#Tius Mason
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years ago
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Hi yes. I am once again making picrews of my children, ocs, and myself. Enjoy
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thisiskevison · 4 years ago
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4x18 | 5x07 
― requested by @flythesail
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madsdefencesquad · 5 years ago
@madisonsbabiesdaddy asked: How do you think they will explore Madison and her relationship with the other characters? Like, her individual storyline(s) and relationship with Kevin, Kate, Toby etc?
Her main storyline with Kevin will definitely be front and centre 100%. Since we know that they’ll end up engaged after six months and the writers have pretty much hinted that we’ll begin s5 during that flash-forward, I reckon we’ll see their relationship unfold through flashbacks, jumping from past and present, kind of like how they do the Jack and Rebecca storyline from past to back past.
This is the first love story for TIU that’s doing it backwards (pregnancy first before falling in love and getting married) so I’m glad there’s an entire season (and another!) to tell this story kind of like with Kate and Toby taking two seasons before they finally got married. In saying that, Madison’s arc will definitely involve the whole strangers to friends to lovers relationship with Kevin, her family history, her bulimia, the rough pregnancy, her body dysmorphia issues, the birth of the twins, parenting, the wedding, and being married with a family.
In s5, I see them starting it with them turning from strangers to friends while navigating the pregnancy. Dr. Mason, Madison’s OBGYN will be prominent in both their lives and particularly Kevin, apparently, so I’m thinking flashbacks to Dr. K with Jack or maybe even with Rebecca post-Jack as a parallel with theirs.
During this friends stage is when they’ll really delve into Madison’s past a bit more since we, like Kevin, are also getting to know her. I don’t think we’ll get a full episode to her backstory like with Beth (but I’m all for it!) because it’ll be interspersed with how her and Kevin get to know each other. So, I see it more as flashbacks perhaps when they’re on a drive to the doctor’s office, or maybe at her house just chatting, or doing some co-parenting planning, or even when they’re trying to look for baby names! So many possibilities but it’ll definitely be revolving around the domesticity of their life as they adjust to each other being so there.
This is also where Kate and Toby will feature more since Kate’s most definitely going to give Kevin an earful and will be a little shell-shocked for Madison, but I hope without hope that she steps up for Madison just as Madison did for her with Jack. Toby’s going to mostly be comedy relief. Especially when things start to heat up between the two and Kate’s feeling weirded out by it mostly because she’s super protective of both of them.
I hope we see more of Kate and Madison’s friendship shine through here but I’m not holding out too much hope since she has a pretty big storyline with Toby next season with the whole adoption, so it’ll mostly be Kevison-centric. Randall, Beth and the kids and even Nicky will all eventually play their part afterwards but that’s for a bit later. I can’t tell yet the dynamic between them and Madison but I reckon Nicky will find Madison charming kind of like how he eventually saw Kevin, and Beth will view her a little differently. I see her playing the part of Madison’s go-to when it comes to raising the kids.
Once Kevin and Madison have settled in comfortably in the friends stage is when things will start to heat up. The most exciting avenue the writers can really address here is Kevin finding Madison physically/sexually attractive despite the change in her body that is making her feel even worse than when she had body dysmorphia. Like, that is what’s going to differentiate this love story from any others that Kevin and Madison’s have had.
By now, Kevin (and us too!) will have known about Madison’s health history and the reasons why, so for him to find Madison attractive and to subtly (or not subtly) show this in the episodes, is going to be sooooooooo good. And also slightly angsty given that Madison’s most definitely going to question everything, especially Kevin’s intentions and the things he’s making her feel. It is going to be so dang J.U.I.C.Y.
Apart from the 90% chance of Caitlin being bumped into a series regular, Kevin’s definitely still going to be prominent in the Kevison episodes because well, he is the main character after all. So, we’ll definitely be seeing Madison more through his eyes, especially when he’s beginning to fall in love with her or in the midst of being in love with her. It’ll probably show her being the perfect person for him in the way that she doesn’t judge him for his past and doesn’t hold it against him and will probably be a strong advocate for everything that he wants to do i.e. there’s probably going to be a scene of Kevin getting a call to do a great acting job and Madison will urge him to go and not to worry about her, but he will, and it’ll be yet another catalyst for him to realise that she’s become more important to him than he’s realised/thought possible.
Everything leading up to Kevin proposing will be real ANGST CITY though like you just know that they’re going to make it heart-wrenching for us viewers TIU-stylez. I can almost see the scenes of Kevin telling Madison that he’s fallen in love with her only for her to tell him that what he’s feeling isn’t real or whatever and him doing everything he can to assure that he really has fallen for her and not just for their kids and ughhh I’m already crying just thinking about it! I’d like to see Kate in the middle of this, actually, as both Kevin and Madison’s confidante when it comes to each other.
In terms of other characters, I’m thinking Rebecca will be more prominent after the twins are born mainly because I’m not sure when exactly she leaves the clinical trial for her to be at the 40th birthday or when the proposal even happens (my guess is closer to the birthday). Perhaps Madison being pregnant plays a big part in Rebecca leaving the trial given that she wants to be there for her and for Kevin - she does have the experience of a multiple pregnancy, but can’t tell yet. They can definitely bond over the pregnancy, but I see it more as a chance for Kevin and Rebecca to bond even more too in terms of flashbacks to the early days of her pregnancy with the big three and how her and Jack are navigating it together and post-pregnancy too with screaming newborns.
And I honestly don’t see Miguel anywhere in this situation apart from being happy for Madison and maybe joking around with her about her finally being part of the family and not just having to put up with them.
After the twins are born and leading up to the wedding day will be very interesting too because they’re obviously juggling a stage of complete responsibility for newborns whilst navigating their feelings for each other. I mean sure, they’re engaged, but they’re also newly in love so having to juggle that with such immense responsibilities of caring for their newborns whilst trying to have alone time together is going to be hectic. Their dynamic is going to shift a lot and there may be some clashes there as they try to work things out and this is where the real testing happens in their relationship where it can go both ways: Kevin finds solace in the chaos of his new family as he juggles his work and his issues with Randall and his mother’s deteriorating health or Kevin will feel overwhelmed and find other ways to find relief. I doubt the latter will happen though because Madison will play a huge role in Kevin’s life.
She’ll be the Rebecca to Kevin’s Jack and she will be his anchor. That’s why the wedding will be the greatest parallel of all. Jack and Rebecca got married at city hall, but they won’t. We didn’t get to hear Jack and Rebecca say their vows to each other but we will definitely hear Kevin and Madison say it to each other and it’ll reinforce the “great love” and “love of my life” theme of the Pearsons, but with them two being the most unconventional and unexpected of them all. 
It’ll be the most beautiful conclusion to Madison’s story specifically. Her whole story revolved around her never finding anyone to love her enough to commit to her or see a future together with her even though she gives them her everything to make it work but now, finally, and unconventionally, she finally found him, and she gets to have him as the father of the children she thought she’ll never have. Woo!
Also, I’m super excited for them to explore the comedy aspect of Madison too now that she’s paired up with Kevin, who is the funniest Pearson/character in the show. Madison’s pretty on par with Kevin in terms of wit and unlike all the other ladies who’s fallen for ol’ Kevo, Madison will definitely challenge Kevin like no other by calling him out (“Why would you even say that to me right now?”) and ordering him around and be super unapologetic about it but doing it all with so much love and affection for him and it’s going to be great! I AM SO READY TO SEE MADISON SHINE ✨
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foursprouthealth-blog · 7 years ago
7 Meal-Prep Tricks the Fitness Gurus at Tone It Up Swear By
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/health/7-meal-prep-tricks-the-fitness-gurus-at-tone-it-up-swear-by/
7 Meal-Prep Tricks the Fitness Gurus at Tone It Up Swear By
When Sunday rolls around, the thought of getting to the grocery store so you can start meal-prepping for the week sounds about as fun as going for a four-mile run the morning after a late night out with friends. You have visions of Sunday being spent on the couch but you know you should really get your butt up and meal-prep because once you do it, it feels good. It’s the same feeling you get after squeezing in a 30-minute workout you were completely dreading only to feel like Sasha Fierce once it’s all said and done.
If you’re like us and need a little motivation to meal-prep from time to time, our friends Katrina and Karena from Tone It Up know a thing or two about getting us moving… and not just in the gym but in the kitchen. They’re known for fitness routines that kick our butts in the best way possible, but they are firm believers that prepping meals and snacks in advance is one of the most important aspects of sticking to the Tone It Up lifestyle.
When you’re prepared to fuel your body right, the TIU ladies say you’ll be able to breeze through even the craziest days with a natural high and positive vibes. Here are the meal-prep tips they swear by to help them stick to the TIU plan week after week.
1. Even just a little bit of planning will help you in a major way.
Planning things in advance helps free up time and energy to kick some major booty in other areas of your life. Also, meal-prepping is good for your body and your budget because having tasty noshes on hand lessens the temptation to grab pricier (and less-healthy) options.
2. Healthy muffins are meal-prepping game-changers.
Photo: Tone It Up
From oat muffins to mini frittatas, a muffin pan is one of the best meal-prep tools you can have in your kitchen. Since grab-and-go options for busy mornings are a must, making a big batch of muffins once a week is one of our favorite tips.
Keep them covered in the refrigerator for up to four days (TBH, you can probably stretch most of them to day five or just throw half of the muffins in the freezer until you’re ready to eat). Need some muffin inspo? Some of our favorite muffin recipes are snickerdoodle muffins and chocolate berry muffins.
3. Wash and chop… immediately.
The minute you come home from the grocery store or farmers’ market, we know you just want to unload your food and take a little break. But we’re telling ya, it’s best to prep your veggies right away to have them ready to nosh on. Chop carrots, celery, mushrooms, zucchini… these are great snacks to have on hand and easy additions to salads, stir-fries, or even breakfast egg muffins.
Have salad greens ready too. If you buy them by the bunch, make sure to wash and keep them wrapped in a dry paper towel in your crisper so they last. If they start to wilt, just add them to a glass of water (like you do with flowers—stems in the water) and put them in the fridge to see them come back to life.
4. Don’t be afraid of pancakes.
You probably think you can only have pancakes on special occasions because you’re picturing what you get at the diner. But thanks to tons of healthy pancake recipes ranging from Paleo-friendly to vegan, and let’s not forget about our favorite Perfect Fit pancakes, you can add the brunch staple to your meal-prep lineup. Because guess what? You can prep pancakes ahead of time AND they will last you all week.
Make a big batch and keep them covered in a glass container in the fridge for up to four days. Make them a little bit smaller than usual so you can simply pop ’em in the toaster oven in the morning when you’re ready to eat. You can also spread a little almond butter on top for even more protein and healthy fats. For a similar flavor that’s better for your on-the-go lifestyle, we also like baking muffins from the Perfect Fit pancake recipe: Just triple the recipe, throw some extra blueberries, a little bit of coconut oil, and bake at 350 degrees until done.
5. Keep it simple with protein and veggies.
There are a ton of delicious meal-prep recipes out there, but you really don’t need to get fancy. Baked chicken or your favorite lean protein along with a mix of veggies are easy (and tasty) staples to have on hand throughout the week.
Just place chicken and an assortment of veggies (think sweet potatoes, bell peppers, onions, etc.) in a large baking dish, add your favorite spices (yes, sea salt and pepper are just fine!), plenty of garlic, and a little oil. Bake everything at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes or until cooked completely. If you’re wanting a little more to go with your high-protein dinner, make a large batch of quinoa while the chicken and veggies bake.
6. Get the right gear.
Photo: Tone It Up
You don’t want to be stuck rummaging through the pantry trying to find the matching top to your food storage container. Be ready ahead of time by having various sized meal-prep containers for storing your pre-prepped food so you can store everything in the fridge or freezer with ease.
We recommend glass over plastic and of course, mason jars are easy for salads. For an easy workday lunch, layer salad ingredients for the week in a few mason jars. Just be sure to keep the dressing separate to guarantee it lasts longer.
7. Sip like you’re at the spa.
This isn’t your typical meal-prep tip (who needs to prep water?!). But when you keep a large pitcher of water infused with berries, mint, and lemon slices in the fridge, you are far more likely to enjoy a chilled glass of that than reach for a sugary option (insert post-workday drink of choice here). It’s also a good motivator to help you stay hydrated all week.
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years ago
Alphinaud: "I wasn't aware 'cat boy' was even a term that existed before that man said it to you." *looks up at G'raha* "G'raha. Do you think yourself more a cat or a boy?"
G'raha: *looks slightly annoyed* "Clearly, Alphinaud, I consider myself more a boy."
Alphinaud: *Turns to Tius* "What about you, Tius? Cat or boy?"
Tius: *looking unphased* "I consider myself a MAN..."
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years ago
Tius: "So, G'raha, we all know your part of the Seekers of The Sun. Did you ever have eyes on becoming a 'Nuhn'?"
G'raha: "Well, no. I had designs on other matters. Especially when I became an adult."
Tius: "But you're still a 'Tia', right?"
G'raha: "Obviously."
Tius: "Then does that mean you're a..." *leans in close and whispers😼* "...virgin?"
G'raha:🙀 *blushes and studders* "S-Such an unbelievable thing to ask of a colleague!" *points at Tius* "A-And what about you?! Are you a virgin?"
Tius: *tries not to remember my NSFW Twitter account*
*Looks away, blushing and grimacing*
"No way I'm telling you!"
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years ago
Party consisting of Kaoru and G'raha DPS, Alphinaud healing, and Tius Tanking...
G'raha: *finishes off enemy* "Did you see that, Kaoru?!"
Kaoru: "You did a good job, Raha."
Tius: *pouts jealously*
G'raha: *gives Tius a smug grin*
Tius: 😡
*angrily runs ahead*
*pulls 4 mobs*
*shirks G'raha*
Alphinaud: "G'raha wait!! Don't run away!!"
Based on a conversation I had with my friend Kuro.
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years ago
Thinking real hard about making an interesting little fanfiction based on these Piccrews... I created...
Alphinaud and Alisaie
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Tius and Nil
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and Kaoru and Myself
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I... think I should consider it 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years ago
Final Fantasy XIV Chapter: One Big Change...
Tius and Hope walk into Dawn's Respite. To their surprise, G'raha is seated with Kaoru at her cot, in mid conversation. Hope looks up at Tius. He tilts his head in confusion. "I guess Nil asked for you guys to gather here too?" Tius asks. They both sit down next to her cot.
G'raha nods. "Aye. He said he'd needed to tell us something. He should be here any minute now." Hope looks at Kaoru and smiles.
"Well, the color is back in your face." She points out. "And you're able to sit up better than yesterday. You're feeling better?"
Kaoru nods now. "That I am." She smiles. "Thanks to everyone's efforts, I've mustered enough strength to start my day." Kaoru frowns a bit. "However, summoning my weapons will be out of the question for the foreseeable future."
G'raha nods now too. "I agree. However, the Chakrams you have now look like actual objects rather than Aetherially summoned weapons."
Kaoru chuckles. "That's because they are objects." Kaoru looks at her Chakrams on the table. She holds a hand up and powers up her aether. The Chakrams glow, and one of them suddenly whizzes to her hand. "Rather than straining my aether by repeatedly summoning weapons, Urianger and I put our heads together to create these. I can use them by imbuing them with aether and can then control their movements, speed, and even summon them to me remotely. All without the overuse of my own energy." Kaoru smiles, clearly pleased with this feat. "Very convenient if you ask me."
She looks over and all three of them have wide eyed expressions, shocked at this development. She rewards them with her own look of confusion. "Sorry, Kaoru. But sometimes it's easy to forget that you excel in the field of aetherial manipulation." Hope tells her, giving a small smile and shrug. Kaoru's cheeks go red, and the Lalafell girl pouts before looking away, crossing her arms.
"Hmph." She closes her eyes. "Well, I AM on the cusp of becoming a full fledged Archon. Had we been back in Sharlayan, I'd be presenting my findings to the Officials and giving my Thesis." Kaoru gives a smile now too. Only hers seemed distant, sad even. She placed a hand on the side of her neck, as if she was feeling for something not there. "How easily I forget I once wanted those Marks badly." She says.
G'raha placed a hand on his own Archon's Mark, a tinge of sadness in the air. His ears suddenly perk up, and he looks at her, eyes lit. "I can help you with a Thesis." He tells her. She inhales quickly, almost gasping. "I know I, myself, cannot assist in your findings in any way. But… we have a few individuals around who've proved gifted at Aetherial practice. One in particular, whom I'm sure would happily be your guinea pig in your various applications and might have been practicing in private thinking no one would notice." He glances at Tius. Tius tilts his head now, catching on to G'raha's intentions.
Tius smiles now, looking over at Kaoru and putting a fist into his free hand. "Sure thing! I'll help ya!" Hope laughs at Kaoru's relieved expression. Relief couldn't really sum it up. If Hope had to place it, she supposes the word, well, "hopeful" would be proper.
The door to the Dawn's Respite opens. Nil steps through, but in an entirely new look. His hair pulled away in a ponytail with his bangs braided in from the side. He now dawns a new outfit which seemed like it was perfect for him and his complexion. A green traveling outfit with white lace on its side that led to a long slack of frilly material, finished with black laced up thigh high boots and brown leather gloves. His jewel was now properly and proudly displayed on his forehead.
Tius lets out a low whistle. "Damn, Nil. You clean up nicely." Nil examines himself a second.
"Tataru is an outstanding seamstress." Nil replies. "But if you think this outfit is a marvel you should see the outfits she's made for you and Kaoru." He says. He walks over to them, stopping at the foot of Kaoru's cot. His face turns serious now, his brows creasing a bit. "Now, there's a significant reason why I've gathered you four here."
Kaoru scowls now. "Does it, perchance, have to do with the vision you've mentioned before?" Kaoru asks. Nil nods.
"It does." Nil tells them. Nil looks down at the floor. "I've explained before what the vision entailed. The coming of the End for Eorzea via Primal beings summoned all in tandem, the fall of The Scions, and the disappearance of the Warriors of Light. However…" Nil clenches his fists. "The vision has since faded." He bows his head. "Nay. Not faded. But vanished in its entirety." The room is quiet a moment before Hope speaks up.
"Isn't that kind of a good thing then?" Hope asks, putting out a hand in reasoning.
Tius nods in agreement. "Yeah, I mean…" Tius shrugs. "That future sounded kinda bleak and horrible. If you can't see it, doesn't that mean it won't happen?"
Nil shakes his head. "Normally, I would try to avoid spoiling the future. But this…" Nil looks up at them. "This is different."
G'raha crosses his arms now, clearly curious. "Then, pray tell. What does the future have in store this time around?" He asks.
Nil inhales sharply. "That's just it..." Nil tenses up, shoulders rising a little. He scowls, clearly in distress. "I can't see any future…" All of them are taken aback. Kaoru chokes in surprise and Hope's jaw drops. "I can't see anyone's future. None at all." Nil says, his hands flailing a little in front of him as he allows his slightly panicked expression slip over him. "It's like the slate for this world's future has been wiped clean. Like fate is uncertain in full."
G'raha stands now, tensed as well, looking very alarmed. "By what means does something of this nature happen?" He asks, although he fears he already knows the answer.
Nil purses his eyebrows and looks up at G'raha. His face clearly shows the dread he feels. Tius swallows hard, sensing the worry and overwhelming tension in Nil's mannerisms. "He doesn't know…" Tius answers for him. Nil nods.
"This… has never happened before." He says. "Not to me. Nor any who came before me."
G'raha grits his teeth a bit. "I like not our odds with what this Fandaniel and Zenos have planned, then." He says through clenched teeth.
Kaoru nods. "I fear you are right. And although the vision you once had was indeed alarming, twas still a possible future for this star." She looks at Hope and Tius. "If I may be so bold, I suggest we keep this amongst ourselves evermore. The other Scions do not need this also weighing upon their consciences." Everyone nods in silent agreement.
But little did they know that someone was lingering just outside the ajared door. They clench their teeth, lips parting back, and ball their hands into fists. The leather of their black gloves creaked a bit. They look at the floor, and turn away. The mystery individual strides away solemnly, a twisted white braid swaying behind them.
Hope Gallant played by @louderthanthedj
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years ago
Final Fantasy XIV Chapter: One Big Change...
… Hope takes one last glance at the now sleeping Tius and Kaoru. The “now a lalafell'' girl wrapped in the Miquote boy’s arms as they both sleep peacefully. Hope can’t help but smile. But there was still a bit of sadness and uncertainty that lingered in her chest. One her beloved could sense as he stopped in the doorway of the Dawn’s Respite. He reaches towards her and slips his hand into hers. She turns quickly, surprised at the sudden touch. They both leave the room. “Could I steal a moment of your time, love?” Alphinaud asks.
Moments later. Alphinaud and Hope are standing in the Solar. Alphinaud pulls the chair of Minfilia’s desk upright and slides it back into its spot. He’s silent a moment before he walks away from it. He sits down on the couch. “There were a few things I wanted to discuss with you.” Hope nods and sits down next to him. “The transformation that Kaoru went through… The magicks involved. Tis no arcana I am familiar with.”
Hope sighs now. “I noticed it felt way darker than I’m used to. Like the aether was distorted.” Hope scowls. “Nil and Krile said it was a ‘curse’. How would that be any different than a regular spell?” Alphinaud puts a hand of reasoning out.
“Spells are more common and easily used. They draw from the caster’s aether.” Alphinaud scowls now. “Curses, however, are more… darker in nature. They draw from the caster’s darkest emotions and despair. Instead of using their own, curses draw from the ambient aether of the caster’s surroundings. They’re highly dangerous and should never be attempted by anyone who does not have the knowledge or authority of their use.” Alphinaud closes his eyes, an elucidating finger pointed upward to prove his point. “Curses are more of a poison than a spell if one were to look at its properties. Given that they are formed of natural means and are preternatural when compared to normal spellcraft. Only ancient and malevolent curses exist on the same level as the one we just bore witness to. However-.” He stops, his eyes opening and his lips parting slightly. Hope smiles, and bursts into laughter now.
“Please, continue, Professor Leveilleur.” Hope says between high pitched laughs. Alphinaud’s cheeks glow red and he clears his throat.
“My apologies.” Alphinaud begins. He gives a small embarrassed smile. “All of the talk recently of Sharlayan and days in the Studium and of aetherial matters…” He gives a small sigh. “Tis all very familiar and nostalgic. And a part of me cannot help but feel a small tinge of homesickness.” Hope nods.
“I get that.” Hope tells him. “A lot has happened since we met a few years ago.” Hope closes her eyes now, smiling a beautiful smile Alphinaud swears was angelic. “We’ve all grown. In small ways and big. We laughed and cried. We braved overwhelming odds...” Hope’s voice trails off as the smile fades from her face. Alphinaud frowns now, concern now sweeping over his face. “Overwhelming… odds…” She grows quiet, looking down at the floor. The bangs of her hair drop down over her face, shadowing her eyes.
“Hope?” Alphinaud asks.
He places a hand on her shoulder. “We… all barely made it out alive in the fight against Emet-Selch.” Hope begins, her voice shaking. “Tius, Kaoru, and I almost became sin eaters. You and the other Scions almost lost your lives. And had it not been for that Ancient during the fight with Elidibus, us ‘Warriors of Light’ would have perished in the Void.” Hope grips the side of her robe that’s cascading down her legs. “And then at the Gardens… When Fandaniel appeared and…” She shakes her head. “We couldn’t do anything to stop him. Tius and I both. We were useless…”
Alphinaud swallows hard and scowls. “You weren’t! You were just taken unawares.” Alphinaud says, in a feeble attempt to help her calm down.
Hope shakes her head again. “We were. In that moment, on the ground, unable to do anything to help or protect you all, or to defend even myself. In that instance… I… I-I...” A tear drops from her chin and Alphinaud feels his breath catch in his throat. She looks up at him finally, revealing teary eyes and a pained look on her face. But there was something else there too. Something he knew only too well. It was… “I was scared, Alphinaud.” She tells him. His lips part and he purses his eyebrows. She sniffles, wiping some tears off of her cheek with her wrist. “I was so scared of what would happen. Of what might happen to you all. But even more selfishly…” Hope grimaces, closing her eyes and letting the tears flow. “I was scared I’d die…”
Alphinaud grabs her and pulls her head into his shoulder, holding her tightly. He closes his eyes, his face relaxing. Hope sits there a moment, just letting him hold her. Something about it was helping her. His warmth, his gentleness, even his scent. Every moment smelling his earthy musky cologne helped her relax. Alphinaud knew he didn’t need to say anything. She understood that he was there for her. That he was always there with her. But he had to say it, nevertheless. “I understand how you feel.” He tells her. He takes her hands into his. “There were so many times when you’d leave to go face some unimaginable danger and I’d be left behind hoping, praying, that you’d return to me safely.” He opens his eyes, looking forward. “And even when I’ve done all I could do to hone my skills and push my potential, I still was unable to do much to aid in your efforts against Emet-Selch and Elidibus. I always find myself a few steps behind you and the other Warriors of Light. And I, too, have found myself expecting death to take me.” Alphinaud pauses, gauging what to say next. “But…” He releases Hope's hands and she sits up straight to look at him. He gives a warm smile and sighs. “I keep faith in my hero. My love. The one who lights my world. My inspiration.” He removes a white handkerchief from his pocket on the inside of his jacket. “When the world is in darkness and all the odds have been stacked against me, I remember that I still have you and that I would do anything… anything… to see that smile on your face once more.” He gently dabs at the tears on her cheeks. “And that one day I could walk next to you not just as your partner.” He lifts her chin up slightly. “But as your equal.”
Nil sighs removing the leather band at the bottom of his braid. The twisted braid uncoils itself. He stares at the mirror in distaste at the small pearl of a third eye on his forehead. He’d hated it… Hated his upbringing. His existence in the Empire’s hands. Not Garlean, but also not Eorzean either. Alisaie walks past the washroom, but takes a step back as she sees Nil glaring at his reflection. She steps towards him. Nil hears this and hurriedly covers his forehead with his bangs again. “Ah, Miss Alisaie.” He says, clearly trying to hide his embarrassment. “Was there something you needed?” He asks, his voice a little more shaky than he’d wanted.
Alisaie gives him a small laugh. “Why cover it now that we know it’s there?” She asks. She leans against the doorway now. “And drop the ‘Miss’. We’re friends now, aren’t we?” Nil nods slowly, a smile on his face. Alisaie walks over and pushes his bangs to the side, making him flinch slightly. She nods towards the mirror. “See? Much better if you ask me.” Nil looks at his reflection and gives a small blush. "How about I pin it back with a braid?" He nods now, notably pleased that she was taking an interest in this.
She begins braiding his hair over when he clears his throat. "I needed to tell you thanks for understanding and accepting me." He tells her. She stops a second before continuing.
"Had I been the uneducated sheltered and spoiled child I was when I first came to Eorzea with Alphinaud, I probably would have rejected you the moment I had any suspicion." Alisaie replies. "But having experienced the things I have, and done the things I've done, thinking of you as simply 'another Imperial' would be an insult to everything we've accomplished and the people I've connected with." Alisaie tells him, pulling some if his hair over the braid and continuing to braid into his ponytail. "And I admire the bravery you've shown us thus far. Fighting your fate, challenging norms, taking your life into your own hands." She scoffs. "If that's not heroic, then I don't know what is." Nil is taken by surprise at the storm of compliments from her. And he could tell by the look in her eyes that she was genuine. She finishes braiding around his ponytail and let's the spare braid fall loosely onto his shoulder. "There…" She says, a bit nervous at the outcome. "W-What do you think?"
Nil smiles and admires his reflection now. He places the silver jewel over top of his third eye and nods. "Yes, I think I like this look." He tells her. Nil puts a hand up. Alisaie gives him a small high five and crosses her arms with a proud expression on her. "Mayhap you'd like to come help me find a new attire?"
Alisaie nods. "Mayhap I would."
Tius opens his eyes to see Kaoru, lovingly looking up at him. He had to take a second to recall her very VERY different appearance. Her eyes reminded him of a cute puppy's and he had to stop himself from commenting how cute she looked, knowing it would just upset her right now. Instead, he smiles a little smile at her. "Are you watching me sleep?" He murmurs.
She gives a quiet laugh. "Mayhap I was.." She says, snuggling her head into his chest again. "Not for long. I've only just woken up." Kaoru replies. She sighs once before sitting up. Tius sits up too, giving a little stretch. They're both taken by surprise as they spot a napping G'raha, hunched over the bed from his seat at Kaoru's side. A book openly placed in his left hand, and quiet breaths are heard as his shoulders rise and fall. Kaoru blinks in a bit of confusion and Tius's eyes narrow a bit in annoyance. "I wonder how long he's been asleep…"
Tius leans against the wall behind the backboard of the cot. "We should wake him. I'm sure there's still plenty of stuff that needs to be done right now."
Kaoru nods before turning towards the other sleeping Miquote. She places a hand on his shoulder, and gives a gentle shake. "Raha…" She says. His eyes open a bit as he inhales sharply, waking up. "Raha, you should sleep someplace proper if you're tired." G'raha notices who's waking him up, and instantly blushes. He jolts upward, his face flushed red.
"Ah." He stammers. "F-Forgive me. I had wanted to talk to you both when you had woken up. But in waiting, I fear my recent tribulations have caught up to me." Tius scoffs, crossing his arms.
"You better start taking care of yourself. Wouldn't want us to report you back to the Captain Lyna, now, would you, Exarch?" Tius teases. Kaoru gives a small giggle and even G'raha can't help but laugh at the comment.
"Nay." He answers, an embarrassed smile on his face. "I would not want to worry her more than she already is." After a moment, G'raha looks up at them. His smile is replaced with a serious look. "Now then… At the risk of souring the mood, there is something I would like to discuss with you both." Kaoru readjusts herself so she can sit upright properly. G'raha is silent a moment before he looks at Kaoru. "You realize that this is a curse that has been placed upon you, yes?" Kaoru nods. G'raha then sighs, closing his eyes a second before looking up at Tius. "Unfortunately, the means by which we are able to change her back are still unknown." G'raha purses his eyebrows. "And while I won't tell you to get used to your new form, I will say we are fortunate he only transformed you into a Lalafell rather than a toad, or some object without any sentience." But he shakes his head. "It will be rather difficult to identify this curse, much less finding out how to remedy it."
Kaoru looks down at the blankets in what Tius hoped wasn't defeat. Tius scowls. "But there could be one, right?" He asks. "A way to turn her back."
G'raha's ears droop downward. "I'm afraid there's more to it than that. The curse wasn't just to transform her into a Lalafell." He puts a hand out, gesturing to Kaoru. "I'm sure you already feel it, or am I mistaken?" Kaoru shakes her head numbly. G'raha looks at Tius again. "The fix Alphinaud and Krile placed upon her will not hold. Ere long, her aether will become unstable again and threaten to bring her body into shock."
Tius chokes. "What?!"
G'raha drops his hands to his knees and looks down at his boots. "Think of it as a damn that's slowly about to be overtaken by a rising river." Tius looks at Kaoru now. "Left like this, she will surely die." He can see Kaoru trying her hardest to look unaffected by the news. But he knew despite the cold and calculated look on her face, and the composure. Tius knew she was scared.
Tius grabs onto her and holds her in his arms. He inhales sharply. Kaoru and G'raha both have wide eyed surprised expressions. The sudden embrace was unexpected. But even more so, Tius lets tears fall from his eyes as he holds her head. "I refuse to give up." He says. Kaoru chokes a bit, trying her best not to lose the little bit of composure she had. "I won't lose you, too." With that, Kaoru buries her face into his shoulder, and sobs. Her body shakes as she weeps into his shirt and muffled cries fill the room. And even G'raha had to try to hide the tears streaming down his cheeks.
Hope Gallant played by @louderthanthedj
The final Part will be coming soon...
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years ago
FFXIV Fanfiction Chapter: No Simple Solution...
*contains Shadowbringers spoilers and patch 5.5 spoilers*
Tius watches in despair as Alphinaud and G'raha both heal Kaoru. Kaoru, who is shaking and struggling for breath on the floor of the Solar. They had been talking about recent events, and about strategy. When the now turned Lalafell had suddenly collapsed on the floor, unable to move or breathe. Moments later, she was in Dawn's Respite, sleeping to regain her strength. Hope, Y'Shtola, and G'raha enter the hallway where they see Tius peeking in through the cracked door where Alphinaud is keeping a temporary watch on Kaoru.
Given his recent struggles with the Arenvald incident, Tius had decided Alphinaud would be her caretaker for now. Maybe to help harden his resolve, since it was obvious to all the Scions he was slowly regressing and his confidence was wavering. Hope steps forward, breaking the silence. "Tius?" Tius turns to look at them. He takes one last glance into the room and then walks forward, meeting them. "We've all been racking our brains and researching as hard as we can to break Kaoru from her curse."
Tius nods. Y'Shtola puts a hand to her head, supported by her other arm tucked underneath. "There had been somewhat of a breakthrough. A theory, in other words." Tius's ears rise slightly. Y'Shtola puts a hand of reasoning out. "You recall the skill I've employed twice now, a forbidden arte dubbed 'Flow'." Tius nods.
"You used it when you all were attacked during the Bloody Banquet in Ul'dah. And then once more on the First to avoid dying when you fell down a chasm." Tius explains. Y'Shtola nods.
"The spell is a way to slip oneself into the Lifestream and traverse the Aetherial Sea." She begins. "Traversing it is dangerous, but the effects on the body and soul are even more hazardous." Y'Shtola scowls. "However, it requires the flesh be temporarily broken down to be carried, and then reconstructed upon resurfacing." Tius gasps slightly.
"We think it possible for her body to reconstruct itself and be purified by the Lifestream, thus returning her to her natural form." G'raha concludes. He puts up a finger. "Tis all speculation, mind you. But we'd have all the help we can get with Master Matoya, ourselves, and the Seedseer, Kan-E-Senna present were anything to go awry."
"Urianger is convincing her as we speak." Hope tells Tius. "If we're gonna attempt this, we'll have to do it as soon as possible." Tius clenches his fists though.
"But wait a second…" Tius begins. "Y'Shtola came out of it blind. What kind of thing could happen to Kaoru if we stick her into the Lifestream?" Tius asks. "And how are we even gonna keep her from getting lost? We had to jump through hoops and luck out looking for Y'Shtola. What if we lose her too?"
Y'Shtola gestures to Tius. "That's where you come in." Tius cocks an eyebrow. "We think that you can serve as her tether. Her emotional and spiritual attachment to the world."
"Will that be enough?"
G'raha is the one that sighs now. "I wish there was more we could tell you, but the simple fact of the matter is that we just don't know. And that we're running out of time." Tius scowls. G'raha puts a hand on his shoulder. "Would you like me to tell her? Or would you rather?" Tius looks down at the floor. But unexpectedly, he looks up at G'raha and nods. G'raha blinks, looking slightly surprised, ears flinching upward. He then swallows hard, and nods now, looking determined.
Hope and Tius watch through the cracked door as G'raha gives Kaoru and Alphinaud the news. However, Kaoru nods and says she'll do it, without hesitation. A fiery determination in her eyes. Alphinaud is the one to ask her if she was sure, looking worried. But it's clear her mind is made up. Hope looks at Tius. "Why didn't you tell her yourself?"
Tius steps away from the doorway, looking down at his boots. "It's… becoming clearer and clearer to me recently that… I'm not able to be what Kaoru needs." Hope's jaw drops. She looks back into the room, where her own partner is clenching his fists in disdain of himself. "I'm not able to do anything for her. For anyone. And if G'raha can be that for a while, at least I know she'll have the support she needs. But…" Hope looks back at Tius. "I will become what she needs. Because I love her, and she deserves it."
Hope can't help but smile. But it's short lived, because this makes her look back at Alphinaud. Being… what someone needs, huh?
Alphinaud sets a tome down on the table, looking perplexed. He puts a hand to his chin, deep in thought. But drops his hands to his sides. His fists begin to shake slightly and he scowls now. He scoffs before swiping along the top of the table, sliding the scrolls and tomes all onto the floor. One of the scrolls roll an extra bit and stops, tapping against someone's boot.
Alphinaud looks up to see Hope, standing there. A concerned expression on her face. He gasps a bit, before looking down at the floor, clearly embarrassed and regretful. Hope reaches down and starts picking up scrolls, sitting daintily on the floor, her legs tucked under her. Alphinaud, a sour look on his face, kneels down and begins to help. "Kaoru and Tius went with G'raha to see Kan-E-Senna and E-Sumi-Yan." Hope tells him. He doesn't say anything. He reaches for another scroll, but Hope puts a hand on his, making him stop. "Alphinaud…" He remains silent still. Hope set the Tomes and scrolls aside and took his hand now. "Are you gonna talk to me?"
Alphinaud sighs slightly. He closes his eyes. "I… I just…" He begins. Alphinaud relaxes his shoulders before opening his eyes to look at Hope, his eyebrows pursed. It was a look that broke Hope's heart. But Hope remembers Tius's words. She closes her eyes before leaning forward and reaching up to Alphinaud.
She then gently pulls his head to her shoulder, taking him by surprise. "I'm here." She tells him. She places her hand on his head and begins stroking his hair. His breath catches in his throat. "Whatever you need to do. Wherever you need to go. Whatever you need. I am here to be that." Tears well in Alphinaud's eyes. "I'm here for you."
He drops the scrolls and tomes in his arms, and suddenly clings to Hope, burying his face into her right shoulder. He sobs once. "I just want to be as strong as you. Strong enough to help everybody and anybody. And fend for myself." He says betweens sobs. "But… when Arenvald…" He sniffles. "A-And what Fordola said…"
Hope opens her eyes. "What Fordola said may be true. But it doesn't make it right." Alphinaud pulls away slightly, their faces ilms from each other. Hope scowls. "Yes. We can't save everyone." Alphinaud looks down at the floor. "Yes, bad things happen and without any reason. Yes, sometimes we lose." Hope takes Alphinaud's face by the chin, making him face her. His expression softens. "But, Alphinaud, we have to try. Because you're right. All life is precious. All life is worth protecting." Hope pushes a few strands of his bangs away from his eyes. “And what happened to Arenvald?” Hope shakes her head. “There was nothing any of us could do.” Alphinaud closes his eyes, resting his cheek against her hand. “Arenvald made the decision. And he’d make it again if he had a chance. You know this, too, right?” Alphinaud nods, and then looks at her again. The sound of the door opening interrupts them. The two look over at the door as an unsuspecting Estinien walks into the room. “Estinien…” Hope and Alphinaud look at one another. They take a second to remember their position, and both of them instantly blushes.
Alphinaud pulls away from Hope, blushing and wiping his eyes. Hope grimaces, fussing with her hair, face red. “Dare I ask,” Alphinaud begins, clearing his throat,” was there aught you needed from us?”
Estinien nods. "It's time."
Alphinaud and Hope look at each other, exchanging worried looks.
Tius is silent, sitting on the ground next to G'raha. Kaoru, wearing a hempen camisole and slacks, walks over to the two Miquote males. She has a smile on her face. One that almost makes Tius forget the crazy thing they're about to attempt. "Don't look so worried you guys." Kaoru tells them. She sits on the grass. She looks at Tius. "I trust your will, Tius." She turns to G'raha. "And your knowledge, Raha."
Tius sighs, forcing a smile on his face. He looks at G'raha. "Let's do our best!" He says, a little louder than he'd intended. But it worked, making G'raha smile and nod too.
Half a bell later, Kaoru was laying on the grass, her head propped up on Tius's lap as she began to nod off. "I love you, Tius." She tells him with a smile. He gives her a determined scowl.
"We've got ya. So just try and focus on getting back." She gives one last smile before her eyes close and she gently falls asleep.
The sleep potion she'd drank a head of time would lull her to slumber, making it so she could focus on her soul rather than her body. It would be like a lucid dream to her. Whist that happens, the others would plunge her into the Lifestream, as it broke down her flesh and purify it. As soon as they were able, they will quickly pull her from the Lifestream and hopefully her true form would return
But with all the moving parts, everyone would need to concentrate their hardest and try their best. Here at one of the oldest trees in the Twelveswood, the Lifestream was heavy here. Tius's connection would be a tether to keep her here and it would be ideal to pull her out. Y'Shtola looks at Kan-E-Senna and E-Sumi-Yan.
E-Sumi-Yan nods now. "Let us begin." He says. Y'Shtola begins to power her aether, muttering sacred words. E-Sumi-Yan and Kan-E-Senna remove their canes, readying themselves. Tius grips Kaoru's hand in anticipation. G'raha grimaces, tensed at the suspense.
A glowing orb of magic forms in Y'Shtola's hands, drafty winds spiraling from the area. "Ready." She says. Tius sets Kaoru's head down on the grass and takes a step back. Y'Shtola kneels down next to her, and places the orb of magic over Kaoru. It sat there for but a moment before it sucked Kaoru in and vanished with a flowing surge of wind.
Tius folds his hands, focusing on his connection to Kaoru. His love. The oddest feeling was he could feel her. Her warmth, her kindness, her selflessness. E-Sumi-Yan and Kan-E-Senna look around at the glowing lights now forming around them. Bouts of Aether made visible by the magicks being used. "Which one is she?" E-Sumi-Yan wonders aloud.
Tius glances at G'raha. Who's closed his eyes and is praying. But this was a mistake… because glancing over gave Tius a tinge of jealousy… and doubt. And within that one moment between seconds, without realizing, Kaoru's connection slipped from Tius and faded. Tius gasps suddenly. The lights of aether fade quickly. Everyone present gasp in shock. "I lost her!"
G'raha's eyes snap open. "What?!"
Everyone looks around quickly for a flicker of visible aether. But when no one finds one, E-Sumi-Yan scoffs. "We must yank her out! Kan-E-Senna I'll need your help!"
Kaoru is sitting in the darkness. Swirling lights spiral around her. She can hear her heartbeat. It was faint, and weak. Too weak it would seem… She thinks to herself. The light is right there. She knew the others were looking for her. But she didn't have the strength to walk forward. She sighs. "I… tire of this charade…"
Footsteps ring behind her. "So… you've decided to give up on that particular fantasy, have you?" A voice asks her.
Kaoru smiles to herself. "Not exactly." She stands up slowly, her back facing the darkness and the voice within it. She frowns. "The last time I faced you with this same predicament, I countered thinking in my soul that the Light was just, and the only good in life. But after treating with the people on the First… and now finding out more about Hydaelyn…" She scowls. "But now I know that that mindset would only bring ruin to those around me." She turns and looks at the owner of the voice. Their jaw is dropped, and they look confused, taken aback. "I've… made quite a mess of things. And because of my stubbornness and mistakes, I put others at risk and worried many people." She scoffs. "You included."
The voice hisses a second, feigning disgust. "What is this sentimental rabble?" They demand. "Spill it already! Why did you summon me?" Kaoru gives them a sad smile.
"I'm not strong enough to go back. Not right now." She begins. "So… I would ask you a favor…"
Alphinaud and Alisaie rush through the Inn hall. They spot E-Sumi-Yan. He notices them and holds up a hand, stopping them. "Brother E-Sumi-Yan…" Alisaie begins.
"Tell us, were they successful?" Alphinaud asks for the birth of them. E-Sumi-Yan scowls slightly, his young face looking serious.
"Yes, and no." He says. "It worked to a degree. But there were a few… complications." The twins exchange worried glances. He puts his hand down at his side. "Pray… do not expect much." He tells them, a disappointed look on his face.
The twins step past E-Sumi-Yan where they look into the Inn room. Everyone but G'raha and Tius turn to look at them. Hope speaks first. "Hi, you two." She begins. They both look at Kan-E-Senna to her left. She nods and they walk forward again. Kaoru is seated in bed, in a hempen tunic and under the covers. Only… something didn't seem right. Her features were slightly different, brighter eyes with no Limbal Rings, darker highlights. Which was no surprise if her body had really been "reset" as they had thought it would be. Kaoru did not have the Limbal Rings when they were children but gained them as their preteen years came. However, something did not seem right…
"Kaoru?" Alisaie asks. Kaoru looks over to them.
She cocks an eyebrow. "Not… exactly…" She tells them. Even the tone of her voice, the way she said those two words, was different… The twins both automatically knew without any further explanation: This was not their childhood friend, but someone else entirely.
So the question was: What happened to Kaoru?
Hope Gallant played by @louderthanthedj
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years ago
Final Fantasy XIV Chapter: One Big Change...
Footsteps echo through the halls of the Royal Palace in Garlemald. The two intruders run with all their might as alarums sound and lights flash adding to the severity of their situation. “Gods damn it all…” Nil says under his breath. “There’s no way we were spotted, so why are the Garleans in arms?”
  Kaoru scowls. “I haven’t the foggiest as to why.” She shakes her head. “We’ve failed. Haven’t we?” Nil slows his speed and stops running, looking up at her. She stops and faces the lalafell.
  “Nay.” Nil puts a hand to his chin. “Although, we may need to return to Eorzea to get an update on the situation here.” Nil scowls now too. “To think that not one of my contacts in the Populares are anywhere to be seen… There is something queer about the situation and we can not risk not knowing the full conflict that’s transpired.”
  Kaoru nods. “Aye.” She puts a hand of reasoning out. "However, I can't in good conscience leave Tius's sister behind… we were so close." Kaoru crosses her arms. "Mayhap I should remain without you?" Nil is taken aback by this approach. "You can bear word to the Scions, whilst I-."
  "Forget it!" Nil interrupts, standing his ground. Kaoru gasps a bit, caught off guard by his sudden reaction. "You're not staying by yourself. You'll surely need help with this. And with my knowledge of Garlemald, I can help." Nil shakes his head. "We have to figure something out…"
  Kaoru sighs, slightly annoyed. “Is there no way for us to remain?” She asks.
  Nil opens his mouth to respond. “Not with the attention you two draw to yourselves.” A voice replies. Both Nil and Kaoru choke in surprise. They reach for their weapons, only to find their holsters empty. The source of the voice was a hooded figure, a good 15 yalms from their position. Kaoru feels a chill run down her spine at the sound of the voice. “My, my, such pretty little things.” He says, lifting both hands with a set of circular chakrams in one and a grimoire in the other. Kaoru and Nil scowl. “Worry not. I’ll return them after I say my piece.” The man drops the weapons at his feet. “Tell me, why put yourselves in such a problematic situation?” The man asks through a smile. "Why would you go through the trouble of coming to this sordid place when it's clear you do not belong?" He puts a hand to his chin. "Why, one would think there's something you're after here in the Royal Palace." 
  Kaoru scoffs. “You knew we weren’t Garleans?”
  The man chuckles. “I’m a tad more… ‘in the know’ compared to some of the rabble here." He looks at Nil. "Although as far as Garleans go, it seems you're the only one here that ISN'T of Garlean blood.” The man gives a small wink at Nil and Nil's face twists into something Kaoru couldn't place as anger or embarrassment. The mysterious man fakes a dramatic gasp. He covers his mouth. “But where are my manners? I haven’t introduced myself, have I?” He reaches for his hood. “I think you were acquainted with 'me' at one point.” He drops the hood and Kaoru’s eyes widen at the reveal, confirming her initial suspicions. Nil cocks an eyebrow at what looks like a familiar man.
  “Asahi sas Brutus?” Nil asks, taking a step forward. Kaoru reaches down, stopping him in his tracks.
  “Asahi” smiles at Kaoru. “At one point, yes.” Kaoru answers. “But not now.” She steps in front of Nil, guarding him. “Not when I witnessed Yotsuyu slay him with mine own eyes.” Kaoru clenches her fists. “He’s an Ascian.”
  The man chuckles again. “Nothing gets past you.” He begins clapping. “Bravo! We have a winner!” He gives a dramatic bow, a menacing smirk creeping upon “Asahi’s” face. “The name is Fandaniel, my lady.” Kaoru doesn’t reply. He stands straight. “And I’ve a bit of a predicament with you two being here.” Fandaniel points at them. "Your positions aren't backstage where the world can't see you. You belong with the others where my Patron can take the audience by storm in your glorious and inevitable clash." He gestures an open hand out to Kaoru. "You, the little battle Princess and you," He gestures to Nil, "the cast out disowned Soothsayer." It's clear that the title hits a nerve in Nil because his fists clench and a scoffs escapes his lips.
  "And just who is this so-called Patron of yours?" Nil asks, snidely.
  Fandaniel shrugs. "I'm sure your Eorzean friends, The Scions of the Seventh Dawn, could tell you when you get back." Kaoru and Nil's eyes widen hearing this, fearing the worst. "Oh, they aren't dead. Just a bit crispy is all. I paid them a little visit to introduce myself. I'm sure you'll hear all about it." Fandaniel looks to Kaoru. "But something tells me that you're not intending to return to Eorzea willingly."
  Kaoru swallows hard, not moving. "Nay. I would rather not." Kaoru begins. "I've important business here in Garlemald that requires my attention." Kaoru reaches forward and her Chakrams begin to vibrate from their spots at Fandaniel's feet. Before the Ascian knew it, they whizzed forward and found their way into Kaoru's hands. She takes a step forward, primed to strike.
  But Fandaniel isn't anywhere to be seen. "Kaoru!" Nil shouts from behind her. She exclaims as a hand grasps her wrist and yanks her back, the black and purple smoke of a portal drifting away. Fandaniel pulls her towards him and as he does, a small ball of compressed magic forms in his other hand. Before she can react, he thrust it into her chest. She can feel a tightness in her chest before breathing becomes difficult. She collapses over, her knees buckling as she gasps for air. He helps her to the floor and then steps away from her as something crazy happens.
  Nil dashes to Kaoru's side. She gasps continuously for air. "What… did you… do?" She asks between breaths. Fandaniel shrugs.
  "I merely gave the sweet princess some motivation, is all." He tells her. A second after that, Kaoru acknowledges the weirdest feeling. She could have sworn she felt herself shrinking. Nil gasps now at what he witnesses. "A curse, if you will. Think of it:" Kaoru winces and heaves in pain on the floor. "The sweet Princess has befallen a terrible curse that she must find a way to break. Such an intriguing side story to up the stakes in the tale of this Star's impending doom."
  All seemed well. Or as well as it could be given the circumstances. Alphinaud and Alisaie are seated in the Rising Stones, pouring over the documents and tomes in front of them. Alisaie sighs. "If I stare at these any longer, I fear I'll do myself an injury." She says, slamming the book in her hand shut and sliding it aside on the table.
  Alphinaud sets his own tome down next to a pile of notes he'd been writing. "I understand, sister. But pray, take more time to rest. Given your recent travails, your aether needs time to recover." Alisaie nods, but looks annoyed.
  “Alright.” She says, letting her annoyance slip away as she stretches her arm a little. Alphinaud takes his cup of tea from its saucer and lifts it to take a sip. She releases a sigh of relief. Just as she does, a sharp pain stings in her chest. She inhales sharply. Strangely enough, as she does, so too does Alphinaud wince in pain, grasping at his heart, the tea cup in his hand falling from his grasp and shattering on the floor. Alisaie and Alphinaud both look at each other with pained expressions. Alisaie opens her mouth to say something. But is promptly interrupted by a crashing noise that comes from The Solar. As the two of them race into the room, Tataru and Krile, who were moments away from leaving to pursue Estinien, burst through the doors as well. There, Unukalhai is shaking an unconscious and familiar male Lalafell. “Is that-?!”
  Alphinaud shoots a look at Krile. She nods and they immediately run to the barely conscious Nil. He weakly props himself up on his elbows. “Help her…” He tells Krile. He points. Alisaie steps to the other side of the desk, and next to the toppled chair was another lalafell. A lalafell girl with familiar black and pink colored hair. She can’t explain why, the reason was beyond her, but she immediately knew who this girl was. “Help… Kaoru…”
  Krile wipes a bead of sweat from her brow, sighing in relief. She gives Alphinaud a tired smile. “Thank you for your timely assistance, Alphinaud.”
  Alphinaud lets out a tired exhale. “Phew…” Alphinaud seats himself on the stool behind him next to Nil’s bedside. They had all managed to move the two patients into the Dawn’s Respite. Nil opens his eyes. “You both are stable now.” Nil attempts to sit up, but Alphinaud holds his hands up, stopping him. “Take ease, Nil. Your aether was almost entirely drained.” Nil sits up slowly, grunting with effort.
  He gives Alphinaud and Krile a weak, almost sad, smile. “Thank you, you two.” Nil replies. All three of them look over at the, now soundly asleep and recovering, lalafell girl. “I feared the worst there for a moment. I didn’t think I had cast my spell in time.” Krile scowls now, giving a very concerned look to Nil.
  “One spell did all of that damage to your aether?!” Krile asks. “Just what Spell was it that you used? What trouble did you guys encounter in Garlemald that would force you to use such a damaging technique?” Nil takes a deep breath.
  “I think that can wait till the others get here.” Nil says. Nearly a bell later, Tius, Hope, G’raha, and Alisaie stride quickly through the doors and into the room. Nil looks over to them. “Hey there.”
  Tius instantly runs to Kaoru’s. “Kaoru!” This surprises everyone, since Alisaie did not mention Kaoru’s new appearance. But he knew it was her instantly. He takes her hand. She’s still sound asleep. Tius faces Nil and Krile. “She’ll be okay, right?” He asks. Both Alphinaud and Krile nod, giving him a reassuring smile.
  “Her aether became unstable during the transformation. Her body could not handle the amount of aether she had at the time.” Krile begins to explain. Alphinaud scowls, frowning.
  “Simply put, the transformation she endured did not take in account the aether of her original body.” He finishes. “So had her aether not been stabilized, her body would have failed due to the shock.” Alphinaud looks at her. “She will be fine now, but unfortunately, it does not look like a normal Phantasia will change her back to her original body…” Everyone is silent as dread creeps into the room.
  Krile looks at Nil. “As for you, might you explain just what happened, now that the others are here?” Nil inhales a long breath. “That spell you used is dangerous. What happened that made you have to use it?”
  Nil looks up at Hope and Alisaie. G’raha takes a seat next to Nil’s bed so they could see him better. “An Ascian with the name of Fandaniel did this to Kaoru…” Everyone in the room gasps or exclaims in surprise. Nil sighs. “Yeah, he told us he had introduced himself to you guys already…” Alisaie scoffs, crossing her arms.
  “That he did. In the form of having a dragon he dubbed ‘Lunar Bahamut’ trying to toast us and setting fire to the Gardens at the Royal Menagerie.” Nil gives her a shocked look. Alisaie closes her eyes, looking thoroughly annoyed. “There weren’t any casualties. But the Gardens were razed and the Ascian did not deign to reveal his plan.”
  Nil sits there, puzzled, as the Scions recount to him what had happened since Kaoru and him had left for Garlemald after they all had returned to the Source from the First. After all was recapped, Nil takes a moment to process and consider what he had been told. G’raha breaks the silence now. “I take it Kaoru and you met with the same type of misfortune in the Imperial Capital?” Nil clears his throat.
  “Well, we spent a fair amount of time snooping around the Palace for Tius’s sister.” Nil looks over at Tius. “We’d found she was in the service of the Royal Family… However, what we were not ready for was the unrest that had begun to claim the throne.” Nil crosses his arms, looking a bit upset. “None of my prior contacts were responding on their linkshells and we exhausted every means of exploration we could without the connections. But due to the chaos, our search was short lived.” Nil looks down at his hands. “When we were debating what we were going to do next, Fandaniel decided he had his own plans.” Nil looks up at Hope now. “I guess one that involved us being with you guys… and Kaoru cursed.”
  Alphinaud puts a hand to his chin. “Then you know of the Ascian’s choice of disguise this time around?” Nil nods, not saying anything. “Using Asahi’s body will greatly benefit them since the Empire knows naught of what transpired during the prisoner exchange.”
  Nil shakes his head. “Not just that, the House Brutus is an influential family in Garlemald, not to mention wealthy and possesses a standing in the eyes of the military.” Nil scoffs, bitterly. “No wonder none of the Populares responded to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if Fandaniel used his own connections to seek them out and…” Nil’s voice trails off as he bows his head, frowning. His bangs shadowing his face and his eyes barely visible. His shoulders are tensed and his braid is over his right shoulder, resting next to his neck. The room grows silent as Nil begins to seeth with what none of them can place as either anger or sadness. Tius stands now, walking to the other side of Kaoru’s bed and seating himself on it, placing himself between Nil and Kaoru.
  “It’s time you spill it…” Tius tells Nil. The Scions can’t help but exchange confused glances to one another. Tius scowls at Nil, his ears pulling back. “You’re hiding stuff from us. I knew this from the start, but with everything that’s happened and is still happening in Garlemald... “ Tius lifts his head slightly, looking down at Nil with an intense gaze. As if he was observing the lalafell. “If you want us to continue to listen to you, you need to start being honest and come clean with who you really are.”
  Another silence wades through the room. Nil looks over to him, giving a small sad smile. “Please…” A small weak voice says. They all see Kaoru stir a little before she sits up slowly, still very weak. She gives Nil a tired look and it makes him sigh again.
  He stands up and walks to the clearing in the middle of the area they were gathered. He gives a nervous smile before lifting the bangs that usually cover his forehead. Under them is a silver jewel in the center, above his brows. He removes it, revealing a silver pearl of an eye… The undeniable sign of pure Garlean blood. “My full and legal name is actual Niil Aan Caelo.” A unison gasp in surprise is heard as everyone is taken aback at the new development. “And while I am indeed Garlean in blood and name, I am actually not a citizen of the Empire. Not in an official capacity, anyway.” Nil drops his bangs, looking at the jewel in his hand. “I come from an ancient line of slave Soothsayers. For generations, my family have been under the Garleans’ chains offering them classified and sensitive premonitions for military and economical means.” He blinks, giving a determined look. “But I plan to be the last one.”
  Nil recounts his journey to escape the hold the Empire had over him because of his family. How he was able to flee the Capital by passing along information to resistances within the Provinces and even those in Doma who were able to rebel against the military. Everyone remains silent and Nil nervously shifts his weight. Alphinaud can’t help but think about how it seemed out of character for him. But maybe the stubborn and knowledgeable way he presents himself is actually just a front? But now that he’s coming clean on his actual identity, he can truly act as himself. “So… any questions?” Nil asks, sounding a bit uneasy.
  Alisaie steps forward. The look on her face confuses everyone because no one can tell what she’s thinking or feeling. She walks over to Nil, and reaches for him. Nil instinctively flinches and closes his eyes tightly. And then Alisaie pulls him into a hug. The wide eyed expression on his face makes Hope and Alphinaud laugh and Tius smile. Alisaie's face softens into a beautiful smile. "Thank you for being honest." She tells him. Alisaie closes her eyes. "You were brave to tell us." Then something happened nobody expected or had seen before. Nil's eyes get watery, and tears begin to roll down his cheeks. He buries his face into Alisaie's shoulder, and stifles a sob.
  Tius puts a warm hand on Kaoru's head. She looks up at him and smiles sadly. She scoots closer and lays her head on his lap. "So, what do we call you then?" Tius asks. Nil looks over at him. Alisaie releases him, kneeling next to him. "I mean, Nil is a cool name." Tius tells him. "But if you'd like we can call you Niil."
  Nil shakes his head, smiling, and wiping his eyes. "Nil is perfect. Thank you."
Part 2 will be on it’s way...
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kaoru-takaida · 5 years ago
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Forgot to post these. Little sketches for what I'm hoping will be my next Fanfic Arc for FFXIV
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years ago
Tius: "…I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable, actually. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie, it was just an insanely good brownie."
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kaoru-takaida · 5 years ago
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A work in progress since I'm late with Trends...
With @louderthanthedj and @pugsleybro
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years ago
I've been off of Tumblr for a spell, so have an art dump
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