#This is just how Blue gets Cheeseburger to attack Peggies
aceghosts · 2 years
OCs as Onion Headlines
Hey Everyone! I was tagged by @glitter-and-gasoline and @direwombat to choose headlines from the Onion to represent my OCs.
Tagging: @sstewyhosseini, @natesofrellis, @marivenah, @hoesephseed, @thomrainer, @purplehairsecretlair, @clicheantagonist, @commander-krios, @spookyvalentine, @bluemojave, @strafethesesinners, @adelaidedrubman, @henbased, @indorilnerevarine, @captastra, @strangefable, @nuclearstorms, @arklay, @chyrstis, @poeti-kat, and anyone else who wants to do this!
Blue Murphy
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Rooney Shepard
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Hunter Delaney
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Sawyer Beaumont
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Blake Maddox
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solesurvivorkat · 4 years
FC5 Deputy GFH Dialogue
(Quickie ‘Katie IRL’ Update: So sorry for lack of writing... to be succinct, I might have a sleep disorder, possibly Sleep Apnea - been very tired/lethargic for several months now, finally have a test scheduled for late August. Will have to ‘make do’/power through fatigue until then. I will do my best to jump-start my writing {and my YT channel} until then!
Also - as for ‘I Need to Tell You’ (FC5 no-cult AU fic) - I don’t think I have a ton of readers for that one, so I’m just gonna stick to the movie-plot where I can & finish it up {the end is nearing!}. If anyone wants to read anything else from that ‘verse, lemme know & I’ll whip something up - otherwise, I’m gonna finish that up & get back to working on ‘The Book of John’ again, which is loooong overdue {poor Sarah’s been in John’s bunker forever, lol!}. THAT said... )
Deputy Sarah Rook
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(NOTE: My apologies if Sarah’s dialogue is similar to anyone else’s OC’s... I promise and swear that if it happens, it’s purely coincidental. I am adamant about not {purposely} stealing anyone else’s creativity! <3  Also, this is quite long... but it’s not everything in FC5, so if you like it & want even more, just lemme know, lol.)
With Fangs for Hire:
Boomer: “Aww, who’s my sweet, brave boy?” (kisses forehead) - “Good boy, Boomer!” - “I know what it’s like to have someone you love taken away from you... but don’t worry boy, you’re not alone. And I’ll do everything I can to make sure you never are again.” - “I won’t let Eden’s Gate use you, I promise.” - “Boomer, go!” - “Rae-Rae won’t have died in vain, I promise you.”
Peaches: “I’m... usually more of a dog person - but as long as I get to keep all my fingers and limbs, I’m satisfied.” - “Peaches, attack!” - “Us girls gotta stick together, right?” - “Hmm... one blue eye, one brown. Unique!” - “Needless to say, a cougar’s a very dangerous pet. Miss Mable never should have tried to raise you in captivity. Still... it can be handy to have a cougar for an ally.” - (gives affectionate pets) “Aww, my sweet little ‘danger kitty’...”
Cheeseburger: “You’re like a... big, dangerous teddy.” (laughs) - “Cheeseburger! How are ya, buddy?” - “Wade was sweet to look after you. I promise I’ll try to do the same.” - “I will not let Jacob take you.” - “Ohh, those big brown eyes of yours...” - “I can’t believe Wade not only found a collar to fit you, but also one that had cheeseburgers on it. Wow.” - “I’m glad you’re on my side, boy.” - “No, I can’t give you any more cheeseburgers. ...Stop looking at me like that, you know they’re not good for you. ...You’re on a diet, remember? ...  (sighs)  .....Okay, ONE burger. Don’t tell anyone.”
With other Guns for Hire:
(serious) “Sharky... just between us... you’re the best friend I’ve ever had.” - “Sharky... never change.” (smiles)
“Sharky, I know fire is your, uh- ‘specialty’, but... you need to try not burning down half the forest with us!” 
“Anything you say, Charlemagne.” 
“You and Hurk are a dangerous duo - in more ways than one.” 
(horrified, after hearing about his mom/parents) “Anyone who'd do that to an innocent baby doesn’t deserve them. You’re better off, Shark.” 
(cheesy grin) “I hope Eden’s Gate stocked up on ‘Shark repellent’!” 
(when fighting together) “Time for a ‘Shark attack’!” - “You’ve got us between a rock and a shark place!” - “Sarah and Shark, makin’ their mark!” - “You might be better off using your gun here, Sharky.”
“Disco, Sharky? Really? (sighs) ...All right, to each his own.”
“Hey Sharky, got a bad joke for ya - what’s a shark’s favorite bible story? ...’Noah’s Shark’!”
“Ride or die, buddy!”
“No matter what, I’ve always got your back, Sharky.”
(chuckles nervously/anxiously after seeing ‘serious/deadpan Grace’) “Sorry, I... joking around is kind of my ‘defense mechanism’...”
“A medal in the Olympics... that’s amazing, Grace. ...Er- no pun intended.”
“For what it’s worth... thank you for your service to our country.”
(after Grace mentions destroying copies of ‘Only You’, Sarah chuckles sadly) “Y’know, it’s funny... I actually used to like that song...”
“I know you want to protect your dad’s grave, I do completely understand... but we also need to help protect innocent people that’re still living too, you know? They need us... need you.”
"Hercules Drubman Junior - as I live and breathe." (smiles)
“Hurk, I... don’t think a rocket launcher is the best weapon to use right now...”
“As... ‘tempting’ as ‘Hurk’s Gate’ sounds, I... don’t think it’s quite for me.”
(at a loss for words) “...Oh Hurk...”
“Y’know Hurk... there is a lot more to life than beer, drugs, and sex...” - (Hurk {looks horrified}: “...Say whaat? What’choo talkin’ ‘bout, Dep??”)
“Hurk, just... be careful.”
(stares blankly, then slowly raises an eyebrow) “...Monkey... King/God??”
“No offense dude, but... if your dad doesn’t stop talking I may have to ‘accidentally’ shoot him.”
(sneaking around) “You’re not exactly the ‘king of stealth’. Why don’t... you hang back here for a minute? I’ll signal you or call out if I need you.”
“To each their own, but ‘partying’ is... not really my thing.”
(pointing in turn to Sharky, Hurk, then Addie, during ‘tongue-in-cheek’ suggestions for Sarah) “No, no, and HELL no.”
(Addie: "Punch it Chewie! ...Bet you got a kick out of that, you fuckin’ nerd.") “Hey- I love the reference, and I’m proud of who I am. ...Mostly.” (smiles)
“Addie, for the last time - no, I did not inspect John's underwear drawer when I was at Seed Ranch. I was a little occupied at the time.” (turns bright red as Addie looks thrilled) “...That- that’s not what I meant!”
(reluctantly) “Addie? I kind of need some... ‘womanly advice’.” - (Addie, eyebrows raised: “And you came to me?? Oh hunny...”)
“While I appreciate your... ‘openness’, no - I do not need ‘tips’ from you and Xander about ‘positions’.”
“Addie... ‘showing more cleavage’ is not going to help me with the Seed brothers or Eden’s Gate, despite your insistence.”
“...I am not playing ‘Fuck, Marry, Kill’...”
(after flying Carmina - and puking once landed) “Nick... if you ever make me do that again... I don’t know what I’ll do, but it’ll be bad.”
“Flying may be great for you, but I’m much happier with my feet on the ground.”
“I’ll protect you and your family as much as I can - that’s a promise.”
“Defending your business, plane, home, family, and friends like you have been... I’m sure your family would be very proud of you.”
“There he is, ‘King of the Skies’!”
“You and Kim... you’re lucky to have each other. I kind of envy that.”
“Rook and Rye - on land and in the sky!“
“I know fighting Eden’s Gate is important, but... don’t forget to be there for Kim too. We’ve [the Resistance] got this... Kim and your baby need you more.” 
(After Carmina's born) "How's Kim and the baby? You'd better be taking good care of my goddaughter!"
“I know we grew up in very different ‘environments’, but... I also know what it’s like to feel alone for a long time. No pressure, but... I’m here if you ever need someone to lend an ear.”
(re: Jess’s insane survival skills) “...You’ve got to teach me that/how to do that sometime.”
“You’re related to Dutch? Wow, that’s... kinda cool.”
“I thought I swore a lot, but... wow.”
“Yeah... I’m not one for small talk, either.”
In Combat
(to herself, stressed) “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph...”
“Aw shit...”
“Fucking Peggies!”
(to herself, quickly and quietly) “You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day...”
“Let’s kick some Peggie ass!”
(to herself) “I can do all things through him who strengthens me...”
“May God have mercy on you.”
“I don’t think my soul is the one that needs saving!”
(hears ‘Oh John’ on the radio & starts humming along. After a couple seconds, realizes what she’s doing and shakes her head, murmuring to herself) “...Damnit...”
“I’m driving? If you say so.”
“ ‘Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need... roads.’ “ (smug grin)
“I used to like driving. Found it kind of relaxing, most of the time. ...That was before I started having to get used to being pursued and chased down by Eden’s Gate trucks.”
“Time for... LUDICROUS SPEED!”
“Fasten your seatbelts... it’s going to be a bumpy ride!”
“Everything okay? Do you need a break?”
“I don’t know if you’re aware, but I spent most of my life in New England - Connecticut, actually. Born and raised. I moved out to Hope County only a few years ago, when the Deputy job opened up. Thought it’d be... a ‘fresh start’. ...Definitely didn’t expect anything like all this to happen.”
“I used to roll my eyes - or want to - every time the Sheriff and the other Deps called me ‘Rookie’. They thought it was so funny, on account of my last name and all, and me being the newest addition to the department. Now that we’re all spread out and fighting against the cult... I think I kind of miss it.”
“Some of the most horrible things imaginable... have been done by people who claim they had ‘good reasons’ behind their actions.”
“There’s an old proverb that states, ‘Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works’. ...There’s a lot of wisdom in that.”
“God has a reason for everything, even if we don’t always understand why...”
“The right thing to do is not always the easy thing to do...”
“Faith is believing in things when common sense tell you not to.“
“Imagine the things we could accomplish... if we would just try.”
“ ‘Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.’ ...Make fun of me all you want, but it’s true.”
“I do love nature. ...You know... when it’s not being interrupted by religious idiots.”
“Courage isn’t the absence of fear... it’s deciding that something is more important than fear.”
“I’ll do everything I can... you can count on it.”
“Good to see you again.”
“Let’s do this.”
“Stronger together!”
“Until we meet again - stay safe.”
“Call me if you need me.”
“Done already? Aww, you’re killin’ me, Smalls.”
“God damnit... not yet...”
“This can’t be it...”
“I’m sorry... I tried...”
“I need some help!”
“Thanks... now let’s teach these assholes a lesson they won’t soon forget.”
“Never tell me the odds!”
“Never give up, never surrender!”
“Thanks for the help!”
“Thanks... our work’s not done yet!”
“Shh... ‘silence is golden’, remember?“
“Keep a low profile!”
“Be cautious...”
“Don’t let ‘em see you comin’...”
“ ‘Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise...’ ”
Being aimed at
“Watch where you’re pointing that.”
“I’m a much better shot than I let on. Just remember that.”
“Two hits - me hitting you, and you hitting the ground. I suggest you aim elsewhere.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
By any body of water: “When I lived in Connecticut, I loved seeing the ocean. The lakes in Montana can be beautiful, but... it’s not quite the same.”
The Henbane: “Freakin’ Bliss.” / “Please promise me... that you’ll never, ever let me end up like one of Faith’s Angels.” / “Exploiting people’s weaknesses and fears to get them to do what you want... it’s wrong on so many levels.” / “Rachel Jessop wasn’t the first, or even the second ‘Faith Seed’... I wonder if she’s ever afraid of ending up like them.” / “God wants people to follow him willingly, to choose to do good - not be forced into it with trickery and fear. Even if - in an insane world - Joseph was right, it doesn’t excuse the things that Eden’s Gate has done. If they have a message to spread, this isn’t the way to do it.”
Holland Valley: “Saying ‘Yes’ to everything doesn’t make you a better person.” /  “Many people know the seven deadly sins... but few people can name - let alone even know about - the 'seven virtues': chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. ...But you don’t see John tattooing those on people.” / John is... he’s done some horrible things. Committed heinous acts. But knowing the life he had to endure as a child when the Duncans adopted him... I hate so many of the things he’s done, but... part of me can’t help feeling sorry for him, too.” / “Underneath all those layers of ‘jackass’, way, waaaay deep down... I think there’s a lot of hurt and pain in John.”
The Whitetails: “Jacob acts like having feelings, friends, caring for things and people makes you weak. It’s just the opposite... having things to fight for - people to fight for - is a strength. More than just a ‘purpose’ - it’s a blessing.” / (angry) Jacob turning me into a weapon of destruction... he’s going to pay for that. / Forcing Bliss on animals to turn them into Judges... it’s wrong on multiple levels. / “I’m ‘weak’, Jacob? I’ll show you what a ‘weak’ person can do.”
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Pickles Favor
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: A little bit smutty! NSFW, swearing, still no plot (sorry!), cheesy use of terms at one point 
Word Count: 1,871
Note: This is the second part of a mini-series I’m trying to finish. For the main note, check the MASTERLIST HERE. If you’re just coming across this now, you may read PART 1 first. 
So the POV shifts between the reader and Bucky, but the reader is first person whereas Bucky’s is third person so it may be confusing at times. 
GIF is NOT mine. (But I found this very fitting for what happens in this chapter! 😉)
If you happen to like, re-blog, or drop any feedback, thank you! I appreciate you.
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Bucky doesn’t realize he’s fallen asleep until the sun hits the side of his face and his neck hurts. His left arm is dead, the result of it draping over the couch.
He’s been up until the early hours of the morning when he heard Y/N through his living room wall. He knew she’s been talking but the words were inaudible. Maybe that jerk boyfriend of hers is over there right now, he thought. He took note of the time and was surprised by his irritation at the thought. He didn’t know the layout of her house, but he hoped his wall was not connected to her bedroom. Or else, that would mean Jerk Moustache was in there with her.
Which is none of your goddamn business, Barnes, he reminded himself. But he knew he couldn’t help it. It’s been two weeks since he moved to this apartment and he’s only settling in but this he already knew: he already loved this space, he liked his next-door neighbor Y/N, her stupid-face boyfriend--not so much.
He was watching this documentary about the cycle of penguins’ lives at the Antarctic when he heard her. Straining to hear, he put the TV on mute and sat a little straighter on the couch. Bucky didn’t make out any words, but he deduced no one else was there. Until he heard her scream.
He was out of his own apartment before he even realized. “Y/N! Everything alright? Are you okay?!” His heartbeat was so strong he felt it in his ears. He was about to knock again when heard shuffling on the other side, then the door opening.
“Hi, I’m so sorry I woke you!” She was whispering, her expression apologetic.
“No, you didn’t. I was awake. You okay?” Without thinking about it, he took a step towards her. If Jerk Mustache was in there and he was--he seethes at the thought--hurting her, he wouldn’t think twice about wringing his neck. “Is someone in there?”
Her eyes go wide in surprise and Bucky noted how her lips parted a little. “Wha--no. I’m alone.”
That calmed his hammering heart. Still wanting to make sure, he tried to look inside to check then back at her. “I heard you…” Bucky trailed off, realizing his mistake. Shit! Too late, you idiot. Now she’ll know you’ve been up spying on her. Perv.
But it never came. Instead, “Oh! I’m really sorry. I was on the phone, then had a little panic attack by the shadow of my windbreaker,” she chuckled at this and Bucky swore it was a lovely, lovely sound. Under the faint light, he also thought he saw her blush but he couldn’t be sure. “Otherwise, I’m good.”
Relief washed over him. “Okay. You sure you’re alright?” He didn’t want the conversation to end, but he also knew he’d make more stupid comments if it went on.
“Yeah,” Y/N said. Bucky is taken by the adorable expression on her face. He can’t really name it but out of the blue it made his cock twitch.
“Well, if that’s the case, I’m gonna…” His brain was a muddle of panic and he angled his body to hide his unexpected blunder, gesturing towards the door.
“Really sorry. And thank you, James. For checking up on me.” He really didn’t like the name, but it rolled sweetly over her lips and it made him harder.
He tried to smile, albeit exaggeratedly. “You’re welcome, doll.” And by instinct added, “Oh, and please call me Bucky.”
She smiled at that but said nothing more, then the door was closed.
Bucky rushed to his apartment. Back on his couch, he tried to take deep breaths to calm down. His heartbeat did; his arousal, on the other hand, was irreversible. He groaned. You’re an idiot, Barnes. He shut the TV off, then tugged at the waistband of his sweatpants. He freed his cock and stroked himself, precum already pooling at the tip.
He felt so sinful, so wrong to be doing this just when he was talking to Y/N barely a minute ago. But he was out of control.
He dragged the wetness that gathered at the tip down his length and pumped some more. His brain took him back to the way Y/N’s lips parted in surprise, and suddenly he was imagining her taking his length in her mouth. He whimpered because it hurt wanting the real thing.
He couldn’t take it any longer, so his strokes came harder, faster. He grunted as obscene sounds synced with his strokes. He was so close, chasing his orgasm for this agony to be over, but it was taking him longer. “Fuck, Y/N baby…”
Thank you, James. For checking up on me…
And that did it. He spilled his own cum all over his hands and thigh, the relief calming his nerves.
Bucky feels shame over the recollection and brings his dead arm to his chest, straightening his body over the couch. You fell asleep after jerking off, and didn’t bother to clean up. Congratulations, Barnes, now you’re also filthy. He has no idea what time it is, but the sun sure hurts. He’s finding the will to get up when the familiar jingling of keys does it for him.
He sits up, tucking his sweatpants in place and runs to the bathroom to wash his hands. He makes it there before the door opens.
“Buck?” Steve’s voice fills the apartment. He sets the keys on top of the cabinet drawer by the door.
“Here,” Bucky tries to say but his voice croaks. “In the bathroom, Steve.”
Bucky is resting his hands on the sink when Steve makes it to the bathroom door. He leans on the frame. “You okay, pal?”
“What’s wrong?”
Bucky looks at him. “Nothing, why?”
“You look tired.” Steve says matter-of-factly.
Bucky chuckles. “Yeah, didn’t sleep. Been watching documentaries all night.”
The blonde narrows his eyes at him. “Really.” Not a question.
“What? It’s true!” The reply came a little too high-pitched.
“Okay, pal.” Steve chuckles as he walks back to the living room. Bucky follows him.
“Why are you here anyway? And so early.” Bucky grumbles. “You know I love you, Steve, but that key was for emergencies.”
Steve just smirks. “It’s already 11, Buck. Anyway, Peggy’s out. She’s been busy with all the wedding stuff lately and she’s got a friend coming over so I thought she might want a day off from me.”
This makes Bucky smile. “Wow.” When Steve gives him a questioning look, he continues. “You and Peggy… you were this scrawny little kid whom no one wanted to hang out with--”
Steve raised his brows, but he’s smiling. “Thanks a lot, pal.”
“No,” Bucky counters and he drags the syllable as if speaking to a child. “I am your best friend, remember? Which made you pretty awesome, even back then.” Steve laughs at this. “But most people said Peggy was way out of your league, yet that didn’t stop you. Come to think of it, nothing really stopped you…” Bucky trailed off, seemingly lost in thought. “Point is, you never gave up and now you’re marrying the love of your life.”
Steve smiles this boyish smile that warms Bucky’s heart. His friend deserves this happiness and Bucky lives for it. It would’ve been perfect, if not for the fact that Peggy seems to dislike Bucky in some secret way.
“I guess I am the luckiest man in the world,” Steve smiles. He and Bucky share a brief moment of silence; nothing is spoken, but everything matters.
In the quiet, Bucky allows himself to think of the thing that scares him the most: losing Steve. Of course he’s not actually losing him, but from this point forward, things will be different. They’re in the endgame now--at least for his friend--and that’s  Steve’s happily ever after.
The thought leaves a hollow feeling in his stomach, so Bucky speaks. “Steve, you know I’ll always mean it, right?”
Brought out of a daze, Steve stares at his friend, not quite grasping the question. “Mean what?”
“That I’m with you ‘till the end of the line.”
“Me too, Buck. Me too.”
“For goodness’ sake, Howard, it’s Saturday! I think I’ve earned a weekend off from you,” you’re lying face down on your couch, pillow over your head.
“I know, Y/N, but please, please, please just hear me out.”
“Urghhh!” You groan into the cushion.
He’s sitting on the couch himself near your calves. You feel you’re on the brink of your Howard limit, and you know this position will make it easier to kick him once that limit is reached.
“I know this past month has been hard for you, and I’ll make it up to you in every possible way allowable, but your suffering is almost over. I promise.” Howard leans a little and reaches for your back. He tentatively pokes it. When you don’t respond, he starts rubbing.
“Stop that!” You reach for his wrist and grip it.
“Ow! Wow you’re strong.”
You let go. “Just leave me alone.”
“I will, but not today. Come on, Pickles.”
You grit your teeth. Of course he’ll use your endearment for each other; it’s always been your Achilles heel when it came to your friendship.
Just like the pickles in the homemade cheeseburgers your dad made when you were younger, you and Howard always saw each other as completely unnecessary, but forced to have anyway. It used to be your default insult during your tween years, but as you two grew older, the other kids teased that it was your endearment as a couple. Now, it’s rarely used, and mostly reserved for the most important friendship moments.
You peek from under the pillow. “You do remember we don’t use that lightly anymore, do you?”
“I do.” His expression is soft but there’s also determination there.
You flip over and sit up. “This is really important to you.” You narrow your eyes at him.
“It is.” He takes your hand. “Will you help me, Pickles?”
You sigh. “Okay.” He smiles. “But you have to admit you’re a crappy friend.”
He chuckles. “I am a crappy friend.”
“Good, good.” You nod your head then tap your chin. “You have to solemnly swear that you’re gonna repay me for all this effort of helping you.”
“I solemnly swear to repay Y/N Y/L/N of all the good she has done for me.”
You brighten up. “You have to admit that your mustache is pretty stupid.”
He chuckles. “Now that’s stretching it.”
This makes you laugh. “Okay, Stark. What do we have to do this time?”
“Oh, Y/N. You’re gonna love it. We’re going to finally tell my Angel that we’re not actually a couple. And I’m finally gonna ask her to date me.”
“We’re what now?!” Out of all the things you’ve done for Howard the past month, this was not what you expected. And it’s an amazing surprise.
Howard is nodding his head with a silly smile on his face.
“Well you should’ve led with that! So, we’re going to L.A.?”
He’s giddy now, almost bursting. “Better. She’s here in New York.”
Part 3: Saturday Brunch
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tsarethan · 6 years
got this template from dutchisland <3 gonna put it under a cut for anyone who isn’t intrested
The Basics
1. Give their full name, and describe them or post a picture! (Height, build, hair, eye, and skin color, etc.)
name: Wolfgang McAdam
hes 5′8 with blonde hair that’s kept short (god am shit at this) its basically the one where its a buzz cut that sort of fades into the hair on top idk, thing of Wolfgang fro sense8 but with slightly longer hair on the top of his head. hes white, really pale and has blue/greenish eyes.
2. How old are they?
3. Sexuality and gender?
cis male and bi
1. How did they end up at the Hope County Sheriff’s Department? How long have they worked there?
Wolf move to hope county cause its the exact opposite of where he grew up and thought it would help with some of the trauma from both his teens and SAS days
2. Relationship with Pratt, Hudson, and Whitehorse?
Pratt- his bff who he secretly crushes on, Staci has a personality that wolf is sort of used to as its a mixture of gentle bullying, sarcasm and underneath it all actual affection. they get partnered up a lot by Whitehorse which meant they grew close. rook has a playlist on his phone called ‘annoy Staci’its basically a bunch of house music 
Hudson- they get along pretty well (it depends mostly on the au) but yeah they’re pretty good friends 
Whitehorse- again there is no problem between these two, while he is a laidback boss compared to what rook is used to they get along just fine although wolf does worry about Whitehorse after finding out he had a heart attack brought on by stress.
3. Do they have an education?
Rook has the basic British education, GCSEs and A-Levels, his favourite subject is history 
4. Where are they from? Did they speak a different language there?
hes from Liverpool in the UK, although he is able to speak both German and Russian (his mother is German and an old family friend taught him to speak Russian when he was a kid)
5. Is there anyone outside the valley that might have come looking for them?
6. Did they have a religious background of any kind?
nope again, he went to a catholic secondary school, that’s the number one way to make sure your kid doesn’t become a catholic although he is respectful of other peoples faith (no offence meant to any religious people)
Inside Hope County
1. What was going through their head when the helicopter went down and during the subsequent chase?
during the chopper crash he was scared, a fear he hadn’t felt since the mission that caused his subsequent leave from the SAS. when he saw his friends getting pulled from the chopper he was pissed as fuck (he tried his best to keep hold of Hudson but he failed) hearing the three of them shouting at him to run he complied with their demands. during the resulting chase it was purely instinct and training that got him through it meaning he wasn’t really thinking about much so he could fully focus
2. Were they afraid of Joseph and Eden’s Gate? Angry?
oh boy was rook pissed, he would have sacrificed his own life to kill that motherfucker right there. he didn’t fear any of the seeds or edens gate he was just nothing but angry.
3. Did they trust Dutch?
at first no, hard to trust someone when you wake up tied to a blood bedpost, the medals on the wall having the same insignia as the one on Jacob’s jacket just made him fear the worst. hes sceptical about dutch after hes explained his intentions and cuts him free but Rook has got enough enemies in the county now its best not to increase that number 
4. How did they feel about their team being taken by the cult, did they count them as lost, did they want them back, did they not care?
as i said before he was absolutely pissed, hes lost enough people in his life he cant afford to lose any more he wouldn't be able to take it. he’d get them back no matter the cost
5. How did they take to the idea of being part of, if not leading, the resistance?
Rook was not happy one bit but he took it in his stride 
6. Which companions did they recruit, and who did they travel with the most?
Peaches, Boomer and Cheeseburger, the animals didn’t question his methods and could follow whether they were going in stealthy or guns blazing
7. Did they have time to find romance amidst the chaos? How did they do it?
after he rescues Pratt he looks after his friend/crush maybe some things happen maybe they don’t. either way by the end of it all they are in a relationship
8. Feelings about Joseph?
9. Feelings about the other Seeds?
Jacob- slight respect but after he figures out what he done to Pratt that becomes hatred
he just doesn’t give a shit he hates the lot of them for everything they have been doing.
10. How did they handle having to kill animals and other humans? Had they done it before?
Wolf had done both before
11. Which canon ending did they choose in-game, and would you have changed the ending at all?
the good ending but........
I just go with the bombs being caused by the bliss and that nothing really happened besides the capture (the deputies and sheriff also survive the crash)
1. Favorite weapon(s)?
either the compund bow or LMG
2. Stealth or firepower?
both depends on the situation 
3. How did they spend their time, when not fighting peggies?
usually just chillin, either somewhere in nature, the pizza bar or an abandoned house. he is permanently tired
4. Where did they live during the events of the game?
he wanders between houses/shacks/cabins at first but after he liberates the jail he claims on of the cells as his 
5. Any other facts you want to share about your Deputy!
he has severe anger issues and can lead to extremely violent outbursts. hes also good at manipulation/getting in peoples heads. had bad teenage years and isn’t really in contact with hi family anymore but if he needs support he will occasionally message one of the lads from the SAS (when he still had contact outside the county)
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