#This encounter can happen right outside of Helgen so don't take me too seriously here
blockedragon · 2 years
The Dark Brotherhood are elite assassins, masters of their craft
“Let’s wear all black and then hide in the snow, it’s the perfect camouflage”
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My personal headcanon is that the dark brotherhood is only sending their dumbest, worst assassins to kill the protagonist. 
It all begins when the Brotherhood, which has fallen on hard times, recruits another rando out of desperation. They quickly realize that this new guy is a liability and needs to go, they can’t kill them because of the rules, but they also can't just kick them out because they’d probably get salty and sell the guild out to the authorities.
So in order to get rid of this new idiot they mistakenly recruited, they just tell them how very special they are, they have the spark they’re told, they’re the best assassin they’ve seen in years!  And then they are immediately sent to Sithis’ special garbage disposal - you, the Dragonborn!
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