#This is the typical length of snippets but I've been having to write on Tumblr- which doesn't have a word count.
Reposting my WIP Wednesday because tags aren’t working and Tumblr support is not helping.
I want to apologize in advance if you’ve already seen this, but I’m reposting my WIP Wednesday because it’s not showing up in my tags and Tumblr support is no help. So, if you’ve seen this already, sorry!
I once again have Halsin smut on the brain and my current little brain worm would not let me rest until I wrote at least something towards an upcoming fic. The idea of Halsin pleasuring himself while alone in his tent and thinking of you (or the reader) has always been *chef's kiss* for me, so I had to write something for it.
This is a very tiny snippet of a larger oneshot, but I need to finish the Halsin request (I've yet to finish and absolutely should have by now) before I post this one.
Anyway, as usual, this is unedited and likely to change, but a little tease of what I have coming up. Also, very much NSFW, so please, MDNI.
Halsin’s hand rested atop his chest, faintly feeling his own steady heartbeat underneath his camp shirt as his thumb absentmindedly ran along the ridges of his attire, taking note of the stitching and changes in texture. His eyes closed as he allowed his mind to unwind in an attempt to drift off into a peaceful meditation, soon finding that his wandering thoughts found no purchase in their usual subject matter. Lingering regrets concerning the Grove, the dangers ever present in the shadow curse, and now the problem of the growing illithid infection festering deep within Moonrise Towers were long forgotten as he focused on something much more pressing and mind consuming; you. He was suddenly overtaken with the memory of your hands running along his skin earlier in the evening, replaying the feelings that had begun to rise in his chest as you lavished his skin with your touch.
His hand slid across his chest slowly, feeling his way across his body with no sense of urgency or frenzy, simply savoring the feeling of contact against his body that was now beginning to burn with desire. Although these were typically feelings he would suppress when his mind was muddled with duty and responsibility, he allowed himself a quiet moment to bask in his thoughts. Halsin imagined it was your hand that was roaming along his sternum, trying his best to mimic the softness of your touch and mirror your movements from earlier. Even though his large, calloused hands were nothing like your much smaller and softer ones, the lust beginning to cloud his senses allowed the illusion in his mind to be enough to satisfy his meandering touch. A shuddered breath escaped his lips as the tips of his fingers lightly ran over one of his now hardened nipples, the bud pressing firmly against the interior of his night shirt. 
The sensations cascading over his body were almost electric, given just how long it had been since he’d indulged in a moment of self pleasure, and each touch and swipe of his fingers across his chest sent shivers down his back and a gentle heat to rise to his cheeks. Halsin’s hand traveled lower, pressing more firmly with each movement as he explored the expanse of his stomach, still fantasizing that it was your hands worshiping his body in such a way; touching and caressing with the gentleness you possessed, easily undoing his hardened resolve with the faintest tease from your fingertips.
Halsin’s thoughts broke momentarily as his fingers brushed along the upper seam of his trousers, making his lower body twitch and buck into the air at the contact. His eyes finally opened as he explored his lower half, glancing down to see that the whole of his now hardened and throbbing cock pressing uncomfortably against the confines of the leather pants. He tentatively ran his palm along the outline of his bulge, feeling how his aching length traveled along his mid thigh and twitched at his touch, stifling a moan at the contact. Halsin’s hand quickly moved to his opposite thigh, squeezing and stroking at the leg of his pants to take his mind off the intense need to touch himself more as the throbbing in his cock turned into a much harder pounding. His stiffened length strained against his camp clothes, making the sensation borderline painful as he continued his ministrations along his thigh and back towards his lower abdomen. 
A wetness began to coat his thigh where the tip of his cock rested, the head weeping early traces of his spend as it ached and begged for another touch. Halsin succumbed to his desires once again, slowly running his hand along his arousal in attempt to soothe the throbbing. This of course only encouraged the lust and desire to bloom more, making his trousers more and more uncomfortable the longer he palmed himself. Eventually the sensation was too much to handle, the desire and intense need for release had grown too strong and there would be no chance of getting a second of rest until Halsin came to his release. It wasn’t long before Halsin began unlacing the ties that lay at the front of his trousers, his fingers shaking with need and fumbling with the tassels. With a frustrated grunt, he finally managed to roughly pull the opening to his pants apart, almost ripping the eyelets from the fabric with the force behind the tug. 
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aiyexayen · 2 years
🧍5, 14, 17, 23, 26, 32, 43, 45, 46!!!!!!!
OH MY GOD I NEVER FINISHED THIS EVEN AFTER I GOT YOUR ANSWER ABOUT WHICH [INSERT FIC] YOU WANTED. this was like months ago lmfao i just found it in my drafts. whoops.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic] (Sex Pest)? Answer it now! i can't say i have a specific question i wish people would ask about that one. maybe "how many of zishu's disciples DID drag off their newest shixiong once he was released from the infirmary, and is that who i think it is??" to which i could say "yes😌 it's han ying, and he went off with no less than four of his shidis. he deserves all the love. gentle, worshipful love from his boyfriends who thought he wasn't going to make it. celebratory, joyous love from his boyfriends who are all finally living their dreams at siji shanzhuang with him. they're having a great time tbh."
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer? yes. perhaps obviously, squicks or potential triggers. but also there's a lot of typical tropes or set-ups or even ships that i've given up on finding my particular flavour in for new writers. one of the primary things that comes to mind is actually the whole category of 'getting together' tropes. there was only one bed, fake dating, they were roommates, etc. i'll really only read that kind of story if it's from a friend, trusted writer, or there's something else about the story premise that really hooks me in spite of the trope tag. or if it's a subverted trope in some way. i can like it but i'm ~picky~
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it? i always have a number of extremely specific crossover au's that i'd like to see or write that i think might just be for me. but just like my obscure shl polyships zhou zishu/liu qianqiao/han ying and a-xiang/cao weining/xie'er, i may be surprised and find other people are actually super into it too. like, for current gaming-news-related reasons, my brain's been on a kick of "what if legend of zelda: breath of the wild, but link stumbles upon siji shanzhuang."
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to? so many. uh. i would really like to write a coffee shop au someday just so i can say i have. i'd also really like to write a full longform "what if they swapped fates" au for either cql or shl. i.e. what if lan wangji lost his core and went to the burial mounds and then died for 16 years and wei ying did not do that. or what if wen kexing grew up in siji shanzhuang and headed tianchuang and zhou zishu became gui gu guzhu. that sort of thing.
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue? i'm a lot better at writing fics that have no dialogue; i have already written ficlets with no dialogue, mostly character study snippets. it might be a fun challenge to write an only-dialogue fic. i can't imagine i could make a very long one, though. if someone prompts me for one someday i'll definitely try it.
32. What’s your ideal fic length to read? depends on my mood and the hook, but i usually like fics in the 1k-15k range best i think? i do like to popcorn-read small ficlets in collections or series or if someone's done a challenge, though. and i also like to find a really nice premise and settle down for a longhaul fic now and again.
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written? i do take prompts. i love prompts. (everyone please send me prompts). there's absolutely no way i could pick a favourite prompt i've gotten or fic i've written to a prompt. even if i eliminated things like prompt week challenges i've decided to participate in or sign-ups for events and i just limited it to, like, prompts sent via tumblr ask, i still couldn't pick a favourite. i've gotten too many good ones.
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic? probably everything. i wrote my first fic when i was quite young lmfao. uh. in recent years specifically think my dialogue's gotten better. i think i've gotten better at incorporating sensory details and visual details among the internal thoughts.
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write? i vastly prefer writing on the computer. i type pretty fast and i can get in a flow a lot better when i can actually get my brain to focus. i also feel less claustrophobic about it, i think is the word i want--like the process of writing, to me, involves a lot of trying out strings of words and then backspacing them all and trying again, or switching a few words around in the middle, and then rereading and realising it all belongs two paragraphs earlier, and then reading back through those two paragraphs after the transplant for flow before i can get my brain to move onto the true next sentence and inevitably finding a word i want to change...etc. and doing that on a phone is super difficult and the clicking on and off the touch keyboard and the screen bouncing around and losing track of things more than four lines back at a time and not being able to see the paragraph shapes at least half a page at a time just makes me feel absolutely feral. boxed in. i used to just try to power through it when i had a less functional computer setup but now i'll only write on my phone anymore in a pinch or if it's a really small blurb. for similar reasons i really struggle to write anything by hand. the first time i want to move something around and can't? i can't even look at the page anymore unless i rewrite it all out perfectly on a new page each time and very quickly into the process i just want to burn the whole notebook and end up crying instead. (i'm completely neurotypical idk what you're talking about)
anyway that was probably more information than you cared to know but you did ask sjdlfjskdfk
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joannalannister · 6 years
hey lady joanna, i'm not sure if it was u or someone else who posted this, but Ive found a pie chart of the asoiaf characters that r most popular in fan fic, and sansa was number one (and i think arya was a close 2nd?? cant remember properly). Do you know why this is? I've been reading a bit of fanfic recently, and ive also found that sansa seems to be the most shipped, and written about character.
Why do people write any fanfiction, about any character? 
We write because we love it. We write because we must. I think a huge part of what makes fan fiction so singularly special is that there is no ambition in it, only passion. [x]
We all wrestle with feelings and we can recognize them in stories when we see them. We don’t need for them to be sanctioned. It doesn’t matter what the writer intended, or what the artists intended. […] One of the most radical things I tell myself about the media I consume is: fuck canon. [x]
More often than not, people write fanfiction to explore ideas that are harder to explore on their own. Themes of sexuality, queer characters, and other problems of young people that most mainstream stories barely glimpse at are laid out in full force. Are all fanfictions hugely creative stories that need to be told? Not necessarily. In fact, probably not. By their very nature they are ancillary. But if these are stories our young people are telling, and en masse as well, critics should learn to be less dismissive of them. Because the stories we tell as children lay the cornerstones of the stories we tell as adults. No matter how grammar-less and outlandish they may be. [x]
What is scary about transformative fandom is that it’s a place where young women love their media without reservation, and where they can make stories for themselves. That’s why as a culture we’ve decided that transformative fandom is weird and gross and morally wrong, and that’s why all the articles in the world explaining that transformative fandom is a totally legitimate way to interact with a text aren’t really making a dent in the never-ending stream of repulsed investigations of fandom. Because fandom is the province of young women and, culturally, we find young women terrifying. [x]
Sometimes Canon is Broken and I Need to Fix It. Anyone who is a fan of … well, anything, knows that there are certain moments when you’re reading along or watching a series or movie when you stop and shout, “Wait! What?” (one word: midiclorians) Sometimes when that’s happened I feel the desire to “fix” canon by writing my own version of “the truth” (known as ‘head canon’ or, if it gets widely accepted, ‘fanon,’ which is an abbreviated word for ‘fan canon.’) Also, people like myself write fanfic because the story they’re involved in is, on some level, really important to them. Characters become more than just fiction and what happens to them becomes very personal. The world becomes very real, and you start to want to explore every single nook and cranny, especially where you sense an inconsistency—something that makes you want to fill in the gaps. So, there are big and little “fixes” that call to fan writers. [x]
And why do people read fanfiction?
But every so often I find a fanfic I can’t keep my eyes off.  It might capture the feeling of the original source, or attack the premise from an interesting and new point of view.  I get to see my favorite characters come back to life through the power of words.  The puppeteer might be different, but, in the best fics, anyway, my beloved puppets are back and better than ever. [x]
Fanfiction is born of love, from both the writers and the readers. And the Stark sisters are widely loved. People naturally want more of these girls’ stories, to visit them again, to hear their voices again, to recapture whatever resonated with them the first time around. 
Regarding Sansa in particular … well, we haven’t had a book published with a Sansa pov in it since AFFC was published in 2005. 
(I do not count snippets from the still unpublished TWOW.) 
(2005 was a loooong time ago. I had a flip phone in 2005.) 
People want more content with Sansa so they’re making it themselves. 
Also, a lot of fanfiction is about shipping, and Sansa is very shippable. One of the central questions of Sansa’s narrative is who she will marry, from the very beginning of AGOT. GRRM teases so many possibilities for a potential partner for Sansa (some more likely than others), and people latch on to these various possibilities and generate a lot of fic for the things they love. Great fandom debates rage around who Sansa will ultimately be married to (assuming she marries) at the end of the series. Most (most!) people want Sansa to be happy in the end, but everyone (everyone!!) has different ideas about what (or who) would make Sansa happy.
And sometimes people don’t care about the endgame, they just want to explore vibrant alternate universes, since the ASOIAF canon has come to a standstill. For example, what would have happened to Sansa if Robert had never come to Winterfell? Personally I don’t particularly like alternate universes (most of the time), but lots of other people do, and they like exploring them in fic. 
And sometimes fanfiction isn’t even about the roads not taken in canon, it’s about the roads GRRM would never take, because LBR, he’s an old Baby Boomer. Fanfiction offers stories that aren’t necessarily heteronormative. 
Sansa is a fandom bicycle. She resonates with a lot of people. Sansa’s own story parallels the meta**-narrative disillusionment of the reader, but instead of a bitter awakening, it’s a hopeful one, because ASOIAF is a story about hope despite the darkness. (If you want to read more about this topic, @poorquentyn and @nobodysuspectsthebutterfly have spoken about this at length.)
**I don’t mean “meta” the way fandom uses this word to mean “literary criticism & analysis”. I mean “meta” in terms of being self-referential, or from a perspective above the work itself. GRRM is writing a fantasy story, but his fantasy story is about fantasy (the genre). 
So this resonance, this ~reader avatar~ quality - it makes people want to explore the world with Sansa even more, and so they write fic. 
You might want to pose this question to someone who writes a lot of Sansa fic tho, to get a better answer, because I don’t write a lot of Sansa fic. (I’ve written some, but not very much, and not often.) I typically like … darker … themes in the fanfiction I write. One of the fanfic stories I’ve been telling to myself (and only myself) for over twenty years would have the Purity Police up in arms. I’m so glad tumblr didn’t exist when I was a child cuz y’all would’ve fucked me up. This website isn’t healthy. 
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