#Tinn's dad needs a name
respectthepetty · 2 years
My School President color question: Should we read into Tinn's dad also wearing blue in the last episode as a way to draw comparison between him and Gun?
BESTIE @bengiyo! BB! Ben-ha-mean! Bad Benny! Eggs Benny!
I'm happy you asked this question but slightly bothered you only asked about the dad instead of asking about the two bigger influences - the moms, so I'm flipping your ask and giving you
My School President - PTA Edition
I'll start with the biggest GunTinn shipper, Gim:
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She normally wore red and blue (the greenish colors are blue, I swear). However, she wore black each time her headaches occurred.
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And when she got the news about the potential tumor, she was wearing yellow, which yellow represents caution, anxiety, and sickness.
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I truly thought Gim was going to die since they had her in black and yellow in these pivotal scenes (which is why I'm terrified for my little Lamb Chop in Never Let Me Go), but she made it out alive! So let's transition to the next parent, Photjanee:
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A lot of people unnecessarily hated on Photjanee, when she was playing it nice and neutral. Not all parents can be shippers like Gim, but Photjanee wasn't actively trying to crush people's hopes AND she was actually in Gun's corner.
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Each time Tinn got closer to Gun, Photjanee's color did too. When Tinn asked to spend the night with the band in the school, when Tinn asked to go on the beach trip (peach because he didn't disclose it was with the band), when Photjanee planned to ask Tinn about Gun, and when Gun and Tinn danced at prom, Photjanee wore hues of (Gun's) red.
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Much like Gim, the only time Photjanee wore yellow is when she was anxious and cautious after the picture of Tinn and Gun kissing was released to the entire school.
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But she called her husband, and he helped her figure out what to do, which brings me to the last parent and your ask, Tinn's dad:
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Just like his wife, Tinn's dad (did he have a name?!) played it safe and neutral. Also like his wife, he wore the peach color when unknowingly helping Tinn get closer to Gun.
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So to your ask:
Should we read into Tinn's dad also wearing blue in the last episode as a way to draw comparison between him and Gun?
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Yes and no.
Blue is Tinn's color, so really, like Gun wearing blue, Tinn's dad is showing his alliance with his son. He's letting his son know that he accepts him and loves him. He helps alleviate tension at the dinner table, and even helps Tinn by getting Photjanee to agree to let Gun spend the night IN TINN'S ROOM!
Photjanee did this as well. Before we knew she was Tinn's mom, the very first time we see her in the very first episode, she wears blue.
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Because they love their son.
And Gun loves their son too.
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weilongfu · 2 years
Ofc how but mention every single of of The Boys. All of your boys at once
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Gun sipped his soda and watched as Tinn fiddled with his poster tube for what was apparently a vital presentation for the both of them. His boyfriend's nerdiness had grown on him, to a near fatal degree, and Gun was wondering if he'd suddenly have a problem getting tutored by Tinn if he wore glasses during their sessions.
(Tinn did not need to know that it was bound to be a problem if Gun's recent search history was any indication.)
"Okay, okay, so we've been invited to a Party," Tinn said at last as he pulled out his rolled up poster. "Not just any party, but a Panitchayasawad Party."
"Yes," Gun said with a nod.
"Because some how, through crazy random happenstance, you have family connected to the Panitchayasawads."
"Which means we'll be exposed to a host of characters."
"Well, P'Can says they're all pretty cool..."
Tinn narrowed his eyes and Gun put on his most innocent face. "Regardless, we're being thrown into the tiger's den and I think we should both be prepared for all the potential conversations we might have."
"You're over-thinking it," Gun said as he held out his soda cup for Tinn to take a sip. "They said to just relax and have a good time."
"Mother would never forgive me if I ruined her reputation or father's at the party, Gun."
"Who's gonna tell her? Do any of them even know your mother?"
Tinn's eyes took on a surprisingly manic glint and Gun wondered just how far a simple party invitation from a friend of a cousin had driven him. "Oh just wait." Tinn unfurled his poster and Gun's eyes immediately lost focus. "To help us today, I made a non-exhaustive map to chart how all the guests know each other..."
"Tinn... Tinn..." Gun walked over and shook his boyfriend. "This looks like a conspiracy map."
"Well I'd contemplated doing the pinboard thing with yarn and pictures for you but that would have gotten too big and bulky."
Gun blinked. "Oh."
"Anyway..." Tinn stuck the poster up and retrieved a pointer. "We start right here in the middle, with you and me."
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Gun couldn't help his smile at Tinn's antics and pressed a small kiss to Tinn's cheek, making Tinn's cheeks turn pink. "Go on."
"Uhh..." Tinn blinked for a second before shaking himself. "Right, and from us, you have your cousins Ayan and Can."
"P'Can is from mom's side, P'Ayan is from dad's."
"And your cousin and my cousin are... dating."
"Who knew tackling an authoritatively oppressive and traditional private school would start a romance?"
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"P'Can is dating P'Tin, no relation, and P'Tin is from the Medthanan family."
"Yeah, but P'Can doesn't like it when P'Tin uses his money. Says he's too wasteful."
"P'Tin is friends with P'Pete Pitchaya and also goes to school with P'Kluen, Dao, Mork, Pi, and Ae."
"P'Tin always says P'Pete forces him to talk to the others, but I don't buy that."
"P'Can says he smiles when he says it these days."
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Tinn rolled his eyes. "P'Pete and P'Pi are cousins. P'Dao has an older half-brother named P'Fah who will also be attending with his boyfriend P'Prince who actually... is in the family of northern royals."
"Seven degrees of separation is real," Gun said as he traced the lines with a smile. "I'm within seven degrees of an actual Thai prince family line."
Tinn's expression went soft again and Gun pinched his cheek. "Keep going, na?"
"Ahem, right. P'Pete is actually a twin and his twin's name is P'Tutor. P'Tutor goes to school with the people in this box here..." Tinn said as he pointed to the next part of his chart.
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"Look, you drew a boot around these people."
"It's not a boot... okay it looks like a boot, but that's P'Bohn's gang of friends who are in the same year as P'Fighter who is dating P'Tutor..."
"Got it, got it, got it. Friends, friends, friends."
"Not only just friends, P'Fighter and P'Bohn's families occasionally do business."
"Tinn, so many of these have families that do business... Just P'Tin's family alone does business with most of them. It's like... half of your chart."
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"Regardless, don't forget to not mention webnovels around P'Zon, P'Pete and P'Tutor are identical twins that were separated at birth so be alert, P'Frong will love talking about flowers, P'Thara will love talking about his lizard-"
"Is that a euphemism?"
"No." Tinn frowned. "Where did you learn the word euphemism?"
"From you."
"Oh..." Tinn's expression turned dopey again and Gun flicked his forehead. "Um right. P'Ram likes dogs, P'King's been working on his dog phobia-"
"Did dating P'Ram help with that?"
"...I'm too scared to ask."
"Hmm... valid."
"You can definitely talk music with several of these seniors," Tinn pointed out. "P'Saifah and P'Boss are big ones in this part here. P'Sarawat up here is also good at music."
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"But P'Sarawat just goes to the same school. Why is he invited?"
"P'Pete and P'Yo apparently helped P'Tine with something once and P'Sarawat owes someone in there a favor so he keeps playing music for the parties. P'Kongpob says he probably likes to do it so he doesn't have to talk to anyone."
"Why are P'Pat and P'Pran invited?"
Tinn rubbed his eyes. "P'Kongpob invited them. Something about keeping an eye on P'Pat and potentially making him head hazer one day. Also P'Pat's dad and P'Kongpob's dad were in negotiations for some kind of business deal. Maybe that went through?"
"I think P'Ayan invited P'Pran because of art lessons."
"Since when does P'Ayan draw?"
"Since he felt like it. Something about art therapy."
Tinn nodded and scanned the chart for the next section to discuss. "Oh, I forgot to mention P'Solo and P'Kao Ashira. They're also really good at music. Talk to them. P'Kao is known for being able to play any instrument at his school."
"Huh... I think you're missing lines here," Gun said as he traced lines from Tin to Win. "I could have sworn P'Can said P'Dean and P'Win are friends with P'Pete."
"No one tells me anything," Tinn grumbled as he scribbled down a note in his notebook.
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"It's still a really good chart, Tinn."
"But now it's missing connections."
"Which you couldn't have known about because..." Gun scratched his head. "Hey, actually how did you get all this information?"
Tinn sighed. "They've all had a lot of stuff publicly posted on social media. And then I asked P'Akk and P'Kongpob to help fill in some gaps."
"You determined most of this from just social media?! Are you sure you want to do engineering at uni and not... data mining?"
"Engineering pays better," Tinn said with a shrug. "Even if it's an oversaturated field at this rate." Tinn then picked up his pointer again and continued. "So that's the gang at that school... Over here we have P'Prapai, Sky, Payu, and Rain. I'd say I should warn you about P'Prapai, but apparently P'Sky has him on lock. P'Tin also invited P'Payu as a favor to P'Pran since P'Payu works at a really big architecture firm."
"So this is how people get all those cool, high profile connections, huh?"
"Do you see now why I was nervous?"
"Okay, okay, you were right." Gun rubbed Tinn's back. "I'm sorry. Now keep going, you still have a whole half of the chart left."
"Uhh... let's do this easy part next." Tinn pointed down to a small section on the bottom. "Here's P'Kao Phanuwat, my tutor, and his boyfriend, P'Pete Phubodin. They go to school with P'Akk Itsara and P'Theo. P'Theo's mom also does business with P'Fighter, but don't bring it up too much since P'Theo's parents got a divorce. He almost moved to France with his mother actually."
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"Didn't you say you talk to a P'Theo about books sometimes too?"
"Yep, that's this P'Theo. He's a Lit major."
"So I have to thank him for all the English vocab you've tried to teach me lately?"
"More than you can imagine." Tinn took another sip of Gun's soda and pointed to the last section. "And now the last part over here. The Wild Doctors Gang. P'Pha, Kit, and Beam have been friends since childhood and they all decided to go to the same uni and become doctors. P'Pha and P'Yo have been chasing each other since high school... P'Ming has apparently liked P'Kit since high school... P'Lom and P'Pha are cousins..."
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"What's this over here?" Gun pointed at an orange line from Yo to Khai. "Mortal enemies?"
"Oh that... P'Yo says P'Khai broke his One Piece DVDs once and laughed about it. P'Yo has never forgiven him since and P'Third, P'Khai's boyfriend, is perpetually apologetic whenever they end up meeting up. Realistically, the line between P'Yo and P'Khai should be a green one since their dads do business occasionally, but uh... this is the more relevant connection."
"So if I'm reading this chart right... We both could have gotten invited to P'Yo's party several ways?"
Tinn rubbed his eyes again. "Yes."
"And we've only just gotten an invite now because?"
"Your cousins got invited and then you had to tell them we were graduating soon and now their friends want us to pick one of their schools to go to and so P'Yo decided to invite us so we could talk to them about their schools." Tinn pointed at Khai and Third again. "P'Yo says if we ever want to be invited again, we do not pick P'Khai's school."
"Do... do we want to be invited again?"
"Ask me after the party," Tinn said with a sigh as he finally slumped into a chair.
"Thank you for all your hard work," Gun said as he sat next to Tinn and ruffled his hair. "You are truly kind and considerate."
Tinn smiled. "It does feel nice to have you say that."
"I'd have said it more often if you just told me you were trying to help..."
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petrichoraline · 2 years
i desperately need a name for tinn's dad, i was hoping he had one in the novel but that seems like hell and im not reading it just for the small possibility of finding it
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