#They make amazing partner pokemon because they're so intelligent
pokemonshelterstories · 9 months
I'm looking for advice. I'm looking to get a partner pokemon of my own, but the only experience I have is with my family's buneary. I've always loved scolipedes, but I've also heard that pidoves are friendly and intelligent pokemon... do you have tips for either of these, or general advice for a new solo pokemon owner?
i may be a bit biased lol...but pidove make great first pokemon to raise on your own! i recommend getting at least two to start so that they can help keep each other company, because they're social little guys. pidove are kind of well known for not being the brightest...but they have one of the most amazing memories of any pokemon! so they're not gonna be big problem solvers, but simple puzzle toys and memory games are great ways to entertain them. theyre definitely friendly- my pidove love sitting on my head or shoulder!
scolipede's tougher. i don't usually recommend poison types as a first pokemon, and the venipede line is known for its aggression. they need a good bit of space and places where they can root around for food. their venom is also powerful enough to disable a human, so i'd only get one if you're feeling very confident- and certainly don't try to evolve it too fast. a different bug or poison type would really be better for your first mon.
as far as general tips- remember that your vet and the pokemon center are your friends! they're your first and foremost contact for questions and concerns. and also- remember that you're going to make mistakes in your care, and that's okay. raising pokemon is harder than people make it sound sometimes. if someone trustworthy tells you that you need to change something you're doing, it doesn't mean that you're a bad trainer. you're just learning things as you go, and everyone inevitably screws something up. as long as you're doing your best for your pokemon and fixing things that need fixing, you and your pokemon will be okay.
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thelastpilot · 5 years
Please rate the eeveelutions, they're my favs I wanna know what you think about them
Okay now that I’m at my computer and not my phone let’s get cracking!!
First and foremost, Eevee! #133
not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
Eevee is adorable, dependable, versatile (obviously), like its a 1st stage pokemon that can be added to your group and then evolved into such a VARIETY of types to offset whatever thing you’re lacking in your team like, loveability aside that’s straight up useful. The swiss army knife of pokemon. And you can plan for the future like, okay I don’t need an electric cause by the time i get to X gym i’ll have a jolteon. Eevee is freaking adorable and amazing, I have Let’s Go Eevee and his name is Copper and I love him.
Vaporeon #134. Water.
not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
Vaporeon is elegant. Like I know Espeon is the fancy one? But you can’t ignore that Vaporeon is right up there with it for like dismissive bitch at the party. They can be the intelligent reserved one AND the fancy one, 10/10
Jolteon #135. Electric.
not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
You ever bought a pair of vans? chances are you’re into Jolteon. Jolteon is the androgynous fav, the punk girl and the rock dude, the agreeable middle ground of the Eevee gang. Jolteon is just cool, and fast as FUCK, you need a speed boost?? Get yourself a Jolteon
Flareon #136. Fire.
not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
Got to admit, not my fav. A somewhat uninspired design, I understand that the fluff looks like fire but what if the fluff WAS fire? I’m talking Ponyta dude, What if it was white hot fire and the red fur had a gradient down to the paws where the part closest to the white hot fire was paler, and the paws were a deep dark red and it’s eyes looked like smoldering coals. Now THATS a fire-type Eevee, but by no means to be ignored, Just not my fav
Umbreon #197. Dark.
not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
You ever bought a slap bracelet at hot topic? You’ve heard of Umbreon, and he’s been in your main team since you were 11. Now this is not to generalize this badass, cause theres a REASON everyone loves it. People go apeshit over anything moon oriented, you telling me this pitch black dope-ass fox has glowing rings of gold and blood red eyes? Only appears if it trusts you with its entire soul under the cover of darkness?? Will fight for you and guard your grave for millenia? Hell yeah dude, of COURSE people love this guy
Glaceon #471. Ice.
not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
I like glaceon, glaceon is cool, but suffered for being paired with Leafeon because its not as cool as Leafeon. Now this is 100% my personal bias for all things forest related and I admit that, because at its base the ice design is very smooth and cool and I love the whole head design of the creature. Would have liked to have seen more fluff and like ice shards sticking off the body in my person opinion. Glassy ice coated or even milky white eyes would have been a dope bonus. 
Leafeon #470. Grass.
not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
Fuck yeah dude. I love Leafeon. I love all things nature related and its got a GREAT design! It’s 3D models kind of suck but its 2D art is amazing! With the gradient of the Leaf ears and tail and the great un-symmetrical detail on the leaves! The colors overall and the eyes! Love this little forest spirit, I trust this creature. 10/10 would follow it into the fae realm
Espeon #196. Psychic.
not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
Espeon is cool but again suffered for me with who it was paired with because Umbreon was CLEARLY my pick and I never gave Espeon much of a shake unless my goal was to get all the eeveeloutions. Espeons presence in Pokemon Colosseum is what made me like them way more, as starting with them both was extremely cool. very smooth elegant lady who absolutely absorbs all the details around her but doesnt do anything with the information unless it suits her purposes. Be careful with what you share with her, she aient gonna gossip but it WILL hurt you if she desires so.  
Sylveon #700. Fairy.
not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
Everyone loves Sylveon, a really great fairy type that came with no partner when announced but stood out all on its own. Would have liked to see it counterbalanced with a Dragon type eevee but we can’t have everything. Colors were absolutely amazing and I am in love with the dynamic ribbons that flow all around it, makes it appears very mystical while still being inviting! (Like a fairy!) Great color choice for everything including the eyes and one was really important to a lot of people. I too really enjoy Sylveon. 
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