#Third Felix & Cyrano web weave… The public is shocked by this development…
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ninadove · 11 months ago
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— Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand (Acte II, scène 8) [FR] [ENG]
Part 1 🐈‍⬛
Part 2 🐉
Part 3 ⬆️
Alt text below the cut!
FRENCH: Et que faudrait-il faire ?
ENGLISH: What would you have me do?
SCREENSHOT: Felix confronting Adrien about his inability to defy his father [S4 E23: Risk]
FRENCH: Chercher un protecteur puissant, prendre un patron, // Et comme un lierre obscur qui circonvient un tronc // Et s’en fait un tuteur en lui léchant l’écorce, // Grimper par ruse au lieu de s’élever par force ?
ENGLISH: Find a powerful protector: and choose a patron, // like the dark ivy that creeps round a tree-trunk, // and gains its support by licking at its length, // to climb by a ruse instead of rise by strength?
SCREENSHOTS: Gabriel handing Colt the Peacock Miraculous + Colt, transformed, holding Felix’s amok [S5 E24: Representation]
FRENCH: Non, merci.
ENGLISH: No, thank you.
SCREENSHOT: Felix wearing his amok for the first time [S5 E24: Representation]
FRENCH: Dédier, comme tous ils le font, // Des vers aux financiers ? Se changer en bouffon // Dans l’espoir vil de voir, aux lèvres d’un ministre, // Naître un sourire, enfin, qui ne soit pas sinistre ?
ENGLISH: Dedicate, as others do // my poetry to bankers? Become a buffoon // in the base hope of seeing a less than sinister // smile quiver on the lips of some minister?
SCREENSHOTS: Kagami abandoning her foil after her defeat against Adrien [S2 E6: Riposte] + Matagi Gozen shooting arrows at Kagami [S5 E19: Pretension]
FRENCH: Non, merci!
ENGLISH: No, thank you!
SCREENSHOT: Argos destroying his fan to protect Kagami from Tomoe [S5 E19: Pretension]
FRENCH: Calculer, avoir peur, être blême, // Préférer faire une visite qu’un poème, // Rédiger des placets, se faire présenter ?
ENGLISH: Calculate, show fear, grow pallid, // prefer to make a visit than a ballad? // Get myself presented, write petitions to the king?
SCREENSHOTS: Gabriel hugging Adrien as part of a ploy to akumatise him [S5 E10: Transmission] + Antichat and Nightormentor [S5 E24: Representation]
FRENCH: Non, merci! // Non, merci! // Non, merci!
ENGLISH: No, thank you! // No, thank you! // No, thank you!
SCREENSHOTS: Felix resisting akumatisation [S4 E9: Gabriel Agreste] + Flairmidable fetching Ladybug’s yoyo [S4 E24: Strikeback] + Felix clutching the Peacock Miraculous [S4 E24: Strikeback]
FRENCH: Mais… chanter, // Rêver, rire, passer, être seul, être libre,
ENGLISH: But...to sing, // to dream, to smile, to walk, to be alone, be free,
SCREENSHOTS: Paris empty under the light of the Red Moon [S5 E18: Emotion]
FRENCH: Avoir l’œil qui regarde bien, la voix qui vibre,
ENGLISH: With a voice that stirs, and an eye that still can see!
SCREENSHOTS: Felix confessing to Kagami in the sewers [S5 E19: Pretension] + Felix reassuring Duusu they will get their happy ending [S5 E24: Representation]
FRENCH: Mettre, quand il vous plaît, son feutre de travers, // Pour un oui, pour un non, se battre, – ou faire un vers !
ENGLISH: To cock your hat on one side, when you please // at a yes, a no, to fight, or – make poetry!
SCREENSHOT: Felix (disguised as Adrien) smirking as he prepares to beat up the Punishers [S3 E23: Felix]
FRENCH: Travailler sans souci de gloire ou de fortune, // À tel voyage, auquel on pense, dans la lune !
ENGLISH: To work without a thought of fame or fortune, // on that journey, that you dream of, to the moon!
SCREENSHOTS: Argos explaining his wish + preparing to snap Red Moon [S5 E18: Emotion]
FRENCH: N’écrire jamais rien qui de soi ne sortît, // Et modeste d’ailleurs, se dire : mon petit, // Sois satisfait des fleurs, des fruits, même des feuilles, // Si c’est dans ton jardin à toi que tu les cueilles !
ENGLISH: Never to write a line that’s not your own, // and, humble too, say to oneself: My son, // be satisfied with flowers, fruit, even leaves, // if they’re from your own garden, your own trees!
SCREENSHOTS: Felix playing with his plush rabbit [S5 E24: Representation] + Kagami sketching Felix by the pool [S5 E 26: Recreation], both times in a garden
FRENCH: Puis, s’il advient d’un peu triompher, par hasard, // Ne pas être obligé d’en rien rendre à César,
ENGLISH: And then should chance a little glory bring, // don’t feel you need to render Caesar a thing,
SCREENSHOTS: Adrien lying to Kagami about losing his bracelet, which she holds behind her back [S4 E2: Lies]
FRENCH: Vis-à-vis de soi-même en garder le mérite,
ENGLISH: But keep the merit to yourself, entirely
SCREENSHOTS: Argos drawing a heart on Kagami’s window, causing her to giggle + Argami kissing as the sun rises [S5 E24: Representation]
FRENCH: Bref, dédaignant d’être le lierre parasite, // Lors même qu’on n’est pas le chêne ou le tilleul,
ENGLISH: In short, don’t deign to be the parasitic ivy, // even though you’re not the oak tree or the elm,
SCREENSHOTS: Argos joining the heroes’ team [S5 E26: Recreation]
FRENCH: Ne pas monter bien haut, peut-être, mais tout seul !
ENGLISH: Rise not so high, maybe, but be there all alone!
SCREENSHOT: Felix standing to a much bigger Gabriel, surrounded by amoks and akumas [S5 E24: Representation]
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