#They're just so calm and comfortable together 🥺🥹🥰
tampatom12 · 9 months
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Julian Edelman with Rob Gronkowski on the Fox NFL Sunday set // via Instagram // Monday, December 11th, 2023
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
Oh my god. So just imagine doing laundry. And you know when smaller articles of clothing sometimes get stuck in sleeves/pant legs? Imagine a tiny sock from Aaron’s daughter getting stuck in his clothes. He pulls it out after realizing on a case away from home and just like. Immediately tears up slightly because he misses his girls and Jack back at home. HHHHHHH… calls them as soon as he can, just wanting to hear their voices 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 CRIES
CRYING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
it happens during a particularly hard case too :((((( where little kids are also sadly getting hurt :(
to say the day was a rough one is an understatement - the victims were a family that had both a boy and a girl, so it was alllll too easy for aaron to picture you, jack and baby girl hotchner :( as he walked around the crime scene, the poor children even had similar toys - toys aaron is always tripping over or stepping on at home; in the living room, the hallway, even your room when the kiddos climb into bed with you and aaron. so again, it's all too easy to visualize. cases involving kids are always hard on him, but with this added, aaron's just, not having a good day :(
and when aaron gets to his hotel room that night - he feels defeated, exhausted, and again he just can't get the image of the most important people in his life being the ones getting hurt out of his head :( and sadly he got too back late - he's in a different time zone, and he knows the kiddos are most likely already asleep, and if they are, so are you. he doesn't initially plan on calling home. instead, he sets an alarm to wake up early - 5 am for him (although he doesn't need to be back at the precinct until 8 :(), 8 am back home. just before yet another hard day starts again, he has to talk to you all :(
but when he opens his go-bag to grab some pjs, a little itty bitty socks falls to the ground 🥺 it was static-attached to his sweatpants - and his heart just breaks even more and tears are pinching at his eyes :(((((( the only though running through his head is how badly he just wants to be home :(
without another thought, he tosses his clothes back into his bag, immediately grabs his phone, and is calling you. at this point, he doesn't care if at least, he wakes you up (and you never ever mind, he's woken you up before and you always understand). but luckily!!!! when you answer, everyone at home is still awake 🥹💓
aaron immediately smiles through his tears when he hears jack and baby girl get all excited that daddy called!!!!!!! :D and he asks them what they're doing up so late 🤨 (with a breath of relief) (it's approaching midnight back home) and they said that you let them stay up to watch a movie, since jackers has no school the next day because it snowed a ton!!!!! - hehe you then add that they were just about to get tucked in 🙄🥰 but now that he's called, he can help <333
but whenever aaron adds to the conversation as you're running through the going-to-bed motions, you can hear the strain, and the choked up tears, in his voice. but you don't say anything about it - you just let him and the kiddos talk because you know he needs it. you quickly inferred that the case involves children and when that happens, you know he'll only find comfort or calm down with the reassurance that everything back home, is normal. just the way he likes it :( and once everyone is in bed, you'll talk to him about it - just the two of you.
aaron doesn't go into specifics, but he does tell you about baby girl's little sock and just how that, well, he misses you all :( you reassure him that they're safe, all of you are, and super huge hugs will be waiting for him when he does get home <333 the two of you even fall asleep together while still on the phone and honestly, aaron wouldn't have actually fallen asleep that night without it
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
Domestic Aaron Hotchner has my heart 🥰❤️
I have some hc:
-He loves his farmer's markets. Sunday mornings, you'll walk hand-in-hand with coffee/tea, a morning stroll, looking at all the fresh produce and goods.
-He loves to cook for you. If you have a favorite dish, he will absolutely learn to make it for you.
-loves reading and one of his favorite ways to spend time together is reading, with you or Jack or just the there of you (you love reading to your Hotchner boys, all snuggled with u)
-He LOVES having a hyperactive family. He loves nothing more than to enter the comfort of his home and hear the delighted squeals of his kids as they spring into his embrace.
-Drinks his coffee black, but will occasionally spurge on a seasonal drink. He prefers local cafes.
-loves pet names, he melts every time.
(Will be thinking of more hc)
AHHHH a big snuggly hotchner family 😭😭<3333
aaron's favorite part of the day is when he gets home 🥹 especially if it's been a particularly bad day :( the second his key hits the door, he can already hear all the little stampeding footsteps hurrying to greet him 😭 and before he even enters the household properly, little ones are grabbing and hugging his legs so so tightly, a chorus of some very high pitched "hi daddy! we missed you!!!!!" 's following <333
so if he wasn't in a good mood prior, those emotions are long gone now 😭 serial killers and work are the farthest thing from his mind. now he's so so smiley and excitedly greeting his babies back as he scoops everyone into his arms <333 he'll ask them how their day was, what they did at school, and everyone immediately starts talking over each other trying to share- which makes some of the littles very frustrated >:( because they can't tell their daddy about their day without being interrupted :(((((
hehe so he'll shush their loud little voices gently, reminds them to use their inside voices and take turns as they talk 🥺 so then everyone calms down a bit and smiles reappear as they tell him all about the day's activities 🥺 jack, being the best big brother, always helps calm them down too <3 and finally you come over to greet him as well <333 his face just brightens up even more at the sight of you and while everyone is still in his embrace, he gives you a kiss hello 🥰 which prompts a bunch of small ew's! but it's quickly accompanied by more laughter and your little bugs look at you with such excitement in their eyes as they tell you, again, that daddy's finally home from work <33333
and aaron's used to the hustle and bustle at work, but it's nothing compares to how it is at home, but in the best way possible !!!! hehe he loves seeing his babies so lively and chaotic (as long as everyone's being safe) and how it fills the entire home 🥹 sure it gets loud at times, but he wouldn't prefer it any other way. he can't picture life being any different 🥹 it just fills a piece in his heart he didn't even know existed until they were all born
and family cuddles!!!!!!!! after dinner, once every toy is picked up and all the dinner dishes are tucked away in the dishwasher, everyone compiles in either the big bed™ , as the littles call it, or on the couch, either reading together or watching a movie. the littles always fall asleep fairly quickly, because being a kid is hard work >:(, and ugh the sight always warms aaron's heart <3 they're either smushed onto aaron or you, deep in dreamland and the greatest sense of peace floods over him. aaron loves them, he loves knowing they're safe and protected with the two of you, and he loves you hehe <3 endlessly
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