#These are all explaining the basic premise of what we'll be doing and hasn't revealed any real information yet whatsoever
da2supremacy · 22 hours
Some of the spoilers people are complaining about really is like, movie trailer level shit.
I literally do not understand spoiler culture.
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An Unabridged Guide to Project Zero
Alright, so- this is what I've been itching to write for the past couple days, and honestly it's got to be my favorite post for the superhero collaborator project!
I'm going to be explaining the plot with a little more depth since I was almost running against the clock;
Project Zero Plots
So, to cover some of the old lore again- basically the whole premise is that certain hero districts will be working together in order to handle new threats and dangers to their cities. Though an organization known as the Order is determined to create an elite team of heroes to handle these, well, problems. Now, to cover what is happening in current times- from what I understood, three of the districts will have already met before the blogs kickstart, which includes Generator Rex and Ben 10 - courtesy of @oceandirtcountry
In context of what is actually happening, the heroes are catching wind of a new, unknown threat though the Order has yet to contact them. Now of course, in the main hub of the districts is a smaller law enforcement group which handles smaller concerns and the like, occasionally offering assistance- this force doesn't have a name yet and I am very much open to suggestions!
Now, with Amity Park (in other words, the home city of Phantom) and Norrisville (the Ninja's known residence), they're meant to be the newest recruits- and there's a reason for this, but we'll be getting to that later. I can't reveal all the fun just yet.
I have to leave some things vague for obvious reasons and we'll be covering the rest once I know what characters everyone's taking. Though something I will say: hero districts aren't commonly known by non-districts.
Additional Commentary/Thoughts
The Order is a government-run organization to the surprise of probably no one- it's uncertain where they originated from or how they came to learn about the hero districts, but their interest remains present. Prior to the existence of Project Zero, the Order was known for its involvement in creating soldiers for their own uses.
To keep things from getting too complicated with dates, I am not going to decide which hero district was around the longest; although technically, that falls to Norrisville but it likely isn't the only one. An honorary mention to the Dragon Council falls into this category, but they might never show- just keep in mind that the Council of Dragons has also been around for a while.
Do keep in mind that most of their series finales had yet to happen- well, most at least. Phantom Planet isn't canon to this crossover, not because I think it sucked but in context of the lore, it wouldn't make sense. The season two/series finale for RC9GN likely also hasn't happened for ahems reasons.
Amity Park has some level of ecto-contamination as a result of all the ghosts; nothing too horror-y but enough where there are... changes to the city as a result. It's a bit more on the down low.
Ho boy, okay- another thing: magical artifacts are common across a lot of the districts. I am too lazy to go in full detail right now, but just know it's a thing-
I was originally going to cover terminology in this post but then decided against it- since the post is already incredibly long, but well, for now you get my wild ramblings.
I've already claimed my characters, but I will be covering that later because again- I've been yapping nonstop. That being said, I am now going to cover one of my favorite parts of this entire AU.
The alliances; not necessarily who's allied with who, but let's get right to it, shall we? Honestly the way I see it, at first- there's going to be clear tension and it might be hard for them to adjust as a result of a situation they have no control over. Also, I need a reason to explain why they'll be absent from their respective districts- my best idea is this takes place over the summer and the Order creates the excuse it's a summer camp program but I can't think of anything else beyond that.
I like to think they eventually learn to get along, but there's a lot of trial and error at first-
I do hope you come to enjoy this as much as I will! I'll be covering the terminology shortly, and then I'm going to finish working on the blog, as well as covering official rules!
That's all for now!
~ Mod Destiny (They/Them)
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xxfinalgirlxx · 8 months
Risertrap Guide
Risertrap is a free indie game on itch.io at https://abho.itch.io/risertrap. It has four endings and draws inspiration from the Saw franchise and the Blackjack minigame from Resident Evil VII. In this guide I'll be explaining all four endings!
Trigger warnings for this game: gore, amputation, death
Basic premise: you are playing rock paper scissors with a fellow victim. You have two monitors visible on your screen-- the one on the right displays your choices of rock, paper, and scissors. The circles on the bottom screen are 'calls', which you can use when you lose a round. It lengthens the round into best two out of three, to perhaps save a finger (or worse).
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To explain this simply: the beginning screen. The circles represent how many times you can force a 2 out of 3. When you use one, it is passed to your opponent-- there are ALWAYS four calls available. It can be passed back to you later. You just select your move by clicking on its icon. The blue bar on the bottom is your timer. Running out of time causes an automatic loss and according penalty.
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This is the screen when you have lost a round. You may use your 'call' to force the 2 out of 3, or you may take the loss and forfeit.
The monitor on the left displays your body parts. Whichever part is flashing in red is the next to be removed by the trap set by the sadistic narrator.
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For example, on this screen, I have not yet lost anything, and the pinky finger will be the next to be removed.
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An example of a hand with two fingers removed.
Each time you or an opponent lose a round, the platform you are on raises by one level, indicated by this bar.
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The platform is at level 7 here.
Now that's the basics of the game, onto each ending! Spoilers ahead, please feel free to explore the game on your own!
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This is a simple ending. As body parts are removed, eventually all of your vital organs will be taken, leaving the right monitor like this:
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Your vision will start to fade in and out. Eventually, you will-- without your lungs and heart-- die of hypoxia, caused by inadequate oxygen delivery to the brain.
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This starts off exactly the same as ending 1, but instead of eventually dying of hypoxia, it happens when you lose one more round and your brain is removed.
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When your opponent has their brain removed, you win! The opponent CANNOT die of hypoxia due to balancing issues. I can't give much strategy on how to win, as this is entirely a chance game. Just try to use your calls wisely! I recommend not overusing them and trying to hoard them. Keeping them out of your opponent's hands forces more losses for them!
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Your unfortunate opponent once you've won.
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This ending requires multiple playthroughs.
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This is a little dark to see, isn't it! Let's brighten that up.
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There we go! Now you can see a pattern of dots. Wondering what to do with this? That's for your next playthrough! For now, we're going to click on the pattern itself.
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It reveals this! That is, quite obviously, Morse Code. I have provided a morse code cheat sheet!
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Try and translate yourself!
(Line break so you can translate without seeing the answer below)
Translating that message, it says LISTEN, with a picture of the stylistic eyes. Now, with that knowledge, let's start over! You can continue to play, or just refresh the game and start again!
Now we'll be breaking that morse code translator out again. Try to remember these patterns--
P = short, long, long, short
R = short, long, short
S= short, short, short
I bet it's starting to click now, but if it hasn't: your opponent is blinking in morse code! Start the game and watch his eyes closely. P stands for paper, R stands for rock, and S stands for scissors.
Your goal is to TIE with him. So watch his blinking carefully, and tie him. Over, and over, tie with him.
After eight ties, the right monitor will glitch out, saying Critical System Error.
Keep in mind you can ONLY do this if NEITHER of you have been injured yet.
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He will begin to speak to you through the monitor!
>im glad you got the message
>we activated the backdoor, which aborts the game
>thank goodness it still works
>but we won't be able to get out of here alive
>if we had admin access, we could get the system to unbind us
>and give us new legs, too (did you notice that? neither of you have legs!)
>but we're going to die anyways without the passcode
>well, at least we aren't forced to kill eachother
The screen will then display a numberpad.
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Here it is!
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Back to the status monitor, look on the right side to see three buttons. Press them in the sequence shown on the pattern from before.
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The dark dot in each column is which to press in order. So it goes bottom, top, middle, top, middle, top, top.
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Now a passcode appears in the top! It is NOT randomly generated, and remains the same through each playthrough-- it is always 9153.
He will begin to talk to you again.
>you... did it...
The platform will rise to your freedom now!
>let's get the hell out of here, friend
That's the end of the guide! This was such a fun little game and I can't wait to review and write guides to more.
EDIT: requested tip-- press Z to skip the intro!
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