#They're the type to just go to the courthouse and sign some papers at that point in their lives
canadianlucifer · 5 months
Every time I think about making a seiakimon wedding fic or drawing I remember polygamy is illegal and get pissed again and it leaves me with little to no energy to work on the art itself
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smileduponyou · 9 months
        “  13. what traits does your muse value in a romantic partner? + 18. how does your muse feel about marriage? would they ever want to get married? + 32. does your muse have an ideal "type"? ” // From ;; romance & relationship headcanons!
Meme status: Still accepting
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13. Trust comboed with companionship.
Gregory is, at his core, rather lonely and thus intensely values a partner that will allow him to be around them even if they don't do anything. He just enjoys being around the people he loves, even if they never talk and just sit there. It could be anything. Watching tv, reading, just fucking around, just as long as he's with them then he's happy.
Trust is also very much something valued. The boy has some abandonment issues thanks to both his parent's neglect and the lack of friends after the movie since no one seemed to want anything to do with him after.
18. Marriage is something that Gregory likes in its core concept because, I'm gonna be real, he's a bit of a romantic. But it's not something he requires in a relationship, even if he wouldn't say no to the idea of getting married. People probably think he'd make a big deal out of it but he really wouldn't. He'd be happy with just going to the courthouse and signing the papers and then having a private little dinner after. Big weddings are a waste of money, effort and he finds them pretentious.
32. I wouldn't say he consciously has a type that he's aware of. But if I could pin one... He tends to prefer men who are genuine with him. In that they're not going to do a bunch of bullshit to put off some kind of 'image'. Calling him on his bullshit is also appreciated, even if he might get mad about it in the moment, because sometimes he doesn't notice when he's messing up or overlooking something important and he understands that having a 'yes man' is neither something he wants or will help him in the long run.
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Going off of the werewolf wedding ask from earlier, I can totally see Jake and Ronnie asking Javy and Bob to have breakfast with them at a little diner in town. And when they find the couple, they’re like oh, can we take care of something first? And they all walk to the courthouse, where Javy and Bob are starting to be like guys, what’s going on, and when they reach the floor where the marriages can take place, they’re both fan-girling and super excited for Jake and Ronnie! So these two get married, and then their bff’s join them for their first post human marriage ceremony meal!
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This is Javy and Bob!!
though i don't know how Jake would feel about Bob being there 😂 Ronnie would insist on it though, cause that's her werewolf bff, her ride-or-die, right there.
God, just the idea of them just SPRINGING this on Javy and Bob is making me feel some type of way. Just the casual invite to breakfast, they're both a little suspicious cause ya know still kinda rivals.
and then they just go to the courthouse and the sign the papers in front of the judge and jake and ronnie are being so casual about it. I'm picturing that one scene from Parks and Rec where Ron and Diane get married and Leslie is like giving her the highlighter bouquet and throwing paperclips everywhere as confetti. Javy and Bob are obviously Leslie in this situation lollllll
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i am obsessed I say, obsessed!!
thank you for sending this in M. this is such a happy thought.
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mistresseast · 3 years
how do you think a marriage proposal between akira and goro would go mistress? who would propose first and would they want to have a traditional wedding ceremony or would they just go to a court house, sign some papers and be married? 😂
For as dramatic as they both are, if left to their own devices, I imagine any proposal between the two of them would be pretty simple and maybe a spur-of-the-moment type thing. I would pin Akira as being the one most likely to propose, just bc he's a little more honest about his feelings for Goro, or at least more proactive, and if he had his way, he'd just ask Goro as soon as he made up his mind. Why wait, right? After everything they've been through, he's not going to delay something that might make them happy. The only way I can see a planned proposal happening is if Akira is with someone else when he realizes he wants to marry Goro and that person convinces him to do something special. And even then, probably only Ann would be able to do that. I think it would be really cute if Akira, like, set up a little scavenger hunt through the city, leaving "calling cards" with riddles for Goro to solve, maybe roleplaying like he stole something (or actually stealing something) so obviously the brilliant detective needs to get it back. And the riddles are all about their relationship somehow and they lead Goro to idk probably Leblanc, where Akira is waiting to propose. That would be super fun! The main reason I'm not more confident that they would go for an elaborate or, god forbid, competitive proposal, is that I actually think they'd be nervous, Akira in particular. It's not that he doubts Goro loves him, it's just that he knows Goro very well and he knows that Goro is wary about commitment. There's a real possibility that Goro might say no, that marriage is just too much right now. Obviously, it wouldn't be a break-up, but Akira would want to avoid putting Goro on the spot as much as possible, so a simpler, private proposal just seems more respectful. As for the ceremony itself, I don't think they'd go as spartan as a courthouse wedding, but they would definitely keep it small and quick. Again, why wait? Just a nice gathering with their friends somewhere pretty or meaningful with, uh, Sae officiating. Lawyers are kind of like ministers, right? lol and they'd both definitely cry. Ultimately, I think they'd enjoy being married! They're both possessive enough that they'd appreciate the officiality of it all. But they wouldn't ever feel any pressure to get married. Their promises to each other are more important than any official document <3
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unfairaddiction · 5 years
Marriage Headcanons
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Anyway, I was watching Say Yes to the Dress and now I'm just thinking dresses and weddings.
Essentially a no cult AU
The GFH are just the bridal party.
Maid of honor is entirely subject to your Deputy's best friend.
I luv this boy. Super supportive fiance.
Like he wants to respect the tradition of not seeing the dress but also wants to break tradition.
So he comes to help.
Sharky thinks that the Deputy wearing anything would be perfect.
Hell he was ready to go to the courthouse and elope the second he proposed.
He finds the ugliest dress in the store.
"Its got character Dep."
Tbh, I feel like he would make a lot of jokes about having the ugliest things. Like instead of having regular tuxes they're like camo or like the sleeves tear off, but when it comes down to it he wants to look nice.
For a dress the dep would probably do something like a mermaid style.
Sexy but elegant so it still feels like a wedding dress.
Even if he saw the dress in the store and even if he did cry then, he still cries when he sees her on their wedding day.
I don't think rings would be a big deal for Sharky and the Dep, I think the ring would he like the last thing either of them thought about.
Probably a small diamond with a pretty simple design.
Sharky would feel bad that he couldn't afford something fancy but the Dep wouldn't care.
Sharky totally proposed in the heat of the moment, or just when they were chilling out together, and it kind of slipped out.
He was #shook the Dep said yes, because he would plan out a whole thing with fire and explosions, but he's glad that he doesn't have to figure out the logistics of having fireworks spell out "will you marry me" in the sky.
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He respects the tradition of not seeing the the bride in the dress before the wedding.
He wants to be involved, the part of him that wants to know very last detail really wants him to be involved but he controls himself, for the most part.
He has Faith be his eyes on the inside and John convinces the Dep to let Faith come.
John really just wants to know if the Dep is sticking to the general theme of their wedding, which is very like upscale bougie type deals.
The Dep definitely wants to pay for her own dress with her own money, not relying on John, so her budget is really tight.
She doesn't like relying on John or his wealth.
Dep knows that it would drive John crazy if she isnt on brand, and while for everyday life she'll mess with John she won't for their wedding.
So she tries really hard to match the aesthetic John is going for, and there's a few dresses that she likes that are in her budget and that sort of match the theme and she's planning on getting the one she likes the most.
Until Faith brings a dress that Rook absolutely adores, it's like perfect in every way. Until she sees the price tag and it's way over her budget.
And the Dep is like in tears because she wanted to be able to do this one thing since John does so much.
Faith calls John who is trying to be the voice of reason, because he knows this is important to the Dep.
Eventually John talks the Dep down from the ledge with help from Kim and Faith and they come to an agreement.
John went all out with the ring. It's one of the most extra looking things.
He loves her and he thinks she put the stars In the sky and wants the whole world to know that.
John talks a big game and he's usually very confident in appearance, but he's got a pretty low opinion of himself.
He kept his proposal lowkey, just in case he's right and the Dep actually hates him. He doesn't want the whole county to know.
To his own surprise the Dep says yes and he couldn't be happier.
He hasn't been this happy since Joseph and Jacob came back into his life. He gets to experience a loving family.
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They're going to have a really simple wedding. Just family and close friends.
Dep isn't looking for a super fancy dress, just something simple.
They're ceremony has a backyard sort of feel, and its during the hot Montana summer.
So she doesn't really want heavy layers.
Joseph has been through a wedding before, his first marriage had been just signing papers at the courthouse, this was an ACTUAL ceremony.
The Dep doesn't want to replace Joseph's late wife and they have a really long conversation about it.
Joseph can't help but see the similarities between them, and he can also appreciate there differences.
He planned out his proposal, he had a super romantic dinner and he and the Dep reminisced about how they met and some of their favorite memories.
Joseph would probably go for a simple ring, probably just matching gold bands no diamonds or anything.
The Dep and Joseph DIY most of their wedding decorations.
Joseph's congregation are also really generous, they help out while putting together some of the bigger decorations.
Joseph, who is usually calm and collected, is shaking with nerves on the big day.
Even getting married to his first wife he wasn't THIS nervous.
All his fears melt away when he sees her coming down the aisle.
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I'm personally a fan of the "Jacob was married" backstory that we never got to experience.
Tbh, I think Jacob probably married young, like a lot of military guys do, and between his deployments and his PTSD, it got to his wife, and she being young herself couldn't deal so they divorced.
That experience probably made Jacob really anti marriage, he felt abandoned and alone.
He only started to waiver in his beliefs after he'd been dating the Dep awhile.
The Dep would have to warm him up to the idea, and she'd probably have to be the one to propose too.
Jacob fully intends to wear a tshirt and jeans but John has a fit.
So the Dep is excited! She's getting married! Her friends are more or less supportive, there's a few comments about the age difference but Dep has had plenty of time to think about that.
Jacob is kind of insecure about that too, not that he'd ever say it out loud to anyone but Dep or Joseph.
Jacob literally only let's a handful of people even know that they're engaged, even less are invited to the wedding.
Jacob doesn't think he's going to feel any differently for the Dep after they get married, he thinks that their wedding is only going to be an inconvenience.
He doesn't like to admit that he MAY have shed a tear when he first saw the Dep coming down the aisle.
He didn't think he would love again, and he definitely never thought he'd marry again.
The Dep didn't go overboard dress shopping, she'd want something simple.
Jacob doesn't understand how someone as great as the Dep could ever want him, but he's glad that she convinced him to marry her.
The Dep goes all out on her own ring but she knows Jacob wants something simple.
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I'm dying inside, sorry I've been inactive, I'm like caught between wanting to write a million things and not being able to commit to any, so hopefully I can just work through this funk I'm in 😥
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