#Tim getting frustrated over a sudden unexpected change in surroundings in someway that he wasn't told about and now hast relearn to navigat
dragonofthestone · 11 months
In any verse Tim knows he's lucky being surrounded by so many supportive and loving people in his life, that unless it causes a legitimate and or significant risk to himself no one is telling him not to do something because of his disability- even helping him to find ways to navigate and make things work out.
He understands that he's not lesser because of it but even he still has moments now and then of questioning.
Should he do something, is X a good idea, when meeting someone new has a bit of caution not knowing how they'll react (and hoping they won't treat him different / be weird)
As well as being aware that he does have his limits, there are things he can't do.
Mostly in regard to his vision but arguably also applies with his chronic pain as well as the more psychological elements.
Perhaps more so relevant / leaning toward with Lab!life , Wonderland Tim. Learning to navigate the world and find his limits, learning its okay to ask for help or even say no.
I think for a short time anyway a small part of him might question, upon his growing fascination with knights n stuff. Can one still be a knight if he can't see (partially anyway in his case) After all he knows it makes him more vulnerable. None of the knights in stories are ever injured - Now he wouldn't fully believe that it's something he can't do at all but it certainly makes him think and wonder and ask.
Cause sure there might be all the typical training but some of it would need to be specialized / altered in away that works for him
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