because he's sometimes missed his old life but really, when it all boils down to it, he'd rather be an orphan than a slave so like, yeah. Right?
Anyways, I'm planning to fit that one in at some point, hopefully.
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fbfh · 2 years
STAR ANON HERE... I'm just curious what are your fave emo bands....
STAR ANON MY BELOVED!!!!! HOW ARE YOU DOING I MISS YOU <333 first of all, amazing question. I know the defenition of the emo genre is a little loose, but my favorite emo/pop punk bands are currently palaye royale, fall out boy (obvs), and paramore.
palaye royale own this fucking ass okay. remington leith.... ooooh my god. he has singlehandedly made me reconsider my stance on rpf. vampire!remington???? oh my god. oh my god. if I could drown in his voice I would. his cover of closer my nine inch nails actually brought about the second coming of christ. at the very end of no love in la where he goes "I SAID THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS LOVE IN LaAaAyEeee-"????? dead. actually dead. the boom is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard in my life, line it up is my FUCKING ANTHEM, and dying in a hot tub live is my favorite video on the internet. I don't use the phrase "eargasm" every, but I genuinely can't think of any other way to describe remi's voice. Emerson is an amazing drummer and incredible artist (I am SO jelly of his ability to draw architecture) and Sebastian is a brilliant guitarist and is the brain cell posessor (and probably has to routinely keep remi from jumping off stuff and breaking a limb with only partial success.) the grittiness and sincerety and emotion in remington's voice really just scratches my brain in a way that nothing else does. If I could get his voice made into something tangible I would open my skull and rub my brain against it for hours. I fucking love him.
fall out boy need no introduction. "doing lines of dust and sweat off of last nights stage just to feel like you" from 27??????? lives in my head rent free. been into some of their absolute headbangers from american beauty/american psycho and infinity on high recently like novocaine, jetpack blues (i'm sorry but "do you reMEMBER HOW WE USED TO SPLIT. A. DRINK. itNEVermattEREDWHATitwas. I think." I WANT THAT TATTOOED ON MY FOREHEAD!!!!!!!), thriller (OFC) and i've got all this ringing in my ears all singlehandedly describe my brain chemistry. that's what dopamine sounds like. ALSO fourth of july will never not sound like season 3 of stranger things to me. yk all the promo art where they're all turning around???? that but in gif form while the first few notes are playing. I wish someone would make a slightly harringrove centric edit of the starcourt mall incident and the fair and everything. if anyone knows about any season 3 fourth of july edits PLEASE send them to me because "i'm starting to forget just what summer ever meant to you"????? pls
PARAMORE. FUCKING PARAMORE RAISED ME. paramore got me through my teenage years almost singlehandedly. I remember when after laughter came out. I fucking love this is why. It's almost all I've been listening to. all we know is falling???? brand new eyes???? literally paramore have ZERO SKIPS it's insane. also (maybe I just haven't heard of them) but it's really refreshing to have a female lead singer in a pop punk band bc (again as far as I'm aware) that's not as common as having a male lead singer and IF I COULD MAKE MY INNER MONOLOGUE BE HAYLEY WILLIAMS VOICE??????? PLS- listen all I wanted was you is amazing obviously but my heart?????? MY HEART?????? I wanna scream that at someone and mean it. bucket list. I can't even reccommend any paramore songs bc if I try to think of good paramore songs I'm just going to list their discography. no fucking skips and I stand by that. Hayley's solo albums also feel very twilight bella swan depression forest angst core which I FUCKING ADORE. first thing to go is tattooed in my brain, specifically paired with this scene from the greatest romcom of all time french kiss. match made in heaven.
also lip candy don't have a lot of songs out yet AS I AM TYPING THIS I JUST SAW THEY RELASED AN ALBUM????? BRB LISTENING TO THAT NOW but they sound like what I thought teenager music would sound like when I was a kid (like they nailed it fucking perfectly) and have a very nostalgic feeling and sound to them which I adore. if you stay home and never be the same fucking slap. they slap and a half. it's giving demigod adventurecore roadtrip music.
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wtchwtch · 2 years
TT006: A Different Kind of Mom
This is a fanmade transcript, please let me know if you see any errors.
(Intro music)
(Tape recorder sounds)
D: This is entry number 006. Original exchange is dated November 5th, 2001. Author is Jesse S. Original recording by-
Jesse: Maybe you should read this one.
D: Oh, What? Why?
Jesse: Isn't he going to get suspicious? Aren't you supposed to be doing the recording today?
D: Babe, it's fine.
Jesse: You sure?
D: Jesse? It's fine. I'm not even sure if he's gonna listen to the recording before posting it.
Jesse: What do you mean?
D: I mean, I don't know. He's just been kind of weird since we started. I mean, we jumped out the gate like super enthusiastically. Everyone was real excited. Cole was micromanaging every little piece of it. Tearing out his hair, trying to get it right and snapping at Mark and me left and right, but uh. But after the first week, it feels like he's just kind of dumped it on Mark and I, and he is, he's phoning in it.
Jesse: How so?
D: I don't know. It's like, it's like he doesn't care. Like when I'm asking him why he wasn't recording the other day, he told me he had an appointment. I mean, that's fair. I mean, he can have appointments, but honestly, it was the most unconvincing lie I've ever heard.
Jesse: What do you think it really was? Just, being lazy?
D: I don't know, honestly. I mean, I've known him for a long time, but he seems more, I don't know, spread thin these days? Like, like he hasn't had a good sleep in like way too long.
Jesse: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe he's just stressed.
D: Maybe.
Jesse: Did he ever say anything?
D: What do you mean? Like, Like did he get mad at me for slipping your story into the recordings?
Jesse: Yeah.
D: Nah, I don't think he noticed.
Jesse: So he didn't say if he thought it was good or not?
D: No, I mean, not to me at least.
Jesse: Okay. I mean, that's fine.
D: I'm sorry. I know you were excited.
Jesse: Oh, it's fine. No, no. I'm, I'm still so excited to hear when it goes live. I was really proud of that story about the ouija board. I think people are gonna love the twist.
D: Oh yeah. It'll be really cool. They're gonna love it.
Jesse: Yeah. I hope so. So do we re-record the intro and then I just read it like last time?
D: Before we do that, I mean, I just... I wanted to say I'm, I'm really proud of you and, uh, I think you're really cool, Jesse.
Jesse: Oh, thanks. You're pretty cool too. For a loser who records a horror podcast in your friend's shed
D: (Laughing) No, no. I'm seriously, I'm not joking. I, I really do think you're like a special kind of person, you know? I mean, you know what you want, you just keep working and working at this writing thing. I don't know. You have like, I, I don't know. I don't think you have anything to worry about. I mean, like ever.
Seriously, No. No matter what happens with us, you're just like, you're really talented and, and kind. I'm rambling. I'm sorry. I just, I think you got a really bright future ahead of you, you know.
Jesse: Thanks, D. That's really sweet of you.
D: Yeah. So, um, let's, should we,
Jesse: Yeah!
D: Let's do this?
Jesse: We should.
D: All right. This is entry number 006. Original exchange is dated November 5th, 2001. Author is Jesse S. Original recording by Jesse S.
(Tape recorder sounds)
Jesse: My mom is not like other moms. I mean it. She's not like other moms. She was an only parent, so she had to be both mom and dad. She's the bravest woman I know, and the smartest, and honestly, I think she could do anything. Like literally anything she sets her mind to. When I was seven, which is late, I know she taught me how to ride a bike. When I was nine, she built me a tree house. When I was 11, she worked two jobs so I could get braces and go to summer camp, and somehow she always managed to pick me up from school on time. I told her I'd take the bus, but she would just laugh at me and tell me it's her job to take care of me, and not my job to take care of her.
She said that every time I'd try to help. Sometimes I would cry for her because I'd be overwhelmed on her behalf, at how much she had on her plate and she had so much to do all the time that it stressed me out. But not my mom, cuz my mom isn't like other moms. I used to tell my friends that she wasn't human, that she was something else, like an alien or a vampire, and she'd eat small rodents like rabbits that came to chew on the lettuce in our garden.
Oh yeah! We also had an incredible garden. If the sun was shining, we had vegetables. I asked her once what her secret was, and she just smiled, tapped the side of her nose, looked down at me and said, "Bone meal."
Like I said, my mom was not like other moms. There was always something she was doing, and yet she managed to sit down and enjoy an old, scary movie in black and white with me on Friday nights when I'd asked her to.
She didn't complain or kiss me on the forehead and tell me, not now. She never got mad at me for needing attention or asking for help. She always had time to solve my problems, even when I didn't ask her to.
I was 12 at the time and she was hosting an over the top summer barbecue for all the neighbors. It was a free for all, all you can eat, fun in the sun kind of day. And once again, because it was my mom, who isn't like other moms, it was perfect and over the top and the kind of barbecue the neighbors would be talking about for weeks. My mom even had games, face painting, and balloons for the kids. It would have been perfect, but the day was completely ruined. She'd hired a clown for the day.
Googoo, the clown. God, I hated Googoo with every fiber of my being. I hated him. Who names themselves Googoo The Clown. It's not funny or cute. It's just a dumb name. More than dumb, though, it was terrifying. I was scared of Googoo. In fact, I was scared of all clowns. I always had been, and my mom knew that. I was so mad at her.
I stomped right up to her and pointed to Googoo, but she just laughed. Walked over to Googoo and had him stand on the far edge of the barbecue, away from the games and the face painting and balloons. It wasn't the perfect solution, I could still feel him staring at me, but it was far enough away that I wouldn't cry or embarrass myself.
The day came to a close and everyone thanked my mom, as the other moms stashed away the leftovers they could in their pockets, and the other dads and to be fair, some of the moms too hit up the drink cooler one last time before hitting the road. When everyone was nearly gone. My mom grabbed me by the hand and took me to the garden.
First she pointed at the carrots. "Remember your aunt Martha, she wouldn't want you to be afraid of a silly clown." Next, she pointed at the eggplant. "And that old man who used to live a ways down the street, Mr. McCumber, he always thought you were a tough little cookie. He wouldn't want you to be afraid of a silly clown either."
Again, she pointed to the cucumbers, but at that moment, Googoo, walked around the side of the house, half smeared and melted from sweat. Oh God, it was terrible. I felt my skin crawl. "200 for the day, cash only." He said abruptly. My mom didn't let his rude tone offend her, she's not like other moms. She just smiled and put up a finger letting him know she'd just be a moment longer.
She placed her hands on my shoulders and looked me square in the eyes. "I think I'll grow some corn next," she said as she pointed to an empty garden bed near the back of the garden. "I've been craving sweet corn on the cob, and I think it'll be a long summer, so we might just have time." She continued. "And you know what goes well with corn on the cob, don't you?" A knowing mischievous grin danced across her face. "Don't worry, honey, there's nothing to be afraid of. Clowns at the end of the day, are just regular folks who taste like any other person."
My mom is not like other moms. I mean it.
(Tape recorder sounds)
D: After concluding my listening of this story... Uh,
Cole: What the hell is this?
D: Cole! Hey, whoa. Hey,
Cole: D, who- D, who is this?
D: Um, I mean this is, uh,
Cole: Look at me. Who the hell are you?
Jesse: I'm, uh,
Cole: Well?
Jesse: I'm sorry. It's just you're scaring me a little.
D: She's my! ...girlfriend.
Cole: She's your what?
D: Her name's Jesse and she's my girlfriend. Is that gonna be a problem?
Cole: I, uh, I didn't know you had a girlfriend.
D: Yeah. Well I do. So is that gonna be an issue?
Cole: Uh, no. No, of course not.
D: Cool. Good.
Cole: Uh, hey, listen, I, um, I'm really sorry about that, uh. Yeah, I'm, I'm really sorry about that. Uh, just, uh, just now.
Jesse: It's fine, really, I shouldn't even be here.
D: No, you're fine being here, babe.
Cole: Yeah, no, you're, uh, yeah, you're more than welcome here. I, uh, I'm, I, uh, I'm sorry. I just wasn't expecting anyone. Um, hey, listen, I'm, I'm really sorry about that...
D: Man, why don't, why don't you just sit down and take a deep breath and tell me what's going on with you lately.
Cole: I, Uh, I, I probably should, shouldn't I?
D: Yeah.
Cole: Uh, do you, do you, um, do you mind?
D: Oh, oh yeah, right.
(Tape recorder sounds)
Mark: Tiny Terrors is an anthology horror podcast produced by Pulp Audio and licensed under a creative commons attribution, non-commercial sharealike 4.0 international license.
D: This episode was directed by Cole Weavers with sound production and editing by Mike LeBeau.
Mark: To find additional information or to join our Patreon for additional content and ad free episodes, visit our website, www.tinyterrorspod.com.
D: Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook at Tiny Terrors Pod,
Mark: Or join the Pulp Audio discord by clicking the link in the description below.
D: Rate and review us on Spotify and Apple.
Mark: And finally, thanks for listening.
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yunhofingers-writes · 3 years
Let’s Play A Game- SeongSang
Note♥︎- Please I was working on this for a week..Special thank you to @tenelkadjowrites for giving me advice <3 and This is an early Happy Birthday for @multidreams-and-desires since i’ll be a bit busy for these past two days for my recital. I’ll give you something better if you don’t like this though ! also sorry for taking so long with an update for “Diary Fantasies” I was going through writers block.. comments will be nice please
Genre♡︎- Smut
Warnings/Tags♥︎- Degrading (slut), Master, Top! Hwa, bottom! Yeo, MXM SMUT, unprotected sex, choking, oral, dirty talk, rimming, Seonghwa got big dick syndrome, talks of restraints, and Yeosang has blonde hair and Seonghwa has black hair here
Pairing: Yeosang X Seonghwa
Word count♡︎- 1,973+
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❥-Yeosang smiled as he applied the clear lip gloss to his lips. Seonghwa called him earlier, telling him he wants to play a game with him and telling him to dress pretty for him. Yeosang had on white, see through briefs with roses decorating them, a white choker that connected to his nipple clamps, and a long, white, high knee socks.
Now, Yeosang isn’t one to lose or back down from a challenge so he easily accepted it. He got dressed and sat on the bed, waiting for Seonghwa to get back from the shower.
He almost dozed off waiting for Seonghwa until he heard the bathroom door open. He sat up and looked at the way Seonghwa walked in with just a towel on. His eyes traveled to the water dripping off of his abs, his tiny waist, and the thick bulge that poked out of the towel.
“My eyes are here, baby.” Yeosang looked up at Seonghwa with wide eyes, licking his lips.
“I see.” Yeosang responded and got up doing a small spin. “I dressed up nice for you like you asked.”
Seonghwa felt himself twitch at the boy’s choice of ‘dressed up' and walked over to him, towel loosening up every step he took.
“Don’t you look gorgeous.” Seonghwa lightly traced the clamps, tugging once his finger reached the middle part. “You look so pretty, baby. Can I take a picture of you?” Seonghwa asked and Yeosang nodded, looking at Seonghwa with huge puppy eyes.
Seonghwa took more than one picture with Yeosang in different angles and different poses. He was going to continue until Yeosang had asked him what was the game he wanted to play.
Seonghwa stopped what he was doing and put his phone up only to get on top of Yeosang, attacking his lips with his. Yeosang noticed and snatched the towel from Seonghwa’s waist, throwing it to the side. Seonghwa bit Yeosang’s bottom lip, pulling away, stretching it. He squeezed his stomach in lightly at the faint touch of Seonghwa’s cock touching him.
Seonghwa smirked and got up, biting his lip at how Yeosang already had looked fucked out. His head turned towards the left, cock hard and leaking through his briefs, and his eyes were completely dazed.
Seonghwa wanted to ruin him.
Yeosang looked up at Seonghwa, ready to find out what the game was going to be.
Seonghwa finally answered Yeosang’s unanswered question.
“I want you to tell me your most dirtiest fantasy.” He kissed Yeosang’s belly.
That’s all he wanted? Yeosang wandered. They don’t usually have ‘kinky’ sex or anything, just the usual, casual sex. Nothing thrilling really and Yeosang really didn’t want to tell him his fantasy, specifically because it is.. nasty.
“Here’s where the real game began. I’m going to touch your pretty body as much as I want and where I want while you’re telling me. If you moan even once, you’ll have to tell me a different fantasy.”
“Wait, so even if i’m in the middle of the story and I moan-“
“You’ll have to switch to a different one.” Seonghwa finished
“And what if I win?”
“Then you’ll get my cock in any position you want.”
Yeosang blushed. He never knew Seonghwa had such a filthy mouth like this until now. He didn’t know how to react to it.
“What if I run out of fantasies?” Yeosang felt bad he kept questioning, but he needed to know.
Seonghwa smiled reassuringly .
“You’ll only have 3 tries, baby. If I win, you can’t cum tonight.”
Seonghwa is kind of enjoying this. He went out earlier with Wooyoung to go shopping and asked Wooyoung has Yeosang ever told him anything he likes during sex, because he noticed Yeosang seemed kind of bored with casual sex. He told Seonghwa that Yeosang really like sex games and lots of dirty talk so he spent the rest of the day learning different things about ‘dirty talk’ and different kind of sex games and his favorite has to be ‘oral dice’ he’s definitely going to try that.
Yeosang stopped to think about it and decided ‘fuck it.’ He agreed and laid down, waiting for Seonghwa to start.
Seonghwa took a deep breath before starting. He palmed Yeosang through his briefs, squeezing him lightly to tell him he’s ready for him to start.
Yeosang's breath hitched before he could start. He closed his eyes, feeling Seonghwa’s hand rub up and down his torso.
“I’ve had this one dream.” He swallowed, hips jumping up when Seonghwa pinched his nipple. “Y-you were u-uhm, you were saying all of these dirty things to me.” He was almost done. He’s going to win on his first try.
“Mhm what dirty things, baby?” Seonghwa rasped, tugging at the nipple clamps making Yeosang moan out loud. “Aw, I really wanted to know what dirty things I was telling you, baby. Oh well, I'm sure that you have something else in that pretty, dirty mind of yours.” Seonghwa smirked and Yeosang frowned. He wanted to win on his first try.
He’s going to win this time, he’s determined. He calmed his nerves and straightened his back.
“I’m starting again.” Seonghwa warned before touching Yeosang’s inner thighs, lightly.
“I once daydreamed at work, thinking about how big your cock is.” He bit his lip, stopping the moan from coming from his throat at the way Seonghwa finally pulled his cock out of his briefs.
“Y-your hands were holding my hands down above my h-head and you were f-fucking my mouth.” He finished with a deep breath.
Seonghwa looked up at Yeosang with a dark gaze.
“Tell me, what was I saying to you? Was I whispering filthy things to you while you took my cock? Seonghwa asked before taking Yeosang full.
Yeosang moaned loudly, feeling Seonghwa’s mouth on his cock. He thrusted his hips up, wanting more. Seonghwa pulled up and laughed at him
“Everytime we get to the good part, you end up moaning, baby.” He teased and Yeosang threw his head back, upset that Seonghwa’s mouth isn’t on him anymore.
“That’s not fair, you literally put your mouth on me.” He whined and Seonghwa just smiled at him.
“I said I'll touch wherever and however I want , didn't I? He tilted his head and Yeosang rolled his eyes.
“Aww baby, are you sad that you’re finally losing?” Seonghwa pouted at him.
“I won’t lose.” He told Seonghwa, licking his hand only to rub Seonghwa’s cock twice, biting his lip at the deep groan Seonghwa let out.
“We’re playing like that? Okay.” Seonghwa cracked his neck and got on top of Yeosang, leaning down by his ear. “Same rules except this time you have to tell me everything I've said to you in the second fantasy.”
Yeosang shivered at Seonghwa’s words, breathing heavily at the intense moment in the air. He had to think about what story was the first one for a moment.
He took another deep breath. Now this time is his time to win. He’s going to win.
“You were calling me degrading names.” Yeosang felt Seonghwa take off his briefs. “You said I looked pathetic, thrusting in the air trying to feel friction.” Yeosang’s breath hitched when Seonghwa licked his hole with his flat tongue, but he continued anyway. “Y-you called me a nasty slut and came down my throat.” He finally finished.
Seonghwa hummed and added a finger inside of him. “You won, baby.” He smiled at him and turned his finger inside of yeosang. “You can have me anyway you want.”
Yeosang moaned loudly, happy that he could now make noise. His hands went down to rub his cock, he yelped the moment Seonghwa’s hand made contact with his hand.
“Did I tell you to touch yourself, slut?” Seonghwa almost growled out, adding another finger inside of him.
Yeosang whined at the words that left his throat. He wants to hear more of that. Seonghwa sounded so fucking good like that, growling, voice deep in his dom tone.
Seonghwa scissored Yeosang’s hole with his two fingers. Yeosang’s moans were like music to his ears. Listening to Yeosang’s moans could make him bust right there.
“You sound so fucking hot.” He took a dramatic pause just to thrust his two fingers inside of the blonde and groaned at the way Yeosang whined. “Taking my fingers like a good boy.” He smirked.
Yeosang threw his head back and tugged with his nipple clamps . “Y-yes, i’m your good boy, master.” The word slipped out almost too fast for him to catch it. His fast turned a deep pink color, embarrassed that he let that out.
Seonghwa paid no mind to it and added another finger. “Once I finish prepping you, you can have master any way you want, baby. I’ll even choke you since you like being choked. Even if it’s not with my cock.” Seonghwa licked his lips at the thought of choking Yeosang with his cock.
He curled his finger inside of Yeosang, chuckling darkly. Yeosang wailed loudly, his cock now red and angry.
“I-I’m ready, Seonghwa. Just please.” He begged and Seonghwa tsk’ed.
“I’m sorry, who?”
Yeosang blushed and looked down at Seonghwa. “M-master, I'm ready to take your cock.”
Seonghwa curled once more before taking his fingers out of Yeosang, cleaning them on the bed.
“How do you want me, baby?”
Yeosang thought about it before smiling at Seonghwa. “I want to ride you.”
They quickly switched positions after hearing that. Seonghwa was holding his cock in place so Yeosang can slide down. Yeosang slowly slid down, his ass facing Seonghwa with a small shudder. His body went limp when Seonghwa bottomed out inside of him. Seonghwa groaned and held on to Yeosang’s hips tightly.
Yeosang just stayed there for a minute or two before he decided he was ready to move. He placed his hands on Seonghwa’s shin and began bouncing.
Seonghwa slapped Yeosang’s ass hard, biting his lip at the sight in front of him. He watched the way Yeosang’s ass bounced in front of him, the way his cock disappeared in Yeosang.
“G-god, baby.. come on, you move faster.” He teased, gripping Yeosang’s ass hard. That’s definitely going to leave a mark there if his hand for a while.
“Y-you’re so big.” Yeosang moaned.
He slowed his movements down just to tease Seonghwa a bit.
Clearly, that worked.
Seonghwa growled and grabbed Yeosang by his neck, bringing him down on his chest a little harder than intended. His worries stopped when Yeosang clenched tightly around him.
Seonghwa propped his feet up before wildly bucking into Yeosang, panting into his ear. “You’re so warm, baby.” He bite Yeosang's ear. “You must really like being choked and manhandled, baby. You’re clenching so tight around master..”
Yeosang reacted with a whorish moan. His eyes rolled in the back of his head.
Seonghwa tugged at Yeosang’s nipple clamps harshly with his other hand.
Yeosang sinfully grinded down once more, before cumming unexpectedly. Seonghwa gasped loudly, not expecting that. He fucked into Yeosang faster, close to cumming.
“W-where do you want it?” He rasped in Yeosang’s with his deep voice and Yeosang drooled, telling him to cum inside of him.
Seonghwa bucked into Yeosang a few more times before finally painting Yeosang’s insides with a moan of Yeosang’s name.
Yeosang got up slowly, moaning at the overstimulation and turned towards Seonghwa and sat in his torso. Seonghwa’s hand wrapped around Yeosang’s body and hummed.
“Did I satisfy you, Angel?” Seonghwa asked and Yeosang nodded happily.
“Yes, It felt so good. I didn’t know you talked dirty.”
“Me either, until I saw how my voice clearly affected you.”
Yeosang looked away.
“Can we talk about your master kink?” Seonghwa teased and Yeosang smacked his chest and hid his face between Seonghwa’s pecs.
“Let’s go get cleaned up.”
Network ping: @8makes1teamnet
Krusty crew: @parachuuuus @serialee @galaxteez z @twancingyunhoe @multidreams-and-desires @seongsangsgf f @chvngbxn @hyetiny @little-precious-baby @yeotlny @ateezappreciation @a-soft-hornytiny @lizsvcks @build-a-roleplay @moonxteez @yunsangoveryonder @empenguin01
105 notes · View notes
worldsover · 4 years
Dal Segno ft. Chuu
length ✦ 3570
genres ✧ music making; oral fixation; facefuck; subby!Chuu
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Composition is only fifty percent of the process, you've heard, but it's closer to ten for you. For the importance of a solid melody and chord progression with the right instruments and singer, a song becomes less than the sum of its parts with bad mixing because all that effort goes to waste when you can’t hear something, or when something is too loud, or when a certain je ne sais quoi is wrong. But you do know. You don't have to be a chef to be a food critic but it certainly helps. Avoid muddling the lows as it waters down the soup. Carve space in the highs to prevent too much salt from killing the taste buds. Have at most five sounds at a time or else the flavors clash. Focus on these basic techniques to guide you as repetition wears down your mind. Funny. Repetition legitimizes especially in music yet here you are fatigued by repetition as though you weren't down four cups of black coffee. Repetition legitimizes. “From the sign,” the translation reads. Notation, simply instructing a musician to return to a certain point in a piece. You recognize it as an intro song you wrote years ago.
Glass and foam separate the undersized room. Cheap ramen and dampness in the hot air contribute to the odor. You would keep the fan on, if it were worth the extra time filtering out faint noise from recordings. The only scent that keeps you sane is a slight strawberry flavor lingering in the room. Jiwoo. Your muse. A large clock holds both of its hands near one with the lack of natural light muddling whether it’s AM or PM. Studios were always underground man-caves whether they were discount rooms or the signature workspace of the biggest producers. Here you are in the former. Look down at the Macbook and all the wires, sliders, and knobs. Deep breath. “Take 63,” you say into the cheap control room microphone.
“Not good enough.”
“One more.”
Look up. Jiwoo sucks on a grape lollipop. You stare. Watching her fixated on getting all flavor out of the purple sweet derails your flow state. See, work had a rhythm. Listen, volume up, hotkey to copy this clip, volume down. The obvious innuendo sends you offbeat. That perky butt bending over to get a notebook filled with lyrics entrenches the folds of your brain. She didn’t have to wear that skirt. You’ve seen that skirt already and you wish she weren’t wearing it. Oh, you really wish she weren’t wearing that skirt. Guilt sets in. You’re a trusted coworker, she, a naive girl. It takes a while to find your groove again. Your stare has yet to cease until she finally returns the eye contact with candy still in mouth. Her pink tongue laps to secure all the sugar and red pillows engulf the ever-shrinking circle. Pop. Anyone else and it would be calculated action.
“Oppa." Her voice resounds in your monitor headphones. "I don’t know if these harmonies really make sense. Why did you write the second voice to cross down below the main line? Plus it goes so low."
“To be fair, you wrote both of those melodies and you said you wanted them in the same song. Tell me anywhere else they’d work.”
“Ugh, let’s figure this out later. Next song.“
Dozens of takes later and Jiwoo’s frustration causes her to make mistakes. Sometimes she even tries to start singing with the sucker in her mouth. For the character she plays, you know she’s a professional and that she can be better. Yet hours later, she still could not get the vocal runs right. Incomplete songs bloat your project folder: "Jiwoo - Mania", "Jiwoo - Look Closer", "Jiwoo - Untitled Idea 21". Just a small side project that the company approved during another ample period of break time between comebacks. That’s why the director didn’t even let you use the company’s facilities, instead opting to rent out this cheap closet of a studio. At least no one would be mad about the amount of time you spent recording together.
You shift seats from the leather office chair to the white lovechair, the only two pieces of furniture that fit comfortably in the room. Jiwoo follows suit and leaves the recording booth, really more of a phone booth in square footage, while she huffs and puffs on her candy.
“I’m tired, oppa,” she says.
“Me too, Jiwoo. May I remind you that I’m not getting paid extra for this. Are you gonna focus or what?” your voice just a few cents down, just a bit harsher.
“I, I’m sorry.” A lick anyway. Her meek tone disappears, “Ya! You know how good your royalties are gonna be. Sole producer and all that. Plus, here you are still doing all this work for me." Why were you working so hard on this? "You know, if you just taught me how to use Ableton-”
“Then I’d be out of a job.”
Jiwoo frowns, “Wow, selfish much? You could’ve joined me as a trainee.”
“Nah, no way. Fish dance better.”
“Shut up, oppa. You would’ve easily made it with your, um, musical talent.” She clamps down on the lollipop with her mouth.
“You good? What was that?”
“Let’s," she stands promptly, "get back to recording.”
Crack. Jiwoo bites down on the lollipop and throws the stick in the trash. In ten minutes, she nails the verse she spent hours trying to get right. It'd be really nice to know what catalyzed that rally. You'd ask but driving Jiwoo back to her dorm is quiet as usual.
Make a good impression on someone, anyone, on your first day as a mixing engineer. That’s why you returned to the Blockberry Creative building with an extra bar of Melona in hand. A simple bribery. Light beamed down between two skyscrapers on a short girl with long hair and strands of bangs adorning her forehead. She stood outside the lobby, introducing herself to every passerby. You had to pinch her cheeks, the intrusive thought screamed.
She scurried up to you. “Hi! I’m Kim Jiwoo and I’m going to become an idol!”
Ah, a trainee. You already knew she was destined to become one. Well, not literally, you weren’t in charge of that. But her overflowing charm was impossible to ignore. You had to tease her though, “Are you sure?”
“Hey! What would you know about that, mister?” she said.
You bit down on your mango. “Mister? First of all, I’m only a high school senior,” her lips rounded in surprise, “And second, I’m your new audio guy, and I know for a fact they’re debuting you girls in order of talent.”
“Woooow. Well, I’ll have you know, I have a great voice!” She certainly spoke lyrically.  “Wait a minute, I didn’t know they hired people that young.” You pointed at her. “Okay, I’m in high school too. But that’s different, idols start this age.”
“I guess. I’ve been making music ever since I was a kid, and they liked what I had,” you said and Jiwoo nodded in understanding.
She fluttered her eyebrows. “Sooo, is that mango ice cream for me? Oppa?” A little surprised she already called you that, but it sounded right.
“No, I have this unopened strawberry-” Jiwoo snatched the half-eaten cold treat from your hand, and started licking it. Trouble she would be.
You spent many recording sessions together, alone after all the other members left. She cozied up to you because her little musical snippets had to become full-fledged tracks and you helped her out every time.
Something changed over the years however. Your interactions became colder. It felt like you were the only one who she would respond to in a deeper voice. Jiwoo wouldn't pepper you with silly acts or mess around. Maybe she took you more seriously which is how you managed to make more songs together regardless. Then, you stood idly by and watched her debut. Who didn't love her? But when she was with you, you missed the playfulness, the ice cream and her riffing over your playful guitar strums. It turned less of a hobby and more of a job though you never regretted any second with Jiwoo regardless.
Under the Earth's largest natural satellite, you shared a simple meal in black bean noodles. She was still in her hippie outfit from the comeback, and you handed her your jacket since it was cold. You realized, there was something else there that you were too inexperienced to notice. Your bodies' radiation replace the chill in the air, a bubble with just the two of you eating on the grass in a park near your dorm. A cliche slurping on one noodle and Jiwoo pulled away. In embarrassment, like a damn anime character, she hiccuped. Good thing you didn't close your eyes when you leaned in.
“Wanna make an album together?” Jiwoo says.
You threw away the noodles’ package and escorted her home. That was all you expected anyway. Fine.
“That’s enough!”
Three goddamn weeks. It's been three goddamn weeks and you've barely made any progress.
Barge into the booth, slam the door shut and raise your tone, just below a shout, “I've had it up to here! You know how many of my songs have been mashed together in some unholy quest for your perfection? Just one unknown something is missing and either you start complaining or we move on to the next."
She backs up from the mic to the insulated wall but you continue, paying no heed to her, as you spout your piece to the artificially cold air, "You know how much time I’ve spent outside working on these songs? These are songs I’ve saved up over years. And you trash them like they’re nothing. How do you even manage to record LOONA tracks?”
Regret sinks in. This was your passion project as much as hers. Was it frustration from the recordings? Weeks of the same routine and it took until now for you to give in to your temper.
"It wouldn't even be that bad! If you could just one time, you could be cute or cheerful again with me, or,” Fuck. So stupid. You don’t have to take your friendships for granted like this. You’re lucky enough she treats you as much. “Hold on. Wait, I'm-"
Examine her face. It’s not sour and she hasn’t stormed out or even slapped you.
“No, no. You don’t have to say it. I’m. I’m sorry oppa.” She looks down. “I'm the one messing up after all." Her heartbeat a harsh snare drum. "And you. You're. Different. Looking at you always made me feel some, something funny. Not funny but? Ugh. I wish I could explain it.”
You hold in your confusion.
She blabbers on, “Like, are. Are you mad? I promise you, I,” A nervous breath, ”I like you. Okay?"
Your confusion grows like the length of your silence.
"I’m just acting how I really am with you. Do you want to maybe, I don't know, like," her voice decrescendos, "Um. Punish me?”
Your heart, your brain are deprived of blood as it all rushes down. Did you hear that right? Not an apology, not retribution, but a call to punishment? Misinterpreting her, the consequences would be dire but that damned demure tone for such an erotic request. Was Jiwoo the exact type of slut constructed in your mind? The one that made you feel sinful for even imagining. No, no, there's no way.
Too late. Jiwoo must have noticed the absurd bulge now. It had to be these Adidas pants today. Fuck it. Life can’t be lived fully without risk. Hopefully, the same switch turned in her mind. You remove all ire from your face and say in earnest, “Do you like games?"
She lights up a little. You sigh relieved.
"Let’s try…”, you say, ”Strip recording.” She lights up a little more, so you go on, ”If I mess up anything, the mix, the composition, the arrangement, I’ll take off a piece of clothing. Your choice. And every time you mess up-”
Jiwoo unbuttons her denim shorts and brings them down her tight legs.
“D- did I say now?”
However, with her resolve steeled, she continues pulling them. "So what? I did mess up, right?" she says coquettish. Deliberate the turn she makes when she bows down to remove the shorts from her legs, Jiwoo reveals a hint of her innie pussy on that same little ass that ran through your mind earlier. A small trace of her thighs glistens, the only thing reflecting the single lightbulb’s glow in the microphone’s abode. She turns back to face you. "Please. Punish me."
Step closer until Jiwoo backs up to the soundproofing. She’s an eighth note away from your face, flashing her beady eyes and a coy smile, ”Where's your underwear?" A little drop spills out onto the floor, "And why are you so wet, Jiwoo-ah?”
Red on her cheeks, like she only now realized her dishevelment in front of you. “You just… Something about you snapping at me. I don’t get it either. I knew you'd do it, some day, I wanted you to," she mumbles in her best efforts to answer you.
“Have you ever worn underwear to the recordings?”
Those efforts continue to fail.
"Oh, Kim Jiwoo. What do I do with you?" One of your hands grabs her cheek. The other crawls down her back to grab her cheek.
“Oppa… Do I have to say it?”
“I want to hear every." Smack. "Word." Smack. She slips a moan.
“Can you," she says, "can you use my mouth?”
You disguise your long pause as thought, teasing the bare skin of her ass with your exploratory fingers to bide time, but it's an expression of your shock. The interruption helps you come up with a more suitable punishment however.
“How about this then. Every time you mess up, you have to give me a blowjob. Call?”
“Call!” Once more, unprompted, she kneels down in front of you and claws away your track pants. You roll with the punches.
"Oppaa," with an pronounced pop and in a sing-songy rhythm, "I've always wanted to know, if your dick-" It certainly didn't need Jiwoo's dainty hands pulling on your boxers, as it would've sprang out on its own with how like diamond your cock is getting.
"Fuuuck," the first profanity you ever hear her utter, she lilts. "Please. Oppa. Fuck my face?"
After all she said, she could still surprise you. Bring your hips forward and just as you would've her pussy, tease Jiwoo’s lips with the head of your dick. She parts them open, starved, anxious.
Hold her by the chin. "Wait."
She freezes at the command. Again, like foreplay, rub her lips with that head making them turn redder and more plump. You sweep aside her bangs to see her begging eyes. More importantly, slide your dick up to her nude forehead to slap as a first act of retribution. “A-ah!” Jiwoo stutters as you slap her face with your manhood again and again. Bring your cock back down and she's already a mess without you even having entered her mouth. A little drool from her shut lips gently massages your balls while a bit of precum drools from your slit to meet those lips.
Jiwoo mumbles as best as she can with you holding her jaw shut and your dick on her lips, "Please. Please. Shove your dick in me. I need you in my mouth."
You squint your rough eyes to command her.
Muffled still, "Oppa. Please. I. I need to taste you. You just, you're so thick and you're so long and cock is perfect and please I just-"  Loosen the grip on her chin to let her envelop the entire tip with her warm lips. "Mmmmm..." the moan resonates a saw wave and your stern resolve fades away on your first entrance into her face but it returns as her teeth rub against you. She quickly readjusts her jaw but it takes multiple attempts of you pulling out and her sucking you back until only silken lips hold your cock's head. Finally. A focused glint in her eyes. She endeavours to keep your tip in her mouth as long as possible.
You were mad at her earlier, weren't you?
Recall this anger and press yourself into her with all your hips' strength, working against the force of her lip's airtight suction. Saliva leaks to betray the seal. Jiwoo's prying tongue explores the underside of your cock but you reach an impasse while she's not even halfway down the shaft. You shove your dick deeper but to no avail and tears roll down her eyes joining the fluids coating her lips. Thus you exit back out. And back in you go to repeat and repeat and slowly increase your rate, becoming rough sex with her diligent mouth. All the positions you’ve imagined fucking her little pussy, you picture using her throat instead. Even in this compact studio, the couch, chair and desk would provide ample support for you to use her in many ways. The dirty thoughts inspire your speed right now. She slurps and gulps at every quick plunge but you realize her moans and rumbles aren't just incoherent reactions. You decelerate.
“Ah, ahhh, ahhhhhh… Ah’ve ahways- Hmph.” She slurs as she tries her hardest to communicate while her airway is blocked.
She slides up your cock to catch some air, “Thought about it- Mmm.”
“Your dick in my mouth and it’s just so pew, fect- Ahhh.” Jiwoo's lips let go gently then her tongue sticks out to lick up your cock and she shows off a trail of spit leading to your tip. A less patient man would’ve jerked himself off right there to grant her eyes and open mouth's unison request to feed on your cum.
Instead you retort, “You think you’ve earned it? Not even halfway down. Going nowhere, just like our recording sessions, huh?”
“Shut up!”
“Oof.” You’re already weak in the knees so Jiwoo's one handed shove sends your tailbone to the floor. Since you’re still dazed by her confounding strength, she takes initiative and kowtows her head into your lap to crawl down your cock with her tiny lips. Fondling your balls, Jiwoo starts from the furthest point she could muster on your shaft up to your cock head. Her tongue follows back and she starts playing under your tip to swirl that tongue around the most sensitive parts until it explores your slit. You buckle and groan. Jiwoo sucks and spits and sucks while she circles only the most minimal twisting motion of her lips on your head. This is the Jiwoo you know. Relentless. Only now your load is her magnus opus.
Her right hand strays downwards and her face on your dick blocks a full view but you can tell that hand is working as intensely as her mouth. As she strokes herself with more vigor, she starts humming a satisfied melody on your tip. In kind, your subtle grunts turn into full-bodied moans. You're a single measure away from your coda so you reach down and pull her off your cock by grabbing her neck.
You glare into her. “Desperate little girl, aren't you?”
Her breath is stilted and she's nearly shaking. “Please…” she sobs, ”You, you want it as bad as I do right?” Of course. “Won't you just cum for me?” Not now. Not when you have putty in your hands.
“You're making a mess. You can't take me all the way down. And I see that it’s not just your saliva coating the floor.” Point to the spot where she kneels, her drool joins a stain growing ever larger with a strand of juice from her pussy flowing as you continue to berate her. Then you point to her hand. Ha. “Were you playing with yourself using my pencil?”
“No… Wait!”
You back off. “Your top’s a mess too. Anyone can tell I just fucked your face.” You take off your black hoodie and give it to her. “I’ll see you tomorrow for our next session.”
“Wait, we didn’t book tomorrow, did we? Also, you can’t just leave me like this! Oppa!”
"I said, I'll see you tomorrow. I have to go,“ you remind her, ”Ha Rin’s picking you up. And give me back that pencil.”
She hands it to you, unable to meet your eyes despite hers lusting over your cock. You'll definitely use the alluring musk on it for later to save you from your self-induced blue balls. Exit the booth. Of course she barely waits to use your hoodie the same way since she doesn’t notice you lingering in the room. Instead of hiding the grey long sleeve that soaks her neck, your used sweatshirt covers Jiwoo’s face as her fingers make the mess on the floor larger.
Swear to god I’m not just writing the cutest idols to write for. I mean maybe I am but also this answer from @nsfwtwicecatcher​ and all the subsequent pictures that I found of Chuu pouting inspired me. Also, this was a longer piece but I kept spinning my tires on it and decided to split it up, so look out for more.
Fermata, the aforementioned sequel
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stay-tinystars · 3 years
Traveling Teacher
Ship: Mark (NCT) x fem reader.
Traveling teacher, non idol au
Word count: 1585
Warnings: reader has very anxious thoughts at the beginning.
A/N: random story I started months ago. I hope you all enjoy this random story. I wanted to write something for Mark, because he's just adorable. I'd love feedback on what you think of this story.
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Deep breath in, deep breath out. That's all you kept repeating in your head. You had to calm down, it was going to be alright. He would be here any minute, he was just running late. He wouldn't have asked you here just to stand you up, or would he? This couldn't be another prank.
 Leaning forward you rested your head in your hands. Trying to focus on the things around you to ground yourself. You felt the slight breeze around you. The sound of the birds, and the city. The wooden bench beneath you. The feel of the gravel under your shoes. The light weight of your jacket across your shoulders.
The anxiety of the situation seemed to decrease as you focused on the things around you. The sound of shoes against the gravel sounded calming.
"____, You actually came." his words pulling you back to the present, immediate relief flooded through your chest. You looked up to see him smiling at you, he seemed pleased.
"Of course, you asked me to come." You smiled as you stood up dusting off your dark jeans, fixing the hem of your shirt and adjusting the light jacket. You felt lightly undressed. He looked like a model, per usual. His perfectly styled, yet messy hair swept back from his forehead, the leather jacket over a vintage band shirt, and a pair of jeans.
"I wasn't sure that you would actually show." his eyes on the ground as his fingers ran through his hair. His eyes then met yours. "You're usually really reserved, I was afraid I might have scared you off, saying it was a date. I'm glad it didn't." his eyes becoming little crescents, as he gave a genuine smile.
The butterflies in your stomach seemed to swarm, as he guided the way. You started down the path towards the main part of the park.
Mark was a traveling music instructor, so he came to the primary school twice a week to teach beginning band, and choir. Being an office aid you saw him when he picked up his badge checking in for his class, and when he returned his badge. 
The first day he came in, he took you by surprise. The last traveling teacher was a grumpy older man, Mark however was literal sunshine, always kind and friendly to everyone he came across. The children adored him, and all the ladies at the school gushed over him, single or not.
In the few words you would exchange as he checked in and out, you slowly got to know him. You both shared a love for music, especially live music. Last week when he mentioned going to the free concerts in the park you talked with him about some of the ones you attended last summer. That's when he invited you to join him for the mini festival of cover bands that weekend. Completely ignoring the other flirtatious aid, who offered to go in your place, being as you 'didn't get out much'. He just smiled and looked back at you, stating it would be a great getting to know you date. After that he left. You were as red as a tomato, laughing internally at your coworker who was now insisting that there was something wrong with him.
"We haven't ever discussed what made you want to be an office aid at a school" Mark noted, as you strolled towards the outdoor amphitheatre.
"Truthfully I never planned on being an office aid" you laughed. "I wanted to do something with kids, but I didn't want to teach. I considered being a school librarian, but every job I applied for fell through. Then someone my mom knew was retiring from being an office aid, and my mom gave her my resume. I got a call for an interview for a job I never applied for. They ended up hiring me immediately after my interview. I guess the rest is history."
"They must've known you'd be great with kids." He remarked as he guided you towards the small seating section.
"I'm not so sure. I think they needed someone who was kind, but had a firm hand. So I got the job."
"I've seen you with some of those kids. Even the troublemakers listen to you." He praised as he motioned towards the reserved seats in the third row off to the side.
"I'm nowhere near as good with them as you are. You helped Jin get into that special summer program, which I never expected to happen. Especially after he flushed Mrs. Kim's prized fish last year." You praised back as you both took a seat.
"I heard about that." He chuckled. "Jin has a lot of potential, he just didn't know how to direct it. All I did was guide him, and help him on the right path."
"Is that why you became a traveling teacher?"
"Actually, no." He let out a small laugh. "I was supposed to be in Law school. After the first semester I knew I couldn't handle it. I had been tutoring kids in music lessons when I decided I would just try that path. I must say I feel like I make more of a difference now, then I would've as a lawyer."
"You do make a huge difference at my school. The kids are always excited when they get to have Mr. Lee's class. We also have less absences on the days you teach."
"I don't know that I make that much of a difference." His ears turned a slight pink.
"You do. I'm sure we will see many kids in the music industry in the future because of you." 
"Guys look it's Mr. Lee, and Miss ____." A child yelled from behind you. The two of you turned in your seats,, to see a few students getting settled in the grass a ways behind you. You both smiled and waved.
"I bet they are on a date!" Another said loudly, your eyes looked down, as you turned around in your seat. The blush was apparent on your cheeks. As Mark made a big scene of stretching and putting his arm around you. A light giggle left your lips as you looked over at him, with a questioning look.
"What?" He asked, and you glanced at his arm then back up to his face. "The kids have to learn somehow. This is how to be smooth." he nodded then did an over the top wink. You laughed again, covering your face with one hand, shaking your head. He was anything but subtle or smooth.
Soon the music started, the energy pulsed through the air. You both sang and danced along to cover after cover. The first band played music your parents listened to.
The second band played music from the early 2000s which Mark ended up serenading you with.
Between bands you just sat, and talked. He found out your favorite movie. You found out he loves cookies and cream Ice Cream.
The last band was a big band 1950s style cover band. During a slower song Mark spun you around, dancing between the rows of seats.
The mini festival seemed to end as soon as it began. The sun had started to pitch in the sky, when Mark asked you to join him for dinner. With a nod of your head you both set off towards the main road in search of food.
"Can I ask you a question?" Mark asked, as you both strolled the main walkway.
"Of course" you looked towards him, curiously.
"If I were to hold your hand would it make you uncomfortable? I mean if you don't want to we don't have to. I mean this is our first date. If you want to consider it an official date. I am but..." he stumbled over his words, he seemed as panicked as you felt. Your lips slightly turned upwards as you reached for his hand.
"We never know unless we try right? That's what I tell the kids." you stated with a small nod, as his fingers encompassed yours. His thumb gently rubbing the back of your hand as you walked together.
"That's a good way to look at it. I like the way you look at things. I've noticed that you like to look for that silver lining." He noted, as he glanced towards you, slightly bumping you with his shoulder.
"I have to, it's the only way to keep the storm clouds from taking over." the words came out before you could stop them. His hand gently squeezing yours.
"Storm clouds are part of life. I've encountered my fair share of storms, but most people dwell on the storms." His words settled in your skin. "You don't seem to though."
"It takes rain to make a rainbow." You said quietly, taking a deep breath. "I've been through a lot of storms, some destroyed me. Though those I've learned as the storms come to try to make the best of it, because I know there is a rainbow coming."
He paused his stride, softly pulling your hand making you stop, you turned to face him. His smile was genuine and pure. The setting sun gave him a warm glow.
"You know, I'm starting to think you're my rainbow." His soft words made you melt.
You could feel the heat in your cheeks and ears, as you looked towards the ground. Then back into his eyes. "You might be mine as well"
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Do I Wanna Know?
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Pairing: Jensen x latina!reader
Warnings: angst
Word Count: 1,988
A/N: This was written for @anaelsbrunette​ Yas’s POC Reader Challenge. This was based on the song Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys. I’ve never written POC reader before so hope you like it. ;)
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“Everybody welcome Jensen Ackles to the stage!” The applause and cheering were so loud you winced. Jensen Ackles stood on the stage looking as if he owned it with a leather jacket and some dark jeans. You couldn’t lie he was good looking, but good looking boys were the ones that always knew how to break your heart in the worst ways.
You sighed once again wondering why you had agreed to come to work again. The place was small but packed. Apparently, it was some sort of VIP event and only those with enough money could pay to attend. But not you. You weren’t here to enjoy some guy in a leather jacket and guitar sing you were here to work at the bar and that was it.
People coming and going ordering a million different drinks was slowly driving you insane. You hoped this would be over soon. Someone like Jensen Ackles was probably busy and didn’t even have a moment to breathe.  
Song after song you handed out drinks and refrained from lashing out at the rude people. You needed the job.
“Thanks, everybody for coming out tonight, said Jensen. “I’ll be playing one last song tonight.” 
“Oh, gracias a Dios,” you breathed out a sigh of relief and your friend smirked over at you. 
“Have you got color in your cheeks?
Do you ever get that fear that you can't shift the type
That sticks around like summat in your teeth?
Are there some aces up your sleeve?
Have you no idea that you're in deep?
I've dreamt about you nearly every night this week
How many secrets can you keep?
'Cause there's this tune I found
That makes me think of you somehow and I play it on repeat
Until I fall asleep, spillin' drinks on my settee…”
The women were going wild and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. He was just a human, a human with an incredible voice and an equally attractive body. Sure you enjoyed music, but you knew this type of celebrities, they thought they were like gods.  
By the time the song was over, you were ready to go home and sleep preferably forever. The crowd started to diminish and you began cleaning up. 
“Oh my god! Did you see Jensen Ackles he was so hot,” your friend was basically jumping up and down. You were waiting for that comment all night and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. 
“Cristina you fall in love with basically everybody.”
“I do not,” she gasped.
“What about that boy at the coffee shop yesterday? Or that guy that opened that door for you at the supermarket? Or that girl-”
“Ok ok fine I get it,” she held her hands up in surrender. “But you can’t deny it.”
“Cristina, there is nothing special about him. Sure he can sing, ¿y que? So what? I know about a dozen other people who can do that.”
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” said a voice behind you and you turned only to find Jensen Ackles sitting at the bar. “But uh can I get a whiskey?” 
You cleared your throat your face burning. “Uh yeah.” turning to grab a bottle you glared at your friend. “¿Cuánto tiempo ha estado allí?” 
“Since you started talking,” she whispered.
You turned around placing a coaster and glass in front of Jensen Ackles. You tried not to look at him as you poured whiskey into his glass but you felt his gaze on you. Some guys came by saying goodbye to Jensen and making plans for the week. Not that you were eavesdropping but they were right there. 
“It’s close to midnight and my sister is coming to pick me up, you need a ride?”
“No it’s fine I’ll be closing anyway. I’ll get a cab.” She nodded before hugging you and grabbing her things. 
You realized Jensen was still at the bar and you hoped he would leave already so you could go home. He stood placing some money at the bar before leaving. Ten minutes later you were making your way outside.
“Hey,” you turned. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” Jensen was standing there with his hands raised as if you would’ve tried to hit him. And you would have.
“Well, you did.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, you said that.”
“I thought you might need a ride.”
“I don’t.”
“Look it’s almost midnight-”
“I am not  sleeping with you.”
“What- no I am not-”
“Listen, pretty boy, I don’t need a ride from you. And I am not going to your place,” you slung your bag over your shoulder before turning around. 
“No, wait. I didn’t mean it like that. I was just offering a ride. Nothing else.”
“Because walking through the city in the middle of the night is dangerous.”
“And getting into some stranger’s car is not?” He looked down, one side of his mouth turning up. 
You sighed knowing that you couldn’t deny his offer. “Ok fine.”
His head snapped up, “Wait really?”
“Just warning you, I will punch you if you try anything.” 
You gave him your address once in the car and waited for some comment about the area you lived in, but it never came. Surely someone like him had a nice house or apartment in the nicer part of the city. 
“Thanks for the ride,” you said.
“So there is nothing special about me?”
You winced, “You heard that?”
He chuckled, “I did.”
“Listen I’m sorry-”
“No no, I think that is a very fair opinion. But, I think you can make it up with a dinner.”
You opened your mouth then closed it not sure what to answer. He was asking you out?
“I’m sorry, you don’t have to I was just-”
“I uh I need to go,” he nodded and you got out of the car. Making your way to your door. You heard his car leave once you were inside. 
“He asked you out!” You and Cristina had a free period a decided to catch up on some homework outside. 
“Cristina stopped screaming. Yes, I already told you like a hundred times.”
“And you said no,” you stared at her. “Okay fine, fine.”
“And technically I didn’t answer.” 
“But it was Jensen Ackles!”
“Yeah, that’s why.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, he’s on his way to becoming some great musician. And I’m a bartender still in school. And still living with my mom. Nada va a suceder. It’s going to be a good date and then that’s it. On to the next thing he knows he can get.”
“Y/N,” she pointed behind you, and standing right there was Jensen Ackles. “I uh gotta go back to class,” she grabbed her things before taking off. Great.
“You uh left this in my car yesterday,” standing up you took your jacket from him.
“Thanks. How did you know I was here?”
“I asked around in the bar.”
No one said anything before you both started talking at the same time. 
“I also didn’t get your name last night.”
“How long have you been there.”
You glanced away, “I’m Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N” 
“I know.”
He cleared his throat, “Right.”
“Listen I didn’t mean to be rude with what I just said.”
“Most people want to be with me for the money and fame. I don’t care about any of that.”
“I’m not most people,” you said. “I also don’t care to have my heart broken.”
“One date. One chance. Just- let me show you I’m sincere.” 
“Why? You can literally have anybody you want.”
“But I don’t want anybody. I just- there is something about you that I can’t figure out about you and it’s driving me insane.”
“One chance,” you said.
You were nervous and you weren’t even on the date yet. Cristina had come over to try and calm you down but you were having second thoughts about saying yes. 
“Y/N, mirame, hey look at me. If things go sideways you call me and I’ll pick you up.”
You nodded the knot in your stomach twisting tighter. The doorbell rang and you took a deep breath. Jensen was standing there in a flannel and some jeans and you couldn’t deny he looked good.
“Uh te-te ves hermosa,” he stuttered.
You smiled, “How long did it take you to learn that?”
He looked down rubbing the back of his neck. “All afternoon?”
It was late by the time you came back home, your stomach hurting from laughing too much.
“Gracias, thank you, for the date,” you smiled up at him. He was so close that you could smell his cologne. 
“It was my pleasure.”
“I uh- I better go.”
He cleared his throat, “Yeah, I’ll text you.”
It went like that for a week, Jensen showing up and taking you some place, nothing fancy or expensive but somewhere you could be together. Sometimes he would take you to one of his concerts and even though you teased him about it you enjoyed being there. Everything was good maybe just too good and of course it had to end. 
Coming late home from the bar one night all you wanted to do was sleep, your mom was in the kitchen, phone in hand.
“Hey what’s going on?”
“It’s your abuela, está enferma.”
“She’s sick? Is she going to get better?”
Your mom shook her head, “We have to go back to Mexico.”
Two days later you found yourself packing your bags. You had given your notice at school and at the bar. Cristina had come to say goodbye and it hurt to leave her. You were putting your bags in the car when a familiar car pulled up. Jensen stepping out with a frown on his face. 
“Hey what’s going on?”
“My grandma is sick and we have to go back home. Back to Mexico”
“For how long?”
“No lo sé. Couple of days? Maybe weeks?”
“And you weren’t going to tell me?” He sounded incredulous and you wished this conversation had happened when you were miles away and not be able to see the hurt on his face. 
“Y/N you were going to leave for who knows how long and not tell me?”
“I was going to tell you.”
“When? When you were miles away?” He nodded, running a hand down his face. “No, you can’t do that just because you’re scared.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re scared Y/N! You’re scared about this, about what we have!”
“Jensen this was never going to last! This was nice, but we both know you weren’t going to end up with somebody like me and I am not going to end up with somebody like you. Lo siento. I have to go,” you turned getting in the car, trying not to look back. The better he accepted the truth the better it would be for you. By the time you were back in Mexico he would probably already have found somebody else. 
Jensen stood there not knowing what to say or do. She was leaving. She was leaving him. But she felt something for him. He hadn’t just imagined the past week. And it wasn’t just some simple crush that he felt, this went way deeper than that and he had to find out if she felt that same way for him. He saw your friend come out of the house by the time your car was pulling away.
“Cristina it’s Cristina right? Do you know where in Mexico Y/N is staying?” she nodded and he knew what he had to do because she had caught his eye in that bar even before he had ordered that drink. He couldn’t let her go. He had to know, even if the answer wasn’t what he wished for it to be, he had to know. 
TAGS: @akshi8278​
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winterrose527 · 3 years
but I've never felt this way for no one
for @simple-aphorisms who gave me this delicious prompt. apologies, I went full feral.
I got my driver’s license last week, just like we always talked about…
If he had to guess, he had heard the opening lines to that song roughly 40 bajillion times. Ever since it had come out over the winter, every party he went to devolved into a raucous, off-key chorus no less than three times as everyone stopped what they were doing to sing that song.
He wasn’t going to lie. It was, for lack of a better, less cringey word, a bop. The first weekend it had come out, he’d listened to it a fair bit. The first time he’d ever heard it at a party, was because he had been the one to put it on.
So he got it. Olivia Rodrigo was a talent. Possibly the next Taylor Swift, though that was a debate he never wanted to get into or hear again after the Great War between Sansa and Theon that had lasted for seven days and eight long nights.
That being said, nothing, and he meant nothing – not even the day her full album had come out and he’d come out into the living room to see Jon and Theon crying to Enough for You – had prepared him for this car ride.
He was sitting in the back seat of Myrcella Baratheon’s Range Rover, Grey Wind sprawled out on top of him. His sister Sansa and her best friend Myrcella were in the front seat, where they had been for the last three hours as Myrcella drove them all back to school from Winterfell, where they’d gone for the long weekend.
Of those last three hours… no less than 2 hours and 45 minutes of it had been dedicated to Olivia Rodrigo. The lion’s share of it to this song.
Now he considered himself a patient man. He was possibly alone in this opinion, but nevertheless he did. But on the thousandth rendition of red lights! Stop signs! He’d lost it.
Not his temper, his mind.
Because the thing was. Myrcella Baratheon was singing at the top of her lungs. Putting her little heart into it.
It wasn’t like she had a bad voice or anything. In fact, she had a beautiful voice. The first time he’d ever heard it he’d gotten actual chills.
The trouble was, this was a song about a break up. And he was fairly certain they were still very much together.
He had, after all, woken up in her bed that morning. And what they’d done after that had given him every indication that they were together.
The thing was though, that’s all he had.
An indication. A feeling.
Okay, a lot of feelings. A mess of them.
These were the facts as far as he understood them.
Early on this semester, around the same time this blasted song had come out, he and Myrcella had been at a party. She’d come with some girls from the Art History program, he’d been there with a few guys from his rugby team. Sansa was nowhere to be found, and neither was Jon or Theon.
He’d seen her from across the room, standing with a couple of girls, and crossed over to her.
Myrcella Baratheon was just the sort of girl you had to cross a party for.
“You’re here!” she exclaimed, as though she’d been waiting for him all night.
“Where else would I be?” he asked.
“On the dance floor maybe,” she grinned.
“Doesn’t sound like me,” he grinned back.
And then her hand was in his, pulling it gently, her eyebrow raised, “Not even if I asked reeeeally nicely?”
So they’d danced. Things had gotten pretty messy. There was a sloppy dance floor make out, followed by a rather aggressive one up against the side of whatever house they were at. A cold walk back to his. His bedroom. Clothes removed. And then just her.
And ever since then it had sort of just continued on like that. They were always together, since her friends were his, and there were always more dance floors to make out on.
He and Myrcella had been having sex with regularity for the past two months, and as far as he knew, Myrcella didn’t do casual sex. But she was also the only girl in the known universe who didn’t press the what are we? talk.
Not only did she not press it, she seemed unconcerned with it entirely.
It was unnerving.
And now, here she was, singing her pretty little heart out to one of the best break up songs of all time with conviction.
“Sing it, Robby!” Sansa turned around.
“No,” he grunted.
Myrcella’s eye flicked to his briefly in the rearview as she banged on the steering wheel.
Sansa turned back around and pointed to a sign for a rest stop, “Oh can we go in there? I want a coffee.”
The last bars of the song played as Myrcella pulled in, dropping Sansa off in front of the complex.
“I’m going to fill up with gas,” she told Sansa who promptly ran inside and then glanced at him, “Are you going in?”
“So you can leave me here?” he asked.
She bursted out laughing as she drove to the gas pumps, “Well you have been rather grumpy but not enough to justify abandoning you on the side of the road just yet.”
Myrcella parked and turned off the car and he got out and slammed his door shut, undoing the gas cap.
“What are you doing?” she asked him. Suddenly she was next to him.
“You hate pumping gas,” he reminded her.
She was such a priss about things like that. It was so annoying and hot.
“You have a unique ability to be a complete ass and a total gentleman all at the same time,” Myrcella informed him, “Anyone ever tell you that?”
“Not lately,” he growled. Watching the numbers go up. Ignoring her fresh face and her golden curls pooling out of the neck of her cream fleece. “Because I am not dating anyone else. Are you?”
“How would I be dating anyone else?” she asked him, “I mean just logistically in your brain how would that work? Do I have a time machine? Oh because if I did have a time machine I would definitely use it for sex reasons. Because I’m Theon. You incredible asshat.”
“What did you just call me?” he asked, angrily closing the gas cap.
“An asshat,” she repeated, “Meaning your head is so far up your ass you are literally wearing it as a hat!”
“Why are you singing the song like that?!” he growled at her.
She bit her lip, “Well, because it’s an incredible song.”
“Are you singing it about someone?” he asked. “You were near to tears on the last one!”
“Well maybe,” she brushed her fingers up his chest, “I was thinking how I’d feel if you ever decided you didn’t want to be with me. Though that was before this conversation.”
His hands went to her waist, pulling her towards him, slipping underneath her fleece and t shirt to her bare, warm skin.
“You called me an asshat,” he told her.
She grinned, her arms looping around his neck, “Well you’re acting like one.” She laughed, “And I must be one too, because even when you’re a total asshat, I’m pretty sure I love you anyway.”
“Baby,” he lifted her up, nuzzling his nose against hers, “I know I’m not perfect, but I’ve never felt this way for no one.”
She laughed. Cackled. Her head thrown back, exposing her creamy neck that he couldn’t help but kiss even at a gas station.
“You do realize you just quoted Olivia Rodrigo, don’t you?” she asked.
He hadn’t realized that. Apparently after 40 bajillion listens it had somehow just come out.
“Well,” he teased, “She is the next Taylor Swift.”
“Oh no!” she wrestled out of his arms.
“What’s wrong?” Sansa asked as she came to them holding a tray with three coffees in it.
“We’re leaving Robb here,” Myrcella told her, “Say your goodbyes.”
“Myrcella!” he laughed.
“Why don’t you call Theon for a ride you reductive asshat!” Myrcella argued.
With that she started walking around the car and he chased after her, picking her back up and carrying her to the passenger seat.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“I’m driving,” he told her, “You’re too worked up. You’re being a little crazy.” And then he kissed her cheek, “But uh I love you anyway.”
He felt her grin even though she rolled her eyes as she buckled her seat. Sansa got in the back and he went around to the driver’s seat and got in. It took him a few minutes to adjust the seat because his girlfriend was teeny, and he used the time to plug his phone into the USB.
“Do you know what the best thing about being the driver is?” he asked them.
“What’s that?” Sansa asked from the back.
“You get to control the music,” he informed her.
And as he pulled away from the gas station, and the opening bars of Driver’s License came on through his phone, Myrcella Baratheon leaned over and kissed his cheek.
He’d forgotten how much he truly loved this song.
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xanderwithanx · 3 years
Chloe does night-time diary posts on HER tumblr, so I'm going to start doing them here, sometimes. It would be nice if you read it, but, please, don't feel obligated! This is more for me to write.
(I got tired of my normal journal, I guess. It's full of bad poetry anyway. Besides, where's the thrill of losing anonymity in a physical notebook?)
I've basically been asleep and depressed for several days, because I had withdrawal after not being able to get my adhd meds. But, I got it today, and DID THINGS. (This is SO much better than before!)
Today, I went to a small café or restaurant (focused on tea) called Alice's Teacup that was Alice in Wonderland themed! My long-standing obsession with Alice in Wonderland knows no bounds. It was a really cute place. I got pumpkin pancakes, and some really good iced tea. Like... REALLY good iced tea.
Still, it seemed like the entire place was geared towards having a pot of tea and snacks with your friends, which left me a bit lonely. The person I asked couldn't come, and by the time I heard back, I was more than halfway there. Still, I read Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and watched Monty Python on my phone, so I still had a good time!
I dressed pretty eccentricly and effeminately all day, but, with my facial hair, I was ALWAYS coded as a man, even by people on the street! Pastels, a stupid hat, a crop top, and facial hair was a winning combination.
On my way, I was stopped by some guys soliciting for charity. I don't make a habit of stopping for strangers on the streets of Manhattan. What if it's a scam? What if I'm being pressured to buy something? What if it's a strange political rant? But, I had already taken my earbuds off, I wasn't in a hurry, and I'm terminally polite. The first guy said he liked my energy, which seemed to come from a genuine place, because I liked his too!
They were asking for donations for a breast cancer charity, the United Breast Cancer Foundation. After a discussion, it seems like the charity helps pay medical debt, medical bills, and other practical needs, which is much better than *some* others I could name. I regretted not being able to give their minimum there, as it was pretty high, but told them I'd give what I could when I got on the website.
I... did not. Money is tight, because I'm bad and irresponsible with money, even though this is more than a worthy cause. I didn't NEED to go to that tea place, and I don't NEED to spend so much money on food. Sure, I can justify it: I wanted to go to that place for so long, and it was near the college anyway! But, if I was responsible with money, you KNOW my friends direct fundraising drives would go first, worthy charities second. Still, I feel bad about it.
Then, I went to the college library, to get books to start my thesis research. I have literally been unable to go to the college itself, aside from getting my ID, so this was great! There just wasn't a reason. It was... very empty. I went to the library stacks, which was deathly quiet and deeply haunted by the old books. I half expected something to pop out at me, as I turned the stacks, but I wasn't even paranoid or anxious. It was like I was in something else's house. I was welcome, but on thin ice.
I picked up an irrelevant psychology book on the "schizophrenia problem" from the 1930s, out of morbid fascination, and quickly put it down when it threatened to shatter in my hands.
Some students walked past (which was a suprise in those monastic basement library stacks), and I added something to their conversation, in a totally natural and casual way. But, omg the poor girls, I made them jump! Luckily, I'm the least threatening person on earth, and we laughed it off.
After a lot of hunting, I got 5 out of my 10 books (for the most part)! (The rest are, sadly, online. I like to read physical copies.) Strangely, I only came in with a list to get 3 books out of 6.
Most of the books I got are about art in the AIDS crisis, which is the core of my thesis, I think, all with different value. One about exhibitions, one about the larger narrative of those gay artists, and another contradicting the larger narrative.
I also got a book about "Art and Homosexuality". Just, the parallel construction of both "art" and "homosexuality" across cultures and times, from earliest history to the modern age. It wasn't on my initial list, but I'm really excited to read it.
Finally, I got a book called "The Thief, the Cross and the Wheel", about the pain and spectacle of punishment in Medieval and Renaissance European art. I'm mainly interested in Italian Renaissance art of the crucifixion--and its masochism--for the second quarter of my thesis.
The rest are online, and Should mostly focus on Bacchus in the Italian Renaissance (especially through art) and what I call the art of "gay liberation", concurrent with the AIDS crisis (i.e. The Cockettes). These two topics make up the last half of my thesis.
I'm SO excited to get started!!
I even got to cross the college's sky-bridges! (The college is a few skyscrapers.) Still, the loneliness and novelty were kind of the same thought. Imagine if I had been here before COVID, or, if COVID hadn't happened. Who would I have been able to meet? What would the college buildings mean to me? Because, for now, they're just buildings. But, I got to see the street from above, and that was amazing!
Just walking through New York--the Upper East Side--on a cool, sunny day was beautiful. It takes 20-30 minutes to get from my place to the college (and the tea place), but it was great being able to listen to my music (a lot of They Might Be Giants on the playlist today) and see the city. You know, people, super cool old architecture being pushed out by terrible new architecture, and pigeons.
Oh my god, the pigeons. I took pictures, but none of them are good. I kept thinking about how pigeons and doves are functionally the same. We domesticated pigeons, which is why they're here, and no one is stopping to notice them? Even the ones that were splotched with pure white, like doves? There's only so many pigeons you can take until they're just white noise and a nuisance, I know, so don't think I'm blaming anyone! But it's so hard to look away from these quirky little birds.
Also, at one point my walk, I was vaping very strategicly. The mental task of searching through library stacks will do that to you, when you already have an addiction to nicotine. I made sure no one was around, and no one would be affected. I stopped on a corner next to an old, ornate Catholic church while the traffic light changed, and I almost juuled right next to a priest! I'm glad I stopped. I don't believe in Hell, but, I would have walked down there myself had I vaped at a priest. Still, the church advertised itself as LGBT+ friendly, so maybe they aren't so trigger happy on the damnation. Either way, I DIDN'T vape at a priest today, which is good.
Once I got back, I spent a few hours watching things with my amazing girlfriend Chloe, who you may know here as @cisphobiccommunistopinions. She is so beautiful, and I love her more every day, every time I see her. God, it's almost been 5 years!
I just wish I could spend more time with her. She's in Virginia, and I'm in New York. Like she said to me earlier, I'm flighty at the best of times, and, with my lack of object permanence for the digital world, I find myself not giving her the attention I deserve, or, the full connection I long to have with her. We used to live together. Luckily, someday we will live together again! All these problems won't be forever, and we can live together again.
We watched a lot of things, but we're pretty deep into Serial Experiments Lain right now. It's a postmodern anime from the 90s, and, wow, do I have no idea what's going on in it. It's about the internet, and potentially schizophrenia as well. However, I'm obsessed! One day I'll be able to crack this artistic code, and it's unreality, thematic knots, and double-meanings. I will probably understand it better on the second watch. I don't see myself in Lain, but I see my 14 year old self in her, when I had just developed schizophrenia. Her cyberpunk fate seems like it's railroaded towards tragedy, but I want to save her, even if it's silly and irrational.
I told Chloe that I was scared about spilling apple cider on my library books, and she referred to it as "The Great Apple Juice Disaster of September 11, 2021." To which I said that it was the second worst thing to happen in New York on that date. It was funnier if you were there, and also were in my brain at the time.
Anyway, tomorrow I'm meeting some online acquaintances from the college's "Queer Srudent Union" at a Japanese Culture Fair in a park. (I do not know which park.) It emphasizes "fun"! I don't know them very well, but they're friends with the one person I know irl, so it should be good.
Tomorrow night, I should Probably head downtown to check out a gallery show by MFA (masters of fine arts) students at Hunter! After all, I was in a group project with one of them, and they're absolutely brilliant. I missed the Thursday gallery opening by a landslide, because of the aforementioned lack of adhd meds and Being Asleep, which I infinitely regret. I could have listened to all the artists and curators talk about their art and exhibition! Maybe I could have even talked with the artists and curators. But, it's best for me to go sooner, rather than later, so I don't forget. And, I REALLY want to go.
It's "This dialogue which happened to be present in all other dialogues" at the Alyssa Davis Gallery. From the email I got, "Each of these works observes a threshold of transition. [...] [These] intimations [are] of a frame of mind shared by the artists. These works perform, record, access, engage, document, and entrap, embalming the viewer within the gallery space."
sgp is a really good artist, by the way. Their work is just next-level. Be sure to check out their art, if you have a chance. Let me link their portfolio: https://saragracepowell.com/
(I highly suspect spg and the other member of my group project ghosted me afterwards, but I understand. I was really in over my head. Still, they're both really sweet and kind people, don't get it twisted!)
I ALSO really want to see The Cake Boys. They're performing at the 3 Dollar Bill in Brooklyn on September 26th. (It's only $15!) They're the only all drag king collective in NYC! (Are... there any Other all drag king collectives out there?) Other than the fact that a lot of them are trans or nonbinary, which I love, this show is a totally non-judgmental competition for over 40 drag kings! I've heard their shows are hilarious and unique.
I just have to wait until I have $15 to spare. I... didn't eat dinner tonight, because I'm irresponsible with my money and don't want to ask my parents for money... again. Don't worry, it's literally fine, and I don't make a habit of doing this!
Which reminds me! For my birthday, my parents gave me a gift card to Lush! I'm definitely going to Lush tomorrow, which will be great. I would describe my personality as "Lush store employee acosting you about a bath bomb demonstration", so I'll fit right in.
I also made a transition timeline, to show how much I've changed on testosterone. For the better, I hope! I really believe I'm becoming, if not Have Become, the man I was always meant to be. It's so strange to look back at who I was not too long ago, and to know the absolute pain I was in. It's also strange, in a good way, to see the man looking back at me in the selfies. I'm so much happier now! Much more candid in my pictures, at least. But, I know that I'm so much more comfortable as myself than I was even 6 months ago. It's strange. Sometimes I think to myself, "I don't pass yet; I'm not who I Need To Be yet." Then, I look at my selfie from today, and... I'm THERE. My mind just hasn't caught up with my amazing, natural, normal reality.
The end. I have to get ready for bed, (even though I could be partying on a Saturday night in the city. I'm lame.) If you actually read this, I am kissing you on the mouth right now. I hope it made you calm down tonight, like a terrible bedtime story. If you didn't read it and just skipped to the end, don't worry: you did the rational thing.
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chibisquirt · 4 years
You don't have to answer, but if you wouldn't mind. What are some things you've learned about ADHD from Tumblr that are applicable to you, or others you may now? I've been reading more on it and how it manifests in girls/women and was curious when I read your rb on that post about Grammarly
I don’t mind at all!  Fair warning:  this is gonna be LONG.
I’m going to start by repeating something I mentioned in that post:  I was diagnosed in third grade, which was over two decades ago.  I had my diagnosis halfway through elementary school, much less high school and two rounds of college.  So a lot of the old information about ADHD I learned as a young person, and those things are worth exploring, too.  
Example:  It’s not that I’m not listening, Mrs. Nock, it’s just that if I try to keep my hands still, then the only thing I will retain from the lesson will be keep your hands still and not the things you trying to teach, which are supposedly important! 
(Mrs. Nock was the one who said to me, “I believe you believe you’re paying attention.”  Yes, it’s been fifteen years.  Yes, I’m still mad.  If you can’t have basic respect for your students, don’t teach.)
I figured out half on my own, half because of the counselling that if I had a fidget tool that didn’t require words I would pay better attention than if I tried to sit still.  (I still remember being mocked by my dad for fidgeting well after making that discovery, though.  Apparently diagnoses should only inform compassion when they’re his.)  On the same lines, I also figured out that music in the background wouldn’t work for me if it had words, and television is too distracting for me to use at all.  (I have a friend, though, whose ADHD works the opposite way:  he has difficulty focusing if there isn’t a television in the background.  Yes, both are valid.)
So, the Classics:  
I always had trouble with organization and cleaning, had trouble with schedules and calendars and managing my time.  Those are the things they’ll warn you about, the things they’ll tell you in counselling are natural and normal things for people with ADHD to have trouble with.  Trouble paying attention, sure.  Trouble sitting still.  Procrastination.  Got it.
But if you turn those traits around and re-frame them, they become a new set of symptoms.  Adaptations for these new symptoms are more personal and universally applicable in my life, and therefore, to my mind, more useful.
Take Procrastination.  (No really: please take it.)  That just means “putting it off until tomorrow,” and there are lots of reasons to do it:  “don’t have the tool I need” is one of the biggies, “want to conserve steps” trips me up a lot, “I still have time to get to it” is HUGE for me...  But a lot of times, these are just superficial reasons.  The re-framed symptom is, Trouble making yourself do things you don’t want to do.  
ADHD is an executive function disorder.  That’s a phrase I first learned on Tumblr, by the way; it may have been mentioned by one of my earlier counsellors, but it definitely wasn’t taught.  
This is why soooo many of us have struggled with the perception (including self-perception) that we’re lazy!  But no one tells the kid in the wheelchair he’s just lazy for not playing basketball.  (Okay, they totally do.  People are terrible.  Ignore that, stick to the point.)  I reframe this the way I do because acknowledging this as a symptom, taking the blame out of it, makes it easier to find adaptation.
Now, this is a personal post.  YMMV.  But I have an easier time managing my conduct if, instead of calling myself lazy a procrastinator, I say, “I keep not doing that --> oh it’s because I Don’t Wanna --> how can I con myself into doing it?”  (Strategies include bargaining, making it easier, powering through but then allowing yourself to stop afterwards, just acknowledging that I Don’t Wanna and allowing that to be valid...)  Procrastination is an action, but “executive function disorder” is a disease and “I Don’t Wanna” is its trigger, just as much as an allergy and a clump of ragweed are.  “Procrastination” is a powerful sphynx against which I’m helpless, but “I Don’t Wanna Disease” lets me start cultivating my metaphorical catnip and researching the answers to common riddles.
And while we’re talking about procrastination--and trouble with deadlines, and schedules in general--let’s talk about Time Insensitivity.  Missed deadlines and perpetual lateness (perpetual) are external actions, just like procrastination, and they can have all sorts of explanations.  
(Shoutout to Mrs. Pollack, who looked around a classroom containing thirteen-year-old me, and, knowing full well that I was chronically tardy, declared that “anybody who’s always running late, deep down, they just doesn’t care about anybody else’s time.”  Great job with calling the thirteen-year-old a heartless bitch, Mrs. Pollack!  As you can tell, I definitely forgot it very quickly, and didn’t at all have a self-critical breakdown about it, periodically revisiting the question of my own inherent selfishness for years!!!)
But ignoring the external actions, let’s take a compassionate look inside the head again.  Executive function includes regulation of, and awareness of the passing of, time.  Again: you can’t play the basketball with no legs.  We literally do not realize what time is doing.  Sometimes we do--if we devote enough of our attention to it, which may be a large amount for some, a small amount for others, or a variable amount for the same person.  But our brains literally don’t process it the same way.  
But hold on a minute--let’s go back to that analogy.  Because actually, people with no legs can play basketball!  It’s just that you have to use the adaptation of wheelchairs to do it--and that’s an adaptation for the game and for the players.  
I use alarms.  I’ve recently seen a post about audio memos as alarms.  There are people who just slap clocks everywhere.  When I was forced to work in a kitchen with no clocks, I used the multi-setting timer and set it for like four hours so I would know if I was keeping on schedule.  I also chose a job environment where much of my shift is the same as itself, and rigid punctuality isn’t enforced--that’s adapting my environment, instead of myself.  There’s all kinds of adaptations.  But you have to know you have the condition before you can compensate for it.
Here’s a fun little story:  when I was... oh, eleven?  Twelve?  My Quaker Meeting’s youth group (#7 whitest phrase I’ve ever written) went to the museum together.  One of the stops was in the children’s section, there was a... a pegboard, I think?  With some kind of problem on it.  A puzzle.  Me and a couple others sat down at it, and it took me a while, but eventually I solved it, and I looked up.  
I blinked.  “Where is everybody?” I said.
“They left,” said my mom.  “Half an hour ago.”  
I was stunned.  “Half an hour ago?!  But I couldn’t’ve spent more than ten minutes on this!”
“I promise you, it was half an hour.”
“Why didn’t you call me??  Why didn’t you say my name?”
“We did.  Several times.”
To this day, I will swear myself blind that I never heard a thing.
Hyperfocusing.  They’ll tell you about the problems focusing; oh yes.  They’ll tell you allll about that one.  But they won’t tell you about the flip side of it.  They won’t tell you about the times when the rest of the world falls away, and the only two things in the world are you and whatever problem you’re trying to solve.  
D’y’know what, I bet that’s the reason I test well.  I just realized this now, phrasing it like that, but--I’ve always tested well, even when my actual practical applications of things are mediocre I do well with the classroom testing on it.  I scored a 39 on the MCAT, back when it was out of 45 and not whatever it is now.  (To those with the plain good sense not to want to be doctors:  that’s pretty good.)  And I just bet it’s because, once I get focused on solving the problems, the other problems--nerves, intrusive thoughts, anxiety--just don’t have room to get in.  Hyperfocusing can be a superpower, if you can harness it.  
But it can also blind you to everything else.  And it works in smaller ways, too:  once I think I understand something, it is very difficult for me to perceive information that contradicts that understanding.  I still get the map of the Elflands backwards every time I read The Goblin Emperor, just because I pictured it one way, and every indication in the text that it was the other way just fell on deaf ears.  
And this one leads right into the next, which is Rejection Sensitivity Disorder.  RSD is hyperfocus, but it’s hyperfocus on how everyone must hate you.  It’s delightful!  I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety and depression, as well, and I do have both of those things, but for my money, I think that this one symptom of ADHD--which no doctor has ever even mentioned to me--has hurt me more than both of those conditions combined.  
The last one I’m going to bring up is Auditory Processing Disorder.  Now, I’ve gone and gotten re-diagnosed twice in my life, and the last time was just a few years ago, so they actually used this one in the test.  The psychologist told me about it, she just didn’t use the phrase Auditory Processing Disorder, and she didn’t tell me that it was its own symptom--she just used it for the test.  
What she did was, she gave me two hearing tests, one to test whether or not I could hear, and then the other a list of words that all sounded alike, and I had to mark which one I was hearing.  The second part of that was very long, and very boring, and despite scoring perfectly on the first test, I got several wrong on the second.  I was actually surprised by that; I at no point suspected I had heard any of them wrong.  When she gave me the test, told me this was proof by contradiction, that we were ruling out hearing loss as an alternative explanation for my difficulties.  It was only after the test was done that she explained that the pattern I showed was actually part of the diagnosis of ADHD; that we get bored, and stop really paying attention, and that we don’t even know we’re doing it.
...Okay, but you couldn’t have mentioned the part where I also do that every day in real life, lady?!?!  It’s not just when we’re bored, it’s not just for long processes.  I do this all the time.  I actually tell people now that “I actually have a neurological condition that makes it hard for me to hear; I can tell that you’re speaking, but I can’t tell what you’re saying.”  
This is 100% true.  It is a neurological condition.  
We label this a condition, but as a society, we don’t treat it that way.  Society treats it as yet another excuse.  It’s not.  You’re not lazy, stupid or crazy.  Neither am I.  
I have a condition.  Acknowledging that is the first step of treatment.  Not five thousand sticky notes, not binders or filing systems or even taking all the doors off the cupboards (although I definitely plan to do that one as soon as I possibly can).  Not counselling sessions with so many different people I can’t even name them all, for the love of god please understand that you can’t just fix it with pills.  
(Although mad props to the people who thought Concerta would magically solve me at the age of nine!  Spoiler alert:  it did not do that!  But it did mean that my parents felt comfortable blaming me for all my failures again, so it did at least some of what it was designed for, I guess. :) )   
I have spent the last few years re-understanding my ADHD it as is:  a neurological condition, a disability, and a simple fact of life.  A starting place, instead of yet more proof of my own inherent insufficiency.  And you know what?  When you take the blame and self-hatred out of the diagnosis--when you stop cursing it as the cause of all your problems and start trying to work with it, instead--it gets a lot easier to manage. 
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madphantom · 5 years
The Sound of Life - Chapter 24
Tumblr media
"Winslow, what happened?" Phoenix rushed to his side when he stumbled in. "Where have you been?"
"Lilson lost his mind." Winslow was breathing heavily and leaned against the wall.
"What?" Phoenix was shocked.
"He lost it. He went apeshit. Emmy and I found him. We wanted to talk to him about Rock Night...Emmy called the ambulance."
"Why are you so calm about this?", Phoenix whispered. "Why are you so calm?!!", she suddenly screamed at Winslow. "Are you happy? Are you secretly rejoycing because the last thing that reminded you of Swan is gone?! I'll tell you something, Winslow: Melody was not a thing. Melody was a person. And Melody was not Swan."
"I never thought so Phoenix and you know."
"Then where are your tears?! Winslow, all you think of is that accursed cantata you're writing!", Phoenix shouted. "You bastard only see and hear music! I'm telling you something: If you didn't love my child, you won't love your child either."
She looked at him. "I'm pregnant, Winslow. But you don't deserve this child. I'm taking it with me, to a better life, without you and your music."
She grabbed her rucksack and started to stuff it with clothes.
"Phoenix, what are you doing?"
"I'm leaving." She glared at him. "And I'm not coming back until you burn that bewitched score."
"Bye, Winslow. Have fun composing." She slammed the door shut.
He leafed through the pages. Six hundred sixty-six sheets of music. Wonderful music. Fueled by rage and grief. By far the best thing he had ever composed. Lucifer was finished and it was grand.
But at what cost?
Winslow looked into the candle flame. For a split second he thought he could see a distant smile in it. A malevolent smile.
The cat - Siri - slipped into the room. She meowed at him. What a bad father her yellow eyes seemed to say.
Suddenly Winslow made a decision. He got up, picked up the candle and walked over to the bedroom. The cat followed.
There he sat down in front of the mirror. "I know you're watching me," he whispered, looking his reflection in the eye. "I know who you are. I've seen you in Swan's recording. I signed a contract, you know. Time to talk about it."
Suddenly his reflection smiled and bowed it's head. "Well, if you insist, Winslow Leach."
"I do insist."
The smile widened. "Then let's talk."
Suddenly Winslow found himself in a red room, similar to the backstage of the Paradise. He shuddered when he realized that he was in hell.
A mirror was hanging on the wall. Winslow walked over to it and looked at his reflection.
What he saw shocked him.
His scars were gone. His skin was of a ghostly translucent white. Eight immense black wings grew out of his back. The white of his eyes was black.
"Welcome, your majesty," a voice said and Winslow turned around.
A shadow was leaning against the wall. It was literally just a shadow, a concentrated spot of darkness among the red.
"I guess you're supposed to be the devil."
"I go by many names."
"Are you mocking me?", Winslow asked.
The shadow laughed. "I would never. No, I'm just welcoming you in hell. You've come a long way."
"What is this?" Winslow gesticulated at the wings.
"Your hell prince form. You're lucky, Winslow. There will only be seven princes of hell. This century is a good one. Three of my hell princes came from it." The shadow chuckled. "Follow me."
Suddenly Winslow found himself in a circular red room. Seven thrones surrounded him. Two were empty.
The blue one and the red one.
The shadow next to him sighed. "Too bad. Loki was going to be a wonderful hell prince. But sadly his love for Melody was stronger."
Winslow frowned. "What do you mean?"
"He terminated his own contract." The shadow chuckled again.
"We have been expecting you," the hell prince on the white throne said. He had long fair hair, golden eyes and eight white wings. Swan. He smiled and presented pointy teeth.
"Hi Swan. Last time I saw you I stabbed you, didn't I?"
"That is correct. It was difficult indeed to persuade the master of shadows to grant me my rank. But now - here I am." He opened a pair of his wings.
"I offer you a deal, Winslow" the shadow whispered. "Give me Phoenix. Give me a hell princess." The red throne suddenly turned emerald green, the colour of Phoenix' eyes. "Give me her soul and you will have an immortal queen by your side - rulers of hell forever."
The shadow suddenly turned into a green sillhouette. The sillhouette of a woman with curly long hair and eight wings. She laughed.
Winslow took a look around, wondering whether he'd recognize any of the other hell princes. He immediately did. On the copper throne sat a prince whose eyes were completely copper, without any whites, and whose eight wings were of the same shimmering reddish brown. His long hair was slick and as black as coal. It was a little surprising to see him without his trademark moustache, but it was obvious who this man was:
Adolf Hitler.
He smirked a little when he saw the shock in Winslow's eyes.
On his left was a grey throne. The man on it had a narrow cruel face, grey wings and blank white eyes. Winslow didn't recognize him at first, but then he spotted dozens of dark silver stains on his toga and realized it was Caesar.
Next to him, on a purple throne, sat a hell prince with long dark hair and cold purple eyes. Vlad the Impaler. And on the last throne, which was of a dark orange, was Stalin. Josef fucking Stalin.
"I don't want to," Winslow suddenly said.
The green sillhouette turned back into the shadow. "What?"
"I don't want to be some kind of hell prince. I don't want to. I don't want Phoenix to be some kind of hell princess. And she wouldn't want it either."
"You're making a mistake."
"You're lining me up with Hitler...Vlad the Impaler...Swan here. I'm not a good person, and I made many mistakes, but I certainly won't make the mistake of ruling hell with...monsters!" Winslow looked at the shadow and then, to prove his point, pulled his knife out of his pocket.
"What are you doing?!", the shadow stuttered.
Winslow grabbed one of his wings and with a yell of pain cut it off. The pain was so strong he saw his life flashing before his eyes. His childhood. Playing in the woods of Dunphy. Bullies pushing him on the floor. His sisters protecting him. Emmy, sitting on the bed and listening while he played his music for her.
The second one followed. Winslow vividly saw the moment when he'd found out about his tutor's death. He saw himself, packing his clothes and saying goodbye, leaving, to head to New York, to find his luck in the wide world.
The third wing. Winslow in a tiny hotel. Winslow, losing his way in the city. Winslow playing in an empty concert hall, just another lost soul in a city of apathy. Winslow meeting Philbin. Winslow coming to Death Records. Winslow sneaking into Swanage. Phoenix.
The fourth wing. He thought he could taste the blood in his mouth as he was taken back to the policemen, back to Sing Sing, back to his teeth being pulled and his hair being cut. He screamed when the record press closed in around him and cut off...
...the fifth wing. A wave of fear swept over him. He felt pain, he felt sorrow, the absolute insanity from his time as the Phantom, he felt the claustrophobic feeling of the helmet around his head, and he saw Phoenix and reached out to her, but a hundred knives seemed to separate them and she turned to Swan...
The sixth wing. A hospital. A Winter's day in the park. Phoenix, laughing, smiling with him. Happiness. Relief. The Fruits recording with them. Survival.
The seventh wing. He felt the overwhelming joy of holding his child. He felt happiness at the sight of his success. He laughed with William and Brian. He danced with Phoenix at the Winter's Ball. He spotted Antoine in the crowd, but he was no longer malevolent.
The wings turned to ashes as soon as they were no longer connected to him.
"What are you doing?!", the shadow screeched while the hell princes sat in silent shock.
With a final scream Winslow cut off his last wing. The world around him started to twirl. He fell on his knees.
The eighth wing hit him with all it's might. He felt like he was falling or flying. He saw Melody on the rainy road, her pale face reflected by hundreds of water drops - or tear drops? He wasn't too sure. He heard a scream of sorrow. He felt darkness trying to consume him, but there, at the end of the tunnel, there was light and a smaragdine bird rose from the ashes.
"Phoenix," he whispered.
When he looked up he was back in front of the mirror in the bedroom.
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fiftyeightminutes · 7 years
So I've been dying to give you prompts because I love your writing but I had zero ideas lol luckily the prompt thing you posted inspired me, so here it is: 10 "I might have had a few shots" where kala is drunk and cute and wolfie adores her? :) thanks!
Aww yes this idea is adorable.  Set after the cluster has rescued Wolfgangand right after they’ve left London for a new safe house.  This goes along with my headcanon that Litobrought both Hernando and Dani, and that Felix went looking for Wolfgang andthe cluster brought him into the fold.  Thereare mentions of Dani/Lito/Hernando because I apparently decided Kala andDaniela needed to have a conversation about their boys.  (There’s also some Daniela/Felix in here becauseI literally can’t help myself sometimes.)
After a month or so in their new safe house, Daniela’sbirthday rolls around.  They can’t throwher a big party like she would normally have, but Hernando and Lito (and therest of the cluster) want to do something to thank her for everything she hasdone for them.  From being there for Litoto trusting him enough to fly across an ocean for people she’d never met, Danihad made an impression on them all.
Riley found one of her old contacts to get them aconsiderable amount of alcohol without drawing attention to them.  Nomi and Bug set up the computers so they’re readyfor Riley to mix some music.  After Will,Sun, and Wolfgang do some recon to double check that the area is clear,everyone lets loose.  Riley spins up thefirst track (not too loudly) and the fun begins.
Kala and Wolfgang are practically attached at the hip at thebeginning.  Kala walks from one group toanother, loving the rare chance to just relax and enjoy socializing.  Wolfgang follows, not saying much but glad tobe by her side.  At some point, they endup wandering over to Felix, who is currently going shot for shot with Daniela.
“Wolfie!” Felix shouts excitedly.  He pauses for a moment, already drunk, thenseems to realize that Wolfgang isn’t alone. “And Kala!  Beautiful Kala!”  Wolfgang grins and Kala smiles shyly.
“Hey, Felix,” Kala says, then turns to Daniela.  “Happy birthday, Dani!  I know it’s not what you’re used to, but Ihope this gives you a little bit of home.”
Daniela grins and pulls Kala into a hug.  “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had,”she says, kissing Kala on the cheek. (Kala’s not sure if this is because Daniela is drunk or if her affectiontoward Lito and Hernando was starting to spread.  Either way, Kala doesn’t really mind it.)  Dani lifts the bottle of tequila that sitsbetween her and Felix and adds, “I’ve got all the reminder of home I need here.”
“I’ll drink to that!” Felix says
Laughing, Daniela pours herself and him another shot.  They clink their shot glasses against eachother, then down the tequila quickly. Wincing, Felix grabs a lime wedge. Dani takes a moment to just enjoy the burn before reaching for her own.
“Ah, Dani.  Do youmind if I go for a smoke break before we do another?” Felix asks.
Daniela laughs again. “I understand if you need a breather.”
“What?  Hey.  Sometimes a guy just needs a smoke.”  Felix stands up and starts to walk toward thestairs to what had become the designated smoking area, then turns backaround.  “Wolfie, you coming?”
And as much as Wolfgang doesn’t want to leave Kala’s side,after the few beers he’s had a cigarette does sound nice.  Even though they’re on blockers, Kala can seehim hesitate.  She leans up on her toesand kisses him on the cheek.  “Go,” shesays with a smile.  “I’ll be right here.”  Wolfgang nods and then joins Felix to gosmoke.
When they leave, Kala realizes she’s never really talked toDaniela alone before.  (She’s been therewhen Lito has, of course, but that was different.)  For her part, Dani either doesn’t mind or istoo drunk to care.  Kala’s not surewhich.  Daniela easily smiles at Kala andmotions toward the seat Felix has just vacated.  Kala sits down and smiles back.
“So,” Daniela starts, eyeing Kala mischievously.
“Wolfgang looks absolutely delicious.  You’ve done well, girl,” Dani says.  Kala laughs. “Strong and silent type, too.  Notnecessarily my thing, but I can respect it.”
Kala grins.  Talkingto Daniela doesn’t look like it’s going to be so hard after all.  “I didn’t think it was my thing, either.  But here we are.”
Daniela gives her a knowing nod.  “Mm, isn’t that always the way?”
“So what is your type?” Kala asks playfully.
“No, no, no,” Dani replies, shaking her head andlaughing.  “I am not drunk enough forthis.  Or at least, you’re not as drunkas me, and that’s just not fair.”  Kalaraises an eyebrow.  “We have to both bedrunk if we’re going to start asking questions. That way we’re both as likely to forget the answers in the morning.  What’s the point of drunk confessions if onlyone of you is drunk?”
Kala laughs again.  “Ihad a drink earlier.”
“One drink?  You’renowhere near my level,” Daniela says. She picks up the bottle of tequila, pours a shot, and passes the glassover.  Kala eyes it warily.  “Come on, it won’t bite.”
She’s done shots before, but usually she prefers a glass ofwine or a nice mixed drink to nurse over time. It’s Dani’s birthday, though, and Kala figures why not have some funwith the birthday girl.  “Oh, alright,” Kalasays, accepting the shot and throwing it back in one fluid motion.  The tequila burns her throat and brings tearsto her eyes, but she grabs one of the lime wedges sitting on the table and itssour juice makes it a bit easier to handle.
“Alright!  Like achamp, Kala!” Dani hoots.  “Okay.  So that earns you one question.  You wanna know my type?”  Kala nods. “I have terrible taste in men,” Daniela says with a laugh.  “Everyone I’ve ever dated was an asshole.”  She looks over to Lito and Hernando on theother side of the room.  “Or gay.  Although gay seems to be working for me rightnow.”
Kala looks over to Hernando and Lito as well, a fond look onher face.  “You could certainly do worse,”she says with a grin.  “But you reallydon’t mind just watching?”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Dani replies. “That’s a new question.  Are youwilling to take another shot for that?”
She thinks for a second, but then Kala says, “Sure, why not?  It’s a party, right?”
“That’s the spirit!” Daniela says as she pulls the shotglass back to her, pours more tequila, and passes it back over.
Kala takes a deep breath, then downs the next shot.  This one doesn’t hurt quite as much, but theflavor is still harsh and she goes for the lime wedge all the same.  “So you really don’t mind?” she asks as shelowers the wedge from her mouth.
“Honestly?  For now,it’s perfect.  After Joaquin….” Danielatrails off, not quite looking at Kala for a moment.  Then she shakes her head, as if to bringherself back to the present.  Danismiles.  “Lito and Hernando areamazing.  They took me in when I hadnowhere else to go, and they love me unconditionally.  They let me into their family, with all ofthe benefits that has,” she says, smile turning into more of smug grin.  “And they never ask anything of me that I’mnot willing to give.  It’s not like Ihaven’t thought of finding someone more, you know, for me.  But right now, I’m happy.”
Looking at Daniela’s bright face now (and comparing it toLito’s memories of her bruised face after her last stay with Joaquin), Kalathinks she understands.  “I’m glad.”
“Alright, now my turn,” Dani suddenly says.
Kala is caught off guard. “Don’t you need to take a shot first?”
Daniela laughs.  “Oh,sweetie.  I’m already five in.  Plus, I don’t want to give Felix an unfairadvantage.”
Nodding, Kala accepts this. She can already feel the alcohol affecting her, slowing her thoughts andeasing her tensions.  She can’t imaginedrinking as many as Daniela already has, let alone adding to that count, so whois she to argue.  “What do you want toknow?”
“Honestly, what’s Wolfgang like with you?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, he seems nice enough, for a big scary German guy,”Dani says.  Kala can’t helpgiggling.  “But I’ve only heard him saymaybe three sentences the entire time we’ve been here.  Do you just do all the talking, or is theremore to him than meets the eye?”
Still a bit giggly, Kala replies, “He doesn’t talk a lot,but there is definitely more to him.  Alot more.”  She knows she’s at least alittle drunk now, because she finds she wants to just keep gushing about Wolfgang.  “He says more when it’s just the two of us,but even then it’s not a lot.  Butbecause of that when he does talk, you know it is worth listening to.  Overall, though, he’s just a much morephysical person.”
Dani wiggles her eyebrows. “Oh, really?” she asks suggestively.
When she realizes what she’s said, Kala brings her hands tocover her face in embarrassment.  “Notlike that!”
Now Daniela just leaves one of her eyebrows raised.  “Some of the noises I’ve heard at night begto differ.”
Kala has not had nearly enough to drink for thisconversation.  “Okay, but that’s not whatI meant,” she concedes.  “I think I’m going to need another shot if youhave any more questions.”
Dani shakes her head, now giggling herself.  “No, no, you’re okay.  I’m more curious about what you did mean.”
Smiling softly, Kala explains.  “Because of the…the connection between us,”she starts, not sure how to explain the irresistible draw she feels toWolfgang, “Talking is not usually necessary for him to convey what he means.”
“I thought you were making those pills for all of you guys?”
“I am.  But even so,after a year in each other’s heads, it’s not hard for me to still understand.”
Daniela nods evenly for a minute, looking like she’sthinking it over.  “I guess that makessense.”  She gives Kala a smirk.  “But he isgood in bed, right?”
Kala buries her face in her hands and giggles again.  Possibly because she’s sitting like that, shedoesn’t notice that Wolfgang and Felix have come back downstairs.  Wolfgang walks up and puts his hand on hershoulder with gentle affection, startling her slightly and then bringing onfurther laughter as a result.  He raiseshis eyebrow at Daniela in confusion, who also starts to laugh.
“What did we miss?” Felix asks, wanting to know what’s sofunny.  He notices the shot glasses havemoved since he last left.  “Get startedwithout me, Dani?”
Daniela gives him a smirk. “You wish.”
Rather than letting Felix bring the conversation backaround, Kala stands up and lets him back his chair back.  When she gets up, the world spins a bit andshe leans hard onto Wolfgang.  “You okay?”he asks with a knowing grin.
“I might have had a few shots,” Kala answers, smiling backup at him.
Wolfgang chuckles and wraps his arms around her.  “Might have?”
“Okay,” Kala concedes. “Definitely had a couple of shots.”
He leans down and kisses her gently.  “I like you when you’ve had a couple ofshots,” he whispers in her ear.
Kala feels her heart flutter a bit, and she grins up athim.  “You like me all the time,” shesays cheekily.
He chuckles again.  “You’renot wrong about that.”  She beams up athim in response, and Wolfgang’s stomach flips. He’s not sure he’s ever going to get used to that smile of hers beingfor him, but he doesn’t know if he wants to get used to it either.  If he does, he might risk taking her forgranted, and Wolfgang never wants to do that.
They stand there for a bit while Felix and Daniela get backto their competition.  Kala sighscontentedly against Wolfgang.  She’s notsmashed, but drunk enough to be comfortable nuzzling into him right there in frontof the others.  After a moment, she leansup so she can kiss him again.  He holdsher to him still, wanting to just commit this to memory.  
When she pulls away, he’s smiling at her.  “Not that I mind, but what was that for?”  She wasn’t necessarily opposed to publicdisplays of affection, but they weren’t exactly Kala’s style either.
Kala smiles back.  “Talkingto Dani reminded me again just how lucky I am to have you.”
Wolfgang shakes his head, but the smile doesn’t leave hisface.  “I’m pretty sure I’m the one wholucked out here.”
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