#Their characters are playing as suspicious but like I feel like Laura knows what Imogen doesn't
stardustedknuckles · 2 years
I love fey morality. Everyone, audience and party alike, is super convinced Nana Morri is evil - as in, malicious. And it's like. No? She runs on a completely different scale than we're used to, as does Fearne. Going by the strictest definition of evil as "it's me and mine, and the rest of everyone else can get fucked," maybe, but that's. It's the feywild. That's how fey run. It's why I was so hoping for Fearne to be along the evil axis because it's not immediately equivalent to causing deliberate harm or exploiting others for their own gain. It is very simply how this realm works. Everyone was waiting for Morri to trap the hells or try to steal Patè but that's not how this works. There are still rules. They just are not our rules, and the Hells had not broken any of Morri's. Plus, she and Fearne share the emphasis on individual freedom, even if the axis of what constitutes that freedom is a bit skewed.
That's not to say that everyone currently sitting in pieces in Nana's trophy room necessarily deserved to be taken apart the way we understand cause and effect or punishment, but it also doesn't mean Nana Morri is some malignant boss fight to be. Her business is her own. Even the heart of the lion guard was given to her, not wrenched out of someone's chest for her own purposes.
It's funny to watch people react to her and to Fearne with the rules and mindsets of the material plane/something approaching real life. Fearne has never abided by those rules and doesn't understand them, and that's why I think Imogen was both correct and mistaken to raise Fearne's hand when it was asked who might turn on everyone. Correct to be suspicious because Fearne follows the beat of a different drum, but absolutely wrong to think that once the Hells were her people that she would allow harm to come to them, let alone enact it. The friction there lies in what Fearne considers to BE harm in the first place. Same for Morri. You can't judge fey by mortal rules, and Matt and Ashley are doing a great job with that friction and it's baffling a lot of people - fictional and real.
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deramin2 · 9 months
Bell's Hells as imposters:
Travis would have so much fun. Chetney is always a bit of a wild card and Travis said on 4-Sided Dive that he loves to play by listening to his intrusive thoughts. This could be his ultimate form. Just sew chaos. Travis and Marisha have also recently come out of Candela Obscura dealing with a similar situation. I think they should get a turn at it.
Absolutely juicy with their existing fears about Delilah. This is Laudna's nightmare scenario. She's so scared all the time about being untrustworthy but also desperately wants to be trusted and loved. Especially since one of her truths is that she doesn't know where she ends and Delilah begins. And Imogen's truth was that she's disgusted that Delilah is always watching them. (Don't unpack how you actively watch everyone else, Imogen, and took off the circlet deliberately to keep doing that.) Marisha would go absolutely ham with this. Sometimes a highly responsible woman who people rely on all the time just wants to go a little apeshit.
Fresh Cut Grass
Losing control and hurting their friends is something FCG has struggled with that's really fucked up their life and the lives of their (former) friends. They're scared that they can't be trusted, and they never can be. So this just plays right into their insecurities. What happens when their friends really can't trust them. Sam is really good at playing close to the chest. If FCG is the imposter, he's likely to sabotage them in subtle ways they won't recognize until it's too late. He may get things thrown at him (again), and he would enjoy it.
Fearne is an agent of chaos on a good day. I think it will be very hard for the group to tell what side she's on no matter what. When she feels threatened she acts more in her own self-interest anyway. Especially when she doesn't know who else she can trust. I'm really looking forward to her either way. I think Ashley deserves to actively work against her friends, as a treat. Ashley didn't get a chance to fight the party as Yasha while she was at the table, so I think she deserves the opportunity.
Let's be real, everyone is worried that with the moon stuff Imogen will turn on them. Either because she willingly sides with her mom in a desperate bid for approval, or because the pull of Predathos takes over. Bell's Hells are likely to be highly suspicious of her either way. Imogen's been under a lot of pressure for a while to prove she is still on their side. If she's the imposter she's likely to keep doing that, but also be working against them for real. I think Laura would have a lot of fun really leaning into this.
Imogen and Laudna being the two traitors together would be very fun because they're like 50% of each other's impulse control and it would be entertaining to see them against the world for real.
Orym is the person the group trusts the most, and who supports and believes in the goodness of the group the most. He also has contingency plans for everyone (hey Batman). I would love to see Orym get to totally snap without undermining the hope and aspiration built into the character. Plus Liam loves horror and fucked up stories and I think we'd get some phenomenal drama out of it. It would be fun to watch Orym hunt them for sport.
Ashton probably trusts himself the least out of the group right now and his fuck-up is why they're here in the first place. They were told to their face that their friends don't trust them and that they seem in it for themselves. So I think it would be very entertaining to work through that by leaning all the way into it. Taliesin has fought the party before and it was very fun. *Slaps Ashton's back* This genasi can fit so much angst in him.
Everyone at the table would have a really fun time getting to work against their friends in a safe controlled environment. This is Bell's Hell's worst fear that they've been working very hard to try and prevent. They're scared of each of them turning for different reasons. This is definitely a hag's challenge. This will be so much juicy drama and angst for Nana Mori to feed off of. Whoever pulls the traitor cards is going to be a fun combo. This might break them, but hopefully it will also build them back up.
They're so afraid they can only save the world if all of them are on board and are terrified of failure. This actually lets them test it with lower stakes.
Maybe? We don't actually know what the penalty for failure is because FCG willingly had his memory of the deal erased. They haven't failed an exercise yet. So it could be that nothing happens. Or it could be that if they win all three challenges, she messes with time in exactly the way they want. But if they fail she works against them in a way that makes it more dramatic for her. Is she more a hag with a certain nature, or is she Fearne's grandmother with will protect her from all harm? We'll find out!
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