#Thomas P. Herrick
antinous-posts · 4 years
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The Greek biographer, historian, essayist, and moralist Plutarch (ca. 46-ca. 120) has been described as one of the most influential writers who ever lived.
Paradoxically, Plutarch the man who was the biographer of many others, had no biographer except for a scant notice in Suidas. What we know of his life is reconstructed from casual references in his own works. Plutarch was apparently born of a wealthy family in Chaeronia in Boeotia, had two brothers, Timon and Lamprias, and a grandfather named Lamprias. His parents' names are uncertain. Some say his father's name was Autobulus, some say Nicarchus, and we do know of a great-grandfather named Nicarchus. Plutarch is believed to have had a liberal education at Athens, where he studied physics, rhetoric, mathematics, medicine, natural science, philosophy, Greek, and Latin literature in 66. Ammonius of Lamptrae, a Plato scholar with religious and Neoplatonic interests, may have been his tutor. To complete his education, Plutarch traveled extensively in Greece and Asia Minor and visited Alexandria, Egypt.
Plutarch married Timoxena, daughter of Alexion (ca. 68), who bore him four sons, Soclarus, Chairon, Autobulus, and Plutarchus, and one daughter, Timoxena. Only Autobulus and Plutarchus survived Plutarch. All evidence indicates a happy marriage and a close family. Other relatives by marriage mentioned as members of the family in the Moralia are Craton, Firmus, and Patrocleas.
Plutarch taught in Chaeronia and represented his people before the Roman governor and in Rome. In Rome he made important contacts and lectured on philosophy and ethics in various parts of Italy. He spent much time in Italy between 75 and 90; he apparently never mastered the Latin language, though he gained the friendship of notable Romans. The latter half of his life, Plutarch enjoyed the intellectual benefits of the Pax Romana, mostly in Chaeronia. He held many civic positions, both high and low; the most notable one—that of head priest of Delphi—he held with distinction for 20 years and elevated to an importance it had not had in his time. During the latter part of his life he is thought to have written most of the Lives and some portions of the Moralia.
His Works
Plutarch is perhaps best known for the Moralia and the Lives, works which have much in common and have had enormous influence on later writers and the literatures of Europe and even America. He was very much concerned with men's moral conduct and individual moral guidance in an age when men were losing their faith in religion and philosophy. The Moralia, written as dialogues, letters, and lectures, is really a collection of 83 treatises on diverse subjects such as vegetarianism; superstition; Epicurean, Stoic, and Academic philosophy; dietetics; divine justice; prophecy; demonology; conjugal relations; family life; mysticism; and helpful precepts.
The Lives (often called Parallel Lives) are biographies of soldiers and statesmen of repute, generally presented in pairs of lives, first a Greek, then a Roman, followed by a comparison. Twenty-three of these have survived and four single lives; that is, four comparisons are lacking. There is no detailed chronology, but the Lives were probably published between 105 and 115. Plutarch utilizes Greek sources primarily and is interested in providing pleasure and guidance for moral and political behavior. Plutarch's language is generally lucid and crisp.
Plutarch was not a profound philosopher but a popularizer in the best and most enduring sense of the word. He did not establish a philosophic system but was eclectic in his use of various systems. He warmly admired Plato and knew Pythagoras and other Greek philosophers. He severely criticized Epicureanism and stoicism but used these systems as it suited him. One critic finds him a humanist par excellence; others see him inclined toward mysticism and monotheism. He was an author of uncommon common sense who influenced Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser, Ben Jonson, William Shakespeare, John Dryden, John Milton, Robert Herrick, George Chapman, Jonathan Swift, Walter Savage Landor, William Wordsworth, Robert Browning, Mary Shelley, and H.G. Wells in England; Ralph Waldo Emerson and Herman Melville in the United States; J.W. von Goethe and Friedrich von Schiller in Germany; and French drama of the late 16th and the entire 17th century. Sir Thomas North's English translation of the Lives (1579) provided Shakespeare with the sources for three plays, and it was the translation (1559) by Frenchman Jacques Myot that made Plutarch available to North and through North to the English-speaking world Plutarch and His Times (1967). C. J. Gianakaris, Plutarch (1970), is a convenient synthesis and appraisal which contains an extensive bibliography. A work on Plutarch's moral interests is George D. Hadzsits, Prolegomena to a Study of the Ethical Ideal of Plutarch and of the Greeks of the First Century A.D. (1906); and on religion, John Oakesmith, The religion of Plutarch (1902).
Special studies provide powerful evidence of Plutarch's widespread influence: Friderick Morgan Padelford, trans. and ed., Essays on the Study and Use of Poetry by P. and Basil the Great (1902); Roy Caston Flickinger, Plutarch as a Source of information on the Greek Theater (1904); Charles Friderick Tucker Brooke, ed., Shakespeare's Plutarch (2 vols., 1909; Roger Miller Jones, the Platonism of Plutarch (1916); and Terence John Bew Spencer, ed., Shakespeare's Plutarch (1946).
Recommended surveys of classical historiography which include discussions of Plutarch are Michael Grant, The Ancient Historians (1970), and Stephen Usher, The Historians of Greece and Rome (1970).
•All attempts to bribe him were unsuccessful, and Pyrrhus is said to have been so impressed that he released the prisoners without ransom (Plutarch, Pyrrhus, 18).
•38; Plutarch, Theseus, Pausanias I.
•When the third sacrifice came round Theseus volunteered to go, and with the help of Ariadne slew the Minotaur (Plutarch, Theseus, 15-19; Diod.
•She was to a considerable extent selftaught; and her love of reading made her acquainted first with Plutarch- a passion for which author she continued to cheris throughout her life- therafter with Bossuet, Massilon, and authors of a like stamp, and finnaly with Montesquieu, Voltaire and Jean Jacques Rousseau.
•63; Plutarch, Cimon, 16, but this story must be regarded as at least doubtfull.
source: "Your Dictionary"
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terrierbyteit · 6 years
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Welcome all its been a long day total travel miles today 120!! Went to Devizes to collect a bedroom ceiling fan stopped off in morissons an was almost ran over 😡😡 then it was a visit to crap Monday fair in sherborne wow its got bad full of poundshop tat blankets throws an more food you could poke a stick at lol, Okay its Trivia time so D.Y.K what happened on 15th October??. . 1878 The Edison Electric Light Company Formed, Thomas Edison and a group of investors form the Edison Electric Light Company. The goal of the company was to provide financial support for Edison’s electric light experiments and work on developing an electrical lighting system for an entire city. The long-lasting carbonized filament light bulb was developed by Edison while working for this company. Eventually this and several other Edison companies were merged to form General Electric. . 1956 The First FORTRAN Reference Manual is Released, The first FORTRAN reference manual is released on October 15, 1956, six months before the first compiler's release. Only 60 pages long, with large print and wide margins, that first programming language was miniscule by today's standard. The original FORTRAN development team comprised John Backus, Sheldon Best, Richard Goldberg, Lois Mitchell Haibt, Harlan Herrick, Grace Mitchell, Robert Nelson, Roy Nutt, David Sayre, Peter Sheridan, and Irving Ziller. . 1985– IBM announced, with co-developer Texas Instruments, the Token Ring network along with PC Network software – six months ahead of schedule. The TR only did network transmission speed of 4 Mbps (It didn’t hit speeds of 16 Mbps until 1989), and worked over standard phone wiring. Using terminated BNC cable, Token Ring created just that; a Ring connection that talks in one direction. . . . #TerrierByteIT #Wifeidge #computerhistory #computer #technology #history #computerscience #tech #computerhistorymuseum #computers #retro #vintage #retrotech #trivia #oldtechnology #techhistory #technologyhistory #computinghistory #oldcomputer #oldschool #informationtechnology #thisdayinhistory #internethistory #historyoftechnology #retrocomputer #oldtech #museum #vintagecomputer https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo-EYQqlF3I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s2hcgb0iumj5
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orbemnews · 4 years
Two Biden Priorities, Climate and Inequality, Meet on Black-Owned Farms Sedrick Rowe was a running back for Georgia’s Fort Valley State University when he stumbled on an unexpected oasis: an organic farm on the grounds of the historically Black school. He now grows organic peanuts on two tiny plots in southwest Georgia, one of few African-American farmers in a state that has lost more than 98 percent of its Black farmers over the past century. “It weighs on my mind,” he said of the history of discrimination, and violence, that drove so many of his predecessors from their farms. “Growing our own food feels like the first step in getting more African-American people back into farming.” Two of the Biden administration’s biggest priorities — addressing racial inequality and fighting climate change — are converging in the lives of farmers like Mr. Rowe. The administration has promised to make agriculture a cornerstone of its ambitious climate agenda, looking to farmers to take up farming methods that could keep planet-warming carbon dioxide locked in the soil and out of the atmosphere. At the same time, President Biden has pledged to tackle a legacy of discrimination that has driven generations of Black Americans from their farms, with steps to improve Black and other minority farmers’ access to land, loans and other assistance, including “climate smart” production. Farms run by African Americans make up less than 2 percent of all of the nation’s farms today, down from 14 percent in 1920, because of decades of racial violence and unfair lending and land ownership policies. Mr. Biden’s promises come on the heels of a year in which demands for racial justice have erupted across America, and a deadly pandemic has exposed stark disparities in health. Mr. Biden is also seeking to reverse former President Donald J. Trump’s unraveling of environmental regulations. Land trusts and other local groups, many in the South, have long sought to bring more Black Americans back to farming. Mr. Rowe acquired 30 acres of farmland outside Albany, Ga, after training at a land trust called New Communities, one of a handful around the country that have sought to help more African-American farmers make a living by cultivating the land. Many of those trusts have also put sustainability front and center of their work with local farmers, tapping into the legacy of Black scientists like George Washington Carver. His work on cover crops, which are planted to help nourish the soil, sought to reverse the damage wrought by single-crop cotton farming in the South, carried out on the backs of enslaved people. In between planting and harvesting, Mr. Rowe is pursuing a Ph.D. in soil health, researching ways to retain nutrients, cut down on pesticides and sequester more carbon in the soil. “There’s so much knowledge out there, both what’s been modified from our African forbearers and what’s been created in the South,” said M. Jahi Chappell, who heads the Southeastern African-American Farmers Organic Network, a group of Black farmers engaging in ecologically-sustainable agriculture. But for a long time, he said, “The voices of African-American farmers haven’t really been heard.” It is a troubled history to overcome. For a brief time after Emancipation, free Black communities spread across the rural South, cultivating all manner of agricultural goods: pecans, peanuts, pork. By 1920, there were 925,000 Black farmers, a fourth of whom were able to secure their own land. The Jim Crow era brought a violent backlash from white landowners, and Black farmers and sharecroppers became the target of intimidation, bombings and other attacks. The discrimination and racist violence spurred many Black farmers to flee North, often to cities, as part of the Great Migration. Disparities in access to loans and aid, and well-documented discrimination at the Department of Agriculture, also drove Black farmers from their land. Even as the Civil Rights era started to bring Black Americans equal rights under the law, the rural exodus accelerated as white citizens’ councils in the South, wary of a surge in Black voters, explicitly targeted Black farmers for expulsion from their communities. “We’ve waited year after year after year. We’ve fought for changes,” said Shirley Sherrod, a former Georgia state director for rural development at the Department of Agriculture and a co-founder of New Communities, the land trust. “Now this agency, and this country, really needs to figure out how to do the right thing by Black people.” Today, fewer than 35,000 Black farmers remain, according to the most recent Census of Agriculture. (And some experts say the number is even lower.) Land owned by Black farmers has fallen by an estimated 90 percent from the early-20th Century peak, according to the Land Loss and Reparations Project, even as white-owned acreage shrank just 2 percent. Black farmers who lost their landholdings lost more than the property itself; they also lost the ability to use it for things like collateral for loans to, for instance, send children to college. An initial estimate of the overall economic harm to Black Americans from the historical loss of rural landholdings, calculated by researchers including Thomas W. Mitchell, a professor of law at Texas A&M University, is $350 billion. “These are the economic consequences of this massive and precipitous land loss that was significantly the result of systemic racial discrimination,” he said. Efforts to remedy the loss so far have been small in comparison. Starting in the 1990s, a series of settlements has paid out about $2 billion, in total, to a handful of farmers who could prove direct discrimination. Black farmers continue to face discrimination. As recently as 2015, Black farmers obtained only about $11 million in microloans designed for small farmers in 2015, or less than 0.2 percent of the roughly $5.7 billion in loans administered or guaranteed by the Agriculture Department that year, according to researchers Nathan Rosenberg and Bryce Wilson Stucki. The most recent Census of Agriculture, from 2017, found that Black-operated farms tend to be disproportionately smaller, and just 7 percent of those farms had incomes of more than $50,000, compared with 25 percent of all farms. Efforts to address past injustices are gaining momentum. A Senate bill, sponsored by Democrats Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand, would permit Black farmers to reclaim as many as 160 acres apiece through federal land grants. The House Agriculture Committee is set to welcome its first Black chairman, Congressman David Scott of Georgia, who plans to invite Black farmers to give testimony on racial discrimination in federal aid. And this week, a flurry of executive actions on climate directed the agency to study ways to encourage “climate-smart” agricultural practices while creating new sources of income for rural Americans. Still, Tom Vilsack, who if confirmed will head the Department of Agriculture and return to a position he held under former President Barack Obama, has drawn criticism from some groups for his record on addressing discrimination at the agency. During his previous stint at the department, critics say, the agency promoted misleading data to depict a renaissance in Black farming, even as Black farmers continued to struggle to get federal assistance or attention for civil rights claims. “There’s a very systemic problem of civil rights at the U.S.D.A., and Tom Vilsack is not the one to take on the issue and fix it,” said Lawrence Lucas, a former official at the agency who heads the group Justice for Black Farmers. “He was there eight years and didn’t fix it. So what makes us think he will fix it now?” Late last month, Mr. Vilsack met with civil rights groups, committing to providing assistance and “a seat at the table” to Black farmers. And the Biden administration has appointed Jewel H. Bronaugh, Virginia commissioner of agriculture and consumer services, as Mr. Vilsack’s deputy. If confirmed, Dr. Bronaugh would be the first woman of color to serve as U.S.D.A. deputy secretary. In an interview, Matt Herrick, the agency’s top spokesman, acknowledged a legacy of discrimination in federal farming policy. “The reality is that there are inherent legacy barriers and practices that have prevented Black farmers, and other socially disadvantaged producers, from getting access to programs at the Department of Agriculture,” Mr. Herrick said. “We’re going to do everything we can — the secretary is committed to that — to removing those barriers.” Those concerns threaten to overshadow the Biden administration’s rollout of agriculture policies that put farmers at the forefront of the fight against climate change. One early idea from the Biden transition team is a federal soil “carbon bank” that would offer credits to farmers for carbon they sequester in the soil through sustainable farming methods. The plan would allocate $1 billion to purchase carbon credits from farmers at $20 per ton of carbon they trap in the soil. The Biden transition team claimed it could reduce annual emissions of greenhouse gases by 50 megatons, equivalent to the emissions from more than 10 million cars driven for a year. Scientists caution that uncertainties remain about the ability of farmers to sequester carbon in their soil. Still, such a policy could, in theory, benefit farmers like Mr. Rowe. Recent studies have shown that organic farming, in particular, may help hold carbon in the soil. For Mr. Rowe, organic farming practices on his modest 30 acres are also an economic imperative: His crop fetches several times the price of standard peanuts on the market. That helps him compete in a business landscape dominated by predominantly white farmers taking advantage of huge economics of scale and subsidies. “It’s a good start,” Mr. Rowe said of Mr. Biden’s plan. “You take care of your soil, the soil takes care of you.” Source link Orbem News #Biden #Blackowned #Climate #Farms #Inequality #Meet #priorities
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bdscuatui · 4 years
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Các giao dịch bất động sản ở Massachusetts cho các hạt Hampden, Hampshire và Franklin, ngày 26 tháng 4 năm 2020 AgawamBrian P. McCabe cho Jason D. Desclos và Evelyn Desclos, 103 White Fox Road, 260.000 đô la.Cig4 LLC, đến Fatima Obaid, 41 Elm St., $ 230.000.Cig4 LLC, đến Gerald L. Nicholson III, 1031 Main St., $ 262,400.Cynthia Fern-King và Cynthia M. King cho Mark E. Benoit và Susan R. Dawson, 52 Deering St., 240.000 đô la.James G. Couture và Alice N. Couture cho Christina Duquette, 32 Center St., $ 224.000.Joseph Frigo và Lisa Frigo đến Pavel Duducal, 71 Bridge St., $ 125.000.Leo J. Hamel và Kalene L. Hamel đến Keith R. Laflamme và Heather F. Dulude, 23 Portland St., 210.000 đô la.Michael J. McElligott và Melanie M. McElligott cho Nicholas D. Griffin và Ashlee A. Griffin, 129 Wagonwheel Drive, 575.000 đô la.Michael Sohay, Matthew Sohay, Mark Sohay và Kathleen Fila đến MAA Property LLC, 38 Depalma St., $ 120.000.Michele A. Adkins, giám đốc điều hành, Marilyn Mable Ashline, bất động sản, và Marilyn M. Ashline, bất động sản, đến Patriot Living LLC, 38 Fruwirth Ave., 100.500 đô la.Peter Panchelyuga và Irina Panchelyuga cho Brian Brady và Christina Brady, 231 ổ đĩa Lancaster, $ 415.000.Rachel I. Fraser và Marie Vartanian đến Betty Lempke, 23f Castle Hills Drive, 255.000 đô la.Richard M. Lewis đến Norman Cheever, Leslie Cheever và Stephanie K. Cheever, 351 Meadow St., 238.000 USD.Sandra A. Viens và Sandra A. Trembley cho Anthony Francis Lopes và Megan Beth Lopes, 61 South Park Terrace, $ 217.000.Thomas E. Marmo và Antoinette Marmo cho Brian P. Machos và Christine M. Machos, 40 Marlene Drive, 420.000 đô la.Thomas E. Marmo và Antoinette Marmo cho Brian P. Machos và Christine M. Machos, Marlene Drive, 29.000 đô la.Ngân hàng Wells Fargo đến Edward Smith, 201 Southwick St., $ 106.000.AmherstJamroth LLC, đến Henry Whitlock, ngõ 54 Pomeroy, $ 40.000.BelchertownJacque Kurkland và Pauline E. Stokes to Jill Hoover Attebury, 27 Bay Road, $ 241.000.Summer Hill Estates Development LLC, đến Peter Finn và Galina Finn, 111 Daniel Shays Highway, 285.000 đô la.BernardstonChristal L. Cutler cho Karen A. Kelly, 24 Harwood Drive, 210.000 đô la.Cánh đồngU S A Phát triển Nhà ở & Đô thị đến Kathryn Chicione, 116 Wales Road, $ 157.500.ChesterDuane Salvhus và Nancy J. Salvhus đến Michael Murray, 278 Tuyến đường 20, $ 30.000.William J. Thomas và Roberta M. Thomas đến Brookside Springs LLC, 14 Johnson Hill Road, $ 695.000.ChesterfieldDonald Joseph Bienvenue và Gina C. LaFlamme, luật sư thực tế, đến Thomas A. Osborne, 12 Willcutt Road, 40.000 đô la.ChicopeeAshley K. Shinkwin đến Dominic V. Alfano, 21 Overlook Drive, 194.000 đô la.Chicopee Acquisitions LLC, đến AGKMMT LLC, McKinstry Avenue, 67.500 đô la.Chicopee Acquisitions LLC, đến Amys Landscaping LLC, 420 McKinstry Ave., $ 202.500.Emery Street LLC, đến J & M Premier Properties LLC, 1-7 Emery St, $ 315.000.Partyka Partners Limited Partnership, Partyka GP Trust, ủy thác và Joan Partyka, ủy thác, đến Dwayne Pafumi, Robbins Road, 2.000 đô la.Eugene Skip Pula đến Jacob S Gardner, 10 Greenwood Terr, 139.200 USD.John P. Meroski đến Blanco Realty LLC, 26 Holland St., 150.000 đô la.Paul A. Lebeau, Paul E. Lebeau, Madeline A. Lebeau và Madeleine A. Lebeau đến Gene M. Desko, 36 Felix St., 129.900 USD.Premium Properties Inc., đến Reynaldo Santana và Joymarie Sierra-Lopez, 395 Chicopee St., 204.000 USD.Robert N. Dougherty, James Dougherty và Mary Dougherty cho Carleny Henriquez, 32 Walsh St., 255.000 đô la.Ruby Realty LLC, đến Dominique Properties LLC, 564-566 Springfield St., $ 190.000.Susan G. Enselek đến Teri A. Lee, 585 Sheridan St., Đơn vị 8, $ 188.000.Thomas M. Marshall Jr., đến Leonce Obas, 106 Taylor St., $ 235.000.Yelena Yefimiadi đến Amber Haywood, 90 McKinstry Ave., Đơn vị 305, $ 75.000.CummingtonJohn W. Campbell và Sharon L. Walker đến Donald M. Smith, Potash Hill Extension, 35.000 đô la.Đông LongmeadowCbatts Properties LLC, đến Chuck Ferros, 70 Fairview St., $ 245.000.D R Chestnut LLC, đến John Power và Maureen Power, 17 Vòng tròn rộng, $ 515.000.D R Chestnut LLC, đến Sharon Cohen và Eric Barker, 7 Ribbon Grass Lane, Đơn vị IV-17, 494.500 đô la.James M. Serra và Dale M. Serra cho Alex James Serra, 36 Fraser Drive, $ 320.000.Karen L. O hèConnor to Kathleen B. Kelly và Patrick M. Kelly, 55 Alpine Drive, $ 297.500.Hội trường Megan và Hội trường Gregory đến Chad P. Herrick và Christina Lee Herrick, 198 đường Road, 206.000 đô la.Mitchhdeep S. Sethi và Reema R. Sethi đến Quang Lưu và Giang Tran, 136 Allen St., $ 197,600.Quercus Properties LLC, đến Alohomora LLC, 264 North Main St., Đơn vị 12, $ 95.000.Đông thànhRebecca Lansky và Miriam Lansky đến Alexandra Sheskin Hurd và Paul Porto, 36 Grooween St., $ 315.000.Jesse D. Bemben và Moriah Elizabeth Wright đến Jessie E. Beland, 165 East St., 130.000 USD.Marguerite G. Belkin, Elisabeth Papademetriou, luật sư thực tế, đến Paula J.Gunn, 38 Adams St., $ 170.000.Mitchell J. Korn và Susan Korn đến Angie Montalvo-Greene, 41South St., $ 190.000.XóaDouglas A. Baker và Lawrence E. Giard cho Brian E. Frank và Anna Vdovichenko, 29 Ridge Road / Vòng nguyệt quế, 65.000 đô la.GranvilleKaren H. Schultz và Arline P. Schultz đến Timothy K. Derrig, 12 đường Borden Brook, 90.000 USD.Cánh đồng xanhSonya Kimberly Cheney và Daniel D. Garant đến Cristina Clark, 296 High St., $ 171.000.Luna L. Greenwood cho Emily Hildebrand và Benjamin Walker, 29 Woodleigh Ave., $ 220.000.Hà LanDishington Construction Inc., đến Keith M. Corey, 16 Vinton Road, $ 277.000.HolyokeAlex S. Engelson đến Joseph Greene và Wendi Greene, 100 Pearl St., $ 377.500.Diego Garcia và Ivelisse Colon-Garcia đến Marcos Marrero, Marcos Andres Marrero và Wanda M. Colon-Cartagena, 34 đường Pinehurst, 350.000 đô la.Homer R. Renaud đến Dawn M. Donahue và Homer R. Renaud, bất động sản cuộc sống, 26 Breton Lane, 100 đô la.Mary Ciuk, người được ủy thác và Martha E. Stewart Revocable Trust, người được ủy thác của Sean G. Kelly, 40 Sherwood Terrace, $ 190.000.Ronald P. Methe và John Grimaldi đến Amy E. Hutchins, 887 Homestead Ave., $ 223,000.LongmeadowJeffrey L.Kaufman và Mary Kraft đến Howard A. Dickstein và Julie A. Jaron, Đường 181 Prynnwood, $ 570.000.Robert C. Barkman và Dawn D. Barkman tới Ruixiu Lin, 10 đường Chatham, 375.000 USD.LudlowCheryl H. Reed để Denise K. Veroneau, Đơn vị 95 Chapin Greene, 95, $ 230.000.Donna Beaulieau và Donna Beaulieu đến Margaret E. Mayberry, 34 Carol St, $ 118.000.Michael J. Turgeon đến Monique L. Verteramo, 71 đường Woodside, $ 280.000.MPower Capital LLC, đến Jazmin Serrano, 115 Howard St., $ 194.000.Đức ôngAlice B. Konicki đến Irene St. Amand và Gerard J. St. Amand, 46 Palmer Road, Đơn vị 32, $ 288.500.Phát triển Nhà ở & Đô thị cho Michael Pelland, 6 Hilltop Drive, 146.500 đô la.Tiêu đề pháp lý Trust II Prof-2013-S3, ủy thác và Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác, cho Denali Properties LLC, 4 Fern Hill Road, $ 159,075.Giáo dụcSunny Chernyl, người được ủy thác và ban phước từ Thiên Chúa cho Niềm tin của người Do Thái, đến Caie MA, 107 Moser St., $ 515,888.Timothy G. Ryan, đại diện cá nhân, Stephen Grden, đại diện cá nhân và Michael T. Ryan, bất động sản, cho Claire Christopherson, 15 Sumner Ave., 271.000 đô la.James P. Krawczynski và John J. Krawczynski đến Sofia A. Frydman, Amy JoLee và Amy J. Lee, 18 Dickinson St., 335.000 đô la.Philip Geoffrey Allen đến Heather D. Connelly, 80-82 Williams St., $ 197.000.Roland Barbeito cho Jason C. Bolton và David J. Zellmer, 435 đường Florence, 382.000 đô la.Alex Vilkhovoy, người được ủy thác và AJ Capital Realty tin tưởng vào Christopher R. Blais và Jessica Blais, 6 Austin Circle, $ 239.900.Angeline C. Chereski và Angeline C. McWilliams đến Caitlin S. S. Martin, 104 Dunphy Drive, $ 253.000.Mark Esposito và Rachel Currie-Rubin đến Victoria Elson và Timmon Wallis, 137 Barrett St., 373.000 đô la.Daniel Breen và Anna G. Breen cho Rowan Lupton và Nicole Perez, 8 Dunphy Drive, 243.300 đô la.Stephanie J. Arvai đến Peter M. Levy và Madeleine Maguire, 68 Ridgewood sân thượng, 530.000 đô la.Richard J. Rubin và Colleen C. Currie cho Rachel J. Currie-Rubin và Mark J. Esposito, 203 State St., $ 415.000.James H. Wood III, đến David Rodriguez-Solas, 28 Graves Ave., $ 290.000.Sân phía bắcFannie Mae, bởi luật sư, Hiệp hội thế chấp quốc gia liên bang, bởi luật sư, và luật sư của Continental Real Services Services Inc., đến Gabriela Constantin, 754 Mount Hermon Station Road, 89.900 đô la.trái camAR Sandri Inc., đến Gary Barnett, 235 Hayden St., 50.000 đô la.Scott Savoy cho Michael D. Allen-Larhette và Kelly M.Melanson, 112 Cheney St., 175.000 đô la.PalmerJill Ann Laganas, Dean Alden McKee và Dawn Aileen McKee đến Kimberly E. Clarke và Theodore F. Clarke Jr., 42-44 South St., $ 156.000.Judy Bergdoll đến Jonathan E. Towne, 2142 Palmer Road, $ 247.500.Melissa K. O hèConnell cho Roger Parker, 12-16 Commercial St., $ 159.900.Roger W. Barnes cho Donald J. Potter và Brenda C. Potter, 198 Emery St., $ 320.000.Nam HadleyDavid A. Langone đến Kevin Haczyneki, 266 North Main St., 350.000 đô la.Bernice B. Strong to John Devlin và Barbra Devlin, 3 Strong Farm Estates, 3 Strong Farm Lane, 385.000 USD.Mario Valdebenito Rodas đến Ximena Vicuna Cubillos cho George E. Como, ủy thác và George E. Como Irrevocable Trust, 185 Pine Grove Drive, 233.000 đô la.Premier Home Builders Inc., đến Stephen P. Malanaphy Jr., và Christine M.Talamini, 62 Old Lyman Road, $ 359,900.SouthamptonElizabeth E. Lempke và David R. Lempke cho Daniel R. Breen và Anna G. Breen, 1 Birchwood Drive, $ 435.000.NamwickAnne S. Miller đến Mark F. Jerusik, Nancy A. Jerusik, Johnathan E. Jerusik và Abigayle S. Jerusik, 59 Miller Road, 295.000 USD.Laura I. Ferrentino và Laura I. Ronghi đến Robert E. Matthews III và Arielle Matthews, 94 Bungalow St., 200.000 USD.Marcia J. Pickard cho Richard S. Lempke và Angela Lempke, 18 đường Matthews, $ 265.000.Robert Hart và Lorraine Hart đến Adam Hart và Katie Ann Hart, 6 Cây thông Knoll, 350.000 đô la.Vanessa Filiault đến Wade R. Modestow, 75 South Loomis St., 210.000 đô la.SpringfieldA Plus Enterprises Inc., đến Allison M. Hanna và Brendan M. Hanna, 1730 Parker St., 200.500 đô la.Cơ quan Tài chính Nhà ở Massachusetts cho Gabriel Ortiz Jr., 29-31 Ralph St., $ 163.000.Amber C. Haywood và Eduardo Henrique Haywood (JR & O) đến Cynthia M Vives, 820 Roosevelt Ave ,. 146.300 đô la.Anthony Bourget đến Damaris Lopez-Robles, 17 Clantoy St., 165.000 đô la.Ngân hàng Mỹ đến Daniel T. Beauregard, 61 Bellwood Road, 146.000 đô la.Ngân hàng New York Mellon, ủy thác và Cwabs Inc. Chứng nhận tài sản được cấp lại 2005-9, ủy thác cho Travis Orszulak, 42 ​​Peach St., 97.500 ��ô la.Ngân hàng New York Mellon, ủy thác và Cwabs Inc Chứng nhận tài sản sê-ri 2007-2, ủy thác của Michael Gardner, 9-11 Cloran St., $ 170.000.Blueline Management LLC, đến Matthew Byrnes và Samantha Deland, 336 Newhouse St., $ 203.000.Brendan M. Guidi đến Keith D. Anderson, 37 Crest St., 90.000 đô la.Bretta Construction LLC, đến Ruben Luna Rivera, 208 Gilbert Ave., $ 269.900.Buong Van Le đến Dinessa Figueroa, 245 Allen St., $ 170.000.Constance E. Allen và Robert Gould cho John Thomas Leydon, 22 Mary St., $ 149.000.Darrly O. Pollard, Bonita Oliver, Maria M. Cruz, đại diện, và Norman Wilson Oliver, bất động sản, đến Yveline M. Hulse và Clarence L. Hulse, 377 St James Ave., 164.900 đô la.Quận Capital LLC, đến Janet L. Franklin, 71 Peach St., $ 174.999.Djuan Barklow đến David Pujols, Bianca Pujols và Denisse Martinez, 170 Walnut St., 158.000 USD.Donald C. Bechard và Judith A. Bechard cho Karen O hèConnor, 185 Lower Beverly Hills, 180.000 đô la.Dulce Maria Garcia Vasquez và Dulce Maria Garcia đến Tyrie J. Pearson, 46 Parkside St., 153.000 USD.Emerald City Cho thuê LLC, đến Nicholas Benoit và Jaclyn Benoit, 23 Fairway Drive, $ 190.000.Emtay Inc., đến JJJ17 LLC, 29-31 Knox St., $ 110.000.Erik P. Ducharme đến Kevin P. Russell, 473 Nassau Drive, Đơn vị 473, $ 147.000.Georgina Roy đến Nelson Cruz-Resto, 162 Packard Ave., 177.000 USD.Glen D. Horrigan, Robin M. Horrigan và Robin M. Kimble đến Sandra K. Henry, 100 Eleanor Road, 150.000 đô la.Helder Nunes đến On The Mark LLC, 42-44 Virginia St., $ 120.000.Hồng Xuân Hang tới Vòng Hai LLC, 69 Crystal Ave., 83.500 đô la.John Martin đến Nydia Burgos, 191 Shawmut St., $ 162.000.Leo A. Duclos và Kimberly A. Duclos đến Janusz Lecko, 82 Jardine St., 55.000 đô la.Luis A. Diaz và Maritsa Rivera Diaz đến Aimee K. Lessard, 126 Fair Oak Road, $ 183,900.Mandi Chater, đại diện, đến Corey Gengenbach và Leslie Gengenbach, 82 Yorktown St., Đơn vị 82, $ 95.000.Marc V. Costanzi và Christine A. Costanzi đến Opus Durum LLC, Vòng tròn Breckwood 128-130, $ 185.000.Matthew J. Spence, Elizabeth R. Tetreault và Elizabeth R. Spence đến Châu Á Kenney, 623 Parker St., $ 170.000.Meg Realty LLC, đến Elizabeth Benitez Garcia, 50-52 Vermont St., $ 200.000.Michal S. Czerwinski và Damian S. Cieszkowski cho Claire Carter, 62 Washburn St., $ 259.000.Modesto Delgado đến Hector L. Marte, 45-47 Florence St., $ 175.000.Richard D. Baez và Dianilyz Baez đến Marzena K. Sochacka-Medina, 12 Danaher Circle, $ 181.000.Robert F. Connery đến Denise A. Mason, 151 Porter Lake Drive, Đơn vị 151, $ 98.000.Ruby Realty LLC, đến Juan Santana, 200 El Paso St., $ 100.000.Ruby Realty LLC, đến Manfred Karori và James Ndungu, 42 Emily St., 70.000 USD.Ryan J. McDowell cho Addison R. Brewer và Hannah A. Brewer, 380 Tinkham Road, $ 252.300.Sheila M. Grassetti, Sheila V. Grassetti, Daniel R. McDonald và Donna V. Nolan đến Lucky 13 Homes LLC, 49 Caseland St., 184.900 USD.Simone S. Carvalho đến Edward Perez, 202 đường Pasco, $ 186.000.Stephen Lonergan đến Kinda Leona Boyle, Parkway 120 S, $ 192.500.Stephen M. Nareau và Paula Nareau đến Madison L. Taylor và Austin W. Taylor, 1274 Berkshire Ave., $ 217.000.Timothy E. Cupp và Lindsey Cupp đến Patrick R. Inglesby, 754 Morgan Road, $ 245.000.Tommy Espinal đến Carolyn Morera và Harry Colon-Morera, 477 Wilbraham Road, 155.000 USD.Yarlene Sanchez đến Matthew Thomas Moylan và Pamela Vazquez Quezada, 36 Burns Ave., 220.000 USD.Xứ WalesCrystal L. Ryan và Crystal L. Pearlman cho David Michael Vanwagoner, 4 đường Monson, $ 171,796.JTL Construction LLC, đến Thomas Trafford, 2 đường Monson, $ 177.000.đồJNB bất động sản đầu tư Inc., đến Lizbeth DeJesus và Lizbeth De Jesus, 35-37 High St., $ 197.000.Tây SpringfieldThiên thần R. Villar và Ruth Villar cho Mark D. Hunter và Nancy Villar-Hunter, 615 Rogers Ave., $ 173.000.Christopher A. Nyman, Ashley L. Nyman và Ashley L. Armstrong cho Amina Asvandiyeva, 62 Paulson Drive, 240.000 đô la.Fannie Mae và Hiệp hội thế chấp quốc gia liên bang, đến Cig4 LLC, 243 Circle Drive, $ 145.000.Glenn M. Spadoni, đại diện, và Melissa Claire Spadoni, bất động sản, cho Henry F. Spadoni III, và Marnie Spadoni, 137 Squassick Road, 300.000 đô la.Ronald E. Lohnes đến Charles C. Cooley III, và Marci M. Cooley, 60 Neptune Ave., $ 208.000.Shannon Kumiega đến Jessica Diaz Campbell, 15 North St., $ 235.000.WestfieldBrent M. Chalmer đến Dominic Kirchner II, ủy thác và Eagle Crest Realty Trust, ủy thác của 158 Bates Road, 105.000 đô la.Jason D. Desclos và Evelyn Desclos cho Jorge G. Paredes Bermejo, 98 George St., 270.000 đô la.Lori L. LaPlante, Chester L. LaPlante và Chester Leo LaPlante đến Devon B. Hicks và Cassandra M. Hicks, 13 Montgomery St., 175.000 USD.Mahlon G. Cashman cho Paul W. Fisher và Susan M. Fisher, 482 Shaker Road, 343.000 đô la.Mary Ann Tatro đến Kyle A. Murphy, 43 Darby Drive, 205.000 đô la.Tăng A. Nash đến Craig B. Schacher, 26 Holland Ave., $ 260.000.Ruby Realty LLC, đến Luke Paull, 54 Beverly Drive, $ 169,900.Scott P. Martell cho Christopher A. Hunter và Chiara L. Bassett, 3 đường mỏ đá cũ, $ 195.000.WilbrahamDaniel T. Corthell và Tara G. Corthell cho Zachary Hudson Keaton, 8 Bruuer Ave., 304.000 đô la.Derek J. Chandonnet và Jamie E. Chandonnet đến Aidan Patrick Butler và Jamie Lynn Butler, 11 Woodland Dell Road, 410.000 USD.Joanne Ollis Robinson đến Michael J. Duquette và Nicole A. Duquette, 39 đường Bennett, 227.000 đô la.[ad_2] Nguồn
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Arrest warrant for Rebecca Nurse issued March 23, 1692:
To the Marshall of Essex or his deputy
There being complaint this day made (before us by Edward Putnam and Jonathan Putnam Yeomen both of Salem Village, Against Rebecca Nurse the wife of Franc's Nurse of Salem Village for vehement suspicion, of having committed sundry acts of witchcraft and thereby having done much hurt and injury to the bodies of Ann Putnam the wife of Thomas Putnam of Salem Village Anna Putnam the daughter of said Thomas Putnam and Abigail Williams &c
You are therefore in theire Majesties names hereby required to apprehend and bring before us Rebecca Nurse the wife of Franc's Nurse of Salem Village, to morrow about eight of the clock in the forenoon at the house of Lt Nathaniell Ingersoll in Salem Village in order to her examination relating to the aboves'd premises and hereof you are not to fail Salem March the 23'd 1691/2
p us *John. Hathorne ] Assists
*Jonathan Corwin ] Assists
March 24'th 1691/2 I have apprehended the body of Rebecca Nurse and brought her to the house of Le't Nath. Ingersal where she is in custody
p'r *George Herrick Marshall of Essex
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biofunmy · 5 years
Herrick Vs. Grindr Is A Section 230 Case That Could Change The Internet As We Know It
At the peak of the abuse Matthew Herrick suffered, 16 men showed up every day at his door, each one expecting either violent and degrading sex, drugs, or both. Herrick, a 32-year-old aspiring actor living in New York City, didn’t know any of them, but the men insisted they knew him — they’d just been chatting with him on the dating app Grindr. This scenario repeated itself more than 1,000 times between October 2016 and March 2017.
Herrick had deactivated his account and deleted the Grindr app from his phone in late 2015 when he’d started dating a man referred to in court documents as J.C., whom he’d met on the app. The two broke up in fall 2016. Soon after, according to court filings, J.C. began stalking Herrick and created fake profiles on Grindr impersonating Herrick and using screen names like “Raw Pig Bottom” and “Gang Bang Now!” The profiles falsely claimed Herrick was HIV-positive, interested in unprotected sex and bondage, and that he was “Looking for a group of hung tops to come over and destroy my ass.” Through Grindr, Herrick says J.C. directed these men to his apartment or workplace, creating a world of chaos for him on a daily basis.
“It was a horror film,” Herrick told BuzzFeed News in an interview. “It’s just like a constant Groundhog Day, but in the most horrible way you can imagine. It was like an episode of Black Mirror.”
Protective orders and police reports against J.C. failed to stop the torrent of harassment. Herrick, his friends, and lawyers submitted 100 complaints to Grindr asking it to block J.C., but they received no response. Eventually, Herrick took Grindr to court in an attempt to force it to do something to stop the nightmare. Grindr argued that under federal law, it didn’t have to help Herrick, and in February 2017, a federal judge agreed.
Now Herrick’s lawyers are arguing that the judge got it wrong. On Monday, they took their case before the US Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, whose decision could have far-reaching consequences on what apps and social media companies must do to combat harassment on their platforms. At the heart of the dispute is how much protection a 1996 law — Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act — gives a website or app against liability for atrocious acts committed on its platform by users. It’s the law that protects Twitter from being sued for controversial tweets, and guards against Yelp being taken to court over negative restaurant reviews by users. But a growing coalition of consumer protection groups and advocates for victims of intimate partner violence say Section 230 gives companies an incentive to turn a blind eye to abuse.
The case represents a stark division between lawyers sounding an alarm over domestic abusers increasingly using smartphones and online services to track and harass their partners, and digital rights groups who fear the erosion of free speech online.
J.C. was arrested on Oct. 23, 2017, and has been charged with stalking, criminal impersonation, making a false police report, and disobeying a court order. J.C.’s next hearing was scheduled for Thursday. He has pleaded not guilty and is being held on a $500,000 bond.
“The whole thing is horrible,” said Judge Dennis Jacobs, one of three judges hearing Herrick’s appeal. “But the question is, what’s the responsibility of Grindr?”
Very little, according to the judge who ruled in Grindr’s favor in 2017. “I don’t find what Grindr did to be acceptable,” US District Court Judge Valerie E. Caproni said at the time. But under Section 230, she ruled, a dating app like Grindr couldn’t be sued because one of its users harassed someone through the platform.
“It’s just like a constant Groundhog Day, but in the most horrible way you can imagine. It was like an episode of Black Mirror.”
In court Monday, Tor Ekeland, one of Herrick’s lawyers, also questioned whether Grindr had continued to track Herrick’s location even after Herrick quit using the app.
“There are too many unanswered questions in this case,” Ekeland argued in a Manhattan courtroom packed with curious law students and supporters of Herrick. Grindr’s attorneys said it was “magical and implausible” that Herrick was tracked after leaving the app.
The appeals court didn’t say when it would issue a ruling. It’s the first time it has considered Section 230 on a case involving an app, let alone one based on geolocation technology, but Grindr’s lawyers say that doesn’t change things.
“The geolocation is a neutral system,” Daniel P. Waxman, one of Grindr’s attorneys, said in court Monday. “It’s open to good users and to bad users.”
Herrick’s lawyers say this case goes beyond Section 230 because Grindr knows it has put a dangerous product on the market with no means of filtering out bad actors, even when it knows someone like J.C. is abusing the platform. Grindr could hire more people to handle complaints, identify and ban serial harassers as Twitter has, or implement technology like Facebook is using to stop revenge porn, but has decided it’s cheaper to do nothing and hide behind Section 230 for protection, they say.
“It’s almost the cost of doing business for Grindr that there are going to be some people whose lives are going to be ruined by the product,” Carrie Goldberg, one of Herrick’s attorneys, told BuzzFeed News.
Thomas Trutschel / Getty Images
Grindr did not respond to repeated requests for comment from BuzzFeed News. In a court filing, the company stated it is a “safe space” for gay, bisexual, trans, and queer people to connect, and that to provide users with flexibility and discretion on their dating and sex lives, it asks for very little information and does not verify profiles. If someone wanted to, Grindr’s lawyer said in a 2017 court hearing, they could simply keep creating new profiles tied to different email addresses and the app likely would never catch them.
Grindr’s protection of user privacy has repeatedly been called into question. Last year, a BuzzFeed News report revealed that the app had been disclosing users’ HIV status — tied to their GPS data, phone ID, and email — to two external companies. Initially, Grindr said sharing the data was standard practice in the industry, but then announced it would stop doing it, “based on the reaction — a misunderstanding of technology — to allay people’s fears.” Herrick’s attorneys also pointed in court filings to another BuzzFeed News story noting that Grindr has in the past exposed the precise locations of users, and failed to implement the simple tweak needed to fix the problem.
Two other companies say they were able to halt the harassment that Grindr says it was unable to stop in Herrick’s case. Scruff and Jack’d, both location-based chat and dating apps catering to gay and bisexual men, told BuzzFeed News they were able to weed out and stop the abuse incited by Herrick’s ex on their platforms, though to protect trade secrets, neither would provide specifics.
For Grindr to call itself a “safe space” for the gay community, Herrick said, is a “facade.”
“They create this idea of who they are and who we as the gay community want them to be, but they were never that, and they will never be that,” Herrick told BuzzFeed News. “They always will just want to print more money.”
New York City is Grindr’s biggest market in the US, where some 426,000 users are located. Unlike dating apps such as Tinder or Bumble, which only have age- and gender-based filters, Grindr displays a grid of potential dates who can be narrowed by body type, sexuality, or type — clean-cut, geek, or jock, for instance — and their proximity at that moment to other users. Exhibits filed in court include screenshots of the fake profiles of Herrick showing him pinpointed to as close as 104 feet away from interested men.
Obtained by BuzzFeed News
Some of the men who showed up to meet Herrick would not leave once he told them there had been a mistake. Some followed Herrick into the prep kitchen or bathroom at the restaurant where he worked, while others waited outside his workplace or his Manhattan apartment for a half hour or longer. Six men arrived within a few minutes of each other one day. On multiple occasions, according to Herrick’s civil complaints, men appeared to be high on drugs, verbally berated Herrick as a “lying whore,” and had to be physically thrown out when Herrick told them to leave. J.C. handed out Herrick’s phone number too, once resulting in 75 text messages from different numbers in a 24-hour period, Herrick told BuzzFeed News.
Herrick was certain J.C. was behind it. He once witnessed J.C. across the street from his apartment watching the men come and go, Herrick told BuzzFeed News. Herrick said he also received text messages from J.C. noting what Herrick was doing at that moment. Herrick filed 14 police reports and obtained a protective order prohibiting J.C. from contacting him, according to the lawsuit, but it was impossible to prove J.C. was behind the online activity without Grindr’s cooperation, and the impersonation on Grindr continued.
Sadie Diaz, a lawyer for the nonprofit Sanctuary for Families, which helps victims of domestic violence, said Herrick wasn’t interested in taking down Grindr; he just wanted his life back. “There were up to 16 people showing up at his job and home every day, bothering his roommates, expecting sex, interfering with his work, interfering with his sleep,” said Diaz, who helped Herrick obtain protection orders. “He just wanted it to stop.”
On Jan. 27, 2017, a New York state judge issued an order requiring Grindr to search for and shut down the fake profiles. Until Herrick went to court, the only responses he received from Grindr were auto-replies acknowledging receipt of his complaints, according to his lawyers.
Grindr moved the case to federal court to fight it using Section 230, setting in motion Herrick’s lawsuit against the company.
“There were up to 16 people showing up at his job and home every day, bothering his roommates, expecting sex, interfering with his work, interfering with his sleep.”
Grindr said in court that it couldn’t stop J.C. without knowing which accounts were the impersonations of Herrick. Grindr’s lawyers suggested at one point that Herrick should ask the men approaching him to see their phones so he could flag the fake profiles, Goldberg told BuzzFeed News.
Some cyberlaw experts fear a ruling against Grindr will put the creativity of the internet as we know it at risk. They say that requiring platforms to more closely monitor users would give an advantage to tech giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Google while hindering smaller startups with niche audiences, including Grindr. It would be more expensive to start new businesses online because of the cost of hiring watchdogs, said Jennifer Granick, surveillance and cybersecurity counsel at the American Civil Liberties Union.
“As bad as this [case] is, the principle behind Section 230 — which is, ‘let people be liable for their own speech’ — is the reason we are able to use the internet as this incredible platform for free speech and creativity today,” Granick told BuzzFeed News.
It would be a mistake to conflate a platform’s ethical duty — whether Grindr should have done more to take down harassing content after it was flagged — with whether the company should bear financial liability, said Lisa Hayes, general counsel for the nonprofit Center of Democracy and Technology.
“What we’re grappling with,” Hayes said, “is that the internet is now being used to showcase the worst of people. … But there’s a real risk to the internet economy if 230 is weakened.”
But the Electronic Privacy Information Center, which split from other digital rights groups and filed an amicus brief in support of Herrick, sees a different kind of privacy violation in this case — the unauthorized disclosure of Herrick’s address, phone number, and photos. Grindr might have had to dive deeper into personal data to identify and block Herrick’s harasser, but “if there’s immunity for platforms, then an individual cannot seek any recourse at all,” said Alan Butler, a lawyer for EPIC.
Once the case landed in federal court, news outlets started covering it, and Herrick said he soon began to see how many more people were in similar predicaments, seemingly without options.
“When this all started I got hundreds of emails and messages on Facebook and on Instagram,” Herrick said. “People who were telling me their own story, people who were asking me what they should do. I think it opened doors for people. For a long time, I would ask myself, I’m a 32-year-old man, how am I a victim of this, how is this happening to me? And in those words alone there is so much blame and embarrassment in it.”
Zachary Ares / BuzzFeed News
A majority of intimate partner violence cases now involve some form of harassment through technology, according to domestic abuse shelters and victims advocates. One recent survey of teens found victims of digital harassment are likely to be physically abused or experience sexual coercion.
Congress signed Section 230 into law with an expectation that tech companies will act morally responsibly when presented with abuse of their platforms, experts told BuzzFeed News. Diaz said clients of Sanctuary for Families have had similar experiences with impersonation on Facebook, for example, but they were able to work with the social media giant to address the problem.
“Some tech companies are doing the right thing and some are not,” Diaz said. “The problem with 230 is that the ones who are not have no profit motivation to take any action to prevent their platform from being used for abuse.”
The other two dating apps for gay, bisexual, and transgender men that assisted Herrick portrayed it as an easy call. Mark Girolamo, CEO of Jack’d, said, “we are happy that we were able to stop the harassment experienced by Mr. Herrick.”
Eric Silverberg, the cofounder and CEO of Scruff, said an algorithm deployed by the app looks for signals — for example, hypothetically, the quantity of messages sent from one account, certain words in a message, or the location of a profile — then weighs each of them and evaluates whether to take automated action or alert the team to investigate suspicious activity. The process of solving the problem in Herrick’s situation was “not a hard or sophisticated” one, he said.
“Once we were notified of this by the victim, we did an investigation, understood the pattern, and we permanently suspended the perpetrator and his device,” Silverberg told BuzzFeed News.
“If you’re a platform for strangers to meet, you have to apply some baseline of moderation or it will become abuse, as we’ve seen in this case,” Silverberg said. “People can be hurtful to one another, especially when love and romance is part of the equation, and it ends.”
“If you’re a platform for strangers to meet, you have to apply some baseline of moderation or it will become abuse.”
Eric Goldman, a Santa Clara University professor who studies internet law, pointed out that it is never in Grindr’s business interest to ignore abuse on its platform, but that legally compelling Grindr to apply a tech solution might be an even more pernicious alternative. Grindr could end up over-censoring content or surveilling its platform more broadly, and “might end up distorting the marketplace in a way that ends up making us all worse off,” Goldman said. He called Herrick’s lawsuit “an easy Section 230 case.”
Waxman, Grindr’s lawyer, made a similar argument in court Monday, saying that the company didn’t create any of the content and that no one would be there if it weren’t for J.C.
Herrick moved to California a couple months after J.C. was indicted. Coming back for the oral argument in the appeals court was the first time he’d set foot in New York in a year. Even though J.C. is behind bars, Herrick still gets a weird feeling that he could be near. Little things sometimes startle him, like getting a text message from an unknown number.
“I have no idea how I made it through,” Herrick said, but by the time he had to decide whether to file an appeal, he had little hesitation.
“I have a vested interest in this now, not necessarily for myself, but for other people who don’t have a voice in all of this, who are suffering and don’t know what to do,” Herrick told BuzzFeed News. “We have an opportunity to really have people take a look at these laws and these companies and set a precedent that could finally make these companies take action.” ●
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georgiapioneers · 7 years
Buncombe Co. NC Genealogies and Histories #northcarolinapioneers
Buncombe County Wills and Estates
Buncombe county was formed in 1791 from parts of Burke County and Rutherford Counties. It was named for Edward Buncombe, a colonel in the American Revolutionary War, who was captured at the Battle of Germantown. The large county originally extended to the Tennessee line. Many of the settlers were Baptists, and in 1807 the pastors of six churches including the revivalist Sion Blythe formed the French Broad Association of Baptist churches in the area. In 1808 the western part of Buncombe County became Haywood County. In 1833 parts of Burke County and Buncombe County were combined to form Yancey County, and in 1838 the southern part of what was left of Buncombe County became Henderson County. In 1851 parts of Buncombe County and Yancey County were combined to form Madison County. Finally, in 1925 the Broad River township of McDowell County was transferred to Buncombe County. Genealogy Records available to members of North Carolina Pioneers Images of Will Book B, 1869 to 1899 Names of Testators:
| Alexander, George C. | Allen, Autonia | Baird, Eliza T. | Baird, Mary A. | Banks, H. H. | Banks, S. M. | Bell, Thomas | Brand, Hann | Brank, Joseph R. | Brittain, George W. | Brittain, William | Brookshire, Lula | Brown, Nathan | Brown, Nathaniel | Brown, William H. | Buchanan, W. A. | Burnett, Elrige | Burnett, James M. | Burnham, Hiram | Buttam, William | Calloway, Sarah Ann | Carter, Daniel W. | Chambers, William | Chambers, William Sr. | Chunn, Joseph | Clark, Jesse | Cochran, Harriet | Cole, Joel | Coleman, William | Conley, John | Crane, Mary Ann | Cunningham, E. H. | Cunningham, John W. | Curtis, B. J. | Daugherty, Lemuel | Davis, Asbery | DeBrull, Susanna | Duffield, Charles | Dula, Thomas | Edney, James M. | Edwards, Helen Maria | Eller, Adam | Eller, William | Embles, Joseph | Endley, James | Erwin, William A. | Frank, John | Freer, Carolina | Frisbee, William | Garren, Marion | Green, Jeremiah | Green, Katherine | Hall, A. E. | Hampton, Levi | Hawley, Levi | Henderson, David | Henderson, L. D. | Henry, James L. | Herndon, E. W. | Herrick, Edwin Hayden | Hyatt, P. A. | Hyman, Ellen | Ingram, Louis | James, Silas | Johnson, A. R. | Johnson, Henry J. | Johnson, Rufus | Johnson, V. D. | Johnston, Hugh J. | Jump, William | Kennedy, John P. | Kimberley, Bettie | Lanning, John | Lanning, Rebecca | Lee, Stephen | Lenoir, Betsy | Litcomb, Margarett | Love, Lorenzo | Luther, Laura | Luther, Solomon | Lynch, Martha J. | McBrayer, William | McGill, Wardlaw | Mercer, Sarah Ann | Merrell, John | Merriman, Branch H. | Middleton, Henry | Miles, Levin | Miller, Henry | Miller, Peter | Moody, Mary Janet | Mordecai, G. W. | Morgan, David | Morgan, Noah | Morrow, Ebenezer | Murdock, Margaret | Murphy, Laura | Murray, Patience Marcella | Murray, Robert A. | Murray, William S. | Palmer, C. B. | Patton, Eliza W. | Patton, John E. | Penland, M. P. | Pinner, Hugh | Plummer, William G. | Polk, Thomas | Poor, John | Pullium, R. W. | Randolph, Mary | Rankin, W. D. | Ratcliff, M. J. | Reed, Jacob | Reed, William R. | Revis, W. C. | Reynolds, John | Reynolds, John D. | Richards, Charles B. | Roberson, James Alford | Roberts, James Riley | Roberts, Joshua | Roberts, M. | Roberts, Thomas O. | Rogers, Caroline M. | Roselee, Sarah | Rumple, Robert | Russell, W. H. | Saunders, Benjamin F. | Shackleford, P. C. | Sluder, J. E. | Sluder, John | Southee, Joseph | Smith, B. J. | Smith, F. A., Mrs. | Smith, James T. | Smith, J. H. | Smith, Owen | Smith, William A. | Stepp, Rachael | Stevens, Francis M. | Stevenson, Abraham | Stewart, John Curtice | Stroup, Nancy | Swain, Eleanor H. | Taylor, Robert J. | Wallack, Isadore | Weaver, Jesse R. | Weaver, John S. | Weaver, M. M. | Wells, J. R. | Whitaker, Henry | White, David | Woodcocke, J. A. | Woodfin, Eliza | Worth, Frederick | Young, Lewis
Images of Buncombe County Will Book C, 1887 to 1897 Names of Testators:
| Adams, Daniel D. | Adams, Julia W. | Alexander, George Newton | Arnold, Henry | Ashworth, Johnson | Austin, J. H. | Baird, Rebecca | Ballard, Caroline | Barker, Clarence Johnson | Blount, John Gray | Braunch, William George | Broesback, Anna | Brown, Daniel | Brown, Mary T. | Budd, Margaret Anderson | Call, John D. | Cameron, Paul | Carpenter, John | Carpenter, John (1911) | Carroll, John L. | Carter, Melvin Edmondson | Cathcart, William | Cathcart, William (1805) | Cathey, J. L. | Cawble, Jacob | Chambers, John C. | Chapman, S. F. | Chapman, Verina | Christiansen, George | Cole, Ann B. | Clark, Adger | Clemmons, E. T. | Cortland, Mary Katharine | Croft, Sarah Ann | Cummins, Anson W. | Cushman, Walter S. | D' Allinges, Baron Eugene | Davidson, Thomas F. | Dobbins, Mary | Ducket, Margaret | Frady, J. A. | Frady, John | Fulton, Mary | Garren, David | Gask, B. S. | Goodrum, Maria | Haggard, Elliott | Hendry, Theodore | Henry, Robert | Hill, Wylie | Hines, W. F. | Israel, Levina | Johnson, Julius | Johnston, Andrew H. | Johnston, William | Jones, R. L. F. | Lagle, W. S. | Lindsey, Andrew J. | Mason, Lavinia | McHemphill, William | McMerrill, John | McNeal, Florella | McRee, C. E. | Melke, Arthur | Meyers, Sarah Ellick | Meyers, Sarah Thayer | Miller, George | Miller, Joseph M. | Moore, Harry V. | Murdock, David | Murray, J. L. | Neilson, M. A. | Peller, Joseph | Penland, William M. | Pinketon, James | Pinner, Leander | Powell, Martha J. | Price, Linus | Randall, James M. | Randall, Matthew | Reed, John Sr. | Reeves, John | Reynolds, Alice | Roberts, J. R. | Schultz, Andrew | Spivey, B. F. | Starnes, Jacob | Summer, Richard | Swain, Eleanor H. | Tagg, Marcellus J. | Tennent, Charles | Tennent, Marianne | Tompkins, Frederick W. | Washington, Julia | Weaver, M. M. | Webb, S. W. | Weber, August | West, George W. | Whitaker, L. W. | White, Edward S. | Wilson, Alfred
Images of Will Book A, 1831 to 1868 Names of Testators:
| Alexander, James | Alexander, James C. | Alexander, Lorenzo D. | Anderson, William | Arrington, James | Ashby, John | Ayres, C. | Baird, B. | Baird, Hannah | Ball, Joel | Bell, Thomas | Boyd, James | Brevard, John | Burlison, Edward | Call, John | Candler, Zachariah | Carter, Jesse | Carver, Joseph | Chambers, John | Cochran, Harriett | Cochran, William | Cole, Jesse | Cole, Joseph | Collins, Riddick | Cooke, Joseph | Curtis, Benjamin | Curtis, Delilah | Dale, Richard | Davidson, Samuel | Davidson, Sophronia | Davis, John | Davis, Margarett | Davis, William | Dillingham, Absalom | Dilliingham, Rebecca | Dougherty, John | Doweese, Garrett | Edmons, Elizabeth | Edwards, David | Edwards, Isham | Eller, Mary | Flagg, William | Fortner, John | Foster, Mary | Foster, Thomas | Foster, Thomas | Garmon, William | Gaston, Thomas | Gentry, John | Gilbert, Daniel | Gill, Rebecca | Gillispie, Francis | Goodlake, Thomas | Gousley, Hugh | Grantham, Joseph | Green, Jeremiah | Gudger, William | Harper, Lot | Harris, Able | Hawkins, Rachel | Henry, Dorcas | Holcombe, Obediah | Hutsell, Elizabeth | Ingle, Elizabeth | Ingram, Thomas | James, Thomas | Jarrett. Fanny | Johnston, A. H. | Jones, Ebed | Jones, George W. | Jones, Thomas | Jones, Wiley | Jones, William | Killian, William | King, Jonathan | Lackey, John | Lane, Sarah Ann | Livingston, John | Low, Stephen | Lowrey, James | Lusk, John | Marson, William | Martin, Jacob | McBrayer, James | McDonnell, William | McDowel, Athan | McFee, John | Means, John | Merrell, Benjamin | Merrell, Jesse | Merrell, John | Morgan, James | Morrison, John | Murdock, William | Nelson, William | Owens, John | Palmer, Jesse | Palmer, J. T. | Patton, Ann | Patton, James A. | Patton, James | Patton, James W. | Patton, John | Peavy, Bartlett | Peek, Jesse | Penland, John | Pinner, Burrell | Pitman, Thomas | Plemans, Peter | Poor, Isaac | Porter, Edmund | Porter, William | Potter, James | Powers, Brady | Prestwood, Johnathan | Reaves, Malachi | Reed, Eldred | Reed, Jane | Reed, Peter | Reynolds, Joseph | Roberts, John | Robeson, Andrew | Robeson, Jonah | Robeson, William | Robird, Robert | Rogers, Andrew | Saddler, John Roberd | Saunders, Benjamin | Sharp, Thomas | Smith, James M. | Smith, James M. (1864) | Spier, Alexander | Stepp, Silas | Stockton, Richard | Summers, Richard | Thrash, Valentine | Turner, James | Vance, Priscilla | Warren, Robert | Weaver, J. T. | Wells, Leander | Wells, Thomas | West, Henry | West, John | Whitaker, John | Whitaker, William | White, Ann | Whitesides, John B. | Whitmire, Christopher | Williamson, Elijah | Williamson, Elizabeth | Williamson, Richard | Willis, John | Wilson, John | Woodfin, J. W. | Wyatt, Shadrack | Young, John | Young, Rosannah | Young, Sarah
Indexes to Probate Records
Wills 1831 to 1868; Wills 1868 to 1899; Wills 1887 to 1897
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1 note · View note
Anonymous. 2015. "Tests & Screenings During Pregnancy." American Academy of Pediatrics. Web.
Anonymous. “How Much Do Prenatal Vitamins Cost?” How Much Is It. Web.
Anonymous. 2010. “Procedure Fees Sheet.” Maternal Fetal Diagnostic Network. Web.
Anonymous. 2006. “GBS Brochure.” The Jesse Cause. Web.
Anonymous. 2016. “Cost of Services at Palo Alto Medical Foundation.” Palo Alto Medical Foundation. Web.
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Diaz, Jose Y.; et al. 2010. "The cost of untreated maternal depression." Wilder Research. Web.
Gunderson, Erica P.  2009. “Childbearing and Obesity in Women: Weight Before, During, and After Pregnancy.” Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America. 36(2): 317–ix. Web.
Herrick, Devon M.; et al. 2007. "The Market for Medical Care: Why You Don’t Know the Price; Why You Don’t Know about Quality; And What Can Be Done about It." National Center for Policy Analysis. 297: 1-40. Web.
Jefferys, Marcie. 2011. "Maternal Depression Report." Children's Defense Fund; Minnesota. Web.
Kowlessar, Niranjana M. Ph.D.; et al. 2013. “Hospital Stays for Newborns, 2011.” HCUP Statistical Brief #163. Web.
Krans, Elizabeth; et al. 2012. “Preventing Low Birthweight: 25 years, prenatal risk, and the failure to reinvent prenatal care.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 206(5): 398-403. 
Law, Amy; et al. 2015. “The Additional Cost Burden of Preexisting Medical Conditions During Pregnancy and Childbirth.” Journal of Women’s Health. 24(11): 924-932.
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Spellings, Sarah. 2017. “In Trump’s America, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition.” New York Magazine. Web.
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Các giao dịch bất động sản ở Massachusetts cho các hạt Hampden, Hampshire và Franklin, ngày 26 tháng 4 năm 2020 AgawamBrian P. McCabe cho Jason D. Desclos và Evelyn Desclos, 103 White Fox Road, 260.000 đô la.Cig4 LLC, đến Fatima Obaid, 41 Elm St., $ 230.000.Cig4 LLC, đến Gerald L. Nicholson III, 1031 Main St., $ 262,400.Cynthia Fern-King và Cynthia M. King cho Mark E. Benoit và Susan R. Dawson, 52 Deering St., 240.000 đô la.James G. Couture và Alice N. Couture cho Christina Duquette, 32 Center St., $ 224.000.Joseph Frigo và Lisa Frigo đến Pavel Duducal, 71 Bridge St., $ 125.000.Leo J. Hamel và Kalene L. Hamel đến Keith R. Laflamme và Heather F. Dulude, 23 Portland St., 210.000 đô la.Michael J. McElligott và Melanie M. McElligott cho Nicholas D. Griffin và Ashlee A. Griffin, 129 Wagonwheel Drive, 575.000 đô la.Michael Sohay, Matthew Sohay, Mark Sohay và Kathleen Fila đến MAA Property LLC, 38 Depalma St., $ 120.000.Michele A. Adkins, giám đốc điều hành, Marilyn Mable Ashline, bất động sản, và Marilyn M. Ashline, bất động sản, đến Patriot Living LLC, 38 Fruwirth Ave., 100.500 đô la.Peter Panchelyuga và Irina Panchelyuga cho Brian Brady và Christina Brady, 231 ổ đĩa Lancaster, $ 415.000.Rachel I. Fraser và Marie Vartanian đến Betty Lempke, 23f Castle Hills Drive, 255.000 đô la.Richard M. Lewis đến Norman Cheever, Leslie Cheever và Stephanie K. Cheever, 351 Meadow St., 238.000 USD.Sandra A. Viens và Sandra A. Trembley cho Anthony Francis Lopes và Megan Beth Lopes, 61 South Park Terrace, $ 217.000.Thomas E. Marmo và Antoinette Marmo cho Brian P. Machos và Christine M. Machos, 40 Marlene Drive, 420.000 đô la.Thomas E. Marmo và Antoinette Marmo cho Brian P. Machos và Christine M. Machos, Marlene Drive, 29.000 đô la.Ngân hàng Wells Fargo đến Edward Smith, 201 Southwick St., $ 106.000.AmherstJamroth LLC, đến Henry Whitlock, ngõ 54 Pomeroy, $ 40.000.BelchertownJacque Kurkland và Pauline E. Stokes to Jill Hoover Attebury, 27 Bay Road, $ 241.000.Summer Hill Estates Development LLC, đến Peter Finn và Galina Finn, 111 Daniel Shays Highway, 285.000 đô la.BernardstonChristal L. Cutler cho Karen A. Kelly, 24 Harwood Drive, 210.000 đô la.Cánh đồngU S A Phát triển Nhà ở & Đô thị đến Kathryn Chicione, 116 Wales Road, $ 157.500.ChesterDuane Salvhus và Nancy J. Salvhus đến Michael Murray, 278 Tuyến đường 20, $ 30.000.William J. Thomas và Roberta M. Thomas đến Brookside Springs LLC, 14 Johnson Hill Road, $ 695.000.ChesterfieldDonald Joseph Bienvenue và Gina C. LaFlamme, luật sư thực tế, đến Thomas A. Osborne, 12 Willcutt Road, 40.000 đô la.ChicopeeAshley K. Shinkwin đến Dominic V. Alfano, 21 Overlook Drive, 194.000 đô la.Chicopee Acquisitions LLC, đến AGKMMT LLC, McKinstry Avenue, 67.500 đô la.Chicopee Acquisitions LLC, đến Amys Landscaping LLC, 420 McKinstry Ave., $ 202.500.Emery Street LLC, đến J & M Premier Properties LLC, 1-7 Emery St, $ 315.000.Partyka Partners Limited Partnership, Partyka GP Trust, ủy thác và Joan Partyka, ủy thác, đến Dwayne Pafumi, Robbins Road, 2.000 đô la.Eugene Skip Pula đến Jacob S Gardner, 10 Greenwood Terr, 139.200 USD.John P. Meroski đến Blanco Realty LLC, 26 Holland St., 150.000 đô la.Paul A. Lebeau, Paul E. Lebeau, Madeline A. Lebeau và Madeleine A. Lebeau đến Gene M. Desko, 36 Felix St., 129.900 USD.Premium Properties Inc., đến Reynaldo Santana và Joymarie Sierra-Lopez, 395 Chicopee St., 204.000 USD.Robert N. Dougherty, James Dougherty và Mary Dougherty cho Carleny Henriquez, 32 Walsh St., 255.000 đô la.Ruby Realty LLC, đến Dominique Properties LLC, 564-566 Springfield St., $ 190.000.Susan G. Enselek đến Teri A. Lee, 585 Sheridan St., Đơn vị 8, $ 188.000.Thomas M. Marshall Jr., đến Leonce Obas, 106 Taylor St., $ 235.000.Yelena Yefimiadi đến Amber Haywood, 90 McKinstry Ave., Đơn vị 305, $ 75.000.CummingtonJohn W. Campbell và Sharon L. Walker đến Donald M. Smith, Potash Hill Extension, 35.000 đô la.Đông LongmeadowCbatts Properties LLC, đến Chuck Ferros, 70 Fairview St., $ 245.000.D R Chestnut LLC, đến John Power và Maureen Power, 17 Vòng tròn rộng, $ 515.000.D R Chestnut LLC, đến Sharon Cohen và Eric Barker, 7 Ribbon Grass Lane, Đơn vị IV-17, 494.500 đô la.James M. Serra và Dale M. Serra cho Alex James Serra, 36 Fraser Drive, $ 320.000.Karen L. O hèConnor to Kathleen B. Kelly và Patrick M. Kelly, 55 Alpine Drive, $ 297.500.Hội trường Megan và Hội trường Gregory đến Chad P. Herrick và Christina Lee Herrick, 198 đường Road, 206.000 đô la.Mitchhdeep S. Sethi và Reema R. Sethi đến Quang Lưu và Giang Tran, 136 Allen St., $ 197,600.Quercus Properties LLC, đến Alohomora LLC, 264 North Main St., Đơn vị 12, $ 95.000.Đông thànhRebecca Lansky và Miriam Lansky đến Alexandra Sheskin Hurd và Paul Porto, 36 Grooween St., $ 315.000.Jesse D. Bemben và Moriah Elizabeth Wright đến Jessie E. Beland, 165 East St., 130.000 USD.Marguerite G. Belkin, Elisabeth Papademetriou, luật sư thực tế, đến Paula J.Gunn, 38 Adams St., $ 170.000.Mitchell J. Korn và Susan Korn đến Angie Montalvo-Greene, 41South St., $ 190.000.XóaDouglas A. Baker và Lawrence E. Giard cho Brian E. Frank và Anna Vdovichenko, 29 Ridge Road / Vòng nguyệt quế, 65.000 đô la.GranvilleKaren H. Schultz và Arline P. Schultz đến Timothy K. Derrig, 12 đường Borden Brook, 90.000 USD.Cánh đồng xanhSonya Kimberly Cheney và Daniel D. Garant đến Cristina Clark, 296 High St., $ 171.000.Luna L. Greenwood cho Emily Hildebrand và Benjamin Walker, 29 Woodleigh Ave., $ 220.000.Hà LanDishington Construction Inc., đến Keith M. Corey, 16 Vinton Road, $ 277.000.HolyokeAlex S. Engelson đến Joseph Greene và Wendi Greene, 100 Pearl St., $ 377.500.Diego Garcia và Ivelisse Colon-Garcia đến Marcos Marrero, Marcos Andres Marrero và Wanda M. Colon-Cartagena, 34 đường Pinehurst, 350.000 đô la.Homer R. Renaud đến Dawn M. Donahue và Homer R. Renaud, bất động sản cuộc sống, 26 Breton Lane, 100 đô la.Mary Ciuk, người được ủy thác và Martha E. Stewart Revocable Trust, người được ủy thác của Sean G. Kelly, 40 Sherwood Terrace, $ 190.000.Ronald P. Methe và John Grimaldi đến Amy E. Hutchins, 887 Homestead Ave., $ 223,000.LongmeadowJeffrey L.Kaufman và Mary Kraft đến Howard A. Dickstein và Julie A. Jaron, Đường 181 Prynnwood, $ 570.000.Robert C. Barkman và Dawn D. Barkman tới Ruixiu Lin, 10 đường Chatham, 375.000 USD.LudlowCheryl H. Reed để Denise K. Veroneau, Đơn vị 95 Chapin Greene, 95, $ 230.000.Donna Beaulieau và Donna Beaulieu đến Margaret E. Mayberry, 34 Carol St, $ 118.000.Michael J. Turgeon đến Monique L. Verteramo, 71 đường Woodside, $ 280.000.MPower Capital LLC, đến Jazmin Serrano, 115 Howard St., $ 194.000.Đức ôngAlice B. Konicki đến Irene St. Amand và Gerard J. St. Amand, 46 Palmer Road, Đơn vị 32, $ 288.500.Phát triển Nhà ở & Đô thị cho Michael Pelland, 6 Hilltop Drive, 146.500 đô la.Tiêu đề pháp lý Trust II Prof-2013-S3, ủy thác và Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác, cho Denali Properties LLC, 4 Fern Hill Road, $ 159,075.Giáo dụcSunny Chernyl, người được ủy thác và ban phước từ Thiên Chúa cho Niềm tin của người Do Thái, đến Caie MA, 107 Moser St., $ 515,888.Timothy G. Ryan, đại diện cá nhân, Stephen Grden, đại diện cá nhân và Michael T. Ryan, bất động sản, cho Claire Christopherson, 15 Sumner Ave., 271.000 đô la.James P. Krawczynski và John J. Krawczynski đến Sofia A. Frydman, Amy JoLee và Amy J. Lee, 18 Dickinson St., 335.000 đô la.Philip Geoffrey Allen đến Heather D. Connelly, 80-82 Williams St., $ 197.000.Roland Barbeito cho Jason C. Bolton và David J. Zellmer, 435 đường Florence, 382.000 đô la.Alex Vilkhovoy, người được ủy thác và AJ Capital Realty tin tưởng vào Christopher R. Blais và Jessica Blais, 6 Austin Circle, $ 239.900.Angeline C. Chereski và Angeline C. McWilliams đến Caitlin S. S. Martin, 104 Dunphy Drive, $ 253.000.Mark Esposito và Rachel Currie-Rubin đến Victoria Elson và Timmon Wallis, 137 Barrett St., 373.000 đô la.Daniel Breen và Anna G. Breen cho Rowan Lupton và Nicole Perez, 8 Dunphy Drive, 243.300 đô la.Stephanie J. Arvai đến Peter M. Levy và Madeleine Maguire, 68 Ridgewood sân thượng, 530.000 đô la.Richard J. Rubin và Colleen C. Currie cho Rachel J. Currie-Rubin và Mark J. Esposito, 203 State St., $ 415.000.James H. Wood III, đến David Rodriguez-Solas, 28 Graves Ave., $ 290.000.Sân phía bắcFannie Mae, bởi luật sư, Hiệp hội thế chấp quốc gia liên bang, bởi luật sư, và luật sư của Continental Real Services Services Inc., đến Gabriela Constantin, 754 Mount Hermon Station Road, 89.900 đô la.trái camAR Sandri Inc., đến Gary Barnett, 235 Hayden St., 50.000 đô la.Scott Savoy cho Michael D. Allen-Larhette và Kelly M.Melanson, 112 Cheney St., 175.000 đô la.PalmerJill Ann Laganas, Dean Alden McKee và Dawn Aileen McKee đến Kimberly E. Clarke và Theodore F. Clarke Jr., 42-44 South St., $ 156.000.Judy Bergdoll đến Jonathan E. Towne, 2142 Palmer Road, $ 247.500.Melissa K. O hèConnell cho Roger Parker, 12-16 Commercial St., $ 159.900.Roger W. Barnes cho Donald J. Potter và Brenda C. Potter, 198 Emery St., $ 320.000.Nam HadleyDavid A. Langone đến Kevin Haczyneki, 266 North Main St., 350.000 đô la.Bernice B. Strong to John Devlin và Barbra Devlin, 3 Strong Farm Estates, 3 Strong Farm Lane, 385.000 USD.Mario Valdebenito Rodas đến Ximena Vicuna Cubillos cho George E. Como, ủy thác và George E. Como Irrevocable Trust, 185 Pine Grove Drive, 233.000 đô la.Premier Home Builders Inc., đến Stephen P. Malanaphy Jr., và Christine M.Talamini, 62 Old Lyman Road, $ 359,900.SouthamptonElizabeth E. Lempke và David R. Lempke cho Daniel R. Breen và Anna G. Breen, 1 Birchwood Drive, $ 435.000.NamwickAnne S. Miller đến Mark F. Jerusik, Nancy A. Jerusik, Johnathan E. Jerusik và Abigayle S. Jerusik, 59 Miller Road, 295.000 USD.Laura I. Ferrentino và Laura I. Ronghi đến Robert E. Matthews III và Arielle Matthews, 94 Bungalow St., 200.000 USD.Marcia J. Pickard cho Richard S. Lempke và Angela Lempke, 18 đường Matthews, $ 265.000.Robert Hart và Lorraine Hart đến Adam Hart và Katie Ann Hart, 6 Cây thông Knoll, 350.000 đô la.Vanessa Filiault đến Wade R. Modestow, 75 South Loomis St., 210.000 đô la.SpringfieldA Plus Enterprises Inc., đến Allison M. Hanna và Brendan M. Hanna, 1730 Parker St., 200.500 đô la.Cơ quan Tài chính Nhà ở Massachusetts cho Gabriel Ortiz Jr., 29-31 Ralph St., $ 163.000.Amber C. Haywood và Eduardo Henrique Haywood (JR & O) đến Cynthia M Vives, 820 Roosevelt Ave ,. 146.300 đô la.Anthony Bourget đến Damaris Lopez-Robles, 17 Clantoy St., 165.000 đô la.Ngân hàng Mỹ đến Daniel T. Beauregard, 61 Bellwood Road, 146.000 đô la.Ngân hàng New York Mellon, ủy thác và Cwabs Inc. Chứng nhận tài sản được cấp lại 2005-9, ủy thác cho Travis Orszulak, 42 ​​Peach St., 97.500 đô la.Ngân hàng New York Mellon, ủy thác và Cwabs Inc Chứng nhận tài sản sê-ri 2007-2, ủy thác của Michael Gardner, 9-11 Cloran St., $ 170.000.Blueline Management LLC, đến Matthew Byrnes và Samantha Deland, 336 Newhouse St., $ 203.000.Brendan M. Guidi đến Keith D. Anderson, 37 Crest St., 90.000 đô la.Bretta Construction LLC, đến Ruben Luna Rivera, 208 Gilbert Ave., $ 269.900.Buong Van Le đến Dinessa Figueroa, 245 Allen St., $ 170.000.Constance E. Allen và Robert Gould cho John Thomas Leydon, 22 Mary St., $ 149.000.Darrly O. Pollard, Bonita Oliver, Maria M. Cruz, đại diện, và Norman Wilson Oliver, bất động sản, đến Yveline M. Hulse và Clarence L. Hulse, 377 St James Ave., 164.900 đô la.Quận Capital LLC, đến Janet L. Franklin, 71 Peach St., $ 174.999.Djuan Barklow đến David Pujols, Bianca Pujols và Denisse Martinez, 170 Walnut St., 158.000 USD.Donald C. Bechard và Judith A. Bechard cho Karen O hèConnor, 185 Lower Beverly Hills, 180.000 đô la.Dulce Maria Garcia Vasquez và Dulce Maria Garcia đến Tyrie J. Pearson, 46 Parkside St., 153.000 USD.Emerald City Cho thuê LLC, đến Nicholas Benoit và Jaclyn Benoit, 23 Fairway Drive, $ 190.000.Emtay Inc., đến JJJ17 LLC, 29-31 Knox St., $ 110.000.Erik P. Ducharme đến Kevin P. Russell, 473 Nassau Drive, Đơn vị 473, $ 147.000.Georgina Roy đến Nelson Cruz-Resto, 162 Packard Ave., 177.000 USD.Glen D. Horrigan, Robin M. Horrigan và Robin M. Kimble đến Sandra K. Henry, 100 Eleanor Road, 150.000 đô la.Helder Nunes đến On The Mark LLC, 42-44 Virginia St., $ 120.000.Hồng Xuân Hang tới Vòng Hai LLC, 69 Crystal Ave., 83.500 đô la.John Martin đến Nydia Burgos, 191 Shawmut St., $ 162.000.Leo A. Duclos và Kimberly A. Duclos đến Janusz Lecko, 82 Jardine St., 55.000 đô la.Luis A. Diaz và Maritsa Rivera Diaz đến Aimee K. Lessard, 126 Fair Oak Road, $ 183,900.Mandi Chater, đại diện, đến Corey Gengenbach và Leslie Gengenbach, 82 Yorktown St., Đơn vị 82, $ 95.000.Marc V. Costanzi và Christine A. Costanzi đến Opus Durum LLC, Vòng tròn Breckwood 128-130, $ 185.000.Matthew J. Spence, Elizabeth R. Tetreault và Elizabeth R. Spence đến Châu Á Kenney, 623 Parker St., $ 170.000.Meg Realty LLC, đến Elizabeth Benitez Garcia, 50-52 Vermont St., $ 200.000.Michal S. Czerwinski và Damian S. Cieszkowski cho Claire Carter, 62 Washburn St., $ 259.000.Modesto Delgado đến Hector L. Marte, 45-47 Florence St., $ 175.000.Richard D. Baez và Dianilyz Baez đến Marzena K. Sochacka-Medina, 12 Danaher Circle, $ 181.000.Robert F. Connery đến Denise A. Mason, 151 Porter Lake Drive, Đơn vị 151, $ 98.000.Ruby Realty LLC, đến Juan Santana, 200 El Paso St., $ 100.000.Ruby Realty LLC, đến Manfred Karori và James Ndungu, 42 Emily St., 70.000 USD.Ryan J. McDowell cho Addison R. Brewer và Hannah A. Brewer, 380 Tinkham Road, $ 252.300.Sheila M. Grassetti, Sheila V. Grassetti, Daniel R. McDonald và Donna V. Nolan đến Lucky 13 Homes LLC, 49 Caseland St., 184.900 USD.Simone S. Carvalho đến Edward Perez, 202 đường Pasco, $ 186.000.Stephen Lonergan đến Kinda Leona Boyle, Parkway 120 S, $ 192.500.Stephen M. Nareau và Paula Nareau đến Madison L. Taylor và Austin W. Taylor, 1274 Berkshire Ave., $ 217.000.Timothy E. Cupp và Lindsey Cupp đến Patrick R. Inglesby, 754 Morgan Road, $ 245.000.Tommy Espinal đến Carolyn Morera và Harry Colon-Morera, 477 Wilbraham Road, 155.000 USD.Yarlene Sanchez đến Matthew Thomas Moylan và Pamela Vazquez Quezada, 36 Burns Ave., 220.000 USD.Xứ WalesCrystal L. Ryan và Crystal L. Pearlman cho David Michael Vanwagoner, 4 đường Monson, $ 171,796.JTL Construction LLC, đến Thomas Trafford, 2 đường Monson, $ 177.000.đồJNB bất động sản đầu tư Inc., đến Lizbeth DeJesus và Lizbeth De Jesus, 35-37 High St., $ 197.000.Tây SpringfieldThiên thần R. Villar và Ruth Villar cho Mark D. Hunter và Nancy Villar-Hunter, 615 Rogers Ave., $ 173.000.Christopher A. Nyman, Ashley L. Nyman và Ashley L. Armstrong cho Amina Asvandiyeva, 62 Paulson Drive, 240.000 đô la.Fannie Mae và Hiệp hội thế chấp quốc gia liên bang, đến Cig4 LLC, 243 Circle Drive, $ 145.000.Glenn M. Spadoni, đại diện, và Melissa Claire Spadoni, bất động sản, cho Henry F. Spadoni III, và Marnie Spadoni, 137 Squassick Road, 300.000 đô la.Ronald E. Lohnes đến Charles C. Cooley III, và Marci M. Cooley, 60 Neptune Ave., $ 208.000.Shannon Kumiega đến Jessica Diaz Campbell, 15 North St., $ 235.000.WestfieldBrent M. Chalmer đến Dominic Kirchner II, ủy thác và Eagle Crest Realty Trust, ủy thác của 158 Bates Road, 105.000 đô la.Jason D. Desclos và Evelyn Desclos cho Jorge G. Paredes Bermejo, 98 George St., 270.000 đô la.Lori L. LaPlante, Chester L. LaPlante và Chester Leo LaPlante đến Devon B. Hicks và Cassandra M. Hicks, 13 Montgomery St., 175.000 USD.Mahlon G. Cashman cho Paul W. Fisher và Susan M. Fisher, 482 Shaker Road, 343.000 đô la.Mary Ann Tatro đến Kyle A. Murphy, 43 Darby Drive, 205.000 đô la.Tăng A. Nash đến Craig B. Schacher, 26 Holland Ave., $ 260.000.Ruby Realty LLC, đến Luke Paull, 54 Beverly Drive, $ 169,900.Scott P. Martell cho Christopher A. Hunter và Chiara L. Bassett, 3 đường mỏ đá cũ, $ 195.000.WilbrahamDaniel T. Corthell và Tara G. Corthell cho Zachary Hudson Keaton, 8 Bruuer Ave., 304.000 đô la.Derek J. Chandonnet và Jamie E. Chandonnet đến Aidan Patrick Butler và Jamie Lynn Butler, 11 Woodland Dell Road, 410.000 USD.Joanne Ollis Robinson đến Michael J. Duquette và Nicole A. Duquette, 39 đường Bennett, 227.000 đô la.[ad_2] Nguồn
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