#Thena's not necessarily the life of the party or anything
softquietsteadylove · 11 months
What if the roles are reversed? Thena being the kind and gentle one and Gil being the introvert and quiet one?
He catches her in the corner of his eye, a room away, talking with Kingo and Sersi. She does well with the humans, with her soft voice and gentle touch. They're talking with some as they celebrate the victories of today. She smiles at him.
He catches himself smiling back before he takes his leave. He's not one for the revelry of things. He much prefers taking up his post on the high walls of Babylon temple, scouting for Deviants, being the Strongest Eternal in every sense of the word.
Thena is meant to be beloved.
She glows, in a way. She is both a paragon of their team of Fighters as well as one of the most adapted to life on this planet. The humans think of her like an angel, or a goddess. He understands how they would come to think that of her.
They're more...frightened of him.
Thena swears they aren't--that all they need do is get to know him. See the gentle nature he has with her. But she doesn't seem to realise that she is the oddity. She is this completely new and unique thing unlike any other in his world.
She is his whole world.
He smiles as she sets down a full mug of wine in front of him. She's always doing little things like that for him. He looks at her, "and you?"
"Hm, I'm not one for it, you know that," she shrugs, her voice even softer than usual with him. It assures him that the soft spot she has in his heart matches the one he occupies in hers. "But it was quite a fight today. You should let yourself relax."
"Revel, you mean?" he chuckles, but does take a sip of the human fermented wine. It's not nearly strong enough for the makeup of their cells, but he supposes it's not unpleasant.
"Fine, indulge in some revelry," she laughs under her breath, and it's a beautiful sound. "For me?"
He would rip the planet in two for her. "Fine."
She grins at her victory, her smile showing off her pearly teeth. Everything about her is pearly. "Were you listening to Sprite's story?"
Thena looks at him though with crystal green eyes like the seas across the entirety of the planet. She slips her hand under his, "you don't scare me."
He shrugs, leaning more easily on the railing of the mezzanine. "It's a nice story--don't think it's gonna change anyone's mind about me being the scary one."
She scares him, though. The rhythm of his heart shifting to match hers scares him. He smiles, "nothing scares you."
"That is true."
He chuckles this time, just a little, and she looks like she's taken on a hundred Deviants and come out with victory. She's funny, and yet she acts like making him laugh is the highlight of her day.
He takes another sip of wine so he doesn't start telling her that she's the highlight of all his days, too. "Shouldn't you be down there?--revelling?"
She looks at him as if the answer is quite obvious, and maybe it is. "Why would I want to be down there if you're up here?"
He stares down at the crowd, at Sersi dancing with the humans and Ikaris clumsily trying to join in just so he can have a chance for his hand to brush the Elemental Eternal's in passing. There are plenty of things he doesn't like about his brother, but this part--this, he understands.
"Hm?" Thena prompts him again, bringing herself even closer to him. She's tall, and lithe, even against his intimidating frame, although he's quite sure she weighs the same as a human child. But she never hesitates to put herself close to him. She almost seems to enjoy it.
"You win," he concedes, because she loves winning. She gets this little look on her face, and he wonders if he should participate in more of Kingo's antics or Ikaris' little contests just to see more of that look.
"As much as I do relish victory of any sort," she indulges with a grin. She looks at him, and it softens like the sun melting into the horizon. "I would rather be here with you."
By all the stars in the sky, his heart beats for this woman. Not that he has the poetry to express that, so instead he puts his hand on her back, and she lets him. His lips pull up slightly, "then I'm honored to have the Goddess of War choose my company."
She gifts him with another laugh at his little joke before leaning into him again. She's not afraid of affection--not like he is, fearful of hugging someone too hard and breaking their bones. She allows Kingo to pat her shoulder, hugs Sersi and Makkari and Sprite, even Ajak from time to time. She and Ikaris jostle each other in good faith (most of the time).
But with him, she leans in, rests her head against his shoulder, as if he is a safe haven for her in which to find rest. And he may not understand it, but if that's what she needs from him, then he will be that for the rest of his days.
He holds her delicately, but the fear of his strength leaves him. Because every breath they take together is a push and pull, perfectly balanced. He doesn't have to be afraid with her. For all his rough, unbending edges, she has fluidity and grace. She doesn't mind his withdrawn nature or quietness or intimidating stare.
"Hm?" he responds, because he loves it when she calls him Gil. No one else does. To anyone else, he's not a nickname person. But she can call him anything she wants.
"We have watch," she reminds him gently, moving away but keeping his hand in hers as she starts drifting outside the party room and towards the walls. "Shall we?"
He will follow her anywhere, across this whole planet if need be. But instead of saying that, he squeezes her hand and says, "after you."
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