#There was always too much skeleton influence before so it's nice that I've managed to get a lot closer to the proper style nowadays.
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Finally started on a proper reference for Xeras last month (that I have yet to finish as of this moment), and while I'm still fighting with more sprite work, wanted to share how they were looking so far in the game's style. Once I finish up the current reference for something semi-related but otherwise different, I'll be able to do more for Xeras then. As well as, hopefully, get started on my other vessel ocs after that. Hopefully.
Once I get references done for all the siblings, I'll be able to properly move onto my non-vessel ocs with a bit more ease via the vessels as warm ups. Maybe then I'll be able to make a proper header rather than a half-assed shit post. Maybe I'll keep the shit post of Xeras in my pfp then or maybe I'll do something else, don't really know yet.
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dtk-imagines · 7 years
I've got another ask for you! (Tell me if I'm annoying, k?) So, for US/SF!Bros. I saw a lot of stuff about a S/O encountering an abusing ex and then the skelli comes over and makes the ex leave and makes sure S/O is fine and bla-bla-bla... but what about the contrary? What if the skele-babe was the one with the abusing ex and the new S/O's making sure they're ok? (Unless you're uncomfortable with doing this kind of asks, it's fine if you don't want to.)
HO BOY, you’re not bothering me at all! This was really interesting to think about and soooo fun to write. All of the below is assuming the S/O stepped in and got the ex to back off. 
TW for abuse/abuse mention.
– You’re out at a park enjoying a nice picnic date when the ex is spotted, making their way toward you. Plum’s eyelights go out and he nearly drops the sandwich in his hand. He’ll try to get you both to pack up and leave, but you’re not fast enough and now the ex is right there.
– They look you up and down before turning to Sans, who looks.. pained. Like them standing there is cutting right through him.
“Please, Sans, come back to me,” They beg, stepping forward into his space. “Please, I’m sorry. I’ll be better, I promise, this time I’ll - ”
“i-i don’t want to.”
Plum’s voice is so small as he backs away. This is a far cry from the happy, encouraging skeleton you know. He makes sure to stay between you and the ex, but that just gives them the chance to grab his wrist.
“Please, come on, I need you.” They say, looking almost entirely genuine with their heartache. The words are like torture to Plum’s soul, “Please, I love you so much. I’ll do better.”
– What happens next is up to you. Whether you rip the ex’s hand off of your boyfriend and yell at them or just deck them in the face, Plum is paralyzed. He’s shocked, and afraid, so afraid for you because he doesn’t want the ex to target you too! 
– Say his name and snap him out of it; When he realizes that the ex is now gone (or knocked out) he clings to you and bursts into tears. He’s so sorry human, he should have done something, you shouldn’t have had to do that but he just never thought they’d coming looking for him and he was terrified and -
– Oh, gosh. Please comfort him. Tell him you want to go home, and he’ll nod and follow your lead. You ditch the picnic date and go home to watch movies instead, arms around each other. He thanks you for the millionth time, hugging you tight. He’s safe with you, he knows that now better than ever before.
– You’re both walking down the street, on your way home from grocery shopping after Sans sent you to get ingredients for dinner. Cherry’s making some joke about tacos, and you’re laughing even though the punch line hasn’t been delivered yet.
– You never get to hear it though, because Papyrus has stopped talking. In fact, he’s stopped walking altogether, simply looking ahead with wide sockets. You look forward just as his ex slows to a stop in front of you, panting.
“Papyrus! Oh, baby, I knew it was you.” The ex is smiling wide, completely ignoring your presence. He seems to miss the wince Papyrus does at the pet name. “How are you? Listen, I’ve been thinking, and - ”
“i don’t care.” Papyrus bites back, voice dripping with a venom you’ve never heard before. He transfers a bag from one hand to the other, freeing one so he can grab yours. You feel the crackle of a shortcut coming and relief runs through you, you get to go home and just avoid this altogether -
but the shortcut occurs right as the ex reaches out to him and now all three of you are in Papyrus’ room. This is where his brain short-circuits - the sight of them in his room has opened the floodgates to horrible memories and he’s panicking now, because he never wanted them near him, near anyone or anything he loved ever again and now they’re here.
– This is where you [ACT]. You kick them out one way or the other, and when you come back Cherry is crouched in the same place, head between his knees and breathing hard and fast. Hold him, rock him back and forth and tell him he’s alright, the ex is gone now, it’s just you and him.
– You turn into a pile on the floor, your body half draped over him protectively as he calms down. It takes a long time for him to recover, but he already feels more grounded with you there. 
“..thank you.” He’ll say, voice muffled by you and his hoodie. And it’s a loaded thank you; a thank you for getting rid of them, for staying with him, and just for being there.
– You’re outside the skeleton brothers’ house, cleaning up what’s left of Chara’s latest prank. Hunter is loudly grumbling about his stupid brother and his stupid influence, he’s gonna freakin’ get him for encouraging Chara to waste their time pulling pranks instead of doing something useful.
– Something beeps behind both of you and he stills. He knows Papyrus is out and not to be home until dinner; he whips around to face his ex, walking over after disarming the trap at the gate. His eyelights vanish.
The ex glares and stops short of a foot away. “To get you back, Sans. How could you just leave me like that?” Their tone is a mixture of accusing and.. hurt? “How could you? After all we did, after all I did for you, you just - “
– The screaming match begins, and whether or no you join in is up to you. Hunter surprisingly does not summon a bone, or use his blue magic to throw them out of the property. It doesn’t look like it’s going to escalate until you hear the ringing slap of flesh across bone.
“There, you thinking straight, yet?” The ex spits, “Come on, use your head, Sans, I thought you were smart. “
– You step in now, because Sans is frozen. His face is turned to the ground and he’s shaking violently, holding the side he was struck on in silence. You have to use force and shove the ex out the gate, maybe chase them halfway down the freaking block to get them far enough away. When you return, Sans his hugging himself now, shaking even harder than he was.
– You take him inside, and as soon as the door closes he’s wracked with sobs. As you hold him he’s cursing himself and them, because he should have just thrown them out the second they came, he should know better, how could he have been so weak that he let them walk, let them live? Counter his words, softly, and he’ll become quiet again. 
– You’ll find in the next few days that he’ll be pampering you more than usual, calling to tell you that he’s left some of your favourite snacks on the table or taking a day off to spend more time with you. He’s even more determined to treat you right.
– You’re visiting Hound at one of his jobs - he’s most recently taken to selling ice cream on the beach. He’s just given you a free cone, silently reveling in your laughter after joking that it’s “on the house for sweet things like you, sugar”.
– Suddenly, you hear someone call out his name. You look around for the source and Hound’s grin disappears. His relaxed posture has turned rigid and he’s stock still as his ex runs up to the cart. They’re red in the face.
“Papyrus! Where have you been?” They shout, before zeroing in on you. “Who is this?”
If it’s possible for a skeleton to become any more stiff, he does. Papyrus raises himself to his full height and nudges you slightly behind him. His voice is cold, detached. “it’s none of your business.”
They look at him incredulously and bark out a laugh. “None of my business? Papyrus, of course it’s my business. Everything of yours is my business. You’re my partner, and - “
“i am not your partner.” He replies simply. 
“Oh you aren’t, are you?” The ex moves into his space and he holds his ground. But you can hear and see Hound’s hand rattling at his side. “And what do you think you are now then, hm? Because you certainly weren’t much of anything when I found you. I kept you on your god damn feet.”
For a moment it seems like he’s about to wring their neck, but then, “you.. you treated me like..” His face twists into something dark and defeated; like he’s wrestling with the last word, unsure if it’s true or not.
– They roll their eyes, dismissing him. They move to take hold of his arm and this is where you’ve had enough. You send them off with physical force or/and a threat or five, and turn back to Hound. He’s trembling still, gaze hazy with the look of someone too deep in bad memories. Bring him back with the suggestion to the rest of the day off and a hand in his, and he’ll numbly do as you say.
– When you’re home, bring him to the bed and just lay there with him. Let him curl around you and bury his face in your hair - nothing makes him okay faster than your physical presence. He weeps, choking out “thank you”s and “i love you”s with every breath he can manage to take. He knows he’s going to be okay, he’s always going to turn out okay if you’re there with him.
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