#They may not stick around but they're my squad bitches
self-shipper-snowdrop Β· 26 days
Most people's fav NPCs: Rolan, Raphael, Nere, etc
Me, breaking down the door: "You WILL accept the best beans Omeluum, Derryth, and Barcus supremacy. They are best NPCs and no I will not shut up about it."
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koreanpepamadrigal Β· 10 months
hi y'all! happy opening πŸŽ‰ as a housewarming gift, i (yun, 20+, s/h) bring what the cat dragged in: miss KYUNG SEOYOUNG, your friendly neighbour grad student ta who you see more than the actual professor.
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more under the cut, with both ims & discord available for plotting upon request! like this 4 plotting, and i'll come say hi! β™‘
pre-sua: much like her parents, she stays unregistered. they're living a nice cushy life parading as humans, and they want the same for seoyoung. tell her to keep her mutation a secret, and she'll do fine.
and yk what, they're right! she's living the life! gets into her dream university after she graduates from high school, and even manages to date a nice guy!
and well…. attitudes towards mutants are changing. she lets him in on her little m-word secret, and everything's peachy keen- till she gets an internship and he doesn't.
that's when he lets slip to their school that she's a big bad. she's kicked out of the university, the government's on her ass, and it's on top of the news cycle for a week.
she spins it as best as she can; a dumb, silly girl who was of course getting around to registering when questioned by the relevant authorities--- it's not her fault she found out during finals season! there's interest in the case, and she capitalises off it in hopes the attention will mean lesser repercussions. she's just a girl who wanted to live a quiet normal life like everyone else, ok? :(
girlbossed, gaslit and gatekept (from university)
goes to show that dating men is probably the worst thing you can do to yourself
'lying is ok if it gets you what you want' - seoyoung, probably
anyway, sua opens its doors shortly after, and she gets back on track! she's more than happy to take the patch rash in exchange for a degree, thanks.
currently, she's pursuing a phd in one of sua's labs and regretting it... she's determined to stick it out, though, simply out of spite. her advisor may be the worst person to walk the face of the earth, but seoyoung's absolutely not giving her the satisfaction of quitting
for plotting's sake, i'll keep the classes she tas for pretty vague-- if they take a science class/lab, let's gaurrr. staff shortages also have her covering for unrelated classes, so it's really a toss-up re: whether she actually knows the content or not.
if u've read this far... send me a welcome msg w/ a science class ur muse would take and we can figure it out from there... i'll even throw in a funny seoyoung-esque email reply... ooo u wanna message me so bad πŸŒ€πŸŒ€πŸŒ€
emails students back at 5am. uses emojis and thinks β€˜πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­β“β“β“β“β“β€™ constitutes a proper reply. has fucky signoffs- if you ask her a dumb question, expect a: Why?, Kyung Seoyoung
serious serious β€˜Sent from my iPhone’ energy
please don’t talk to her, she has no self control and will talk to you for 4h instead of getting work done.
is also a ra at yellow hall. if it comes down to the resident vs her free housing? she's picking the housing every time. doesn't care that much, though. just don't fuck around during her rounds and she'll close an eye to whatever.
takes weather-related requests and charges an arm and leg for it. if you want your first date to be sunny, be prepared to cough up for it per hour.
always tired, but also always awake.
will never miss an offer to drink and bitch about her advisor, and is quite possibly landsliding towards alcoholism.
connection ideas: late 20s and up squad... / undergrads who love her as a ta / undergrads who hate her as a ta / yellow hall residents / someone who pissed her off and is now being rained on 24/7 / someone who really wants x weather but isn't willing to/can't cough up the $$ to make it happen... they WILL be bothering her for it tho!
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