#Thus. It's pretty rare to get a sleepy morning Shadow milk
cookierunauprompts · 8 months
AU Prompt #8 - 💝💓
You stare up at the slumbering giant before you, painted in the soft glow of the moon within the forests of Beast-Yeast. Your body feels a subtle rumble with each rise and fall of the giant cookie's chest, yet nonetheless you steel yourself and get closer. " Shadow Milk Cookie..." You whisper, poking his cheek with your entire hand. He really had to stop sleeping in the forest, who knows what could happen to him? " Shadow Milk Cookie...!" Your heart almost catches in your throat when you see his eyes open, staring off into the distance before looking down unto your tiny body. It will never stop to stun you whenever you see him, his mere presence is just too... breath taking. " Reader Cookie...?" you can hear him sleepily mumble, a smile gracing his features as he stares at you with tired eyes. " Gee, whatcha doin' waking up a monster like me, hm? Aren't you afraid of getting eaten?" He teasingly cooed, trailing off into giggles at the end. " You know what I'm doing," You begin with a soft huff. " You need to stop sleeping in the forest when you go to sleep." " Oh?" He trailed off into a chuckle, slowly picking himself up. You almost lost your footing upon Shadow Milk Cookie's arm, yet he quickly relocates you into his hand as he props himself up with the other. " I thought you wanted me to get more sleep~ Somethin' about calling me a 'trickaholic'?" " That does not mean 'go sleep in the forest.'" You sighed, and yet you still accepted his sleepy morning kisses with open arms.
Or, silly morning fluff with Shadow Milk Cookie.
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