#These were shorter bc I didn't want to clog up the dash but!!!
chronal-anomaly · 2 years
Facetedspades, Flashofyellowlights and Femtaille
All the F blogs
Spread some joy this evening ! || accepting (always tbh)
Listen nonnie, Col is one of the best writers on this website. They put so much care and attention in all of their characters ( especially Jack, but I might be a little biased there). Their writing is beautiful, and they're willing to indulge my shenanigans. I'm blessed to have the opportunity to talk to them ic and ooc, and to have them in my life. I'm truly blessed to have them as a friend.
I can't find/don't remember your penname and I'm sorry but!! You have one of the most consistent, well characterised Angela's on the website! You balance the lightness and fun of her personality with her intensity as a doctor so well, and I'm in constant aw of how much time, work, and effort that you take into consideration when you write her. I love all of your aesthetic/musing/ enviroment posts because it adds such a depth to her, and it's clear that you're just so passionate about her. Thank you so much for being here, and being a member of OWRPC.
@femtaille (Round 2 )
Sue is continuing to wound me with her headcanons, musing and music. She manages to wrap up so many different aspects of Widow, Amelie, Moira, Gerard, and the other characters and consideres so closely how they all impact Widow. Sue listens to, and includes the headcanons, of different musees that Widow interacts with, and we've managed to go from a simple battle scene to developing a rich and deep back story that makes it hurt so much more.
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