Who are some x Male Reader authors that you recommend?
@malereader-inserts and @finn-writes-stuff are my two favorite blogs, I’ve been following them since I got on tumblr, but I honestly don’t actually read that much, I’m more of a writer. But I definitely recommend checking these two out, they’re both amazing!!!
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nsfw-at-its-finest · 3 years
Sleepy theo confession, having 2 blogs is making me very anxious and is draining, would y’all be chill if I moved all of my works to my other blog? I’d transfer over all the requests and currently writings I have, I think it’d be easier to manage my works that way. Lemme know what you think!
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okaybutjustk · 3 years
Theo had never really had a set plan for his life. He was the youngest of three in his family, born to two doctors. So... it was only natural for him to be a doctor too, right? It took a long time for him to make up his mind, but after a couple months in basic training, he finally saw a future for himself. He wanted to be a surgeon. After years and years of schooling, the young man was almost there. That is... until he decided to enlist to seek a better opportunity. He’d spent just over two years in the Army, and learned a hell of a lot in his time away. However, there really is no place at home. 
Upon getting back to Boston, he secured a job at the same hospital that his dad did his residency, and the staff were thrilled to have a Brooks back on staff. He was a natural talent, a quick whit and often too smart for his own good. It’s what made him great at what he did. 
On this particular night, he was the trauma surgeon on call. Theo spent a lot of time in the ER, and tonight was no different. They had a few people come in from a car accident that thankfully only resulted in a few stitches, and then a few drunks that needed to be put on IV’s. But apart from that, it had been a pretty calm evening. 
“Doctor Brooks, we have a woman in bed nine. Twenty-seven, has some bruising but a stab wound that needs tending to,” she hands over the clipboard. The man skims what he can, and nods his head, making his way towards the curtain and pulling it back, beginning his usual spiel. “Good evening, I’m Doctor Brooks, what seems to bring you in this evening?”
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zacharyhawtorn · 7 years
Captured - Zach & Theo - Flashforward
Damn it. 
The ropes that were holding him were tight and stung... probably treated with vervain some way. When he opened his eyes, he could see he was in some kind of cellar. A few windows high on the walls let through the only light that came in. It was empty, except for the chair he was bound to and a few small cupboards in the other corner. Nothing that could help him get out of his bonds, at least. He got a flashback to all those years ago, when Rose got him in a similar position. Since then he had been good in staying under the radar, picking up his job again. No one suspected a vampire to work in the hospital. 
Until someone apparently found out, knocked him out and held him here. When the door behind him opened, he felt fear creeping in, something he knew he shouldn’t show.
“What the hell do you want from me?”
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pockymilkshake · 8 years
Can anyone please draw the scene from copycat episode where Copycat was sitting on Chat and holding the chains of the handcuffs, but with Instead of Copycat, it's Theo, and he's cheeky and Chat's like "I thought u liked Ladybug Wtf." And ladybug walks in, sees them and then walks out.
Because this episode man, this episode.
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My friend just came in my room, said "we may of been able to skip grades but it clearly doesn't show." And left. - Cat
I can agree, I love all of you, but you’re all dumbasses and I worry for you
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So fun fact a dude assaulted me at work last week and he came back today and I was just “this bitch” then proceeded to have a panic attack 😩✌️
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Clint with a kid who has glasses and when they take their glasses off they can't see anything. Like it's become usual to just see y/n come tumbling down the stairs. But that time where the avengers are staying with Clint and Steve just sees the reader fall down the stairs, stay like that for a few minutes before sighing heavily and getting up and then slams into the table effectively dropping to the floor. Clint just steps over them because it happened every other day. - cat, from experience.
Snsbsbsjsbsbsh this is literally my family with me, I have really bad eyesight (I wear trifocals) and it’s a regular thing for me to fall down our stairs (not even going down them, just walking by them) or knock into shit when I’m not wearing my glasses. The team would be concerned and then Natasha would be just casually throwing pieces of cereal into Y/n’s mouth as they lay miserably on the ground
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"Y/n, where have you been?" The lights turned on to reveal Will and Hannibal staring at your dirtied figure. "Uh, I fell down a slope." The two didn't seem convinced at the slightest. "Okay okay someone got on my nerves and I did something about it!" You said, Will sighed and looked at Hannibal. "Did you at least get what I wanted?" You huff. "Yeah." - Cat,
Will and Hannibal are opposites with their partner, Hannibal is an enabler, he tells you to go for your deepest and darkest desires, wanting to see your bloodthirsty eyes, while will is more of the one to try and coerce you away from their way of life, not wanting his sweet baby to be tainted by death and darkness.
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"Hey Clint, how's y/n?" "He left to a nature reserve in Africa a while ago." Que Clint's phone buzzing. The man looked down to see a video and picture sent by his son. The picture was of Y/n holding a lion cub in his arms. He then tapped on the video, it started out blurry but soon showed the clear image of the same lion cub playing with his son. And he said "Well looks like i'm a father and you're a grandpa now." you're a zoo veterinarian and Clint is now a grandpa to many animals -Cat, bored
Honestly what would happen if I was set loose into the world. My mom would just get photos of me holding ‘dangerous’ ass animals and calling her a grandma. I’m already trying to adopt the skin walker that lives by my house, she doesn’t know about that yet tho.
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I can hear your skin.
This is so fucking ominous, it’s going to haunt my dreams. Thank you so much.
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Opinion on queer-baiting?
It pisses me off a lot. It’s already very hard to be LGBT+ especially if you’ve grown up somewhere where it isn’t very accepted. So when you find a show where it hints a lot at two characters being together and then suddenly they’re not or it’s the butt of a joke it’s very damaging and hurtful.
Supernatural for example, for seasons on end it was hinting at Castiel and dean being together and then cas dies and says I love you and we aren’t even dignified with a response. When shows do these things it makes queer people feel even shittier because there aren’t many mainstream shows where there’s LGBT+ characters, and when there are, they aren’t portrayed correctly. The whole situation is just shitty and the writers, producers or whoever the hell need to work harder.
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I binged Loki, emotionally, I am not of this realm anymore.
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I just drank enough night quill to kill an elephant, wish me luck
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So listen, I said I wasn’t gonna write but I'm bored. So be prepared for Theo who’s loopy on cough syrup. I’m so sorry 
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you better be getting enough sleep, food and water. Or else at three in the morning you will be hearing your door unlock and seeing me throwing a bag of food and drinks at you whilst hovering to you. - cat.
Listen hear me out, I’m forgetful and forget to take car of myself. I don’t eat/drink as much as I’m supposed to, but as a certified disaster gay I’m doing my best. If you come into my house at three in the morning, bring more blankets I get cold
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