#They're two lovely little goofsters who deserve the world and so so much more
cerise-on-top · 7 months
White Hank and Skittles with a Tsundere Reader
I think I remember this not being a request either, just something I wrote when I had time! I just really love the tsundere trope, It's so much fun to me! What it says in the title! Again, these are over a year old so the formatting is different!
White Hank
She won't be particularly surprised by your behaviour at first: She’s a deadly mercenary, renowned for killing people, so naturally, you’d react negatively to her. However, that sort of heartbreak won’t last very long as she’ll find out soon enough regarding why you’re being rather harsh towards her. Once she hears from someone that you may or may not have a huge crush on her, she’ll have the time of her life.
While she won’t take it too far, get ready for some friendly teasing on her behalf. Her hand brushing against yours, maybe she’ll even take your face into her hands. Of course, her favourite move would be to find out whether or not a fever might be the cause of your reddened face by placing her forehead against yours, all the while smirking. She’s merciless, and she really wants to see you stutter and fail to make coherent sentences. And, just maybe, get you to blurt out a confession.
Once you’re together and you’re being especially “mean” towards her again, she’ll simply give you a soft and gentle kiss on the lips, which is usually enough to make your mind shut down. Afterwards, she’ll give you a chuckle as she watches you try to comprehend what happened. And if you’re the sort to hide behind your hands, she will make a comment about how adorable you are.
For as much as she likes to fluster you, it’s those soft moments where you don’t deny her that she treasures. The ones, where she simply holds you and you rest against her chest. No silly and empty insults, just peace and quiet. If you fall asleep against her, she will stroke your back and give you the softest of smiles, all the while imagining your future together.
Skittles knows that Nevada is a harsh place to live in that breeds cautious and violent people, but that won’t stop him in the slightest from showing you kindness and giving you a big ol smile. No matter how grumpy you may be, this ball of sunshine will try to cheer you up and make you happy, regardless of what it’s going to take. Therefore, expect him to spend a lot of time around you. He’s lived the majority of his life around grumpy and mean people, so he doesn’t shy away from them in the slightest.
His love language is just about anything wholesome in existence, so be prepared for gifts, compliments, hugs and so on and so forth. The meaner you get, the more worried he’ll become if he did something wrong, even if it couldn’t be further from the truth. But once he sees you deny his affection for you with the biggest blush and smile known to gruntkind he’ll slowly piece everything together. He’ll fluster you, yes, but it won’t be on purpose, he’s just a very affectionate guy by nature.
Eventually, you’ll think you’ll have gotten used to his ways, but no, he will always find new ways to surprise you. His favourite is to bring you a flower and place it in the folds of your clothes so that you look like a clown. As plant life has become sparse in Nevada, it means he’ll likely have gone through hell and back just to find one for you. If he could, he would make you a little flower crown, but alas. Still, he has hope that one day he will. But until then, he will shower you in hugs and do everything he can to show how much he loves you.
When you finally do give in and give him his much needed affection, he will literally beam brighter than the sun in our world. He knows that it means a lot to you to open up to him and be sincere like that, that’s why you might just see him vibrate in joy ever so slightly.
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