#They've definitely given us choices for seeing where Hellsguards are from
Deliberately chose the binary yes/no, but with the caveat that you can be as pedantic as you like because it's about how you FEEL. Are they from Doma but actually that nice farm you can see across the water in Yanxia and so you've never set foot there but you sort of feel at home in the zone? You can click yes. You made them from Dalmascus and an alliance raid runs right past their old front door, but it doesn't feel like a legit place to hang out in game and you're sad they didn't give us a full zone out there? Click no!
I've wondered about this since I started playing because the character creator gives you vague geographic details before you even start and maybe know nothing about the world, and then takes you up to the starter city like you're from somewhere else, and sometimes if you roll a character without knowing the story you end up accidentally Magnai's long-suffering sibling because of your choices and the naming conventions in the randomiser. How much drastic change has that caused or are you sticking with early OC characterisation plans?
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